
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sunday Show Viewing Party

Good evening, BB Lovers!  Welcome to the Sunday Show Viewing Party on BBDish! Thank you for coming!  And... thank you for indulging me my Sanity Sunday breaks. :)  Today, I cycled for about 6 hours... It. was. glorious!

On tonight's show, we'll see the Bunny Hop - Chicken Coop HoH Comp that left GM's fingers raw in her pursuit of the win. We'll also see Andy tank yet another comp, when he sees an alliance member is in the lead.  Why get any undue blood on his hands at this stage of the game (or ever) when others are so willing to do it for him?

After that, the lead up to nominations.  I'm curious to see how much the edit focuses on Amanda and McCrae's complete out of the loopness, and the Exterminators plan for BB end game domination.

I'm thinking they'll pop the balloon Luxury Comp in between here..

And then, of course The Nomination Ceremony that led to.. Duhn duhn duhnnnnn.... the BB meltdown of the summer!

Here are 2 live stream options for tonight: 

As with all Viewing Parties on BBDish, all of the action is in the comment section.  Join us! :0)


  1. Happy Sunday Show Night!!!!

    Good Evening Carolyn, all

    Done working for the weekend and ready for the McCranda noms. Plus DRs, tell us what you really think HGs.

  2. The noms are gonna be so fun!!!

    And I'm looking forward to seeing GM kick some chicken booty!

  3. Is it possible that bedroom is dirtier than before, right now on the feeds? Clean that dang room.

  4. Hi Dear Carolyn. Hi everyone.

    Maybe we will get a glimpse of the Jury House.

  5. Hi all thx as always for the link. Just got home and it is 88 inside my house and 95 outside. YUCK!!

  6. Hi Carolyn - Glad you got to get out and cycle for a while today!! Thanks again for everything you do!

    I too am looking forward to seeing how production portrays the past few days of goings on. The perception of the game from people that only watch the TV episodes is sooo much different than what is really happening.

    Enjoy the show everyone :)

  7. Hey everyone....I also took a sanity Sunday and, unusual for me,Chavez not watched one minute of the feeds today. I needed a break!

  8. Good evening Big Brother lovies. I hope everyone; especially Carolyn had a very relaxing, peaceful Sunday, no stress day. Sorry for all the commas, but I never said I was an English major. I do however love this site and our Queen that feeds our addition each day. I hope you guys remember the tip jar and Happy Live Show! {{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}} Renee

  9. Helloooooooo! I miss hanging with everyone! I'm here now 'cause the ZanyToddler and ZanyHubby are still napping. Yes, I'm a HappyZanyMommy right now.

    Happy Labor Day everyone! Happy GM week! Now, let's enjoy this nomination ceremony!

  10. Replies
    1. Gahhhhhh!!

      There's a Comcast outage on my area and the estimated fix time is 9am.


  11. Happy Sunday Show!

    Hi Ilissa!! :)

    Hi Michigan Man! :))

    Hi Piper! :)

    Hi MCornett! :)

    Hi MattU! :))

    How did you spend your Sunday??

  12. Hi, everyone! I'm glad you had a great Sunday, Carolyn!

  13. Happy Sunday show Carolyn and dishers! I can't wait to see MCranda's reacton! So glad to hear that you had a relaxing day Carolyn! You deserve it!

  14. Happy Labor Day Sunday Caro and others not out partying tonight. I actually missed the feeds today due to cooking up a storm.

    I found out Friday during an unexpected visit to the surgeon that I'm having surgery Wed morning. I hope they let me come home in time for our Wednesday night party and that I'm awake enough to watch.

    I do know that I won't feel like cooking for a few days thus my day was spent in the kitchen loading my freezer with meals.

    I've rewound my mind so am ready for tonight's watching of the HOH egg comp and hopefully more of Amanda's meltdown after McCranda being put on the block.

    Let get started

  15. Went to see my dad today he will be 90 in 3wks and is alone. My mom passed 6mos. ago. He is doing so good I am proud of him.

  16. Plus, I have rotel dip, spinach dip, and home made peace wine! passing the bowls and wine!

  17. Happy Sunday Show!

    Hi SHiShi! :) Felt good, right??!! :)

    Hi Reneep! :)) Thank you very very much!! :) xxooo! Yummm!! Yes, please!

    Hi ZAny!! :) We miss you too!!!!

    Hi Jewelie! :) THank you!

    Hi GoodTimes! :)) Thank you!

    MattU - Thank you!!!

    Hi Tripl! :) fingers crossed!!!

  18. Hey Carolyn!! Happy Sunday Show,
    We Can finally see how the Comp played out and how fast GM Actually won,

    Special Comp Viewing!! :-)

  19. Ha ha. I have not watched, etc.

  20. OMG my hubby had to work, so I cleaned, like spring cleaning but fall, and I am tired. I am taking the day off tomorrow from all responsibly and spending the day at my sisters pool!

  21. Hi everyone! Hello carolyn!!**
    Happy Sunday Show night!

  22. Tripl, so sorry, I am still praying for your total healing.

  23. Good evening everyone. Happy Sunday. Thanks for all your hard work Carolyn.

  24. Did you all see that the Rating for Thursdays Live Evection Episode, how Big Brother Won the night in viewers?

  25. Happy Sunday Show!

    Hi Anthony! :) I did not see that. Thank you!

    Reneep - Sounds like a glorious Monday!

    HI Pally!! :) I got your beautiful email.. Im gonna try to make that happen..

    Hi Lisa! :)) THank you!

  26. I love the HOH comp, I thought they were boiled eggs, the Dr's are great too! Love it!

  27. Does anyone want a bowl of Hawaiian Meatballs? I'm chowing them down on mashed potatoes, but also have rice if you rather.
    I'm not that worried but my oncologist about fainted Monday when I had him check out a golf ball sized lump that appeared in my groin. I questioned him if it had anything to do with my recent cardiac cath. Then the surgeon called me and said I should come right in. So I did.

    1. Goodness. I'm so sorry to hear this news. I will add you to my prayer list. Hope you get wonderful news.

  28. Happy Sunday Show, Carolyn!
    This comp is so cute!

  29. Piper, I hope we do too, that would make it a great viewing night!

  30. Good evening All,

    Wow Amanda looked stunned that Elissa congratulated GM. Absolutely stunned.


  31. Happy Sunday Show!

    TripL - Yikes!! You *can* do this.

    Hi Chele :))

    Hi SusanB! :)

  32. hi carolyn, hi dishers, glad to hear Andy and spencer see judd is not good for there game

  33. Happy Sunday show!. Can't wait to see comp & noms

  34. Yes Big Brother got over 8 Million Viewers Thursday Evening,


  35. Happy Sunday Show!

    Hi Jadaz! :)

    Hi EmmaJane! :) here's the site i told you about:

  36. im trying to use ustream to view the show can someone help what time does it start and what do you do my cable is out

  37. Hi BGWooley - It started at 8pm eastern

  38. Carolyn I want to send TripL my facebook page to add her as a friend how do I do that without blasting my page ID ?

  39. TripL - ReneeP

    If you'd both message me on facebook, I'll be happy to connect you there.

  40. Wait, spoke too soon. Complimenting GM is pushing Amanda's buttons?

    LOL beat the plastic out of each other!

  41. Oh Man,!!! We have Severe Weather warning here so my Footage was cut right when Elissa was Talking about Amanda right after GM HOH revel.

  42. Hi Carolyn and everyone. Glad you had a relaxing Sunday. That HOH competition was great to see. Good to see GM win this, and she got a picture of Nick - WoW. It is going to be nuts in there when Amanda and McCrae realize they are nominated. I just hope that neither one of them win POV. Elissa most likely to be replacement nominee. Great show so far.

  43. Why did Amanda get so mad when Elissa said that Jessie was the only 10 there? It's not like she said that she was the only 10. I'm confused.


  44. Happy Sunday Show!

    HI Sam! :)) Thank you!

    Anthony - bummer!

    Zany :) heheheh

    Jewelie - because it was a dig, since she knows Jessie said horrible things to Amanda on her way out from the Juror HoH comp.

  45. Yikes. I get that Amanda is falling for all of Elissa's childish pranks and blatant brown-nosing. However, I really can't understand how anyone can watch Elissa pretend she likes GM and Aaryn and cheer for the girl. If I had to pick, I'd root more for Amanda since she's played the game hard from day one but I can't imagine anyone strongly supporting either one over the other.

    On the plus side, in the Amanda versus Elissa battle to see who is crazier, they've both been left in the dust by GM and her picture of Nick. :)

  46. Julie Chen will be on David Letterman This coming week, Just a Head up

    1. Thanks for the heads up, Anthony! Since I'm too lazy right now to look through the guide that is easily accessible from my handy remote, can you tell me what night?

  47. Thx Caro. Of course it's maternity, I never had kids so never heard of it. GM is so good at telling mcmanda NOTHING

  48. As an Amanda fan I really hate how they give Elissa a perfect one sided edit. It turns my stomach.

  49. I really wish Elissa hasn't antagonized Amanda by sitting on the couch talking to the boys. I mean really Elissa have you no control. (Not)


  50. HI Mattitude! :)

    Hi WHeeliegirl! :) SOmeone always gets an unfair edit.. this year it's amanda.

    EmmaJane - She really is...

  51. Ahhh..., can't wait for more fall weather so I can do darker colors on my nails! Love black nails in the winter!

  52. Caro and remeep, I just messaged with FB and email
    thanks I tried to find her the other day too

  53. The edit so far makes Elissa look innocent. Sigh ...

  54. Hi Carolyn and BB Buddy's!
    My first Real viewing party as I finally have the feeds!
    So being excited to have it , had the feeds on while I was painting the ceiling in my bedroom. Then hear the voices of whisper(WTH) I try rushing down the ladder and missed the next 2 steps falling on my right foot. Ouch now me and GM have something in common a LIMP. But I'm here.....")

  55. Ha! Were you a megabitch in high school?

  56. Its Funny, the sad music over Amanda's Crying and then GM Comes outside and happy Music and right back into the sad music.

  57. Yeah, Elissa's voice and manner and face are really getting on my last nerve. Was an Amanda fan, still am, but GM is really growing on me

  58. We forget that Amanda has been after Elissa since the first week. She has been the disposable person that everyone wanted out. Elissa has lasted this far by standing firm against Amanda and winning when she had to. It is great karma that Amanda leaves before her.

    I'm still not rooting for Elissa, but she deserves it a hell of lot more than Amanda does.

  59. Can I just say that watching this is just PAINFUL!

  60. Thx for the bday wishes for my dad He is mighty impressive for his age walks 3 miles every morning. Hope I'm like that at his age.

  61. Evening all! After this edit how can anyone think the producers areAmanda's friends?!

    1. You're absolutely right. I almost believed that line of garbage until Carolyn set me straight.

  62. Happy Sunday Show!

    Zany - hehehe!

    TripL - Thank you!

    Shamrock - They've decided that that's the edit she's going to get.. so... P

    Hi Yasmin :) Yayyy!! Very cool!! Except the injury part! Be Careful;!!

    Basal - mmm

    Hi Jerry :) That's quite a bit of revisionist history, actually. Amanda worked miracles to save Elissa twice in the first weeks.

    Hi Nancy! :)

  63. These Sunday shows are so useless. They took way too much time on HOH coverage IMO

  64. Carolyn thanks so much for your help*

    I'm so happy there's a DR, I always wonder what the players are thinking when the drama is happening.

    Holding you in the light Tripl. Hang in there.

  65. GinaMarie's screaming and my hearing aids ... are not compatible.

  66. I, too, see how Elissa says things that are nice, but really aren't. I get it, I do. And while I'm not a big fan of anyone, the stuff Amanda says is really offputting for my personal taste. I don't expect anyone to agree with me, this is just my opinion.

  67. Julie Chen will be on David Letterman Tuesday September 3rd

    1. Thanks, Anthony! I really did not want to reach over eight inches and pick up the remote. :D

  68. Carolyn, she was trying to get Elissa out until the Moving company got Mccrea to change her target to David. It wasn't that she hadn't spent the week after Elissa. Remember, "the house" wanted Elissa out the first week.

  69. Whiny whiny whiny whiny whiny. Both of them. Feel like i'm watching a couple of 8 year olds

  70. Amanda, Amanda, are showing America just how ugly you are on the inside. And being closer to the end of the season, you will be the ugly person that America remembers the most.

  71. Carolyn I know the link wasnt for me but Thank you! I am expecting again and was looking for a better site than the last time... :)

  72. And by Painful I meant watching both of them.

  73. Loved Spencer's line when Amanda said she feels like she is back in high school. Spencer said why we're you a mega-b####. LOL

  74. It's so strange that Rachel was always loud and in your face while Elissa seems incapable of any inflection whatsoever.

  75. I feel so bad for Amanda being so clueless. It's a little heartbreaking. is a game

  76. Congratulations, Basal!! :) You should follow them on facebook - they do specials!

    Hi Csssct :)

    Mattitude - they couldn't be more different.

  77. I don't understand why CBS is not showing what a vile person Elissa is?!?! It is so confusing to me!!! I sometimes can't even watch bc of this!

    I completely understand that Amanda is a mean girl but Elissa is a psycho, narcissist, who completely jabs constantly at EVERYONE!! GM forgets easy at how horrible Elissa was to her and poopy! It's completely ridiculous and shows how CBS wants Elissa to be loved by America!!

    I'm so over it!!

  78. Man I enjoyed that nomination ceremony way too much. Lots of sick joy here. I feel like I should go to church.

  79. In case anyone is interested while flipping through the channel guide today I saw that the brebnchal wedding by David Tutera is being rerun tomorrow at 4pm. (Direct tv).

  80. Most biggest ... dynamo ... er, dynamite .... er ... dinosaur ... er .. Power Rangers !!!

  81. Mattitude- Elissa grew up with Rachel. Her tolerance level and ability to shut Amanda and her antics out and stay focused are amazing, and what I believe a result of living with Rachel bahahaha She has had plenty of practice!

  82. Thanks for the party Caro, now it's nap time for you..nighty nite

  83. Can I just say that Gina Marie made me laugh so much tonight. I'm loving her sassyness!

  84. i am so happy. Loved gms speach good evenign all dishers and car been a long couple days

  85. Oh my goodness, you're going next, Elissa

  86. Hi All, The GM nominees have the "deer in the headlights expression" on their faces. And GM's speech was just pure GM. My favourite BB15 episode to date. So much fun.

  87. Thanks Caro. :)

    Y'all should have seen that nomination speech on Closed Captioning. I think it was actually funnier than hearing it.

  88. It was just way too much fun to watch. Amanda is without a doubt a bit bipolar. How can she turn it all around to make herself the VICTIM. She has terrorized Elissa for weeks. I am so glad that GM can see right through her

  89. :) gnite everyone

    I'll see you dark n early with the overnight report!

  90. Thanks, Carolyn, for another great viewing party. Have to go spend time with hubby now. G-night all

  91. Looks like Elissa will follow Amanda unless she wins HOH or POV. The going into jury together would be interesting to see.

  92. I thought the blindside would've been a bit more dramatic. Of course that came later.

    My prediction for Thursday is Amanda out first eviction then McCrae wins HOH and Elissa joins her. I wouldn't mind that at all.

    We will also see that "rumor/person in the know" is a bunch of bunk or is it ;)

  93. Good night! So glad You personaly had a great day off,.....6hrs cycling....hard week...It dz the mind body and spirit good! Read Ya in the Otr....”)

  94. I loved how GM told MC he had lost his spark, he was my favorite going in. Everybody says what a great game Amanda has played but I think she got lucky that there were a bunch of people who seem to not have a clue as to how to play, she never won anything until the POV last week, and she has been so loud and boisterous that people were afraid to get on her bad side. I applaud GM for doing what everyone else besides Elyssa has been afraid to do. I'm really not rooting for anyone at this point I wish we could vote to donate it to charity.

  95. I probably won't capture much tonight, I got four hours sleep last night so not staying up to long. I missed the time, about 6:15pm I think. Andy and Spencer say they wish Judd wasn't so mad at McCranda because they could get Elissa out this week. That tells you a lot. My prediction for Thursday could come true with half the house winning HOH.

  96. No longer use paypal. Is it possible to tip without this?

  97. Hey Everybody! Sorry I'm late. Honestly, I really don't feel bad for Amanda. Edits or no edits whatever was aired is whatever came out her mouth. And yes I definitely can't hear anymore from Elissa how "disguisting" people are. I get it you didn't like their racist comments. There's a difference between ignorant and malicious racist statements. Trust me I know. Refusing to sit next to people that's pathetic. Talking about someone's family that's pathetic. Both of ya'll are too grown to be acting the way you are acting. At the end of the day Amanda is definitely the bully though. Elissa has never said anything personalor dragged her family into it. You tourtured her to keep Andy off the block? Because that'll work. Elissa crys and talks to others about how much she hates when ya'll put her up. At least she doesn't verbally attack you. Neither one of ya'll is innocent. But Amanda certaintly takes the cake.

  98. About the ratings...

    This past Thursday had more than a million fewer viewers than the week prior. The show had one of the series low numbers in ratings... 1.8, versus the lowest 1.6.

    It could all be because preseason football... this week should tell. BB won the night against mostly repeats.

    Broadcast primetime final ratings for Thursday, August 29:

    Time Net Show 18-49 rating 18-49 Share Viewers Live+SD (million)

    ABC Motive (8-10PM) 0.8 5 4.72
    CBS Two... Men -R 0.8 3 3.20
    FOX Glee -R 0.8 3 2.36
    NBC America's Got... -R 0.7 2 2.81
    CW The Vampire... -R 0.2 1 0.61

    CBS Two... Men -R 0.9 3 3.47

    CBS Big Brother 1.8 5 5.05
    NBC Hwood Game Night -R 0.7 2 2.22
    FOX New Girl -R 0.7 2 1.93
    CW ANTM -R 0.2 1 0.52

    9:30 PM
    FOX The MINDY PROJECT -R 0.6 2 1.78
    10:00 PM
    NBC Hollywood Game Night 1.0 3 2.82
    ABC Rookie Blue 0.9 3 4.42
    CBS Elementary -R 0.6 2 3.560

  99. 6:46pm cams 3/4 Another Amanda, GM meeting. GM says her replacement could be anyone besides Andy. I find this very interesting because it seems, to me, to keep up the ruse Andy would want to go up. Amanda asks the big question. If it were a tie, who would you want to stay? Amanda says this is a glimmer of hope.

  100. GM is setting Elissa up for a good blind side too. Elissa tells her that she knows the two of them working together is the best. GM says, of course, NOT.

  101. 7:15pm cams 1/2 Amanda appealing to the guys. More of the same as always. Interesting tactic, don't vote me out now, do it in the second part of the double eviction instead. Falls on def ears.

  102. 9:10pm cams 3/4 Judd and GM believe they have found a way to get McCrae to use the Veto on Amanda and double cross him.

  103. Shortly after 10pm bbt

    McC, Amanda and GM have a meeting in the HOH. GM told Amanda and McC that she would not be putting Elissa up as the replacement nom.

    CAM 3/4 maybe 10:30ish

    Amanda goes outside for a cig and starts talking to Judd and Elissa and basically tells her whole game story. Amanda once again explains why she felt so hurt by Elissa personally attacking her and as a result she starting attacking Elissa back (as well as the plan to keep both Andy and Aaron safe). Amanda apoligizes to Elissa yet again for doing that. Elissa once again does not apoligize and tries to discount what she did. Elissa runs off to get GM and everyone but Spencer are on the patio. Lots of stuff comes out from everyone. Secrets, lies, and truths...??? This is a very important conversation. My bbt stamp says it is 11:26 and Spencer has just joined. I think my time stamps are off at times.

    Carolyn - Can this be posted in the TOR/or comments section?

    Thanks for all you do!!!

  104. CAM 4 12:02am bbt

    GinaMarie claims she has created a new BB saying: Calling someone a "flip-flopper". She thunk it up all by herself....but now people will always use it.

  105. Hahaha!!! And, Amanda discloses 'well, you all DO realize I have a degree in psychology, right??' PLEASE!!! Maybe she got her credits from sitting in the chair across FROM the psychologist!!
    It will be interesting when the show is truly over to see what the folks truly do for a living. Hahaha

    And, just imagine how many viewers there WOULD HAVE BEEN on Thursday's live night IF CBS wasn't so concerned with PRESEASON football preemption... I guess since they don't want to ante up during regular football season on behalf of their viewers they settle for sloppy seconds and crap on us during times like these.

    Thanks, Carolyn, for the OUT OF THIS WORLD FANTASTIC job that you do for all of us!! My cousin in Baghdad is enjoying the show THANKS TO YOU...
    I'd really like to know how many hits the stream link you listed on here had Thursday night even more!!

    Happy Labor Day, everyone!!

    God bless America.

  106. Hurry up Carolyn. Sanity Sunday is over and I just turned on the feeds. After last seeing them all getting together last night, I am seeing McRanda in exile in the BY and And Amanda crying and kvetching as normal.

    The head count in HoH is 5 so that makes everyone accounted for. Even Elissa is up past her bedtime.

    I know nothing that has gone on all day so make it snappy woman!

    **Cracking the whip** Then:

    ♫ Running just as fast as I can
    Trying to get away into the night
    Then I stumble and I feel your hands closing in on my neck
    And then I say... ♫
    ( I ♥ You ) teehee.


  107. @Anthony

    You keep talking about the ratings Thursday... can you please cite a source... because the source I have posted is Nielsen's and they have 3 million viewers LESS than you claim. Accuracy is a stickler of mine, as is knowing where information comes from. Would love to know who said there were 8 million viewers, when another said there were 5.05.

    If you are referring to the early numbers as per LA Times (always with an agenda) those numbers were down graded and I posted the final ratings in prior post.

    "According to early numbers from Nielsen, which are likely to change because of NFL pre-season preemptions that affected much of the country, the live eviction episode on CBS drew 8.36 million viewers and garnered a rating of 2.6 in the key 18-49 demographic.

    If the numbers hold, "Big Brother" was the most watched and highest rated telecast of the night among the big networks."

    THE NUMBERS DID NOT HOLD. And the final rating was 1.8 (almost a series low, which was 1.6) and not 2.6 as thought at first.

  108. Good morning Carolyn, and any other night owls.

    I did turn off my feeds around 3: 30, but can't seem to sleep so I re watched the very first show of the season. Actually since a little before 3 the hg were outside talking about how much they made and then asking Amanda what the interest rate was when she came into the house. Spencer was bragging about his home and told them they will see it when they watch the 1st show after they get home. I'm nosey and had saved the show on my DVD. I saw him at the train yard and only in his bedroom.
    Still couldn't sleep so I then re watched tonight's show. They never even mentioned anything about why Amanda had a yellow tutu on and GMhad a pink one Iin the HOH room when the feeds came back.
    Do you think we haven't heard the entire story about the luxury comp?

  109. I feel your frustration, Carolyn! Also appreciate knowing about it, thanks. I usually wait for your TOR before heading to bed. So I won't wait up, and I hope you can catch some more shuteye before Comcast is back, but so sorry you had to get up so early only to be disappointed.

    I haven't been watching the feeds as obsessively as I was because I'm so tired of hearing the same old, same old from all of them. Actually, the most interesting people right me...are Spencer and GM because neither is really predictable. What a welcome change from Amanda, Elissa, and Andy. Also, I am starting to get really aggravated with Judd. He's so weak on all levels (nice guy notwithstanding). He spins his wheels constantly, and is always afraid. Every bit as paranoid as Amanda. I HOPE the alliance with Judd, Elissa, and GM is real. (Do they actually have an alliance or are both just aligned with Elissa?)
    It's really disturbing that the two two most interesting people in the house to me now have said some of the most disgusting things. I think BB is more than a human experiment with the critters in the house, but also those of us on this side of the feeds. I'm perplexed as to how I could like either of those people. Okay, writing that helped. I do NOT like Spencer. That is a man who does NOT respect, or like, women at all. I do like GM though. And that by itself is disturbing. Okay, enough. I'm going to bed. I'll look forward to your next post, as I do with them all! Thanks and hugs!

  110. TripL,

    The tutus were for the veto comp. That McC won...this coming Wed's shown not aired yet. CBS sure loves to write fiction with its footage each week...

    Hope and pray your surgery goes perfectly.

    Deb in SF,

    Yes it's a real alliance--The Exterminators. And Andy the rat is in it. LOL How worth any of them is as an ally, I have no clue--not a one has taken a stance on behalf of any of their besties....although Judd was that loyal to McManda, before they/Helen burned him into submission. He is so scared now, I cannot stand him at all. Yuk! And same with my other post-Helen (learning she was not the person she pretended to be at the start) favorite, Andy. So frightened he becomes a floater trying to disprove Zingbot's accusation that he is a floater! Aaaarrrgggghhhhh!

  111. TripL,

    The tutus were for the veto comp. That McC won...this coming Wed's shown not aired yet. CBS sure loves to write fiction with its footage each week...

    Hope and pray your surgery goes perfectly.

    Deb in SF,

    Yes it's a real alliance--The Exterminators. And Andy the rat is in it. LOL How worth any of them is as an ally, I have no clue--not a one has taken a stance on behalf of any of their besties....although Judd was that loyal to McManda, before they/Helen burned him into submission. He is so scared now, I cannot stand him at all. Yuk! And same with my other post-Helen (learning she was not the person she pretended to be at the start) favorite, Andy. So frightened he becomes a floater trying to disprove Zingbot's accusation that he is a floater! Aaaarrrgggghhhhh!

  112. Psst :)

    The Overnight Report is up! Come see!

    Click Me



The Golden Rule: Please be kind and respectful to one another. Leave the drama to the House Guests. Personal Attacks on other Commenters & Bloggers & HGs- Whether Direct or Indirect, Racist, Misogynistic and Homophobic comments will not be published.

Simply put: Keep it clean, Be nice & Have fun :-)

Thank you for coming back to spend another season with us & thank you for your support! For all of you who have gotten your Live Feeds via the multitude of
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, I say Thank You, Thank you, Thank you!!!!