The Overnight Report
Good Morning, Big Brother lovers. Happy Thursday! Happy Live Show Day!! And hopefully... Happy Double Eviction day! If they use the questions from the survey we filled in the other night, tonight's HoH will be a total crap shoot... Scary!!!
Because there are so many preemptions across the country, we'll be Showing the Live Show here on BBDish, live at 8pm eastern/5pm BBT. Hope to see you then!
In my morning jaunt over to ebay, I found a few interesting items, some BB related, some not... First off, the auction for Dr Will's Winning Key got pulled yesterday and had to be re-listed. Here's the new link for that: Click Here to View &/or Bid. Talk about owning a piece of BB history... and having the opportunity to help BB2's Krista Stegall write a fat check for a Domestic Abuse safe house! To view all of the current BB related auctions, click here.
From the world of The Amazing Race, Kynt & Vyxsin have a cute "buy it now" offering of signed, custom photos... Pretty clever idea, actually. :) They will hold up a sign with your name, the name of your band, the name of your business, the name of you girlfriend, name of your store, whatever you want them to hold up that is NOT profane... Click here to check out TAR's Team Pink. ;)
Another very cool (but completely unrelated) celebrity charity auction: Will & Grace's Eric Mc Cormack's Porsche Boxster is being auctioned off to raise money for Project Angel Food. Check it out. ;)
OK.. on to assembling the Overnight Report I go...
9:15-9:30pm BBT
HoH Bathroom
Memphis & Dan
Dan's having a bath when Memphis comes up to talk... He's nervous about Renny.
Memphis: I wanna talk to Keesha.
Dan: Bring her up.
Memphis: She's with Renny... I'm worried about one of them getting HoH, and who they would put up. I worry that Renny might put one of us up against Jerry, instead of putting Ollie up.
Dan: Go get Keesha, dude.
Memphis goes and gets Keesha to come up to HoH.
Dan: Has Michelle approached you?
Keesha: Yeah.
Dan: Got any new stories for me?
Keesha: No... I saw Ollie talking to Renny though.
Dan: Does that concern you?
Keesha: A little bit. I don't think Ollie would ever put Renny up.
Dan: I wonder if Renny would ever put Ollie up.
Keesha: I'm not really sure, but I wonder too. I'll have to find out. I was talking to Ollie too, but we weren't talking game.
BB: Michelle, please come to the Diary Room.
Memphis: I'm sure about you, but I'm just not sure about Renny. It wouldn't be a good idea for Renny to win HoH tomorrow.
Keesha: Yeah.. Now she has no enemies in the house, but if she wins tomorrow, she'll have to put them up... I feel like I have to win.
Memphis: Me too.
Meanwhile, downstairs, Renny is sitting on her bed, waiting to be called back into the Diary Room.
Keesha: I'll talk to Renny.
Memphis: I just don't wanna have to worry about someone on my own alliance nominating me.
- ***lol.. um.. like Dan did?
Memphis (cont'd.): Also, just so you know.. There was no deal with Jerry.
Keesha: oh, I know there wasn't.
Memphis: I'm just concerned that Renny believed there was.
Keesha: Michelle's been trying to convince both of us about that all day. Renny gets jumpy, but she usually does the right thing in the end.
Dan: Yup.
Keesha: I'll go see how she feels about Ollie...
Keesha leaves HoH.
9:30pm BBT
Hippie Room
Renny & Keesha
Keesha: Dan's a moron. He's up in HoH, sitting in the bathtub, and he asked me if I wanted to play basketball.
Renny: That dude has the hots for you.
Keesha: No. He has the hots for Monica.
A little more small talk, then...
Keesha: Are you ok?
Renny: I'm just thinking... If Jerry or Ollie get HoH, they're gonna put up Memphis or Dan... They want them out!
Keesha: You think so?
Renny: (into her mic) You can call me in the DR now if you want.
BB: Renny, please come to the Diary Room.
Meanwhile, up in HoH, Dan's out of the bathtub, and talk has turned to Jerry, who they've been watching on the spy screen. Both agree they do not feel badly for Jerry at all.
Memphis: He's an a--hole, dude. If he was a sweet old man, I might feel bad, but he's a dickhead, and he's mean, and he's a liar.
Talk turns to the upcoming week... They're getting closer to the prize, and Memphis is nervous he'll be out too soon.
Memphis: Ollie or Jerry are not going to put up Rennny or Keesha. Do you honestly think they're not gonna put me on the block?
Dan: I can see Jerry putting me and Keesha on the block. I planted some seeds with Jerry that you would be after me for putting you on the block... and Jerry has been talking about Keesha all week. Of course, this was before I put Michelle up, but since then, he hasn't come up to talk to me at all. It doesn't make sense.
9:40pm BBT
Renny's out of the DR. Renny & Keesha are chatting. They move from the Hippie Room and find Michelle crying in the 50s Room. Renny gives her a big hug and holds her...
Michelle: If I was put up from the beginning, I could deal with it, but not this way... I just don't understand it. I don't get why Ollie wasn't put up. It doesn't make sense... I feel like Dan made us all turn on each other...
Michelle gives it the college try, again promising Renny and Keesha safety for next week from both her and Ollie if they'll keep her.
9:45pm BBT
HoH Room
Memphis & Dan
More chatter about their dwindling numbers, then the possibility of a luxury comp and...
Memphis: There could be a double elimination coming up too...
Dan: (mimics Ollie) "I gotta win this for April." Then why'd you drop, dude?
Conversation turns to Renny and Keesha and the final 3.
Dan: Sometimes when you talk to Renny, she's kinda cocky. Who would you rather have in the final 3?
Memphis: (without hesitation) Keesha.
Dan: That earthquake competition opened my eyes about Renny big time.. She is much more hard-nosed than Keesha.
They talk about Keesha in the 2nd endurance comp.
Dan: She kinda let something slip though. She told me she saw the look in my eyes and Ollie's eyes, and she knew...
Memphis: No matter what, I'm pumped for this week. It's gonna get crazy.
10pm BBT
Backyard Couch
Ollie * Michelle
Michelle briefs Ollie
Michelle: I don't know what Memphis is thinking about. He knows Jerry's comin' after him. I told Keesha and Renny that if they all know you're coming after them, then why am I on the block?
Ollie: If you leave like this, they will pay for it. Do they know I wont come after them?
Michelle: I mentioned it.
Ollie: I wanna talk to Renny one more time. I'll tell her that if she votes to keep you, I wont put her up... But I think Keesha is still afraid I might go after her...
Michelle: I told Keesha she'd be safe next week.. I even told her I'd be ok if she put me on the block again... but Keesha told me she didn't know who she'd put up.
Ollie: That's bs.
Michelle tells Ollie how nice Keesha and Renny have been tonight, hanging out with her, sitting on her bed, etc.
Ollie: See?! They don't think it's fair either!
Over the next 2 hours, from 10:20pm til about 12:20am, Ollie and Michelle try to convince Keesha and Renny, both separately and together, that keeping Michelle is in their best interest.
Also during this time, Keesha goes in to the 80s room to talk with Jerry. They bury the hatchet and have a nice talk, which is 99% chatter.
10:55pm BBT
Ollie & Renny
Here's a bit of Ollie's pitch to Renny...
Ollie: We only need 3 votes. I already talked to Keesha. Keesha said she doesn't want to vote Michelle out. If she'll do it, and we have the votes, will you vote to keep Michelle?
Renny: If Keesha would do it, I can tell ya, you'd have the votes.
Ollie: That's 3. I think you need to talk to Keesha and tell her you're ready to do it.
Renny tells Ollie she knows he's trying hard to save Michelle, and turns the talk to April...
Ollie: But she got a chance to save herself.
Renny: So did Michelle!
Ollie: Michelle got put up after a deal with me went sour.
Renny: Talk to Dan... Keesha and I are gonna get blamed for this.
Ollie: It's the same numbers, just different sides. You'd have me and Michelle on your side. You know you're the first one they're gonna drop. They're just using you for another vote right now.
Renny tries to let him down easy...
Renny: Ollie.. I understand you. You are trying and trying and trying, but you need to worry about yourself in this game. You need to move forward. There are other ways to avenge.
Ollie: I plan to.
They rehash the same stuff for a few minutes, then...
Renny: If Michelle gets voted out?
Ollie: Nothing changes as far as the targets go.
- ***Umm.. you're working for Michelle, right??
Ollie: If Michelle stays, it benefits you with the numbers.
Renny: It could be a double eviction.
Talk continues, and again Renny tries to soften the upcoming blow...
Renny: You cannot take responsibility for what went down in a deal that went sour with Dan..
OK.. as I said, Ollie and Michelle spent the next 2+ hours intermittently and repetitively pleading Michelle's case to both Renny and Keesha, together and separately, whenever they were available.
Here's what went on besides that...
11pm BBT
Hippie Room
Dan & Memphis
The boys are getting very nervous about tomorrow, and they're eavesdropping on Keesha's chatter with Jerry.
Dan: I wonder if Michelle tried to make one final stab at it.
Memphis: You're paranoid.
Keesha enters the room. Memphis & Dan tell Keesha about Renny coming up to hoH earlier and asking why Dan put Michelle up instead of Ollie.
Memphis: It's because she's more of a competitor.
Keesha: That's what Ollie keeps saying... "Why didn't I go up instead of her?" (whispers) Is Renny having doubts? I went to Jerry and asked him what his deal was...
They decide to go up to HoH, so they can speak freely.
Up in HoH, they all discuss how fierce a competitor Michelle is, much more so than Ollie... and their Renny worries resurface.
Memphis: I'm concerned about next week... If Renny wins HoH, I'm concerned one of us may go home.
Keesha: I'm going to try my best to win tomorrow. We need to stop worrying about things that haven't happened yet and focus on winning. If one of us gets it, then we don't have to worry.
Dan: Maybe I trusted (Renny) too much... It's hard to stomach... I made her safe, I'm taking out someone who's a huge threat, and she's questioning me about it?? Whatever. She can do what's best for her.
Keesha: It looks like I ned to have a talk with her tonight.
Dan: No. Don't worry about it.
Keesha: We knew they were gonna try talking to us.
Dan: Talking is one thing. Pondering and considering is another thing altogether... but.. whatever.
11:25pm BBT
HoH Room
Memphis & Dan
Dan: I am beginning to question everyone in the house except you.
Memphis: We can't psych ourselves out. Renny may be talking to Ollie, but just listening... Even Keesha talking to Jerry... I know he thinks we're big threats.
Dan: If we do make it to final 4, I will take pleasure in getting rid of Renny.
Memphis: I think Keesha would vote her out at that point.
Dans says they have to scrap the "scare the crap out of Jerry" plan.
Memphis: If we'd tried to get Ollie out, Renny wouldn't have done it. She's keeping him around for a reason... I just wish we could trust Michelle. It'd be such a different story.
Dan: She proved herself untrustworthy. Her actions... She acts with such vengeance.
They acknowledge that Michelle has been calmer the last couple days, while she's been trying to get herself some votes, but it's too little, too late.
11:30pm BBT
Around the house...
- Hippie Room - Keesha's telling Renny that the boys said the reason Michelle went up instead of Ollie is because she's a fierce competitor.
- Diary Room - Dan
- 50s Room - Ollie is gay bashing Memphis and Dan... again. Jerry gets in on it too.
11:45pm BBT
Spa Room
Keesha & Renny
Keesha: Who are you voting out? Michelle, right?
Renny nods in the affirmative.
Keesha: Memphis and Dan look like they are about ready to crap their pants tonight.
Renny: Mm hmm.
Keesha: It's weird. I've never seen them like this before.
Renny: They're using people to stay safe... I wanna know what they're saying.
Keesha: Nothing. They just look really nervous. I have never seen them like this. Something isn't sitting right with me... like I kinda feel like..
Dan enters. Conversation stops.
Midnight BBT
80s Room
Jerry & Ollie
After a rousing session of extremely vulgar Keesha, Dan and Memphis bashing, Jerry and Ollie move to the 80s room to talk game. They ponder the possible HoH comp and discuss their strategy moving forward.
Ollie: Whatever the HoH is, it'll be small. They haven't locked us in yet. If it's elimination for a wrong answer, just wait 'til they knock themselves out.
Michelle & Keesha
Michelle makes another attempt.
Michelle: You're voting me out, right? You know they want the 2 of you gone. Keesha, if there's ever been a time to make a move, it's now. If not, one of you two is gonna be following me into the jury house. That's the truth.
A few minutes go by. Michelle heads out to the hammock. Keesha joins her. Then Renny. Michelle makes another full court press, again emphasizing that Dan and Memphis really want to get rid of the 2 of them, and they're just using them, etc...
Renny hangs out and listens a few minutes, then excuses herself to go to bed.
1:45am BBT
Ollie & Michelle
Michelle: have to get Renny & Keesha on my side, or I'm out. I'm not even talking to Dan anymore.
Ollie: Come on girls, come on...
Michelle: I can't hear you, f'ers.
Ollie tells Michelle how nervous Dan and Memphis are getting. It became very apparent when they summoned Keesha up to HoH earlier...
Ollie: They may have threatened her.
Michelle agrees. Talk turns from saving Michelle to Dan's plant status.
Ollie: It's no secret he's the plant. But it wont come out til he's evicted. He must wanna go home now. He screwed everyone over in one week. He woulda had a better chance if he put me up. I was screwed anyway. If Dan leaves next week, something will happen.
Michelle: They can't do that with the plant. There are too many fans that would be pissed.. They f'ing helped him!
Ollie: Roulette was not a coincidence.
Michelle: That was crazy. Mother f'ing crazy.
Ollie and Michelle continue this conversation and how they've been screwed over by Big Brother and America and the PoV Ceremony and America's Player...
2:05am BBT
Around the house...
- Ollie and Michelle head in to go to bed.
- Dan's up in the HoH, and he's just about finished his little craft project of creating a fake PoV symbol... He's wondering if he'll be able to use it to fake people out and possibly save himself from a possible renom nomination.
- Renny, Memphis and Keesha are sleeping.
This concludes the Overnight Report, and it's a good thing, because it's now 8:43am BBT, and BB is waking the HGs!
if keesha decides to keep michell all that wud do is make her getting to the final four more difficult, why wu u want to do that at this point?
Good Morning Carolyn!!
Noni- Sorry I'm a little late, Last night was a little scary for you! I'm glad you're OK and I hope you're feeling better this morning!
How are all of you doing in the hurricane's path? All set and prepared?
I'm looking forward to tonight! I need to make sure I clear of my DVR to record everything around BB time to make sure I catch it!
just wanted to wish all a good morning and congratulate you, carolyn, on the arrival of isabela. (i assume she is here by now). weird, isn't it, how you can love someone before you even know them?...
i also wanted to tell noni, if she shows up today, that i read what happened to you testerday and, noni - i'm sure you are probably still shaking...way to be strong and do exactly what you needed to do in that pool. so glad those men were nearby - i agree with someone who posted yesterday...not so sure these things are coincidence.
great day to all.
Good Morning!
Oh my goodness you are up so early every morning and late so night, Miz Carolyn! I don't know how you do it. But know that your dedication is much appreciated!
Morning Carolyn! You busy blog bee you! :)
Morning everyone! How exciting will today be? We hold the fate of our favorite House Guest tonight based on what we answered. I am scared for them!
I wrote a little something...
Isabela Carolina
We welcome you to the world
Isabela Carolina
You beautiful little girl
Isabela Carolina
We all hold one wish for you
Isabela Carolina
That your dreams will come true!
Good Morning! Can't wait for tonight, its going to be great!
Good Morning Carolyn! ;)
I can't wait for the show tonight! Thank you for showing it on the site, as football will be on here...
Have a question for ya, are you still doing your survivor dish blogspot? I just went over there, and noticed it hasn't been updated, but the cast is out now, so wasn't sure if your still going to be doing it or not?
Hope you have a great day!!!
Good Morning Carolyn, Hope the new niece is well and crying like the wee darlin it is..
Cant wait to see tonights show...I hope that Ollie and Michelle's I feel bad crap went over like a lead balloon.
Happy Eviction Day to all and a very Good morning to Carolyn... Lil bit off topic here but has anyone met up with the new cast of Survivor cbs has posted their bio's
Good Morning Carolyn!! ☺ ☺ ☺
GOOD MORNING CAROLYN, and all the rest of the gang...
Happy Eviction Day!
I'm up early in anticipation of tonights show...looking forward to the updates, although after dark didnt seem to show any deep dark secrets other than ollie and michelle putting doubt in renny's head..will it work?
I know it's been said over and over but Jerry is absolutely vile. The things that come out of his mout disgust me. Last night, right before BBAD ended, he was telling Ollie that Keesha came and was being nicey-nicey and that she was just trying to get info out of him to report back to the others. Then, he said, "She thinks she can use her p*ssy to control me? My d*ck don't need you anymore, I'd rather..." then made a gesture. What a repulsive old man...I'm stunned. He also said last night (to Keesha in fact) that when he asked Joanne if she watched BBAD, she said, "Wellll" That's probably because you are humiliating her, Jerry! You grabbed April's boobs the very first day and the way you talk about the women in that house makes you look like a sick old creep. If that were my husband, I don't think I would have even taken the phone call from him! LOL
I am so happy that I found the Dish last season! I don't know how I ever lived without you. Your coverage amazes me...weekends and all. How do you have the time? Seriously, I'm baffled by your thoroughness. Is the Dish your full-time job? How do you do it?
Morning Carolyn,
I will be front and center at 5PM BBT watching the live feed. Have a wonderful day my friend.I got tickets for BB on Sept 9th a Tuesday...WOOO HOOOOOO
Peace and Blessings to you..
i pray mecheal goes home and that renny or kesha hasnt got talked in to keeping her
come on mem dan renny and k
I sure hope Renny isn't starting to second guess her vote!
Good morning Carolyn and fellow BB lovers! Exciting day today...I can't wait!
Hope everyone has a safe and happy day today :)
Good Morning Carolyn Darlin, Once again I missed the evening banter. Had to go add a few things for preparedness. Found out I am getting another relative if the storm comes our way. Also found out hubbie is working at the plant during the storm. They report Sunday morning and will be living there for at least three days. So I also needed to add food items for him to take with him. So again I think I am ready, unless they throw something else unexpected at me.
So were there any storms in the BB house last night?
Good Morning Carolyn,
Did the baby come yet? hope you have a very happy Thursday and I hope we see Michelle and Ollie leave today!!!
Also Good Morning to all my other addict friends!!!!
Good morning Carolyn,
Is there any news on your friend's baby yet?
Noni I hope that you have recovered from the shock and that you are feeling better this morning. How is your back?
Hi, Dishers!
This is my first post on the site so first of all I want to thank Carolyn for all her hard work! I found this blog in the middle of BB9 and I've been hooked ever since!
Anyways, I really hope Keesha and Renny are just telling Ollie what he wants to hear, and not actually considering flipping the house. Getting Jerry out this week would just be a waste of HoH! Plus, it would put the Renegades (Dan + Memphis) at a disadvantage as far as numbers go in the upcoming HoH competition. (And if it's a crap shoot, having more numbers really matters!)
I am getting sick of Memphis. He is constantly complaining about Renny, but if the situation was reversed, he would put her up faster than BB could change cameras. It is OK for him to doubt Renny but not for Renny to doubt him. I so hope he gets the boot before the final three. I almost wish they would get rid of him before they get rid of Jerry.
I just want to thank you guy's for this site. The work you put into it is greatly appreciated. For those of us who's lives don't allow us to keep up with the feeds, your hard work makes it easy for us to stay on top of the house happenings.
Keep up the good work!!!!
hello guys and gals,
i have tried to ask a 2 questions in the last two days and havn't gotten answered on either occasion so i am hoping someone will feel sorry for me and give me some info.
i have checked the myspaces of the players and some have signed in in the last couples of days. does anyone know how that could be other than someone doing it for them? dan and memphis both have checked their's. keesha hasn't since june.
Renny is the weakest in that alliance and can be tempted by Ollie. I'm praying that Memphis or Keesha wins HOH.
I just can't stand the thought of Renny doing something stupid this close to the end. I think she is a wild card and would put up Memphis or Dan instead of Ollie.
I think she showed her hand when she had HOH and asked people about being a pawn.
And why shouldn't Renny be questioning everything, Dan and Memphis? She has to know that she's on the bottom of the Final Four totem pole and Dan acted crazy all week. So, she's mature enough to not be taken in entirely by his boyish charms. And she is 100% right about Memphis - he will cut her as soon as he no longer needs her. So kudos to Renny even though I think she should slap Ollie and tell him to get over the fact that he was played, plain and simple. She feels bad for Michelle but that doesn't mean she's not going to do the right thing. Why those boys feel she should just get in line and not question anything bugs me.
I still believe Michelle is going bye-bye. I really hope that Ollie is next. That will leave us with Jerry, Memphis, Dan, Keesha, and Renny. While is dislike what Jerry has acted like in the last week, I think its his way to cling onto someone. Prior to this week, he spent a lot of time alone. He didn't talk with anyone, he isolated himself. I know Jerry won't win BB10, but I would like to see him stick around. I like the Memphis/Dan combo, but to be honest, I'd like to see it broken up ... with Memphis getting evicted.
Here's My Eviction Wish List. In this order.
1. Michelle (reminds me too much of Amber).
2. Ollie (way too over the top, a bigot, doesn't deserve to win.
10x worse than EvilDick. People may disagree, but after this week Ollie will just get worse as time goes on).
3. Memphis
4. Jerry
5. Keesha
That leaves Dan and Renny. In able for this to happen that means that Memphis needs to win the very short HOH, in which he'd put Ollie and probably Jerry up. That would send Ollie out the door. Then Renny would need to win the next HOH to send Memphis home (other wise Jerry will end up going home). To be honest I don't know who Renny would put up other than Jerry. I guess we'll see.
Good morning Carolyn!
Good morning everyone else!
I'm so nervous. Between tonight's eviction(s) and figuring out what Gustav is doing, I'm a mess.
Have power packs in all outlets and refilled lots of bottles with filtered water. Now I am making a Gustav voodoo doll al la Jerry!
Last night on BBAD was crazy! Michelle and Ollie were like right after the other...waiting to pounce on Renny and Keesha. Poor Renny couldn't even take a shower without telling the dude to go away and she would talk to him later. It seemed pretty relentless, I hope it didn't work. I can't wait for the live show tonight.
Good Morning, Everyone!! :)
Isabela Carolina has arrived!! :)
Anon @ 8:04 - usually they have someone else monitoring their sites. Dan mentioned once that his sister is taking care of all of that for him.
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Auntie Carolyn!
anon@6:08 re Michelle's record - I'm not sure if that is the same Michelle Costa. first, the birth year is wrong - she's only 28 right? This person is 31. And, secondly, Michelle has made a big deal about how she doesn't have a middle name - they were even trying to create one for her. This person on the record is listed as Michelle F Costa. ??? Could be a different person. Or, it could be her...who knows...
Good Morning Carolyn and All the Big Brother Dishers.
Eviction Day....YAY!
Good Riddance...Michelle
Anon at 8:04
Yes they have someone keeping up with their myspace pages while they are in the house. I remember Dan and someone else talking about it.
Bryan...Angela, I agree with your removal list. I would love for Memphis to be evicted before Jerry, and for Dan and Renny to be the final two.
to the Anon re: Michelle and the court system:
Are you sure that is the correct Michelle? I know that if you go to a county in the state I live in and do a record search on my name, some pretty serious stuff pops up, but it's not me.
How common is her name? I'm not trying to argue, just giving the benefit of the doubt.
I don't think BB would allow someone who has a known assault record into the house.
Good Morning all. ... Especially Dear Sweet Carolyn... I'm calling for a water balloon moratorium today :p~~ (because I doubt Noni wants to read anything about water.)
Noni!!!!!!!!!, I just read what happened to you. I can't begin to imagine how frightening that was. Thank God you are alive and able to tell about it.
I've only had one near-drowning experience.... did you seriously think I had no way to turn this around to be about ME?... when I was in grade school and we lived on a 'farm' our pond was our swimming hole, and I was required to wear some form of life jacket anytime I went alone. One day I chose a ski belt and while doing flips in the water... I was like an only child so I played with myself a lot... (heh, still do that a lot, just in a different way... p~~. ) Anyway, I flipped over in that ski belt and thought I was going to drown. I panicked which made it worse as I fought to upright myself.
Sorry, I seem to always make it about me when I should just say thank God you are alright. You REALLY need to go to the doctor and get some antibiotics such as Bactrim, because of the bacteria you swallowed/inhaled. Anything growing in your lungs could easily turn into pneumonia. And have your back checked out. I could make this about me again with early detection of any back injury but I won't. ;)
Now, back to reading the overnight so I can comment if needed, then on to the current post to catch up with the day.
It's not her. Her DOB is 12/79. THe person listed on that record was born in 1977.
Michelle Costa is a contestant on the reality television show Big Brother 10 that airs on CBS. Costa considers herself very opinionated and willing to stand up for her own views. She stood up at her brother's wedding to object to the union. Costa comes from a very large Portuguese family. She was a boxer for seven years and considers herself a sports-oriented person. Born: December 29, 1979
Hey guys, let's seriously stop the discussion about Michelle and any court charges. That appears to be a DIFFERENT Michelle Costa! That's one of those rumors, that if untrue, can really be bad news.
MikeInBama, thank you. I needed my morning tush fix and you always oblige so willingly :p~~
I am with you on worrying about Renny and what she might do if she gets HoH. She said weeks ago she really likes Ollie. That makes me worry even about tonight's first eviction because she could easily flip it because she may want to go to the dark side with Ollie, thinking she is a sure winner over him if she could manage to take him to F2. I just don't trust her. But everyone here knows how I feel about her.
I can only hope she doesn't drag Keesha in that direction. If the votes go 2/2 we know Dan will do the right thing.
Now, to move on to the current post.
Good morning Carolyn... congratulations on the arrival of Isabela. What a beautiful name!
Noni... I am so glad you are okay! That took a lot of strength to fight that the way you did. I agree with Gaytor.. go get some antibiotics. Better to be safe than sorry. Gaytor, thank you for making me smile this morning. I SO needed it.
Everyone is Gustavo's path, please take care of yourselves.
As for BB, I too am worried. I don't think that O/M have swayed Keesha and Renny, but they have definitely made them think. I really would love for this alliance to make it to the final 4... but I think that is not going to happen. Too much infighting and mistrust. Jerry is infuriating me with his talk about the women.
Cannot wait for the show tonight. Already told me boss I was leaving here at 5pm, so I can be home in time! A girl has to have her priorities!
One of the questions for America to answer was who would be most likely to make counterfeit POV symbals to sell. Lo and behold, Dan is up in HOH crafting a fake POV thingy. Suspicious!
I especially loved Dan's antics LATE last night on the vetos. Making that fake veto was genius...not sure it will work, but it's still funny.
This is not Survivor Dan ... you can't fake a PoV necklace. What a dork!
Thanks for the TOR Carolyn, better me later than never.
so on BBAD I just heard an announcement the POV will start in 2 hours... right after BBAD is OVER!!!
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