BB10 Nomination Ceremony Spoiler & Followup
Feeds are Back!!!
@ 6:00pm BBT
Jessie & Angie
have been nominated
@ 6:00pm BBT
Jessie & Angie
have been nominated
6pm BBT
The live feeds come back to Angie and Dan still sitting in the living room. Angie is calm. She was expecting this. She says she's still gonna work out today.
Spa ROom
Jessie & Memphis
Jessie: I'm just gonna win PoV, dude. Think about it. They're 4 strong now. She just ran into 4 people.
6:03pm BBT
HOH Room
Keesha & Libra
Keesha: Michelle was so freaked out. She thought she was goin' up. Last key... I just don't wanna be alone with them right now. Jessie's got a bad temper, and I don't wanna be under attack.
Renny comes in. She offers them some pretzels.
April comes up too.
Libra: They were like, Oh my G-d.
April: Jessie was Shocked. DId you see his face?
Keesha: I wish I had seen his face. i couldn't even look.
Libra: Oh child, he was redddd.
Keesha: He put me as the number one key last week, cause he told me he trusted me.
April goes downstairs for a minute. She runs back up and reports that Michelle is PISSED. Slamming things around... red in the face.
Keesha: She was scared that she was going up.
Libra: I just loved the look on Jessie's face...
April: Everything you said was perfect, though. Perfect.
Keesha: I didn't lie about anything though.. Streaight up told it how it was... How did Angie slip through? Jessie's temper?
Ollie comes in.
Keesha: Hello Mr. Ollie.
Libra: Can you lock it?
Keesha is not gloating. She did not enjoy this process, and she says she tried to keep the ceremony as factual as possible.
6:13pm BBT
Spa Room
Jerry & Jessie
Jessie's finally back on camera... Spark up the feeds, folks. This night is just beginning!
6:38pm BBT
Spa Room
Michelle & Jessie
Michelle is a powder keg ready to blow. At the moment, she and Jessie are whispering about the whole situation. Jessie is contained, thus far. He's telling Michelle she needs to start working Renny, "She is a vote! She is a vote!"
Jessie says he wants to make sure Michelle doesn't become a target because of him, and he dances around asking her to use the PoV on him if she plays and wins it.
Jessie has yet to make his way up to HoH to talk to Keesha. Keesha just mentioned it a few minutes ago.
Jessie's telling Michelle he should go up there and say, "let's stick with the plan!"
6:44pm BBT
Angie joins Michelle & Jessie in the spa room
Angie: I'm surprised she blames you for Steven.
Jessie goes to talk to Memphis in the bathroom..
Jessie: I'm up, she's up, because of you.
6:52pm BBT
Memphis, Jessie and Michelle
Memphis is more riled than anyone right now.. The F bombs are flying. His anger is at Jerry, for talking behind his back.
Memphis goes over to the couch to talk to Angie.
Memphis: Whatever Jessie said up there to her, she didn't like it, cause everything was fine when I left.
6:55pm BBT
Libra's telling Keesha that she should feel free to walk around. There are bylaws in the rule book about that. Apparently, Keesha feels physically threatened by Jessie.
Jerry comes up to HoH to tell them what's going on downstairs. Also, he tells them that Jessie believes he got put up because of Jerry's argument with Libra.
- ***huh??
6:57pm BBT - FISHIES
Feeds are back at 7pm BBT
Drumroll please...
7:04pm BBT
Keesha's coming down from the HoH Room. Angie pulls her aside to speak privately in the Spa Room immediately. She apologizes for not coming up to HoH sooner, and says she does want to talk to her, but she also wanted to give her some space. They hug. Keesha thanks Angie.
Nomination Ceremonies usually take about an hour. I recommend you use it wisely... The feeds ought to be on fire tonight... Big F, Big I, Big R, Big E. You don't want to miss a minute!
If you're just trying out the feeds for the first time, make sure to take advantage of the special offer. Since the link had some issues last week, Real has extended the offer til the 28th of July. When you enter coupon code: BB10E0729 during Sign Up, you get 2 weeks FREE & then pay only 12.99/month. That's $2 off the already low regular monthly fee of 14.99/month. Here's the link that'll automatically fill in the discount code for you: BIG BROTHER - $2 Off Monthly Subscription
Seriously...I am so excited and happy over the prospect of Jessie on the block that I am not even making full words anymore. I am just making exclamatory yelps in my basement, lol!
~ Ryan ~
Ry lol! you're too cute.
Is anyone allowed to comment on why the no videos/copyright issue this season. I guess I missed what happened with that. I've just been sitting here going duh why no
Hey All...
Can't wait for the fun fun fun!
I just soooooooooo hope Jessie does indeed go up and that is who they decide to evict if he doesn't win veto or if Michelle does and takes him off!!!!
Jessie is so self absorbed. I hope he's on the block and gets sent home.
I hope some breaks some of Jessie's ego down a notch
I worled this afternoon come home to this and now have to go to a library board meeting since I am the librarian (but not on the board so can't vote but anyway) BUT I hope Jessie and somebody are NOMmed when I get back!!
Ooh Ooh I cant wait for the fireworks tonight!! The waiting is almost killing me!
I cannot wait to see how Jessie deals with being nominate and also how Michelle deals.
I saw her in the kitchen on the feeds before noms that she will go with Keesha's decision all the needed was to ask. Wonder what she will say now.
I am so excited to see Jessie throw a hissie fit I yelled loud and was laughing, fell off the couch and got attacked by the big bully!!!(74 lbs of bulldog hurts!) But it was well worth it ;)
Wish I could just see his face...hope Angie wins pov.
I fell into a burning ring of fire
I went down down down
And the flames went up higher
And it burns burns burns
The ring of FIRE
The ring of FIRE
i am pacing with anticipation :)
I can't wait, I can't wait I can't WAIT!!! This is going to be sooooo good!!!!
blueyz382 i can only answer in swahili, written in invisible ink.
rayrayfad Me toooo!
ddugo - can you please tell me why i'm here on my butt right now during the only time i could possibly be up? ;)
t - YUP!
Jay - so sayeth the Jay.
I believe thy will will be done.
davidhola senor.. how many jobs you got there, my friend??
shan in wa me too!!!
Lou ditto on both counts
Rhonda LOL! hope you're ok over there!
Zany! - Sing it, Sistah!
I am confused with CBS and the no YouTube thingy. No BB10, but Craig Ferguson is OK?????
divr - craig ferguson isn't the live feeds.
julieb. & jay - me tooo!
psstttttttt Carolyn your dog asked me to ask you to take him for a 10 minute walk :)
I'm at a friend's house while she does a live internet radio show. i'm sure they will hear me yell when noms come through.
ddugo - lol.. NOT my dog. I'm finally home after housesitting for 3 weeks for a friend who was in china!
zany - lol.. give a good holler!
Still nothing? UGGG, I cant wait to see Jessie's face. Im sure he will blame his body and because he is just hot and big for them and they are scared of his body and brains!
OMG,OMG, OMG! I can't believe how much I miss the feeds this season. I had to give them up while I am laid up with my back.No feeds,no Showtime, no ice cream, no special coffee. Sucks being stuck in the house too.
Tell me, tell me if Jessie starts foaming at the mouth.My imagination is running wild. Don't leave anything out.Michelle must be freaking too at the prospect of losing him.Sounds like we are definitely in for a wild ride.
Noni - Sorry about your back, hon. I know what you're going through... my spine is a land mine.
Glad to know i'm not the only one missing the feeds due to back problems........i so wanted to get them this year.
Dang CBS copyrighting. Umm hello? Don't they know some people can't afford to pay however much a month since they got a bajillion and one bills to pay off? Damn corporate people!
Wait...this won't affect TRD's weekly recap will it? If so, I will foam at the mouth! That is one of my most favorite things about Big Brother!!
~ Ryan ~
Ry - I've got a special request in for just that. Awaiting word.
LOL Same reason I don't have the feeds...back problems. Carolyn may have enough interest for a totally different blog here!
Being without ice cream might be the worse thing, though. Poor thing!!
Hello BB10 Commentators
Are You Ready To......RUMBLE!!!!!!
oh, Carolyn! You rock! a special request for TRD! I will keep my fingers crossed!!!
would love to get the feeds however I do not have high speed internet. Would they still work or would I just end up in tears.
Anybody having trouble with the feeds? I can get 99% and that's it.
Speaking of live feeds, when is Real gonna get their stuff working. Or I would imagine some like myself will not continue on beyond the 2 Week period.
You think they dont recognize the anxiety they are causing?
I'm glad she put Jessie up. He needs to be put in his place.
Hellooooo ? ? ?
any word on the nominees????
waiting on pins and needles ...
~ Tiff ~
as a reminder, I predicted this turn of events ... hee hee
only hope quiche-Ah sticks to the plan.
I also predict that jessie will self-destruct in a fit of paranoia if nominated, it's the juice, he won't be able to help it. ha ha ha!!
so jessie and angie are on the block
So wait when did Lib, Ape, and Keesh become BFF? (And I mean that in the most affectionate way I can muster btw)
Michelle is angry?? YAY!!
~ Ryan ~
btw ... any word on the fate of the hampsters from last season????
perhaps they're the secret ingredient in this season's slop ... =O
Pyke & Taj - coudja not, with the B descriptions of the women...
Ok, feeds are back.
OMG! this is taking soooo long. It better be good! Bye Bye Jessie....
Refresh the blog... Feeds have been back a few minutes.
Hmm, Angie and Jessie. I hope Angie wins POV, & if not, i hope the house realizes that jessie is a bigger threat.
Finally WE GOT GAME...SO pleased with the 1st HOH i know theres been a few but this is the first in my book.Although i cant stand Libra and would have LOVED to see her up JESSIE is just as good.IF anybody wants a good laugh, I mean a really good laugh please watch meatheads (the beach is that way)goodbye msg to steve OH MY GOD he should be evicted for that alone..... If they vote angie out over jessie that will trump the boneheads from bb9 decision to vote james back in for stupidest play ever......
To all you who said Keesha would play it safe, whadya say now?
Keesha better watch her back with Michelle ... that girl is the stereotypical high school bully, remember the type that hung out in the girls bathroom with her posse smoking menthal cigarettes and shaking down any freshmen girls who wandered in??? I can totally see her and Angie in red bandanas and leather jackets working over Keesha at 2 am. Where there's smoke there fire and I smell a whole lotta smoke come'n from Michelle's direction ... beware the evil one.
I'm doing a happy chair dance! Perhaps I do like the drama. It's been too calm this season, don't ya think???
refresh...smirk...refresh...smirk...refresh...out right giggle my butt off......its so nice to see his name mentioned as a nom. :0)
My bad about the B comment! Sorry, ladies.. I'm glad that Jesse and Angie are on the block. No two people are more deserving. Strong as they both are Jesse's mouth and demand of respect was tiresome. Angie just drama to me...
They ticked off the Cabby Mouth(Michelle) bet tonight is going to be fun fun for the HGs
I cannot express to you how much I want to see Jessie's reaction! The POV comp is gonna be rrrrrrrough!!
Oh how exciting.
Week three and this season is giving me a heart attack!!!!
and I like it ~rob
April continues to exhibit her dense thoughts. She is so man crazy, anything to impress Ollie. Natalie's relative?
Whoa i am just getting caught up, i had to go to taco bell...bye Jessie!
How short lived is Keesha's memory? Last week her attitude towards Libra, the week before her huge fight with April. And now she accepts them as best friends.
Hopefully now Michelle will see why she should of used the POV. She could of got Libra out then and that side of the house would not be as strong as they are now! And plus Steven would be there and a good chance he could of got in Keesha's ear about putting up April/Ollie.
I do like Keesha I just LOATHE her alliance. *shivers* Hopefully Jesse or Michelle will be going and if Angie and Memphis stay there is a chance they can team up with jerry & dan and who is ever left out of Michelle and Jessie.
Michelle should of used the veto! She trusted that side waaaay too much! I'm hoping Memphis kicks picked for the veto and wins and saves Angie and himself!
Hey April,
If I were Angie,Memphis or Michelle I'd be more worried about sleeping in the same room with you!!!
She's the biggest LIAR in the house!! Lying about everything people supposedly said (Brian, Angie, etc.)
I'd be afraid to sleep on my stomach for fear of that knife going in my back!!!
taking a popsicle break :)
God Bless Keesha for putting Jessie up!!...and God Bless Carolyn for making our night by letting us know :)!!
jeez will Jessie please shut hoo Craig Ferguson called me a "HoH" on national television. it was a joke get over it
I'm so HAPPY Jessie is on the block. Now I hope he doesn't win POV and everyone realizes this is their chance to get him out. I would worry more about Jessie coming after them instead of Angie.
I love it!! Jesse and Michelle are so freaked. It's nice to see them not so cocky. But, I'm tellin ya, that Memphis is trouble with a capital T.
I do like the noms....I don't like that they're all hiding up in HOH. If you stand by your decisions then stick by them with authority.
Carolyn? Do you actually sit in front of the feeds ALL day long for us?
My question is...this is the first season to have the feeds and I have to say...they Really annoy me.
Is the sound suppose to lapse every minute with the picture freezing all the time? How can anyone follow the exact words? Do I need to do something to correct this difficulty?
Thank God Keesha FINALLY rattled the House Rat Pack. They are having a wonderful meltdown!!
Liars, liars, pants on fire...they just said that the original plan was the floaters-Dan, Jerry AND Renny and that Jessie did what he wanted by throwing Steven into the mix. Not to defend a meathead, but Jessie fought to nominate Renny. Libra said absolutely not and Keesha's friends suggested Steven instead of Angie or Jerry because he was a bigger threat. If you outplay someone great-if they outplay you, deal with it. But what I hate is how every year we get these hypocritical people sitting around saying, "Look at them, they have an alliance, they're the bad people. We have to get rid of them." In the next breath they are talking about how strong their alliance is and how smart they are and what good people they are.
soo....who's the real target? jessie or angie? I'm confused...
How hilarious that Memphis doesn't think his alliance has been discovered yet! How funny that he thinks he can convince Keesha to backdoor Libra if Jessie comes off. How awesome that none of the meat-heads realize that Dan/Renny/Jerry are in the other alliance!
Loving it!
Point Being! Jessie Is On The block...drinks in hand??
I've had two shots in less than 1 minute..woohoo..anyone else..lets count em!
I can't believe that Jessie/Michelle/Memphis/Angie still believe the others don't know about their alliance. Delusional much??
I love the fact that Jessie said, "They forced us to be in an alliance." (Speaking of him, Memphis, Michelle n Angie) Seriously? Gahd, what a short n stocky n squared-butty tool!
~ Ryan ~
Did i read that right?? Jessie went up to Memphis and told him he's up and she's up because of him... pointing at Memphis??? I am not watching the feeds i am at work so a little clarification would be great. Thanks
Tara in CO
natvtxn - pretty much... with the exception of an hour here and there... been going since 8am eastern today, when i started going through everything for the overnight.
my back, eyes and brain are about cooked for the night right now.
I just wathced last night's live show ... and LOL @ Jessie's reason for why he started working out:
"the reasoning for when i started working out was for good purposes; i didn't want to start doing, you know, alcohol-related related stuff into college, so I went and just worked out."
Julie's response: "Good for you."
Carolyn...can you explain the youtube/video issue. I am lost. I see references to it, but not sure what everyone is talking about.
Great call Keesha
I can't wait for Sundays show to watch Keesha's noms.
On a side note....anyone else cough like crazy with blue freezies?
I love the way Jessie, Michelle, Memphis and Angie keep forgetting the fact that form an alliance on top of the one they had with everyone else.
I'm loving this. They still don't think the others know about their 4person alliance.
Rubyroo - please look at the last paragraph above the comment box. :)
I feel like I keep defending team Meathead. However I feel like I was forced to join their alliance by default. Just joking. Actually I can't stand Jessie and would not shed any tears if he walks out the door Wednesday. The problem is, I REALLY don't like April and Libra. And now that 70% of the house is on "that" team not only is the game way too predictable but it means as the weeks go by there will be no one worth watching. I've had a hard enough time finding one or two people I even kind of like this season.
no can do, lou. that's more illegal than videos... way more.
Poor me another Reporterx! Im all in tonight with you!
I'm telly y'all ...
Jessie is a walking time bomb, his 'roids are kick'n him into high gear and meathead numero uno is gonna SNAP big time!!!! I can't wait!!!! ha hahaha ha hee hee hee ... he's already just about gone off on memphis, and that bitchelle oops meanchelle oh well you now the crazy mean girl she's just work'n him up even more!!!
On the other hand, Angie seems to be take'n it in stride - i liked her from the start. it's a shame she fell in with the wrong crowd (parent of america cringe!), and now she's learning the hard way that one is judged by the company one keeps, boo hoo so sad ... NOT!
ooh i'm just have'n way too much time. AND bitchelle think'n she can tell Renny what to do ... I LUV Renny, that girl's a hoot! I think Renny will continue to fly under the radar and make to final four.
Thanks Carolyn for all your hard work!!! hope your popsicle was Mojito flavored!!!
~ Tiff ~
love it love it love it !!!!
I'm glad Dan isn't up. He's a good person to keep around in the game because of his loyalty.
LOL..Thanks Sweetie!
Keesha was the one I liked least from the interviews. Turns out she was the most underestimated out of the entire house. I love that she is smart enough to know she needs to keep her aliance strong and eliminate threats, not the week!
It's funny, I came to the realization today that I don't like any of the hg's. I still like the game, but I'm not really rooting for any one individual or alliance anymore.
Maybe I'm just sick of staring at the HOH walls. Thank god some of them are outside again. Keesha, et al, don't seem to have left that room in 2 days and the buzzing of their voices drives me nuts.
Ollie seems to have made right now, doesn't he?
Sourpuss Angie still pining for her poor, poor Brian...LOL, even Memphis has had enough and tells her to zip it! Brilliant move by Keesha to get the geriatrics on her side. And then Dan professes his loyalty and now she's sittin' real pretty!
And I just gotta say, Libra is KICK-ASS!!! I love how the other houseguests cower in her presence!
Mephis sure is cute ... and he sure is stupid. He's the perfect trophy bf for a strong minded successful woman. My bff and neighbor got herself one of those and keeps him on short leash. Too funny!
Oh, I don't think it will be predictable, or boring. This is BB and alliances change daily. It is all about using who is in power to your advantage.
Does anyone think it's funny how every HOH each season walks around with the key with an attitude? I thinks it's funny...they all get a little cocky. Besides that, though, I am sooo proud of Keesha and I'm all for her to win this game!
ReporterX I'll join you in those drinks. Guess I should have a Bloody Mary (Cajun style with a green bean) since I just woke up.
Thanks ReporterX and Carolyn for all the updates. I'm all caught up without having the stress of waiting for this to happen, not to mention RP issues everyone had today.
So!!! I'm as happy as a boy with two peters! I'm so ready for the fireworks tonight once the beer flows. Keesha is one smart cookie. These were her plans all along I think. She just let the others think they were leading so they will owe her. Now IF that is true, it's a very smart move.
Loved all the comments today and I'll be back with more of my opinions, but as usual, probably not until Carolyn has shut down for her well deserved rest. It's OK. I get to talk to myself all night and don't have much to read in the morning. ;)
Did I mention how happy I am that the nominations went the way they did? My only disappointment is Keesha giving her word to Memphis that he wouldn't go up. She needed to back off on that in case she needs a replacement. If Michelle wins PoV her plans could be screwed.
I understand that HOH is a difficult position to be in, but I can not believe how Keesha is hiding behind Libra coming downstairs!!! They were talking about being scaried of a physical threat from Jesse... did something happened that I missed or are they just over reacting??
Hey Carolyn... I have to say you are doing a fabulous job... esp. with all the video issues!! Thanks! ~~Christy
Not takin' sides 'cause I don't care enough about the hg's (except for the poor fishies who seem to hate the hg's so much they are starting to commit fishicide)
Wonderin' though-Keesha promised Memphis that if he swore he wouldn't use POV on Angie he would not be nominated. She has said several times that she always keeps her word. What if Michelle wins POV and uses it on Jessie? Who will Keesha put up as a replacement since everyone else is now in her alliance?
Are you serious C.K? No one cowers in her presence. She is just another example of he/she who speaks loudest and fastest wins. Even if you make no valid point, people will give up and walk off. It is a perfectly good waste of oxygen to even respond to someone like Libra when she is on her verbal rampage.
Love her or hate her, her big/loud mouth will cost her the $$$$$$$$$, and people are already saying she is short lived because of it.
I think it's funny that Angie wants to talk with Keesha now, A little too late girl, her butt should have been up in HOH way before nominations. Angie sits on the fence and is boring to me.
I really wanted Keesha to put up Libra, but I see her reasoning let someone else do it, and go after the others. Michelle was stupid for not using the POV when she had the chance and Libra never would have been a problem. I think Jerry is right Jessie needs to go or he will be after them big time next week, and the guy has already won 1 HOH and POV and who knows he may win the upcoming POV. This is great. I love this show!! Thanks Carolyn!!!!
Is anyone else having trouble with the feeds? I keep getting the "Stream has timed out" message when I start up Real Player.
This is what I have always wondered, do you have more than one set of feeds going at the same time so that you can catch the conversation on each feed? I can't keep up all the cameras!
Michelle is in great shape. I would be panting and gasping for breath after running so many laps. But she is still able to clearly hurl insults each time she reaches the end of the yard and she never misses a beat. She doesn't even sound like she's out of breath. I'm a little embarrassed to admit this but I kind of like her right now.
crisi, lol, i keep thinking you're talking to me when you say c.k. my initials.
brothermouzone - rp's been having issues today... mine, thankfully, are resolved.
Sherry, I tend to have the quad on... if something gets intense, or if control's being good about keeping the important stuff on one feed, i'll flip there.
Gaytor up are so funny. I love your comments and I totally agree with you. lol -lou-
Our Dearest Carolyn,
I would always address you by your full name. You have more than earned it girl. Your due that respect and so much more for keeping us BB "Addicts" in touch and sometimes in line, hahaha.
Thanks again for all you do.
anon @ 7:02 ...
I agree. I shed no tears for Jessie. I do like Angie though.
However, I absolutely can NOT stand Libra, and now, by default, Keesha.
The floaters (Dan, Jerry, and Renny) are going to get a lot further in this game, because the two sides will clash.
Next HoH, I'm rooting for whoever will put up Libra and Keesha.
Thanks Carolyn. Of all the times to lose the feed . . . hopefully Michelle's still fuming when BBAD comes on. I'm guessing she will be. :)
Hey Carolyn...since everyone is asking you about feeds and all that, I was wondering how you get all the overnight reports, when things happen at 2 or 3 in the morning...I assume you don't stay up ALL night, but how do you know what's been going on? You do a wonderful job with this site...your dedication is astounding!
Hey ReporterX, I'll take a drink if you don't mind....still trying to recuperate from the hit from my pup! Yes, got so excited about Jessie being nominated, the bulldog got me, didn't like me rolling on the floor laughing!! 74lbs of dog leaves some bruises, who'd a thunk?
Crisi - Thanks very much. :::blush:::
Lee - Ancient Chinese Secret ;) and really helpful dishy elves...
Rhonda - would you settle for a sugar free werther's? reporterx is resting... she has a headache.
I really miss a baller,matty,sharon,james,chelsia,
she devil,nattie ry and the rest of the group.
I thought I'd warm up to the bb10 houseguest but they are so spineless and predictable!
BOREDOM Zzzzzz=(
Brandy - what in the world was spineless or predictable about today??
Brandy, are you kidding?
Has any one been watching The Canine version of BB, Greatest American Dog? with the shateboarding bulldog named Tillman(for Rhonda)it even has an oldster like Jerry with a senior dog. And there's a long blond April dog too. Has a "Dog house" kinda like exile island. And a special canine suite for pet and owner like HOH room.Its cute so many dif dogs and types of owners and interesting comps.
Why can't Keesha shut up?? She tells everything she knows. And why does she still trust Memphis so much? It will be her undoing...
Michelle just annoys me on being so upset about How Jessie Is The nom.
ugh get over it.
I do hope jessie goes home instead of her.
It'd make it OH SO MUCH MORE wonderful :D
Sure Carolyn, Tucker gave me big kisses. It doesn't hurt so much now!!! :)
Think Jessie is taking it better than expected. Just love watching the feeds, just wish Keesha would not hide so much up in the HOH. Waiting for some fire and it will be good.
I'm loving Keesha.
I was worried about her for a while as I watched her swing from side to side, but really had no clue that she was capable of such awesome gameplay.
She lined them all up in a row. Got all the "floaters" to support her, and she commensed cleanign house.
Unpredicatble and very UNboring
Didn't Jesse just say yesterday that it was going so well -- he had wn 2 comps and still had no target on his back?
Oh you silly, silly little boy!
Okay, due to the lacking of video I caved and got the feeds and therefore felt I should create an account and stop commenting "anon". So here I am, I've been following this blog since the middle of last season. Thanks Carolyn for keeping us so updated.
Yay!!! Jessie is on the block!!! I'm ok with Angie going up, but it would have been even better if Michelle got nominated. I was hoping someone would stir things up. So glad they listened.
Yayyy, Nelli J :)
Welcome to the madness!
keesha not going after libra was spineless. its not good to align yourself with sumone who is hated. see: Crazy James. its entertaining but keesha screwed herself bigtime. i seem to remember an early power grab last season two, lets ask josh how that worked out.
Thanks Carolyn!! I guess I'll give my "stats"....
I'm glad Jessie is on the block!! My fav is Keesha, although I really didn't think it would be at the beginning of the season. I also like Renny, Angie and Dan.
I don't like Libra or April but I guess they can stay as long as they're helping Keesha get further along in the game.
Oh yeah, and Dick's live show was a snooze-fest if you don't mind me saying so.
I'm gonna rest a while guys...
I'll have the feeds on. :)
Hope you will too.
Formerly C.K. said...
Carolyn, I had no idea about your initials! I'm kinda paranoid about my privacy so I just picked some random letters. I should probably pick some other name, so as not to subject you to the invective that my Libra loving comments are sure to generate around here. ;)
So from now on C.K. will be known as "quentin".
Back to topic, what the hell is Memphis thinking, this is not the time to wage jihad on Jerry! I love how he goes up to Keesha and thinks he's playing it cool by pretending he didn't have an alliance with the 2 nom's. Soooo transparent. And while I definitely doubted Keesha the first night, I am pleasantly surprised at how well she's been doing. Side note: Her facial expressions when she's thinking to herself crack me up!
Thanks Carolyn...I just got the live feeds for the 1st time ever! Was able to get the 2.00 off the monthly deal...thank you for posting about it. Now I won't go nuts not being able to see the feeds on youtube, LOL!
Carolyn, I just want to thank you for your hard work for the BB addicts... I am in NC so i understand
how tired you must be I started the feeds at 10am eastern
The "heathers" wouldn't let Angie sit at their lunch table because of her Brian taint. Michelle was busy giving Jessie pedicures. And Renny was busy flipping out because she didn't have her meds. The only people left for poor little Angie to play with were the boys.
ChristyM - Yayy for you! I'm glad you were able to take advantage of the deal. You're gonna love the feeds. It makes SUCH a difference in the way you view the show...
Quentin :) I like the name change. hehe. less confusing for me, for sure! lol.
Anon re heathers... lol.. i loved that movie. Nice analogies.
Jay :) Thanks very much.
Alrighty Ladies and Gents my meds have kicked in so i shall wish u all a good night and see u in the morning :0)
G'nite Wendy :)
Hey Everybody!
Sigh--I wish I had more time right now, but I'll just make another quick comment. I saw Julie's interview with Steven that Carolyn posted this morning. Now THAT was the Steven I wanted to root for! Ironically though, anyone like that is FAR too nice to effectively play this game, I think.
I see that the mirror has told Prince Charming that someone else might be the fairest after all. Such a shame for him; I know that such news must be absolutely devastating to his ego, and it's gonna be a real pain for him to find a way to get extra vials of Mexican Winstrol into the BB house. On the plus side for our favorite self-involved punk, however, is the fact that he may well be able to travel. to Tijuana to purchase them for himself as of next Thursday! Yayyyyyy!
I'm gonna hit it too, folks...
I am determined to get in a bike ride before I start the overnight tomorrow.. 1st time of the season. It's toooooo hot to ride after 9am already.
Ah, beautiful south florida. ;)
Hello and Goodnight, Beorn :) I'm glad I caught you before I drifted off... Agreed about Steven, btw.
It looks like Keesha is selling too much of her game and I don't think Renny is buying. Keesha just lost some of the iq points she had earned today and I won't be surprised if sometime in the near future Renny decides to take her alliance back to the store for a replacement.
Carolyn, taking a break is not an option. Some of your readers don't have the feeds. I guess you can thank (fill in the blank since it's none of our business) for that.
Don't make me get out the whips and chains or would that be having a good time? :-O
LouInVa, glad I can make you laugh. I try. I have a warped sense of humour... above just proved it... I'd never use my good toys on Carolyn. I HEART her but she just doesn't have the right parts.
So the feeds have been so boring until just now. Now Jessie and Angie are talking. Jessie is convinced that if one of them doesn't win PoV and take themself or the other off, Memphis will go up. Jessie is so clueless, and I have no idea what he's trying to say, but it came out like everything else does out of his mouth.
Anyone wanna take bets that by Wednesday, Jessie will be the target?
Today has been such an exciting day, and I feel like there is so much more to come. Sadly, my sleepy time is coming up as well. Carolyn, I, again, thank you well in advance since I'll be coming in to read the Overnight Report, Morning Report, Afternoon Report, Veto Comp Report & Veto Spoiler since I never get on the comp till around 5:00 (EST) anyways :( Oh well. Sleep well everyone and remember, tomorrow starts the weekend so get ure rest cause the late night blogging begins tomorrow, well for me at least. Nighty Night!!
~ Ryan ~
Oh pretty, pretty please let it be Jessie that goes home...PUHLEEZ! I'm praying for a magic ping pong ball with his name on it!
1 last thing...
GayTor - I may not always have the time to say it whist trying to do 43 things at once, but you always make me laugh. :)
Ryan - nitenite
Doc!!! Hi honey!!
ok.. g'nite.
9:229pm BBT Random fact from big brother "Did you know there are 121 slots on a Chinese checker board?"
I would normally not want alcohol pushed on people, but I almost wish BB would give them the beer already. Maybe a little more fireworks will happen.
Memphis and Michelle, apparently are a little more vocal when intoxicated, as noticed last night.
Oh please oh please oh please let it be Jessie they decide to get out this well P L E A S E!!
WOO HOO! Loving Jessie on the block!! Now, lets just hope one of the right people win veto so things can stay as planned...or in MY best case scenario, if something DOES happen where someone changes noms I hope LIBRA goes tired of her!!!
I have missed yall...I have been SOO sick that ive been in bed alllll day the past few days!!! I am FINALLY starting to feel better! Just in time for leaving for vacation Monday!
Thanks for keeping me updated Carolyn, always, and especially this week while being sick!
Loveeeee the dish!
I hope this is okay to say, but am I the only one who cannot stand Keesha's fake laugh?
Oh and how about Michelle's baby talk... ugh.
iam a huge big brother fan, never missed one episode, i think this is the worst season i have ever seen, i thought bb4 was bad, can it get any better.
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