
Monday, September 2, 2013

CBS & Time Warner Cable Have Reached an Agreement!

While Elissa relaxes in the hammock and the rest of the HGs have a little siesta, this just in from CBS:
CBS Corporation and Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks have reached an agreement for carriage of CBS owned stations on Time Warner Cable systems across the country, as well as Showtime Networks, CBS Sports Network and Smithsonian Channel, it was announced today by representatives for the companies. Programming on all networks will resume at 6:00 PM, ET today.



  1. Carolyn thanks for the info on CBS and brighthouse. That is the best news

  2. Carolyn Thanks for the info on Brighthouse and CBS that is the best news

  3. Carolyn thanks for the info on CBS and brighthouse. That is the best news

  4. House guests: .....zzzzz......zzzzzzz...z

    Happy holiday and CBS viewing!

  5. Carolyn... I am sorry to be an idiot but can you or another disher please explain what this means?

    Thank you
    Sharon aka todays idiot

    1. Sharon Kizer

      The Time Warner deal? I only have passing knowledge because I dont have Time Warner, but CBS and TWC were stuck in contract negotiations. I dont know if TWC customers werent getting CBS, but I think they werent getting Showtime

    2. Thank you Jumbo. That is why I was clueless. I have Dish, I am happy for everyone that this negotiation effects.


  6. I have a feeling this is what the rest of the season will look like. The game is over. Skip to the end

  7. Dinner tonight is potato skins, twice baked potato casserole, Mac-n-cheese, and pulled beef sandwiches. Lemonade and soft drinks. Dessert is brownies with homemade caramel sauce and vanilla ice cream. Come on over!

  8. LOL! Elissa does the the 'duck lips' even while tanning!

  9. YES!!! I didn't get got. I knew there was a big chance because this post has gone on forever.

    Congrats to all that were affected by this Time-Warner fiasco. Television is coming dangerously close to becoming a monopoly not seen since the days of Ma Bell. Something needs to be done.

    I remember going to drive-in movies in the 60's and there were petitions to keep Pay-TV at bay. It was extremely prophetic. Everything that was feared has or is coming to pass. Is this one of the signs of the Apocalypse?

    Now for what I had written in the previous blog comments. Then I can move on to my own feelings about this game, these people, that production company and network

    Susan Baker said...
    Good morning all, ......

    Me: I second that emotion. I got through TOR blog and sleep arrived. I got up for about 10 minutes, 5 hours later and decided it wasn't enough. I finally made it after 2 and I seem to be ready for a bumpy night.

    Susan, I think it was also you that asked me about Southern Decadence and yes, it is always on Labor Day weekend. It's also a drag race... of sorts. We got great local coverage and positiveness from local coverage last night but I don't know if there was any Nat'l coverage. Our Convention and Visitors Bureau was very happy with Hotel Occupancy Rates reporting at 90% and expecting it to be 100% before the weekend was over. They also predicted 100,000 participants with an economic impact of $100 million on the City.

    Tami Tarmac, my friend and our reigning Grand Marshall, was interviewed and she said the head count was closer to 150,000. Final numbers will come out in a week or so. Many stars in town for it, both named and incognito, always participate. This year Lance Bass gave a free concert on Bourbon Street, and announced his new engagement to boyfriend engaged to boyfriend Michael Turchin the joy of everyone. He got down on one knee and proposed in Jackson Square which he added was his favorite place in the city. (I can relate. It's my favorite place too. It's New Orleans original Town Square. Check Wiki for a pretty good history of the Square.

    Now where was I? I still haven't read this and the Morning blog so I don't know enough to talk about current events, but that has never stopped me before..


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