Nominations Spoiler & Aftermath
The Feeds went to Fish at 6:58 pm BBT. We await the nomination spoiler. Per Natalie's conversations today, it is expected that Michele and Kevin will be nominated, and that Natalie will attempt to completely eviscerate Michele in the process. (**Copyrighted to Carolyn) Will she still do it given her afterglow as a result of her alleged visit with her alleged future husband, Jason?
Stay tuned... We'll have all the details for you right here as soon as the feeds come back on.
8:07 PM BBT
Feeds back
Jordan, Natalie and Kevin are outside. Michele gets some water and joins them.
Natalie: Lydia told me you were coming after me. That I was the Queen and you were coming after me. Your friend, your ally in the game. She isn't smart enough to come up with it on her own.
Kevin: I am not denying it. But I was not alone. It was me, Lydia and Casey.
Natalie: I know Casey was involced, that why me and Jessie had a chance in having him evicted.
Kevin and Natalie are going ahead with their skit of being at loggerheads. That they will still hang out despite the fact that Natalie is "coming after" Kevin.
Natalie: And then again Michele with you, it was strictly personal.
Michele: I'm not offended by anything you say.
Natalie: I don't want you gone this week. I want Kevin gone. But with you it's strictly an eye for an eye. I wanted to be honest with you.
Michele: Thank you. I appreciate it.
Natalie: and ultimately, it doesn't mean Jack sh*t. Your destiny is in your own hands.
Talk moves to food.
Natalie: I'm bummed I can't play POV.
Kevin: It doesn't make a difference.
Natalie: Now my nominations will change.
Kevin: But that's good. You're not responsible for what happens.
Natalie: True.
They are planning on the fashion show.
Jordan: I thought you were lying because you weren't excited like most girls would be. (paraphrasing).
Natalie: How bad would it be if I were lying about something like that. Saying on national TV that you were proposed to and you weren't?
They are practicing for the fashion show.
Natalie: I don't cry. I'm not a crier. (**Except when Jessie was evicted)
She goes over her story again. She tells them Jason told her he watches the feeds and reads the blogs. That she has a lot of haters. They move on to talk about how they don't want to read what people had to say about them while they were in the house. They go on to talk about the home invasion.
Jordan: And that girl. She was p*ssing me off. She kept spraying me.
Talk turns to Jason and how his mom and sisters don't like Natalie. We keep getting fish as a result. Jordan about being destiny Natalie winning HOH and getting engaged. Michele doesn't look as convinced.
Natalie: It would have been great if BB hooked us up with a ring.
Jordan: We thought you were going to be allowed to leave here, just because did that last year.
Natalie: They won't do it back-to-back. Like America's Player. (**which they didn't do back-to-back)
The three invaders were Copy Cat, Cry Baby and Roach Woman.
Michele goes into the bedroom.
Natalie: We still have a deal? Final 2?
Jordan: Yeah. I was getting nervous.
Natalie: I didn't tell anyone. No on needs to know.
Jordan: Your speech was good.
Michele comes back.
They are preparing dinner. Natalie is in DR.
8:48 PM BBT
Kevin: If you ask me there is more to this Pandora.
Jordan: Oh, I know.
Kevin: Why would you hide about something like that?
Michele: Our request for party food was not answered.
Kevin: Yeah, there’s got to be more. But the only thing we know is what she told us.
Jordan: Did they ask you about it in DR?
Kevin: We don't know if it happened.
Michele: Well, if she plays for the Veto...
Kevin: I think she gave up the Veto...
Jordan changes the conversation to food.
Kevin: What she call it? Final 2 flip?
Michele: Final 2 reversal.
Kevin: Who thinks of this after getting proposed too?
Michele: After I got engaged, it was all I thought about. If she can do that – she’s in very good control of her emotions.
Kevin: She wouldn’t even tell me, when I was like tell me.
Jordan: Maybe she can’t.
Kevin: I could say anything about mine, but it was good. Hers is the opposite, some mystery power…
Michele: The person who wins the veto is going home. Surprise! Veto reversal.
Kevin: It could be anything reversal but it doesn’t make sense because Veto is so important.
Natalie comes out of DR. Michele goes to DR with her devil horns because Natalie used her "deal with the Devil" phrase.
Natalie: I put in a request, BB All star wedding.
Kevin: I still think there’s more to this Pandora’s box.
Natalie: No. There’s nothing.
Jordan: How did they know when to leave?
Natalie: Maybe they had mics on.
Kevin: The baby was in charge. He told them to go into the storage.
Natalie: You had no idea what was happening to me?
Jordan: I thought we had a time limit and had to solve some riddle, then I heard you scream.
Natalie: I screamed when I heard you guys…
Jordan: were you watching on the screen?
Natalie: They had it. I was in Pandora’s room. No monitor there. Did you at least say you believed me for a minute?
Kevin: I didn’t believe you at all. To be honest, I was a little upset. This b*tch was clearly lying to my face.
Natalie: I’m not a good liar.
Jordan: Nope, I can tell. She really isn't. (**rolls eyes)
8:57 PM BBT
Natalie & Kevin are eating.
Jordan is in DR.
Michele is cleaning.
Suddenly Cam 3 & 4 Flip to the HOH. Focusing on Natalie's basket and the photo of her and her boyfriend.
Michele goes to DR. Kevin goes outside. Jordan and Natalie are left in the kitchen. Jordan tells her that Kevin was questioning the veracity of Natalie's story. Michele comes out of DR and puts an end to that conversation.
Kevin is very quiet. He has been very thoughtful and secluding himself. He is in the Red Room by himself, hood up, covers up to his chin. Natalie takes a moment alone with Michele to reinforce the idea that Kevin is getting paranoid about the engagement really happening.
Natalie goes to the Red Room. She questions Kevin about what Michele said.
Natalie: What did she say?
Kevin: She said if I am going to be called a devil. I might as well be the devil. B*tch brought a pair of devil ears into the house.
Natalie: If Jordan wins, I think she will... You have to win POV. Tomorrow when you wake up come to my room and we will go over the numbers. They are talking about the stairs competition from last week.
They think it's going to about past HGs.
Natalie: You're looking down.
Kevin: This POV is so important and it's more than likely going to be geared towards Michele. Something brainy. The only way I can have a change is if it's more physical than a spinning disc. Like Otev, equally physical and mental. (**You mean the competition that Michele lost to Jeff by a hair?)
Kevin: If I don’t win, I’m gonna have to hustle.
Natalie: I’ll have to too, even if I have to kiss Michele’s ass. Tell her everyone’s underestimating Jordan, she’s gonna win, and I’ll fight for you.
Kevin: All I know is my ass is on the line. It’s two against one.
Natalie: Jordan doesn’t even count.
Kevin: I just have to win
Natalie: Are you mad that I opened the box? On our friendship, on our alliance, that is the true story. Then I came down and told them the truth too.
Kevin: No. It was your boyfriend. I’m upset that you kept lying to me even after they left.
Kevin: If she wins this POV, it means every time she was about to go home, she won the POV. There’s no denying that argument. She sits up there and says I won f'n five POVs.Natalie: And I’ll call that out. Just because you win, maybe others didn’t need to win it, or didn’t try hard. Just because you win doesn’t mean anything. (**hurl)
I wish the pandoras box thingie was Nat had to nominate herself!!!
Now THAT would be funny!!!
Thank you, KatieBlue!! :)
So I don't have to go find a dictionary, what does eviscerate mean? I am sure it is something bad because in the context of the sentence, Nat-a-lie will be doing something to Michelle (her arch nemisis).
–verb (used with object)
1. to remove the entrails from; disembowel: to eviscerate a chicken.
2. to deprive of vital or essential parts: The censors eviscerated the book to make it inoffensive to the leaders of the party.
3. Surgery. to remove the contents of (a body organ)
Why does Kevin agree to being put on the block??
Isn't Jordan the only person voting (to keep Michelle)?
And even if Natalie wins POV (even though she says she can't play)... she won't change the noms... and Kevin is still out.
If Jordan wins POV, she keeps noms as is, since she wouldn't want to be put on the block herself.
If Michelle wins POV, she'll vote to evict Kevin against Jordan...
SOOOO... the only way Kevin stays is of he wins the POV....
Then Michelle is gone!
You're asking if Natalie WILL choose to eviscerate Michele in her Noms Speech? Oh no...I think the better question is how HARD will Natalie eviscerate Michele in her Noms Speech? My only hope is that this speech gives Michele the fire she needs to go out tomorrow and completely demolish the competition in the PoV Comp!!
~ Ryan ~
Removing the viscera from her body?
Evisceration is the removal of viscera, (internal organs, especially those in the abdominal cavity).
My money's on Michele with that particular evisceration. I think Natalie would probably curl up into the fetal position.
It seems kinda funny that Natalie is dressed like the Burger King guy complete with crown one minute and the next minute she is in HOH getting engaged with a bread twistee......Wow that just sounds so.....unbelievable......LOL
Don't need a dictionary - just type the word in your browser.
Eviscerate = disembowel
Hi Carolyn welcome back..
IM a lil bit lost? confused what are these lil ppl their speaking of? Its like all of this is some big dream? throwing water at lil ppl and rings from twisties WTF???LOL
This is discombobulating me....
This word was brought to you by Twisty Rings for the fake engagement nearest you...
this Natalie story about Pandora's Box Part Deux just doesnt add up.
We're getting blocked feeds bc of nominations & Nat will be gone from the house tomorrow during POV comp bc she's having a rendezvous w a Jury Member.
Sunday's Shiw is going to be jam packed.
LMAO Genie
Genie Sea said...
Syn - !!!!!!!!!!!double u tee eff??? :)
Genie - lol, just to show you how sleepy I am, I was reading your comment as if you were talking about the dish etouffee, which I'm sure GaYToR is familiar with. I was like ... huh? Then I got it. Which part were you referring to though, the hellhound or falling asleep before midnight? Both equally disturbing.
Um, EWWWW! Part of me is sorry I asked! The other part of me learned a new word. Don't know when I will ever have to use it!
I just hope Natalie gets her "vindiction." :D
You just KNOW it's gonna last ...
When it's a Twisty Ring ♥
Genie, I am sooooo gonna love it when I'm right and you're wrong!
She has to assassinate Michele's character enough so Jordan will believe more lies about her. Jeff told Jordan to stick with Michele though so I don't think that will work. Jordan didn't like Chima so whatever she says about that won't sway her. Bringing religion into the game never works.
Happy thoughts for Michele.
I think I am going to pop in a movie and then check back later! I can always get caught up with my handy dandy dishers! Thanks for keeping the light on for me! ;-)
LMAO Genie...way to funny Are we all going Nutty due to Natalies Lies 1/2 truths 1/2 lies, I too am in a state of total confusion Plz make it stop!
well with natalie's supposed engagement she should be to happy to be mean to michelle.. we shall see...if she is mean it will just make michelle play harder..
ROFLAO@Genie bread tie rings
Brb i am gonna go find a twisty thingy and propose to the bf.
Syn - :) Both! :p~
Jane - And if I'm wrong, I will acceot it graciously. :) Cuz I know it won't be the first time nor the last! :p~
Maybe they can dig a little blue diamond out of the lucky charms
Lick it & stick it to her twisty ring,so she at least has a stone
The Jar has been tipithed!!!
Stephie, I got it....use it next thanksgiving when you reach deep into the carcass of the turkey to remove the giblets of the turkey you can announce to all present that you are now eviserating the damn bird!
Thank you, Judy in NJ!!! :)
Genie, you accept graciously, and I'll gloat.
Hiya Judy!!! :)
Hiya I 4 Git!
Hiya TT!
Hiya Vicki!
Ok, let's see.....Natalie gets alcohol in her HoH basket and then she supposedly gets engaged and yet these clowns still believe she's 18? Seriously?? Why haven't any of them asked the people in the DR about it??? And am I the only person who thinks Julie gave Natalie waaaaay too much time to put an answer up for the HoH comp??
Hi Carolyn!! (and fellow dishers!!!) :)
Michele looks fine. We shall see.
OMG! Sounds like the plan is going on! Kevin on the block?????
Ok well i did the twisty thingy and he said it wasn't good enough!
Thankfully yrs ago i bought him a special kind of "ring"!
Welcome Carolyn, buy yourself some twisty jewelery with it hehehehehe
Thanks Tallen!
Doesn't Michelle look eviscerated?
I think I'm going to send Natalie an engagement present...a big box of flying insects. LOL
Who'd a thunk Jordan in the F2?
As N/K so kindly put it 'her trailer trash story' could serve her well.
LOL I want Kevin gone... as if Michele will believe this!! Good Grief Charlie Brown.
waaaah waaah waaah
Oh don't worry
Nat has stones
Okay, say the answer with me, How can you tell Nat-a-lie is lying?
**Her lips are moving!
Michelle looks pissssssseeeedddd!
Now is the BS about going after Kevin. I thought that is what the whole queen thing was about. He called her the queen, according to Lydia.
If I hear your destiny is in your own hands one more time, I am going to take my shotgun into my own hands! Just kidding! I don't even own any type of weapon unless you consider knives in the kitchen?
come on National TV, get on 1 knee and propose with a twisty! Ladies if a man did that to you what would be your gut reaction? mind you its on TV and the dude shows up from Arizona and offers you a fricking twisty!
hi Genie -- hi Everyone!
I guess calling these people morons would be against the rules. I really hope Jordan and Michele don't fall for this BS.
I don't know for sure what kind of ring you are talking about but my mind went to a place where that is funny and a little dirty ;)
Michigan Man - Bingo! :P
I live 2 block from a sex shop LOL
Well I am mostly a creeper who visits 30 times a day but I just want to say I adore you Carolyn, Genie and all of you who make bbdish such a wonderful place to visit. But I am now on team Michelle I do believe that if Natalie makes final 2 with anyone else besides Michelle she deserves to win she has played hard and I think I would lie and scheme and decieve to win.
I hope Natalie tries to put on that black top again tonight... that sh*t cracked me up on BBAD last night!!
Hey Genie!!!!
Hey Carolyn!!!
Hey Disheressss!
So were gonna have a fashion show... wish they would wait another 45 minutes so I can see it onna 42 inch screen instead of on this puter!!!
Natalie made her speech I see... oh well... we all knew she hadda be rude with her Power!
Big hugsssssss
Happy Dishing!
Tallen - I don't plan to be on national TV, but I think the twisty thing when there is no money for a ring is sweet. Lot's of people do that kind of thing, gumball machine rings, etc.
Jane - You're already gloating... :p~
Fantasy Land was never my favorite 'land in Disneyland.I like it even less with Natalie running the rides.
Michigan Man, my mind went right there with yours.
Oh yeah! Hi everyone. Sleeping Beauty has awakened.
Judy in jersey you saw that too!!!
I was cracking up that s**T was way to funny..she tried that top on anywhich way she could and never did figure it out..then declared it a chima typ blouse
that was some funny stuff..
Ok gang...sooooooooooooo If you were in a game where you were in final four to win $500,000 and your only ally has a two to one shot of getting evicted if you don't play POV and help him stay, and you had the choice to see your BF who you will see in less than two weeks anyway... what would you do???
IMHO there has to be more to it
Judy in Jersey - I bought my lotto tickets today. We'll see if Aunt Flo is as lucky for me as Natalie. LOL
Tallen, yes it was... I was laughing so hard I was crying!!
The Puffy shirt from Seinfeld that Nat chose last nite was funny too.
Without Casey I see the commentary on this fashion show being rather lame.
NzingaB said...
Judy in Jersey - I bought my lotto tickets today. We'll see if Aunt Flo is as lucky for me as Natalie. LOL
OHHHHHHHHH I am visualizing you winning!!
at the same time
How bad would it be?
As compared to what other lie?
Genie - I'm always gloating. Lol.
And I totally believe it. 110%
No Natalie, we don't like you because you are associated with YOU!!
Okay Jane - You might be right. Her BF told her she has a lot of haters... now I am thinking it really did happen...
I'm sending positive vibes to Michelle to not only win the POV, but to completely slaughter the competition.
Go Michelle/Jordan!!!
yes that was like an abbott an costellio, laurel n hardy skit.
or a monkey tryin to f**k a fooball..take your pick. 1st time I laffed durnin the whole season, thinking she cant be doing this!
Genie - even without outside information, is it that much of a stretch for her to assume she has haters. She knows we all know she's the habitual liar, not Michele.
I'm outta here,
Thanx Caro and Genie et al
I will hit the TIP JAR next week when I get my Ins. ck for my fire damage.Woo hoo only took 4 mos. not bad for the land of manana.
OK Genie, now I actually AM gloating!!!
dang it!! go out for fried chicken and wine and come back to this!!!
no gloating - she said that this afternoon too... way before the supposed visit. ;p
Genie Sea ~ I was about to say that I think that what she is saying may be true cause she affirmed that she has a lot of haters out there, lol.
~ Ryan ~
Thanks, Rosa! :)
Hi Carolyn! Hi Genie!!Hi BB lovers!
At least we only have to deal with Natalie until Tuesday! I am finding it really hard to believe Nat's story!! Hopefully we find out Sunday night!
ps. Carolyn, how can I email you? Thanks!
Caro - she said what?
Ok! I take it back! hahaha Thanks Caro! :)
rosaritoe said...
The Puffy shirt from Seinfeld that Nat chose last nite was funny too.
LMAO...that is exactly what I thought of last night w/ that shirt! That was one of my fav episodes from Seinfeld!
about having haters - she was talking to kevin about that this afternoon, saying she was sure america hates her, because she was aligned with jessie...
welllll before this pandora business
Hum. Well, I have to stick to my guns. I'm in deep now, it's too late to back out.
Angela :)
you can email me at dishchicks at yahoo dot com
Jane gloat I would I was right there with you!
Ms Fitz and Judy
if its not a hoody/mens BB shorts shes not to sure what to do with it
Maybe Nat gets to pick a Jury house member to play in the POV comp.
Ms Fitz
Too bad Nat's not a "low talker' like the woman who asked him to wear the puffy shirt.
No I guess low talkers are a nitemare for Caro and Genie!
low talkers, stealth whisperers and speed talkers SUCK
LOL she natalie and Kevin just might swap bathing suit bottoms. speaking of did BB give the 3 dudettes matching Bikinis?
Hiya Homeworld! I know!
Hiya Cecilia! Thanks!!! :)
Hiya Dabugd!
Hiya Zany!! :) Wine! YUM! :)
Hiya Angela! :)
Hiya Caligal!
OMFG you guys!!!
My honey just came in and got down on one knee and asked me to marry him with............. a twistie tie!!!
Carolyn - don't forget close talkers! Anyone who gets right in my face normally gets punched - personal space IS a big deal.
LOLOL It's engraved too... with the word SAMSUNG!!
Hey all! I'm in sucha state of limbo with all of this... I hate not knowing what's happening, and Nat is the worst person to be holding information... when will we know what's really happening!
I like that Nat knows she has lots of haters, whether form her bf or just from intuition. I wouldn't call us haters... she's played a great game, especially in the last few weeks... she's just chosen to play in a manner that maybe isn't as admirable as others. (In case you read this, Nat's bf, that is my explanation... don't call use haters, just Michele fans!!)
Go Michele! Have a great night everyone!
I just recently saw Jerry Sienfeld @ a Porsche convention, I LOL reached down and grabbed his hands and shook it and said thanks for all the laughs thru the yrs, and he gave me that look like when the naked girl bend down in front of him...but he did say "OH THX"
Judy - i tried that with my bf and got turned down and told it wasn't good enough :P
rosaritoe - yeah would be a nightmare for Carolyn but, selfishly, at times I wish she was. In her DR she always sounds like she is yelling.
Judy in NJ - LOL
Wendy - I'm not wild about those either, but I was referring to the ones that drive me nuts trying to transcribe them... Natalie's, as a rule, talk fast and a lot!
I got a little worried there for a minute!
lol Jane how many takers did you get? 3?
Carolyn - both Natalies in BB have been vile yucky icky ppl i have not liked.
OMG Wendy! Me too! If I can reach my arms out, you shouldn't be in that space. That gets on my last nerve.
Show of hands ... who's actually pumped for this "fashion" show?
I don't understand how seeing her b/f can be game changing for her not to play in the POV. I just feel like there is more to this. Although her saying she had haters did make it sound real but she knew Jessie wasn't liked by America & so figures she probably is not well liked.
2 guys and a girl.....Jessie Russell and Lydia?
Sorry if that has been mentioned.
WendyLady33 said...
Judy - i tried that with my bf and got turned down and told it wasn't good enough :P
Ohhhhhhhhhhh LOLOL just tooooo funny!!!
My other three marriages had real diamonds so maybe this one will work, ya think? hahahahaha
Judy in NJ said...
OMFG you guys!!!
My honey just came in and got down on one knee and asked me to marry him with............. a twistie tie!!!
OMG, you are the luckiest lady ever...what color was it?
"Natalie: It would have been great if BB hooked us up with a ring."
they did it came from the junk drawer...its called a twisty!
:) Just bought my BB11 Year of the Banana "What are you his pitbull?" Tshirt! I miss Casey and Russell and Jeff. But I do hope Michelle wins. She has a good heart and has been a good player. Can't wait to find more out about PB - really hoping there is more to it than what Nat said and that it really is bad for her! lol
katieblue - I don't know how many people took me up on the bet, but I do know I was the only one on my side.
Genie typed.....
The three invaders were Copy Cat, Cry Baby and Roach Woman.
Did we get a BB version of the Johnny Depp movie Cry Baby?
You know ppl..I think if Michele can get thru this week,
I bet the jury members picked the names and costumes to throw a dig at nat!
Does anyone know how Michelle stands as far as winnings with the HOH and POV's?
I know Janelle (i've read) and Danielle (8) did good.
caligal: that is a pretty decent guess. I could see that happening. b/c if the tv ads were mentioning jury members involved in PD, I could believe the only way Nat would pass on playing POV is if she could pick a Jury member to play for her. ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: a visit from Jessie Godderz! When she got to talki to her dad on the phone, didn't he say Jason bougt a ring and was going to propose? So if he already has a ring-why a twisty thing?
Natalie wore the clown costume, Queen, I so can't wait to see that on the show LOL
MsFitz... it's gray and white with the word SAMSUNG!!!
Syn - Eaxtly! Only a very few choosen ones are allowed to get in my personal space and most of them have 4 legs and purr :0)
Judy - after the failed first marriage with the diamond i went with a special ring with this one and its much much better :P
I'm on your side Jane, I just think she added stuff to it.. and I also thing there may have been her getting money too
Jane - I remember someone agreeing with you but can't remember who.
I'm a pumpkin...
a goin' horizontal pumpkin...
nite all :)
see you in the morning.
Genie's at the helm. :)
Oh Noooooooooooooes!?!?!
The fashion show will be on Sunday instead!
Darn ... darn darn darn. I'll be at work.
Nite Carolyn
Good night, Carolyn! ☺☺
Careful Carolyn! It's getting awfully close to Halloween to be turning into a pumpkin! Nightie Night!
Maria - Can you please lose the G from Nat's name and I will be happy to publish your comment! :)
is Jordan seriously making a F2 deal with Natalie?
Nite Carolyn
Nightie night Carolyn!
Omg. They are showing the clip of Natalie & the Dragonfly on "The Soup" on E! Too funny. I hope she is completely humiliated when she gets out of the BB House.
Lisa - When Natalie talked to her Dad, he told her that her boyfriend had a twisty ring for her just like his parents used. It has a sentimental reason, but I still think she's lying about it.
hi all...
Jason told Natalie that alot of people hate her. Sounds like the truth.
Is all this thing with going after Kevin real or not?? She has certainly let the power go to her head. Too bad it didn't electrocute her with that crown.
I think I'll skip BBAD, don't have the stomach for it tonite.
Several people I work with that are big BB fans for years, say that since the HOH last nite, they are tuning out for the remainder of the season. I want to watch so I can see her lose.
It was me we posted pretty close on the last nomination/pb. Ha ha night nite Carolyn
Hey Judy - Reneep. was a believer too but she didn't go so far as to bet. Smart woman.
what's wrong with a "twisty ring"??
i don't get it... what??
Good night Carolyn. I think I am out ,too. I was watching a movie and came back to check on what's been going on. Now I can go watch BBAD (if I can stand to listen to Natalie) but first I ahve to finish my movie. I will probably make it to 3 am becaue I finally have a saturday off work! woot!
LOL Michele has devil horns. To funny. Please show that DR session.
Night Carolyn, Sleep Tight
See, I knew it & the HG know there is more to this thing with Natalie & Pandora. They are thinking like I am that she did give up the POV but there is more to it than just "seeing her b/f". I haven't seen the promo's but why would they keep saying something about the Jury....more to come....
I call BS on the whole thing. I believe absolutly nothing that comes from Nats mouth. I don't know if she is lying to Kevin, lying to Michele, lying to Jordan. Really at this point I just assume she is lying to everyone but she might be right about the haters out there. I am pretty sure she has a few anti natalie fans out there.
Hiya Mattitude - Thanks for the heads up! It was a typo! I fixed it :)
Copy Cat, Cry Baby and Roach Woman.
So... Copy Cat is Jordan, Michelle is Cry Baby and Natalie is Roach Woman, no?
I reaching, I know
They better be remembering everything that happened with the 3 little people - that is probably part of the POV.
Nat probably is lying about Jason being there.
Natalie is delusional. She is imagining that Big Brother might pay for her wedding. She must not realize that few Big Brother fans would tune in, or for that matter, care ...
OMG Natalie just said I'm not good liar and Jordan says she really isn't. Poor naive Jordan.
Ms Fitz- i am with you i think there is more to come, if not we will find out more maybe after the pov or later on tonight but whatever happened isn't really changing anything that we know of yet.
Copy Cat-Russell he tried to imitate previous housguests
Cry Baby-Jessie he's a whinner
Roach Woman-Lydia she was Natalie's nemisis and Nat hates bugs
I was right. Natalie said that stuff in her speech to turn Jordan against Michele. Jordan just said it again. Nat you're very honest. Jordan please buy a clue.
OMG, I just literally fell out of my chair. Natalie...I'm not a good liar! Oh, I have heard it all now!!
dabugd said...
Natalie is delusional. She is imagining that Big Brother might pay for her wedding. She must not realize that few Big Brother fans would tune in, or for that matter, care ...
Well, if she makes it to F2 (God Forbid!) BB will pay for her wedding - in essence - with that $50,000 payday (I refuse to entertain the idea of her winning)
:P~~~~~~~~~~~~ Even Natalie can bother me now.
dabugd - I agree.
Your puppy is so cute.
Hi guys! Trying to not be a lurker.
I saw a preview of Sunday's show and it mentioned that the jury house would crack up pandora's box or something. I think Nat is totally lying. Think she got to meet with a jury member. Iono....she's such a liar! Can't believe a word out of her mouth!
Dunno if someone else has seen this. Haven't read the comments. gotta catch up :)
Natalie is so proud of herself. Real good Jordan telling her it was a good speech...
Hmmm, I kinda think it's time for Kevin to regret his decision to get Jeff out. I think he might think that Natalie was a little too convincing in her Nomination speech and the aftermath on the outside sofa.
Anywho, It's time for me to get outta here. Y'all have a great night and an enjoyable weekend! Later!
I believe Kevin is finally having that "after HOH moment of clarity." It seems almost every HOH gets it. We know that Jeff and Jordan did. Now I think Kevin is experiencing it.
I'm watching him lay in the Green Room deep in thought right after he had a conversation with Jordan and Michelle about there being more to PB than Nat is telling.
I think, like Jeff did last week, that he finally realizes that he made a bad deal. When Nat didn't go looking for the key to release him last week, he should have known he really didn't have a partner and kept his word to Jeff and through Nat up on the block.
I guess hindsight is always 20/20.
Yea, it's beddy bye time for me. I'm gonna dream of sugarplums dancing in my head and Michele's winning Power of Vetoes!!
Nighty Night All!
~ Ryan ~
Night Syn and Ry! Sleep sweet! :)
Sorry, genie. I was catching up on the Dish. I don't have the feeds anymore.
Good evening all!!!!
Had a wonderful night, again, with my Daughter at my Brother's house, We ate, drank, smoked, played cards, and checked-in with the dish, lol. He's a huge fan too.
We discussed Nat's story of Jason meeting her for twenty minutes, and proposing to her....We thinks, he smells $$$MONEY$$$
Our two cents, lol
Natalie keeps saying, well, at least you get to play in the POV...that bugs me cuz why would it matter, she made the choice to give it up to "see her b/f". She also has gotten very defensive when they tell her they didn't believe her at first about the b/f...It has to be something w/ a jury member or why would CBS keep advertising it that way... aaahhhhh!!!
Kevin knows & so does Michelle there is more to it. I can tell by the way their acting.
Good night, Syn!!!
Good night, Genie!!!
Good night, All!!!
Night MsFitz! Sleep sweet! :)
Why hasn't anyone brought up to Natalie that 18 is too young to get married?
You hangin' alright, Genie?
Nzinga - Yeah. I'm here. :) Wondering if I should make it an early night. There will be POV tomorrow and the aftermath...
Just want to say congrats to all of you dishers that are proposing tonight with the "twisty tie".
You guys have me laughing so hard I have tears running down my face and I can't breathe...
Also, has anyone else noticed how as the night goes on "Jason & Natalie's conversation" keeps growing and growing? Reminds me of Pinochio's nose.
Still can't stop laughing. My 10 yr old daughter even said, "If my BF asked me to marry him with a twisty tie, I would run and never look back!!! kid is gonna be a high maintenance woman!!!!
Sounds like a good plan. Looks like I'm the last straggler anyhow. Gotta get up and try to sell some wedding gowns in the morning :) Need to be brighteyed and bushytailed.
Thanks for another great night!
Hey everyone, just in case this proposal thing is true. There is someone that deserves our sympathy. this poor bastard Jason. He has to spend the rest of his life with Natale. OMG It sends shivers down my spine.
More disturbing than Natalie's lying is she kept using the raw chicken utensils to cut the cooked meat. I'm not a salmonella fan.
Night Genie
Not sure when you will do last call so I'll say goodnight now.
Goodnight Genie when you get there.
Night all.
{{BB HUGS}} {{Michele}} {{Jordan}}
Jane - I was thinking just that. Imagine. Kevin, and Jordan won't be able to play POV because of food poisoning... hahahaha
Night Michigan Man! Night Nzinga! Night Michelle! Sleep sweet! :)
Genie - wouldn't it be cool if Michele won by forget due to projectile vomiting.
Jane - It would totally rock. Because we both know the only way Michele will be safe is if she wins POV. I'm not sure Jordan would evict Kevin...
Jane - I'm out! Sleep sweet when you get there! :)
Everyone! See you all tomorrow! Sleep sweet when you get there :)
Wow, checking into the feeds before I go to bed...and I see tampon lessons for Natalie? wow, just wow
My jaw is on the floor right now. Can just imagine how the guys might feel....
...and she never washed her hands.
I have been one of BB's biggest fans since the first season. I can't wait for each new season to begin and I watch each show, BB after dark and read from this site with consistent interest. For the first time ever, I am completely disgusted by one member of this season, namely Natalie. I realize that lying to a degree plays a part in this show, but her total lack of honesty and integrity has completely reversed my appetitie for this show and possibly future seasons. It makes me sad as BB has always been something I look so forward to, but now I don't even want to watch if I have to listen to her voice and watch her dishonest manipulations. Sad to say I am...
A Fan No More
OMG that story with the tampon cracked me up. I don't know if she's being for real or not but it brought back memories for me!
1977- I had never used a tampon and went thru this same type thing with the girls in the bay! GO AIR FORCE!
OK... Here is what will happen based on the result of the POV...
If Kevin wins POV: Michele is gone.
If Jordan wins POV: Kevin is gone.
If Michele wins POV: Kevin is gone.
Natalie can't win POV.
That's what I think.
feeds back finally!
Oh Geezz a makeup party!
I'm outta here lol
BUSTED!!! 115am....I just read on another posting that Natalie slipped and while talking to someone said..."when I talked to Jessie...I mean my boyfriend."
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Flashback find:
Watch 1:13 AM feed one.
Natalie is talking about not having Jessie's jury vote. She (seemed to) slip and say while I was talking to him today, (then catching herself) "my boyfriend" then went on to talk about why she felt she did not have Jessie's vote. M/J did not seem to catch it, and if they did, nothing was said.........
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Natalie tells the other houseguests she's been dating her 30-st boyfriend for three years. Which would mean he was in his late 20's dating a 15 year old.
The above comments deleted by author were mine. I moved them to the morning post because that's the way I am. ;)
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