It's going to be an extraordinarily intense week in the BB15 house. "Intense" could well be the understatement of the season. It's going to be catty to the nth degree.. Hateful, spiteful and full of venom.. and that's just the chat rooms. ;0)
As we rejoin our HGs at12:15am, they're all still up in the HoH Room, fresh off the heels of Ginamarie's HoH Reveal, brought to us by lovely Lessa! McCrae is the first to break the seal and go downstairs for a smoke..
Cam 1
As the door closes behind Amanda..
Elissa: I just think it's so gross that she's sitting there in front of you (Judd) with her legs spread wide open.
Amanda returns within a minute, then the guys all clear out and it's GM, Elissa and Amanda in HoH. GM wants to night swim. Amanda says she'll join her.
Amanda: I can't believe we're the last girls standing. I mean, that's like an accomplishment on it's own.
GM: I agree.
Elissa: I can't believe you got a new bathing suit. That's awesome. What if Nick got it for you.
GM: He wouldn't do that. (she gets up to grab his pic)
Elissa: Would you like to jump him right now?
GM: I'd really just like to hug him.
Amanda: When did you guys start hanging out?
GM: It was the 3rd day, she got nominated and the PoV was Saturday.. Nick was like, I can't sleep with her.. She moans too much. I'm like, dude, come lay in my bed. You don't like it, go somewhere else.
Brief fishies. We return to chatter about Aaryn and how beautiful the various girls in the house were..
Elissa: Jessie's hot.. and super sweet..
Amanda: OK.. I'm gonna get my bathing suit. Are you still into it?
GM: I don't know now..
12:29am -- McCrae returns.
Amanda: Who did you think was prettier? Aaryn or Jessie?
McCrae: Aaryn.. she had that all-American look. All the girls this season are super pretty.
Elissa: GM.. C'mere. I wanna make sure I'm doing the sheets right.
GM: You guys stayin up here?
Amanda: No, we'll come down too.
McCrae stays to listen to Britney.
Amanda descends the stairs with Elissa and GM, and heads outside for a smoke.
Elissa: I was just trying to save you from her crass, disgusting behavior. She just doesn't like Jessie cuz Jessie doesn't like her.
GM: It's nothing special.. the bottom sheet goes on the bottom.. I'm gonna go up, have an icecream and then probably head for the pool.
Elissa: I'll go with you. I just don't want to be near her.. disgusting..
Ginaamrie: If we were a normal season, we'd be done by now... I can't get my hopes up now.
McCrae: Like last season, Ian got a bunch of stupid stuff.. Just give us that.. something silly..
Ginamarie: It's always a good week when I'm HoH.. Know who reminds me of Britney Spears? Aaryn.
Elissa: Awww.. little Aaryn. Aaryn bug went to jury. She is gonna be so happy.
GM: She's gonna be happy and pissed at the same time.
McCrae: exactly.
Amanda returns to HoH.. more chatter..
Ginamarie: I totally ripped one in front of Elissa.. I was so embarrassed.
Elissa: I'm gonna lay up here with you. Just relax..
Kitchen Island
Elissa: Every person who's HoH, she just all over.. It's so annoying. Are you ok? She's literally psychotic. It scares me.
GM: Yeah, I'm fine.
Elissa: You might get an infection in that pool, and especially if Amanda's in there. I just feel so bad for you that you're gonna be hounded by them.. I just feel so bad for you.. I just feel like I was watching someone get attacked. She's just being passive aggressive. Like there's no reason she needs to be all over you.
BB: Ginamarie..
GM: Yes sir?
BB: Please come to the DR.
Amanda comes into the kitchen to get something to drink. Elissa whispers to Gm. Amanda smiles from the fridge.
12:56am --Stretch!
Cam 1 Elissa's in the bathroom
Cam 3 Amanda's crying. (what'd I miss?)
Andy: If she's not gonna be the bigger person, like you're tryin' to be, don't even worry about it.
Judd: Just hang out here with people you like.
Spencer: We all see what's goin' on. You're tryin' to do right. If it's not reciprocated, it's just a character flaw.
Amanda: It's just like constant stress. I've never had to deal with someone like that. Like purposely, like she's the bitchy mean girl in school.. I've never met a more.. I hate that I look like the bad guy.
Amanda: This entire time, she's been taunting a 22 year old.. and now she misses her? She tortured that girl the entire time..
Cam 1
Elissa: she comes in and I was so scared, and she was like yelling..
GM: Again?
Elissa: She's like, I'm sick of you antagonizing me..
GM: Where is she? Outside?
Elissa: Yeah. I just can't believe we have to live in a house with someone who's harrassing me. Don't you agree that's harassment.
Cam 3
Amanda: I'm sick of her talking shit. I'm over it.
Cam 1
Elissa: How does it make sense that I'm making my bed, but I'm antagonizing her?
Cam 3
GM: What's the matter?! Elissa?
Amanda: I went to her and said, I don't want to fight with you.. I thought we settled this.. We're upstairs all talking, and she's like, will you come downstairs and show me how to change the sheets on the bed? And then whispering to you in front of me? How dare her? She's been torturing Aaryn since day one! And now she's all this would be so much better if Poopy was here?! She tortured her this summer.. and you! That's what upsets me.. How dare her say "I miss her."
Judd: I think what Julie said just opened up a whole can..
GM: Julie's a shit starter. She thinks she's better than everyone here. Just don't let it get to you.
Amanda: It's just like emotionally exhausting. I'm not a mean person, it's hard to have someone like that.
GM: I've been trying to get her out since week one.. She pretty much destroyed my life in here.. She evicted my best friend and my man.. She was like, I wish I could sleep upstairs with you. I'm like, I don't mind, but right now my back hurts.
Amanda: She didn't wanna sit next to you on a couch, but now she wants to sleep in a bed with you? She doesn't wanna be "stuck in a house with these people" her words, verbatim.
Amanda: Like she wants to fight with me..
GM: She has nowhere to hide now.
Amanda: I don't mind her buddying up, but whispering in your ear in front of me?
GM: She does that to get a rise out of you.. on purpose.. Just..
Amanda: Just ignore it.
GM: It's kind of like.. hahaha.. funny to you.. If you don't react to it, she'll stop.
Andy: That's what I said. if you're just like, That's ok, I'm trying to be the bigger person..
GM: Then she'll stop. Certain people know how to push your buttons.
1:18am -- fishies
GM: I wish, even if they didn't air it, the HoH got to pick a movie and we all got to sit down and watch a movie.. Wouldn't that be cool?
Elissa: Amanda came in here and she was like yelling at me.
Andy: I just want the 2 of you to squash your beef. It brings too much stress..
Elissa: She has no right.. She doesn't even know me.
Andy steps out a moment, reutns..
Andy: I'm sorry about the way Amanda was treating you last week. That was terrible.
Elissa: If that was you..
Andy: I'm ready for WW3 tomorrow when they both go up.
Cam 1
GM: Amanda wants to play a victim. I don't feel bad about it. That f'in granny thing was like over the top ridiculous.
Judd: Both of them just wanna pull your heart strings.
GM: Don't even talk about anything with Aaryn.. Just like with me and Nick..
Spencer: Aaryn was a complete asshole. I love that about her.
Andy: She changed her tune after a couple weeks..
Spencer: She's a hell of a better player than Rachel. I think if America can like her in a personal level?
Andy: I think America liked her.. I think her portayal got better week after week.
Amanda: I feel, gamewise, for me, I have to stay on top of GM, but I don't even want to because of Elissa.\
Spencer: She's probably not even talking any game to her. Just talking about you.
Amanda: I told GM, if she needs me to go up as a replacement, I would.
Spencer: What'd she say to that..
Amanda: Well, she's definitely putting up Elissa, and I think Judd. Trust you me, no one knows where Judd's head's at.
Spencer: I think this is an easy week.
Amanda: It scares me though.. Aaryn was like, GM will put you both up, and she'll work with Elissa. Are you kidding me? She'll work with the person who sent her best friend home?
McCrae: Just don't talk to her anymore. You don't have to prove anything to us, and if America doesn't get it, it doesn't matter. We're here to play, not to please them.
1:30am fishies..
Cam 3
Amanda: They didn't really get to talk for that long, and she doesn't really know who he's gonna put up with her.
Cam 1
GM: If we don't do this now, we're all f'd. The difference is, I'm putting em both up. One comes off, one goes home.
Spencer: Your HoH right here is the 1st step to getting the Exterminators to the final 4.
GM: This room is all of ours.. The only difference is, it just has pictures of my family.. and now they're your family. I know they're gonna love you.
Spencer, Andy and Judd decide they'll tell Amanda and McCrae that GM's saying Elissa and someone else, but they don't know who. They tell Judd his name came up as being sketchy..
Spencer: We need to just keep playing social butterfly..
Andy: I have been so chummy with them the whole game. If I stop, it'll look weird.
Spencer: If we want McCrae to go? We have to take every punishment.. He don't care..
Judd: Just take any punishment.
Andy: The only thing is.. I don't want that to tip them off either.
Judd: If we don't, McCrae will get veto.
Spencer: I think we all try to do as much as we can.
Andy: You guys hate the slop, I'll do it.. I'll put 29 days.. I don't give a shit.
Cam 3
Amanda: Everything here is so fake. (crying at hottub to McCrae)
Amanda: It's all been game.. But it makes me look like a bad person.
McCrae: To who?
Amanda: To everyone in jury. Like Jessie.. Why did she scream at me?
McCrae: She's f'in bonkers. It would be a travesty if you made it to final 2, and didn't win the money.
Andy: We have to watch it, especially with McCrae.. he's super intuitive..
**he's really not. if he was, you'd be in jury now.
Amanda: I can just like, see my fami;y though.. Just see them or hear from them or something.. I don't want to embararass them.
McCrae; They're not embarrassed.
Amanda; most of America is probably like, why is this girl antagonizing this religious mother.
McCrae: Anyone who seriously cares about the game knows what's happening.. And you're not playing for America,
Amanda: Why can't I win a freakin' HoH.
McCrae: We're in it together.
Amanda: I just hate tension.. I don't like walking into a room and knowing she's smirking.. That's whyI wanted to squash it.. She HOLDS thing..
McCrae: She's a psycho.. she has a God complex.. she thinks she's better than everyone. Did you listen to all that? She sounded crazy as hell.. She was malfunctioning.. and GM just ignored it.
Amanda: (guesses wrong as to who GM will put up) She knows that if she puts up Judd and Elissa, no one will care, and one of them will go home. That's why I offered myself as the replacement. How do you think Elissa's gonna react to GM when she puts her up? Do you think she'll still be up GM's ass?
McCrae: I don't know. Just let her talk the stupid shit she does.. Just get out of the room... If me and you are separate and always on top of GM or Elissa..
Amanda: She can't turn GM against me.
McCrae: I just have to make the biggest, best case for why we shouldn't go up..
1:56am -- Andy comes outside. Says a few words.. Runs..
McCrae: I just have to say, as long as you and me are here together, we're always the bigger target..
Upstairs in HoH, Gm and Judd are talking about Amanda.. and how they don't feel sorry for her, she's an actress, etc.
Judd comes outside..
BB: Andy, put on your microphone.
Judd: You have to have it on while you run?!
Judd joins Amanda and McCrae on the couch
Judd: You think it'll be me?
Amanda: No, I think it'll be me or Spencer.
Judd: Gah, I hope Elissa doesn't try to talk to me when I go to bed, cuz if she does, I have to put all this back on. They said, even if you're like layin' in bed talking to people, you have to put it on..
2:03am -- stretch!
Cam 1 - Amanda's in the bathroom
cam 3 - GM, McCrae and Spencer on the couch, Andy's running.
GM: I'm like a dude.. fart, burp.. ♫but I feel like a woman..
GM gets up..
Spencer: How's Amanda?
McCrae: She's fine.
Spencer: Just a little frazzled?
McCrae: yup.
Gm comes back.. She's still moving very tenderly.. Chatter about towels.
GM: I like my new shirt. Got no bra on though.
Spencer: Yeah, I can see.
Amanda comes back outside.
GM: (sweetly) Hi Amanda..
Amanda: I have like a rash breaking out on my face.
Spencer/McCrae: Stress..
GM: Aawww.
Amanda goes back inside.. Then returns and joins Spencer and Gm on the couch. Andy is still running. McCrae's playing with the hackey sack.
GM: My finger's got shredded.
Andy: Yeah, I thought mine were bad.
GM: I look like adude.
Andy It was like a f'ing stigmata.
GM: It burns like a bitch.
Spencer: I think I might go to bed.
GM: I think I might too..
Andy: This is everyone in the house against 2 people. We've come a long way my friends.
Amanda: Yes, we have.
Andy: I think we may not have the Have Nots tomorrow.
Ginamarie: It's a good week when Ginamarie's HoH.
Andy: I swear that picture was just for me.
Spencer: I love Freddy's Fu Man Chu.. and his glassy eyes.
GM: That's cause he was hammered! hahaha
Andy; I may have done a Freddy impression..
Spencer: I think footwear is what makes McCrae suck at comps.
Andy: Every time, I've gotten a masculine color.
Chatter about love for Frosted Flakes.. new nail polish color.. trading unwanted HoH basket items in the DR.. GM offers to get a medium brown for Amanda.
2:23am -- Spencer gets up to toss the hackey sack with McCrae..
GM: I definitely can't move or dance too well, but I'll be coming down every morning..
Andy: Oh my Gaaah.. there's a massive cockroach. I think I'm gonna kill it.
McCrae: Don't kill it.
Spencer: That's the good kind of cockroach.
Andy: You're lying to me.
Spencer: I'm not. You can kill it if you want to. No point though.
Andy: It's chasing me.
Andy: The cockroach over here really is gigantic..
Spencer: Alright, I'm goin' to bed.
GM: You sure it's a cockroach.
Gm goes over and kills it.
GM: You're dead now m'fer..
Andy: It's crazy that the cock-a-roaches rant was like 6 weeks ago..
Amanda: What do you think of this as a final 4?
GM: Whatever's clever..
GM: Spencer's good at shit, so is Judd..
Andy: I feel like either way with both of em, people aren't gonna give a shit.
GM: Yeah..
McCrae: But like, me and Amanda will always go up before you.. We're huge targets.
GM: I feel bad for people who go home, but I'm still here. We do nominations tomorrow.. Anyone who wants to come up and talk can..
Amanda: Do you think Judd would take Elissa off the block if he won PoV and wasn't up there?
Andy: no.. he wouldn't want to put a target.. He just went to her to protect himself last week.
GM: I was like, you don't need to whisper.. It was like she was following me. It was weird.
Amanda: Well, you know we got you.
GM: I think in 2 weeks we have a double
Amanda/McCrae: I think next week.
Amanda: This is the perfect one.
GM: There's a reason I didn't win the veto.. I just look at the rules, I do what I can, and some things I suck at, some things I'm good at.
Amanda: I think if we keep this 4 under wraps, we're strong.. Andy knows numbers. You kill at comps. We're the targets.. and you and Andy will never go up.
McCrae: I'll probably go up and talk to you tomorrow..
Amanda: Do not listen to a word that girl stays.
GM: I just don't want her following me around.. She's sleeping in my bed downstairs, because she doesn't want to be near you two, I said, like you didn't want to be next to me on the couch?
McCrae: I hope you feel better. I wont bother you tonight.
2:35am -- Gm heads inside..
Amanda: I think she wants to put up Spencer and Elissa.
McCrae: I know. It sucks.
Amanda: It's better than me. The problem is if Elissa comes down.
McCrae: I want that Veto so bad.. I wanna hang it off my dick.. I just have to get up there tomorrow and go over every single point..
2:37am -- This is ongoing.. Amanda is laying out all the perfect scenarios for the week with McCrae. There is zero point in transcribing it.
Amanda: Nervous?
McCrae: Kinda.
Amanda: I think we're ok.
McCrae: I don't think she's 100% until she gives you the hand to heart..
Amanda: She's not an easy one to read..
McCrae: I think if I can get her by myself, I can sway her.. I'm just gonna do the same thing I did last time she was HoH.. run scenarios..
Amanda: You have to go slow.. She gets confused. You can't sleep in til 2-3.. You have to get up and talk to her.
McCrae: If we don't come out of that box, I don't give a f*ck.
GM: They just brought up a final 4? They're gonna murder us in a final 4..
Andy: I agree. But here's the thing.. I've been so tight with them them whole game, I have to pretend like I still am.
GM: I understand.
Andy: I will never vote against you. If you go up against, Spencer or Judd, I will keep you.
GM: Thank you. I never talked that much game with Aaryn.. but now that we have a team and a name.. that's awesome.. out of us 4, at least 2 of us are gonna get some gold. I'm not saying you can't trust them, but how they slapped Aaryn in the face.. you can't trust them.
Andy: But one of them is gonna stay, and I don't want them to put us both up.
GM: Amanda tried to get Elissa to put me up. Think that's not gonna get back to me?
Andy: Exactly..
2:45a -- Amanda and McCrae head inside..
Andy: I'm so happy Judd came back and this 4 worked out. I've known for a while, now. As soon as I can ditch Amanda and McCrae, I want to work with Spencer and GM...
**logical - he has the best chance at 500k with them.
Andy: I love you and I'm so happy you won.
Andy: Good night. Enjoy your slumber.
GM: It is 2:44, I think..
Cam 3
Amanda, McCrae and Andy
While GM gazes lovingly at Nick, Amanda runs through scenarios with Andy.. Andy gives Amanda and McCrae lip service about him talking to GM, recommending Judd and pretends that Elissa is the target. Here is the extremely condensed version of the conversation.
Andy: Long story short, if one of you guys goes up, Elissa just can't win the F'in veto. If I had to guess, I don't think she's putting you up.
Amanda: It's gonna get harder and harder.. but we've done it for f'in 8 weeks.
Andy: Yup. Ok.. I'm gonna go to bed.
**it's SO weird seeing Amanda completely outside of the loop for the 1st time in the game.
While GM bounces a little to the music, before getting back into bed with a visible wince, McCrae says a few completely irrelevant words to Spencer, regarding him talking to GM tomorrow about getting Judd on the block.
Amanda: There's no way I'm going to sleep any time soon.
**BB, I'm so not a drug proponent, but my unmedicated lumbar would really appreciate you giving Amanda her xanax without a fight tonight.
3:16am -- They've given up on sleeping and moved into the cockpit.
Cam 4
Amanda: (re Spencer) He's such a liar.
McCrae: So's everyone. If he makes an attack on me, he knows it's gonna piss off me and Andy.. He's not gonna piss off Andy. He thinks Andy would take him over you and me in final 3.. He's not gonna try to f that up. He knows that. He knows he doesn't have any standing with anyone ekse really.
Amanda: Whether it's me or you who wins this game, I don't care, but he knows he can't win against either of us.
McCrae: Yup.
Amanda: We win over Gm too though.
McCrae: I don't know. She has comp wins under hr belt.
Amanda: So do you. You have a veto and an HoH. She's made no big game moves. She's gone with the flow.
McCrae: Spencer always wanted a final 5 with us 4 and GM.. and he knows he's the last one to be targeted. He didn't want Poopy there.. and he was worried when you wanted to save her so bad.
Amanda: There's more guys now than girls.
McCrae: I know. Isn't that f'in nuts. That's crazy. That's so crazy.
Talk turns to Andy..
McCrae; He seems distant.
Amanda: Whatever will be will be.
McCrae: Que sera sera..
Amanda: Mm hmm.
Amanda: i feel like we once spent 2 weeks in here straight.
McCrae: pretty much.
Amanda: This was our room.
... lots of smooching.
McCrae; We can get through this week so easily. We just have to compete hard as fuck.. wheel and deal like motherf*ckers.
Amanda: G_d, I hope she doesn't win Veto.
McCrae: If I'm playing, there's not a chance.
Amanda: It's always the last person you want to win. That jury house is turning into a sorority house.
McCrae; She's such a f'ing c*nt.
Amanda: What were you thinking about to make you say that?
McCrae: She's just a f'ing c*nt.
Amanda: I hate her.
McCrae: Don't play into her head games.. Everyone sees it.. She's annoying.
Amanda: Did she make any jabs at you?
McCrae: No.
Amanda: Don't be nice to her.
McCrae: She was playing with my cap though.. pissed me off. You can't let anything.. Whatever America thinks they think.. It doesn't matter. Everyone who gives a shit about this show at all knows that people get bad edits. You have to be confident in your character. At the end of the day, I don't know how she sleeps at night.
Amanda: Cuz she thinks she's God. She literally thinks she can do no wrong. That's how it is when you get everything you want.
McCrae; Rachel didn't seem that bad.
Amanda:.. but I bet she is.
3:31am BBT... This is ongoing..
Amanda: I think she'll put up Elissa and Spencer.
McCrae: I hope so.
Amanda: I hope so too.
McCrae: I know Spencer will fight his ass off. As long as she's on the block, I'll volunteer to go against her. F*ck. Man, I just do not like people like that.
Amanda: It takes a lot to upset me.
McCrae: There's 1 kind of person I don't like in this world.. Someone who thinks they're above everyone else.
Amanda: I hope she goes home this week. This will be the best eviction ever. She just cannot win Veto.
McCrae: I would love to have her evicted by a scum like me..
Amanda: I would love to make her goodbye message.
McCrae: Oh man.. That would make me the most happy person ever.
Amanda: One can only dream. Let's f'in do it.
This is ongoing.. and rehashing.. and not based in the reality of what's actually happening this week... and THIS concludes the Overnight Report.
Still up and talking in the Cockpit.. If you're an Amanda hater, and you haven't gotten the feeds yet, this is your week to give em a try! Here's a 2 day free trial. You can relish in her misery all week long.
Good morning Carolyn,
ReplyDeleteI am just going to bed so will read TOR when I wake. Good stuff went on the feeds before midnight.
10:45pm Cam 3, 4 The first of a long night battle between Amanda and Elissa. Technically Amanda started it (no surprise) but Elissa gave as good as she got. Then the poke and jabs just went on all night everytime they were in a room together . It seems Amanda's biggest complaint that got her started was Elissa's response to Julie's question to Amanda about her taunting of Elissa. It seems like Amanda for the first time is worried about what her family and America will think about her behavior and in her delusion it is all Elissa's fault because it is Elissa who was always nasty to everybody. Sadly Amanda can't see how what most of America thinks of her is based on her own words, behavior and actions to many people in the house.
Well going to bed, it will be a hot night on the feeds after the nomination ceremony as unless something changes this is going to be a huge blindside for the both of them.
Good night and get some rest for the excitement ahead
You didn't miss anything with Amanda crying, she was playing the victim role. I've never commented on here, but love your reports. I finally got the live feeds (via your link). I have to say I loathe Amanda. She is a self serving bully, who does not live in reality. The fact that she thinks Elissa is the one who is being mean is beyond me. I agree that Elissa does try to push her buttons, but Amanda does not have to take the bait, and she does not have to attack her personally. I hope McCranda crashes and burns this week! Out one, two in the double eviction!
ReplyDeleteI'm sad end up working every Thursday night anymore and miss the live show :(
ReplyDeleteI'm still pulling for Amanda and McCrae. I don't care what anyone thinks. I love Amanda! I guess since idk what was said between Amanda and elissa to make Amanda cry I shouldn't have an opinion...but of course I do :P The way elissa was all up on GM and whispering in front of Amanda and then like "I just don't want you around her, she's so disgusting" makes me mad. Idk though, I think it goes to show elissa is scared that her and GM aren't as solid as she'd like to think and just wants to get Amanda put on the block. Obviously that's part of the game...I'm just wishful thinking GM surprises everyone in the house and puts her up instead of McCranda.
This concludes my ramble that probably makes no sense. I'm still half asleep from getting the LO off to school lol. Sorry!
Good morning Carolyn and my fellow dishers! Excellent overnight report. I am so looking forward to the fallout after the nomination ceremony. Amanda is going to be stunned and shocked, it should make for a lively time on the feeds. I found it amusing that they were talking about their "edits" last night totally ignoring those of us that watch what is happening in real time. Those edits saved America from hearing the vile language Amanda spews nonstop, she should be very happy that bb edited out the highly nasty. Have a great Labor Day Weekend everyone.
ReplyDeleteGood morning Carolyn!! Good morning BBDishers!!
ReplyDeleteI have some catching up to do. I missed the party last night and only saw parts of the show. (I tell you, my teenage daughter's schedule: practices, performances, games always have me on call). Anyway, I look forward to reading all of your comments from last night. I did see Julie's interview with Aaryn. Julie did well in reminding her of her comments. I was a bit uncomfortable with Aaryn blaming her ways on the south. I know there may be some truth to what she says about SOME people, south or north. The truth of the matter is maybe in her town, or just the people she's been exposed to carry on that way. Anyway, enough about Aaryn. I'm happy to FINALLY see her out of the game. Have fun in jury! (Where I'm sure she'll still display some of her southern ways. We'll see...)
I just read TOR, I actually caught the tail end of it live this morning. I just can't wait until later when GM puts Doug and Wendy Whiner up on the block!! I'm going to love this week and will NOT be far from the feeds and BBDish!! Don't want to miss a thing.
Have a great day everyone!! Happy Friday!!
Oh yes!! That would be absolute joy if McCranda left in the DE. I totally agree nrsrrt!
ReplyDeleteI think that E and A are more alike then we think - they both are used to getting what they want - I think the difference is that El actually gets under Ams skin more and causes Am to lose her mind and say disgusting stuff - whereas E really doesn't give a Poopey what A thinks so A Can't make E go mccrayzzzzz. Good morning all :-)
ReplyDeletegood morrning Carolyn
ReplyDeleteI sure hope GM keeps her word and will only put up amanda and mccraa no one else, not ellisa as amanda wants.
Last night i watched it all why the hell did amanda start shit again?
Yes ellisa gave as good as she got she did and I was very happy with that. I do think amanda is just a big bully meany
Oh pleaseeee let GM put them both up.I can't wait.Tired of listening,well reading about Amanada and what she thinks will happen.And what she wants.Come on GM get that b out!! And I hope her boyfriends right behind her :-)
ReplyDelete"If you're an Amanda hater, it's a great time to " I can't remember what you exactly typed but I had to LOL at that since Amanda and McCrae were just wallowing in the thought of Elissa's misery at being evicted(even if it's only in her mind).
ReplyDeleteThis season is so odd. Usually by this time I have a clear favorite and a clear i favorite. I've literally wavered about every single HG. Sometimes I find them to be cruel, ignorant, and trashy, then I'll see them as insightful and sensitive, soon it goes back to the beginning. GM(since it is her week) is a good example of this. She will often have moments that you seriously think can get no lower. Then she lets her heart shine through and you see how caring she can be. Im not a big fan of Amanda, but even she has had moments of caring and genuine warmth to others(not counting McCrae). They change so often, I just can't find a favorite.
This season, I find myself impartial, rooting for the most dramatic outcome of all. I'm declaring myself #TeamHavoc . I hope you all will join me.
Good morning Carolyn
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing that everyone will be celebrating the downfall of Amanda and the beauty that is Elissa today.
Amanda is crude, rude, abrasive, confrontational and offensive. Elissa slithers around like a snake, sets people up when she has them alone, pushes their buttons and instigates animosity and then as soon as someone else walks in the room she completely spins the story to suit her. She is vindictive and hurtful and just plain mean.
Myself, I can deal with someone who is offensive but when someone is mean it's hurtful. Elissa has been this way since the beginning, it's just always been passive aggressive and back handed compliments. Now that she has an alliance behind her (which is a good place to be since they will put a knife in her back soon enough) she thinks she can be more bold and in Amanda's face about it.
The good thing that has come out of this in my opinion is that more people are beginning to see the real Elissa. She is going to keep going at Amanda (especially if Amanda is not the one to be evicted this week). Amanda will probably lose it again at some point. It really won't change anything as far as Amanda goes because people in and out of the house hate her at this point. The BB house could catch on fire and Amanda could lose her own life by single handedly running into the fire to save all the remaining HGs and fans would still hate her, Judd would say she deserved it and Elissa would find a way to blame her for it. Elissa is not a nice person at all.
Amanda is offensive. Elissa is mean. Amanda is abrasive. Elissa is condescending. Amanda is vulgar. Elissa is hurtful. Amanda is disgusting and gross (in Elissa's words.) Elissa is a good person and has too much class to deal with the disgusting people in the house (also Elissa's words and she DID refer to all of them as disgusting.)
Good people don't make themselves less good to fit the situation. They dig deep within and become better.
DeleteIm not really sure what Elissa is. I've never seen a person like her. I think calling her meaness cunning is giving her too much credit. Thats the difference between the two, Amanda knows when she is wrong, she knows when she is being mean. Elissa is just warped. She 100% believes everything coming out of her mouth
I love that McCrae thinks Julie's questions were simply because Amanda is getting a bad edit. I think CBS is being extremely generous in not showing the worst of Amanda's behavior. If anyone is only watching the show and not live feeds or reading the recaps, yeah, they may wonder what the big deal is by the "little taunting" Amanda has done. Hopefully, like Aaryn, Amanda will watch herself when she gets out and have a huge reality check. Doubtful, but miracles CAN happen :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the recaps!
Hey - I saw a rumor on the chat this morning, when I was only half awake & didn't have the where-with-all to ask for time/camera, that Amanda said (to McCrae) that the DR feeds her lines to say. This was supposedly during the cuddle time in the cockpit after everyone else went to sleep.
ReplyDeleteI tried going back to listen/watch while I was getting ready for work, but didn't have time to watch/listen to the whole thing.
Has anyone else heard/seen this, or is it just another chat rumor?
I feel your pain Amanda. I fell your pain. But unfortunately for us, sitting next to Elissa in the F2 is the surest path to 500k in the world
ReplyDeleteMorning!!! Cannot wait for the noms to happen.
ReplyDeleteAnd, I want a chicken suit. bwak bwak
Morning!!! Cannot wait for the noms to happen.
ReplyDeleteAnd, I want a chicken suit. bwak bwak
Oh jeez, regarding Amanda admitting she's fed lines in DR - I just heard it as I was about to shut down my computer and leave for work. 3:41, cameras 3/4 Amanda says "See, I'm fed lines" in response to McCrae saying something about not talking about Elissa in DR anymore.
DeleteThey are all feed lines. Sometimes you can see them reading
it just dawned on me, if GM manages to get out Amanda she will have a viable reason to win the 500,000...
ReplyDeleteElissa is just as bad as Amanda. Most of what comes out her mouth is just nastiness drenched in haughtiness.
ReplyDeleteI haven't read but the first 2 paragraphs and had to say, Carolyn, you are so funny!!! I was laughing out loud!! Thanks for keep us entertained as much as the HGs!
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Carolyn and BB Buddies!
ReplyDeleteYO YO YOOOO GM is HOH, Everyone say Hell yeh!
Gotta luv this girls energy! If she was willing to vote out her BB/BFF Bunny Arryn she will most likely follow thru with putting Amanda and McCrae up!")
More... fighting from Amanda vs Elissa!I have to Agree with Dans comment to's personal!
Amanda is a pit bull.. aggressive
in your face, Although many feel her taunting Elissa last week was to protect Andy from the block , I did not see how that could on any level be considered a game move or a smart one at that. Elissa is like a Chihuahua just keeps yapping and yapping the same words Disgusting and Gross ( teenagers have a broader vocabulary)
Both are immature and keep this at a personal level. It just
undermines your game.
Hi, everyone! I've been watching BB since Season One where I fell in love with little three legged Chiquita and eventually owned three pugs of my own because of her. Ok, so I'm easily influenced by television ;-)
ReplyDeleteAnywho, perhaps I am a "villain" fan, but I prefer to think of it as a fan of who plays the game well. We always talk about Dr Will, Mike Boogie, Evel Dick and even Rachel when mentioning some of the best players. Guess what........they all WON! Amanda has said and done some horrible things in the house, but it really has been pretty much all game play. I was completely disgusted by the early comments made by Aaryn as well as GM & Spencer. However, in the world of Game Play, I think the best player this season walked out the door last night. And believe me, I was giddy with the thought that she might go home when she was on the block earlier this season, but she did prove her worth through game play the remainder of the season.
However, assuming that McCranda will go out on a double eviction this week, I can honestly say that I have never seen a LESS DESERVING Final Five than Spencer, Judd, Ginamarie, Elissa and Andy. I was all for Elissa until that "I'll just go home, I won't go to the jury house" comment. If she cares that little, she does not deserve to be there. I was heartbroken by Judd's eviction and was thrilled by his return, but he has not returned as the same player. Spencer's "game" is to lay around like a bump on a pickle and make disgusting comments. While GM has a good heart, I don't find anything remarkable about her game play. So, I guess that just leaves Andy. I actually selected him as my MVP choice before the season began, but I have been just disgusted by his turncoat this week........though I can admit it is a potentially decent game move.
Alas, after this week, it will be the worst two weeks in Big Brother History. Dull and duller with floaters ruling the roost while the actual game players (Helen, Amanda, McCrae, Aaryn) rock the jury house. Wish there were cameras would be MUCH more interesting.
Hi, everyone! I've been watching BB since Season One where I fell in love with little three legged Chiquita and eventually owned three pugs of my own because of her. Ok, so I'm easily influenced by television ;-)
ReplyDeleteAnywho, perhaps I am a "villain" fan, but I prefer to think of it as a fan of who plays the game well. We always talk about Dr Will, Mike Boogie, Evel Dick and even Rachel when mentioning some of the best players. Guess what........they all WON! Amanda has said and done some horrible things in the house, but it really has been pretty much all game play. I was completely disgusted by the early comments made by Aaryn as well as GM & Spencer. However, in the world of Game Play, I think the best player this season walked out the door last night. And believe me, I was giddy with the thought that she might go home when she was on the block earlier this season, but she did prove her worth through game play the remainder of the season.
However, assuming that McCranda will go out on a double eviction this week, I can honestly say that I have never seen a LESS DESERVING Final Five than Spencer, Judd, Ginamarie, Elissa and Andy. I was all for Elissa until that "I'll just go home, I won't go to the jury house" comment. If she cares that little, she does not deserve to be there. I was heartbroken by Judd's eviction and was thrilled by his return, but he has not returned as the same player. Spencer's "game" is to lay around like a bump on a pickle and make disgusting comments. While GM has a good heart, I don't find anything remarkable about her game play. So, I guess that just leaves Andy. I actually selected him as my MVP choice before the season began, but I have been just disgusted by his turncoat this week........though I can admit it is a potentially decent game move.
Alas, after this week, it will be the worst two weeks in Big Brother History. Dull and duller with floaters ruling the roost while the actual game players (Helen, Amanda, McCrae, Aaryn) rock the jury house. Wish there were cameras would be MUCH more interesting.
As Always, thanks Carolyn. I thought I read somewhere the time stamp for when Amanda finished telling GM what to do this week and then GM,after Amanda left, looking at the camera and doing something to indicate she would most definitely Not be following Amanda's "instructions." Does anyone have that?
ReplyDeleteMorning Carolyn,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the TOR and I was giggling while I read MM's input from last night. I was watching on the feeds and some his comments were right on the money with my thoughts.
Amanda was upset from the minute Elissa answered Julies question, she was on about Elissa as soon as the feeds came back. But what seem to really get her goat was when Elissa said Jessie was the only 10 in the house. It was like she couldn't contain herself any longer. Elissa did egg Amanda but looking at her, smiling and whispering.
I wish, I wish that today of all days BB would let the nom cemermony leak on the feeds, I think it's going to be epic!
I'll be checking in waiting for the hamsters to wake up.
Amanda is just as big a narcissist as Elissa. She seems to have completely forgotten that her big push to get GM on the block last week just MIGHT have GM wanting some revenge. Because at the time, getting GM up was best for Amanda's game, and everyone should just be ok with that, right?
ReplyDeleteI felt sorry for the guys last night, being stuck between a self-righteous rock and a self-victimizing hard place.
Love the poll about being carried like a mini-chihuahua to the the end. I may have voted based on picturing each house guest tucked in a purse.
ReplyDeleteI see a novelty factor in evicting both members of McRanda in the DE, but on the other hand, I'd love to see one out first and the other winning HOH to see how they handle being split up. Either one, really.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Carolyn, I really do hope the Exterminators go through with their plan, because this would be the best moved that has been made in this house so far. I think Elissa was the first to have the courage to put one of them up and start the ball rolling. Kudos to her. Amanda states that Elissa thinks she above everyone else, but in reality it is Amanda that thinks everyone should bow down to her every wish and command. I am so sick of Amanda and Mccrae. I think if Ginamarie makes that move to put the two of them up, my vote is for her to win BB. She may seem a little flighty but she would deserve the win. Elissa really doesn't need the money so let it go to someone that does.
ReplyDeleteI heard Amanda say something similar a few days ago about the DR feeding her lines or giving her ideas but I would have no idea of a time stamp for when it happened.
Good Morning All,
ReplyDeleteIt's a hot day and I am staying off the feeds. Seriously, Amanda was trying to be nice last night and Elissa did nothing but bash and do her passive aggressive thing. Pot meet kettle... those two are so alike, it's just that Amanda is more crude in her language. Amanda followed Elissa into the bedroom and asked why she was acting the way she did and if they could be friends and keep things calm. Elissa looked at her snottily, as she does, and barely acknowledged her. That started the crying outside.
Both are playing for second if they get that far... neither has a strategy worth rewarding at this point... and Elissa can be as spiteful... and while Amanda cries when not in power... Elissa threatens to leave the game. SMH.
Nobody to cheer for... hope Judd steps it up. I also hope GM gets the Britney treatment F4. I don't understand her strategy either... lying in front of McC and Am last night when she will be found out nominating them. Another loser strategy... two votes can make a difference. Andy is another whole story... I just can't.
Have a good day.
I think Dan had it right, Amanda is just that way. Anytime, this entire season, things have not gone as she wished, and often even when they did. She has lashed out at someone, often Elissa. Elissa is one of the few that has refused to bow to Amanda's bullying tactics, and it is driving Amanda to distraction.
ReplyDeleteElissa is hard to like, she is socially awkward, obviously gets tongue tied, and has that nervous laugh. She does a pretty good passive/aggressive.
It does get funny watching Amanda chase her around trying to get her to fight, then Amanda runs to someone else and cries about how Elissa is bullying her. She never misses an opportunity to play victim.
It is obvious that the entire house, maybe even McCrae are tired of it.
I just wonder how far around the bend her and Mccrea's nomination will take her.
It is a shame, Amanda has some great qualities that are enjoyable in a BB houseguest, but there is that inner core of just flat nastiness that has shown, in one degree or another, every week. I do feel that is the real Amanda.
Good morning all! OMG, I can't WAIT for the day to start in BB world. The feeds are going to be on fire today!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is one of the few times we disagree (regarding taking Elissa to the end as a sure way to win).
This cast has played a personal game and I think they will vote that way. I think they are all fools for not wanting to sit next to Amanda at the end. I think anyone left except for Spencer would be a shoo in to beat her and I think even he might get a few votes. I actually think Elissa would win against anyone except Judd and possibly Andy. She would already have Helen, Candice and Jessie as votes. If Judd and/or GM go to jury Elissa would probably get their votes too.
I think Amanda could beat Spencer but not definite. I think her best chance to win would actually be against McCrae.
As I said last night, if they were playing strategically instead of personally they would be targeting Judd and Elissa right now. No one in jury has a grudge against Judd at this point and he has the 'underdog' comeback story. The jury is stacked with people who will support Elissa. Andy, GM and possibly Spencer could all win in a final 2 against Amanda or McCrae. Also, the chance of beating McCranda in the upcoming comps is better than the chance of beating Julissa.
DeleteWe definitely disagree. Candice and Helen are probably Elissa votes, maybe GM, but I could see her not even getting Helen. In a game that has been really personal i dont see anyway Elissa can win. No one likes her, some just tolerate her better
I agree that they are "friends" of Elissa's, BUT all three of them know that Elissa doesn't need the money at all. I feel like the ONLY way they would vote for Elissa is if they do choose to vote personally and a vote for Elissa would mean a vote NOT given to the person she is sitting next to.
ReplyDeleteI agree.
While I DO NOT think Elissa is the virtue of goodness that is all innocent, I DO think Amanda needs to learn that if you are gonna give it you have to be able to take it. I hate that both women are acting the way they are. It's hurtful and uncomfortable (to the HGs and ME!). But Amanda keeps digging with the personal attacks and then when Elissa gets low she freaks out about it. I'm not a fan of either girls' tactics and think they both need to grow up, but I think Amanda needs to realize she could have avoided all of this if she had just let it go after the live show.
ReplyDeleteWith that said, I absolutely believe these 2 will become great friends after the show lol
There is not ONE houseguest that you can truly pull for or consider likable...
ReplyDeleteElissa IS mean.
Amanda IS offensive.
Difference? Amanda IS a bully. Not what anyone wants to see...
Some people just have to make excuses to defend her I guess. That's your right...
Marina Man
DeleteTo each their own. Bully? I guess. Ive seen much worse bullies. How do you compare bully with spite? Pure unadulterated spite? I'll take the bully
I just have to laugh at Amanda, she has been bashing Elissa and antagonizing her for weeks, and for her to play victim is astonishing. I watched After Dark last night and I rolled my eyes at Amanda so many times I feared they might stay up there! She was chomping at the bit looking for every opportunity to mock or bash Elissa, you could see her start to say something then have to stop because someone else was speaking..I could see her frustration! She's such a hypocrite...I say, "whats good for the goose...", I enjoyed Elissa's passive agressive taunts last night..a guilty pleasure but after Amanda's actions lately, I think she deserved it. The first thing Amanda said to GM was "lets backdoor the bitch" as if it's her HOH...again)...has she forgotten how hard she tried last week to get GM out? Now they're best buds? OMG..this girl is so far out there! I have to wonder, is there anyone in that house who says to themselves "is she for real?" and see's through her whining, seeing her hypocrisy and remembering her behaviour? Are they just afraid of the Amanda storm so they keep it to themselves. I dont know that I would have the restraint Ellisa does, I would go OFF on Amanda..I CANNOT wait to see the nomination ceremony!
ReplyDeleteAs a long time viewer since season 1 I thought I had seen some bad behavior but this season is unbelievable!!! Elissa has an elitist attitude and Amanda is just a bully plain and simple. It is after all a game and even though people sometimes have to behave badly to further themselves the personal attacks are just plain sad. Evil Dick was a winning example of bad behavior and was rewarded with a win so I guess the following houseguests assume its the best way to get further on the game. If there is a next season I think production needs to change it up so that studying the previous seasons will not enhance their game, a fresh set of competitions and penalty nomination rules need to be put into place! Also thank you Carolyn for all of your hard work on this site and to all the commenters I just love reading your opinions!!!
ReplyDeleteAs a long time viewer since season 1 I thought I had seen some bad behavior but this season is unbelievable!!! Elissa has an elitist attitude and Amanda is just a bully plain and simple. It is after all a game and even though people sometimes have to behave badly to further themselves the personal attacks are just plain sad. Evil Dick was a winning example of bad behavior and was rewarded with a win so I guess the following houseguests assume its the best way to get further on the game. If there is a next season I think production needs to change it up so that studying the previous seasons will not enhance their game, a fresh set of competitions and penalty nomination rules need to be put into place! Also thank you Carolyn for all of your hard work on this site and to all the commenters I just love reading your opinions!!!
ReplyDeleteGood morning all! Hope I don't get "got"- If I do- Carolyn, would you please be so kind as to re-post in morning thread?
ReplyDeleteWatching feeds until 2 am, I was so grateful to see your Overnight report lay out Elissa's tactics last night. Gone is the Elissa of last week, bringing GM up, raising her self-esteem and trying to help her. Back is good ole', "_____ is disgusting and I can't even deal with them"
Again, I will say it, I like Amanda. She was playing a near-perfect game until Elissa's HOH. I think if Judd hadn't returned, she would have won this game. But good or bad, you have to accept the unexpected. Unfortunately, her personal feelings for Elissa have sidetracked her. This games was just to long for her to play as hard as she did the whole time. Unless she really is "pure evil"- which I dont think is the case.
Same for Elissa. She isnt going on the block this week, but 5th place will be just the same as 7th. She is letting her feelings toward Amanda completely take her off her game. Neither of them can even imagine that there is an alliance out there against them.
For the past few days, Amanda has kept to her word and left the kids and family out of it, heres hoping it stays that way after noms.
The general consensus seems to be the McCrae is not playing the game, he is whipped, etc. But last night, after hearing him tell all of America (and by turn us) to f off, I became his fan. He knows that there are edits and villians, and heroes. He isnt going to play to get a good edit, he's going to play to win (11pm-ish, most I've ever heard McCrae talk).
I know they are doomed, but here's hoping. Best case scenario, Amanda wins veto, uses it on McCrae and he whoops some serious ass.
Have a great afternoon and thank you for all you do!
Oh, what a night.
ReplyDeleteI have come to think that Amanda and Elissa are basically opposites of the same coin. If you are going to hate one you might as well hate the other. It seems they both have a superiority complex.
I felt so bad for the other HG's last night having to listen to over and over. At one point Judd was trying to change the subject while talking to McCrae and Amanda starts going off again about how terrible Elissa is...and then Judd shrugs his shoulders and turns around and walks away. Because he was dressed in a chicken suit it looked like he was trying to make a feeble attempt to fly away. I laughed so hard.
For those that want the time stamp for GM telling the cameras that she's putting Amanda up.. there's also a moment right before that where she gives the camera a look after hugging Amanda. It begins around 8:52pm and then the full out telling the camera is at 8:55pm. Try camera 1.
ReplyDeleteI watched the live feeds until around 1am or so and it seems to me that The Exterminators are set on getting McCrae out before Amanda (but they are okay with Amanda going in the event that McCrae wins POV). I think this is going to highly upset Elissa and most of America, hell even Amanda. lol
ReplyDeleteI don't think either one of them is "right". But At least Amanda is honest and tells everything to your face. All Elissa does is talk about people behind their back and then lie when she is called out. I couldn't believe how fake she was being talking about how she missed aaryn and calling her poopy like she was friends with her or something.. All last week she was saying how awful she was and HAD to go. It's just so irritating
ReplyDeleteWe all agree this is a game. We can all also agree that EVERYONE in this house has done something to make them "unlikable" at times...
ReplyDeleteIt's very hard to grab a favorite and pull for them because it seems each personality changes from one week to the next...
There are some very hateful people in this house. I'm not sure if the game has done that to them, or if deep down, they really are that way inside...
However, there is one MAJOR BULLY in the house. THAT is what differentiates the behavior and dislike of players to me...
You can be sneaky. You can be mean. You can plot and plan and and be set in your ways, even if I don't agree with you...
What I can't condone is a BULLY. IN any shape, form or fashion. This isn't about having your buttons pushed. It's about wanting your way and pushing your foot on others throats at all cost to get your way. A BULLY is relentless and stops at nothing...
I don't think either one of them is "right". But At least Amanda is honest and tells everything to your face. All Elissa does is talk about people behind their back and then lie when she is called out. I couldn't believe how fake she was being talking about how she missed aaryn and calling her poopy like she was friends with her or something.. All last week she was saying how awful she was and HAD to go. It's just so irritating
ReplyDeleteLast thing- promise:)
ReplyDeleteIan Terry was a guest last night on "Rob Has a Podcast" and some very thoughtful things were said regarding Aaryn's eviction. Personal feelings aside, an important note they made was that Aaryn's exit interview and the audience reaction will forever change the game of Big Brother here in the US.
What happened to Aaryn last night was humiliation on a whole new level. We'll see what happens when Amanda, Spencer, and GM exit. Though who are we kidding, with the new direction the show has taken, GM will not be held accountable for the things she has said. . . .
DeleteI only caught the second half of Aaryn's interview, but I thought the audience was horrible and judgemental to Aaryn last night. She was wrong, but people love to be outraged
Good Morning Carolyn, all
ReplyDeleteWhat a night. Julie unknowingly lit Amanda's fuse. She was steaming since the live show went off and then she just blew. It's overconfidence, hutzpa and a complete breakdown of her game.
Here the time if you want to watch it start. 10:48pm cams 3/4 Here we go, heads exploding. From the last post. No reason at all but delusion.
McCrae is finally talking and he should just stop. He's looking real bad right now. He to has lost focus on the game as well.
I have so much work this weekend I'm going to miss "seeing" much of it. Thanks to Carolyn and all of you though I know I won't miss anything.
I see two things happening later today when McCranda go on the block. Amanda will either go full Chernobyl or she'll completely fade away and cry the rest of the week. I don't think McCrae will be able to bring her down or up whatever the case may be.
We always say we want drama. It's coming like a run away train.
On point !
DeletePsst! :0)
ReplyDeleteNew Top Post!! If you got got, please feel free to copy and paste your cmment into the Morning update.
Click me!
Jumbo I swear I am watching a totally different show that you are....Elissa mean??? I think Elissa is in protective mode against the horrible, ongoing (for a few weeks now) slaughter of meaness from Amanda. I hate that she feeds into it and pushes Amandas buttons, but isn't that exactly what Amanda is doing??? Maybe I don't get this show so much after all. Maybe I am just not a real BB fan!
DeleteLike I said to Grendon... Im not sure what Elissa is. Ive never seen a person more apparently oblivious to what they are saying. Maybe she isnt mean. Maybe she is truly oblivious to her actions and thereby innocent, but I dont think thats true.
I dont think you would be here if you werent a true BB fan. People just see things differently
Grendon- I'd wait til it cools off a little...
ReplyDeleteI'll put this in the new post as well but thank you Diana!
ReplyDeleteGood morning, Barbara :) Thank you for the heads up!
Good morning, nrstt! :) Thank you very much!
Good morning, Samantha! :) ~~~passes extra coffee
Good morning, PlasticGoat! :) Thank you! :) It's Labor Day Weekend??
Good morning, Lucky13! :) Have a wonderful Friday!
Good morning, KMacAttack! :) Nice assessment.
Good morning, TiffanyJade :)
Good morning, Teresa! :)
Good morning, NaturalGrace! :) hehehe.. I couldn't resist. #TeamHavoc
Good morning, Grendon! :) Namaste ;)
Good morning, Mary! :) Actually, I've spoken to some TV ONly neighbors, and they're all quite horrified by Amanda.. Fear not.
Good morning, Megs :)
Good morning, Jumbo :)
Good morning, Zany!! Hehehehehe! bwakbwak!
Good morning, Beanie! :)
Good morning, Stroh! :)
Good morning, Lulu! :) Thank you!! Very much!
Good morning, Yasmin! :)
Good morning, BooChez :) Thanks for the great post!
more to come...
ReplyDeleteGood morning, Nancy! :)
Good morning, CurlerChick! :)
Good morning, Kaycee! :)
Good morning, BeeBelle! :) hehe! thank you!
Good morning, DianaF! :)
Good morning, Mia! :) Happy Sanity Day to YOU!
Good morning, Jerry! :)
Good morning, Heather! :)
Good morning, MarinaMan! :)
Good morning, Wendy2! :)
Good morning Unknown@8:58 :) Thank you!
Good morning, SushiUshi! :)
Good morning, Diana64! :) mm hmm!
Good morning, Amber :)
Good morning, Michigan Man!! :) Thank youuuuu!!!!
Good morning, Paula :)
Hope your day is going amazing Bella!!! Thank u so much!!!!! Xoxoxo
ReplyDeleteKinda late to be posting but cat6chinmg up on the week...Grendon is brilliant as usual (tho I am easier on Amanda)...totally agree with Samantha, BooChez, Jumbo and Amber.
ReplyDeleteHere is my take on these 2 women after years of therapy (abusive father then physical issues, pain management, etc). I don't see Amanda as a bully. I see her behavior as a reaction to a bunch of "players" who aren't playing the game, but hiding behind her's and Helen's skirts. I think a lot of the "bully" accusations are because people are frightened by her intelligence. They commiserate with the lazy slackers on the by sofas.....she scares them. Many yeasterday were making excuses for GM's and Spencer's comments on race! They can relate to these 2, but not to Amanda's brights. But if Amanda were in the house with people like we have seen in previous seasons who were there to really play, Amanda would no longer seem to be the most aggressive. She's be pretty average.
Spencer is hiding his gameplay--and now Judd is too. Andy was always flitting around trying not to be a target. GM is too dumb (real or acting?) and used to playing that role in the world.
Elissa is a mean girl--she was hiding in the back room until Helen was gone, just hating on those who were out there playing the game--hasn't anyone else noticed how much she seems to hate Helen as much as Amanda? We know she was hating on Aaryn "souless," "disgusting" etc etc... She loved to send Jessie out to hate on hook-up with Judd, fight with Amanda, whatever she could motivate her to do. Elissa is an awful person. A judgmental elitist who now has added money to her reasons to judge one she can't use has class, morals, ethics, worth.... Did she like anyone she couldn't manipulate? I can't think of one.
People inside and outside the game project all this manipulation onto Amanda, but that's been the game since season 2! Getting the HOH to do what you want them to do. Elissa doesn't see the purpose in that tho--she'd rather manipulate people into hating, making out, all the petty little things. Amanda goes for the nominations and votes. Scares weak-minded people. Like Elissa.
And Amanda is the convenient scapegoat..."I didn't make a bad game move... No, Amanda made me do it." "I didn't make a move against you--Amanda made me do it!" "That's the ticket!"