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Thursday, August 11, 2011

BB13: HoH Competition Results and Aftermath, Aug 12

Good Evening BB Dishers!!

What an insane night it has been on the live show and on the live feeds! If you missed the insanity in the house after the show, please go to Holy Wack-a-doodle! After the Live Show.

8:55 PM BBT
The feeds went to Trivia.

Daniele has won the HoH.

10:15 PM BBT
Feeds back.

  • Kalia and Porsche are whispering in the kitchen.
  • Jeff, Adam and Daniele are chatting in the Candy room. They are talking about the HoH comp. It sounds like Porsche were the closest.
  • Jeff leaves and Adam asks Daniele if Lawon volunteered and says he voted that way because he didn't trust Lawon. (He's trying to backpedal and save his rear end.) Daniele says that she had his back last week because Kalia wanted to put him up.
10:31 PM BBT
Around the house.
  • Jordan and Jeff are in the Asylum room.
  • Daniele is laying down in the Candy room.
  • Kalia, Adam and Porsche are in the kitchen.
  • Rachel and Brendon join Shelly in the Purple room. Jeff joins them momentarily.
  • Porsche goes in to celebrate with Daniele.
  • Genie is going to bed!
See you all for in the morning for The Overnight Report™! Until then, spark up the live feeds; and if you don't have them, get them 3 day free trial!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Noooooooo. we just got Brendan back and now hes probably leaving again.

August 11, 2011 at 10:16 PM  
Blogger jane said...

No, Porche won.

August 11, 2011 at 10:16 PM  
Blogger Ginny said...

Yep, after dark started with Jeff & Jordan saying they can't believe she won. They have since shown Danielle with the key around her neck talking about her requests.

August 11, 2011 at 10:17 PM  
Blogger johnny5 said...

Another wasted week. I want Kalia on the block Stat!

August 11, 2011 at 10:17 PM  
Blogger sodapopp said...


August 11, 2011 at 10:17 PM  
Blogger Toni said...

Another interesting week coming up!!

August 11, 2011 at 10:18 PM  
Blogger jane said...

Sorry, it seemed like Porche from BBAD. But I'm happier it's D.

August 11, 2011 at 10:18 PM  
Blogger johnny5 said...

Sounds like a pov HOH where you guess how many gumballs

August 11, 2011 at 10:18 PM  
Blogger Syn928 said...

Well I got to be happy for 3 hours.

This should be more insane coverage this week.

Night y'all, thank you for keeping us so up to date all the time!

August 11, 2011 at 10:19 PM  
Blogger sodapopp said...

again pov is the deal

August 11, 2011 at 10:19 PM  
Blogger Michigan Man said...

Yay for Dani!!!!!

Not going to be the week many were predicting. I hope Dani dumps Kalia though. Think Dani and play this one right. One last chance to make a good game out of the bad one.

August 11, 2011 at 10:21 PM  
Blogger Pyke said...

Don't ever mess with a Donato, especially Danielle. You go girl!

I bet you she gets a ton of information this week, makes a deal with Brendon and Rachel, nominates Jeff and Jordan.

August 11, 2011 at 10:22 PM  
Blogger johnny5 said...

hey maybe K/D will screw up this week as badly as they did last week

August 11, 2011 at 10:23 PM  
Blogger Michelle in Indiana said...

Genie I am getting ready to leave. I love you and Carolyn and all the Dishers!
I will check in when I can. MWAH!

August 11, 2011 at 10:23 PM  
Anonymous kfield12 said...

happy dani won! keep the hg on their toes and keep the game interesting. i'm a fan of the jeff/jordan/adam/shelly/rachel/bren alliance but if one of them won, this season would of been too easy for them, like last years brigade. hope bren gets sent right back out cause i like him and rachel apart.

August 11, 2011 at 10:25 PM  
Blogger Stephanie from the West Coast said...

Seriously? Like Literally? 100%

August 11, 2011 at 10:26 PM  
Blogger Rick said...

Holy Crap!!!! I really wish I could have seen that HOH.... you can always count on BB to "spice things up" :)

August 11, 2011 at 10:27 PM  
Blogger Twisted Kitty said...

Hi! Long time lurker here. I found your site a few years ago and it is by far the absolute best site. I got the feeds thru you, but with spotty internet, your site has given me everything I need, and want, to know.

Caro & Genie...you're incredible! I don't know how you do it all! I am in awe of you two! And the fact that you have rules and stick by them is what's kept me coming back. Thank you!

And thank all you BBDishers for being kind and respectful, no matter how much opinions differ. You are all wonderful people, even if I don't agree with some =D

August 11, 2011 at 10:28 PM  
Blogger Kimmie said...

I really hate this! i would so love for someone that hasn't had hoh to win it. so tired of the lather rinse repeat thing. Is this BB or is this the Dani show?

August 11, 2011 at 10:29 PM  
Blogger *Lisa* said...

It does kind of suck that she won because it's going to be a repeat of the past two weeks in terms of nominations/evictions. I SO badly wanted kalia on the block and out of the house, sigh.

Although Dani is a great competitor and she deserves to stay in the game, so I am happy she's safe this week.

August 11, 2011 at 10:32 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

Another week of Kalia parked on the HOH couch, and Porche will try to solidify her Dani bond, at least until someone else wins HOH

August 11, 2011 at 10:34 PM  
Anonymous Samantha said...

I'm not happy that Dani won. I wanted her to have to sweat it out this week after making such an epic mistake as she did last week with Kalia's HOH. Now, she gets to stay arrogant and Brendon will be right back out that door. I'm more worried about Jeff and Jordan though so I'll happily sacrifice Brenchel for them, but I have a feeling she's going to go after J/J this week.

August 11, 2011 at 10:35 PM  
Blogger Genie Sea said...

Night everyone!! I'm toast!

Enjoy the live feeds! :)

August 11, 2011 at 10:37 PM  
Blogger johnny5 said...

Good to see Dani's Smug level back to 200%
and Porsche, those tight track suits can only get you so far. I'm starting to get tired of her

August 11, 2011 at 10:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ugh, so she wins again. Im just happy she won't be able to play next week. But then again, her HOH and Kalia's was wasted. So technically. she'll be re-doing her HOH from two weeks ago. It'll be an interesting week for sure. Although Shelly looks worried.

August 11, 2011 at 10:38 PM  
Blogger Lucky13 said...

Weeeelllll... I fell asleep waiting for the HOH comp and I wake up to WHAT?????? UN.BE.
LIEVABLE!!!!!She's so cocky!! I hope a vet gets HOH next week and evicts her for her birthday!!! I am so sick right now!!! LITERALLY!!! Good night everyone!!

August 11, 2011 at 10:39 PM  
Blogger Twisted Kitty said...

I gotta say...Dani is a woman to be reckoned with in comps. It'll be very interesting to see who buddies up to her now that she's got the power again!

August 11, 2011 at 10:43 PM  
Blogger GaYToR said...

Finally, the post.

I can proclaim my happiness that Dani is HoH again! This is HoH 2.0 which I love.

I never felt the love for Rachel 2.0 and now we will see Rachel 2.0 go back to 1.0 probably before the night is over. Brendon is already working on reinstalling her.

I can't have everything go my way in one night but I'm happy that the most important of the two happened.

GEAUX DANI! Let the haters see what you are made of.


August 11, 2011 at 10:47 PM  
Blogger geewits said...

Yay!!! Finally something good happened on this horrid night.

August 11, 2011 at 11:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there!
Long time reader of this blog but rarely a poster.. I just first wanted to give a HUGE thank you for keeping this site going. I appreciate it so much because I don't have the live feeds myself!

I know people have their own opinions but I do have very strong opinions about old houseguests/players coming back in any reality game/show. In a perfect world, everyone gets a chance, so of course I've been rooting for the newbies. However, they've been disappointing me this season because they seem like they don't stand up for themselves as much as they should. I love Jeff and Jordan, but (1) Jordan won once already, (2) they've both been on "Amazing Race," and (3) Jeff has travelled "Around the World For Free"... My point is, they've had a lot of opportunities. This is why I wanted a newbie to win this season, and because Danielle is her on her own and went against her 'assumed' veteran alliance, I want her to win if one of the newbies don't.

I'm so proud of Dani for winning this HOH. She deserves it. A lot of the veterans seem to dish it but can't take it.. and although I love Jeff, I realize he can be a a bully, which is disappointing to see. Also, I never really understood why Kalia wanted to be on Jeff's good side again. She showed how competitive she was in the last few HOH competitions, so why did she feel so threatened? I was a little disappointed when she didn't stand up for herself. Like they always say "It's a game" so I think she should've just made big moves instead of trying to be nice and make everyone happy.

Oops sorry for writing too much!

August 11, 2011 at 11:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back to week 4........Bye Brendon. What a wasted twist, ahhaah

August 11, 2011 at 11:38 PM  
Blogger NikkiP44 said...

Night Genie - great news! Dani will keep the loony tunes going! Kalia wasted a week. Dani has to start her work all over again.

August 11, 2011 at 11:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea, go Danielle! Am I the only one who does not care for Jeff/Jordan? I personally think Jeff is a bully and Jordan's "innocent act" just doesn't do it for me.

August 11, 2011 at 11:53 PM  
Anonymous Lupo said...

Great, another week of watching kalia be happy and Porshe "floating" by.

What a waste of a big upper after Thursday show right into a big downer as I watch BBAD!

August 12, 2011 at 12:31 AM  
Blogger Krit said...

This season is bothering me. Also, I think I hate Dani purely because of the mouthing words/power whispering. It's wicked aggravating.

August 12, 2011 at 2:13 AM  
Blogger Didi said...

Hi All...
Haven't posted yet this year but have been following the best BB blog everyday...simply amazing coverage Carolyn & Genie. Special hi to Ms. Fitz :) & Hello to all my fellow dishers/friends from over so many years! And hi to all the new followers!!! You found the BEST site ever!!!

Real quick for my BB friends here I was in a car accident, and just went through the passing of some close family members, and then last week my friends husband unexpectedly passed at 47 with 3 little kids...having some issues at work, etc. etc. etc. We all have problems I know, but all of you loyal dishers have been so kind and thoughtful to me & I love all your comments, which are just hysterical at times!!

Also many of you were so comforting last August 25th when I suffered the huge loss of my baby boy Mr. Poop (my beloved kitty of 17 1/2 years), and then March 3rd I lost Ms. Princess suddenly (my baby girl of 18 years)...Sorry for the off-topic update, but you all have been so awesome over the years and this is the VERY BEST blog ever!!!

Onto BB. This year has certainly been interesting. I was one of the few Rachel fans last year and still am. Is she perfect? No, but I think deep down she is a good person & while seems immature and catty at times & emotional, I think she is still "finding" herself, and isn't a "bad" or "evil" person. She has just has issues that needs to work on like all of us and develop some better coping skills which is in my opinion altogether possible.

Which brings me to Dani. Deep down (I think) she has some real anger issues- maybe stemming from her childhood - I am certainly no shrink, just my opinion.

BB looks to cast people who can bring drama and entertainment to the show, no matter "who" they are as people and they certainly have done it this year!! lol.

I can't remember who commented (sorry) but someone said that regardless who our personal favorites are and who wins/loses comps we all still will be watching!!!

I think Danielle will do one of two things, in my opinion:
Easy out is to put up Brendon & Rachel, and if one of them wins POV put Jeff up as a re-nom;
Make another VET deal with Brendon/Rachel, Jeff/Jordan and put up Adam/Shelley/Porshe to prove to B/R and J/J that she can be trusted and further herself at least another week when she can't play HOH....

Have a great day everyone!

August 12, 2011 at 3:34 AM  
Anonymous Peppi said...

UGH...the mean girls are in power again...can't wait to see the comp on Sunday's show...another week of bashing in the HOH by Dani, Kalia and Porche:( I can't believe that Rachel is ready to deal with Dani after all the things that Jeff and Jordan did for her last week...looks like Rachel #1 is back in the BB house:(

August 12, 2011 at 3:42 AM  
Blogger Didi said...

Hi All...
Haven't posted yet this year but have been following the best BB blog everyday...simply amazing coverage Carolyn & Genie. Special hi to Ms. Fitz :) & Hello to all my fellow dishers/friends from over so many years! And hi to all the new followers!!! You found the BEST site ever!!!

Real quick for my BB friends here I was in a car accident, and just went through the passing of some close family members, and then last week my friends husband unexpectedly passed at 47 with 3 little kids...having some issues at work, etc. etc. etc. We all have problems I know, but all of you loyal dishers have been so kind and thoughtful to me over the years & I love all your comments, which are just hysterical at times!!

Onto BB. This year has certainly been interesting. I don't even know where to start, lol. I think I just have to comment on Lawon. Oy vey, lol, hee-hee, entertaining for sure, but, the look on his face when he realized there were no super powers, and he wasn't going to jury...I felt sad for him. But, this is a game...

I was one of the few Rachel fans last year and still am. I like many of you can't stand her laugh at times and all the "don't mess with my man" stuff and all the crying, but she is who she is, and I find her entertaining. Is she perfect? No, but I think deep down she is a good person & while seems immature and catty at times & is emotional, I think she is still "finding" herself. She isn't a "bad" or "evil" person. She has just has issues that need to be worked on, like we all do and develop some better coping skills; which is in my opinion altogether possible.

Which brings me to Dani. Deep down (I think) she has some real anger issues- maybe stemming from her childhood - I am certainly no shrink, just my opinion.

BB looks to cast people who can bring drama and entertainment to the show, no matter "who" they are as people and they certainly have done it this year!! lol.

I can't remember who commented (sorry) but someone said that regardless who our personal favorites are and who wins/loses comps we all still will be watching!!!

I think Danielle will do one of two things, in my opinion:
Easy out is to put up Brendon & Rachel, and if one of them wins POV put Jeff up as a re-nom;
I think her better game play mover would be to make another VET deal with Brendon/Rachel, Jeff/Jordan and put up Adam/Shelley/Porshe to prove to B/R and J/J that she can be trusted and further herself at least another week when she can't play HOH....

Have a great day everyone!

August 12, 2011 at 3:48 AM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Good MOrning, BBLovelies :)

Hi Jane :)

Hi Ginny! :)

Hi SodaPopp! :)

HI Toni! :)

Hi Syn! :)

Hi MIMan! :)

Hi Pyke! :)

Hi Michelle in IN! :)

Hi KField! :)

Hi Steph! :)

HI GayTOr :) hehehe

Hi Lauren! :)

Hya Peppi :)

♥♥♥Didi♥♥♥!!!! I'm so happy to see you. :)

Hi Krit :) - that it is...

Hi Lupo :)

Hello, Anon :)

Hi Nikki :)

Hi Anon :) Thanks for the great post!

Hi Geewits :)

Hi Anon :) re DE week - mmm.. i dunno.. 1st cup of coffee.. can't do math yet

Hi TwistedKitty! :)

Hi Lucky13! :) u n me both!

Hi Anon :)

Hi Johnny5 :)

HI Samantha! :)

Hi Linda! :)

Hi Miss Lisa! :)

Hi KScoot :)

Hi TwistedKitty! :) Thank so much!! I'm very happy to see you in the comments! Make a habit of it, eh?

August 12, 2011 at 4:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hopefully Danielle can fix the mistakes Kaila made and get Jeff or Brendon out. So so happy she got HoH!! Just maybe this year we can have all girl alliance and final

August 12, 2011 at 5:52 AM  
Anonymous BT in Dallas said...

Oh boy, here we go...B/R getting ready to throw J/J under the bus! So much for all the time Jordan spent trying to console Rachel during her hour of distress without "her fiancee" last week.

August 12, 2011 at 11:43 AM  

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