BBCanada: Live-ish Show Viewing Party
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~ Finito Las Gremlincitas ~ |
If you're in the US or on the West Coast, and you'd like to see the earliest possible airing of the Wednesday Show at 9pm eastern, here are the live stream links to make that happen:
I'll see you in the comment section at 9pm Eastern and all throughout the show! ☺♥-C
I'll be filling in the blanks as the show progresses tonight.. If you're out and about, feel free to refresh this post periodically, and new info will magically appear as it happens..
Live Show Live Blog:
- Arisa: "We are 2 weeks from the Finale."
- Arlie's Jury House... Clothing is optional
- We got to SEE some of the religious argument between Adel and Sabrina that they've been referring to all season.
Votes to Evict:
- Neda votes to evict Rachelle
- Heather votes to evict Rachelle
- Jon votes to evict Rachelle
By a vote of
is evicted from the
BBCan2 House
And Joins Arlie and Allison in the Jury House
HoH Comp: They've got to get through a tangled mass of ropes in freezing cold water. The winner will be revealed on the Sunday Show.. and tonight when the feeds come back on. Will they throw to Sabrina???
Arisa: "It doesn't look like your conventional endurance challenge, but believe me, it is."
Hello Carolyn*
Hello everyone*
Forgot there was a show last night :(
Hello Carolyn and Dishers! I am not sure who I want to win HOH tonight!
Thinkin my hellos got lost in space... :\
Just stopping by to say hey Caro! And thanks for this site and your live stream links.. I always come here for the streams every thursday, although i don't comment but a few times a season..
Thanks again
hello! soon with 50% LESS Gremlins!!
Hi Carolyn and BBDishers, I am finally able to join you for the Thursday night eviction and HoH competition. Should be a fun night.
Hi Pally!!! :0) *I* got lost in space.. stepped outside for a minute! ;)
Hi GoodTimes!! :0) Hmmm...
Hi DavidB! :0)
Hi Sam! :0) Indeed!
Hi Chase! :0) Thank YOU for popping in to say hi! I hope you'll stick around for BB16 too. That's when I go gangbusters on here.
now that was funny! :0)
This is so funny, at least Jon is getting some exercise out of it. Well done house guests.
Who are YOU rooting for tonight in the HoH Comp??
Sabrina for HoH, well very unlikely. Heather would be my 1st pick.
hmmm with Alison gone i have a hard time rooting for anyone else ....
I'm really looking forward to the new doctor show tonight at 10 on ABC.. (in Scandal's timeslot). It looks so good!
i definately think Heather is the dark horse
Carolyn is that Black Box, I'm going to watch that one too. The previews look intriguing.
Sam - yup :) it looks amazing to me.
David - Dark horse, how?
the overlooked underdog who could sneak up and win it all
I don't see the point in throwing the hoh..anyone that wins can put Adel up, why does it have to be Sabrina?
Hi Carolyn,
Hi Pally, David, Sam, Chase, Good Times and any Dishers that came after I posted...
Sorry I am late, and I am not watching either, so will be following your every word as to what is happening.
I saw that BBCAN2 is over in 2 weeks.. :-(
and our BB doesn't start for about 2 months? that's awful, how will we survive? hehe
I set my dvr to record black box too. Looks like it's going to be intense.
Pally :) There you are! I thought I'd lost ya.
I think they think it keeps Adel's blood off their hands, so to speak. If she's the one to nominate him, it just comes down to a choice between the Sloppies.
Hey Pammy!! I'm so happy to see you!
I'll be updating the post once eviction and HoH get going..
Hi Pam! good to see you*
Hello Everyone,
Finally get to watch the show and check in last several weeks work has taken over.
I'm hoping Sabrina gets HOH because then she won't be a player next week. My second choice would be Heather.
Thanks for all you do!
Hi Karen!! :0) I'm so happy to see you!
I want Sabi to win..I think they were going to throw it to her....
I also have DVR set for Black Box...look very good...
Individually the house guests must be calculating their chance to win against Sabrina....even with a sloppy seconds agreements.
Karen - if they're not, they should be... She's their only guaranteed win. Mayyyybe..
I agree with that assessment completely Carolyn. Although who knows....
I have a strong feeling tonight's HoH competition is going to end on Sunday on TV. Sigh.
Neda just doesn't click with the evicted in her goodbye messages. If she makes it to the final 2, I don't think she will get their votes.
Going to say goodnight, not leaving yet, granddaughter here and wants my attention and may nit be able to later...
Thank you Carolyn for doing this for us...
Sweet dreams everyone...
looks like knotty fun....
This will be a hard one to throw to Sabrina and look even semi real
I want to see the endurance! I hate this
Are you staying with the comp Caro? I have to leave in about 45 minutes to p/u my daughter from the airport.
In case you close comments I'll thank you for the show now.
Thank you Thank you!
Live feeds are back on
Hey Pally :)
Have a wonderful time with your daughter!
Unfortunately, the Canadians pre-tape the eviction show, so even endurance comps can't be seen on the feeds.. only the aftermath, which is where we are now. Jon won the comp.
Good night everyone! :)
Thank you very much for coming tonight!
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