Monday Big Brother Round Up
***(late monday night) Psst. If you've already read this post, make sure to check out the comments. Someone (anon) left a doozy of a rumor.
Happy Monday, Big Brother lovers! Is it just me, or is today feeling particularly Monday-ish? Must... have... more... coffee... Or maybe a clip of the coming attractions? A commercial, really. As expected, "together again" refers to Summer and Big Brother... or does it? For what it's worth, I really think it does.
How about an opportunity to own James' Big Brother Key & his Tightie Whities... Signed, of course.
The truly excellent news is, James has gone through the proper channels and registered his auctions through missionfish - the charitable donation section of ebay.
Even better? 100% of the purchase price is going directly to The American Breast Cancer Foundation.
Both auctions end today, so get over there and check em out soon! If you're reading this after Monday, June 23rd, the auctions are finished. Perhaps he'll list more soon.

Here's the link: TRD-BBDishin'.
As with all things TRD, it's very cool.
TheRealDeal will be dishing with us all season long, so it's a great idea to bookmark that link too.
Of course, I'll always remind you when he puts something new up too. :)

Hey everyone! Amanda from BB9 will be on the show Monday night for part 3 of her interview. She will be taking calls and answering any questions you might have for her!
Please click here to listen to Amanda Live!
If you want to call in and talk to Amanda the call in number is 347-326-9149.
- Bueno to all of you! I first want to say like always, i love you all and really really appreciate the support you all have provided. Tonight I'm doing the Schree & Baby show, and I hope you can all join me. I was going to wait to announce the miss myspace usa thing, but I couldn't hold out.. It is up and ready to be voted on. Here is the link.
Please everyone, I need your help.. Let's vote even harder than we did when people were fighting to get me back on BB! I love you, and I cant wait to hear from you tonight on the show!
This has nothing to do with Big Brother, but in light of George Carlin's passing last night, I thought I'd include a couple of his routines on death... Carlin was my favorite comedian of all time, bar none. Although I didn't know him personally, I will miss him and his comic genius all the same.
Enjoy the clips.
OK.. that's all I've got for the moment.
Have an excellent week! We're almost there!!
What a great tribute Carolyn....
Thanks, honey.
Can you believe I still haven't gotten my desktop back.. All for the best, I guess. It's forcing me to get familiar with the new laptop. ;)
I was at the taping of the second clip you posted of George. It is from this past March 1st, 2008. Just a few months ago in Santa Rosa, CA. "It's Bad For Ya"
I knew then it would be the last performance he would ever do and I am honored I was there.
Though he is now gone, he really will live on forever...
I did meet him a couple of times and he was the sweetest guy you could ever know. He loved life and loved his family...Thank you for that great tribute Carolyn.
Hmmm...keeping it clean and George Carlin...Kind of sounds funny!!!!
Missing George C.
And all ready to start hatin' on some new houseguests.
Hey everyone, I have some new BB10 information to share!
For personal reasons, I've decided to post Anonymously, but I'm a regular lurker of this site and have enjoyed it for quite some time now. We all get a kick out of the updates.
I'm here to give you a little information. I can't tell you how I know this information, simply because I don't want to put anyone (or myself) in jeopardy and I'm sure you understand, but trust me when I say that I have this information on VERY good authority.
First thing's first...
The "Together Again" ads mean nothing more than Summer + Big Brother. As far as I've been told, there's no hidden meaning to it. I'm guessing it's the network's way of luring back fans who may have been turned off by the winter season. Whatever the case, let's just get that out of the way first. No hidden meaning to the ads.
Alright, on to the real dirt...
Alli Grodner was quoted on BB9 finale night as saying "you will love it" regarding the twist of BB10. I know that I can't speak for all of you, but as a diehard Big Brother fan, I can say with complete honesty that she was telling the truth. This twist has been held very close to the vest and as a result it's too risky to leak it all (I know, I'm sorry!) but I can tell you this much: it twist involves mirrors and a "disappearing room."
The houseguests went into sequester sometime this past weekend. I haven't been told why it's such an early sequester. I didn't think to ask, but I'm assuming that the more detailed promos are about to begin airing...
As for the houseguests, the only information I know is that none of them are contestants from previous seasons, and there is a wide age range between all of them. I've heard that there's even a contestant in their 60's, but that's unsubstantiated. Anyway, the wide age range goes right along with the this year's theme of the house, which is essentially that each room has been decorated to look like it comes from a different decade/era. I haven't seen it myself, but I've heard it looks great and is very camera friendly.
Alright, that's pretty much all, everyone. Good luck trying to figure out the twist! You might think you have it figured out, but it's really more complex than it seems and I bet you'll never guess it. Have fun trying, though!
Wow! Exciting!
I must find out my blogger stuff again soon!! I can't wait!
WOW...interesting comments from anon.
Julie B
Wow! The Scoops keep coming! It's great right! I can't wait for BB10! Thanks for the info!
Carolyn - Check your email for some more juicy info.
And I thought I was just going to patiently wait for BB10. You have sparked my interest anon!! Hmm Just what could this all mean!? Hey Carolyn, I think we have a new game to play now once we get closer to the show! I'm gonna have to deliberate as to what this means and then comment later. Hooray for only 19 more days!!!
~ Ryan ~
Ohhhhhhhhh I love scoop teasers!!!! Let's see how this one pans out! Sure does sound cool though...
I have always hoped they hid a secret ear piece somwhere in the house that a HG could find to listen in on other HG"s but not tell anyone they found it or it would be removed!
aaah anonymous can you share the "more juicy info" that you sent Carolyn?!
bob - i'm working on amassing it all..
Caryoln, is the juicy info ready yet? Dying for more info!
Awesome Carolyn!
can't wait to see what else is in store.
James gave some scoop in his latest online interview at a site I won't mention. He did say that the rooms are 60's, 70's and 80's themed. Someone said maybe that means the ages of the HG's will be (born in) the 60's, 70's and 80's. James said, "Maybe" with a slight teasing hint to his voice. That would be interesting. :)
hey there....don't know if it is the kind of post you wanted to know about...but I put a few BB thoughts down over on my vid.. hope all is well
this is actually my first time posting. during the big brother season this is the first thing i do when i wake up or i keep refreshing till the overnight reports up! you truly do an amazing job! but anyways the reason im posting is that you NEED to get this extra info about season 10 up, i am DYINGGGG here!!!!
ok..its been 24 hours and I'm dying for more scoop. Please, please spill it! LOL
ok..its been 24 hours and I'm dying for more scoop. Please, please spill it! LOL
THREE weeks of sequester?? I thought the norm was about ONE week. That's an awful long time to be alone!
Oh good golly. I'm officially hooked and excited.
kelsey is excited.
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