Early Evening in the BB10 House
Hello there, BB lovers. April's promises to bring her "Bitch" out tonight... We can't wait to see what that looks like on the live feeds. Have mercy!

6:31pm BBT
April sits alone..
Hippy Room
Renny, Keesha, Memphis & Dan

Renny, Keesha, Memphis & Dan talking about how they don't want to know their parents are having sex..
Renny: How do you think you got here?
Keesha asks Renny how did she feel when she found out her children were sexually active.. Renny says she made her children watch a sex education video over and over and then she tested them on it.
6:40pm BBT
Ollie & April
April is watching Ollie make slop. April says the only thing she has eaten in two days is toast and crackers..
Ollie: I know you need to eat. I'm starting to see veins on your forehead. You need to eat.
April: Don't point that out on tv..you can see veins?
She goes to inspect her veins in the mirror and claims its from migraines..April goes to weigh herself and says the scale is always off by two pounds.
Ollie sings: Tell me lies..tell me..oh sorry.
April says she hasn't been able to go to the restroom.
6:48pm BBT
Michelle & Keesha

Keesha is in the sauna. Michelle says she needs a nap.
6:55pm BBT
Around the feeds
*Memphis comes to Hippy Room to tell Dan (who is sleeping) it's time to do Ab's..and goes outside to workout
*Ollie is in the kitchen making slop.
*Keesha is in the sauna.
*April is in and out doing laundry.
*Renny is in the HOH Room
*No sign of Jerry
Memphis & Michelle
Michelle tells Memphis people have asked her if they are in an alliance.
Michelle: I tell them we are friends..Have people asked you that?
Memphis: Yeah, I've been asked..I know if Dan or Keesha win HOH they won't put you up.
Michelle then wonders if Jessie is in sequester.
Memphis tells Michelle, Keesha is wondering about Renny.
Memphis: She thinks Renny is a loose cannon.
Michelle: Will she put her up?
Memphis: No, not right now.
Michelle: Who would she put up? Ollie & Jerry?
Memphis: Yeah,
Michelle: Would you?
Memphis: F*ck yeah..are you kidding I want Jerry out next.

Memphis says they need to figure out who they want to take to final four. Michelle mentions Keesha. Then Memphis says they have to when HOH to make sure this can happen. They figure they are sitting pretty with any of the rest of them as the fourth. Michelle says she is worried about Ollie.
Michelle: It worries me..Ollie hasn't won anything and he's bound to.
Memphis says he is trying to get a firm team up with Keesha and Dan because they wouldn't put up either of them.
Memphis: My only worry is if Jerry wins HOH.
7:11pm BBT
Michelle & Memphis
Renny comes out.
Renny: I couldn't sleep.
She checks on laundry and goes back in..
Michelle & Memphis go back to game talk while working out.

They are discussing trying to get to final five with Keesha, Dan & Ollie.
Memphis: It's gonna get tricky..really f-ing tricky..
Memphis says they should wait and see who wins what next..then go from there.
7:22pm BBT
Michelle goes in to check for alcohol. Memphis goes in to check on Dan
Dan is sleeping and no alcohol yet.
7:25pm BBT
Michelle, April, & Renny go outside to catch a bug..
April: Let's go scare Dan with it..

They take the bug to Dan and wake him..
April: Dan, Dan, look what we found. What is it? Isn't she beautiful?
Dan: It's a cicada.
7:30pm BBT
HOH Room
Renny & Michelle
Renny: So tell me whats going on with these guys?
Michelle is telling Renny she thinks Jerry is the person who offered Dan money because of the amount of the time they have spent together today. Dan & Jerry working on the pool together. Jerry & Dan laying out..
Michelle: Come on when have you ever seen Jerry lay out?
Michelle said she over heard April saying she did not offer Dan the money. And she points out the talk Jerry & Dan had in storage yesterday.
Keesha rings the bell and joins the conversation..
Renny: Who do you think the biggest threat in the game is? If its me exclude me..and if it's Keesha cuz she's sitting here exclude her to..
They laugh..
Michelle says she thinks Dan is..and She thinks Dan is America's Player.
Michelle: Who do you guys think offered him the money?
Michelle points out that whoever offered Dan money for the veto could offer it to him for a vote.

They discuss Dan's veto speech and how they all thought when he mentioned money that he had taken it. Michelle says "they" made him pause after saying someone offered him money and the pause seemed to go on forever.
** Michelle talks about production and gives another example of how production directs drama for the tv only viewers..
7:40pm BBT FISHIES..
Sigh... We keep tellin' em to get the feeds. It's the only way to actually know what's going on.
7:45pm BBT
HOH Room
Michelle, Renny & Keesha
Discussion is continuing..They wonder if the guys have deals with each other.
Michelle: We won't know until they turn on us.
Renny: They wouldn't take you they see you as strong..Who ya gonna take you or a 75 year old..
Michelle points out that Jerry is strong with POV comps.
Keesha: Jerry said you'd put us up..
Michelle gets angry and says Jerry doesn't know what she'd do..
Michelle: I would put Jerry up..
Keesha: That's the thing. He doesn't think you will..
Michelle: Why the hell wouldn't I..He's a fool! I would put him up..
Michelle says she thinks Jerry is trying to get the women to fight each other.
Renny reminds them Jerry can be nasty.
you mean she hasn't brought it out yet?? scary!!
I'm almost at the point that I'm starting to feel bad for April.
She clearly has to have some deep-seated insecurities to feel the way she does. I just get the feeling there's something traumatic in her past that has caused her to constantly seek reassurance from Ollie.
Renny, Dan, Keesha and Memphis are hilarious. The sex education conversation is so funny.
Carolyn-LOVE the yes answer to the quickie poll!!! I voted NO!
I am curious whether April has a disorder with her eyes because of the constant blinking she does. I have never seen her put in contacts, but I could be missing it.
Or is it a sign of some other malady?
haloeangel - awwww.. thank you!!
Brother Mouzone :) hi there!
Bama! - Agreed! :) They're cracking me up.
JulieB - lol. thanks.
divr - i dunno. lets ask jane. :)
lmao good one ollie!!! we can see veins!! and vain....on April. LOL.
it kills me some of the people they cast, i understand the need for drama but someone like april deserves nothing it kills me cbs deems her worthy to compete.
april may be imploding. should be interesting to see ollie's reaction. but, he may not have the...courage...to truly be himself til she is gone,
Blue- love your bannas!
Julieb- thanks for the Saw
Divr-I saw a body language expert talking about the rapid eye blinking ( they were talking about some of this years pres candidates during press conferences and interviews. It's a sign of discomfort and stress, as I remember.
OMG this is a great beach VB match.
OMGosh!! Did I hear Ollie state he was going to play balls out?? LMAO!!!
Him having balls would be like April having a "kind heart" or maybe a conscience with good morals...LMAO
These two crack me up! I agree with the above posts...April is a fake an as an American BB watcher...NO FRIGGEN WAY would or could she ever be considered America's favorite!!!
Capitol Y-U-C-K!!
In their conversations of Botox I wish someone would have told April that when she shows her true side..her inner and outter ALL Biatch side..those wrinkles that gather in the middle of her forehead will take eternal applications of the magic drug! lol
I know I sound mean but geeeeze...is she really that delusional or trying to convince through to us from the "so called unaware of" cameras (us) watching her!
She makes me wanna drink Tequila on a Monday night...lol
And Ollie...what a dufus...I'll bet his family has him on 24 hour prayer circles! LOL
Marci - so far, so good... getting a might gusty.. it's supposed to intensify tonight and into tomorrow..
just checked the quicky polls and i cant believe april got 12 votes and ollie also getting 8 vote who are you people please explain yourself....
That made me laugh out loud -- seriously!
April is worried about Ollie pointing out veins on her forehead on tv.
Don't know why but I find that the funniest statement of the day.
Love the new quickie poll!
Rapid eye blinking can also be a tell for lying.
I think the reason she questions everyone, especially Ollie is because when you are guilty of being untrustworthy and think self-centered as she does...she thinks others think the same way...she lives in a fantasy world...HER OWN!
Tsk...tsk...tsk....what a lonely world she lives in...she MUST be the "evil" twin...I'll bet her sister is so sweet and just shakin her head at her sisters actions while explaining to her hubby..."SEE! SEE what I have had to live with all my life? And you, mom and dad have always been fooled by her stupid so called big heart!! lol
"Ollie: I know you need to eat. I'm starting to see veins on your forehead. You need to eat.
April: Don't point that out on tv..you can see veins?
She goes to inspect her veins in the mirror and claims its from migraines..April goes to weigh herself and says the scale is always off by two pounds."
LOL!!! Geez - the more I get to know these two the more I hate them. April is so mean!
anon. at 1853....24 hour prayer circle! heeheehee! =D
Sorry Carolyn, I couldn't play the Banner game. I just can't do a thought in 25 letters, just like I can't say hello in less than 300.
Blue, I understand, but can I still spank you? I think we would both enjoy it, and I AM versatile. I'll let you spank back
Hanhay, I'll pass up a golden opportunity and let Blue think he's the funniest. Besides, I have the title of prettiest. Blue is young, and needs a title, so I'll bow out of that race... of course I have ulterior motives for that, and you can imagine what that might be. *chortle*
OK, DQ Taxi Driver wants the computer to check his mail and enter his contests which is what he does all day... This may be my last post before Carolyn makes Last Call... I'll try to get back but I usually don't.
It's been a fun day everyone. Let's do it again tomorrow. :D
I'll catch up after the bar closes and make my comments here or there, whichever post is last, or maybe type it and save it for the "Overnight'... I am hoping for some fireworks tonight, so maybe it will last longer than Danny. (Most things do last longer than Danny. :-O ) THAT was naughty of me.
Blue, send me a lock of that beautiful full head of hair. I want to.... I want to.... hmmmm... have something to remember you by? Yea that's it. I just want it for a memory.
Carolyn in case this is it for me for the night, stay safe. I haven't checked TWC but I'm about to. Olympics are boring me for now. I have my appendages crossed, and maybe one tied in a knot, for the safety of you and all in FL tonight.
april is gonna loose to a man who isnt campaigning lol and a man no-one in the house likes lol hows that feel april lol lol
Before I go. mikeInBama, I haven't stopped lusting after you. I'm just giving you a break for now. Blue is fresh meat. :-O ... besides, I don't want to come between ... err... get in the way between you and Carolyn.
LaYToR from the GaYToR!
GaYtor amd bluex1969 -
A post late but you two are too much!!! I had a good chuckle over the "Bitch" comment and blues banners...
What April is really pissed about is the $1.5 million dollar car she let slip through her fingers...
America will surely vote her back in for that alone!!!!
anon @ 6:53 -- It could be the few friends she has outside of the house that found this blog. :P The newest poll, the answer in favor of her also has 12 votes.... hmmm.
GayTor - thank you honey... you're out of the cone now, right?
Evening everyone!
Carolyn how goes Fay? Hope you were able to get the errand for your Mum done.
I decided (a really bad decision in hindsight with the temps getting to 38C here) to do canning today. Made pickled carrots/cauliflower/peppers and of course dill pickles. Glad to see i didn't miss anything huge while i was away. I'll bounce in and out this evening til meds kick in.
Anonymous said...
just checked the quicky polls and i cant believe april got 12 votes and ollie also getting 8 vote who are you people please explain yourself....
Maybe Aprils sister is on the site but doesn't have the courage to speak up;)Actually I'm surprised she hasn't said anything if she is reading this...she's probably terrified and ashamed of her twin.
Noni- It's a sign of discomfort and stress, as I remember.
That makes sense to me because when she is really angry (which is the majority of the time) I have noticed she blinks even more.
I am so disappointed in the new commercial. It makes it look like April and Ollie are on the block instead of April and Jerry. Bad editing.
I meant terrified of all of us and ashamed of her twin.
Re: April's blinking. From what I can tell April has an eye condition called Congenital Ocular Delusive Assitudinal Anti-reflectionism.
Basically it's a physiological/psychological condition that causes excessive eye flapping in an attempt to change reality to appear as you would like it to be. It has a tendency to result in attitude conversation toward the negative of the spectrum (such as constant criticism of others). As well it clouds one's ability to have an accurate picture of oneself and to project one's own significant limitations on innocent third parties (for instance blaming others for your own bad deeds and calling people offensive names that might be more applicable to the self i.e "bitch" and "ho").
Damn. When did the *new* post start. I'm just a commentin' away in the previous one.........
And I'm not even drinking.(Wouldn't mind it, but I'm not)
That pic of April is.....U.G.L.Y.
I said a few days ago I will never comment on April's physical beauty, but, DAMN!!! That's before I saw THAT pic.
WendyLady - Thanks.. I was.. :) The winds are picking up now, and they're supposed to intensify throughout the evening and into tomorrow...
So far so good though... Here's hoping we stay out of the hurricane cone and only in the tropical storm one...
lol, Jane - is that a real disorder?? really??
Courageous Carolyn, Stay tight, stay strong, and you'll be alright.
I'm loving the new polls ... absolutely hilarious.
I didn't even read the full part of Yes, as soon as I saw 'kind heart' I clicked No and enter.
jane - lmfao! You starting your own disorders? Will you publish them in a book called. Mental Disorders: The Big Brother Way. teehee
Jane, LMAO!!!
Carolyn - Congenital Ocular Delusive Assitudinal Anti-reflectionism is a real disorder, however, only April suffers from it.
From the previous post:
I think the commercial for, and so on, and so on was
Gee, your hair smells terrific.
I think, going back about 25 years or so.
I am so tired of this. I feel like this seasn is one big April hate. What has Apri done to anyone? She has played an honest game and has fought for her place.
What has she done that has made everyone so anti April? Everyone loves Keesha and yet she is an alchoholic who snaps at everyone who tells the truth.
Everyone LOVES Memphis, the loser who goes to the power and ditches people like Michelle the second someone like April wins HoH.
I feel this needs to stop. I understand that you don't like her, but don't be so rude about it. She has a life after big brother and she has a family reading everything you are saying right now.
There is no need to be so cruel, she really has done nothing wrong in this game and is doing no less scheming and bashing than Keesha and Memphis.
To sum this up: Don't follow the herd. April is not as bad as everyone makes her out to be and you should not hate her just because everyone wants you to hate her.
(oh, and the new poll is just cruel. You act like she should give away her prize mo ney that she earned fair and square. Just another way to bash April for no reason)
jane...love the april dx. do you think there is a code for it covered by insurance? carolyn...please keep giving us updates...about your status.
Jane, your dog is adorable...is he/she a chocolate lab? I can't tell.
Hope you come out unscathed Carolyn. I think us Floridians have paid enough dues over the last few years to last quite a while. The price you pay to live in paradise I guess.
It's hard to see, hard to type and hard to walk, but I still have things crossed for you! You are worth it!
Carolyn, you can come to my house for a hurricane party, if you want. They're usually fun....lots of food....lots of alcohol...lots of made-up games..... now that I think of it, it's a lot like being on lock-down in the big brother house! haha.
Carolyn glad to hear that its not too bad and fingers crossed it doesn't. From everything i've read on here and on the net a tropical storm is a walk in the park compared to a hurricane.(personally i'd be scared of both!)
Either way i hope your safe and your home doesn't take too much damage.
lol Jane! Sounds about right!
Jane- lovin your description!
so glad you're here with your boundless knowledge.lol
No, really, I so appreciate your analytical abilities and wealth of knowledge. You are so helpful in aiding us in understanding the hgs.
Wow, there are a lot of dogs visiting us today. Usually the board is full of cat pictures. Random.
Jane, April also has Optical Reculitis. For those who have never heard of it, that is when your optical nerve crosses your rectal nerve and you have a crappy outlook on life. I LOVE that one. I had a hilarious great aunt who used to tell that all the time, to total strangers and absolutely anyone in her path. If someone asked how she was, (that general greeting) they always got that answer. She was my favorite aunt always.
April's veins: Those are veins of hate and anger. I don't think it has a thing to do with her weight.
Carolyn, yes we are out of the cone, or as far as I know. Our local weather people are no longer trying to scare us, so we must be... but, we all know you can't trust a hurricane. Fay will do what she damn well pleases and in her own time frame.
OK, I really have to go. If I missed answering anything I apologize. Danny is staring daggers at me. And I know he is exhausted. He may get out a night and cut off some of my favorite GaYToR parts if I don't vacate this chair... NOW!
May/Walsh are kickin some serious a$$ on the beach volleyball court in Beijing tonight. Sigh, in my younger days I wished I was so much taller, just for volleyball, 5'7" just wasn't enough.
Jane, Jane, Jane - ROTFLMAO
And once again,I have to clean my keyboard and screen!
I think Memphis has to many alliances going. I think it will backfire. Keesha will probably put him and Michell up. Memphis has no feeling for anyone but himself. Never trusted him. He was so jealous that April won the clothes the other nite.
jane said @ 7:08 PM
I thought I recognized the same condition in politicians. Such a shame and without a cure.
Maybe April can get all her pro sport player friends and some politicians to assist her in starting a foundation to search for the cure. She'd be the "perfect role model".
April, The Founder & Leader of REB-D (Rapid Eye Blinking Disorder). Sounds exciting.
I've been away since early this morning...since I amused Gaytor with my "f" comment. Can't leave home again until the end of September because it took me forever to catch up with all the comments!
Gaytor, I hope you didn’t do any damage with your double take this morning. I’ve been a bad girl in my days. I even got a tattoo for my 50th birthday! I’m 54 now, I drink beer and I smoke (cigarettes). Heck, I am a bad girl! …okay, not real bad. A Michelle or April, I am not.
Does anyone else think that April looks like a lower rank Cindy McCain? Just a little?
And one more thing: April makes fun of Keesha because of her job???? Ollie doesn’t even have a job!
littleshortdude16 -
1st off, i'm sorry you're offended. If you saw the hundreds of comments a day that I don't publish about April, trust me, you'd be singing my praises.
2nd.. I'm curious to know if you have the live feeds, or if your opinions are based on what they show you on television.
Thanks for commenting.
Jane -
You finally got a chuckle out of me too!!!
Jane, thanks for the professional picture of this lil girl's problem.
So she has CODAA? Hmmm
I dont think I will go there.
Awww, she is becoming lil nature girl.
Watch out Keesha, here comes ya buddy with a bug for ya.
Littleshortdude - is your name Jessie Godderz?
Just kidding. People have their opinions and people talk. I'm pretty sure nobody here has said anything half as mean as April though :-)
**Is anybody else hearing Michelle going on and on about the leaf-bug? lol.
Seriously Jane, you are right on!!
Someone needs to post that on U-tube..lmao.
Blue, I agree about the picture. I'm sorry but I don't find anything pretty about her. What does everyone think about her calling out to Hollywood on the live feeds (when she gets out of the house)? They wouldn't touch her with a 10 foot pole.
And to think....April is worried about a little ole vein (vain?)! Lord I feel so bad for her family. She is one of the most delusional HG ever! (Jessie is right behind her) WTF is the deal w/wanting to take Ollie to the final 4 or 5 now?? K/M/D * R need to get on the ball. Still don't care to much for Manchelle.
Gaytor.....I will always bow to your humor!! Even thought I'm in the northern part of the state I still have a little Cajun in me (mind out of the gutter!!)
Oh my. So Littleshortdude16 LOVES April.
Got it.
I wish her well.
I'm thinking I'm going to have to go for the night. I would love to stick around watch April's *inner bitch* come out, but I don't think it will happen anytime soon, if at all.
I have to go get my books for school, classes start next Monday, and pay a couple bills, go to the store, etc.....boring stuff.
And yet I always find it hard to tear myself away.
I think we all need to welcome a member of April's family to the blog.
Jane LMFAO!!!! You are hilarious.
littleshortdude16 - you may like to go to iloveapril.com.
anon @ 7:23 - I'm gonna stick up for Memphis on the clothing prize thing. He had good reason to be jealous of April for winning the clothes.
1. He had the option and unfortunately chose the wrong envelope. Coming so close and not getting it kinda sucks.
2. I believe he has his own clothing line, so he is into that kinda stuff.
3. He can't stand April (with good reason, IMO) and to have her out of all the other HGs to win something so perfect for him...sucks.
4. She isn't appreciative of the gifts, and has said several times "It isn't stuff I'd even wear!"
I would have loved to see Memphis win that, but it would have really messed up his game with having already won a car.
I am glad to answer question. I do have the feeds which I watch fairly regulary. I read this site all the time to catch up with everything. I know everything that April says and I don't see her as that bad of a person. She is playing the game like everyone else and is trying her best. Keesha and Memphis have been very, very mean to her in their conversatons about April. For example, making fun of her OCD. That is something she cannot help. And yet, no one cares because everyone hates April; a fact I still do not understand. (Oh, and I am not just pro-April, I LOVE Renny.)
Oh Michelle...lies lies lies.....
everyone.. be nice.
Youtube? In that case: Congenital Ocular Delusive Assitudinal Anti-reflectionism (TM)
littleshortdude - thank you for answering.. and for being here. :)
it's all about perception..
we're drawn to some and repelled by others.
if we all thought the same way, what a boring world it would be. :)
I have to stick up for Keesha...I don't consider someone that gets drunk off of one glass an alcoholic. She might have a bigger mouth after a glass but its not as bad as drinking and driving (probably an SUV) and getting a DUI.
littlshortdude16 said @ 7:15 PM I'd love to hear an answer to Carolyn's question. I made a true story chop pictorial of one of Aprils little secrets she shared with Ollie and was called all kinds of names till someone came to my defense and said it was exactly as April had described it.
Seriously, I'm a live feed watcher and I've seen things that make for good fodder for us "bitch about April" folk to work with. You know what they say? Don't live in a glass house if you're afraid of people talking about you.
***Now back to regular schedule programming***
jane said @ 7:12 PM
CODAAR (Congenital Ocular Delusive Assitudinal Anti-reflectionism)
Sounds so official. Love it!
Dan Dan Dan, there are no cicadas in southern CA! Cicadas are sooooo gross and one of the things I hate about the midwest.
Oh Carolyn, I can just see "the look" coming across.
ROTFLMAO Jane...you crack me up!!!
littlshortdude16 - it is wonderful that April has fans and supporters as well. Seriously. It's good that you join the blog and express your opinion. We are entitled to our strong feelings about April (and the other house guests), as are you.
We always welcome new perspectives and Carolyn is wonderful at posting them all.
I adore Cindy McCain but I saw a re-run on The View today when she co-hosted earlier this year and spit my coffee across the room. YES, they do resemble one another.
Sorry Cindy.
Littleshortdude: To you, nothing that is said here is close to the trash that comes out of April's mouth. She is seriously delusional. If you are family or friend, get her help and get her away from Ollie, he has already started to work his control on her in a subtle way. I picked up on it right away. Unfortunately, I had one of those. Get her help.
I completely agree. I just feel that it is too much.
People dont have to like her, that is ok. But people making fun of the way she looks in that picture? She looks perfectly fine but people just pair everything she does with an act of sin. I feel really bad for her because she will feel like the worst person in America when she gets out of there when all she did was fight for a half mill like everyone else.
There are times I feel for April. I feel for her when she cries, and sometimes the pillow talk is sweet. She seems half-innocent during those times. But on the real, she is super insecure [obviously] and she lets her insecurities take over her body and her mouth, and she then becomes verrrrrry unattractive, and is pretty much BEGGING for haters.
I hated on Keesha when she let her insecurities evict my sweet Angie, and on Memphis when he attacked Jerry.
This is why Dan needs to win! He has had many opportunities to crack like that, and hasn't.
someone in the last post commented that Michelle is the real liar, and I have to agree. she lies about everything. and she starts to believe her own lies.
Sorry, but I don't recall Keesha or anyone other than April and Ollie calling anyone a ho.???
And that bug is a Katydid.
I can only speak for myself as to why i don't like April and its pretty simple. She is a hypocrite. She chastises ppl for the exact same things she does herself. She acts holier then thou even when she is just as bad as Memphis and Michelle. And if her ego gets any bigger she wont be able to get through the door come Thursday when she is (hopefully) evicted.
And as for Memphis....i think he is nice eye candy but other then that i don't think highly of him either.....same with Michelle and Keesha.
Darn, I thought I could get away without reading posts from earlier today! It sounds too interesting to pass up.
Hi Carolyn,
You are in my prayers as well as my son. My son lives in Doral and I lived there for 10 years, so I know had bad it is there. Take care and Thanks for all of your hard work! I have forgotten my password, so I have to publish with an anonymous post.
How do I rest my password?
I don't like April. I have my reasons. I, personally, do not hate April. I reserve my hate for people who truly deserve it, like Hitler.
If someone likes April. More power to you!
I love this blog mostly because Carolyn publishes everyone's opinions because everyone has the right to them. I admire this blog because Carolyn, ReporterX, and the Dishchicks sift through endless comments sometimes, many of which I'm sure are hateful; they do so with great equilibrium. I know I couldn't do it.
Like the rest of us, Carolyn, ReporterX, Dawn, Kim, C=Venus, TRD, Chelsia have their opinions and have the right to express them without being chastised for doing so.
MeeMaw - Thank you..
It's getting rather gusty out there...
I don't know about the password resetting.. anyone?
Yeah I bet Mechelle would swear on a stack of bibles just what she saw on the banner & that it was what a liar Libra is!!
BTW......I'm begining to think that "father dan" is Father Dan. Just some of the things that he WON'T do. Can you imagne if he is a priest how crummy Jerry will feel for the Judas comment!
I'm done, I just think bashing the way someone looks is taking it too far. All of you are too extreme when it comes to bashing her and you people need to think about how you sound when you are being so mean.
I know, I know "but April talks that way!!!". You would too after over a month in that house. Give her the benefit of the doubt, atleast she isn't attacking jews! (cough Amber cough)
goodnight, all. carolyn...blessings.
I don't love April but I have to say that before dude16's post I thought, "enough already, this is getting boring." (Except for Jane's diagnosis. That was great). And I agree with dude16's complaint about bashing her looks.
littlshortdude16 - there are times when I feel for April as well. I have said many times that I think a lot of her behavior is a result of her anxiety. But that doesn't change the fact that she has been nasty, unpleasant, and hypocritical for most of the game. We didn't tie her up and force her to be on reality television. I happen to think April is a perfect example of reaping what you sow. We dislike her for a reason.
As far as the picture goes, I happen to think it looks fine too. I also think she has been so arrogant and insulting to others about their looks that it is perfectly appropriate to turn the tables. Today alone she has said Keesha is jealous of her looks and called her bowlegged. And that is one of countless insults about other people's looks and bragging about her own. Remember her "beautiful people" speech.
April will have to deal with the consequences when she gets out, but she put herself in this position and behaved like she did. When you act like a mean, spoiled, brat, people notice. She didn't say these things in the privacy of her own home, she did it on 24/7 live internet feeds.
But luckily for her I'm sure there are lots of people who feel like you do.
Gaytor - Catching up on past posts: I was told the term in SF is *homo honey*. I love that name.
Thanks so much for all you do.
I haven't told you today..LOL
Sent you a little something in the tip jar. It is well deserved.
**MeeMaw, where you sign in to your blog, there should be a place that says, forgot password. Click on it. They will send it to you via your email that you registered with.
Rebecca S.
Aww! Thanks, Sunshine :)
I think part of the reason we have such strong anti April and to a degree Jerry feeling too is because they have gone farther than the other hgs in wishing other people ill.
To wish someone to lose their job, burn in Hell or physical harm is not playing the game.
April has exhibited a talent for not just the typical bashing that you see in the house but to exude hate and contempt for others while telling others how great she is.
Ollie, has on more than one occasion expressed the desire to bash Libra's head in with a baseball bat also to shoot and stab her, not in the heat of anger but sitting calmly. He also has said things downright cruel when whisering with April.
Keesha and Michelle yell and curse and say they hate others but it is typical in the heat of the moment. I have not heard them belittle people for their jobs or lack of education.
Aprils hate speech is when she is calm and is venomous.. Look at the ungrateful way she acted about her prize, AGP must have popped a blood vessel over that one.
April's assumption that the world is in love with her and is so vastly superior just turns people against her.
Jessie was a tool that annoyed and irritated the hell out of folks but he did not act hateful just arrogant.
Boy, Michelle is still in there plugging for April. She's pulling out all the cards now, and is pretending she's on board to evict April and really trying to get them to flip and evict Jerry, while she pretends that she's talking about next week. She is good at sowing the seeds of doubt.
She doesn't dare openly rock the boat with Renny and Keesha, just subtle manipulation while she pretends she's being honest.
ok..i'm really shutting down the 'puter now. how can i find out about tipping, which i hear people say? will check back in the a.m..
Well said.
I concur. Thanks for transcribing my thoughts. You are amazing.
The girls game knowledge is really bad. I guess Daniele doesn't count as a final two. Renny's paranoia is off the chart. I can't believe she still can't get off Jerry and a week one nomination. Their guys against girls could actually save April, I swear what the heck are they thinking. There is something pumping through the air in the HOH room, every week the worst decisions come out of that room.
Noni - Well said.
Listening to April now I am really seeing that she has a stalker side in there as well. Ollie is really going to regret his hook up.
May/Walsh are goin for the gold in the final!!! Happy dance!
Gee your hair smells terrific!! LOL I had forgotten about that one.
genie sea - I'm with you on the "hate" thing. None of these people deserve to be hated (at least from what we know of them). It's always been a pet peave of mine when people use that word. But on the other hand, it's really just a figure of speech around here. We all know these are game players on TV, not serial killers (or truly evil people).
But hey, I wouldn't do BB for all the money in the world. Exposing yourself to people like us is NUTS! You do this show and you're asking for it.
oh boy... cable's fluttering in and out.. internet may be next... fear not.. ReporterX is here... and DishchickCarla's gonna pinch hit too..
Noni and Jane...you nailed it!! You put into words so eloquently what others are trying to express :)
noni, I agree! I called the stalker side about a week ago!
I'd love to see April go to Ollie's parents' house for dinner. Talk about awkward.
I just don't see it the way you all do... Everyone does it. Keesha and them sit would sit around in the water bed room and bash April hours on end. If I was in there, I would be bashing them like crazy too! Those are the only people you see for a LONG time, what else are you going to do? You are mad and desperate to win the money. EVERYONE (except Dan) has said things that are cruel or wrong. Just April is spot lighted more than others. I feel bad for her because going back to the real world will be rough for her.
Take care Carolyn!!!
Well said Noni! Dito.
Goodnite y'all!! Got a busy day tomorrow & I've got to catch some zzzz's!
Littleshort dude.....I don't think folks mean to hate so much on April but darn it if she doesn't ask for it! All of the HG can get snotty & ignorant at times, April just seems to do it better than the rest! Maybe we should all come up w/one nice thing to say about April. I'll go 1st......I think she really does care for Ollie & they might just have a chance at something away from the house.
Carolyn hope to get on in the a.m. & find out you haven't blown away. Take care & be safe!! If they say get out then......get out! We'll survive here. Your well being is more important than any show!!
I hate M gooooood K better not be falling for this
come on dan and mem win hoh and put jerry and ollie up or m
Carolyn, if you suddenly disappear due to power and other outages, please know we are thinking of you.
HUGS and I hope things don't get too bad throughout the night.
Before Carolyn looses power (Ahhhh!), thanks you guys for all the compliments. You all totally rock!
New top post! :)
Carolyn, thanks, blush.
Hold on Carolyn! Hopefully with all of us here with our voodoo dolls, crossed appendages etc., you will be fine. Please, please, please!
I don't know about there, but here the cable starts sputtering during regular storms when the first warning goes up!
Hugs from upstate!
I forgot to include Dan in my comments. what can I say about Dan.
Oh, he's perfect just the way he is. Monica is a very lucky woman. If she ever dumps him I'll take him gladly, and probably so will most of the women on America and a good many men.
thanks :) so far so good...
Noni, I'm watching the gymnastics here. Can't believe Nastia took silver, should have received gold, she was much better. If we find out the Chinese girls really are as young as they look, will the IOC pull their medals???
Also, perfectly said as to why people dislike April.
Shortdude, I feel for ya, I do. I try not to bash any of the HGs but I definitely do not like some, and April is one of the ones I do not like.
She is mean. She is rude. She thinks she is entitled to certain things because she is a "beautiful" person. There are times when she seems nice, but two seconds later she does something that is just appalling.
But good for you that you support her, and also that you have enough courage to express your opinion, and in such a thoughtful manner. That gets my respect. Good job there. We may not be fans of April, but I think many of us will be your fan simply for the maturity expressed in your comments.
Carolyn, hope you are doing ok down there in paradise. Take care of yourself!!
To everyone else, I've missed you all over the last few days. It's horrible when real life interrupts my Dish addiction.
M said the last few seasons f 2 have been guys?? ummm please dani and dick dhuuu are you so dumb..oh ya i forgot were talking about M lol a/o/M thats the team and shes trying her hardest to keep April
bye bye April.
come on dan and mem you two have to win hoh and make this deal with K to the final 3
jluvs :) thank you!! you tooo!!!
zany - welcome home! ;)
lol, n2
She definitely offered him money... And she complains about hating Jerry more than anyone.. and, and, and...
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