
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

2 New Twists for Big Brother 15! 3 Nominations & a Big Brother MVP

It's confirmed!  We meet the new BB15 HGs tomorrow, Thursday, June 20th!!! And here's the twist info... 

Hot off the presses from the fine folks at CBS:

BIG BROTHER will unleash two new twists into the stylish, redesigned house this summer that will influence the strategic landscape of the game when it premieres on Wednesday, June 26 (8:00-9:00PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.  Julie Chen is the host.
The first twist is a series’ first: instead of two Houseguests being nominated each week for eviction, as in past seasons, contestants will nominate three in this summer’s edition. This process will be further explained during the season premiere.
The second twist will allow BIG BROTHER viewers to play a crucial role in the game by casting votes for the Houseguest they feel is playing the best game.  The Houseguest who receives the most votes will be anointed that week’s, “Big Brother MVP.”  The full scope of the MVP’s secret power will be revealed during the season premiere.
America will start casting their votes for this season’s first “Big Brother MVP” before the Houseguests even enter the game, beginning with a pre-premiere vote starting Thursday, June 20, following CBS’s cast announcement of the new Houseguests.
“The Big Brother MVP will force the houseguests to rethink their strategies.  With America rewarding good game play, it doesn't pay to be a floater this summer,” said Allison Grodner and Rich Meehan, Executive Producers of BIG BROTHER.
Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!!

My questions are this... Will people vote for good game play or good abs?  Will people reward strategy or oops my bikini top fell off..  and is that an acceptable strategy?  While it will certainly make for some interesting moments on the live feeds,  I wonder if the less attractive, geek of an HG who plays a wicked mental game, but lacks physically even have a chance this season?

What constitutes good Big Brother game play to you?  What does your BBMVP look like?


  1. I honestly would vote for the one with the best gameplay. it may be a little harder to decide in the beginning exactly who is playing the best game but that doesn't mean people won't come in gaming harder than ever. the fact that there are people, we can only expect more drama. I'm super excited for this season, im sure the live feeds are going to spark up continuously.

  2. Hey Marla!! :-) Yayyy for gameplay!! It's gonna be pretty hard to decipher that for the 1st vote though, wouldn't ya say? Tomorrow, 6 days before the premiere?!

  3. The first week or two of votes might be a little biased, but after that, gameplay for sure :)

  4. Good morning, Danyelle. :) Yeah, the 1st couple weeks, it's hard to even tell em all apart.. that whole "getting to know you" phase..

  5. I hate how the pretty people get votes for things. I wish there was a way to assure people voted for the right reasons, but there isn't! People vote for our leaders based on popularity, name recognition or, for God's sake, hair do!

  6. I'll personally try to vote for game play but I think it will be entertaining to watch if the house guests think there is some kind of popularity or bimbo contest going on.
    I say I'll try to vote on game play because once I don't like someone it's hard to change my mind, even with good game play. I'm also probably overly forgiving for people who I like but make a bad move. I'm only human. :)

  7. I'll personally try to vote for game play but I think it will be entertaining to watch if the house guests think there is some kind of popularity or bimbo contest going on.
    I say I'll try to vote on game play because once I don't like someone it's hard to change my mind, even with good game play. I'm also probably overly forgiving for people who I like but make a bad move. I'm only human. :)

  8. This twist may totally screw up the strategy of the person in the house.

    If they are playing the best game by being under the radar, then BAM they get MVP the other houseguest will wonder why the heck they got it and become a bigger target.

    That is my guess but I can't wait to see it all play out!

  9. Hi Caro! Thanks for bringing us this news!

    I would vote for gameplay, and I think many live feeders will, too...but the TV onlies may throw a monkey wrench into the works simply because they are not going to see all the gameplay that happens in the house, unless production shows it to them.

    I am honestly not sure how I feel about that twist. I am fascinated by the triple noms though....looking forward to seeing how that plays out.

  10. Hey Carolyn: great to have another season of BB and BBDish!! Did you see BBCanada? Really loved it and hope the cast of BB15 matches the charm of that cast!

  11. Hello my first comment this season! Kind of hard to look at someone (for me) to pick them as MVP right off the bat - I like to see someone that is kind of laid back, but, starts things, and then lets it grow! Doesn't lie (to much) takes credit where credit is due. Is smart or at least seems smart. That is the gameplay - as to looks I don't have a problem with nerdy looking people, but, I do with narcissistic people - pretty or not. I don't like lazy people who let everyone else do things for them. Gotta PLAY THE GAME!!

  12. I think sometimes the best game-play can be floating or seen as floating. The player that is dropping suggestions to influence those that have the HOH or POV can look like floaters but be continuously involved in game-play.
    Also, I can see if there's someone that the fans really like then they could be the MVP every week. (I'm think of someone like Janelle.)

  13. Weeee!!! You're all commenting again!! :) And I managed to publish them in a somewhat timely fashion!

    It's all coming together!

  14. Hello Carolyn! Hello BBDishers! I like the MVP vote twist BUT, I'm afraid it may turn into more of a popularity contest. Family, friends and fans of HGs are going to be campaigning like crazy for their loved one if ever on the block. I wonder if they'll limit the vote to one per computer or something to maintain some type of fairness. Just a thought... Because I'd really like to see the most deserving game player voted MVP and not just the one with the largest following. Well those are my two cents for the day. Take care everyone!! See you tomorrow for the HG reveal!!! YYYAYYY!!!

  15. Not sure this first vote will be fair!!! As it goes it is going to be all about looks. Are we going to be able to hear them speak?? That can change the voting. But I am not sure if the MVP will be an honest fair vote, and be given to who is playing one heck of a game or be given to cuest??!! Not sure I like it yet. we will see. thx Carolyn for keep us informed!!!

  16. Danyelle I agree! Hard to vote on Game Play when you haven't seen any yet!

    Diedre Vaughn Annoying to be sure, but it has always been thus. Look at Thomas Jefferson.. Tell me ANYONE in his day had better hair. ;-)

    Meka Great points! I think the twist will make it a lot of fun to watch, because they honestly have no idea what (or who) we really love... BTW, forgiving is a GREAT way to be! ;-)

    Ashley in AZ True dat!! Very good point!

    Debee Wow. VERY good point! THe tv onlies never get the full picture, so by virtue of voting on a possibly dishonest edit, they'll be.. hmm.. kinda annoying.

    ScottDishCoolNess I love your new name!! hehehe!! Nope, I didn't see ANY of BB Canada.

    RonaP Welcome Home!!!! Well said, Rona. Well said!

    Welcome out from the shadows, Grouchy Jew!! Your name makes me laugh, cuz it's SO me sometimes!


  17. RuthJean75 Hi :) I see where you're coming from. Floating is, after all, a legitimate strategy, and it has served many people very well inside the BB house. I think what the fans rebel against are the stealth floaters whose only game is staying so far below the radar, we don't even know their names by week 3.

    Lucky13 So true! I wonder how they'll manage it. I'm guessing it'll be a big social media frenzy, because the fans then basically become free press...

  18. Denise Hi!! :) I'm thinking we'll at least have interviews to go on... Not much, but at least it's better than just a pic.

  19. I'm super scared that it won't be a strategy vote. Lots of eye candy will be sticking around longer than it should.

  20. Jay I have the same concern.. not that I have anything against eye candy... but I <3 brain candy.

  21. The Season hasn't officially started, yet, and I'm already behind on my reading! LOL

    At least I'm signed up for the feeds. Yay for that.

    Everything is looking amazing and beautiful. Caro, I'm in complete agreement about the bathroom/lounge are. GORGE!!!! The whole house is beautiful!

    Getting excited for it all to start.

    Unfortunately, I'm working until 10 or 11 next Thursday (I think).


    I'll be counting on the Dish Goddesses and this wonderful site more this year than I ever have in the past.

    Looking forward to seeing all the old gang come trickling back "home" and to meeting on the new people joining us this summer!

    Howdy, Everybody!

    *Blue waves like Granny on "The Beverly Hillbillies" hehehe

    Talk to you all soon!

    *MUAH to Chica! ♥♥♥
    (missed you, Darling!)

  22. Blueeeee You're in luck!!

    BB15 Premieres on WEDNESDAY!! I hope you're not workin' then!

  23. I wrote:

    "Looking forward to seeing all the old gang come trickling back "home" and to meeting on the new people joining us this summer!"

    in my first post.

    I meant: "...and to meeting ALL the new people..."

    Not "on."

    It could have been "...meeting ALL.." or "...hitting ON...". LOL

    I only hit on GaYToR, Chica, and Lessa. Or anyone drunk. Or anyone with a pulse.


    I swear I'm harmless.

    Several Psychiatrists have confirmed this over the years.

    I have the paperwork to prove it.

    See ya.

  24. I'm concerned about the same hg getting MVP several weeks in a row! Maybe they should say that you can't vote for the same person who just had it!

  25. The problem I see with the "no-floaters" statement is that sometimes floating is an acceptable strategy depending on the ebb and flow of things in the house, and in some cases its the best strategy...


The Golden Rule: Please be kind and respectful to one another. Leave the drama to the House Guests. Personal Attacks on other Commenters & Bloggers & HGs- Whether Direct or Indirect, Racist, Misogynistic and Homophobic comments will not be published.

Simply put: Keep it clean, Be nice & Have fun :-)

Thank you for coming back to spend another season with us & thank you for your support! For all of you who have gotten your Live Feeds via the multitude of
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, I say Thank You, Thank you, Thank you!!!!