
Friday, September 19, 2014

Final HOH, Part Two!

Lessa popping on here to let ya know that as of 9pm BB time, We've gone from Jeff Highlights to Fish with sound, to All four feeds on Cody in the HOH shooting plastic limes into a bowl... likely for TVGN.

Seem's part two is still being played - as soon as we know, you'll know! :)

 Cody: The pressures on - oh! No!

And he Jedi trains - though we know he won't need that for part three. And vote counting. But hey, it passes the time...

Cody: So the voters are.. Hayden, Nicole, Zack, Jocasta.....ahhhhh shit. Not looking good...

Cody: Maybe I can use that as pull.. All of our moves were made together. A lot of people would not have trusted Derrick if not for me. Hayden. Christine wouldn't have trusted him except for me...

Cody: STARVING. Oh God. That chicken. Gonna crush it. CRUSH IT. I can't wait to see what this competition looks like...

He continues practicing final two speeches.

Cody: AUUUUGH! Here fishy fishy fishy. Like. WHAT is going ON? OMG this is driving me nuts.

9:47 - Jeff loop.. could we be nearing the end?

10:00pm - We are BACK

(scroll down for the aftermath :) )

Derrick: We did it! Dude I smoked it! We did it! Guaranteed 50grand...
Cody: I couldn't believe it..

Victoria enters.. she was sniffling in the bathroom.

Derrick: Did you do the same thing? it thought you were gonna beat me. There was a couple times when I thought..
Cody: So all these things..
Derrick: All these placards - gold ones 50, can't see. And each round you had to put who was on the block at eviction... Who was there Thursday night.. You could only hold one at a time - so I'd find Paola, and I'd climb the wall.. I'd go put a Frankie up then scale all the way over to find Devin.. So I had to scale all thew ay to find it... None was on the side they needed to be and you could only grab one at a time. It was a lot of back and forth... She got em all on the first try, I did on the first try... and all the weight...
Victoria: It was pulling and I could barely reach the hanger thing...
Derrick: I was crushing my knees, I didn't care. 

Derrick: At the end I was just like.. it was crazy - I was like, I got the last, I jumped and fell on my ass on the stone to end it. It was the most ungraceful.... You'd find a joey, and have to hang it, then go back to find a Paola and put it up..

Cody: Did you do each round and stop?
Derrick: It was go, get em all..

Victoria looks nervous..
Derrick: It was HUGE... HUGE. while I was doing it, that helicopter kept flying around just watching.
Cody: He has to be a fan..
Derrick: He got to watch it live. That was crazy. I'm gonna go cut open this blister...

Cody: did you have a hard time?
Victoria: Not really.. I just..
Cody: You thought you crushed it..
Victoria: Yeah, I didn't even second guess myself.  Not even once. I knew the order.
Derrick: It was hard to hook it - and if you dropped it it was a 60 second penalty...
Victoria: Someone was gonna have to come kick it so you could reach it..
Cody: Cuz it would bounce and go..
Derrick: This cable was YANKIN.. I don't even know what it did to my nuts. It was a high wall - it was SICK. That was intense! When I saw my time - I knew I booked it and I was like if she did it in a quicker fashion, and threw it up there...
Victoria: That's what I did from the beginning...
Derrick: I was like I should have one every time I go back and first. It was 28 total. At the end I was jumping off the wall - I would only scale if I had to climb up. It was crazy. Freakin nuts.

Derrick: I'm gonna eat some more of this Chinese food... You did really good for that time... honestly.
Victoria: I wanna know how... I mean 30 minutes. I didn't question myself, I knew it so well. It was frustrating.

Derrick: you want me to make you a plate? Want to to be alone for a few.
Victoria: yeah...

They leave, and she breaks down on her own:

Derrick: It was intense. intense!

10:14 - Derrick and Victoria in the storage room - looking for neosporin. Derrick helps her find it, then asks again. "You wanna eat? You gonna wait?
Victoria: Can we talk after?
Derrick: Of course!

He leaves and has a moment with Cody:

Derrick: You're guaranteed 50 grand man. We're walking with at least that!

Derrick: Dude, good call on the Chinese. Gettin two meals out of it. I'm so hungry. I didn't eat shit today - I know Victoria didn't either...
Cody: That's a good lookin' plate...

Derrick: My knees were getting crushed!
Victoria: My cable kept getting stuck on the corner..
Derrick: I had to do that a couple times. It was crazy. When I came out and saw how high it was, and he explained it, I was like this is not gonna be fast. Slow and steady. It took a good half hour for them to rig you and set you up. It was a process. It wasn't a quick comp. it was the real deal.

Derrick: You did great. Great. I know how hard that comp was and I'm taller than you. I told them..

Victoria: Can we talk tonight just us two?
Derrick: Of course.
Victoria: I wanna see, I mean, I don't know how I went 15 minutes over...

Cody: We f'in won! Dude!
Derrick: I won when I needed to win. Crushed out BOB.
Cody: End of the game I started to come through with POV..
Derrick: We got ourselves here.
Cody: Started day two - made it to the end.
Derrick: Each week. Strategically. How we gonna get there, get there... Gotta win this week? We win. We never lied to each other.
Cody: I cannot believe you and I made it to the end...

Meanwhile - Victoria is crying in the  Fire room, until she gets called to the DR.
Cody: She's gonna be devastated.

Derrick: I just want another hug, man. We did it. Now our family can get excited. NOW you can get excited. The person who wins half a mill, buys drinks all night.
Cody: Oh God. We're both gonna be locked down, no matter who wins.. the questions are gonna be the same.

Derrick: I know I'm leaving with 50k, minimum. Hands down, other than the experience being amazing? Gaining a brother? The money, for them. That's everything. Dan and Mephis - we did it day two.
Cody: We never once... never was a moment of dude, what's Derrick doing?! If we were paired with anyone else, it wouldn't have gone day two to the end.

Derrick: We played it the right way, we were tight with different people
Cody: Like Caleb and Devin were like boys...
Derrick: Yeah, I was like I like this guy more, and these two? Yeah, I'm gonna rat them out right now. Now, with her... I don't want to crush her that night. I am gonna say I don't know which way I'm going, and I'm gonna have to say if I win, I wouldn't be here if not for him, and for that reason I have to evict you.
Cody: With Victoria.. it's not even competitions, we were there... she benefited you in no way
Derrick: Personal, that's it.  I could never betray him.
Cody: And if I win, I'll be your the final contract of the Hitmen.

Derrick: I do hope she would stay friends with me... but if I send her home? She wants to talk to me tonight. I'm gonna say they told me I can't answer. And she won't vote for me.
Cody: Don't you want to let her know - I mean here's the thing, she knows you weren't gonna vote for her sitting next to me... she thinks your gonna take her over me?
Derrick: But with her, she always has a hope. I'd be one of the biggest schmucks in BB history if I betrayed you.
Cody: I don't understand.. she thought she fought hard?!
Derrick: You've heard her talk? In her eyes, she got herself here, that I had nothing to do with it.  I mean, when I told her I was torn, she was like how?! I've been here for you and I was like alliance wise, you were my guy..
Cody: So she didn't know we were close on a personal level.. she has no idea..
Derrick: None.

Derrick: Dude. I saw 15 minutes, and I thought I'd done it faster, I was like dude. But I cut her time in half. Now you're like dude, I wanna know how I would have done..
Cody: We're final two. It doesn't even matter.

11:00pm They move on to who they think will give them 'Brutal" questions from the jury.. and rehash how they got where they are, as well who they think will vote for each of them. it's fun to listen to - if a bit machismo/beating the chest/patting the back. They deserve it! Anyway - have a great night, and  mind the critters!


  1. I didnt even know there was a show tonight. Throwing part 2 would have been really difficult. I definitely think he throws round 3. Once he tells the jury he is a cop they will throw flowers at his feet (even though lotus appear in his footsteps already).

  2. @ Jumbo,

    Highly unlikely that Derrick throws round 3. He knows Cody's main selling point during his speech are his wins. It wouldn't make sense to give him another one.
    To suggest he'd not want to guarantee getting to F2 by winning is absurd. In BB, anything can happen, even Cody somehow deciding to take Victoria.

    Also, there is no sane reason why he'd tell Jury that he is a cop before they vote. That is sillier than throwing a Part 3 final HoH comp. That revelation virtually guarantees that he'd lose more votes than if he'd keep it quiet.

  3. I miss BB16 so much already. The same day you stopped posting my live feed subscription ran out and it is to late to order them. What is that??? They let me watch all summer and now on the last week I can't renew. I am so mad. But losing you both has made it so much harder. I hope you are okay and wish you well. Thanks so much for all your hard work this summer. You are awesome!!!!


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