Endurance Comp Coverage
Feeds are Back and the comp is on!
At the end of the live show the comp looked really great! They're all hanging from vines, getting rained on, and BB is swinging them back 'n forth.. into the padded wall...

Feeds are back!!!
All 6 HGs are still in it!
At the moment, they're chatting, hanging and swinging pretty comfortably.
6:21pm BBT
The Ropes Lower and all 6 of 'em go slamming into the wall.
Memphis: Left nut.
Ollie: Ooof. Why'm I the one swingin around?
Dan: Drop it like it's hot.

Michelle: Renny, does my makeup look good? Single, ready to mingle?
6:24pm BBT
Memphis: Look at that huge bird, Ollie!
Everyone laughs.
Renny: Guess I'll be havin' dinner by myself tonight.
Memphis: What're you gonna cook?
Michelle: Save wine for us.
Dan: My scrotum has been pierced...
Michelle: Prince Albert?
Memphis gives the anatomical analysis of this game...
Dan: I don't think we signed anything in our contract that said it's ok for us to become sterile...

6:27pm BBT
Jerry calls it quits...
Jerry: Old legs. Aw God..
Renny: Be careful, Jerry. Is it the way you fell?
Jerry: I'm just gettin' out of the way.. I can't feel anything..
Michelle: Yeah, i don't have any feeling in my legs anymore either.
Jerry joins Renny and says, "That's what it is when you're 75, Renny."
6:30pm BBT
Memphis is talking about doing Gladiators when he gets out of the house.
Jerry's talking with Renny about his lack of circulation... then after a couple minutes, he starts cheering the kids on, and they all check in with him...
6:35pm BBT

All the young HGs look like they could hang there alll night long.

After a few minutes of swinging in peace, BB pulls a fast one, drops and slams em all into the wall with no warning sound effects...
There are moans and groans from the men, and laughs from the women. A couple of em are hitting the wall face first.
Memphis is more animated tonight than we've ever seen him... and very funny.
6:42pm BBT
No More Mr Nice Guy from Mike O tonight... less than 90 seconds between wall slams... and again Ollie takes it to the face. This time Dan does too.
6:45pm BBT
Jerry continues to encourage everyone from the sidelines, but to Renny he says, "Aren't you glad you didn't have to do this?" Renny's watching with a very hopeful eye on Keesha.
6:47pm BBT
Michelle's goading Dan about something that happened in the pool yesterday... No one's biting.
Ollie: Renny, you got any secret messages down there for us?
Renny: Messages?
Ollie: Like some enticements? (paraphasing)
Jerry: All it says is good job, guys.
Jerry starts armchair quarterbacking with Renny. "this one's doing the best.. you can see by the angle of his feet..."

BB pulls another surprise slam against the wall, and Keesha is OUT!
Renny: I thought you fell off cuz you got hit.
Keesha: I slipped. Your legs go completely numb. See how Michelle has her legs wrapped around?
Ollie, Michelle, Dan & Memphis remain in the comp.
6:55pm BBT
Ding Ding Ding...
Memphis: We will swing! Faww!
7pm BBT
Renny, Memphis and Keesha have now got towels wrapped around their shoulders, provided by Jerry, so they don't catch a chill. Jerry flirts a little with Keesha. Renny's in the middle and she doesn't look amused.
Jerry: I can't believe Memphis is still up there... big as he is. That little seat.
Keesha: I know.

BB slams em into the wall again with no warning.. and rains on them.
Memphis: Tricky, Mike. Tricky.
Ollie complains about the rain.
Jerry: I can't believe they're still up there.
7:10pm BBT
And again.. this time with feeling. ;)
7:17pm BBT
More wall slamming and rain.
Memphis: I'm getting this mad spin going on.
Ollie sounds like he's a human punching bag.
Keesha: They look like human pinballs..
BB keeps it going for 2 full minutes, then raises them all up, so they think they're getting a break, then body slams all of em back into the wall.
Michelle: Jeeez!
Renny: That was a total body slam for you, Michelle. Face first.
Still going...

Jerry, Renny and Keesha are chatting quietly on the sidelines...
7:26pm BBT
No smack talk whatsoever at the moment...
The men are neither happy nor comfortable, but they are determined.

Dan looks like he's quietly, silently asking for divine intervention.
Jerry's talking quietly about having food again...
And the return of his circulation...
Dan: How long you guys think we been up here?
Michelle: Hour and a half.
Jerry: It's 7:30.. so almost 2 hours... (then, quietly to Keesha and Renny) Hour and 40 minutes.
7:31pm BBT
Again, with no warning, BB drops em and slams em!
Dan: Got some heat on that one.
Michelle: Ya think?
Dan: That was the hardest one yet.
Memphis: Now we're getting somewhere...
Renny: Shee-zam.
Keesha: Yeah.. they're hitting em hard.
BB's relentless this time.. again and again...
Jerry: How can they feel anything?
Michelle: Oooh!
Jerry: I'd say by now the whole body's numb...
7:34PM bbt
Still going... Harder and harder into the wall each time...
Ollie: Put some stank on it.
Michelle: Noo.. not face forward, please!
7:37pm BBT
Still going...
Memphis: Oh yeah! When you hear that second little chirp, you know they mean business.
Dan: Here it comes again.

Mike O (BB Comp Guy) puts down his whips and chains for just a moment... 30 seconds to be exact. SLAM! and again.. and again... Michelle gets another one face first. Even the peanut gallery is in pain for them.
Michelle's starting to look like it's wearing on her...
7:42pm BBT This one's still going... The rain is coming down again.
The HGs are now 2 hours in.
Memphis, Dan, Michelle and Ollie Remain.

Michelle is down!
Michelle: My leg got caught in the net... Be careful of the net, guys, on the wall. It pulled me off. That piece of net caught my leg...
Michelle joins the peanut gallery... She's given a towel... Keesha offers her coffee... Michelle's not ready yet.
Keesha and Renny leave the bench.
Jerry: (whispered for Michelle's benefit) C'mon Ollie.
Michelle: I'm pissed the F off right now.
7:53pm BBT
Michelle goes inside... Slams around the house a bit.. You'd think they made her wear a red uni or something. She calms down in the shower with Keesha... Renny's inside as well.

7:54pm BBT
And then there were 3... Talk about a rare All-Male Endurance Comp.
7:56pm BBT
Outside - No deals, No talking, Lots of swinging... shivering and chattering of teeth.
Inside - Michelle's saying "some people" were obviously tipped off...
Dan's wearing a rain coat.
***Or perhaps Dan paid attention when he was watching BB endurance comps for the past 9 seasons?

8pm BBT
A quick drop. A slam in to the wall, and the rain starts up on the boys again.
Renny has rejoined Jerry on the bench outside.
Dan, Memphis and Ollie are stoic. Each is keenly aware that their life in the game depends upon this HoH...
8:04pm BBT Slam!
8:06pm BBT Slam!
***Wanting an early night, Mike O?
8:06pm BBT
Michelle comes back outside and stands next to the bench where Renny and Jerry are sitting.
Michelle: Good job guys!
The guys are taking their punishments... They've ceased complaining. They've come to win.

Keesha, Renny and Michelle are talking and laughing quietly...
The boys are hanging in there...
Jerry comes back outside and announces he's made a fresh pot of coffee.
Memphis: On 3 say cheese!
8:15pm BBT
Here comes the rain again...
8:17pm BBT
Michelle and Keesha become fascinated with the details of the set, noticing the tiger...

Michelle: Good job, guys.
Jerry: Wowwww! Wow! God I wish i was young again. No, I don't. I've lived a pretty good life.
Keesha: If you knew then what you know now...
Jerry: I've lived a good life.
Memphis is throwing water balloons...
Memphis: 10 points if I get the woman with the camera.

Memphis: (calling his shot) Crazy lookin' monkey.
Michelle: The camera guy up there is lookin pretty good.
8:22pm BBT
Memphis keeps throwing... Jerry throws back to Memphis, so he can keep entertained.
8:25pm BBT
The women continue chatting on the bench...

8:29pm BBT
The boys: Swinging and Slamming in the rain...
The bench: Debating coffee... Should they have some or shouldn't they.. Keesha's a yes.

Keesha & Jerry are discussing how usually at this point in an endurance comp, there would be some deal making... Not so this time. At least, not yet.
They're watching the boys like they're a drive in movie...
Renny takes notice of the expressions on the guys' faces. She says Dan's expression reminds her of Stan Laurel...

BB is being relentless this comp.
Michelle: Good job, guys. Lookin' good. We're gonna make you some good food when this is done. You deserve it!
Dan's looking rough.
8:44pm BBT
Memphis, Dan & Ollie continue to battle it out.
Memphis seems the most relaxed, Ollie's the most intense, and Dan looks like he's holding on by the grace of God at this point.
Special FX has added thunder into the soundtrack.
8:50pm BBT
We are now 3 Hours in to this intense endurance comp..
Renny & Jerry are both amazed Memphis is still in it. Jerry says the arms will go next, and right on cue, Memphis shakes his right arm out...
Michelle offers encouragement from the sidelines.
9:00pm BBT
Drop, Slam!
Drop, Slam!
Drop, Slam!
Renny: He wont last much longer...
Michelle: Ya see how that thing caught him?
Keesha: Yeah, it was on his foot.

9:04pm BBT
Memphis is out!
Dan: You alright Memphis?
Memphis: No. Be careful how you fall.
Michelle's advising him to just lay there. Jerry's offering help when he's ready to get up.
And then there were 2.
Memphis gets up... Jerry tells him to go get in a hot shower...
Michelle: Good job, guys. Keep it up.
9:10pm BBT
The talking has begun between Ollie and Dan.

Dan: You got any ideas? I'm open...
Ollie does not respond.
They hang in silence.
Dan: How long can you hang? Three? Maybe more?
Ollie: All night.. How long can you go?
Ollie: I'm not dealing no matter what.
Dan: I want pictures... Ya know what I mean?
Ollie: You must love that girl, man..But I love my peeps too.
9:19pm BBT
Both Dan and Ollie are Still hanging...
Ollie: You've won something. You got one under your belt. I haven't won anything.
Dan: I'm up here for Monica.
Ollie: You'll see her again. You'll be here next week.
Dan shakes his head no.
Dan: This is stupid hanging up here
Ollie: I just want to win man
Dan: You wanna pick one?
Ollie: One what? I want to win, man.
Dan: I want pictures. I gotta know.
Dan: I want pictures. I gotta know.
Ollie: I promise.
Dan: This is dumb.
It sounds like Ollie is promising not to put Dan up on the block...
Dan: What ya thinking
Ollie: I'm not gonna put you up.. Lets get inside and take a hot shower
Dan: I'll sit here all night...
Ollie: I want to win.. Seriously. I don't think you understand.
Ollie: I'm not gonna lose
Ollie: You got nothing to lose
Dan: I'm cold and cant feel my legs..but I'm gonna stay 12 hours...if I have to. Who do you want protected?
Ollie: Myself
Dan: No one else?
Ollie: Myself
Dan: Two for one deal..pick two you and someone else..you'll both be safe.
Silence. Ollie wont even look at Dan. Dan is staring at Ollie.
Dan: You want Renny, Keesha, Michelle?
Ollie gives no response and no eye contact.
9:30pm BBT
Both are looking very comfortable on their vines...
- ***Cursing AGP Control Room at the moment. Blessing ReporterX
9:35pm BBT
Whispering between Ollie and Dan...
They strike a deal: Safety for Ollie & Michelle
Dan: Ok.. done.
Ollie: I can't move my arms, dude.
Ollie Drops!!
Dan is the new HoH...
Dan is the new HoH...
All the HGs are ministering to Ollie and Dan...
Mike O comes on and tells them: Great job guys. That was incredible. There's pizza in the storage room. Grat job. I'm still here to watch you guys for a little bit. So again.. Just sit down and get warm...
Jerry: Want me to bring you some warm clothes.
Memphis: Ollie, where's your stuff.
Keesha: I know where there at.
Memphis: Will you get them some clothes?> Dry clothes?
Keesha: yeah.
Ollie and Dan are both swaddled in blankets... Renny's holding Dan to warm him.
They're having very human moments... rarely seen in the BB house.
The boys are both bundled...

9:47pm BBT
Dan, Ollie, Keesha, Michelle, Memphis, Renny
Michelle's all about warm socks and getting the boys to drink warm fluids.
I love the post Endurance Comp humanity that always strikes the house...

Memphis: 4 hours, dude. 4 hours.
Memphis digs into the pizza.
Keesha: You guys both were shakin' like a leaf...
They're talking about each hit into the wall... especially the face plants.
Jerry's somehow managing to not do a happy pizza dance.
9:53pm BBT
Michelle's pushing more hot fluids and telling them how proud she is of them...
It's much more fun than just reading it!
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i so wanna be in this comp!!! looks like so so much fun!!! lololol
Come on Ollie!
KEESHA falllllllll
MEMPHIS fallllllll
DAN falllllllllll
i want keesha out this weeek
its her time to go
oh my gosh i almost spit tea out my nose when they flung them into the wall!! hahahahaa
ollie played football he could have an advantage with hitting the wall hard.
Carolyn, can I PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE play in this HOH competition? PLEASE!
OMG Looks like SO MUCH FUN!
April is out? YEA! Double eviction? Crazy! Can't wait to see how this all plays out and who wins HOH.
please get keesha and memphis out of this house!!
Go Keesha, Memphis and Dan! Jerry and Ollie can not win! Jerry and Ollie need to go next!!!
Poor Jerry I hope he has strong bones!
Sandra B.
Hi everyone,
Huggies and kissies..I'm here..
Feeling a little better..thanks guys and gals..
I'm helping with comments so please be nice.. LOL
Come on BB. I don't want to miss one single slam. I don't think Jerry will last long on this one. I am glad Renny isn't on this one. This is one comp that will knock your teeth loose.
Please vote for Jerry.
If you vote for Dan, it will put him a really bad spot with the other HGs.
Jerry will be able to shake it off and don't think it will harm him in the game. Plus, with his extended slot time, he deserves it.
Oh yeah, and he's old (well -- that reason was good enough for Memphis).
Who has the best advantage?? I'm not sure myself so any guesses anyone?
Lets go michhhhhhh
Win HOH Memphis, Dan or Keesha!!!
Fall Ollie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't see memphis, Keesha or Dan letting this one go. Considering the double eviction next week ,they better not!
This comp is awesome!!
Who is everyone voting for the phone call from home? As much as I'd love to see Dan get a call from Monica, I'm pushing for Keesha. She's officially grown on me!
So, how long does it typically tkae before we get feeds after a live show?
In the previous post you have a line at the bottom that says "To Watch the Endurance Comp, Click Here!" but there is no link there!
P.S. Vote Michelle for the phone call from home!
Sorry to hear you were feeling bad ReporterX. I must have missed that comment. I am so glad you are with us.
Uh oh, ReporterX on comments and she wants us to be nice.
Is that a challenge, RepX:)LOL
I think the females have the advantage in this. I'm usually wrong, but that looks incredibly uncomfortable for the guys.
BTW, are u supposed to say nuts on tv like dan did?
Good Evening Carolyn:
Made it hope in time to watch April evicted. Thank goodness I am on Arizona time to DVR the show tonight for the family interviews.
Double Eviction next week,,,,,yikes, I am a wreck here waiting for the feeds to come on. Please don't let Ollie or Michelle win it!! Pleaseeee BB Gods.
Exciting night. After all the dissing Jerry has been getting from everyone but Keesha, I am going to vote that he gets a phone call from home. :)
I notice with the polls that Dan seems to be the favorite. I personally am getting tired of being voiced raped by his DR talks.
Hope Ollie wins HOH, cuz Dan will go up.
Poor Jerry's gonna break some bones in this comp! I predict he will be the first to drop, with Ollie right behind him. God forbid Michelle to win!
This is my first time watching an HOH comp with the live feeds. I can't wait!!!
Glad you're feeling better RepX!!
Missed you:)
Come on live feeds, start back, already!!!!
Wow it's slim pickings now. Hopefully, Memphis, Dan and Keesha will be able to hang on. I do not want another Michelle HOH. She gets too full of herself and drunk with power.
Go Keesha, Memphis and Dan! Jerry and Ollie can not win! Jerry and Ollie need to go next!!!
gooo dan win this one come on..and look how smart he was with his jacket hehe
boooo M and O and Jerry boooooooo
I love this comp!
Which guy said something about his "nuts" on the live show?
GO DAN!!!!!
GO KEESHA!!!!!!!
GO MEMPHIS!!!!!!!!!
Anyone know how long it takes to come on the feeds? Can't wait! :)
Hi ReporterX - We should be nice now that April is gone! Glad (hope) you are feeling better!
Hope the blog.............
No, not going to jinx it!
COME ON FEEDS! We have been waiting all day!
This wait is absolutely killing me. I've never been so excited to see the feeds turn back on. This comp looks so so exciting. Come on CBS, please please just turn the feeds back on?? Please? Pretty pretty please!!
Come on feeds!!
Let us see Ollie, Jerry and Michelle fall!!
Go Keesha or Dan!!
How does the double eviction work???
I really think Dan is the best prepared....he wants this one!! He's got a jacket...and are those socks on his hands? LOL
GO DAN!! He's a cutie patootie!
Man, I think this comp will go fast. I don't know how long they are able to stand the constant attacks to themselves. I know it is just sitting, but still, that hurts the u know what region for us men!
Oh and uhhh LET'S GO DAN AND KEESHA!! WIN THIS HOH!! Memphis, I'd be happy if u won as well, lol!
~ Ryan ~
fall keesha fall
fall keesha fall
fall memphis fall
fall memphis fall
fall dan fall
fall dan fall
go ollie go ollie
go michelle go michelle
I wanna go on that ride! Looks like a fun time...if done for a short amount of time. I can see it hurting soon
Hi Reporter X
Sorry, missed your post. Glad you are with us.
I loved how you could hear Renny's laughter over the closing AGP credits of the show...
OMG! I LOVE this comp! That banging against that wall is gonna be tough on jerry and possibly keesha! I really hope keesha can hang on tho, if not Dan and memphis need to step it up and send april her new "official" boyfriend to the jury house
Hi Everyone :)
I'll be bloggin', RepX is comment diva, Dawn's sending me pics, Carla's giving me breaks and you guys are giving me the energy to blog another day! :)
Looks like a great comp ahead!!!
Hi ReporterX! we missed you honey! glad you're feeling better.....:)
Hey Sunshine in Arizona - since April has taken back her offer to let Ollie live with her would you let him stay with you when he comes to Arizona. teeheehee.
Vote for Dan! I think it will help his game as Michelle and Jerry will realize they are NOT America's favorites and be more trusting of Dan, Keesha will be more trusting too, so will Memphis!
Yay ReporterX!! Glad you're here with us and feeling better!
Go Dan!!!! Go Keesha!!!
Personally, I'm advocating a vote for Jerry - I think he would weather the storm of jealousy better than anyone...
I'm imploring you to not vote for Dan, as I think it will stir the America's Player hornets nest back into action...
didnt renny, or someone else, make a comment about vines in the jungle?
Please vote for Jerry to get the phone call!!! He's been on slop and needs this!!!
My aunt just told me about this site and i want to know how to get back to the beginning so i can read all the days..... anyone know how?
Also, I am so glad they ANNOUNCED the double eviction, rather than hear (read) rumors of such, so much to look forward too! Good, bad, or indifferent!
I hope this long delay doesn't mean someone got hurt...Jerry
Sandra B.
Ok. This seems like it's taking forever!
Erin, yeah Renny did. She must have been able to see somehow or maybe the DR tipped her off.
I think I'm going to cave in and vote for the Pepaw (spanish for grandfather) to get the phone call.
Ok, this is taking way to long. I wanna see!
BB is gonna have to give me a padded cell if they don't cut to live feed coverage soon.
Hi Reporter X - hope you're much better now.
I'm with Carolyn about not voting for Dan. We need to let him play.
Anon @ 6:13
Look on the left hand side of the blog. Carolyn has the archives there by date.
Welcome to the Dishiest place ever!!
Figures the Queen of Endurance herself (Carolyn, of course) is the most excited about this comp.
To all who were wondering about Renny's comment...
The were speculating this morning that they would be hanging in the jungle due to the wakeup songs they played.
I bet Jerry is wishin' he had Dan's body now, hehe.
C'mon! Let us watch!
Nuts are good for you, chock full of vitamin E and protein, so I think it is okay to mention nuts on tv! Of course, I am talking about almonds, walnuts, etc.
So let us see the comp already!
Thanks Carolyn, ReporterX, Carla, & Dawn for giving us BB junkies exactly what we need.
Sending endurance vibes to all of you!!
I'm such a ditz...posted at the bottom of the last page...anyone know why there would be two live shows in one week?
I have tickets to a live BB10 on 9/9(Tuesday). There is another one that same week on Thursday 9/11. Does anyone know what this means?
By the way, Carolyn and everyone else who helps on this blog...you are amazing!!! Thanks for all the hard work and LONG hours!!!
ok how long must we wait for these feeds to come back on!!!! I want my money's worth here!!! Grrr I am just so frustrated right now lol!!
I voted for Jerry for the call. Dan doesn't need anymore nastiness aimed his way.
I thought Memphis said "nuts" on the show but maybe it was Dan. I hope Dan is able to tough it out longer than Michelle/Ollie. Those 2 were so smug this morning thinking they had this locked up.
Carolyn, you already have April's picture in black and white. You're fast girl. That's that "bot" coming out.
Hi All! :) I hope they hurry and start the feeds!!!!
Marci, I loved your BB Voice, that's awesome!
I think this comp will end up being between Dan and Keesha seeing as they are the smallest of HGs hanging.
Just seems like the buffer/heavier HGS will have a harder time balancing and keeping themselves propped on the little swing bar thingamajig. (yes thats about as technical as i get )
I did not want to vote for Dan for the same reasons everyone else has, and did not want to vote for Jerry as he has been very mean in this game, and "mean sucks". I was going to vote for Keesha as I do believe she would have no problem with any jealousies that arise. I also think she would REALLY appreciate it as the one who does have the big heart (being so kind to mean jerry all week).
just my thoughts...
I'd love to give keesha the call too, patti, but i just don't want it to end up hurting her.
I can see it being between Dan and Michelle. I hope Dan gets it. I'm voting for Jerry for the phone call. He can see how his sick wife is doing.
I agree with all about jerry getting the phone call. He is one of my least favorite gamers, but the one I want to get the phone call. Part of the loneliness thing. Especially in that his wife has parkinsons. It seems like he needs it the most. And I didnt even mention the most days on slop.
erinnyc- they usually let them do a run thru on endurance comps.
I'll leave erin's comments about nuts to gaytor ;-)
Yay! Here we go!
Heres to hoping Dan keeps his mouth shut so we don't get a lot of fishies!
This really looks like it could go on all night!
I've met Dawn and Kim, and of course there's Carolyn and ReporterX, but didn't know about Carla. Nice to meet ya hun.
and they're back! and as usual, we have the happy people - Dan, Keesha & Memphis, with a little Renny thrown in - and the cranky people - everyone else. :)
I was thinking the same thing. Carolyn is fast with that black & white trigger!!
my first thought was to vote for Dan
But now I will do my customary 10 votes for abuelo..Jerry
I never get started on time. I left several comments in the pervious post.
Welcome back to the living X. Blue I'll protect you from the big bad ReporterX. She doesn't scare me one bit!
Ry, said "I'm good.
I bet you are. I just bet your are. :p~~
everyones still hangin in....bring on the birds...lol
Thanks everyone. Hubby got made at the kids (weren't concentrating enough on school work) and cancelled the cable - and I didn't do the live feeds this year (too addicting). Morty's Board (hope he gets better)went so downhill - I have been relying on this board. Keep up the good work.
Sue from NYC (no cable - no reception in the big city.
Did anyone hear that?
Dan said: "You're my boy, Blue!"
Take THAT Gaytor!!!
I know he was talking to Memphis who is in a blue shirt, but let me have this little fantasy.:)
Anybody but J/M/O will make me happy if they win :D
mainly, GOOO DAN!
I am so voting for Jerry to get the phone call, all that he has gone thru with these guys, the slop, and talking to himself,lol!!
GO Father Dan!!
Yeah! Ollie seems to be in the most pain so far, or at least the most vocal about it.
I'm voting for Dan to get the call so that Keesha will be jealous of him too, just like she was of April winning the clothes!
They will have to do something to get them to fall off. maybe swing them really fast in a circle. That would be fun.
What is the longest one of these has gone? How many hours?
GAYTOR!!! just felt like doing that.
OK. was anyone else screaming at the tv screen when Ollie's dad was talking about the morals he instilled in Ollie?
I have huge issues with Ollie right now.
167 hours till dubble elmnation
come on dan mem and K win this hoh put o/j up
Blast!I was a post behind as usual my comment went to the prev post. Gaytor your mission should you accept it is to get out your voodoo dolls and put a curse on Ollie, Michelle, and Jeery, some shaky hands, a little vertigo? how about a good beelt ache? Oh Hell just make em fall!C'mon Gaytor it is within your power
Hey, I was catching up on all the comments on the last post and didn't even know you guys moved on! I always feel like a little kid running behind and shouting "Wait up, wait up!", lol.
Okay, so...........should I get the FEEDS finally? I haven't had them in years. I think that I first got them during BB6 when there was an endurance comp. I had them for BB6 and BB7 and had a blast watching Janelle, Howie and Kaysar. Then, last summer with BB8, I just got ShowTime and have been able to keep up between BBAD and the Dish. Although, I hate missing out on the endurance comps!
QUESTION: When the season is over is it a pain in the arse to cancel the feeds? I remember a couple of years ago when I called to cancel, I got the run around with different phone numbers, then being on hold forever, and then they asked why I was canceling! Duh, BB is over!
So, is it easier to cancel them now or what? Should I get them RIGHT NOW??? (If I get them, I would click on the link here at the Dish, of course! <3 Carolyn!)
Poor Jerry.
jerry's down...poor guy!
And Jerry's Down!
~ Ryan ~
I'm rooting for Dan or Memphis on this one. Mainly Dan!
Good thing they got rid of April. She would've kicked butt in this comp. ;)
Jerry is out and that is why he will stay in the game til the end. These people are going to underestimate him and he's going to make fools of them.
There goes Jerry, bless his heart.
I'm really gonna miss going to sleep every night with Memphis/Keesha/Dan.
They're so cute together.
OK, now Jerry REALLY needs the call from home!
Dan: My scrotum has been pierced.
Dear Memphis, the femoral artery is NOT the largest artery in the body. It is actually the aorta with the pulmonary artery as the second largest.
With love,
thank god april left, this comp would have worked in her favor since shes so tiny.
Fashionably late as usual
1 down 2 to go, good work gaytor, now just take out the other 2.
Dan Dan he's our man, if he can't win it no one can! GO Dan.
I think they they were prepared to cover their hands because of what happened in the last endurance comp. Was dan a Boy Scout/ Always be prepared.
GO DAN, KEESHA, AND MEMPHIS! I think I would much rather see Dan win but any of those 3 is fine by me! I can't stand too much more of Jerry! Is it next Thursday yet? Can't wait for the DOUBLE EVICTION!!
Put my votes in for Jerry!! I agree, if Dan won the phone call they'd eat him alive with accusations.
Now that Jerry is down and I don't have to feel guilty for wishing harm on the elderly, I have a question:
Didn't Michelle say she has a bad back?
If the answer is yes, would it make me a terrible person to hope they smack them into the wall a little harder. Not hard enough to cause permanent damage. Just hard enough to maybe put her out of commission until after next Thursday. Or at least hard enough to make her stop singing.
OOPS, I didn't include ALL the DishChicks in my earlier comment. YAY for Dawn, Kim and Karla too. You are all a wonderful team and proof that 5 women can work together without eating each other for lunch.
That comment about nuts... you knew I'd have something to say. It's what comes out of the nuts that is the best part. Pure protein. And makes a very good face mask... Oh I did NOT go there. Let's fix this. Nuts are very nutritious. Walnuts are great and sunflower seeds. As long as you don't eat too much. They can be very fat... err fattening.
Yes I am voting for Jerry too. When does the voting close? I may have to wait til the comp is over to decide... nope Jerry's down. he gets the letter.
Oh my! I hope Dan's pierced scrotum doesn't make him give up! It's okay Dan, it'll get numb soon, and you can always adopt!
BTW-I heard him say you are his boy blue! First thing I thought of when I heard it? Gaytor's gonna be jealous! You go on with your dreams. LOL
Oh well, at least Jerry might get the phone call from home. I voted for him mainly because of the slop issue like some have mentioned.
Also, earlier today somebody here commented that it really isn't fair to keep someone on slop the day of an endurance comp and I totally agree with that. BB told them all last night that it was endurance today, so Jerry should have been allowed to eat at midnight and today.
Samantha - i had to cancel the feeds here due some financial issues and i had a hell of a time getting the guy to just listen to me telling him i couldn't afford them. I spent a good 20 mins trying to get him to understand that it wasn't cause i didn't enjoy it but rather cause i couldn't afford them.
Hoping to be back on track so i can get them next season.
Do you think they are allowed to stand? It might be better for the guys...
Sandra B
Zany, I can think of a couple more rides that would be fun. Riding them from a swinging vine might add some spice though.
They need to be swung more. It's boring just watching them hang there. Or more water needs to be poured onto their heads. C'mon producers, make it exciting for us!
Instead of voting for Jerry to get a phone call, I'd like to vote for him to get a meal! Poor thing.
Hopefully, with the "action" Ollie has had lately, he won't last long in this comp!
Colonel is out and said my legs are not that good. Yesterday he was telling Keesha that Jessie was jealous of his toned legs and they were like rocks. Didn't know rocks crumbled that easy. Must say for his age he is in pretty good shape, just love the "excuses". And now that he is out, he is sucking up to Renny in case her side wins. I think I will vote for him to get the call from home though.
Don't really want to listen to Michelle if she doesn't get it! I can't believe she could not see a bribe when she was wearing it on her back and ear lobes!
Hi, ReporterX!
How often are they slamming them up against the wall?
Anonymous at 6:00 pm,
Did you happen to watch the live feeds today? Anything I liked about Michelle or Ollie went right out the window. It was ugly.
I'm gonna vote for Renny to get the call from home. I don't think it will mess her game up and I dislike Jerry so much I don't want to help him get anything.
Poor Jerry, but he was a good sport about it. I admire that any 75 year old could hang in as long as he did. He really needs and deserves the phone call. The stress worrying about his wife has to be worse than anything he has undergone here.
Gaytor, time to make Ollie and Michelle fall(by the way that was supposed to be belly ache).
I am so relieved that April is gone, it's like having a 100lb tumor removed from your A$$.
Hope Ollie at least goes back to swim club now. It will be funny to see him sucking up!
I am so glad April's gone!! Fubby how that works.
Ouch those are hard hits..
glad to hear you are feeling better, reporter x. this comp does look like fun. not easy, but fun.
so blue - (even though we KNOW dan was talking to you) when he said "you're my boy, blue!" he was taking a great line from the movie "old school" with will ferrell
It's getting interesting! I'm lovin' Memphis and the water balloons!
OOPS again. I didn't spell Karla correctly. ( I know a Carla so it came naturally. Mea culpa Karla.
Yes Jerry is down, but that's a good thing. I really think he would do anything he could to protect Ollie. Same as Renny, so glad she isn't playing this week. It's just about time for Renny to go. She proved her bitterness over and over this week and again tonight on the live show in her talk with Julie. (I've still got the blog of hers pulled up but not taking time to read it yet.
10 votes going for Jerry to win AC tonight.
AAAAgh! my feeds keep freezing up, sound is about 50% of the time but picture is frozen. I want to see
THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR ALL OF YOU BEING HERE.... I do not have the feeds,,, and reading everything here from you all....I voted for Jerry to get the letter too...
You know I bet they love slamming them up against the wall like that. I know I would.
are they being allowed to throw water balloons? i thought i saw memphis throw a few!
Dan's being so focused right now, I'm so scared. Hood down, gloves on, quiet (at least compared to Memphis). C'mon Dan you can do it!
GaYtor, get out the voodoo dolls!
You just gave Gaytor openings for at least 5 jokes!
The things we are voting for this year really suck....lollipops and phone call home. Stupid!
Just finished reading Rennys blog and all i can say is wth?
Really disappointed in the way she has conducted herself this week.
Noni, I am calling on Damballah now to rid the contest of Ollie and Michelle.
Oh, in case I left it out, Genie, I have all the GRREN eyes. I think Carolyn's are blue, Blue's might be blue too. Blue do you have blue (eye)balls?
Sorry for being ignorant, but how does the double eviction work???
did anyone else catch when april's sister said that the reason she figured april was attracted to ollie was that ollie probably reminded april of her...you know laid back and funny with a great personality? now - am i being overly catty because it's april's sister or is this evidence that april's family has a tradition of reminding everyone else how great they are?
Okay I gotta go pee. I hope when i get back that Ollie and Michelle are down! Got that! C'mon Gaytor where are those pins. how about pokin a couple in Ollie's A$$.
Keesha looks pretty comfortable.
BabyBee - maybe I should get the call because I was jealous of April winning the clothes too!~
Don't you think everyone in the house would LOVE a call from home. I think all of them would be jealous but Jerry would survive the jealousy the best.
The question is... If it's only Keesha, Memphis and Dan left hanging, will the boys give it to Keesha? Neither of them have been too keen on pulling the trigger.
Looks like this comp could take way over 14 hours to end.. Come on BB throw them some kind of bubble foam mix it up a bit. cold water really isnt doing much for them .
rosaritoe - i was thinking the exact same thing about bailey's comment...more fodder for gaytor
Was my comment to Samantha was taboo?
I did say anything mean i just relayed my experience.
I just looked at the HOH blog.
This was just rude
"By the way Colonel, how about covering your mouth when yawning I'm tired of seeing it, you look like a Rhino! Take some etiquette classes.
April, I was so tired of you prancing around this house like a drama queen, you won the cash, the clothes, suck it up chick your good at closing deals. However this is one gamer you could not close RENNY, Good for one this game is closed for you!"
She is starting to think she is all that.
I think I want Dan or Memphis to win.
Gaytor - I'm out of luck either way. I have hazel eyes. haha
Fall Ollie! This is no time to be winning anything. Fall Michelle. You know your mouth is too heavy for that vine.
Yikes. There goes Keesha.
lol Ninjagirl, bring on the birds! That would get Ollie out real quick! We can only hope!
Hey Wendy Lady are you here tonight? Since you like crockpotting I have two really good crock pot recipes for you for pot roast and pork chops if you want.
Genie-before the last couple days, I'd have said the boys would throw it to Keesha. Memphis still might, but I think Dan's decided it's time to make his move.
Michelle made a little mistake a minute ago getting snippy with Dan about the water balloons and the HOH camera/pool incident yesterday. He didn't even answer her. Just put his hood down.
First I thought Tarzan ...
then after seeing them being thrown into the wall I think more along the lines of The Whomping Willow
Still here and still going strong!
***Kudos to Carolyn and all the DishChicks crew***
oh heck ... Keesha just fell
who will be next?
I'm logging back off to watch this in large screen version.
I'm not answering any questions about (eye)balls Gaytor LOL
Okay, Keesha's out.
Damn - Keesha is out. noooooooooooooooooooooo
genie - my guess would be they may all be ready to pull the trigger now...especially memphis - honestly, i think if he doesn't get hoh this week, it may be kind of dangerous for him
WOW...did NOT expect Keesha to fall off so soon!
Now I am REALLY sending some mental messages for Ollie and Michelle to FALL!!
~ Ryan ~
I'm afraid after seeing the last endurance comp, this might be Michelle's to lose. :(
And, Keesha just made it harder. The guys (especially Dan) have to fight 'til the end now.
sherry c.
I totally agree about Michelle. Even after I was at the point of not being able to like her, I didn't dislike her.
I don't think she's an unattractive girl by any means. But in a house with two pretty blondes and a beautiful girl like Angie, I can understand her feeling a little self conscious. I think that is part of the reason she held on to Jessie's attention so strongly.
Because she didn't come from money, she doesn't have the same education as some of the HGs, she's not the 'pretty' girl and she is obviously lacking in social graces, I think she tries too hard. I think her biggest fear is not fitting in and being made a fool of.
Unfortunately for her, she could have fit in with DKR&M. Obviously people will use each other in the game. But that group would not have gone out of their way to humiliate her and I believe there could have been genuine friendships after the show.
She, however, chose to trust A&O. I don't believe for a minute that they will continue to be her friends or that she will want their friendship after she hears what they said about her. She will be humiliated. And because she chose to sink to their level, I can't have any sympathy for her.
Oh no, not my keesha!
Memphis and Dan's plan of giving this to Keesha are out the window, and Memphis already looks like he's struggling a bit. It's pretty much all on Dan!
[wow, they're really hitting that wall hard! Keesha went face-first!]
Although I am a Keesh~fan I am glad that she is out. This allows her to be in the double eviction Hoh which will probably be mental and she has a good chance at winning those.
Jump back on we wont tell
OMG, Did Keesha fall while I was gone. I knew I shouls have just held it.
Gaytor more pins!
Bailey, I've never had a problem staring at hung men. I can do it all day long. :p~~
Blue, have your little fantasy about Dan. Then bring him to the dungeon and SHARE!
I know I had more to say. It may have even been about the game, but it's gone from the mind now.
OH!!! Who said Dan has a scrotum piercing? I like the idea, but I just don't see him being the piercing kind. If he did anything it would have to be ears... then a nipple. I can do the nipple for him.
Oh No!! I can't believe Keesha is out!! I thought she would be up there with Michelle till the end.
Goooo Dan!!!!
Ok ... Who cut the cheese?
Was it Memphis or Dan?
Oh good gracious ... that was the 2nd belly laugh of the evening, 1st the whomping now this.
Too friggin' funny!
marci -- don't think it was an excuse with Jerry's legs. It's not about being toned, it's about circulation.
I have parents his age and your circulation is not good at that age, no matter what "shape" you're in.
go keesha this is the best compitition i have seen on big brother
ron - sorry if i'm the millionth person to answer your q but double eviction works by playing an entire weeks' cycle in one day...a houseguest is evicted as usual, then there is an immediate hoh competion followed by an immediate nominations veto comp and ceremony. they are very exciting but i am always bummed when it's double eviction week because 1) the game is getting closer to the end and 2) it never seem to go the way i want it.
Oh yeah (sorry Carolyn, I promise no more for at least a little while)
One more thing ... this would be a good time to find out if April left Ollie those "gold bars". He'll be using them to barter with really soon if so.
"Mikes eating dinner" Ollie
Oh no, my homegirl is down. :(
It's now up to Dan and Memphis.
I don't think I would have lasted 10 minutes in this comp. I have a fear of walls coming at me at 90 miles per hour.
Keesha out . . . NOT good. NOT want Michelle to win. Not want Ollie to win. Memphis OK but prefer DAN!!!
Gaytor! I might have to swing by your way sometime then! We can go looking for rides together...just don't let the future hubby know! LOL (He'll probably read this comment)
I don't think any of the guys will go numb ... unless they're lucky!
Michelle definitely has the advantage there.
Is Ollie still wearing gloves?
Anonymous said...(@ 6:50 PM)
Sorry for being ignorant, but how does the double eviction work???
*** I was just refreshing my memory of that earlier today by reading the Dish's FAQ's. Here's your answer:
ooooh! bummer for keesha - i didn't expect that either...it seemed really out of nowhere
Noni - Always looking for good crockpot recipes....feel free to email me them when you have the time....and Thank you :0) I find crockpot cooking on days when my back is bad to be the only way i get anyone fed around here and i'm sure they are getting a little bored with my concoction lol
Doesn't matter who I like or dislike -- they all are going to be sore tomorrow. Hopefully they gave them an extra ice tray --
Sorry to see Keesha out tho.
i really really hope michelle doesn't get it...that would be a nightmare
Go Dan & Memphis!
grendon - re: michelle...i agree with you 100%. i've been thinking those same things
Hey Noni - Please share the recipes!
Hey, it just dawned on me. NOW would be the time to fly a banner over the set. Then let's see Production scramble.
I am very afraid this is going to go to Michelle or Ollie. They can take hard hits. Michelle used to box & Ollie played football.
Go Dan, Go Memphis!!!
I'm so sorry Keesha is out!
Is Jerry hitting on my Keesha?
no, sorry Wendy wasn't taboo I'm so slow on reading tonight..there are so many comments I'm trying to keep up LOL sorry..
Keep the comments coming just gimme a lil time..
Oh, hi Reporter X! Glad to see you are feeling better!
I am glad Keesh fell off, because I want her gone this week if possible. That girl has been catty from day one and jealous of all other girls in there. She thinks she is all that... she is not. Fake boobs and botox.
I want Dan or Ollie to win. Dan to see what he would do, and Ollie to make it more even.
Yeah, Ollie is wearing gloves. Did anyone see that guy walk by on the balcony? They went to trivia for two seconds but you could still see him walking across, lol.
Michelle does have the advantage. Hopefully Dan and Memphis are small in the nether regions and it won't hurt as bad, lol.
I think this is the longest Ollie has lasted in any competition so far, haha.
Why do they keep putting up trivia? I wasn't singing-I swear!
Grendon C. I don't think that K/M would have stayed friends with Michelle out of the house, they are from very different circles and Memphis proves that all the time. K/M are transplants to CA and act like they are better then everyone else. Memphis has issues and sounds like he has a temper but is controlling it in the house. Both K/M are self centered people outside of the house. The two them might stay friends but they will kick the rest to the curb.
This comp seems kind of made for Ollie to take it... let's hope his slop diet the last week has weakened him. Memphis & Michelle are too big and Dan has no upper body strength.
I'd love to see Dan or Memphis win this. If either of them frickin' throws it, they deserve to get tossed out of the house.
G-d forbid we have to listen to Manchelle as HOH for another week. She needs to go hide in the spa room for awhile and give us a break.
No worries X i was not sure if i could give my personal experience with the situation seeing as it wasn't great.
GaYtor-I said Dan's pierced scrotum. It was one of the first things he said when the feeds came back on. As in the rope and swinging have pierced his scrotum. LOL. I agree, don't think he'd actually do that on his own. LOL
dan dan dan dan dan dan dan dan dan dan dan dan dan dan dan dan dan dan dan dan dan dan dan dan dan dan dan
OOPS! Trivia. Who fell? Please please PLEASE Let Michelle and Ollie fall.
My fear is Ollie will win it for revenge because of April's exit.
Is anyone else having feed issues. mine keep sticking and then they go FF to catch up. Not a good night for that. GRRRR!
(Blue, do you like it when I growl? You should hear my other noises in person. You have a standing invitation to come hear it for yourself.)
Frozen again. Carolyn, any suggestions.. I AM launching from the front page.
I wish Big Brother would splat them into the wall about 10 times a minute for 10 minutes straight.
Make them earn this one .....
Memphis is joking around so much, it's gonna swing one time when he's throwing and only has one hand on the rope.
Could easily get knocked off!
you sure don't SEEM slow, reporterx
recipes??? you want recipes????
Click on my name....I have a blog for recipes. If you are patient, I'll post crock pot recipes after the comp is over.
Anything in particular you want??? Like soups or desserts or something??
Reporter X so glad you're feeling better tonight and back with us. You must be rather scrambled trying to keep up with all of us. Big hugs to you and Carolyn.
Hey Carolyn will you have house calls up tomorrow here? I can never seem to be able to view it otherwise.
Can't wait to see what they throw at her(figuratively not literally)although I can think of a few trhings I might like to throw at her, including Ollie.
I wish they would just continually drop them in to the wall...I want to see who's gonna win!!!
Why do they keep cutting to trivia? This is my first time watching, sorry!
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