The Fab Four & Jerry
6:52pm BBT
Living Room
Jerry, Keesha, Memphis, Dan
Renny is in the diary room. Jerry, Keesha, Memphis, and Dan are sitting in the living room..
Keesha: What an odd group of people left in this house..
Jerry: It's not odd..

They wonder how excited their families must be..
Keesha: We just gave them a big ole rush didn't we..
Jerry: Wow, you get so caught up in it..One thing I just kept telling myself was, stay cool, stay cool..You have no idea whats coming..
Everyone leaves Keesha and Jerry in the living room.. They talk..
Jerry is thankful to be there..Jerry says tonight was very draining emotionally..
Keesha: I can't even move ..I'm in shock still..
7:07pm BBT
Jerry goes in search of food..Memphis sits down in the living room telling Keesha he just threw Ollie's key across the room..
Memphis: I was excited..but scared one of us was going home..
Jerry comes back..
Memphis: It's about time for a luxury comp.
They joke they could use a flat screen tv.
7:10pm BBT
Living Room
All HG's

Jerry tells them since Evel Dick and Sheila both being older people did so well in BB, this year more older people tried out than ever before. He hopes BB will continue with this trend..He points out he and Renny both are older than Dick and Sheila and they have come far in the game..
Jerry teases Renny he caught her mocking his picture on the memory wall..
Renny: I was mocking everybody..
Jerry: I know I walked up when you were mocking mine and heard him say "Busted"..
Renny: Notice they didn't warn me you were coming..
They laugh..
Renny: I'm gonna tell you Jerry if I ever talked smack about you in the DR I apologize..I laid it on that first week..
Jerry imagines others had a lot to say about him that first week..
7:21pm BBT
Dan: Who'd a thunk it..
Jerry: Not me
Keesha: Not me..
Jerry: Boy a cold beer would be good right now..Dan, you might take up drinking now..
Dan: More like re-take up drinking..
Jerry: This place sure can build ya up and take ya down..
Bubbles briefly..
Feeds come back to HG's looking for suitcases to pack up Ollie's things..They don't find suitcases..A production voice comes over the speakers..
Bubbles briefly..
Feeds come back to HG's in the kitchen hoping for a big feast..

Jerry goes in search of hamburgers..
Renny: Let's see if he offers me one..
Jerry goes to storage..comes back to the kitchen..
Jerry: Anyone want a hamburger?
Everyone responds, no..
7:32pm BBT Bubbles
7:35pm BBT
80's Room
Keesha & Renny
Keesha and Renny are packing Ollie's belongings..
Renny: Tell me how to pack a bag will ya..

Jerry and Dan come in to help..They say they have to go find out what belongs to Ollie in the bathroom and find his shoes outside..
Dan leaves to find Ollie's bathroom things..
7:38pm BBT
Memphis and Dan
Memphis is washing dishes..
Dan: I think paranoia is gonna run rampant in this house now..
7:40pm BBT
Hippy Room

Keesha lays on her bed..she looks a bit like shes having a panic attack..Memphis comes in..
Memphis: You alright?
Keesha: Yeah, my emotions are just know?
Memphis leaves..Keesha is silent..starring at the floor and walls..
7:45pm BBT
Around the feeds
*Jerry is cooking hamburgers..
*Renny is collecting the rest of Ollie's belongings..
*Dan & Memphis are playing chess..
*Keesha is laying in the Hippy Room..
Hippy Room
Keesha & Renny
Renny comes in and hugs Keesha. She congratulates her win..
Renny: That old bastard in there is gonna try to get me out..
7:49pm BBT Bubbles..
We've had bubbles for nearly an hour now.. Makes one wonder if they're holding the HOH comp. now, so they'll be able to come back on before 9pm BBT.
8:49pm BBT Still Bubbles...
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Keesha Keesha Keesha if you only knew what that vile old man has said about you. How he hates you and you are washed up with saggy breast ad butt. OMG I cant stand him.
You gave everyone a big ole rush keesha!
This was the best live show I have ever watched!:)
Any guesses on the HOH Competition?
Who is going to be the finale three? Who will go againist each other?
WooHoo!!! Way to go Memphis and Dan! I have watched BB since 5 or 6 and this is the first time the ones I root for are still hanging strong. Absolutely lovin' it!!!
I'm so happy Ollie is GONE!!! Looking forward to the next HOH competition! I hope Memphis gets it, he hasn't been HOH yet!
I actually meant at worst, if Jerry makes it to the final two it should fall:
Jerry - Michelle, Ollie, April (3)
Other - fab 3, Libra (4)
What do you guys think?
hey carolyn and everyone with bbdishchicks, just a grateful thank you for adding to the enjoyment of BB, the show wouldnt be nearly as enjoyable without you and everyone, so from just one of the 50000 bloggers a big THANK YOU!
blech... jerry's being such a hypocrite. maybe he should think back to last night when he was saying vulgar things about keesha. i hope he spends this week in his room.
endurince and i think it will be tonight sometime
dab or mem get it
YaY! I am on the new post. Back in an hour.
bend over, gaytor.
Carolyn and Reporter X - ♥♥♥♥
The episode is fast forward and so is the blog tonight! haha
I feel awful for Jerry, actually. He's completely alone in the house and knows he's going home this week. I'd hate to be in his position.
I always seem to post just as you start a new blog!!
Anyhoo.....what I said was The Fab Four are some of the best HG's since the Nerd Herd & Cappy! I don't think I've ever been impressed w/such a group of people. I just hope that the next few weeks don't ruin the good stuff that has come from this group!!
Gaytor.....have you batten down the hatches & put on your floaties?? I guess Gustav & Hannah will put the levees to the test. (Ray Nagen also) I'm in Bossier Parish & we're ready for any fleeing folks. If ya head this way let me know & I'll make ya a big ole pot of red beans & rice!!
The next HOH is needs to be Memphis. He will nominate Jerry and Renny. Then Jerry will be voted out. Then hopefully Renny will get the next HOH to put up Dan and Memphis. Memphis goes, and Dan, Keesha, and Renny can fight it out for the final two.
toni - from the previous post. You are correct. It's Angie's speech that they are copying. As I said before, she needs to get some copyright revenue from it haha.
Carolyn....Ya better watch out....I think Gaytor likes those smackes!!! LOL<
now this is game play i like, we get to see the four turn on each other =)
Hi everyone,
Sooooo glad it went the way it did.
I just had a feeling Keesha was going to win HOH.
I'm not sure I can take the next week listening to Jerry..............
Hee Hee Hee, Gaytor got in trouble. Nana nana naaaa
finally they can start playing for themselves and really its about time,tired of alliances what is this the u.n
This is great...well all except Jerry. But nothing is perfect. Just glad none of our team got caught in the cross fire...
kvothe - he put himself in this position and I feel do not feel sorry for him in the absolute least. Just because he is going back on the vile things he said especially this past week, he doesn't get a free pass.
hi everyone
Jerry is what two-faced looks like. I honestly hope Keesha never finds out the vile things he has said about her behind her back after speaking so sweetly to her face.
My TV-only friend called the other night and told me she just LOVES Jerry! omg........... :O
I liked Jerry in the beginning, then when he started attacking Dan, I couldn;t stand him. But now that he's mellowed out a bit, I like him again, but he's still my lest fave.
Jerry seems to be lucky when it comes to POV and staying in the house, hehe. Makes you wonder what the heck will happen this week!
kvothe- he wont go home if he musters up the strength to win HOH :)
Carolyn, carefuly with Gaytor.....bites are a b**tch! LOL
For those concerned about 'poor Jerry' being ignored. Sorry, I do not feel for the man who had such vile, nasty things to say about women...specially last night after Keesha was being very sincere and he totally trashed her. Anyway, R/K/D/M have always shown respect and talked to him, more than he has to them. It was him who ignored them all week..him who holed up with O/M. The personal attacks were uncalled for and I personally hope he is ashamed when he sees what he has done...
Since the 'others' don't need Jerry anymore, they may not spend much time with him when (if) he goes to sequester.
We all know he is easily swayed by whoever's butt he is kissing. Plus, all of that hatred won't be feeding off each other like a fire raging out of control. He claims to love the game. Maybe he will surprise everyone and vote for the best player.
I actually think if Ollie were left to his own devices he would vote for the best player too since he has admitted that he was outplayed. He also knows now that Dan was not a plant. Unfortunately, April wears the pants in that relationship and she will never let go of her bitterness and jealousy.
That's right April. I said jealousy. WE all know KEESHA is the prettiest.
agh jerry is soooo nauseating. just shut the f*ck up you geezer. give him something to drink, eat, anything just to he shuts up
I think maybe they're gonna have a HOH comp soon and then show it on Sunday,...I dunno.I just hope Renny wins HOH,Dan wins POV again and Jerry goes home
then hopefully Memphis wins HOH and POV the week after that and hopefully he's gonna put up K & R.Im guessing Dan is voting out R,
and then hopefully Dan wins HOH for final 3 and evicts Keesha and then we have a final two of Dan and Memphis and hopefully jury doesn't vote personally so that Dan can win....
that is waaaaaaay too much wishful thinking. But it would be perfect if it happened like that, at least perfect for me...
Kvothe - I don't feel awful for Jerry at all. He's been viciously mean to these four, and they don't even know what's he's done, so they will be nicer than he deserves. He'll all grown up, no one made him behave like he has. He has alienated himself. Frankly I think the treatment of him is generous.
Thanks so very much for the live show!! My Mom called all frantic, they are showing football,so i directed her here. though it took forever for her to spell it right hehe.
That was the best show, so exciting!!
Very interesting: Jerry's oldest child (30) would not sign a release supposedly because he is real religious? Maybe because he knew his dad would embarrass him? Very interesting!
rosaritoe ;)
genie: Well I don't have the feeds so I don't know what he has said in the past week. I'm just going based off of if I was in his position.
A night without Gaytor is a night without laughter.
Love ya kid.
Jane , hope you're feeling more chipper today sweetie.
Hi Bama, peekin again hon!
Genie, am feelin a bit better. can't complain feeling very lucky. again thanks to all for your kind concern, I can't believe all the love I feel.
Gonna have to get to work tomorrow on the sequel to Diabolical Dan, Fab 4 maybe?
Hmmm - Jerry worried about the things people have said about the other HGs being "taped". Guilty much? Keesha gave the perfect answer.
How silly does Michelle and Ollie feel now about Dan being a plant??
Anyone going to take bets on how long it is before Renny blows her top at Jerry this week??
Before the end of the nite??
wouldn't miss it for the world ;)
Does Keesha get an HOH room and goodies until next HOH is chosen! She deserved it! When is the next hoh? go fab four! Jerry needs to go!
someone has to be the devil's advocate so here i go,would like to see the underdog or olddog(jerry)win hoh its unlikely but stranger things have happened but at 75 his odds have been stacked heavily against him from the beginning and if its an endurance comp its pretty much over for him.It would be nice to see the four sweat a bit.
Thanks noni - I guess I'm a little better. It's been a rough summer with my business and it's hard to deal with. But that's life. Full of ups and downs. We all know what that's like.
You feel ok from your death defying swim?
I can't keep up!
jane - I totally agree on your Jerry in F2 breakdown.
marci - that's got to be his grandchild?
I'm just guessing, but it seems like BB will give Keesha at least one night as HoH.
Remember, Dick was PISSED when he didn't get anything for his HoH Fast Forward win. Finally, a day or two later they gave him an HoH basket. I think that also was the time he got the "coded" letter.
Anyway, Keesha said this past week that she needed hair care items and other "frilly girl stuff" and the producers told her she had to win HoH to get it.
I would love it if BB would throw the BBAD Show2 crowd a bone and have a live HoH comp on Showtime.
Tiffany-JadeDarkStar - who is dab?
genie - I just don't see Libra voting for Jerry no matter what anyone says, do you?
I think Renny, Dan, and Keesha all have about an equal shot (but for different reasons). I think Memphis will be seen as riding on Dan's coattails and he could only win against Jerry. I don't think this group will fight, but they will play hard. It will be very interesting to see who actually brings who along.
When Renny was going into the DR to cast her vote in the 1st round I couldn't believe Julie said that Renny had a good relationship from the beginning with both Jerry & Michelle & who would she vote for. I was like, ah, Julie have you seen the feeds or ever watched BBAD.
Jerry said the longer you are in the house, the more you will be remembered.
I have no doubt that he, ollie, Michelle and even little April will all be remembered. It seems to be a sad and unfair reality that the tragedies in life are always remembered more clearly than the good times.
Believe me, having those four creatures in the house together was a tregedy. Maybe that should be travesty. Whatever it was-it wasn,t good, but definitely memorable.
One of the fab 4 has to go up this week and we have all seen how upset Renny and Memphis get as "pawns". I wonder if the back stabbing begins this week.
It would make sense if Memphis won and he put Renny and Jerry up and the Renegades backdoor Renny.
Dan asked Keesha what CD she would get and she says maybe U2 or Dixie Chicks, we know you love them Dan.
Dan say Boo.
A good song request off the DCs last CD, in regards to Jerry, Not Ready to be Nice lol
Renny will not say anything bad to Jerry until the HOH has been decided. But she is just dying to do so.
the 4 Innocent bystandards right they haven't talked no trash about anyone else common lets be alittle less one sided and really only one wins this ain't a 4men bobsled team can't four win.
So when is the next HOH? Inquiring minds want to know, lol.
anon - I like an underdog too, and I guess it would stir things up, but he's such a miserable creep I can't think of him as an underdog. I don't even like calling him anything having to do with dogs, who are such good people. Jerry could never be any kind of dog.
If anyone cares, here's a local news story about Josh from BB9. Looks like his dreams of stardom have been reduced to this.
i am in the best mood ever! My fiancee made fun of me when Keesha won. He said he has never seen me so relieved and happy looking! LOL
jane - agreed. Libra would not vote for Jerry. I think Libra is the only level-headed one in the Jury House right now, and I feel sorry for her.
If Renny isn't on the block this week, my bet is that she votes crazy (i.e. someone other than Jerry). That would be her best move IMO
You're right Jane, sorry! I sometimes don't type what my mind is thinking and vice versa! I'm just soooooooooo damn excited about tonight and doubled up on pain meds after my happy dance, hurt myself!
I loved it when Memphis said a few ago....."I mean you have to leave the game with your integrity" and the fab 4 will but the other (Ollie, April, Michelle and Jerry) they have no integrity so they left with nothing but bitterness and complete embarrassment for their families!
Felicia in Louisiana
They have the Hgs packing for Ollie? Seriously?
jane - I forgot to say one thing before... HUGS hun. I have immense respect for you sweets! ♥
Hey, they're packin all Ollie's stuff. Ya think they'll find all the condoms Ollie wasn't using on little Ollie?
They should pack the broken light in Ollie's bag!
kvothe, I would agree with you if I did not have the feeds.
We are not just talking about his gossipping. What he has said, especially about Keesha, is disgusting.
I was right there with you, then started watching the feeds later at night. His rants were unbelievable.
I think that's why he was just asking if they delete some of what was said before they release anything after the show. He knows what he has said.
I am sure someone has recorded at a minimum all of the BBAD's. Everyone else will know after the show is over.
i can't wait to see the clips from the jury,Michelle was so confident that Dan was going to leave. Can't wait to see her's and April's reaction.
Kvothe - you said you don't have the feeds. I, for one, just want to tell you that Jerry is very mean. He has said very ugly things about all the other 4 left in the house.
You said "...I'm just going based off of if I was in his position."
You would be very embarrassed if you heard his foul language. I've never in my life met anyone that has said such disturbing things about another human being.
Putting Ollie's stuff in a garbage bag. How appropriate.
Anon @ 7:33p - That link didn't work for me, what was it about?
Hey carolyn thanx so much for your hard work.
Noni, thanx for ur poems, they crack me up.
Gaytor, I'm in Concordia parish and work at a hotel, if you need a room, i'll kick someone out for you.
This is only my second season watching, but I am sooo glad that the people I like are doing well in the game. Now if only Dan and Keesha will make final 2 I'll be one happy guy.
One last comment before I watch the show all over again (I'm on the West Coast).
I thought all the delusional people were in the BB house, not here. If you all saw and heard what Jerry, Michelle, Ollie and April said about the other HG's you wouldn't have one ounce of simpathy for any of them.
As they say, Karma is a bitch!!
Also, not all us Annonymooses are negative. I for one have WAY TO MANY usernames and passwords (mostly for my business but also for personal) to keep adding more. I actually have a word document with all my usernames and passwords that is actually PASSWORD protected.
When I have a senior moment I'm SOL.
Lastly, thanks Carolyn and all the Dishchicks for making this such a great site. ALso congrats on your niece.
Wow so awesome tonight ..... I feel so bad for the limo driver that had to take ollie(aka ali) and manchelle to the such a good night loved manchelles face when julie said dan was some player cuz no he is not a plant.....DOH and then when ollie made the mad dash to get his gloves to"compete" lol lol then the sore sport before commercial break looking in the hay as if bb didnt put any vetos in there for him...lmao cant wait to see the sequester footage of those two chumps moping into the house lol and keesha looked beutiful tonight as always I just love me some keesha....Great week
You guys notice Jerry offered to cook anyone a burger? There's a first time for everything.
Jane, I just want to tell you how much I appreciate your intelligence, your wit and your wise comments.
I love when you are here commenting. You are loved.
Gaytor, what part of Louisiana ya from? I am south of New Iberia. Looks like Gustav is heading our way. Hope you stay safe. We got most of the preparations done, and plan on staying put, unless things look a lot worse over the weekend.
Tonights show was absolutely wonderful. I love it when the people I root for actually win it.
Go Dan, Renny and Keesha! Thats my f3. with F2 being Keesha and Dan.
jane - I have been meaning to ask you. Can HGs sue other Hgs for slander? I'm thinking all the nasty things the Spew Crew has said about Dan and Keesha, just to mention a few. Or is there something in the contract they sign that prevents that?
I'd like to take this moment to thank Carolyn and ReporterX for not only blogging the events, but keeping up with the comments as well! You ladies are the best!! You and the other commenters are what makes this site what it is! This is the best place to be!!
I think that when Jerry comes out of the house and the sequester house he is going to be mortified. That man does not think before he speaks at all. His family his probably so embarrassed for him. I just think he tries to fit in wayyyy to hard with whomever has the power. If they are bashing someone then he will do so as well. He knows that they want to hear...He just picked the wrong dont like his game play at all...its disgusting!! I really judt dont think he realizes what he is actually doing....Like Helllloooo America knows what a dirty mouth you have.....
Thanks genie!!! Dito.
I just read the story about BB9 Josh. That's rediculous. He wasn't my favorite or anything, but come on. I don't even think I would shop at a store like that.
In reference to another news story-earlier it was pointed out that the stories of Michelle's criminal record were a mistake. I looked it up (I admit, I was hoping it wasn't a mistake) The name was listed as Michelle F. Costa.
Michelle doesn't have a middle name. However, she has said repeatedly how small the town is. She also mentioned that there are A LOT of Michelle's in her family. Just wondering if it could be a relation.
I would love some feedback because this is only my 2 1/2 season of it normal to be outplayed at this level I mean really ollie april michelle my god they never had a chance....I'm so impressed with the gameplay of some of these people.Ollie was amazing to me, it was like he was a child in a mans body,he litterally never had a clue what was going on like he never seen the show.
anonymous again - you cracked me up! haha... password protected passwords! hahaha! :)
jane- I would never touch anything that man cooked. E to the ew.
Omg I love that they are packing up ollies i kinda wondered about that...I didnt see the beg. of live show when did they find out it was double eviction.....
Maybe we can see the Jerry we all so wanted to see in the beginning. Not that it matters much now, but it would be nice to see him being a decent human being, instead of the mean grandpa with the mouth spewing venom all the time. No one to egg him on, bet he shuts up and is much nicer this week.
One can hope anyway!
I am so excited Keesha won! Keeping my fingers crossed that Dan, Memphis or Renny win the next one. Jerry is unbelievable. He was the one who stopped talking to this group (at least Keesha, Dan and Renny). He stayed either in his room or with Ollie and Michelle. I'm glad those two are gone, maybe now Jerry won't have anyone to talk the absolutely vile trash to. He might have to keep in sweet this week. I couldn't stand to watch when Ollie/Michelle/Jerry were on, so I'm hoping this week will be more enjoyable!
*gasps for air* I've just read through 500+ comments and I'm still not caught up!!
First: can' be originally from the South. Hostess cakes??? come on-ya gotta get the Little Debbies! good luck with the storms though.
Izzy..LOL I was bouncing downstairs with the laptop...
loved loved loved this episode.
I was bouncing so much the doggie tried biting my butt while I was jumping. not kidding.
someone mentioned red beans and rice...I'm on my way.
And I'm bringing oatmeal creme pies.
So...I've been waiting for an HOH comp and now I'm guessing that either they will show it, as BBAD is on in an hour, or they will have it after midnight. They have to show something for BBAD and they didn't pretape anything today, so we'll see, I guess. Unless it is happening now, as there are bubbles. Just wondering...any thoughts?
this is the greatest site!! thank you all so much.
this has gone so well, it is as if i wrote the script!! THE FAB FOUR!!
if the two that played the game the best is in the final two, i think it should be dan and favorites!
here's an accessible link about joshuah - wow...
while i think BB is the be all and end all - i hope some folks 'round here are watching Mr. Obama give his monumental speech. Memphis, Keesha and the rest will be here in an hour
Itcmek, loved your earlier post about your hubby. He's definitely a keeper. Cute!
Beorn, hi teddybear! Loved your special goodbye for Ollie. But you deserve much better. thanks for your concern.
Zany, you bounce like no other Where DO you find the energy. We used yo have acairn terrier that bit anyone who jumped around in the butt. And when the kid were horsing around they would yell help and she would bite who ever was yelling help. God help us if one of us ever got attacked or robbed, she would help the burglar. When the kids were teenagers they would jump on their friends and tell them to yell help and Holly would go for them, fortunately she only nipped not real bites.
Alright, By what everyone is saying, I know realize Jerry has said nasty things. But regardless I'd still hate to be in his position.
We got bubbles, I wonder if that means a new HOH comp may be starting soon? I'm trying to get the kids to bed and rest after that show. I am worn out and I was just watching. I was pulling my hair out during the last HOH comp, panicking that Jerry might win. And to be honest I was jumping up and down when Keesha won. And then again when Dan won the POV. I felt like jumping into Dan's arms myself after that comp.
If there is anyone who remembers how the last double eviction happened, was the second HOH that same night or the next day? I need to know whether to stay up for several more hours or go on to bed.
Answers please. I need an answer now.
Thank you too piper!!
Genie - that's not an easy question about slander. Generally speaking, no they can't sue each other. They have signed a waiver. They have also become public figures, and public figures have a lot less protections. But there are limits. There are certain rights you can't contract away, and there are limits on the First Amendment.
Almost nothing that has been said would be slander under these circumstances. The only thing I think may be questionable is what Michelle said about Dan and kids. While she is allowed to state an opinion, even if grotesque, that is one area where even a suggestion of impropriety could ruin a life. It would get really complicated from there.
HI guys been busy over at DishCaps :)I just wanted to stop in and say HI♥
I'm so berry excited with tonight's show.
It was....
Fab4 us!
Just wondering. Last week,Renny was HOH.She said to the other HG's something like: are you ready to hang on a vine in the jungle? The HOH comp turned out to be HG's hanging on a vine.This week Dan was HOH.Today he said he thought tonite might be a double elimination.Turned out tonite was a dbl.elim.Awful coincidental for my money! Also which production person told us to keep watching because Ollie was going to be punished for the damages he caused during his immature tirade?
Marci ----re your earlier post about being surprised Michelle dropped no f-bombs on the live show and was subdued (relatively). I come from Rhode Island, and I recognize so much in her. Whenever there's been a live show or an appearance on Craig Ferguson she has affected the persona of the very nice Rhode Island lady --- nice smile, good mannahs, pursed lips. Weird how she's all jungle, all raging id most of the other times in there, even though she's always on camera those other times.
And speaking of mannahs, which rhymes with bannahs --- I lost track of the banner lie. did Memphis ever come clean about it with anyone? I don't suppose he can afford to. And do you think Michelle actually came to believe she saw what she says she saw on the banner?
My nom guesses:
Jerry: memphis & dan
Renny: jerry & memphis
Memphis: jerry & renny
Dan: jerry & hmmm ... renny?
I'm in south mississippi: prayers to all my coastal neighbors that we're all safe and watching BB10 next week!
I knew Ollie should have used the other speech-"Jerry's already packed. That's why you should keep me in the house."
Then they probably would have voted to evict Jerry, they wouldn't have had to pack Ollie's stuff AND they wouldn't be having burgers made by unwashed 'potty' hands.
Anonymous at 7:43. That poor limo drive r is going to have to scrub his ears. I can imagine him going to his local bar to meet his friends after. "You wouldn't believe the two I had to drive tonight... A couple of foulmouthed paranoid psychotics!"
Carolyn - I've had such a hard time keeping up with the posts and the thousands of comments this week! I have no idea how you do it all, when all I have to do is read!(It doesn't help that I am a total political news junkie, so that's stolen a great deal of my time and attention this week).
So, I just finally caught up on some of the comments in the last couple of days' posts and I wanted to congratulate you on your BF's new baby girl! How exciting! I absolutely love her name(s). I'm sure you will be the most wonderful auntie! ♥ Enjoy her!!
Noni: I saw some comments about your bad night, and then I finally found your comments about what happened! That sounds horrible, but I am so glad that you made it out of that murky pool and from under that cover okay! Thank goodness for the neighbors and that you were able to scream (even after swallowing all that water). You mentioned that the cover is due to be replaced - please, please look into one of those covers that they install by putting metal hooks down into the concrete around the pool. My brother just had one of those installed a couple of years ago, and it's much safer. It's pulled very, very tight and in the winter, deer can walk across it as if it's the ground. I've heard of many, many accidents and tragedies both to humans and our animal friends caused by the old covers. Also, it's much easier to put on every fall than the old covers. Anyway, I am so glad that you are okay, and I hope you're not feeling too banged up today! ♥
Oh - great work on Diabolical Dan! Your are so talented and so wonderful to share it with us! I see your comment above about working on something for "The Fab Four" and YES, that would be great!
What a delicious evening
shack - lol mannahs indeed. Yes Memphis confirmed that the bannah was fake. The others weren't surpirsed.
ltc - what a hubby! Can you clone him? Please? hehe :)
jane - dammit, I wish they could be sued. They should be. Oh well. It's enough that thousands have seen their true sides. Millions? How many watch the feeds anyway?
shack2000 -Memphis DID come clean about the banna, but unfortunately, no one called Michelle out on it when she mentioned again yesterday! I was so hoping they would.
That double could not have gone better! I am thrilled!
Jerry is a crazy old man i hope no one talks to him as payback for him being an the idiot of the BB10 season. But he still is funny.
I'm happy to read that I was not the only one with her heart in her throat during the HOH & Veto comps. Go Keesha!!!!
Very disappointed in AGP and CBS for letting Ollie get away with his rampage......he was acting like an innocent soul when talking to Julie. Too sucky!
As for the M/O gossips, lets not forget what M said about Dan and children! Pure malice.
shack2000 -
Memphis came clean about the banner to Renny, Keesha and Dan. Michelle tried to use the banner stuff again this week to either Renny or Keesha, and that was another lie that sent her out the door.
I think Keeesha is shaken by the hateful glare of Ollie.Even though she laughed I think it was nerves.O&M were both so volatile I'm sure it's exhausting.
Plop Plop
Fizz Fizz
Oh what a relief it is!
Carolyn, Please M'am, may I have another? :p
HanHay's Mom... YUMMY! one of my favorite foods.
Alice... *giggle* I love it.
Rhonda, I would never bite Carolyn, but I'd definitely nibble on me some Blue and/or Ry.
Jane, have I hugged you today? I meant to .. several times. ;)
someone, and I am sorry I can't find it again, I am scrolling up and down like a... well.. fill in the blank.... NEW IBERIA! ... I'm in New Orleans. Be safe there, I see the spread on the cone and the changes in the tracks. Anywhere is going to be bad.
That brings me to saying
everyone along the Gulf Coast be safe, and pray for the Atlantic Coast too for next week with Hanna. Now there is another 'area of interest' to the east of that one.
That's it for me for now. I'm back to the TV for more news for now. I need all the info I can get because the weekend is going to be crazy with or without a storm.
Hmmmm Bubbles. is this the new HoH being played? I have to think it is.
Back later to read and comment.
Re-watching the show, west coast time. Just as good the second time!!!
Jane, I'll say it again, hit my profile with my e-mail anytime, we can talk Maine ;) I know all about ups and downs hun and always there for ya!
To all of you in Louisana, I am in Texarkana and I just wanted to let you know that we have plenty of room up here, lots of new hotels and stuff. I'm just glad that Renny doesnt know about the weather, she would be tripping for sure! Hope all goes well for her family in New Orleans!
Tonights show was so awesome! I was jumping up and down and screaming! It was awesome!
Kim in Texarkana
Jules, when I hit 'publish' I scrolled right to your name. Indeed do take care in New Iberia.
dan i was typeing in dark and fast sorry
Samantha M: Thanks , I have looked into those covers and had multiple estimates. Unfortunately that kind of expenditure is not in mybudget this year. The damn town decided that we all had to go off our individual wells and onto city water this year, cost almost $6,000 each between the towns charge to us for the water lines in the street and then the contractors to run the line to the house and a plumber to do allthe connections. Had to all be paid over just a few months. so really counting pennies now, since not workin much either with back. Plus made a mess of the yard. Water is terrible too the chlorine fumes give me migraines. I am very sensitive to all odors. My family calls me the nose. It does come in very handy though too. Gonna have to go the cheap route on the cover for now.
Do we have HOH now? I'm soooo nervous better not be Jerry!
super BAD weather here...need to shut down back later love to all
samantha m
It's been a wonderful and exhausting week.Especially tonite;D
Carolyn if you are still here - just caught up on the comments and am absolutely flabbergasted at how beautiful Isabela Carolina is, I got an immediate chill! WOW Thanks for the pic!
Carolyn: A few days ago, I tried to sign up for the live feeds through your link and had a tough time. It turns out that I still have a Real Player account from when I last had the feeds three years ago. I kept requesting that they email me my forgotten password, but they never did. So, I finally remembered it, but I'm still having a problem.
First, it wouldn't let me use the coupon code. Is that because I already got a two week free trial or reduced rate three years ago? Is that a one shot deal only, or is it for every season?
I want to try it again, with or without a deal, but when I click on it from your site, it says I'm a member and I need to sign in. I'll do that, BUT I just want to make sure that you get credit for it if I order the feeds, as long as I got there by clicking in the link at your site.
We're getting a lot of bubbles ...
HoH comp?
The only good thing missing from the show tonite was the goodbye messages....sure would have liked to see those!! But still...what a great show!!! Sure made up for my week of hell!
BBdude- Did you know he's 75? LOL.
I think I just realized it tonight after he said it for the 3000th time in 52 days. Forget the booze Jer grab the gingko.
As Far as the Fab 4 go, would love to have Renny as a sister, Dan as a son, Keesha and Memphis as niece and nephew. Jerry? He would be the nasty neighbor that the kids go ring his doorbell and run away. And I would move far far aaway from that neighborhood.
I'm actually thankful for the fishes right now...I'm about 200 comments behind still! And I think the comments are best part of this blog Ok... second best....Cause we all know Carolyn is the BEST!! Thanks again, cant say it enough!
Samantha :)
Thank you :)
The coupon code was for 1st time users only, and it expired a few days ago.... The free trial should be good for you... And I should get credit if you re-signed up from here. :)
Sham - I was thinking HOH comp. Or they might be debriefing them on what's happening and giving them some sort of reward dinner.
They keep talking about a Luxury comp? Any ideas? Think there will be one?
Marci :) Thank you!!!! I'm in love! :)
this was the best show yet... wooooow
Samantha M try using a different email if you have another and a different credit card or debit card. I had same prob. even though last year I did not do it under a special offer. It told me same thing worked fine that way, just started from scratch. still is under same name and address. I just used my yahoo instead of my hotmail, and my reg visa instead of my debit.Hope that helps.
I'm nervous as all Hell about what's happening. asuspense is killin me. This has been so much BB excitement in one day! but lovin it(as long as it works out the right way)
I knew it!
I KNEW I should have just held off, and watched tomorrow morning. But I have the willpower of a 4 year-old on a sugar rush. Can't wait to watch in the morning. Waiting for the feeds to come back now.
Sounds like it was beyond awesome.
Heylo All! I am heading to bed but had to post something. I saw the new updated banner with only 5 faces in color and it is now hitting me how few weeks we have left. I have been really enjoying this summer and I don't want it to end!
You have all been a great joy to blog with and I can only hope we will all be around for many seasons to come. That is, if Carolyn will keep having us back... :) On bad days, the comments here can brighten all moods. It can also dampen some moods, lol. All in all, every time I come here, whether I like what's going on in the house or not, I can come to these comments and read up on the thoughts of everyone and truly enjoy what YOU ALL have to say.
Have a great night everyone and see you all tomorrow!
~ Ryan ~
Carolyn: Where's the pic of Isabela that Marci referred to? Was it in the comments? Oh boy, I keep having to go back and forth, trying to catch up.
I'll try to get the live feeds from your link right now!
Noni: I hear ya! My parents in Northwestern NJ had to go through something similar about ten years ago when the town put in public sewers and everyone had to get their old septic tanks removed or filled in and then hook up to the new system. The work cost thousands of dollars, plus they had to pay off the town for about 12 years for the assessment. Well, just be careful! Don't ever do that again, please!
genie .... I dunno.
I just hope Keesh-Fest gets her "frilly girl stuff" basket. :)
Carolyn, sorry to be a bit off the subject but was looking at the dish store and was wondering if you had a something generic, (no season #).
I would love to have a "Morning must haves" mug to toast you with each morning, but don't want a season number on it. How about it, you went generic with your web address, now for you merchandise.
The other night I was reading comments & you were talking about Patricia Cornwell & the Kay Scarpetta series. You were trying to remember the character's name that was in & out of that series that she was trying to capture, his name was Temple Gault. I still have that whole series. Many a late night was spent reading it.
G'nite All
My heart is full and my head is spinnin!
pssst - bajoodles of new quickie polls ;)
new banner too... :D
OMgoodness Carolyn...Isabella is absolutely precious!!!! Perfect!!
Don't'cha just LOVE the wittle fingers and feet and the way their skin is so soft and smells so good...babies are just a reminder that angels really do exist on this earthly plane! :)
I was reading the comments and when someone commented on how Isa looked I had to go back in todays comments and find yours with the "click" to see her!
Seriously hun...please let her mama and daddy know BIG CONGRATULATIONS from all of us here at BBdish and to you my'll make a precious aunt..Isa is so lucky to enter this world with so much Love and peace surrounding her!!
Thank you for all you and the dish girls do...amazing I tell ya...simply amazing! :)
Felicia in Louisiana
Dang!!! Sad to admit...I had to go get a pillow ....for my butt!! Sat here so long, I'm afraid I might get a blot clot! (walking around my pc now!!) cant go too far away!
So much for no fishes at 9BBT. Something good better be happening!
BBAD on and comp is over. Can't tell who won yet...
Whoa . . . Jerry won HOH? Clutch!
Holy sh*t - Jerry won HOH - noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
DAMN....Jerry won!
ahhh jerry got hoh dang it
I think they had the HOH comp & it looks like Jerry is wearing the key around his neck.
jerry won HOH he's wearing the key around his neck.
Carolyn, you are a godess, superhero, and my idol all rolled into one. You and your crew accomplished all that so fast. what a memorable night you have made this for all of us. Big applause from all!!!!!! I'm sure you can hear it, it's deafening.
Dawn, I went and checked out your caps awesome as always. You always catch the best expressions, can't wait for more.
BBAD is on, but the feeds aren't...I HATE that!!
BBAD is on ...
I think Jerry won HoH. Everyone is upset.
Memphis - "Maybe he'll stay upstairs."
BBAD....Jerry is the new HOH.
jerry won hoh
OMG off BBAD looks like Jerry HOH
Gotta give Jerry some credit, no matter what an a## he is. He has won many comps. WOW...from a huge high to a deep low, all within a few hours. What a night! He sure did beat the odds. Well, I'm off for now, laying down watching Shotime
Goodnight all, I'm done ... all that excitement wore me out and I'm starting to trip on the bubbles so it's time for me to go to bed. LOL
My latest chop is for Carolyn ... Fab4+1. Enjoy!
See y'all tomorrow.
Yup, Memphis & Keesha just confirmed it. Memphis said, well, maybe he will stay upstairs & Keesha said, so much for celebrating!
Oh NO! Did they do a new HOH just now? It sounds like Jerry is HOH!!!
OK we need a BBAD watcher to tell us what is going on. I still have bubbles on the feeds.
CRAP Jerry is HOH
Felicia :) THank you for bringing the permasmile back to my face! :)
OH NOOOOOO!!! I'm shutting my computer off... I won't be able to stand this. definitely can take you up and bring you down in a matter of hours...
That was the best double eviction ever. I was screaming at my tv for Keesha to win. I thought for a minute that Jerry was goin got win and I was so worried but Keesh pulled a rabit out of a hat in the last second. So exciting. I do wonder why they are not showing the jury house when each new evicted houseguest arives. Oh I hope dan, memphis or my last choice would be renny win HOH.....
Great episode!
Could you imagine if the Fab 4 come all this way and Jerry wins HOH? To be at his mercy would be awful, he would lord it over all of them. "You're not listening to me..." Renny would never let Dan and Memphis forget that she wanted Ollie out first, and would make their lives miserable. Can't imagine one of them leaving before Jerry and having to walk in the Jury house, and hear it all. UGH! I can't even bear to think about it.
hahahahaa yes jerry the ass kissing begins from the four enough of this loving with the four its game time Nice.
what!!!!?? the feeds are still off??!!! right??!! I DONT HAVE BBAD!!!HELP!!
Oh no... Jerry won. That means one of my faves is going home this really bite. I went from super happy to very sad. Please don't evict Dan or Keesha......... Darnit, this really sucks and my high from the show is totally gone now.
pssst - new Top Post!
oh no! Jerry HOH OMG! this is unfing believable! One of the Fab 4 is going to be leaving. Now they're all going to have to kiss up to Jerry. He's gonna put up Dan and Memphis no doubt. I hate to see those two have to campaign against each other. He has been far meqaner about Dan than Memphis so you gotta figure Dan is his primary target.
Jeery now knows he can ramble all he wants and he has captive audience.
AGP has always given him such a sweet edit that I have always figured they would want him to go to the F2.
Even Julie said tonight how Renny had a friendship with both Ollie and Jerry, and we know she has hated him since the beginning.
Renny has got to be wild that she has wanted him out all this time and it is now going to bite one of them in the ass.I am sure she will try to pit Jerry against the guys, hate to see the 4 turn on each other before he leaves.
Wish America could chose the noms and who to evict this week., and HOH wouldn't be safe.
hi memphis you and your team mailed in your tickets to the final too soon lol oldman jerry way to go everydog has its day now its time to take care of business,time to breakup up the happy go lucky group look at ya now wheres the celebrating lolol
I could not be any happier with this final 5! Yay!!
Love ya,
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