Morning!! Luxury Comp on the Feeds!!

A huge Gorilla just came into the hippie room!
Well, a guy in a gorilla suit...
Then he headed up to HoH.. and pounded on the door to wake Dan.
Then over to the 50s Room..
Spark up the feeds folks!!

9:16am BBT
The groggy HGs have all assembled in the living room.. and the gorilla comes in and shrieks... Dan apparently speaks gorilla, too.
Dan: Outside?
Memphis: Do we need shoes, Gorilla man?

Everyone and a Gorilla
There's a spaceship back there too... and a giant hot dog.. and all manner of strangeness. The statue person is back too...
Memphis: I can't handle this gorilla mocking me. I can't handle this guy..
Keesha: He's got pretty eyes.
BB: Jerry, please go to the Diary Room.
Jerry goes in.
Memphis: This is Jerry, "Does it have something to do with a monkey?" Yeah... that's the damn clue.

9:40am BBT
Keesha rings the bell and gets called in to the Diary Room to make her 1st guess.. We learn they have 3 guesses each.
Jerry rings the bell while Keesha's in there, and when she comes out, he goes in to make his second guess.

Here's a bunch more caps of the stuff around the yard... I do believe this is the Luxury Comp, and the HGs have to come up with a phrase from all the items and clues in the backyard.
Please have a look at these and make your guesses in the comment section.

9:56am BBT
Feeds are back!! The HGs are still in the backyard examining everything...
The gorilla comes back out and hands bananas to the guys... Memphis eats his.
Dan: What's that, Gorilla? You have a crush on her? Ya want me to tell her? Oh, I get it.. You're a gorilla on reality tv, and you're about to cover another clue.. No? You have a call for me from the president?
10:02am BBT
Dan: I told ya, she doesn't date gorillas...
Memphis: I don't know, man.. I don't know.

Who knows if there's any significance to this, but the gorilla first covered the space ship in red, then blue...
10:06 - 10:11am BBT
Dan rings the bell to make his first guess and gets called in to the Diary Room. We get brief fishies, then Dan comes back out to study the clues some more. The gorilla comes up behind him. Dan is unimpressed.
Dan: Nooo, no.. Don't leave.
Someone left..
Memphis: Well, clearly, that didn't have anything to do with it.
Dan: How confident do you guys feel with your answers?
Jerry: I've already done 2.
Keesha: Did you even do 1 yet?
Memphis: Nope.
Keesha: Ooooomigosh
10:14am BBT
Jerry: I don't wanna waste my last one..
Dan: Ya only live once, Jerry.
Everyone's staring at the clues from the red couch and the deck in front of it.
10:18am BBT
Still tryin'
Keesha: I don't know, man. This is crazy. There's just one phrase that keeps going through my mind.
Dan: What phrase?
Keesha laughs and pokes him.
10:19am BBT
Jerry walks over, rings the bell and waves bye bye to all of them as he goes inside.
Memphis: Who's he wavin' to?
Dan: Burned all 3 of his guesses..
Memphis: They keep covering up the things that don't matter.. Why not wait?
Keesha: Whatever dude.. Maybe it's just for one person and he got it.
10:22am BBT
The gorilla comes back.
Dan: Alright! Welcome back. Been a long time. Ya know.. every gorilla I've ever met could breakdance... Can you breakdance?
Memphis: Cover it up while Jerry's in there. He doesn't have any more guesses anyway.
Jerry returns.
Dan: Ya get it, Jerry?
The gorilla's on the move again to cover something else up...

The Gorilla is mimicking the statue person.. The HGs get a good giggle out of it.
Memphis: Every thing's so much funnier when you have a costume on..
Dan: When you get woken up by a gorilla?
The gorilla crouches down next to the dog...
Memphis, Dan and Keesha are still staring intently..
10:34am BBT
Dan does a guess count. Jerry's used all 3. Keesha's used one. Memphis hasn't used any. Dan's used one.
They wonder if Jerry got it right... and begin to speculate about possibilities aloud...
Memphis: I don't know. I don't have a clue.
Keesha: I don't either. i'm not gonna lie..
Dan rings the bell for guess #2, and in he goes.
BB: Dan, please go to the Diary Room.
Memphis giggles... since Dan has already gone in...
Keesha and Memphis agree they have no clue.
Memphis: Not one damn phrase has come to my head.
Keesha: But they can't end the game until they have all 3 of our guesses... I feel like one of 'em's already gotten it.
Memphis: It could be 3 of these things.. Know what I mean?
Keesha: That's true..
10:37am BBT
Dan returns.
Memphis: Didja get it, Tonto?
Dan: Nah. Random guess.
10:39am BBT
The gorilla unravels a big cardinal tarp and covers the big yellow tiered cake with the ING in it.
10:45am BBT
After the gorilla covers another item, Keesha gets up, has a closer look around, and dings the bell to make her 2nd guess... BB calls her in to the DR.

The HGs notice that the bell they've been ringing says OAHU on it and go in for further inspection...
Memphis: The bell is from the SS Oahu.
Dan: That's not there for coincidence...
10:55am BBT
Memphis, Keesha and Dan go in for coffee...
Dan & Memphis think Jerry screwed himself by guessing too early... Dan whispers to Memphis .. Memphis says, "Nice."
Dan: Did you see his (Jerry's) face at all when he covered up the cake?
Keesha: Dude, I thought the cake was the center of it all...
Dan: I was thinking "twist" with the girl... or Seeing is believing, but then they covered up the glasses...
Memphis: He knows it's 3 hours long.. Why would he make all those guesses so fast?
Keesha: What if nobody guesses it?
Memphis: Once it gets down to the 3 things or whatever, it'll be obvious...
Dan: It may be like a cruise to Hawaii, Keesha..
Keesha: I'd probably cry.. I'd break down.. That's one of those places I've always wanted to go.
11am BBT
Dan goes back outside and joins Jerry on the couch.
Dan: You think it's Hawaii?
Jerry: Who knows.. You got Australia there, Africa there... I'm still in it.
11:02am BBT
Bathroom - Keesha
Keesha: I hate when I'm not good at a game. I'm suckin at this one.
Dan responds, unknowingly, from outside on the couch with Jerry.
Dan: Yeah, I'm not doin' too good at this one either.
Jerry: Memphis says he's gonna wait til everything but the last one's are covered up...

Keesha returns to the backyard, and takes her place on the couch... staRing at the clues alongside Dan.
11:07am BBT
The gorilla signals Dan over to come help him cover the elephant.
Easier said than done... It takes them a few attempts.
11:09am BBT
The items that remain...
- EGG with a crack on top and "IT" on it
- The Eggplant or Blueberry
- The Well
- The Bell with "Oahu" on it.
- Diamond
11:15am BBT
Memphis and Dan are both sticking very close to the Bell...
11:17am BBT
About 45 minutes to go...
Keesha's inside making more coffee. Memphis comes in. The both tell each other they have no idea. Dan comes in and Keesha asks about Jerry.
Dan: Jerry tells me he's still alive, but then he said he shoulda waited. Conflicting stories from Jerry. Imagine.
They laugh.
Dan: I think that bell's the trip.. Oahu.. pretty amazing. It's probably gonna come down to the last guess..
Dan steps away, goes to the DR, then to the living room...
Keesha: I just don't get it...
Memphis: If they think they're getting 3 guesses outta me, they got another thing comin'.

From the other room, he can hear Keesha and Memphis talking about how they don't get it. Keesha mostly.
They don't think Jerry got it, guessing so fast, but if he did, they'll be impressed...
11:23am BBT
Keesha goes back outside.
Memphis is at the counter.
Dan's still on the floor in the livingroom.
11:23am BBT
The camera just showed us 4 things, in this order:
- Bell,
- Well,
- Cracked Egg with "IT" and
- the blueberry
11:25am BBT
Dan remains on the floor.
Keesha's outside with Jerry...
11:26am BBT
Keesha and Memphis are back at the kitchen counter talking about how they suck at this type of thing.
Keesha: Where's Dan??
Memphis: I dunno.
Keesha: He said, Mike, i need to ask you a question, then he disappeared.
Dan mumbles to them from the living room.
Memphis: It might be done, man. It might be all the clues out there.
Keesha: Well, if it is, I blew it... The diamond.. It's huge...
11:28am BBT
The gorilla comes into the living room and lobs a banana over the couch at Dan. Dan says he was hiding there in hopes of scaring the gorilla...
Keesha cracks up...
Dan: I tell ya.. it took a gorilla to foil my antics.
Keesha complains to Memphis and Dan that Jerry's being so secretive about how he thinks he did..
11:30am BBT
The gorilla enlists Dan's help to cover the well... Another tough one.. It's tall!
11:31am BBT
Inside, Memphis and Keesha are working it out aloud.
Still uncovered:

11:43am BBT
Jerry: Every one of those things were from our competitions.. THey were all in our competitions.. Every one of em.
Jerry goes in.
Memphis: Dammit. Nothing that comes to my mind makes any sense.
Keesha: Me either.
Dan: Are you gonna cover any more, gorilla man? One more?
11:52am BBT
Keesha rings in for her 3rd guess... BB calls her in to the Diary Room.
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that gorilla scared the hell out of me lol!
That was awsome!!!!! Just turned my computer to check in. What timing. Fish Fish go away
Cindi W
That was too cool!
I can't believe they cut the feeds.
LOL, "Dan apparently speaks gorilla, too."
Good one, Carolyn, and somehow I'm not surprised.
How did Keesha get up to HoH so fast? She must have bolted. I didn't even see her go up there.
It happened so fast my reaction is on the prior post. Jumped 3 feet when I heard it. Had feeds screen reduced so didn't see it coming,then saw it pounding on HOH door. STARTLED THE CRAP OUTTA ME!
Ha ha, I am soooo glad I have the feeds. Lately, I don't even have the sound on much because of Jeery. I usually just come here and read all the updates. But, as I was catching up here just now, I had the volume up and for once, I caught something funny as it happened. It did scare the hell out of my dogs, though, lol!
Okay, so now we have fishies. Hope this won't be too long.
My husband is on is way home for lunch. Hope he's not hungry. I'm not leaving this chair!
Cindi W
Btw, did I miss it, or did the gorilla NOT go into Jeery's room? Did BB figure it probably wouldn't be a good idea to wake up a 75 year old guy (with a heart condition) by having a gorilla jump around the room screaming?
Now that I have calmed down, cleaned up the spilled coffee I realize this must be the next clue. Now I am really confused.
i wish i wasn't at work so i could have seen that! what do a sumo wrestler and a gorilla have in common? :)
Who would you prefer wake you up from a sound sleep, EVEl Dick or a Gorilla? What's that you say? Not much difference?
Samantha I believe the gorilla did go into Jerry's room, because after he woke up keesha and memphis he ran right into the 80's room.
Cindi W: LOL!
here's a theory....
nevermind, that wouldn't work.
no, that wouldn't work either.
OH! HOw, not that either.
I have no clue.
Noni: I'd pick Evel Dick, even with his pots and pans. I kind of thought that was funny.
Jennifer: I've been asking myself the same question. I'm trying to figure out how these two clues - a sumo wrestler and a gorilla - fit into a tip outside the house that may affect the game.
Hmmm, are they going to a zoo in Japan?
Anon@8:54 in the previous post may be on to something with the Amazing Race idea. Sumo wrestler, Gorilla, Launch, Amazing........The contestants do travel all over the world on that show.
That was awesome! I hope Keesha wasn't too scared. LOL! I thought they usually show....oh the feeds are back. Gorilla still there mocking Memphis.
Ooh, they're back! OMG, I love this! I am so glad that I have the feeds!
So much for doing the paperwork and the bills today, and laundry.
dang it iam so mad right now, i was in the kitchen makeing luch and i hear 0 MY GOD!!! so i go running to my computer to see this gorilla through the house. and now as i right this the feeds are back on. yay!!! so never mind and enjoy!!!
aaawe maaan... wish i was home to see that. im @ work :(
should be interesting
That was great! I saw the Gorilla in the 50's room by the dresser, and my first thought was that it was Dan pulling a prank. Then he jumped in and on the bed, and Keesha and Memphis's reactions were hilarious. I also thought Dan's reaction was funny.
Wow, I'm so confused lol there is all these props in the backyard. with a bell and the gorilla is still with them, production must be having a riot in the control room watching the hg.
Please don't let Jeery win this
Cindi W
Well, while we're here, can someone please answer a Real Player question for me? Is there a way to keep the little RP fixed screen on my computer screen while I read and comment here? The way it's working for me now, I can have a little box in the screen, but as soon as I click on a page here or scroll down, the RP box minimizes down (to where I can't see it, and have to click on it again to bring it up).
Come on Keesha WIN WIN WIN
Cindi W
Wonder if it ties in with promoting survivor Gabon? Do they have Sumo in Africa? lol
If you google sumo wrestler vs gorilla you get a video of someone in a gorilla suit wrestling a sumo... Maybe the comp has something to do with strength.
I missed the beginning. What do they have to do?
There is a 3 tier cake with the letters ING on the front. Could that be wedding? as in wedding cake?
My mind is going a mile a minute.
So, I just used this opportunity while we're here waiting to hit the Tip Jar again. Our Carolyn has 12 more long days ahead and I saw the comments the other day about a much needed and deserved spa day!
Carolyn THANK YOU for everything you do here for all of us! And, all this while being threatened by hurricanes. You're amazing! That Ike better get the hell away now!!♥
This is so freakin funny!
I am LMAO about Keesha being so frightened of the sumo wrestler, but not all all afraid of the gorilla.
I wish Renny was still there, I would love to see her reaction to all this!
Could they be going for a trip to the MTV awards that are taking place Sunday??
Drat! While it was on fishies i ran into the kitchen for a fresh cuppa(gorilla made me spill the other one). I heard voices back on and rushed back only to see fishies again!
If we have to suffer listening to Jeery Agp might as well throw us a bone and let us watch.
All I can think of Is what would Renny be doing now if she were still here, and It was Jeery gone?
I can bet she would have gone bananas at the gorilla. Get it? Gone Bananas? Don't groan.......
I think it was funny...
I think they have to come up with a phrase depicting what all this stuff in the back yard is, like a puzzle/riddle (the one who gets it wins the luxury comp?) and when they have a guess they ring the bell, get called to DR and give their guess. So far while the feeds were on Jerry guessed twice and Keesha guessed once........
Could it be that the winner gets a chance to be on the new season of Amazing race? that would be cool as long as its not Jeery.If you put all these clues together somehow it might spell it out.
Wow, I missed a lot this morning, lol.
I'm glad they are actually doing stuff with the hg's so they aren't bored. This is the time of the year when the feeds are a snooze fest.
BTW, I'm still sad that Renny is gone. The feeds are NOT the same without her. I'm going to watch House Calls today hoping that someone asks the question about her family being safe from the hurricane.
Has Fashion Rocks already been taped? It will be on CBS...hmmmmmmm
Patti and Noni: I was just thinking the same thing - I wish Renny were still in the BB house for this. I would so love to see her reaction!
wow, that's difficult. i have no clue.
what if winner got a chance to be a competitor on Survivor if not TAR.When do they start again?
It would be very cool to see K/M/D on either one one of them . If TAR would they have to pick another BB hg as team member or anyone they want? Dan and Memphis together? Awesome!I think either might be too much for Keesha after being in the house.
That poor guy in the gorilla suit musty be dying.
It has to be The Amazing Race! What else could it be? Dan and Memphis on The Amazing Race? Yes please! :)
Hi All-
I wonder if the twist is go straight from the BB house (foregoing the chance to win $500k) to Survivor....
Amytheschemer mentioned Survivor and I could see Memphis totally doing that....
Can someone help me out?? I'm confused. Does anyone know if it is a phrase in the game they are trying to figure out or do they even know what they are trying to figure out???
Hi Again-
Just making sure my google account is working,
Ooh I just noticed the flexible lady. I can't figure out what any of this means, lol.
All I know is that the gorilla must be so hot in that costume.
I forgot to say hi to Carolyn and the gang in my previous post =)
are they covering the clues that don't mean anything?
Cindi W
This is really hard! I've ran a million ideas thru my head but none of it makes sense! The MTV awards are on Sunday, but I don't see how that ties in with the gorilla and a sumo wrestler! I'm so glad Jerry keeps guessing wrong, he only has 1 guess left, I really hope he doesn't win it!
Some sort of Picturegram. Wish we could see all of them. I thought the ing might be in amazing race.
Dan thinks he's got it!!! YEAH
I think it may be a puzzle putting all of the clues together to make a sentence or phrase. I remember them having something like this one season but on a board and they had to make a sentence out of it all.
does that make any sense?
did we just hear Dan say, "Please don't let Jerry get it before me."?? LOL same thing everyone on the outside is thinking, Dan.
I think Survivor is already going, that was my first idea, then I realized, no that wouldn't be it.
dan dan dan
So every time the gorilla covers up a clue, it isn't really a clue, and not part of the phrase they need.
A cracked egg with the letters IT on it. Crack it? A wishing well, is the lady doing yoga, or is she a contortionist?
I'm so confused.
Haven't they already been filmed? They aren't in real time like BB.
I just don't see how winning a spot on another reality show (especially Survivor/AR) would be considered luxury.
Amazing Race
Amazing used in the letter
and the ing today
just a thought
The blueberry and cake = bearing?
hotdog and egg = relish it?
looking at the contortionist, it could be that new show, Hole in the Wall or whatever it is. I told Bryan they could be on it last night. I wonder.
Its Renny in the gorilla suit.
The elephant has a of..the cake has ING and the egg has IT those are the only letters IVe been able to make out..
they thinhk slop is tough???? survivor's is 20 times harsher and its only 39 days (IF you get that far)
hot dog, frank,
ARRRGh.... I can't see them all!
ear, hear,
tub filled with?
Wolf? Bear? can't tell
I'm just throwin' stuff out to see if it tickles anyone's brain..... Established: the items are random but seem to have origins from different parts of the world....The Olympians are all back and touring around the press...hmmmm but the HG's would not really know who they are since they did not see the Olympics...
Wedding cake with ING: Tiers of cake, layer ING? Tearing? as in crying... Egg with IT...Cracked IT? Broke IT? Ya know we are all gonna bonk ourselves in the head once we know....
How long will BB let them stand out there if no one comes close.......?
the zoo, theme park, tv show, garden of eden, OK I have no clue!!! ughh!
cesar relish berry
Is that supposed to be a mountain in the tub?
I would love to see Dan, Mem, or Keesha on TAR or Survivor -- would hate for them to leave the game though -- don't want jerry to win.
The amazing race is already done filming - don't see how it could have anything to do with that!
So maybe if we list the things in the yard, we can figure it out, so here goes
A grecian statue
A giant blueberry
A giant cake w/ "ing"
A giant egg w/ "it"
A giant hot dog
An elephant w/ "of"
A gymnast
A spaceship
A bathtub with filled with brown goop..
hmmm, any ideas?
Perhaps two houseguests from BB will be invited to compete on the Amazing Race together?
What was that thing sticking out of the egg?
If it's a puzzle the only thing I could get so far:
Puh-lease let Jerry be wrong in his three guesses!!
I doubt it has anything to do with Amazing Race or Survivor. Survivor is taped already isn't it?
Is the gold statue supposed to nbe Midas?
maybe they get to go to Vegas to see Cirque du Soleil.
I think he prize is the MTV Music awards trip, Sunday night! That would be awesome! Season 2 had a trip to an awards show, as well!!
Name the objects.
Hot dog with relish
Elephant with letter (what were they)
Space ship
Cake + ing
Egg with something on it + it
Ear with sideburn
What else?
spaceship a rocket?
gorilla an ape?
"Icing on the cake" comes to mind when I saw the wedding cake with the ING
Jerry is looking smug! ICK!
Jane they covered the ear.
Cindi W
I think the puzzle is "wing it"....there is a "w" by that dog the gorilla is petting
A grecian statue
A giant blueberry
A giant cake w/ "ing"
A giant egg w/ "it" w/something on it?
A giant hot dog w/relish
An elephant w/ "of"
A gymnast/yoga
A spaceship
A bathtub with filled with brown goop.. (something coming out of it?)
Wishing well
I have figured it out.
I have figured out I have no idea.
Now he covered the hot dog.
what have they covered up? the ear, so it would be something - ear.
If he covers the dog. then I am onto something. hot dog -dog = hot
Egg = Hatch + "it" --- Bury the hatchet?
Elephant + "of" --- Memory of an elephant?
Cake + "ing" --- Icing on the cake?
Maybe Circus Circus in Vegas?
Or Cirque du Soleil?
Hi all. Been trying to keep up.
I'm guessing a trip to Vegas. The hints could be clues to the different Hotels/Casinos and the wedding cake & diamond. Just reminds me of Vegas.
Just a guess here.
It's definitely not Amazing Race or Survivor, those already began filming. The only thing that makes sense that is taking place this weekend is the MTV awards, but I'm not sure how that could "impact the outcome of the game"
how about....
is she a stretcher?
bury the dead well
I think the egg is exit.
The tub maybe mudbath.
Wedding cake?
None of these things go together..LOL
The gorilla was motioning laying down and petting with the dog/fox.
who knows
The only thing I think of when I see all those random things & shapes/sizes, animals/ CircdeSoleil (sp?)...
I know- sounds ridiculous but those shows are really neat, but mind blowing....
There is a giant diamond ring, a statue of a dog. Diamonds are a girls best friend? Maybe a trip to Rodeo Dr. for a shopping spree?
i think the covering up of the things doesn't mean that it is not part of the clue, i think they are going to slowly cover up everything until it is over.
There is an elephant in the room
Cake + ing.....dessert-ing????
berry the hatch it
i think the egg is : hatchet
I think its "Dog Gone It!"
Dogs not covered, out things are and are gone, and the IT on the egg.
There is also an ostrich ... and a wood sign over by the tub of what I think is sand ....
I like the egg + it = exit ...
What did the DR just say to Keesha?
Currently we atill have:
3 Tier wedding Cake-ING
Egg- IT
Elephant- OF
Wishing Well ???
Diamond ???
And the bell they are using has the Hawaiian Oahau name on it ???
Still drawing some serious blanks in my head...
Ok I may be way off here but remember the Q 2 and the 4 of DIAMONDS were missing from the card deck.
There is a diamond out there.
Circus Circus in Las Vegas? Maybe an all expense paid trip to Vegas like Chelsia won? Just guessing.....Kim in Texarkana
A diamond in the rough(ruff)(dog)....not sure where I'm going with that.
Johnny -- good guess!!!
It has to be BB/game related
The only thing that came to my mind when I saw the Diamond, was the diamond power of veto.
- Liz from Canada
Good morning one and all.
wasnt there suppose to be a hint on the letter dan got last night. I am not sure what that said. I went to bed...
I think its "dog gone it"
dog is there
covered stuff is gone
it is the word on the egg
what happens if no one guesses correctly?
I know this is off topic but there is a section on CBS's bb site with information on Big Brother 11 applications already! If you didn't already know
ok well this is wierd i cant figuer any of it out
You always make me laugh.
Why arent you upside down anymore?
I agree with Johnny5. Berry The Hatchet. It is a common phrase!!
Possibly places the Amazing Race visits...Africa, Cape Kennedy, Canada (wolf), etc
Anyone know what order things were covered up?
Grin and Berr It!
it is definitely bury the hatchet
haha... staRing :) too funny. gotta keep the critics on their toes!
Is it just one single phrase?
Perhaps they are just covering them to end the game, when they are all covered all the guesses have to be in?
OOOOHHHHH! The Diamond power of veto, but that's not a common phrase!
So far, bury the hatchet seems like the best guess
Dan's hysterical egging on the gorilla after Keesha, and about the mohawk hairstyle. Now Memphis' Hat!
this is so funny.
Nancy...It was making Carolyn dizzy, so I became normal.
bluex1969........i agree with your guess "A Diamond in the ruff"
"Let sleeping dogs lie."
"Monkey see, monkey do."
Scratch that diamond veto guess, it makes no sense for that to have anything to do with it at this stage of the game since there's only 1 person that won't be nominated! LOL! Ok, BB is making me crazy!
They get to go to the circus under the big top with the jury house members??
4 things left
blueberry-very or blue
wishing well- wishing or well
dimond ring-???
Cindi W.
berry the hatchet. they get to talk to the people in sequester or bribe them.
The way the gorilla is acting towards the blueberry makes me think that's the first word! Again, I say Bury the hatchet, only thing making sense
the order of stuff covered up has to be important, maybe the order the words should go? I dunno.
i dont know why at least memphis and dan arent brain storming
Isn't there a mountain or Volcano called Diamond Head on Oahu???
Hi Carolyn, Noni, Blue, Jane, Samantha, and all dish lovers. Dang, stupid physical therapy!! I missed all the excitement!! Hey, someone guessed MTV awards, which is a good guess, but would they do that for Jeery? Doesn't sound like something he would like to go to...
Carolyn, how are you doing??
One of the feeds just went from the berry to the egg-- then from the berry to the wishing well???
Still like "Berry the Hatch it"
Bury the hatchet has to be right, but is that it, one short phrase?
LOL@Carolyn. I caught that.....
It's " Bury the hatchet"
order of things covered
I think Dan is having too much fun with the Gorilla... he is hiding behind the couch waiting for it to come back out of the diary room... does he not realize that it probably has a ear piece and they can tell him what he is doing... Dan is so funny with the pranks!!!
Crack it plum well
They showed an CRACKED EGG with (IT) on it (Crack it) then a Blue Berry Then the Well.
So far i think it is Crack it Berry Well. Could it be that new CBS Game Super Password or something?
How about Exit very well -- Diamond Head Hawaii? (Eggs IT berry well -- Diamond Hawaii)
Isn't there a volcano in Hawaii named Diamond Head?? Maybe a trip to Hawaii
wats with hiding behind the couch?? lol like people need more of a reason to think ur crazy
If the well stay uncovered I say We'll bury the hatchet If it get's covered it's gotta be bury the hatchet... What else could it be
I would never win this one. I would sit there until everyone else was done and then they could tell me what to say.
Why is Dan hiding like that? WEIRD!!!!!
Hi Everyone!
I've missed alot since yesterday!! Sorry I wasn't available to take screencaps of HOH and of all the fun things in the house today. My son was hit by a car yesterday and my emotions are all over the place. She left the scene of the crime and left my son to tend for himself. I'm devastated... hard to focus on BB right now. My son will be ok and that's the important thing.
Hope to be back in the swing of things soon.
Dawn you did an amazing job on the screencaps and I so enjoyed the gorilla jumping on the bed. =)
Much love to everyone!
How do they expect to do anything with it when they are inside?
Keesha and Memphis just seem like they dont care anymore.
My guess is Blue Hawaii...
"A well hatched plan"
Diamond is still uncovered.
i'm seeing a definite vegas theme here..
the wedding cake
the diamond ring
the ear with sideburns (elvis)
the grecian statue,
i'm thinking there are more than one puzzles, and vegas may be just one
They keep zooming in on the diamond. Has to have something to do with that right!?!?
Dan and the gorilla are so amusing. Dan is really quick witted and fun. Without him there would probably be almost total silence for this whole thing.
Kim.. OMG!!! Are you ok???
wait, wasn't thre a diamond power of veto one year???
Ok, they keep showing the diamond, the egg, the purple thing.
And then there is the bell.
Oahu, Diamondhead,
diamond ring
All during this I have been wondering if the gorilla is ED. A lot of the actions, movements, etc remind me of him
diamond ring
I have n guesses yet but I will be looking from work this afternoon at the library. P.S. Support Yo9ur Local Library! READ! you know, like books!! LOL
Diamond Ring
berry the hatch(egg)it??
"BuryING the hatchet"
the Ing has to be in there for the phrase to be correct
yes Oahu, Diamond Head
our guess here!!!
alright we've way overestimated the intelligence on d/k/m
The HG aren't trying very hard. I don't think they deserve the luxury comp.
Kimbalicious, so sorry to hear about that. How awful. A mother's worst nightmare!!
Hope everything is fine.
Diamond Head, Oahu?
burying (berry-ring) the hatchet (egg)
Diamond...diamond POV? Are we sure this is for the luxury comp? Remember last year with the little elf guy? It wound up being an HoH Comp.
OMG Kim. *HUGHUGHUGHUGHUG* omg. OK. Was he hit as a pedestrian or playing or was he driving or what? poor thing. *HUG*
Kim- I am so glad that your son is ok... I couldn't image that happening to my lil man!! My prayers are with your family and I hope your son will continue to stay well.. I can not image what he went through!!! Stay strong and know your BB family will be thinking about you!!! :)
OMG Kim, is your son okay? You? Anything we can do? Sending big hugs and my prayers for your son. I am so sorry that something like that had to happen, sure hope they find the slimeball who did it!!!
what about this...
berry the hatchet in diamondhead, oahu?
Berry-Ring-the Hatch it(said with and oriental accent?
I have a feeling Evel Dick is in the gorilla suit! LMAO!
I think they will cover the diamond next, and the only things left will be the berry, the cracked egg with IT on it and the bell. and I still think the phrase will be bury the hatchet
Blue Hawaii Diamond Head..
do I win the trip BB??
The egg has a chicken head coming out...Diamond Head is on Oahu..Blue Hawaii (Blue berry)
I would love if it was a trip to Hawaii ad the bury the hatchet part is you take someone with you who's been voted out.Keesha takes Renny!!!
LMAO @ gorilla making fun of memphis for not guessing!
I think that purple thing is a plum...
Nothing still makes much sense to me, though...
Bell says "SS Oahu 1897"
crack it and you could berry well go to diamond head hawaii
its not all its cracked up to be
To Heck with BB (can't believe I just said that-LOL)...Seriously, take care of your son and yourself...we are in good hands with Carolyn and the rest of the crew...
Jackie in CT
I also think there are several prizes and the guesses will award them a prize. "Diamond Ring" will get a diamond ring...but "berry the hatch it" is tough one. LOL An all expense paid trip to the jury house??? That'd be so funny!!
Blue Hawaii Diamond Head, makes a lot of sense.
Hiya, RepX!!!!!*waves*
If ist bury the hatch were r the going???
I agree with Kerry...
Berry Ring Hatch It
Burying the hatchet???
I'm Confused! LOL
Dear Sweet Kim ♥
I'm so sorry this has happened to you and your... We adore you here but take all the time you need honey.
With every breath I take I will include your son a speedy recovery and patience for you and hubby!
Godspeed sweetness....♥
Berrying the hatchet with the winner taking someone from the jury house on a trip?
Thank you all for your prayers and support. It means alot to me! I go for being angry to tears. It's hard to believe a mother would leave someones child there after hitting him. There was witnesses and she was arrested. He was in the crosswalk infront of his school when he was hit.
omg, kim.. i can't even begin to imagine.. ooof...
ok the vegas theme is really standing out to me,
the elephant could mean a trunk, as in a travel trunk like in the old days
the gymnast, cirque de solei
the spaceship, couldnt that be an airplane?
But, how could any of this affect the game???
I think it has to do with "art"
Rockwell, Van Gogh, statue, whatever.......
OKay - I think it is Bury the Hatchet.
Maybe they get to replace someone still there with someone from the Jury house??
Ok, the diamond's gone like I thought, it has to be bury the hatchet! Nothing else makes sense!
OMG Kim..I'm so sorry to hear that. I don't know what to say..If my child...OMG..can't even..OMG
I will say prayers..You and yours will be in my thoughts and prayers..
i like the thinking about being able to have the option to take someone either from the house or the jury house...
talk about effecting the game!
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