The Tuesday Show & The Big Secret
Good Evening Big Brother Lovers! Are you ready for the Tuesday Show on CBS? I can't wait to see the PoV Comp... an, frankly, I'm equally intrigued to see the edit that follows it, with special attention to Dan & Renny.
Please feel free to blog and comment here within this post while the show is on. I promised you a big secret was about to be revealed, and here's a bit more of it. You'll have to be here at 10:20pm to get the next part of the details.
Heads up folks... Just when you thought the HGs from BB9 were done with all of their love triangles, it starts up again, and you'll never believe who this time! Suffice it to say, as I write this, 2 you would never suspect are all over each other... Not enough to entice you? What if I told you there's a 3rd BB9 HG involved in the whole thing?
Here's another hint: There are 2 men and one woman involved in this scenario..
Everything was exposed live tonight on the radio, so I can tell you, in case you missed it:
- Ryan cheated on Jen with some 19 year old in Boston.
- Jen broke up with Ryan.
- Alex flew her out to LA...
- I'll be discreet, but, suffice it to say...
- Could you resist those lips?
- I know I couldn't.

OMG Carolyn, I hate to have to wait for secrets, especially after a teaser like that....arghhhh!!!! I will be waiting!!!!!!!
Whew!! EASTERN!!!!
I thought you were going to have BBT on the end. LOL
Have I told you lately you are the BBBBBest!!!!!! xo
my guess... a combo of james/natalie/matt or amanda/james/sharon
OMG Carolyn you little Devil you. You tease us and then make us wait! I'm wiggling all over in anticipation.
Can I guess? How about Sheila and Parker? I did see a pic of them kissing...
Rob says his guess is..........
James and Josh and Chelsia hooked em up!!!
Is he right? LOL
Carolyn - I got goosebumps of anticipation... I can't even fathom...
Huh? What?! You're such a tease!
BTW, speaking of former hg's, did anyone hear that Jessica and Eric from BB8 have broken up? I happened to be surfing the links here at the dish for former hgs' MySpaces and saw no sign of Eric at Jessica's MySpace, plus she lists herself as single. Last time I checked there, she had lots of pix of herself and Eric all over the place.
10:30 on what?
oh - that's not even fair. You're supposed to be cleaning up and staying safe from Fay, not freaking us out with a secret. You didn't divulge enough. I may go crazy before 10:30. One more hint!! Please. Great that you are having fun with us. Thanks for keeping us on pins and needles - haha. You're awesome!
I'm guessing Ryan dumped Jen and Allison tracked him down. I'm laughing just thinking about it.
omg you tease!!! LOL How am I supposed to wait that long!
I REALLY hope they fill in the audience tonight on what's been going on with April and Ollie. I'm hoping all the focus on them, on the last show was just a build up to revealing more tonight before she goes bye bye!
Carolyn you are evil and must be destroyed... but not until you divulge the dish on the tryst of BB9.
Poor Jerry, and everyone knows I'm not a fan, but I got a tear in my eye when he and Keesha were outside and talking alone. HE thanked her for talking to him. Not in a game play way but as a person, or that's the way I took it.
Now on with the show. Let's see what is left on the cutting room floor.
Evening Carolyn.....can't wait for the secret!!!
Gaytor :( Really, threatening my pain meds? Have enough love for all you, really? You just have so many admirers I can't fit in there (smile) ***BIG HUGGS & KISSIES**** for you and my Blue too!
Why or why are they editing this to make Ollie/April look so innocent? Or is that just me?
Hmm... I'm gonna go for Chelsia, Sheila and Parker.
Grendon - I love your scenario from the afternoon post about Keesha winning HOH etc.
Sheila and Parker kissing? Where? Is Alex in that triangle? heh
I am gonna go with Ryan and Sharon... with Jen the obvious 3rd.
Carolyn, could it be the guinea pigs again? They drove everybody in the house crazy last year during that HOH comp. I'm just thinking maybe Sharon will be back w/ them or something crazy....LOL
come on dan and mem need to win hoh or we are screwed
MI and jerry need to go up
Hmmm, Sheila's MySpace (BB9) says:
"It's true when you are not looking for love it find's you!!!"
(Arrggh, grammar police - one of my pet peeves is how everyone uses apostrophes incorrectly when they don't need them, WTF is up with that?!?! Love "finds" you, Sheila. NO apostrophe necessary!)
BB9 couple = Amanda and Parker.
That's my prediction.
Yes, Ollie we're praying for you... to get evicted.
I’ve read comments today about April possibly being booed when she exits the house. Some of the people that have been in the audience say that’s not allowed. They are actually told to NOT boo the hg. I do like Samantha M’s solution of April walking out to a dead silence; however, I don’t think that will happen either. The excitement of being in the live audience probably takes over and they will clap no matter what.
There are a lot of prejudice preachers in this world…; Ollie may be only repeating what he has been taught. A religious title does not make a person holy or right.
Imagine CF’s reaction to April if she appears on his show in a bikini! When she tells him that “she did it for him,” imagine if his answer is “did you also move your belly button just under your boobs for me too?” Oh my goodness….I am being sooooo catty!! Sorry.
Keesha’s laugh is a little hard to take sometimes but you have to admit it comes from her soul. She laughs with joy and happiness. April’s laugh irritates me a lot because it is devious, mean and very fake. It comes from her mouth and not her eyes. Does that make sense to anyone?
Back to the show. Love you guys.
I said Sheila and Parker, and I could throw in Chelsia in the mix, too, since she likes the girls, too! And she and "She" are close.
chelsia, alex and jen doing a photo shoot with TRD is my guess based on their myspaces
Guess you won't give us another hint before 10:30?
oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Love the POV set!
Duh, Sharon and the two gerbils.
I don't know what's more disturbing, the PoV ceremony or lusting after a half naked Catholic School Teacher while he's laying in bed reading the bible. Even his crazy swimming shorts weren't a turn off.
Sharon/josh/and sharon's ex boyfriend (the first guy out)
How about Sheila/Parker and Chelsia!
Live where? Here? I'm confused, lol.
Maybe it's Jen and Parker...are her and Ryan still together? I heard they were closer than they made out to be (Jen and Parker).
Ha, I'm so determined to figure this out. It can't be Ryan because he must still be with Jen. Her MySpace says:
"The real Jen of BB9 - love my fans and of course my man Ryan!"
Interesting: Ryan's MySpace has been deleted. At least that's what it says when I click on the link here at the dish.
BB9 Couple - Sharon & Matt. That would be crazy!!
~ Ryan ~
Gaytor - re: your comment at 6:07 about Jerry and Keesha. This is why I have grown to like Keesha more and more. Other than Dan, she is the only one who treats Jerry kindly and with respect, even when he probably doesn't deserve it. She can't help feeling sorry for him sometimes, and worrying about him. I think she's being genuine and it shows what kind of a person she really is.
Sheesh, is it me or is this POV comp long, boring and too drawn out? Let's get it overwith already!
Dan is a fierce competitor! Very intelligent and I can't wait to see him try more times, cause I feel like he could beat them all! At least with mental comps....
2 you would never suspect are all over each other... Not enough to entice you? What if I told you there's a 3rd BB9 HG involved in the whole thing? Everything will be exposed live tonight at 10:30pm eastern on...
Tell Tell Tell!!!
To help sidetrack my brain from obsessing about who is the new couple/threesome, I'll voice aloud my hopes for Craig Ferguson and BB Live questions to ask April/Ollie.
First, I hope Craig Ferguson asks Ollie/April how they are going to handle not being able to have sex anymore if April is evicted since they've made such great use of the Spa Room/HOH/Bedrooms.
Then, I hope Julie shows April when she is evicted the clip of April telling Ollie that Keesha has it in for her because she (April) is prettier (duh!) and Ollie's expression followed by April's facial expression. Julie could ask her why she thinks she is so much prettier or if she thinks America agrees with her.
I think those are two questions that would be fun to watch her squirm through, although I think there are so many more. Show her clips of calling people the c**t word among others.
OH, and I love the heart with an M in it!
Gotta give Jerry some credit, too. OK, I'm done for now.;)
nope - its chelsia and alex (and the thrid is the ex James)
Oy! Michelle is Horrible at hosting! Reminds me of "Hooked on Phonics worked for me!"
Dan knows that he Memphis and Keesha will vote out April, so why is he so paranoid that Jerry might go?
Here's a hint... you're all wrong. ;P
I think Michelle is THE WORST POV host EVER. Ug.
ollie...cracked me up with his crow response! and are right about the voodoo. don't want anything to do with it.
why is nobody throwing out Adams name? I bet he has something to do with the surprise... cause nobody is guessing his name!!
James and Joshua... with Sharon as the thrid?
Oh Boy did Michelle bite as a host..worst host I have ever seen..I say Shelia and Parker are a couple...with Adam fighting over the big She..
You took the words outta my mouth.
Im thinkin Matt/Sharon and UGH Nat?
How cute was the pov ceremony?
Loved it!!
Woah. I just read that again. And another love triangle?? I knew about Chelsia and James. But there was a totally different love triangle too?? Someone PLEASE fill me in!!
I have the secret! It is Carolyn, Reporter X and Adam!!!
Sheila and Adam and Natalie LOL
OK, lets start throwing other names out there. How about Nat and Matt? How weird would that be, although I don't think that's it. Neil and Josh? Adam and ?????? GEEEEEEEE!
james/josh... and...
Why does it always seem that these HG are screaming at the top of their lungs when they host a comp? The back yard is not that big. We can hear them just fine when they are normally talking, so why the screaming.
I'm throwing my guess in.
I think it is going to be Adam, another one of the guys, and a female. I always had a bit of gaydar going off on Adam.
Is there a link to watch tonights show online?
hmph, some hint!!
And since I'm not watching the show for 2 1/2 more hours, I can tell you Dan and Jerry are speaking very nice to one another on the feeds.
Thank you sooooo much.
Sometimes the smallest things can make you happy.
What made me so happy you may wonder.....
The bellybutton.
I noticed it one night when she was changing. It seemed so freakishly misplaced that I thought the wide screen format was distorting the picture. Thank God! Now I know I don't need a new tv (or an eye exam)
Adam, Sheila, and Sharon!
I don't know if I can stand it! That would be 7:30 pacific, 1 more hour.
Lots of guesses, they are all interesting, but which one is the closest to the actual truth?
Stand by for more information....
Has Dan always been this shouty in his DRs?
tick tock......tick tock...tick tock
waiting patiently....
Is AGP ever going to out Ollie and April? I'm irritated that they are so protected.
Is it Adam and Allison???
Wow. Just realized there is a 2nd piper on here.
40 more mins till Carolyn spills the beans...Could we have another guess or lets play hot and cold
Back tracking:::::
Did I miss the black out for the CF show recording? I have been listening to see who was insulted this week.
OK, I am obsessed. I just looked thru all of the shows on at 10:30, thinking something is on one of the gossip shows or foxrl tv, but found nothing. Since you ended it with what sounded like it would be ON something. UUUGGGGHHHH. I'm calm. Patience was never a virtue of mine and I'm a preschool teacher! I know, sad....
You are a tease!!! LOL!
Keepin em in suspense here at the dish...
No one mentioned Neil or Allison, I don't mean together, but just in general.
I also forgot to say-I understand exactly what you mean.
When my daughter was a baby you could cover her face from the nose down and you could still see her emotions. I always said she smiled with her eyes.
GayTor ~ Gaydar on Adam? Yeesh either yours is finely tuned or you got him confused with...well...some other man that looks like Adam? (Can't imagine what that'd look like)
For the sake of the gay men all in the world, let's hope Adam isn't. Sorry, but googly eyed, crotch rot, boogie picking Adam does not float my boat, not that there's anything wrong with that...
~ Ryan ~
I'm thinking it's Alex and Shelia but I don't have a clue on who the 3rd could be...Hmmmm;[
AGP is being too kind to A/O. I agree. Other times, there has been footage, keeping people guessing...
I know!!!!! It is Matt and Chelsea!!! NO......James and Matt!!
Oh, hi Piper! You're probably right about the audience on Thursday's live show. But, I'm still hoping they don't clap or cheer for April!
I totally get what you mean about Keesha's laughter as compared to April's, and I agree. Watching Keesha crack up with Renny, Dan and Memphis late at night on BBAD makes me laugh too. I understand how it could be annoying, but I bet that in real life when she laughs her friends laugh even more, both with her but also at her funny laugh. I'm sure they joke with her about it often, but it's nice to see that she's being real and not holding back.
Yay, the haircut!!
Dan...yum...(wishful thinking)... ;)
~ Ryan ~
How about Chelsia being involved, but not sexually. Like the 2 love birds staying at her house! Alex and ????
Hmmmm ... unlikely you say?
How about Ryan, Chelsia, and Josh!!
Okay, now I'm mad at Piper and Grendon for making me search for pix of April's belly button! I never noticed that before, and now I am disturbingly intrigued.
piper you are so right about people's eyes. they really are a window to people's soul, and april always has such a stressed unhappy look in her eyes. im sure deep down she is a very unhappy person, and keesha is much more confident and careless making her a much more peaceful soul
*GaYToR bonks Carolyn over the head with a big plastic blowup mallet*
Oh I love it!!!
Michelle just asked Ollie not to call her out about the stuff she's been doing to help April if he goes nuts. LMAO
Um, is there a limit on how many times we can comment in one post? LOL. Sorry, but once again y'all are way more interesting than these people.
Love you Carolyn for putting up with us! :D
April's swimsuit cover up: "P" is for Prettiest.
Why does April always use Ollie in her bargaining? I've said it before, I'll say it again. It's just plain stupid! It scares others knowing there is such a close alliance, April. But we all know she's not the sharpest tool in the box.
Edit made Renny look tough. I don;t understand why they made Dan change. The way they edited it, there was no continuity between POV and HOH discussion.
Here comes Dan in the post veto setup.
Ry, LOL... I didn't say it turned me on, and I feel the same way about him but we are made up of all kinds... There was just 'something' and I never put my finger on it... nor would I put my finger on "it."
Ollie is SO nasty the past couple of days. I like how he's swearing even though he said he doesn't swear. I really don't care for him at all. Calling people f*ggots is disgusting. I wish there was a double eviction so he and April would both go this week.
Genie - I agree.. that was just silly of them..
They're all going to be so annoyed when this is all over that they went on and on about how untrustworthy Dan was when he was actually the only one in there not lying left and right.
anon @ 6:45 --
I am willing to bet that April has ridiculously LOW self-esteem considering she always feels so threatened by other females, always has to tell herself she's the best, the fake boobs (come on everyone knows those are NOT real)... it all points to insanely low self esteem issues. You're absolutely right, her eyes say it all, she's a very sad person deep down inside.
Ok I need to see a pic of April and her freakishly misplaced belly button, I guess I never noticed that, does anyone have a pic? Carolyn could you post one in the blog?
Lee ~ Didn't you know? Usually the prettiest and nicest people don't know really how to haggle with staying in the game. It's always the really pretty and really nice ones that get sent home earlier than expected...
Wait a sec...what just happened...??
~ Ryan ~
Anyway, doesn't Dan wear that shirt everyday? It's not that hard to edit...hahaha
Down to 35 minutes. Do we stay tuned to the Dish to find out? I'm guessing yes!
Oh so they made him change to make it seem like there was no time between the HOH meeting and the POV ceremony, which we know is not the case.
GayTor ~ Considering what is most likely on "it", I would hope no person would ever touch "it", well no one sober enough to have a coherent thought at least...
~ Ryan ~
Ry and Gaytor...seriously your 'side' can have Adam and keep him. I can't imagine any woman dating the likes of him (cause I highly doubt the crotch scratching, nose picking, googley eyes would turn anyone one!!)
Oh man! You changed the next clue to 10:20 instead of 10. Bummer!!
Uggh, I'm so sick of these POV speeches. ("I wouldn't expect you to use the POV on me......."). Just once, I want at someone to say, "Hey, use the POV on me and I will owe you one. And, in this game, it's good to have someone that owes you!"
the secret is driving me mad!!!
No, Ollie, your plan did not work pause) SUCK at comps! Was that too harsh? I meant stink.
I love Dan calling them out with the money. Very clever reasoning. Go Team Dan!!!
Ollie give it up man. It's not Plan B. It's Plan C. A was LOSING the POV. :)
April's inner bitch made the edit!
NO, Jerry, you people in the BB house aren't in the eye of the storm, our poor Carolyn is/was!
April you do look stupid either way you are going to the big JH ..did she actually think Dan could be bribed.. i'm visualizing a dvd of "the secret" with the subject being carolyn's secret. heehee.
And here we go with oh woe is me crap from April.
New Hint ;) on the post...
Funny! Guess if your pretty and have such a huge heart, there are no strategies!
Greetings all!!
Well poop! Just got online for the first time today and thought my west-coastism was finally paying off.
Figured I could scroll through all the comments and find the answer at the bottom. Then I glanced at the clock....I'm such a goober.
Two I would never, ever suspect would be Matt and Nat. Throw Sharon in as my guess for the third party.
Ryan - Do you need an exorcist? You're channeling April. Stop it! hehe :)
April and Ollie got a pretty sweet edit tonight. I wish America could see more of what we do.
Last week's shows showed a little more of the real April than tonight.
Yes Genie, Carolyn called BB out on that in the blog when she informed us how Dan said he was told by BB to wear the red shirt and the POV when he went up to talk to Renny. Carolyn totally saw this phony edit coming!
What was Ollie talking about yesterday when he told April her speech was great? It was stoooopid.
I will stick to my 1st post its
Shelia and Parker..with Adam I hot or cold Carolyn???
TRD, Alex and ????? OOOOPS, TRD not on BB. How about Josh/Neil/Chelsia?
I really hope, but doubt, April will wear her bikini for her eviction. I'd love to see her in front of that audience, walking out of the house, talking to Julie. It would make quite a splash (so to speak).
I'm predicting Ollie will win HOH, though I'd prefer Dan or even Memphis.
Hmmm ... ok how about Adam, Natalie, and Chelsia? Now that's unlikely!!!
So, Carolyn likes to tease! She really likes to tease!
Carolyn... You will responsible for driving quite a few people insane! hehe
I can't even try to guess. Others are better at it! haha
Ok, I've been going to all of the BB9 HG pages. I found this little ditty in Alex's blog.
Doesn't mention Ryan at all....
Then on another site someone took a picture of Ryan and Matty hanging out at some beach in RI with no Jen in sight.
Matt, Adam and Natalie...cause she would do anything for her "Boys"!!
The only guess I have is Chelsia and Alex or Amanda and Parker I just can't think of anyone else. And Shelia say when do don't expect it you find love and she has been in contact with Chelsia, so maybe she already know about them. Only my guess. - Lou
OMG!! Sittin here listenin to April and Ollie, I want to BARF!!
She is sooooo past obnoxious -
she is ...(I wont say cause I KNOW Carolyn wont post it)
UUUGGGHHH!! I cannot STAND April!!
P.S. Did they give the houseguests the steak knives back yet? Hint-Hint
live on what?!
this should be interesting..
There were 2 men in BB9? hehe
It could be Niel and Josh with ??
30min and counting...
Gaytor - My daughter claims she has excellent gaydar and said the same thing about Adam.
Carolyn, if the reveal in somewhere on a computer sight, please give it to us in time to get there especially for those of us who have a slow computer. Don't let us miss it. And I am still sending you the evil eyes, but with smile. You can be one cruel lady.
Ok so I have to admit I wasnt here for the show but I am now and what the first thing I read Carolyn has secret and a juicy one at that. Carolyn what are you doing to us?!?! LOL I'm shaking with anticipation. These minutes cannot pass fast enough =D
Predictability is a precious commodity among Big Brother Allies.
It's even a necessary trait to evaluate your enemies, as discussed briefly in this episode by Dan while talking about Ollie.
Renny created the impression in her allies' minds that she is unpredictable - a "loose cannon" to use Memphis' words.
Renny's week as HoH is a failure, even if she succeeds in seeing April leave. Renny has lost the trust of two close allies.
Parker, james and chelsia.. in a 3some love triangle
One last thing about this mystery. I'm guessing Chelsia is the girl, since you are in contact with her. Guess I'll just have to wait about 22 more minutes. Patience, patience, patience...
WAIT! YEAH, Keesha is going to wash Dan's red shirt right now! Was wondering if he washed it, cause he already said he didn't wash his shorts.....
Ohhhh, something I had missed before. But when they were showing the comp where April won the $10K, Renny's comment was -
$10,000 to be used anyway you choose IN THE BB HOUSE.
Which would make it seem you use it in the house or you lose it.
So, I guess she would either need to use it to buy a vote, or give it to Ollie to use.
is chelsia involved? are we there yet?
Carolyn I hope your clock isn't as whacked out as the one on the BB production wall.
Remember everyone, I was the first to bring up Adam as a possible for this news.
Josh and Neil with a woman? Ain't happening. I think both are Kinsey 6's.
Im sure someone else has probably said this but didnt Mitchelle read that POV script like there was a period after every word
Okay, am I just reading too much into this now:
"Suffice it to say, as I write this, 2 you would never suspect are all over each other... Not enough to entice you? What if I told you there's a 3rd BB9 HG involved in the whole thing?
Here's another hint: There are 2 men and one woman involved in this scenario.."
Hmm, is this a trick question? Carolyn never actually said that they're involved in a romantic relationship, just that:
- 2 are "all over eachother"
- there's a 3rd BB9 HG "involved in the whole thing"
- and that there are 2 men and one woman "involved in this scenario".
Are we being tricked? Could it be something else??
sheila and evil dick
OMG, I cant wait for another 20 mins. Please, Let it all out and tell us.
I'm liking Bailey's idea... Jen and Alex in the Villa... I never would have paired them, but we all knew that her and Ryan wouldn't last, right?
my guess is parker/sheila/alex..oohh la la!!
OK I have had to turn the feeds off, just so I can keep refreshing the blog to learn the new clue. Carolyn you are really mean.
One more guess - Natalie and Adam were supposed to go into business together in FL he would sell clothes in the store and Natalie would sell her paintings; but who would be the 3rd person and also a man. Is Josh in this with them? - Stupid I know. -16 minutes to go - Lou
Is it Josh,Alex,and Chelsia?
Sharon and the guinea pigs, assuming they are both male.
Josh, Chelsia and Steven from bb10.
That's all I got.
things that make you say hummmmm ....Chelsia knows about this lil secret that rules her out..just seen her heading on myspace..*Chelsia* BB9 Shocker!!! WTF!?!?!?
15 minutes.... Carolyn your silence is deafening.. and really aggravating too. :p~
I will give another clue...
Chelsia is not involved...
You know I have contact with her... You forget I have contact with most of the rest of them too. ;)
Ok that means it will be 1:30am my time and the tv show thats on that would even cover this would be TMZ which is on at I right?
Man I am bugging out big time here wanting to know this big secret. God the time is like slo mo now! 15 min to go and I am trying to so hard to keep my mind off of it. Like watching water boil lol!! Oh the cruelty of it all Carolyn!!!
Patty - She and I spoke After we both found out from someone else. ;)
The secret couple.... hmmm is it Sheila/Evil Dick and James? Sheila has pictures of them 3 on her myspace.
Tonights twist is the threesome is the guinea pigs from last season.
No others would ever get into a trio with any of last years gang. YUCK
They also said that upon exiting the house, each bar was redeemable for $1,000. I can't imagine they'd give them "fake dollars" to barter with or personally keep.
Amber 10:30 EST not BBT and I too was thinking Matty and Natty and ????Ryan
OMG, Jessis has surfaced again. And he keeps on building his image in his own mind.
From eBay
Here's your chance to own a piece of television history, as well as a souvenir from one of reality televisions most unforgettable players in years. Up for bid are the actual pair of green nike shorts that Jessie wore during one of the more exciting and heated exchanges in season 10 of this years Big Brother. Don't miss your chance to own an exclusive, one of a kind, piece of television memorabilia, as well as a souvenir from one of 2008's up and coming, rising stars.
Wait! I think I got it! I just read Jessie's E-Bay auction description and it was worded very similarly to the way Steven worded his E-bay stuff.
So...My guess is...
Steven, Jessie & Chelsia
My guess is Natalie Matt and Balla LOL
Did I miss it or did they not show the clothes April won? Maybe she shouldn't have said they were ugly. The ungrateful ......!
OHHH is it Alex, Jen and Big Rybread
OHHH is it Alex, Jen and Big Rybread
Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Oh, maaaaaaa ....
I think we will see it on... THIS BLOG! Knowing Carolyn, she will provide us with the news right here, first hand!
Why Why does BB give the HG's chips to chomp down on.. how freaking annoying is that.....8 minsssssssssss
And Carolyn, you meanie, what's with the JENN on the top of the page?
matty natty and balla LOL
Alex, Parker and Jen??
Hi guys :) Hey Rhonda glad to see your back and all is ok!
Sorry for my lack of pictures all this week but it has been a horribly rough week for me ending in a funeral today.
Carolyn reveal your secret right now! hehe
I say it's
Chelsia, Alex & Joe lmao
7 minutes to gossip heaven LOL! Im sitting at my computer and my leg wont stop shaking LOL!!!
7 minutes to gossip heaven LOL! Im sitting at my computer and my leg wont stop shaking LOL!!!
Chelsia, Alex and Josh...
Chelsia told us in her blog
On a side note, Jessie has found his way to eBay... Haha even the description reads as cocky. And get this, $50 so far for his green shorts (??) and the reserve has not been met...
My bad on the time... I meant to say 7:30 my time TMZ will be on and I could see them covering something like this.
Josh and James matched up via Chelsia?
refresh the blog ;)
Carolyn are you gonna post the lil secret here or on the main page???? we need to know before 10:30 so we dont go on a wild goose chase.....
I have one more idea to throw out there. James goes both ways, correct? Maybe he's with Joshuah with the help of Sharon.
why does it say Jenn on the main page on the top let side of the page????never seen that before
Melissa and Bailey - I checked the MySpace pages too and about an hour ago I said it couldn't be Ryan (or Jen) because Jen's MySpace says:
"The real Jen of BB9 - love my fans and of course my man Ryan!"
I did see Alex's MySpace where he talked about picking Jen up from the airport. Interesting. But, I doubt she would leave that on her MySpace about Ryan if they had broken up.
I think Michelle is THE WORST POV host EVER. Ug.
Aaahhhhhhh!!!!! Jen and Alex!!!
Whoever said it was Jen and Alex wins a pony!
I really can't stand Jen.......milking her 15 minutes, sheesh.
Ryan visits Matty...yesssss??
~ Ryan ~
.......oh snap...
jen and alex!!!
Hi everyone, Whew, I am finally caught up for the overnight post. I was out all day today shopping with my niece who starts her first day of school on Monday. Not that anyone cares about this right now cuz all of us are waiting anxiously for the breaking news! But I just had to share. She is the baby of all my nieces & nephews & I have taken care of her since she was 18 months old so it's gonna be more of an adjustment for me than for her. She is very excited to be a big girl now & go to the same school her big brother goes to. :( *sniff*
Now on to show talk.
I hated the way they edited this show & made Ollie & April out to be such nice people. If I was a T.V. only person I would like April. She just seemed so sweet & nice. Of course, we all know the real unhappy person that she is but the way it was edited they gave her exactly what she has been trying to convince the HG of since she walked in the door.
I have always liked Keesha. I think she is a genuine person & I think the laugh is funny! She can lose her temper pretty quick but I think it's only when she feels she is being treated as a dumb blond.
I can't get it to work. I'm not so savvy in computer department. Guess I'll have to wait!
Wow, giving out all the details of your breakup on live internet radio . . . classy.
Please, someone, elaborate. Jen and Alex dating and who is the other male involved?
Ohh Jen boo hoo!! End of story!!
I was half right. It was Ryan and Jen only Ryan was the cheater.
Jen shouldn't be airing her dirty laundry.
That was kind of underwhelming
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