
Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day Monday Afternoon in the BB15 House

Good afternoon, BB Lovers! :0)  The HGs had quite a siesta after the PoV Ceremony.  Stressful times in the BB15 House!  They're up now!  Let's join them..

If you've been out enjoying the Labor Day Festivities, and this is your first time on BBDish today, here are the previous posts to get you up to speed:

CBS and Time Warner Reach Agreement, PoV Ceremony Spoiler and Aftermath,
Monday Morning, The Overnight Report
Now let's rejoin our HGs...


Andy: It's a lazy day in the house today. You goin' back to bed?
Judd: I want to.
Andy: You sure you wanna wake up?  It's only 3.  6 eastern. 5 central.

Andy moves over to study the memory wall a bit..

On 3, Elissa's still chilling on the Hammock.

Judd: Spencer!  Why do you have your chicken suit on?
Andy: You going to the DR?
Judd: He's going to the DR in his chicken suit.
**Often, BB will have the HGs come in in whatever costume they had to wear, if they need more commentary on the subject, long after the ounishment has

Andy: Are you up?
Spencer: I gotta redo some DR stuff.
Judd: it's already 3:15. You're gonna sleep the day away.
Andy: Should I open up the door and yell outside to Elissa that GM got Pandora's Box.


Elisa: You're lying.. I don't believe it.. If it's true, I'm jelly.
Judd: Did she believe you?
Andy: She's 90% sure it's not true.. but 10% of her is wondering, so she'll get up and check.

1 minute later.. Elissa gets up to come inside and check. The boys hide.. Elissa goes back to grab a towel, place it on the hammock, shower off, wrap herself in the towel, and then come back inside..

 She looks all around the house before coming into the Cockpit where the boys are hiding..

Andy: I can't believe we all got up so early.  It's only 3:15.
Elissa: I know.. I was thinking about going back to bed.  We have so much to do.  Judd's the only one they care about.
Andy: I've got a meeting at 6, and then after that, Judd and I are going to Chili's for dinner, if you want to come.  Then Amanda and I are going to a movie..
Elissa: I thought you were working the truck stop tonight.
Andy: Tonight's my night off.

Andy: Ok.. It's time to do dishes.
Elissa: It's filth and squalor.  We should put it all in Amanda's room.
Andy: Or in storage.  We have enough dishes where we could just throw them all away.

Judd: What's the point of being awake?
Andy: Are you saying Elissa and I are boring?
Elissa: I'm having fun watching Andy do dishes.

Upstairs in HoH, GM is rewrapping her toe..

Andy: Ooh, I'm gonna be like Jessie and be like super-pissed while I'm doing this.
Elissa: She'd like throw stuff around ..
Judd: Why would she do that, to gte people to ask her what's wrong?

Ginamarie comes down the stairs.

Elissa: I guess I'll clean the bathroom.
GM: I'll help.
Elissa: No, you don't have to.  You're HoH this week.
Andy: How did you sleep, pumpkin?
GM: Pretty good.


GM: Andy.. I ate about 2 things like all week.
Elissa: If I make something tonight, would you rather have Chicken and Dumplings or Chicken Pot pie?
Andy: Judd has always said that Chicken and Dumplings was his favorite, so why don't you do that?
Elissa: Ok.. for Studly Juddly..

Spencer comes into the kitchen and helps Andy.

Andy: Where'd Judd go?
Spencer: Is he outside smoking?
Andy: no..

Andy hunts a little, then settles on the idea that Judd went back to bed.

Andy: I feel like we always joke that Candice could come back for AllStars, but I feel like there's really a chance she could.
Spencer: I hope not.  If she does, I hope it's because I got the invite and declined it.

Andy moves to the bedrooms..

Andy: What the hell are you doing?  Get up!

Andy returns to the common area..

Spencer: Still can't find him?
Andy: He's in bed.

Done with the dishes, Andy sets to cleaning the counter.

Andy: Whoever leaves crumbs on this counter also enrages me.
Spencer: You have anger issues, dude.
Andy: I do. I'm just very clean. I know that not everyone is the same, but my way is the right way, is all I'm saying.
**thrilling, I know..

Cam 1 and 2
Couch - Backyard

Andy: I feel like I have to nominate Judd, because if not, he could win it and save Elissa. Right?
Spencer: If you put Eliisa and Judd up, Judd, got it, pulled himself off.. and put up me.. or GM..
Andy: I would put up GM for sure.. because she might vote to save Elissa.  Like, sorry Judd, but Elissa's more dangerous to me and Spencer. Does Judd think we're stupid?  Know what I'm saying..  "Of course Elissa should stay over McCrae!"  Hmmmm..
Spencer: Another thing I would like to tell you is Congratulations...  If we survive this Thursday, we are the last power duo in the house.

Spencer: I think Judd thinks we're blind to what he's got going on..
Andy: Yeah.
Spencer: I just hope we don't get into a situation where were not in a position to do anything about it..
Andy: I've like felt fairly confident since like week 3 or 4 that I've known everything that's going on.. I feel pretty good right now.  I really feel like I can trust you and GM.. Judd's the sketchiest.
Spencer: Just so we're both on the same page, if there was a situation with both of them on the block, Judd and GM, who would you vote out?
Andy: I would vote Judd out.
Spencer: me too.

3:56pm ---GM comes outside..
BB: McCrae, please come to the Diary Room..

Everyone's awake now! Yay! Let the games begin! ;0)

Cam 1 and 2
Andy, Amanda, GM

Amanda: I feel like all I'm doing lately is crying and apologizing..
Andy: And sleeping.  I think Judd might be clinically depressed.. He sleeps a lot.
Amanda: He takes meds that make him sleepy.
Andy: What does he take?  He takes lots of meds..


Andy: I wonder if the people up there are the ones we talk to.
Amanda: No, I asked.
Andy: There's a woman that I always smile at, and she always smiles back at me. I can't wait to meet em.
Spencer: I'ma huggem and stuff.
BB: You are not allowed to talk about production.

GM: Yesterday's the 2nd, tomorrow's the 3rd.
Spencer: How's the work?  Today's the 2 and a half?

Spencer: You're gonna be an emotional wreck..
Amanda: I already am an emotional wreck.  You go from being stuck together, to nothing at all.. And then being with people you do not enjoy at all.. I'm glad Aaryn's there. It's draining..  ♫Everybody needs a little time away..

Amanda gets up to go inside.. and.. cue the pitbull of predictability..

GM: Am I supposed to feel sorry?  Does she not realize Nick was f'in torn from my arms?

GM: Should I tell her to get over it?  Do a frikkin' memorial?
Spencer: Maybe you should say that in her goodbye message..

GM goes on and on about Nick, and how she was solo and independent after Nick left.. The 2 solid weeks of tears have slipped her mind. Spencer and Andy chime in, saying Amanda and McCrae are doomed outside of the house.

Spencer: I would've liked to see him play the game on his own.. Now it's too late..

4:15pm -- Talk turns to hypothetical double elimination nomination strategies..

4:20pm -- After about 3 minutes, they launch into everyone's favorite topic - How much they hate Amanda.. Amanda, Amanda, Amanda..

If this is your favorite topic, spark up your feeds and join  them!  If you don't have the feeds yet, indulge yourself with the the 2 day free feeds trial, so you can better enjoy the end of Amanda's time in the BB15 house.

CBS Interactive Inc.


  1. Carolyn, thank you for keeping me up to date while I have been cooking today! It is appreciated more than you know!

  2. At least the Ginger Avengers are on to the coupling of Judd and Elissa. GM was right, Judd is a shady duck!

  3. Jumbo

    (From your earlier post) I couldn't agree more. My dislike of Elissa has absolutely nothing to do with my feelings for Amanda or anyone else in the BB house. I dislike Elissa simply for the person that she is.

  4. Neener Neener! You didn't GoT me. You almost did but I got it in before your "New Top Post" in comments.

    Carolyn I'm glad you got a good afternoon break. I certainly wasn't expecting things to stay this calm. I hope the booze flows freely tonight in the BB House. I don't think Amanda can twist this in any way to get Spencer evicted this week but God knows there are plenty of reasons to do so.

    Everyone points at Andy as the Floater and that he should go. I've said it here and there and really never got any feedback but I think the ouster of Andy is just a popular thing to talk about. I think he is one of the most deserving of the cast to make it to the Winner's Circle. (There's major innuendo in that reference after seeing him put on the dress the other night.)

    I don't recall anyone ever saying that loyalty was a trait more admirable than survival in this game. More on that later.

    Now that I am in current Blog and comments I need a break. I'm sure someone will be in dream land by the time I return but I will have my say over the course of the evening. ;-p~

    Carolyn, I have to ask as I sit here today, why do we know so little about you yet you know so much about us? When you asked (I think) lscott to hug your nieces and nephews in Rancho PV it hit me.

    Do we know anything about you? I know your brother got married last year in Cancun. Are there any babies on the way from him yet?

    How many siblings do you have? I know about a couple and I think you are the baby but maybe not.

    Is your mom still dragon boat racing? I don't think I have seen a post where you mentioned her all this season.

    This and so many more questions could be answered if a certain blogging goddess would add a little bio to her page. It's a thought... and I think it is one of my better ones.


    1. GaYTor

      After Amanda, I do think Andy has played the best game of the people left. His two-faced lying has played a heavy role in who has gone home. I would call him more of a player than a floater, but this is a very weak F7

  5. Wowza-Isn't GM just a little ray of sunshine. Amanda can't say ANYthing without GM complaining. "Are we supposed to feel bad for her? I had Nick ripped away from me."

    Good God woman!!! You got sympathy from every single person in that house. Candice even comforted you after you got up in her face when her bed was flipped. I would so love to be a fly on the wall when she realizes how Nick really feels. There are moments that I actually wish the Moving Company had stayed together. It almost would have been worth it to see GM's face when she realized the love of her life was responsible for 'Brigading' her.

    1. Grendon

      All true, but if I was Nick, I would be at finale night with flowers and kisses for GM. They could get a reality show out of it

  6. I just have to say how much I love all you guys for keeping it real. I was on another site the other day and posted something about Amanda...boy did I get blasted, lol. I figured I would but hey, I have my opinion also. Some of these watchers just take it to the extreme. Makes me sick.

    Anyway Thanks Carolyn for all that you do for us.

  7. Good Evening Carolyn, all

    Congrats to Spencer for now being the most useless BB player ever/Perma-pawn. They could nominate the chicken suit and it would be the same.

    I LOLed when Judd hid behind a glass door in the cockpit.

    I hope everyone had a great day. I went to my sister's and saw her and my nephews. We don't see each other often so it was fun.

  8. I agree with GaYToR that Andy would probably be the best winner at this stage of the game (once Amanda is out of the picture) but it's more by default. In many other seasons, I wouldn't rank his game that highly. The bar is quite low this time around.

    It's hard to cheer for anyone else. Elissa, GinaMarie, and even Judd have gotten completely sucked into the nonstop bashing. Andy, Spencer, and to a lesser extent McCrae are the chill ones and I expect McCrae to be much more open once Amanda is gone. (I like Amanda but she has definitely dragged that boy down.)

    Elissa didn't play the game for two months and even now her strategy is to just hang on to Judd like she hung on to Helen.

    Spencer is playing the lame duck while he is the lame duck. It gets you far but it doesn't get a win.

    Judd has disappointed me. He's had a massive chip on his shoulder since he's returned. The fun loving Judd of the past is now a ball of anger trying to make up for lost time.

    GinaMarie preaches loyalty but she goes whatever way the wind blows. Like Elissa she just hopes things work out.

    McCrae? I don't blame him for laying back. His good cop to Amanda's bad cop routine worked. He's in put up or shut up mode now. Here's hoping he surprises.

    Andy, in comparison to everyone else, knew when to make his moves. Getting out of his alliance this week was a savvy move. Sticking with Spencer in hopes of dumping Elissa and possibly Judd before McCrae is savvier. My only problem with him is that he acts so pained by each move. If you're going to be a rat that's fine. Just own it. You should have been more offending by Zingbot talking about your high-pitched wail than your floater status. Man up. You're doing well.

    Anyway, here's hoping Elissa goes on Thursday and McCrae wins either HOH or veto at final five so everyone else scrambles.

  9. @jerry on last post...great minds run in the same track! I have also spent the day watching all of this years Dexter episodes.

  10. Referring to Amanda's overt sexual humor, "I find it tacky and tasteless", said the man who thought joking about child porn was actually a GOOD idea.

  11. It amazes me that Andy is on noones radar. Ama outed him about their alliance. I'd love to see Andy out the door in the DE this week. Why do they not want to take EL to F2. Has noone considered that. Noone would vote for her.

  12. Spencer calling someone else's humor tasteless and lowbrow. That's a good one.

  13. Gaytor I agree...I want to know more about 'the Goddess' also. I have been thinking that a lot this year! You must have read my mind and that's a scary place to be.

  14. I thought of some new names for the exterminators that I think fit them better. Flotsam and Jetsam, dust bunnies or leftovers.

  15. Uh oh.

    Blue is here again.

    Twice in one week.

    Every one duck and cover! LOL

    I'm just reading and wanted to pop in and say hi.


    I'm outy again.

  16. GayTor said...

    Carolyn, I have to ask as I sit here today, why do we know so little about you yet you know so much about us? When you asked (I think) lscott to hug your nieces and nephews in Rancho PV it hit me.

    --What would you like to know? :)

    That particular reference is to my adopted little sisters' kids..

    When I was in college at USC, my best friend was Amy. I was the big sis she never had, she was the little sis I never had..

    At the end of Amy's 1st week as a 1st grade teacher, she was killed by a repeat offender drunk driver. As you can imagine, I was devastated.. everyone was..

    I don't remember if it was at the funeral or when I went down to her parent's home in Rancho PV to sit shiva, her little sisters came to me and said, you have to be our big sister now..

    And I have been ever since.

  17. Happy Labor Day!

    Hi Blueeee! :)

    Hi ShiShi! :)

    Hi Michigan Man! :)

    Hi FL Girl! :)

    Hi Jumbo! :)

    Hi Grendon! :)

    Hi Mattitude! :)

    Hi jbrcr31! :)

    Hi GayTor! :)

    Hi Shannon! :)

    Thank you ALL for being here!!!!

  18. Wow. Beautiful story.

    I love you even more, Chica.

  19. Hi, Chicaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!


  20. ♥Blue♥ i'm so happy to see you.. but i've got to get to sleep.. so i can wake up and to it again..

  21. I totally understand.

    Why aren't you already in bed, sleepy pants? LOL

  22. if i so much as think about opening a chat room on the feeds next season, someone slap me. it's become everything i loathe. ugly beyond ugly.

  23. Just in case you get this:

    (I heard this on "Mama's Family")

    Nite nite.

    Sleep tight.

    Don't let the bed bugs bite.

    And if they do,

    Hit 'em with a shoe,

    and they'll turn black and blue...

  24. @shibshi. Even tho I have SHO channels back, they haven't put the SHO on demand back on the menu yet. :-(. I' ll have to wait a while.

  25. @fl girl, I think Andy is on Elissa's radar.

  26. Going...

    Dexter marathons for the win! :)

  27. @carolyn, there are plenty of places to get nasty, they can do without your chat channel. Don't read it,

  28. HI Carolyn and BBLovers!

    I'm glad to read everyone's comments and see that I am not the only one completely offended by the chat room nastiness!

    I've been spending more time over there and less time catching up on the dish and that needs to change for sure. This is my first year with the feeds and access to the chat. I've seen a side of BB fans that I really can't stomach. Time to hit the X and move on from that!

    On that note, thank you Carolyn for the most positive, entertaining, cheeky, tasteful, fully informative BB site EVER!

  29. In my overwhelming appreciation for the positivity that is the BBDish I forgot to add that it is my sincere hope that we see a lighter and less intense side to Amanda this week once she has fully accepted her fate. I know it's there.

  30. 5:55pm McCrae wakes for the day/night.

    Tonight and tomorrow I won't be up late again :( This time the next two days I'm spending 8 to 12 hrs. a day bleaching all the walls and floors in the mobile surgical unit. They are remodeling the OR and it will take a year or more. I call the mobile one the submarine since it has only one window, in the hallway. My new home area at work.

    Doubtful much will happen tonight anyway. The leftovers will talk about how great they are and how Amanda did nothing. They'll bash her and trash her. Elissa will cook and play Jenga. McCranda will smoke, snuggle and scheme. There's the over night report, you can sleep in Carolyn ;)

  31. Carolyn I love, love me some Dexter! I'm very sad this is the last year.

  32. oooooh! I forgot about Dexter! Thanks for the reminder! G'night Dishers!

  33. Hey Caro ....

    That's a sweet and sad story. :(


    Andy and Spencer discussing strategy if they have GM and Judd on the block. They said they would vote out Judd.

    Are they nuts? GM will kick their butt in any physical or endurance comp. Keep Judd .... he gags and pukes just getting up off the couch to find his cigarette lighter. :)

  34. Carolyn I had no idea that you have RSD too. I have it full body and have lived in my recliner for the past 5 years. I so admire you being able to ride a bike with this awful disease. The best I can do is walk with a cane around the house. Outside the house I must use a wheelchair or scooter.

    I had to laugh at Amanda being upset at McCrae for only saying 'I'm sorry' after using the veto on himself. Doesn't she know by now that most men say as few words as possible if they can get away with it?

    I really, really hope Elissa has wised up to Andy and stops telling him her every thought. If she had any idea about the way he talks about her she would be devastated. Andy is the biggest floater to ever play the game. I hope he goes out after Amanda on Thursday.

    I also hope McCrae will stay out of bed long enough to play the game. He has done nothing so far to show what a fan he is. A true fan wouldn't be sleeping 20 hours a day, they would be out there playing with all their heart.

    I loved Judd for most of the game but since his return he is running scared. I know they broke his heart when they evicted him before and I really think he lost his edge. I hope he finds it again.

  35. Andy is not a good game player I would rank it as really everyone is really a floater between the Exterminator. Andy is Like Super Shelly.

    Elissa didn't play for 2 weeks but got into GM's head to show her about Mcranda's manipulation of Aaryn so if she won she would put them up. Elissa also did the only thing should could to make sure she weekend Mcranda (By putting up all members of 3 AM to ensure 1 goes home).

    If she wins the next HOH and gets out one of Mcrea Andy or Spencer. Watch out she is gonna win it all if she goes to F2.

    If I was in jury I'd rank it:

    1.) Elissa

    2.) Gm

    3.) Floaters

  36. 9:43pm bbt CAM 1

    Amanda in tears says to McCrea and Andy...I've worked my ass off to save you and you and you act like I'm already gone. She leaves the bedroom to go outside. Andy looks like an evil deer in the headlights but it's obvious that he isn't going to return any favors.

    10:23 pm bbt CAM 1

    Amanda asks Elissa if she can speak with her....Amanda begins to lay out a new plan, a new long as she is there she is the number 1 target but as soon as she leaves Elissa jumps into that spot. Amanda tells her that she and GM are the next 2 to go up and goes on to explain what each of the guys has told her. Spencer is one of the people that said Elissa is his next target and he will put her up. Amanda went through the series of events that each has perpetuated on the other. She ends this by saying that back in the beginning she was the one who worked and kept Elissa from being evicted. Elissa jumps in and pretty much tells Amanda that she doesn't give her credit for saving her because........

    "But there's no way I would have went and if I went they would have brought me back." said by a smug Elissa.

    Amanda (not familiar with Elissa's special BB rules) says....but I didn't know that. I still did all the things I did to save you.

    Amanda goes on to make a number of valid points and logical reasons why it would be to Elissa's advantage to keep her. As shocking as it may sound Elissa seemed to grasp the concept of possibly keeping Amanda and using her as a shield.

    around 10:40pm bbt Amanda leaves and Andy enters.....Elissa starts telling Andy about the deal Amanda offered.....she seems to be considering it until-----Andy shoots it down and talks her out of it. For anyone who was hoping that Andy really might still be loyal to his week one alliance...your hope is gone. Andy was presented with a plan that would save Amanda and he turned it down and shot it down.

    11:10pm bbt CAM 1/2 On the patio with most house guests present GM says.....Just don't listen to anything she says just laugh at her. (There's that "good heart" showing again!)

    Good morning Carolyn....I don't know how you do this but I'm really glad that you do.

    Thanks so much for everything you do!

  37. Carolyn I had no idea that you have RSD too. I have it full body and have lived in my recliner for the past 5 years. I so admire you being able to ride a bike with this awful disease. The best I can do is walk with a cane around the house. Outside the house I must use a wheelchair or scooter.

    I had to laugh at Amanda being upset at McCrae for only saying 'I'm sorry' after using the veto on himself. Doesn't she know by now that most men say as few words as possible if they can get away with it?

    I really, really hope Elissa has wised up to Andy and stops telling him her every thought. If she had any idea about the way he talks about her she would be devastated. Andy is the biggest floater to ever play the game. I hope he goes out after Amanda on Thursday.

    I also hope McCrae will stay out of bed long enough to play the game. He has done nothing so far to show what a fan he is. A true fan wouldn't be sleeping 20 hours a day, they would be out there playing with all their heart.

    I loved Judd for most of the game but since his return he is running scared. I know they broke his heart when they evicted him before and I really think he lost his edge. I hope he finds it again.

    Okay, after just reading the TOR...there is no way Elissa came up with that on her own to save Amanda. DR had to have led her in that direction. They must have told her the show would be too boring if Amanda gets voted out and they would lose even more in the ratings. Or the fact that Amanda is the one that is supposed to make it to F3 might be coming into play here. Production had to do something to keep her and this could be it. Evil Dick has been saying all along that they will lead the game in whatever direction they want it to go. Now I guess I just might believe him.

  38. Candles

    Amanda came up with it. If DR played a role it was in persueding Elissa to think about it

  39. Haven't read everyones post but it could have already been said. As a second vote for Amanda this would keep pizza boy from coming after her if he wins the next HOH? Then of course as I had posted before she's just stringing Amanda along so she won't torture her until eviction night.


The Golden Rule: Please be kind and respectful to one another. Leave the drama to the House Guests. Personal Attacks on other Commenters & Bloggers & HGs- Whether Direct or Indirect, Racist, Misogynistic and Homophobic comments will not be published.

Simply put: Keep it clean, Be nice & Have fun :-)

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, I say Thank You, Thank you, Thank you!!!!