
Friday, August 30, 2013

Nominations Spoiler and Aftermath

This was Amanda at 3:45pm today, just a few minutes before the feeds went to trivia for the nomination ceremony..  It could be the last time we see her smile for quite a while, so I wanted to capture the moment.

Spark up your feeds and Get ready for a Meltdown!  It's a comin'!

Everyone else in the house has known since last night, and when the feeds come back, Amanda and McCrae will have finally learned that they are the nominees this week... Kaboom in 3.. 2... 1... blastoff!

Fingers, don't fail me now!  Truth of the matter is, no matter how fast I type, there's no way to capture the raw emotion other that watching it unfold with your own 2 eyes.  If you've been holding off on getting the feeds, I strongly encourage you to indulge yourself in the 2 day free trial this evening.  It's gonna be some intense Big Brother madness.

5:15pm The nomination ceremony has just finished.. Feeds are back!
Ginamarie: I love you guys all.  Fight hard in the PoV Comp.
Elissa: You should be proud.  You just made the best move ever.

Amanda: I don't care anymore, honey.  I'd rather go home instead of you.  It doesn't make sense.  Why would she not nominate Elissa.  It does not make sense.  She has to be working with Spencer and Judd and Elissa.
McCrae: Probably.

Cam 1
Spencer: She just said, it doesn't make sense.  We have to downplay it..

Cam 1/2
Amanda: What the fck was that!?  Why would she say to all of our faces?  Unless she's working with Judd and Elissa.. which is what Poopy said.  She was right.. Ginamrie's a f'in liar!!

Amanda stomps up to HoH..  KABOOM!

Amanda: I don't understand the logic, GM.  It doesn't make sense.  She sent home Aaryn last week.
GM: Aaryn told me so much bullshit..
Amanda: Why didn't you tell me that?!
GM: She told me you said  to put me up

Amanda: I wanted to keep Aaryn! McCrae's the one who wanted to send Aaryn home.  You're totally directing this in the wrong direction!  Elissa's the one who sent Nick Home.  Elissa's the one who sent Aaryn home.  She's been torturing the 2 of you this whole game!

GM: I can't be mad at Elissa for putting Nick up..
***Please assume exclamation points throughout the entire conversation..
Andy: Do you guys need some time?

GM: Nonono.. Come in.  Going back to Nick, you guys lied to my face..
Amanda: But Elissa's the one who nominated him.
GM: But you guys lied to my face.
Amanda: Everyone lied to your face.  It was a game move.
GM: This is a game move!  Only 1 of us is gonna go home with a check.
Amanda: What are you gonna do if one of us comes down?
GM: I don't think that far ahead.  It's a huge game move, Amanda.  You are a huge duo.

Amanda: And what's that bs, I'm the one who took the fire out of McCrae's eyes in the game?!
GM: I'll explain.. I want everyone to go hard or go home.  I think you're a little bit of a distraction..
Amanda: You said you wanna compete with people who compete, so why target me?
GM: If you leave, he's on his own..
Amanda: I cannot believe you listened to ELissa.  You listened to a girl who's batshit crazy.  You let her win!  She calls you disgusting.. And you let her win.  She sent home Nick.  She sent home Aaryn.  It doesn't make sense.  You coulda walked out of this with no targets, now everyone's gonna be after you.

GM: Honestly, I do admire you as a person..
Amanda: We legitimately wouldn't have gone after you next week.
GM: I don't trust you because of..
Amanda: I wanted to save Poopy!  You didn't vote for her either!
GM: I had to vote with the house.
Amanda: I went with the house too.  I wanted to keep her.  I tried so hard to keep her.  If f'in Andy or Spencer wins the Veto, we'll come down.

Judd enters

Judd: So we should all hand you the check right now?!
Amanda: I didn't say you.
GM: Amanda, play with your heart.
AManda: I do!  This is the girl who put up Nick and GM.

Elissa: GM.. I never wanted to put you up.
Amanda: Yes, she loves you.  That's why she cried when she had to sit next to you on the couch.. a grown woman.. a mother.


Amanda: To be honest with you, I don't even want to be here anymore.  Not these people.  I love these people.  That girl right there.

5:33pm - Round one, Ding!!  To your corners!

McCrae and Amanda
Cam 3

Crying to McCrae..

Amanda: I cannot stand the fact that Elissa is going to stay in this game longer than I am.  I think one of us are going home no matter what. She put us both up. I just wanna go now.. I don't wanna sit around and look at that girl's face for another week.  If it's a luxury comp, I'm just taking all of the luxuries.. I'm ready to go.  You're gonna stay.  Yeah you are.

Cam 1
Gm and Elissa
Elissa: No one's gonna pull them off.  She's delusional.
GM: You did good last week breaking the ice.. Now I'm gonna finish the job.  I'm about to get raw and nasty.
Elissa: And one of them is going home. Woohoo.  I'm sure she goes in the DR and she's like, what a joke.. I've got this in the palm of my hands..

Cam 3
Amanda: She's a good liar.  I did not see that coming.  I wanna go.  I wanna go now.  I don't wanna wait a whole f'in week!

Cam 1
Elissa: I feel so bad for Aaryn.  She ruined Aaryn's game.

Cam 3
Amanda: Gm knew what she was gonna do from the moment she won.. and Aaryn told her to do that.  No one's gonna wanna get you out, honey.  Everyone's gonna want to take you to final 2.  I was shocked when I saw Elissa's key come out of that box.  Spencer's lying.  I promise he's part of this.  And so is Judd.  She wouldn't put the both of us up unless she had the votes.

Cam 1
GM: It needed to be done.
Elissa: Yes, it did!

Cam 3
Amanda: (crying) I just want this to be over.  I want it to be finale night.  Andy's probably freaking out because he was blindsided too.  I love you.  Watch.. our luck, Andy doesn't get picked for F'in veto.
I don't wanna be here another week.  I guess it was bound to happen though..  I want you to stay, and I want you to f'in win.. make it to the final 2, and f'in take Spencer with you, because you'll win.

Cam 3
Storage Room

Amanda's crying in disbelief and defeat to Andy, who is keeping up the ruse that he's still with them.. She tells him she's done, she wants McCrae to stay, and continue.. "This is his dream.  I don't want to take it from him."  Andy tells her not to give up on herself either.

Spencer comes in..

Amanda: I want to apologize to you.. I was freaking out.
Spencer: (whispers) Elissa's listening at the door.

Amanda flings the door open and storms out... and returns to McCrae.

Cam 1 and 2

Elissa: "She's like, I hate her, I f'ing hate her.. Her and her joker face."  Like, everything she says, I think it's what she says about other people.
Judd: They think they're too good to go up.

Elissa: She's like, I told you, you were supposed to nominate Elissa and Judd.
Judd: I can't stand her.
Elissa: My problem here has only been with how people treat other people..
Judd: She was crying last night about how you treated her.
Elissa: I didn't say 1 word to her, Judd.  Not one word.
Judd: Everyone kept walkin' away from her, and you could tell it was pissin' her off..

Elissa: Do you think Spencer really would use the veto on them?
Judd: I don't know.
Elissa: Everything they say is like the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

Spencer enters.

Elissa: Did you tell them I was out there?
Spencer: No, she saw you.. If she'd hit you with that door, she'd have been ejected from the game.  She asked me, is she out there?  And I said, no, she's running, and she threw open the door, boom!
Elissa: Is Andy working with them?
Spencer: I don't think so.. Andy's a peacekeeper..  We're all adults here.  I think Andy just gets so uncomfortable when people are fighitng.. I do too.

Elissa: Can you stop saying fighting?  It takes 2 people to fight.  I'm being attacked.  I say nothing to her.  I walk away every time.

Andy enters.

Spencer: The fighting needs to stop.

Spencer and Judd leave Andy alone with Elissa.. Elissa is not pleased with Andy's choice of words, implicating her as a participant in "that kind of behavior,"  instead of the complete innocent she perceives herself to be.

Spark up your feeds folks!  This evening is FAR from over!


Pick a feed! Any feed!

CBS Interactive Inc.


  1. Hey Caro .....

    If you ever get the chance to interview Elissa, can you ask her if we can all come over to ice skate?

  2. Oops-I just got got. Based on how we know that Amanda will most likely react, do you think that there could be a delay in the feeds coming back on? Also, do you think we could return to find only 6 HGs left instead of 7?

    1. Good question Grendon! Because I am SURE she is going to blow a gasket!

    2. Grendon

      I dont think Amanda is going anywhere else she physically attacks Elissa, which she probably wants to do. Maybe this will finally wake Mccrae up. Im putting money on GMs ugly side making many appearances

    3. Me too! Jumbo! And I want to see her claws come out & make an appearance!! She's feisty!! Lol

    4. Me too jumbo! I want to see her claws come out and make an appearance! She's feisty!! Hehe

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Well done, GM. Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.

  4. I am so ready for this. It's going to be more excitement than decent people need to quote an old Barttle's and James' commercial. I think I still have the t-shirt.

    Security! Have the tasers ready.


  5. Amanda will either go balistic on everyone or will self evict something big will happen

    1. Absolutely, Amanda needs professional help and it ain't going to be cheap!

    2. Amanda needs professional help and it ain't going to be cheap! First who does she think she is? I have never seen behavior like that. Wow what a trip.

  6. Carolyn you are so amazing!
    capturing Amandas last smile at 3:45
    please post.....after nom pic
    pretty please for us reader only ")

  7. Amanda will either go Balistic or maybe she will self evict something bid wil occur

  8. I REALLY think there will be some fireworks today in the house. GM does NOT back down from Amanda, so the bullying tactic will not work this week. I'm curious to see if Amanda even tries it. Although, she may not be able to help herself and immediately go into attack mode.

  9. awww Grendon. So sorry but better you than me. I've been expecting another one any day now. As of now I only have 1 for the entire season. That's my new record best.


  10. I don't think we can predict what Amanda will do. I think it won't be very pretty though. I would think she'd hang on til POV, then go completely nuts if still on the block.

  11. Good question Grendon! Because I am SURE she is going to blow a gasket! !

  12. Hi everyone!

    I don't think Amanda will try bullying GM...but I do think she will try intimidating Elissa some more in hopes that SHE won't win Veto at least. I think it's gonna be a hard few days for Elissa.

  13. Random thought as I sit here filled with antici......pation.

    Does anyone else find themselves tempted to eat when the HGs are eating? Cuz I do. :\

    1. YES!! Watching them eat non-stop gives me the munches!

    2. Always!!!
      And those commercials that make food look so good make me want to eat! But of course that is exactly what those commercials are supposed to do! Mission accomplished! Lol

  14. I just hope Andy and spencer don't give GM the same advice as they gave Elissa last night. One told her to hit her in the face with the pizza pan and one told her to punch her right in the mouth. However Elissa just that advice roll off her back.

  15. I'm glad someone finally isn't afraid to put them up! =)

  16. I expect fireworks, but little game play going forward. Thats what pawns and floaters do... Sit in the corner and hope they make it theough the week

  17. Just got the feeds through you Carolyn, I am ready for some excitement!

  18. Sitting here all antsy waiting and waiting and waiting . . .

    . . . Waiting and drinking Mike's Hard Lemonade, and watching the Tigers, in an awesome 3rd inning, devouring Cleveland. Go get 'em, Tigers!

    Denise (Michigan)

  19. I have followed you guys for years. Im a penny pincher and do not get live feeds you do an awesome job so i don't need the feeds. I have never commented but I'm just way to excited tonight! So hi all!

  20. It's not so much that Amanda and McCrae are being nominated. It's the fact that they have no clue that will cause the biggest reaction. In their minds they presented the best possible case, for them, and that's what matters. Everyone else's reasons are bad, to them. It will be glorious TV. First the third key will come out and it won't be theirs and then that last key comes out and roof gets blown off the house.

    Okay, not what I expected.

  21. What am I missing? If the feeds are still on, then why are we posting nominations? Is it based on speculation only?

  22. They look shell shocked. Amanda has the right of it, she wouldn't have done it without support. Why is Spencer still sucking up?

  23. I actually don't think there will be many fireworks right after. I think after they'll know everybody was in on it. No point in yelling at one person. Maybe she'll yell at Elissa if she thinks she got GM to do this.

  24. Nevermind spoke to soon

  25. Just signed up for the feeds through you! Got my popcorn ready.

  26. How does Amanda think yelling at GM and telling her she's not very smart is going to help her

  27. This week is going to be great!!!

  28. I can't wait for someone to tell Amanda "Of course nominating you doesn't make sense for YOUR game, but it does for MINE!"

  29. Oh Amanda...did you not call GM disgusting names last week? How quickly we forget...

    Kudos to GM! She is dealing with her like a pro! I'm impressed.

    Hi Carolyn!! And Dishers!

  30. This week is going to be great! Drama, Drama, Drama....... I'm so glad McCranda has been put up.......

  31. Amanda, crying and saying she wanted to keep Aaryn over Andy and Andy is sitting right there.

    She says if Andy or Spencer wins veto they are going to take one of them down and both will stay

  32. angel1
    I swear my husband and I each gained 5 pounds one season, the houseguests were constantly eating icecream on showtime after dark. We would get hungry for ice cream too.

  33. "we We we WE we" All these "we's" are WHY you guys need to go up!!! Does she not get that?

  34. I personally do not like GM and how she acted this whole game and how she speaks about Staten island, like how she told Helen or said in DR in Staten island there are not many Asians on the island... I am from Staten island and that was one of the many face palm moments of the season because of her... BUT- Finally! Someone did it! I wish I could stream live feeds from my cell phone right now.

  35. Wow, Gina Marie is impressing me! She's handling Amanda incredibly well!

  36. This week is going to be great!!!

  37. Now Amanda wants to go home and hates E and J

  38. HAHAHA!

    Judd: Love you too.

    Has he ever been this animated?


  39. I love GM! Way to show you know how to play this game. Will Amanda self evict because she's lost control of the house? She sounded so reserved and intelligent in her argument. So proud of her!

  40. LOL GM "can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen" BURP Walks into HOH waa waa waa to camera LOL

  41. BWAHAHAHA! I never thought I'd say it - but WHOOT! GO GM!

    Amanda: It doesn't make sense! It was a stupid move!

    Yeah - for YOU. But for GM it was good and makes total sense. Shocker - the world doesn't revolve around Amanda!


    1. I totally agree. GM making sense and everything! She's being strong.

  42. Loving every minute of this. Amanda hiding in the Have Not Room and crying. "How could she not put up Elissa?" between tears.

    I hope BB gives them drinks tonight. Then it will be a real endurance on the feeds.


  43. Amanda - crying to McCrae - she lied and her move doesn't make sense and I can't stand Elissa is going to stay longer than me.

    If Andy wins he can take me down.

    It's all about her right now, McCrae is being very understanding but I hope he's paying attention.

  44. Lessa!!!!!!!! Party Party!!!!!


  45. Wow, Elissa really got into Amanda's head.

  46. How do you sign up for the feeds and do you get credit for it? Also can news feeds be streamed from the cell phone?

  47. Hi Caro, I hope you have voice to type on your computer to keep up with Amanda's tirade.

    Better yet as Dan called her last night "spoiled brat" should just self evict.

    I have SO become a GM fan. Way to go GM! Now I wish PB would come for GM, but with all the balloons today I gather PB won't be this week.

    I giggled when Judd made the comment about packing his if Amanda expects everyone to just give her the money and go home.

  48. Used to be people wanted to sit next to GM in the final. Maybe not so much anymore.

  49. I am totally impressed with GM the firecracker keeping her cool!

  50. It makes me so happy to see Amanda like this!! =)

  51. What a brilliant game move go GM!

  52. GM is either a fool or a genius. A fool for befriending a person like Elissa, or a genius for wanting to sit next to her in final2

  53. Amanda is still delusional that Andy is loyal. Nope.

    When she finds out, Andy is going to have hell to pay in jury ... and if he gets to the final two, he better hope he's sitting next to Elissa.

  54. Amanda is usually pretty intuitive but she hasn't picked up on Andy going rogue on 2am....she's losing her edge,should have tried remaining in an upright position most of last week.

  55. Sorry for the comments lag everyone -- i was kinda swamped!

  56. Dear Andy,
    Please grow a sac and let them know what side you're on.
    Everyone who thinks you're a floater

  57. Just a dash of pumpkin said...
    How do you sign up for the feeds and do you get credit for it? Also can news feeds be streamed from the cell phone?

    Click on this for the 2 day free trial

    You CAN watch from an iphone or android.

  58. GM is moving to the top of my favorite list. Haw about her and Judd as the final two.

  59. Valarie - It's actually the first time I've ever changed the banner before the feeds came back.

    It was not based upon speculation. It was based upon everything stated for the past 22 hours.

  60. lol Beanie! I developed a sudden craving for quesadilla!

  61. I have a question please. Not for a minute do I believe that Amanda will self evict but if she does will she go to jury and will it eliminate the need for a double eviction. Like I said I do not believe she will but since this is a first for this scenario does anyone know or have an opinion. Thanks.

    1. I don't think a self evictor goes to jury?

  62. Heck, GM gets my vote for being the first one to talk to the camera/us.

    1. Haha.. I thought about that too! GO GM!! And thought about Carolyn of course because when the HG are alone shes types something like "talk to us"!! Lol especially at the beginning of the season when we didn't know this cast aren't feed talkers! lolol

  63. I predict that Amanda blows up on Spencer next, it would make for a good show.

  64. Has everyone forgotten what a horrible person GM is and the terrible things she has said? (smirk) Maybe the pageant organization will hire her back now

  65. I have to say. I have the feeds and never watch them bc I get board easily, elissas voice makes me want to hurt myself and bc caro does such a good job but I of course had to log in and see what was up. I heard amanda say. 'I just freaked out and probably shouldn't have done that, im such a control freak.' (Paraphrasing) is she the first to admit when shes wrong? Im team amanda and this is part of the reason why

    1. I agree. Why can't these people see that Elissa is SO much more despicable than Amanda. I've never heard Elissa apologize for ANYTHING EVER!

  66. If I click on the banner to get the live feeds on my iPhone can I also watch on my PC or laptop and vice versa. Please I will sign up immediately if I can. Thanks.

  67. Any psychologists out there? Amanda baffles me. How does someone so smart, beautiful, and successful in a competitive career just completely fall apart when she encounters a roadblock? Yelling and scheming, I expected, but not this "I want to quit" nonsense.

  68. I so love watching Elissa get her pissy attitude with Andy. Hopefully she will just keep going and going like an energizer bunny. It would be amazing if Elissa tries to get pissy with GM. I'd pay a dollar to see that show.

  69. I think Andy is going to have problems with the rest of the house by trying to stay good with whoever is left of McCranda because then he is part of a pair. They're going to tell him to choice sides soon.

  70. thank you Carolyn I'm getting them now

  71. Oh, the Amanda haters are out in full force, aren't they? Makes me SICK that Elissa won't be walking out that door first! I haven't liked her all season & her smugness now just makes me want to puke. Her game is HORRIBLE and her attitude is worse! I'm restraining myself from fully expressing my disgust with her, Andy, Judd, & Spencer because I respect Caro & the rules. Rest assured, however, that I will do everything in my power to see that someone else gets America's Player. She deserves nothing.

    1. Couldn't have said it better myself!

    2. brnidgrl

      Couldnt agree more. Especially the part about respecting the rules. Maybe I could go to another site and vent some intimate details about our favorite HG, but I like it here. Carolyn's updates are the best.

    3. This hardly matters because I'm so far behind, but I just wanted to shout a huge Agree! In case comments still get back to you. I have been extremely Ill and have clearly missed a lot. (Playing catch up now, but no way will I be able to catch up on all the good feed stuff or comments...)

      That said, each episode Elissa makes me more frustrated with how entitled she is. If I can feel furious at her sitting in my living room with the ability to walk away, I can't imagine how hard it must be in person...

      So many people talk about how "vile" Amanda is. I'd say she's definitely crude, but she is fiercely loyal and also able to apologize and admit when she's wrong. This shows character in my view.

      I'll save the rest for a post that isn't 20 episodes out of date. :)

  72. ok..

    i'm a pumpkin..

    i'll see you back here dark n early with the overnight report.

    Please mind the critters!

  73. Michigan Man ...

    I don't think Judd and Spencer (and GM - if they tell her) will ask Andy to choose sides. They'll just dump him after they oust McCranda.

    If they carry Elissa to the final two, does a Zamboni cost about 50 grand?

  74. Mawahahaha! Let the games begin :)

  75. I feel like Carolyn has some sort of bias toward Elissa. The commentary seems a bit fishy.

  76. @Susan B, the beauty of the feeds is you can watch them on multiple devices at the same time. Makes it easier to not miss a thing, lol.

    GM has it so right, sending Mcrae home will send Amanda into a deeper tail spin. Amanda has spent too many years believing that she can say and do whatever she wants and then apologize and it all goes away. The real world doesn't work like that and frankly I don't think her apologies are sincere....just more game play to extricate herself from the holes she digs for herself.

  77. Sadly I don't think Mcrae will really move to Florida or stay with Amanda. She is so caught up in him, I worry about her mental health between consequences for her behavior and a broken heart. Notice how often she has to beg him for affection and to say I love you back. Not a healthy relationship at all.

  78. I am so happy that they are happy good job GM best choice ever. I hope Amanda leaves this week and mccraa out in the de lol.

    I am so sick of Amanda trying to pin everything on ellisa. Ellisa wanted you out Amanda not gm she didn't do your dirty work, now Gm is not doing your dirty work.. ohh queen Amanda mist has worn off..
    Amanda is no dun

  79. brnidgrl

    I feel your pain. Elissa is lying through her teeth right now. I don't have an issue with anyone who does not like Amanda because of her own actions. But I can not handle Elissa being supported for being a liar, an instigator and a person who seems incapable of feeling sympathy or empathy.

  80. If Amanda is being truthful she is choosing love over money. Saying she wants McCrae to stay. The only problem is that normally backfires and causes the person you try to protect to go instead. Saying he will do better without her makes others think we need to keep her. It's what happened to Brendon and Jeff, technically. They were more likely, on paper, to win than the women were. If she stays she'll get the fire and could win it all.

    I so want to watch it all tonight but I've got 27 hrs. work in the next 48 with small breaks for sleep and to eat. I'll be reading all I can though.

    Everyone, have a great weekend. :)

  81. "Every guy in America has seen your girlfriend's crotch" says the girl who's sister didn't wear pants to the live HOH ceremony and eviction.

  82. Around 7:03 pm on Cams 3 and 4 - spencer and Andy talk about e having to go next

  83. I don't understand why they want McCrae out before Amanda. Have they watch previous seasons don't say notice that the girls always come back stronger since there's nothing like a woman scorned.

  84. Thank you Carolyn... great JOB!
    lovin all the on!

  85. Grendon

    Everything you said about Elissa can be said about Amanda as well but Elissa is not letting her emotions control her actions. They way Amanda was verbally assaulting Elissa about her face, her vagina, her husbands age and his testicles... That is for worse than anything Elissa has done in the game. Amanda calling Elissa trash during the POV ceremony... lol, hello pot, this is kettle... JMHO

    Amanda will receive a far more brutal reception from the audience than Aaryn did.

    1. Matt U

      Superficially, Amanda has behaved much worse than Elissa. She uses bad words! The problem with Elissa is her absolute callous towards others. Elissa hasnt kept her cool because of an inner strength unless you consider her faith in own personal outstanding superhuman greatness to be a strength? I consider it to be a terrible weakness. She isnt socially awkward. She is socially gonzo. And if Amanda's exit is treated anything like Aaryn's, then those people in the audience should be ashamed. I've watched this show since BB8 when I stubbled across AfterDark and people have said and done vile disgusting things, but everyone I can remember has gotten at least a half hearted cheer from the audience when they left the house. Amanda should be no different. Neither should Elissa

  86. @A Slay.....I'm not sure how you've come to that conclusion.I read this blog everyday and all comments.I can honestly tell you that from everything Carolyn has written I have no idea who she is rooting for to make it to the end.If anyone is rude,disgusting or just plain idiotic,no matter who it is,she tells it like it is.Its up to us to draw our own conclusions.As you can see from the comments, its pretty fair to say that the favorites are all over the board.I am positive that no one is pushing their agenda on this site.IMO

  87. Just a thought about the way McCrae is acting...Maybe he won a power in that competition with the balloons. He is being very quiet and seems like he is thinking about something he doesn't want to talk about. Maybe he can only save one of them and doesn't want Amanda to know. Like I said...Just a thought.

  88. So now Andy and Spencer realize how badly they want Elissa out. They spend time trashing Elissa but as soon as Judd walks into the room they talk about how Amanda is treating Elissa yet I haven't seen Amanda say a word to Elissa since the feeds came back on.

    This is a house full of people who act disgusting. The level of just how disgusting they are may vary from day to day but they are all guilty. And imho, people who throw someone to the wolves the way so many of Amanda's allies have done are the lowest of the low.

    1. I agree Grendon. First time commenting here, but all season i've read your comments and screamed YES at my computer screen. Glad to know I'm not the only one on team Amanda. Here's to hoping she can survive this week.

  89. Thank u sooooo much caro!!!!! U =amazing

  90. This has certainly been an interesting season. I still don't know who I hope will win.

  91. The way the house has done all the work for Amanda, I won't give McCrae any credit, is more a reflection of the house being sheeple than Amanda being a good player. Also, Amanda and McCrae are just as guilty, if not more, of feeding their allies to the woofs (lol).

    McCrae is the best floater to ever play the game. He can't win comps and his social game is non-existent. The jury members have a tendency to start putting 2 and 2 together once they stop playing the game and get to analyze the goings on of the players in the house before their respective evictions. Candace is probably the most intelligent of the jury members right now. She will break the gameplay down scientifically.

    Lastly, I am anxious to see Aaryn's arrival to the jury house. I think a little reality set in during her eviction interview with Julie.

  92. 8:42 ish Cam 3, Amanda and McCrae talking, McCrae crying

  93. 9:25 BB time Cam 2 Amanda to HOH and apologizes to rest of the house for her reaction to being nominated with McCrae

  94. I wanted to throw out why Amanda is bent on mcra staying. its because out of her own mouth; she said a few days ago while the Hgs were speaking about jessie: that if macare went to jury she would go nuts worrying that jess woud
    show macaw her boobs; trying to get with him. as a former insucure women that so is what Aa jealous women would feel. that thought is worth her giving him the game. Imo keeping him would hurt all of their games. they will accept him and he can win.

  95. Hello all, I've never posted but my wife and I love your blog every year! We signed up for live feed the past two years through your site! thanks so much for the great site!!!

    I just wanted to say how the heck could Amanda and Mccrae not see this coming! They keep Andy over Aaron? I mean if they just kept Aron she wins HoH or Gina Marie and they are coasting! Andy doesn't win squadoosh! Gosh when they watch this in retrospect they'll literally see how they cost themselves the game!
    Great move by GM and It's so hard to watch Elissa so smug, hate how Amanda acted but Elissa just thinks she's better than anyone on the show and how she cant stand the people in there! Rrrrrrrrrr

  96. Hi Carotyn! Tans fr the play by play! I just gotta say, I'm a semi-fan of Amanda...her game play before the "torture" of Elissa has been brilliant! That being said, Elissa is a stuck up, passive aggressive instigator, acting Ike a mean girl in high school. At least with Amanda, it's genuine, repetitive wordplay. Being blindsided sucks, for sure, butive had it with Elissa. If I was Amanda, I'd self evict so they wouldn't get the satisfaction. IMO. Elissa is two faced and hoity-toity enough is enough. Maybe Amanda should have believed poopy the racist after all

  97. Hey all! I'm new to this site. How does it work exactly? Does someone post updates 24/7 or just during daytime hours?

  98. Earlier someone said.......
    ' I can not handle Elissa being supported for being a liar, an instigator and a person who seems incapable of feeling sympathy or empathy.'
    Am I missing something here? Did Amanda all of a sudden get a halo and sprout wings? Is there really any part of that quote that could not be used to describe Amanda?
    I may not agree with how Elissa has played the game but I have certainly seen her show more sympathy and empathy for other HG's when they were being tormented because of their race then I have seen Amanda even think about doing for anyone. From all I have seen Amanda is a very selfish, self absorbed person. She thinks this game is all about her and McCrae. She is incredulous that anyone would be 'stupid' enough to put both of them up for eviction. I wasn't aware that the two of them had immunity from being nominated but they seem to think they do.
    I hope Amanda stays to see how the week plays out without quiting and walking out. Maybe she will stop being such a bully and learn a few things when it comes out that everyone is against her, maybe even her showmance.

    1. Well said, Candles re: Elissa/Amanda.

    2. Candles

      I have never seen a moment of sympathy or empathy from Elissa. She has whispered about what a horrible person Aaryn was for saying things, but she never stood up and did anything about it

  99. Elissa is as innocent as everyone else. She certainly doesn't behave as poorly as Judd, Spencer, Andy, McCrae, GM and Amanda. They are happy to sit back & watch Elissa being bullied, so they don't spoil their game (Andy admitted this to her last night).

    She is a little peeved. Has been verbally attacked for months, and the restraint she's shown is commendable.

    I moved to your blog this season because you're fair. But jumping on the Elissa bashing bandwagon because she's snippy after months of antagonism.... Isn't fair.

    Sending E loads of positive energy

    1. Em Kay

      What Elissa bashing bandwagon? Is it as large as the Amanda bashing band wagon? Elissa has been quiet and she doesnt cuss, are those the only two requirements to being a likable person? I find her self image to be more repulsive than any HG I've ever seen, but I never saw Dr Will or Boogie's first 2 seasons


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