The Overnight Report
Good Morning, Big Brother lovers. Happy Wednesday! In addition to the usual mayhem and manipulation of the BB10 house, today on the live feeds we'll have HoH pics and blogging, and the HGs will likely be doing their goodbye messages... and don't forget, tonight is Craig Ferguson! :)
While I get to assembling the overnight, we have HG auctions:
- Steven's Cowboy Hat auction ends today at 11:39am BBT!
- Next up, we have a Brian, Angie & Steven Autographed T-Shirt. I spoke with Steven about this one last night, and he confirmed it is 100% legit. It's being auctioned off by the California Gay Rodeo Association, and the proceeds are going to charity.
- Last, but not least, Jessie has joined the ebay fray! He's selling his shorts at the moment, and by the wording in the ad, he's going to be auctioning off more stuff soon. Here's the link for all of Jessie's auctions: Jessie Godderz. Jessie fans will also be pleased to know there's now an official fansite in his honor:
C=Venus Strikes again!! Target: The Borg Queen! ;) Thanks, C=Venus!!! :) Click the pic to check out C=Venus' other great new chops!

OK.. On to the overnight assembling I go... Please check back for it around 7:30am BBT! :) Happy Wednesday! FYI - As of 6:35am BBT, Ollie's up and working out in the backyard. At 6:45am BBT, he heads back inside for a moment, then back out to the red couch to ponder life, the universe and everything...
I gotta wonder if today's the day for morning sex on the live feeds... Both Ollie and April have been talking about doing it for ages, and well, he is up! P.S. They got busy last night...
The Overnight Report
Before I hit the sack, around 1am eastern, the HGs were having a blast... just being playful and human and letting the paranoia go for a while. Please go have a look at all the gorgeous pics over on DishCaps.
They played hide n seek, killer, musical chairs, airplane (hysterical!) and a few other games... Well, everyone but April & Ollie, who secluded themselves per usual.
Here's everything from 11pm on...
11:10pm BBT
80s Room
April & Ollie
Misery Loves Company
April and Ollie are lying in bed, and she's teary and talking about all the people she's protected in the game...
Ollie: If you had it to do all over again, you probably wouldn't do it any differently... but you'll always look back on the game and think about the what ifs..
Michelle & Jerry
Michelle's still a wee bit tipsy and she's making an argument that Ed McMahon is the host of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous (it's Robin Leech). Where Keesha was the one to get in trouble with the DR last night, tonight is Michelle's turn...
Chatter, chatter...
11:20pm BBT
HoH Room
Renny & Keesha
Renny: It's getting very crucial coming up.
Keesha: I'm so tired... Tomorrow you get the camera, and you get to take pictures. :)
Renny: Michelle wouldn't take you, me or Ollie... and Dan?
Keesha: I don't know who Dan would take.
Renny: Dan laughs at everything Memphis does.... and we know it doesn't take Michelle too much to be reeled in by a man.
Keesha: Yeah, she likes guys.
Renny continues on to repeat her no one really loves you but me refrain to Keesha. Keesha's lost interest in hearing the same speech again, and all she's giving Renny are well placed Mm Hmms.
Keesha: Do you wanna go outside? I'm bored.
Renny & Keesha leave HoH to go outside for some fresh air while Renny waits to be called in to the DR. They cross paths with Michelle, who is on her way in...
11:22pm BBT
Backyard Couch
Jerry, Keesha & Renny
Jerry tells Keesha about his earlier conversation with Ollie and April, and emphasizes that she was not the topic. On the contrary, they were just talking about their future together as a couple after the show...
Jerry: April just keeps saying she's going home, and they want to spend their last days here in the house together... Ollie said he's moving to Arizona to live with her...
Talk becomes chatter for a couple minutes...
Jerry: Dan said something nice about you today.
Keesha: What was it?
Jerry: He said you have a good heart.
Keesha: Awww..
Jerry: Dan's wondering if he still has a job when he gets out of the house. He hasn't done anything wrong in here to get him fired.
Keesha: I agree.
Jerry offered to write a letter to Dan's boss, vouching for him.
They all agree Dan's been a very good role model while he's been in the house, but they're also very aware that the tv edit can show anyone in a bad light.
80s Room
April & Ollie
Still cuddling. April's complaining that she's always the one to ask for kisses, and that Ollie never initiates. Ollie says he does. April say he only has once...
11:30pm BBT
Backyard - Couch
Jerry, Renny, Keesha
Renny: Libra's gonna be so happy to see someone pull up to the jury house.
Keesha: I wonder if the person in the jury house greets the new person at the door.
Renny: No.. She'll be inside, and they'll surprise her...
Keesha: Then they get to see how they look on tv.. with the dvd the new jury member brings in...
80s Room
April & Ollie
Time for More Live Porn on the Feeds
April runs off to the bathroom real quick (cork removal?)... Ollie gets out of bed and pulls his shirt down to cover up little Ollie, who is at attention.. Then he goes to turn off the lights. April hurries back from the bathroom, gets under the covers, takes off her bottoms, and away they go...
11:45pm BBT
Keesha, Jerry
What Will Ollie Do Once April's Gone?
Jerry's pretty sure he'll want to pair up with him, since he wont have anywhere else to go...
Talk turns to Memphis & Michelle...
80s Room
11:47pm BBT
April & Ollie are still going at it.
11:50pm BBT
Keesha & Jerry are joined by Michelle. Keesha & Jerry ask Michelle what Ollie and April are up to... Jerry thinks they're still running scenarios for her to stay. Michelle says, "I don't think so!" and leaves it at that.
Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Dan and Memphis are having a snack, prepared for them by Renny.
11:55pm BBT
80s Room
April & Ollie
Coitus Completus. ;) They're looking for the clothes they threw off... including April's shirt. Ollie's naked. April is exposed to the live feeds (and the world) when Ollie goes looking for his pants.
Keesha, Jerry
Keesha: In real life, when I don't care for someone, I tend to avoid them, but in here, you really can't.
Still, Keesha says that whenever April walks into a room, she walks out.
Jerry: I told Ollie he needs to start playing the game and quit playing with April.
Keesha: I know... Everyone's been saying that.
Jerry: (laughing) Ollie ain't gonna cuddle with me if she leaves!
11:56pm BBT
Dan, Memphis, Michelle
Michelle tells the boys that Keesha was all about asking about where they were and what they were doing...
12:30am BBT
All the HGs are getting ready for bed... In the Hippie Room, Memphis starts singing, "Goodnight Sweetheart, it's time to go..."
Pleasant pillow talk and chatter...
1:30am BBT
Hippie Room
Memphis, Dan & Keesha
Memphis has a message for his girlfriend...
Memphis: Baby, if you are listening, please take 2 weeks off, 'cause we are going on vacation!
Dan has a message for Monica too...
Dan: Monica, if you are watching, I miss you. Send pictures over the wall. I am dying inside.
They continue chatting for another hour, then they drift off to sleep...
This concludes the overnight report!
For those of you wondering about Ollie, as of 8:22am BBT, he's in the Spa Room, with a pillow over his face.
Hi Carolyn and everyone else =)
Hope everyone is doing well
Woohoo..The overnight Report!
I wonder if April brought her bitch out..seems she talks alot about it..but that's all she does...never tells anyone anything to their faces..just behind their backs..I guess thats what Big Brother sweethearts do ;)
Good morning beautiful Carolyn.
Good Carolyn!!!
Does anyone really, REALLY want Jesse's shorts??? Other than Michelle??? :)
Good Morning Darlin. Because of your little "secret" stunt last night I didn't have time to do my hair. But I am not going to let you do that to me this morning. So while I get rid of these dark roots (which are more grey now than brown) I wish you a wonderful day. May your fingers flow swiftly. Have fun.
Good Morning, Jenn :) Funny you should mention that...
You've gotta refresh the post and check out C=Venus' new chops ;)
Good Morning, lovely Piper :)
Good Morning, Christy! :) Stay safe n dry! lol... he's got bids.. ;)
hehehe.. G'Morning Alice :) Thank you!
Good morning Carolyn!
Good morning fellow BB addicts!
This will be the first overnight report I will actually be surprised about. I turned off the feeds and BBAD the second Michelle started her baby talk! How old is she?
Anyway, thankfully, we have the Queen of BB here and I didn't have to listen to that crap and O and Ollie's hateful attitudes. Ollie gets more disappointing every hour.
Good Morning Carolyn!! You Wonder Woman you!
C=Venus, you're a genius! All Hail to the Borg Queen!! Love it!
i LOVED it night before last Ollie telling April she has a big forehead
Good Morning, Marci! :)
Good Morning, Genie! :)
Good Morning Everyone!
Well it's raining here - we are under a flood watch.
LOVE C=Venus's new chop of April!
I doubt April actually got her "bitch" out last night -
she is ALL talk and NO action
(well, unless she is "doin" Ollie) hehehe
I hope Ollie goes next week! He is a looser too.
Good morning everyone! Carolyn, I hope all is well with you.
I hope the alcohol has brought out another good night...can't wait to find out! You're the best!!
Good Morning Carolyn and all the dishbloggers out there~
Got to bed late last night (well late for me) listening to Jenn drone on and on about Ryan's betrayal of her. Made me remember why I never liked her.
Carolyn are you bidding on that hat? Wish there was a way we could all pool our money and get it for you, you SO deserve it!
Is the sun out today where you are?
sending lotsa love xoxoxox
Good morning Carolyn, ReporterX, Dishchicks.
Good morning Gaytor, BlueX, Noni, Genie and all the other BB addicts!! :)
C=Venus, the borg queen!! And the embrace you inner bitch! Priceless!!
Carolyn, thanks again for staying up late last night. :) And for the surprise.
If anything happened last night after 11 BBT, I didn't wake up for it. My house FINALLY cooled down so I slept like the dead.
Thank goodness for the overnight report.
Enjoy your day.
Good Morning Carolyn & everyone else,
I had so many laughs reading the comments while on the auto train.
But I missed the big one from yesterday! What was the surprise announcement??
I'm now connected so I can watch the feeds...
Hugs to all!
Good Morning Carolyn!
C=Venus - you are hilarious!
Should really be making shirts with your chops; especially the "Bowl of Bitchy" from last week and the "Inner Bitch" soap one!
Jesse's shorts=ICK
No, rather BIG ICK.
Wonder if he knows about BBDish Chicks and has read any of our comments!!
Oops knew I forgot something;
Don't like how Jessie's ad is written. None of it.
There were pics floating around of Angie, Brian and Steven at the rodeo. Now seeing them all participating would have been a hoot!
I can't believe how well Steven has done with his auctions. Over $700 for his cowboy hat!!
I think that it's safe to say that Janelle won't be bidding on Jessie's shorts lol
Morning Carolyn & BB Lovers,
So I couldn't help myself and took a peak of A&O's video last night...eww;{ and I 'm pretty sure Ollie got his Matty/Nat style but nothing more than that...just a head boppin away.
I am very disappointed that Aprils inner bitch never surfaced..ugh!!
I love C-Venus' chop of Renny. It is wonderful. C-Venus rocks.
As for Ollie, he better get all he can now, because it ain't gonna happen again for at least a week probably more.
Good morning everyone.
I'm also looking forward to the report. But I'm really looking forward to around 5:45 BBT tomorrow, when the house will no longer be so nasty.
Looks like Ollie is thinking about how he screwed himself (and April) in this game. Can't wait to see him sucking up to everyone come Friday. Thursday night he will probably sit and sulk and not talk to anyone. Unless Jerry gets HOH - GASP! Slap my fingers.
Thanks Carolyn - I didn't even think to turn on the feeds this early. Do you have them on 24/7 on a big screen? God bless you if you do!
Good morning everyone!! Just checking in before work. Gotta train new employees today so I can't sneak off to read the blog. Hope everyone has a nice day and continues to remain out of Fay's path!
Morning all.
Gotta say that the chop + all that talk of Ollie & Ape getting busy has me queasy.
Good A.M Carolyn!! Are you staying dry?
I want to know WHO & WHY would anyone want Jessie's shorts? UUGGGGHHHHH!!
Hope today is a bit more eventful. Can't wait for CF tonite.....wonder if April is really gonna wear her bikini??
Good Lord c=venus - you are good.
I so needed a good laugh today and you definitely came through!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
Carolyn you are so lucky to have such talent working with you. Just another reason you are the best!
I have a question that I hope those of you "in the know" can answer. I've noticed that the people we hear about seem to be traveling all over the place visiting other houseguests,etc. Did they make money so that they don't have to work, for now? I'm sure some get paid for appearances, etc., but what about work and/or going back to school?
Janice in Tallahasee
good morning everyone! hope all is well and storms are moving away.
i have to say that april talking about bring out her "beeyotch" reminds me of sharon last season talking about "hoops." i don't think her alter ego made an appearance then and i doubt april's will now. must be a way to vent.
oh and i'm totally going to bid on jessie's shorts. wait, no. why in the world would i want his shorts?! the things some people like . . .
have a good day!
Good morning everyone!
Hi Genie Sea, thank you!!!!
Carolyn, I'm on a caffeine drip like you this morning, LOL. Hopefully, it takes effect soon!
And Jenn, I have a feeling that April's gonna show off her inner bitch today. She's got 24 hrs. to put on a show for us, lol.
Good Morning Carolyn and fellow Big Brother addicts...
Ok so Jen and Ryan have broken up because he went to visit Matty and hooked up with a 19 year old...I'm sorry for Jen she seemed to be really in Love with Ryan.
Anyway we'll be catching up on our after dark once Tiffany wakes up (Thanks to the DVR) cant wait for tommrows show and see Miss. April walk out the door.
Good morning fellow BB addicts. Okay I have been coming here all season because my sister-in-law led me to you all. I have just been lurking in the background reading the posts & comments. I've jus tnow decided to come out and play. ;) You all are too funny. I love this site and only wish I would have found you sooner. Thanks for keeping us updated. :)
I knew if I mentioned the Borg Queen, C=Venus would do a great chop of it WONDERFUL!
Good morning all. Carolyn I guess it was a nice change to sleep last night without howling winds and rain beating down. Hope you took advantage of it.
Noni, how are those sore cheeks this morning. Probably not as sore as A/O's cheeks after that BBAD show they put on.
At least BBAD didn't make us watch it ALL while the rest of the house was still having fun. We just got cuts that let us know they were bumping uglies. The BBAD cam did catch the removing of the panties and then the putting back on the top afterward. That was more than I wanted to see but at least the cam went back to the mean people to give them some privacy? MMHMMM Privacy. That's what they gave them ... after everyone on BBAD got to see what they were doing. I hope someone saves a DVR of that just to show them.
I enjoyed the BBAD version last night except for the Michelle 'baby voice'... UGH. I want to buy Jessie's shorts, but ship them directly to her with instructions to stick them in her mouth. I wouldn't want to touch them in transit.
Sorry I missed the fun time with the Dishers last night, but the DQTD wouldn't get out of the chair once he got into it. But he did have a rough day so I didn't bitch at him.
CYA after the "Overnight" is done.
Good morning, lovely Carolyn and fellow bloggers!
LOL, christy in fla! He must have fans, though, cuz they're up to $99!
Dang, I can't get used to the live show not being on Wednesdays. Another day to wait!
G'morning everyone!
Did I miss it? I looked everywhere and can't find it...what was the big secret? I saw the Jen/Ryan/Alex thing, but it said to wait until after 10:20 and I didn't see anything else....what'd I miss?
Carolyn, forgot to ask... how's it goin' for ya with the hat bid?
Thanks Cakegirl! The bitch is coming, I have faith, lol.
Thank u Julieb! Haha :)
Hey diana! What can I say - I'm a fun-lovin' girl, lol. In fact, so many ppl asked about those tshirts you mentioned that I created them and they're now up and available in my store. Thx for your suggestion ;)
G'morning Alice - glad you liked the Renny chop. Boy did I have fun with that! I'm a total art junkie and have always loved Peter Max. I've got over 30 images in that collage!!!
Lol, Monyc - sorry 'bout the queasiness, girl. Hopefully, you'll feel better soon.
Thank you Marci! I love to laugh too. Great way to start the day, don't you think? :)
Anonymous 7:33, glad you enjoyed the Borg Queen! She sure is an ugly ol' thing, lol.
Morning everyone! I neglected to do that in my previous post!
Everyone keeps waiting for April's inner bitch to come out. Hello? It's been out since day 1 on the feeds. The only thing remaining is for her to be a bitch to people in their face not behind their back.
I'm more concerned with Ollie's inner bitch, or is he April's inner bitch? Oh, who cares! Good bye to both of them?
Gaytor - You all stocked up on eyeballs? I am running low.
Good morning Carolyn... I am glad you are safe!
Can I just say I threw up in my mouth a little this morning. First, at the auction for Jessie's shorts, and his up and coming rising star of 2008 comment... then the Ollie and April talk... too early for that!
Thank you for keeping me SO up to date... hate not being able to watch the feeds at work... sigh!
Hi All,
Seems like there is a 2nd "Diana" that just found this site posting!
So I will now post as my nickname DiDi that my good friends call me!
So please don't hold me responsible for anything the "other" Diana says!!!
What a sourpuss April is....oy
In case you missed it from the earlier post:
I rarely comment but I did see an interview that seattlepi had with Libra after her getting evicted and I do think it is a true testament to her being a real BB game player (she can admit her own weaknesses in the game and be objective about it really being anyone's game in the house):
She wasn't necessarily my favorite player so this article shed a whole new light on her for me. Enjoy!
Good Morning All
Our office is closed today so I get to stay home and watch the feeds!
Good Morning Carolyn
well lets all hope mem or dan win hoh and next week m ollie or jerry joins A/L.
gooo dan goo mem
Gooood Morning, Everyone! :)
It's 8:28am BBT, and I've gotta go return the big SUV I rented for the storm (just incase of storm surge)...
I'll be back ASAP.
jluv- did you notice that the bids from $60 to $99 is by the same person ( Jesse's ego maybe ???)
I have to mention that even though I am sure Jerry is a nice person outside of BB- not the best job reference!!!
Carolyn- Good "MORNING" - I think it is safe to come out of my storm bunker now :) Although I did have flooding yesterday in my house- my 20 month old son tipped the 5 gallon fish tank over into the kitchen spilling most of the water!! So I am a lil more worried about Hurricane Landon then T.S. Fay :) hehehe
And as I edit this Hurricane Landon just hit my coffee onto the floor.. help!!!
Good morning Carolyn. I hope you are well today.
"April runs off to the bathroom real quick (cork removal?)... "
OMG, my sick mind is going a one thousand miles a minute thinking of what this means. I'm thinking it has something to do with a tampon. If that is true, I'm soooooo disgusted. I knew she was a hog, but this goes WAY beyond the meaning of hog. Could it be? Who would ever say that. Has she gotten her period? I'm so grossed out at he moment, I can't even finish my bagel....ewwwwwwwww
Thoughts, Comments, Anyone?!?!??
Hey Carolyn,
I'm glad that blogger has noticed that you guys were human again ;) I had the same thing happen to my blog.
I have been watching the 24/7 feed for the past few days and is it me or are these last 8 houseguests being way too nice for Renny week? Comon' where is the tension?
Good morning lovely Carolyn and all BB lovers,
Jenn- I don't think April's problem is bringing out the's trying to hide it.
If there's one thing I hope she learns from all this,it's that contempt shows. It seeps through every forced smile,every bubbly performance, every pronouncement of her goodness and beauty...and it isn't pretty.
Her belief that BB10, or any outside influence will bring her the love and adoration she craves will soon be shattered...and I do feel bad for her.
The girl needs to work from the inside out to rid herself of the counterproductive emotions that stand between her and genuine happiness.
Now onto another subject: originality-
I think the reason I love Dan and Renny so much is their quirky uniqueness.Renny's silly schtick and Dan's off the wall scenarios have made this season for me (well, that,Carolyn and the witty observations of all you fine folks)...
On the flip side, it's painful watching 'Michelle,Bichelle,Fishelle' groping for a personal BB tagline, only to steal everyone elses.
'Woooow"- Jameka's
'AWKward'- Dani's
babytalk- Was it Natalie?
When the most entertaining thing one can come up with is "Do you like-a my melons?" it's time to call it a night.
Oooh... Renny gets to take pix today. That'll be fun!!
Love to all!
You think Ollie is up so early wondering WTF he has gotten himself into with April?
Every time I look a song runs through my head... The Pet Shop Boys - "What Have I Done To Deserve This?"
Nah, it's too gay for him to know it. You have to be gay or gay-friendly to know PSB music.
Genie Sea -
Girl! You crack me up -
I too would love to ACTUALLY see April start some shit with the "people who I have done nothing to"! -here is hoping she actually tells them to their FACE!
C=Venus -
Just gotta say I LOVE all your "chops" - they are ALL right on target!
Cork removal...Carolyn!! My office thinks I'm losing my mind, I just laugh at nothing, they think!!
Gaytor, have you ever thought of investing in a second computer or laptop??? :)
I'm thinkin "The Borg Queen" is all talk and no action as far as Biotch comin out! Tonight they should play hide and seek and go find O/A! Could be such fun!
Hey Kids,
I've got family here this week and they are really cramping my style with BB. They just don't understand my priorities!
Question for you all. Don't you think April is getting off really easy with the editing for the TV only crowd. I've never seen AGP pass up a villain; I've seen them manufacture one, but ignore one? What do you guys think about that?
C=Venus - amazing chop!
C=Venus Excellent as always. You did a great job of cleaning up April to make her look more presentable.
I've got to go check out your site again and see the things I've missed this week. And check out those t-shirts too.
You're the best BB Chopper ever!
On the Overnight report you did not mention after April/Ollie sex April souded pleased saying they got that on camera. I guess she is going for a porn career after BB10 and I hope that is only offer she gets. Still hope she is leaving proving once again isolation showmance is not the road to the finals in this game !
where do we look to see jen talking about everything?
I can't believe Ollie is sucking up to Keesha. Looks like getting up early and clearing his brain without April has done some good. But is it too late? And will anyone trust him? Could be bad news if Memphis and Dan get a hold of him. Will be interesting to say the least.
Hi all!
I don't think April will bring out too much more of her "bitch" at least no to everyone personally as if she saw what happened to James last year after what Chelsia did, which really hurt James's game even more than it already was.
I really believe she thinks Ollie still has a chance to win and doesn't want to jepordize it. She knows he is already so upset that if she goes off and is attacked he will b;ow his top. Sad isn't it.
As far as their relationship goes, I think that although he may really like her he is using her both in the game and I believe he will use her after the game. When they were talking about him moving to Arizona he seemed to be under the impression he would move into her house with her on a permanent bases. She mentioned that initally that would be alright but would soon have to get his own place. He seemed shocked at that. He is presently a telemarketer, whoopie, and she supposedly makes a six figure salary. Sounds like when she said she couldn't wait to take care of him, he took that literally.
By the way I read that she has lost her job. Supposedly, because of the length of her absence but it was because of her antics with her boobs on the very first day. I do remember early on in the game when she said she hasn't taken a vacation in three years because of other people losing their jobs over being gone too long, so I don't think this will come as a surprise to her.
I think this girl lives in a fairy tale world thinking that being on the show would lead to better things for her. Either she would win the money, have a showmance that would lead to marriage or become famous.
One other thing the "colonel", although he did serve during the Korean War was nothing but a paper pusher.
Hope you all have a great day!
Christy, do you think? LOL, it would not surprise me at all! He definately seems like the type to boost his bidding!
I really hope April does wear her bikini, especially tomorrow night.
Won't it be great that Julie does the next morning's report right after the show farewell interview. LOL, April will have to stay sitting there in her bikini.
That will give tv onlys a little peek into what we are seeing from her on a daily basis.
Thank you Jane and Gaytor!!!
And Gator, you're the best - I always look forward to reading your posts, you have a great sense of humor. Btw, I LOVE The Pet Shop Boys - Westside Girls is one of my favvvvvorite songs. Real good memories for that one.
Hope you enjoy the new chops! I'm bad - I've got a whole "bitch series" of tees in my store, lol :)
IMO, I honestly believe that A/O realize they are being recorded. If not, why would they be so careful(?) to attempt to keep the covers in place while doing what they do so often.
And then her comment last night about they got they recorded.
Playing the innocents I feel.
And if I were playing I would keep Ollie till later to just keep them apart and unable to "cuddle". Damn, Libra will raise hell with them for all the noise they will be making.
I think it deserves each of them to add one caustic person at a time. First Libra for a week by herself, and then to find out she was wrong about being able to call her family. Chelsia confirmed they get no phone calls while in jury house.
Then April to bring pain of both her and Libra. A week by themselves.
Let's see. Jerry would be best next. But it is better to keep him till the end since no one would vote for him(well, maybe Keesha).
Ollie would be the wrong one next, since it would put A/O back together and make Libra an outsider.
Renny maybe, since I dont feel she blends with either April or Libra. And she is becoming so paranoid now, even though I had been one of the Renny train riders for so long.
Carolyn, glad you didnt need the SUV. As it ended up, we didnt get much more than a normal summer storm. It went stationary about 20 miles south of here, then went on to hammer the coastline.
"cork removal" LOL!!!!
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