
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Live Show Viewing Party

Good evening, BB Lovers! Welcome to the Live Show Viewing Party here on BBDish!  Thank you for being here!

If all goes according to plan tonight, we should also be seeing an Endurance Comp on the Live Feeds right after the Show!  That's Part 1 of the Final 3 HoH Comp!☺  Of course, we'll be covering the comp from start to finish, and if you'd like to take advantage of the 2 day free trial on the feeds and watch for yourself, you should certainly do so!

But first... We've got a Final 4 Live Show to watch and enjoy! I'll be covering all the pertinent info here in the post as it happens, and I'll see YOU in the comment section!

If you'd like to watch along with us, and your BB is pre-empted tonight or you're not on the east coast, you'll need one of these:

~This Fantastic Quality 
NEW Option~

I'll see YOU in the Comment Section!  I'm publishing now, so you can scoot onto the live stream early, and I'll begin moderating comments and greeting everyone at 7:50 pm Eastern..  

Vote to Evict:
Cody Votes to Evict ____


If you enjoy what we do here on BBDish and you'd like to support this insanity, your contributions to the tip jar are greatly appreciated.♥ 

Additionally,   you can Join Team BBDish & Support our efforts here on the blog by using these links to get to Amazon, eBay. Walmart, BestBuy and when you're going shopping anyway.  You'll still get the same great deals, they'll throw us a little commission for sending you, and we'll get to keep blogging Big Brother for years to come! It's a win, Win, WIN! ☺


  1. thanks for the new link it really is sharper. thanks for all you do. so excited to see who goes, hopefully caleb.

  2. Thought maybe I'd hang out with you guys tonight, it's been a while.

  3. He'll everyone....I made it on time for a change! Looking forward to the eviction and the endurance comp. I wonder if Cody has changed his mind over who to evict. It really doesn't matter to me because my man Derrick is safe! Yeah.

  4. Good Evening Carolyn and BB Lovers! One more week.

    Guess we should wait and see, but, I think I'm going to rename Derrick. Mary Poppins. His game has been practically perfect in every way. Future HGs will study him. ;-)

  5. I am so glad to be here tonight!! I am super excited to see what they show us and to see all your comments!!

    Thank you oh Goddess of the Dish!!!

    Thank you too, Lessa, another Goddess of the Dish!!!

    Here's to hoping the links work!!!

  6. Whoot WHoot, Evening Carolyn, Lessa and Dishers.

    We're finally down to the end. I team Derrick all the way and always have been but still it's nerve wracking wondering if either Cody or Vic beats him in one of these comps, will they wise up and send my boy packing. I hope not!

  7. Yeah! Just heard my favorite big brother super fan on Big Brother Group Pre show Podcast. Carolyn you were awesome!

    Greetings to all!

  8. Happy Final Eviction before the end Night :)

    Good evening Carolyn, all

    Derrick has sewn up all the loose threads and it's now time to win it all. I think against any of the three others he wins. Easier against Cody and Victoria, yes probably. If this does come as a blindside to Caleb I see him being quite p*ssed off. Should be a very good show. I hope we get some real endurance.

    On a side note for me. New internet is finally up and running and it seems good so now I need something to watch BB.

  9. Hello Carolyn.... So excited! Will attempt to not burn dinner while watching! Kicking myself for not making a casserole!

    BuBye Beast ode... Hello final 3!

    BTW the twitter verse is a harse place to be! Lol usually don't go there, but been search #bb16 and reading and dayummmmm..... People get heated! Mainly over Frankie. You can sure tell the tv on lies and the airbots.

  10. Derrick said this afternoon he thought the next comp would be after the show. I hope he is wrong here... we have been jilted about good endurance comps on the feeds all season.

    That would be icing on the cake, if we can't see it.

  11. I'm here and ready for the party! Thanks for all you do throughout the BB season for us. I don't know what I would do without my daily does of the Dish! :)

  12. Hello Carolyn. Thank you for all your efforts. The Dish is the best part of the season. I'll try to hit the tip jar again Friday. Every bit helps. I have been using the shopping links regularly. Hope it adss up!!!
    I'm ready! !!

  13. Wow Caro and others I'm so excited for tonight's happenings, but also very distressed. I've been patiently waiting in my living room for the UPS man to arrive with a box I must sign for. It's almost show time and still not here. UPS assured me on the phone after 5 that it's out to be delivered by the end of the day. I'm so afraid that I may miss something really exciting due to his arrival. Oh well at least I have my living room tv on and tablet in my lap.

    Does anyone know how late UPS delivers?

  14. Good Evening & Happy Final 3 Live Show!
    Darling Carolyn thank you for a summer of fantastic reporting, and keeping us all up to date. I am truly lucky to have found such a wonderful none judgemental group. Love this site and love this game!
    Just as Caleb starts growing on me, out he goes. Too Late for him ! Should of kept his head in the game.
    I'm good with a Derrick & anybody left final. Enjoy the show All !

  15. Hey Carolyn! Hey Dishers!

    I've been thinking about it and have arrived at the conclusion....Caleb's ego has gotten so B I G that if he gets evicted tonight he'll have to make 2 trips!!

  16. Carolyn, I'm listening to the Big Brother Groups podcast. You were holding out on us. You were the surprise guest superfan.

    I love it. Go Carolyn!

  17. gettin down to the nitty gritty!!

  18. Happy Live Show Carolyn and BB Buddies!

    Soooo super excited for another show and then the endurance.
    Hopefully my internet doesn't give me issues, like it did last night.
    So I can enjoy the show with you all

  19. Good evening Carolyn and dishers ,

    Happy live show..... Bye bye Caleb and go Derrick go !!!
    Caro , cannot express enough how much you are appreciated for all you do and how much I will miss you every morning .
    Hope your WW is still going well, I think I will start this week also. .... Wow, anyone notice the tracker activity.. Frankie gained almost 30lbs when he got evicted.

    Enjoy the show everyone... See you at the endurance on the live feeds! Xo

  20. Hello from Alabama to all ya'll beautiful BB fanatics! Thanks Carolyn the amazing and lovely Lessa for all you do! It's showtime!

  21. Hi Carolyn! I have missed not being here! I'm so excited about tonite!

  22. Hi Carolyn and everyone, wow this season is going by so quickly. Looking forward to enjoying tonight's episode with all of you.

  23. wooohooo lets go hitmen hehehe i hope they both go to the end

  24. YAY! Hi everyone!

    Hello dear Goddess Carolyn!

    Lets have some fun!

  25. Hello, Carolyn and all you lovely
    Dishers! So thrilled to watch the finals this year. Nice to have houseguests that I enjoy and respect.


  26. ♫♪♥ Happy Live Show Night!♥☺

    Hi Yasminnn!! :)

    Hi WheelieGIrl!! :)

    Hi DavidB! :)

    Hey CurlerChick! :) hehehe -- Joe asked me to keep it a secret from Missy, so she'd be surprised, so there was no way for me to mention it.. cuz she's here all the time.

    Hi Ryder!! :) LOL

    Hi Michael!! :) Thank YOU!!

    Hi TripL! :)) No idea.. sorry

    Hi Lisa! :)) Thank you SO Much!!

    Hi KathrynwithaK! :)) Thank YOU!

    Hi Tella!! :) Boy howdy.. not a single real endurance comp on the feeds..

    Hi Robin! :) YUp! The internet can be a very very mean place.. just not here. ;)

    Hey MichiganMan! :)) Yayyyyy!!!!

  27. Wow! So glad that Cody and Caleb stepped up and put Frankie in his place!

  28. Hi Carolyn and All my favorite BB Addicts,
    I hope everyone is looking forward to an exciting live show. I guess Caleb will be leaving tonight. I'm anxious to see his exit interview with Julie. It should be funny!

  29. Hi Carolyn and dishers!! Sorry I am later.

  30. Wow Frankie. Just wow!! I'm glad they stood up to him.

  31. OMG we all called it omg omg they played it

  32. I am covered in GOOSEBUMPS!!!!!!


  33. Awwwwww! Love Derrick's little girl!!!!

  34. They played Tinley!!!!!! LOVE IT!

  35. While waiting for tonight's show to begin I watched Jeff's exit interview with Frankie on YouTube. Frankie was his over the top self, but surprisingly he did have moments of being a normal person. The normal person Frankie is somewhat a likeable person. I'm just so glad that he's gone.

    Yes I've been a Derrick supporter since the day I 1st saw him and heard about his undercover work. Then I watched how he sat back and listened, just listened the first few weeks.
    Oh how wonderful he just heard Tinley's " Holla" I loved it!

  36. Hey everyone. So excited to be here with all of you.

    Oh Em Gee at Frankie's audacity.

    Tears at Derrick hearing Tenley's "Holla"


    Baby HOLLA!


  38. ♫♪♥ Happy Live Show Night!♥☺

    Hi MCornett!! :) Great to see you!!

    Hi Jane! :) WoooHooo! Yes it has!

    Hey ShiShi!!!! :) Love it! Love you!

    Hi LeeeBDT! :)) Brilliant!

    Hi Steph!!! :)

    Hi Lessa!!

    Hi Panchita!! :))

    Hi Robin!! :)

  39. OMG can Frankie be more of an annoying ass?

    Holla daddy! Ahhhhh..

  40. Wow, I'm glad Caleb and Cody told Frankie to STFU. seriously. Frankie lives him some Frankie.

  41. I didn't think it was possible, but I despise Frankie more than I did!


  42. ♫♪♥ Happy Live Show Night!♥☺

    Hi Tella!! :)

    Hi Kathy!! :)

    Hi Sarah!! :)

    Hi Mandy! :)

    *Awwww* HollaDaddy!!!

    Hi Steph!! :)

    Hi TIffany! :))

    Hi NinjaGIrl! :))

    Hi Jolena!! :))

    Hi SisssyLM! :)) AMEN!

    Hi Pallyyyyy!! :) MWAHHHH!

    Hi Sam!! :))

    Hi Terrafific!! :))

    Hi Cheryl! :))

    Hi MontrealMonica! :))

    Hi WheelieGirl! :))

  43. yeah I was 1st comment tonight!! that never happens, ha ha probally because I don't always comment. Hello all!!

  44. That was the Sweetest HOLLA !
    Frankie is .... well I won't say it.
    Glad these are the final 4
    Poor clueless Caleb, he'll be alright (hopefully) he might be angry, but he knows its a game.

  45. Holla all!

    I don't know how Derrick didn't break down when he heard his daughter. I almost did. I too have a young daughter and can't imagine beings away from her that long and then hear her saying Holla Daddy. Wow.

  46. Good evening everyone:)
    Wow I never saw Framkie's little "I am so powerful speech" till now. Very unattractive.

    Loved the Holla from Tenley.

    Derrick is sooooo good at manipulation!

    Feel sorry for Caleb, but it is Big Brother and his fate is in his own hands. Hope he shows more class than some have.

    If these guys have too long to think about it either one of them might take Victoria to the final two.

    We shall see

  47. I guess I should have said HOLLA BB people

  48. OMG I hoped they would play Tenley for him!!! Sooooooo cute!

  49. ♫♪♥ Happy Live Show Night!♥☺

    Hi Jumbo!! :0)

    Hi Cindy! :))

    Hi Rowdy! :0)

  50. Good evening, Carolyn and fellow Dishers!!
    Glad to be back watching now that Frankenstein is GONE!

    Always huge thanks, Carolyn, for keeping us ALL abreast of the BB news!!


  51. Have you noticed how wide Cody's eyes are when he talks in the DR!

  52. ♫♫♪HOLLA ♫♫♪♪ from Tenley was the best, but priceless was Derrick's expression.

    I'm loving the Caleb's delusions segment

  53. Hey Dishers and Carolyn! Thanks for the new option. Fantastic!

    I can't help it, I wish Caleb won the POV and Vic were on her way home...people are actually comparing her game to HGs we've seen who came with strategies, won comps, took the heat for making decisions, or at least really fooled people throughout the game, knowing what they were doing and where they were going.

    My thanks for blogs including this one who help us understand the game and what it means to really play the game better than anyone else. We can disagree but we have reasons for doing so. That's what counts.

  54. I think in Frankie's eques he is the ONLY person playing the game this year. I don't have twitter so can someone tell me is people are liking him or not.

  55. Love that Caleb's dad called him out on his stories

  56. OMG Tenley's Holla - SO GLAD it bolstered him instead of destroyed his focus. :) SO CUTE. :)

    Also HI all!

  57. Omg I am a little behind but I can't believe they told Frankie before

  58. Awwww... I loved that piece about Caleb. Nice people and they sure know their boy. LOL.

    Caleb has grown on me... I wish he would stop killing animals for fun.

  59. They were talking about what Frankie tried to pull up in HOH when the feeds came back on last night. So glad they showed it so I get it now

  60. Let's see some jury house! Holland!

  61. They all look stressed. Well, not Derrick.

    Beast mode what color is the sky in your world? Ha. I used to work with someone like him. So over confident in himself that he couldn't see reality. Seems like a good kid, just needs to think a little less of himself and more of others.

    Thank Carolyn! You really help me enjoy BB on a whole different level. Oh, and Lessa too.

  62. Wow, the segment on Caleb with his family was funny. He is quite delusional I must say. Lol

  63. Caleb's parents are exactly like I thought, maybe a bit more grounded than him . LOL.


  64. ♫♪♥ Happy Live Show Night!♥☺

    Hi Cyninbend! :))

    Hey CurlerChick! :)) Soooo sweet & agreede on Delusions..

    ShiShi :) hehehe -- people on twitter have been anti frankie for quite a while now.

    Hi LittleWalton! :0) Thank YOU!

  65. Holland???? I hate auto correct --HOLLA!!!

  66. I've got a fresh pot of coffee on for those who may need some for what I'm hoping is a well into the night endurance comp after the live show ends. Long sentence huh?

  67. Stalker??? How did Beastmode not win something called Stalker?

  68. Every time I feel bad for Derrick being away from his little girl, I just have to remember all those who serve our country and are away from loved ones... not to win half a million and following a dream, but because they are fighting for us.

    God BLESS them all... from this Agnostic.

  69. Stalker??? How did Beastmode not win something called Stalker?

  70. Me trip!!!! Have had a bad day!!!

  71. Stalker. Immediately I think of Caleb in relation to Amber. How appropriate

  72. Ms Julie looking beautiful tonight, as usual!

  73. Hey Dishers, Derricks got my back - lol

  74. So earlier I read that Frankie's sisters manager is the producer of the new show Scorpion. I haven't fact checked, but I hope that wasn't used to get him on. Blah.

  75. "Derrick has my back"


  76. Frankie is an ass! Poor Caleb. Bye bye.

  77. Lol @ Derrick's got my back. Derrick FTW with he ain't got nobody's back but his own

  78. "Derrick's got my back too" Stephanie, that there was funny.

  79. Here is to Derrick winning the whole enchilada!! He has been the puppet master for the whole game and what has been amazing is he was able to get the other HG's to think that they thought of all these plans!!!

    Derrick and Cody, F2!!

  80. @Zinger

    Victoria is acting. She has proven her worth this past week.

  81. I kinda was rooting for Beast Mode in the POV. Loved his family segment❤

  82. And speaking of delusional, how was Frankie going to connect to his "millions" of followers once he left & what does that have to do with choosing who wins the $500K?

  83. Derrick looks very moved. Poor Caleb

  84. Caleb didn't stand a chance on that VETO comp. he gave up too soon.
    I just want his exit to be done with class. It's been a drama free summer so why not. Beast mode could blow up, but in a way I wouldn't blame him

  85. I had to quit watching comments on the video player site - someone was all "Cody will win! Derrick's been his slave this whole time!"

    And I was like.... whaaaaaaaaaaat game are YOU watching? *LMAO*

  86. I really do like Caleb ... it was too bad he spent so much time in fantasy land regarding Amber ... I will not say anything bad about him ... he was defending my country where I can walk free and where I can watch Big Brother!!!

  87. Can't wait until they all realize that Derrick has orchestrated the entire season!

  88. I made it to a live show viewing party! School has been kicking my butt this season. Who are we voting for to prevent Frankie from getting AFP?

  89. Listening to Cody in DR makes me wonder just how loyal he will be to Derrick

  90. Dying at Cody's DR in regards to Caleb. Sounds like he's talking about a girl the morning after a one-night stand

  91. What is the Big Brother Group podcast?

  92. Isn't this the 4th time they've cross promoted another show this season? Enough.

  93. They should make America's Players exempt from the favorite house guest vote. They already earned extra money. That way Zach would have a chance to win.

  94. Good evening Carolyn and BBDish friends!! Happy Live Eviction Night!! I'm late but just in time too bid farewell to Beastmode Cowboy!! #TeamHitmen

  95. @ Tella I know that, but I think a part of her is nervous about her speech, too. Plus, I wouldn't feel safe until Julie told me.

  96. i will be voting nicole every day 20 times fer sure

  97. Carolyn he is going to be devastated when he sees twitter!

  98. I'd really like to see how Frankie was greeted by the jury. I'd love for him to get a Christine-like greeting from most of the jury.

    He is delusional and his sister is getting bad press for being a diva. Not going to be a good time for the Grandes.

  99. ♫♪♥ Happy Live Show Night!♥☺

    Hi Clarissa!! :))

    Hi Lucky13!! :))

  100. Hi Carolyn,

    Hi BBDishers...

    Finally made it, going to try and get caught up on show and comments...

    (((((HUGS)))))) Carolyn..


  101. Ok this player is killing me. Great resolution - but I've seen more commercials than the show - even local political ones that make me want to stab myself in eye. Sigh.

  102. Poor Lessa that would drive me crazy

  103. ♫♪♥ Happy Live Show Night!♥☺

    Hi Pammmm!! :0)

  104. hehehe i loved codys speach

    im still all ofor Derrick and cody f2

  105. Are we sure the hoh is going to be on the feeds

  106. Derrick looks like he realized during Cody's speech that he has to take Victoria!
    (At least he should have)
    Just my opinion.

  107. i have no idea.. we should learn in the next couple minutes though..

  108. So was that 3 at the end of the days between his speech and interview?

  109. Hi All .. hope we get to see a Great Endurance Comp!!

  110. Caleb left the house, well played.

  111. Caleb showed a lot of class. I'm impressed (and I have never been a fan).
    Feel badly for him & Victoria finding out about the Hitmen like that, though

  112. Carolyn, I just hit the tip jar! You are wonderful and your dedication to our community is priceless. Love you, Panchita

  113. OK thank you!! Will you have a place for us to post if its live while its going on?

  114. Thank you Caro once again for hosting us and keeping everyone in the loop if we happen to go on with our daily lives.
    Still no UPS delivery! He can go ahead and beat on the door as far as I'm concerned since it's going to be jammy time and I'll be in front of my laptop in my bedroom watching the HOH comp as soon as it starts.

  115. Big Kudos to Caleb. He exited in a classy way and he has won hearts that were not available when it started. He is a good guy, but delusional and all the other stuff. He knows it is a game.

    As for Victoria now knowing... not surprised, because Cody asked for Derrick's input about it yesterday and it was expected. Victoria has to win to have anything to say and she can still be misted. Her and Derrick got close Day one in her mind.

    I LOVE this game and this summer has been incredible.

  116. @Zinger your right he was a good LOSER!!! Hehehe I have hated Caleb since the first day!!!

  117. Jolena - Absolutely! I'll open a new top post for coverage..

    Panchita - Thank you very much!!♥

  118. Guess who realized she has tickets to a baseball game on Finale night! #EpicFail

  119. HOH tonight? Weiiiiiiiiiiiird.

  120. Well that was a good show. Caleb showed a lot of class in his eviction. Thank you once again Carolyn for all you do for us. Have a good night everyone!!

  121. Looks like Vic should have been changing her clothes. What's up with the HOH endurance?

  122. Going to watch when it airs here later again just to see Caleb go off on Frankie again.

  123. This year has been disappointing in the live feeds endurance comps .. that is for sure!!

  124. Beast Mode took that far better than I thought he would. I had thought the other night Julie said HOH would begin on Friday. Guess we just watch feeds and wait two more days :P More should be on TV though I guess.

    I wonder now if Derrick gets to decide will he be loyal to Cody F2 or will he get the same speech he just gave Caleb.

  125. So disappointed in CBS this season with the live feeds.

    Thanks Carolyn and Good Night All!!! See ya Friday!

  126. Carolyn, you have a very sexy voice! I'm a girl, but still think I can judge that... LOL ;) Loved your interview. You are even smarter than I guessed--that's a lot of smart!

  127. Cyninbend - Thank you so much!! :) That's so sweet!

  128. EVERYONE --

    It could be like last year.. They started the F3 endurance comp AFTER the live show aired on the West Coast..

    And it was on the feeds

  129. Hmm. They look like they're getting dressed in athletic clothing right now (Feeds are back) so maaaaaaaaaaaaaybe we'll get it soon? *fingers crossed*

  130. I would love to see Caleb on Survivor! I think he would do really good at it.

  131. Carolyn, I've erased last season from my memory

  132. Zinger - I was just thinking the same.. I was like wait, what WAS last years?! *L*

  133. Okay, spoke to soon, maybe the comp will be endurance on the feeds just later tonight. I'll probably miss it again. The end of BB and work schedule is the worse. I have 12 hr. days the next three and I, not realizing it, agreed to work at the radio station on finale night. I'll be reading the Dish more than ever it seems.

    Thanks for all you do Carolyn and Lessa and all my fellow BB addicts.

  134. OK. They just had champagne. And have changed clothes. I am keeping hope alive for endurance.

  135. Thanks as always Carolyn and Lessa. Unfortunately my daughter has a cardiologist appt at 8:00 am EST and thanks to traffic I will have leave before 7. So I will most likely be depending your excellent coverage. Thanks again!!


  136. Didn't want Caleb to win, but sad he's gone. He went out in style & with class. Loved his comments to Julie about Frankie (ZING!), although she seemed to cut that short. Can't believe it'll be over in a week!

  137. We have Jeff Loop! I made a new top post - ever hopeful, me! - and Carolyn is taking a nap. I'll call her and wake her up as soon as we get feeds back. Fingers crossed folks!

  138. I thought I was the only one that caught that! Was laughing for a good 5 minutes over that..

  139. no new top post for endurance?
    doh! jeff loop back as i type! wth?

  140. Derrick better not jump off! It's not like they have been doing this all summer!


The Golden Rule: Please be kind and respectful to one another. Leave the drama to the House Guests. Personal Attacks on other Commenters & Bloggers & HGs- Whether Direct or Indirect, Racist, Misogynistic and Homophobic comments will not be published.

Simply put: Keep it clean, Be nice & Have fun :-)

Thank you for coming back to spend another season with us & thank you for your support! For all of you who have gotten your Live Feeds via the multitude of
links here on BBDish and for everyone who has hit the tip jar via paypal
, I say Thank You, Thank you, Thank you!!!!