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Good evening, Carolyn and fellow dishers!
Thanks for posting this vid! I just love how BB Dish is such a smorgasbord of all things BB! My plate is piled high with goodies and my cup runneth over with gratitude!
And now, I'm off to hit the tip jar! ;)
:) Aww! Thanks, Debi!! :)
I gather he is being facetious?
Doesn't surprise me in the least. She is so aggravating.
Carolyn, you said that her voice makes your ears bleed. LMAO But think of her poor fiance. My god, he has to live with her!!!!!!!
Yeah I saw this on the feeds?? I was like huh and I heard Julie say always hold your key and don't let go. Thanks Phil because it showed clear as day on the feeds that she went from key to chain??!! And here is the proof!! Great work in posting this for us!
WOW and they didn't call that. Boggles the mind.
Jane - You gather correctly.
Will someone tweet AG about this?
I would if I knew how.
That was good, and I loved the hair band around the key. BB saw her and didn't say anything. IMO I think if she had won, the turnout would have been different. Maybe BB was rooting for her to win so something could have been done, like throwing her out for cheating...hmmmm
I wish Nat hadn't been given the heads up by production about how well loved J&J are by America.Now she's playing the 'take me I can't win' card.
What have we all been thinking? Clearly the edit has not gone Natalie's way?
Wonder when she will learn that the edit couldn't have gone her way because she gave them no material to edit favorably toward her!!!! Like others have said, she will be in for it when the bubble her head is in bursts and she sees all of the vile we have been spewing about her, and then realizes that she justified almost all of it!!! It really is sad that this girl has a college degree from a pretty good school and she is still so delusional. Very sad...and still someone is willing to live with her until death do they part! Right!
Good evening Carolyn... :)
I heard your mention on dishchicks this afternoon. :) This is quietwoman but for some reason my sn won't post here tonight so I used another one.
Well, I guess all the things I said 2 days ago are here on video now for all your readers to see for themselves. CBS did a great job last night showing Kevin over and over cheating on that log watching the mechanism...too bad they and AG chose not to address these acts and dq them both. It should have been given to Jordan. Jordan has proven herself to be a formidable opponent and has come in 2nd in many comps also. She's done more than the other two combined. Also remember, she told Jeff many times of things she observed in respect to the other guests and he was the one who talked her out of her gut reactions. GO JORDO....win it all!!!
Have a great Friday evening all!!!! :)
O.k. it's very clear she cheated, but now what? What will CBS do at this point, and will they do anything?
Is CBS waiting to DQ her once they've had time to review the video's? This is mind boggling to me!! and sooooo disappointing! I am having a hard time even expressing my feelings about something so blatantly wrong...
Why didn't they see it right away and do something immediately, showing us on the Thursday show? If they do NOTHING, my faith in CBS will be completely lost. What is one to think? what else do they see and not correct, what do they say to the HG's in DR, to what level do they actually affect or have influence over the 'real' game we believe we are watching? And my thought's don't stop there, inquiring minds want to know the outcome, and know it NOW!
I wonder why production would let Nat and Kevin know J/J were so popular...to give Natalie a chance??Why would they do that? Why give Natalie another card to play?
Oh my are they waiting for Jordan to wake up so she can cook for them?? If I understood it right Natalie was saying to Kevin that they should cook but Kevin said I do not know how to make the s**t, then he goes on saying "she" puts breadcrumbs and meatballs in it to Natalie now was he referring to Jordan? Wow Jordan is now the BB maid for them! Oh but wait Natalie is making something on her own....could it be a t.v. dinner??
ah, natalie. the thing i think of when i watch that (very funny and well done) video - is that, when and if natalie ever sees it, she'll see it as an homage to her brilliance.
JANE - re jeff and his voting/not voting for jordan from the last post. i, too thought that his praises for jordan's support were well-intentioned but - as you said so right on - lip service. i DO think he's going to vote for jordan but - beautiful and clever as he is - i believe his sweet words and lack of bravado come from being taught to be a nice boy, not from humility. just my take.
hmmm what do you need to play twitvid? do I need to dl something I dont twit
i'm so sure i just called jeff a "nice boy". what am i? 90?
Oh, sorry to be so upset on my last post, but I wanted to say that it was an AMAZING, artistic vid by PA, by the way.... I am just pissed at the situation. I love how he put it to music and made it meaningful regardless of the content. That's the true sign of a very talented individual. Thanks Phil!!
u need to click on that triangle in the middle, just like any other video.
My faith in CBS disappeared a couple seasons ago.
I'm sure they know.
I hope they know WE know.
brook - lol
because i'm not AG, i won't pretend to know why nat wasn't called out. maybe the "cheat" wasn't big enough? maybe it was included in some sort of margin for error? it's been said before and we all know it's true - production will do what they need to do to give the viewers the most enticing show.
I swear BB goes to Toy R Us and only shops in the row for kids 5-12. Why can't they get board games or something interesting.
Her hand was off the key.
She was not holding on to the key.That was the #1 instruction.
Nah it dosent work just a lil timer thingy goes in circles. never shows the Video, But I'll take your word for it.
What got me was watching Kevin watching the gears that operated the Log they were walking on, He never took his eyes off it, evwen whan the rain was coming down he covered his eyes..but the whole time he watched the gears.
I must have missed it can someone tell me where the production told Nat & Kevin that J&J are popular?? Thank You!
Uh oh...this doesn't look right. Was CBS asleep at the switch? Good job, Philip Alan.
Rosaritoe, I agree!
Nolegs41, can you imagine their first argument? Yikes.....he'll never win.
The reason Natalie and Kevin weren't called out is very simple. The producers need people to actually be in the house to finish the season. If they threw someone out for breaking a rule every time, the show would have lasted about 48 hours. Them's the breaks. At the end of the day, it's a TV show with one sole purpose. Make money.
Why does it matter? She didn't end up winning anyways. Besides, in previous seasons, the houseguests always hold the top part of the rope that is connected to the key. I think BB tells them in the DR that it is acceptable to hold it like that.
Ding Ding Ding!!!
Jane wins the prize
Stephen - Tell that to Janelle.
I was thinking last night CBS needed to bring out Joe Rogan from fear factor and do away with these nambi pambi carnival games, shsssh! make em some bugs and swallow baby carp (fish). this competition stuff just seems to sissified.
They were talking about Michele putting bread crumbs in the meatballs. Michele showed Natalie how a cook many meals. That's right the devil was nice to Nat and helped her. How could she be so cruel to Nat.
This is the sarcasm thread correct :)
Cool. What's my prize? I've been waiting for a damn prize all season!
Michigan Man...Lol
Last nite on BBAD Kevin and Nat were talking while Jordan was in DR.Nat was talking about how popular J/J are.How they are editing the show to favor J/J.Nat was using the term 'they said'.
Jane wins again!
A car?
A spa day?
The knowledge that she is admired by us all.
I keep winning thin air. I'm greedy, I want money and stuff (this is my 6th season here, the hg's are rubbing off on me).
Sometimes you have to wait a little after the thing stops spinning.Depending on your internet speed and your computer.
I have trouble somtimes too and I have to refresh and start over.
hey guys! so i have been gone all day and just read your posts and i have a question. several of you mentioned that DR told nataie that jeff and jordon were popular. did she say that they did that today? b/c i am not sure i buy it anyway. natalie already knows (b/c she knows that she and her buddies have not been very nice people in this house) that jeff and jordon have been way cool relative to her people in the house. she knows jessie is disliked, her boyf told her that, and she can surmise the rest. if she is telling kevin they told her that it might be because she doesn't want him to ask why she thinks 'they' would be disliked (because that is the implication). she knows that even kevin doesn't know the half of what she really has done and says. if he did he may think she is sneakier than he already does and for sure not take her. DR tells all of them some stuff. i just don't think it makes sense that they would even want her to know. b/c then she might change her behavior and you know they love having a villain as real as her, it has been great for controversial press. she is a dream for them. they don't have to try to make her look bad, kinda like ron-o.
at the most all i will give this girl is that maybe she said something to someone in the DR like...'well i am sure jeff and jordon are america's sweethearts and everyone loves them'---and maybe they responded with something like, 'well they fit that mold', or 'they are the perfect showmance' seriously what do expect jeff won cdt, she is not stupid.
night night sunshines
Please let Michele win America's Favorite and the audience boo Nat when she walks out the door.
yea well Jane ah jane...umm hmmm oh yea, Ya think if they wanted to make more Money becuz its just a game,BUT it is live tv, you'd think more of product placement of the cleaning items, and the foods there eating, shampoo hair products, I noticed alot of generic food stuff was used. LOL not like NASCAR where product placement is huge money for ex: ea. time ad they show a driver chuggin a coke its 10 grand decals on every part of the car and all over the drivers suit.
whadda think? I think there missing out on more capital to be made.
jane I was just teasing ya..I cant agree more with you, ITS JUST TV
Jane's Prize For BBDish Endurance and Immeasurable Contributions as Site Atty, Psychologist and resident brainiac
Go pick something! Email me the link!
Thanks rosaritoe
That is messed up why do they do that ;-( That just makes them not want to take Jordan to final two. Was this brought up by Natalie then Kevin was agreeing to what she was saying because I don't believe a word Natalie says if she is the one that brought this up. If she is not lying the producers just messed it up for Jordan, so we all have to count on her winning the Part #3 if not we have to hope Kevin takes her ;-(
Thank again!
whats funny...is when you watch it on the flashbacks? & turn up the volume.....u can even hear the snap of the hairband against the key as she lets it go around her hand....
there is NO way BB didnt see that ....i am trusting the universe that kev or jordo pick eachother.....& sent that bug home! with no "50g guarantee" that she keeps spouting..
on a side note?
what am i going to do with out my BBDISH fix every day ...thru out the day?....will you put a camera up in your house ...& post some info about it all for us dihards?? lol
I never could not figure out why Michele didnt doctor the food up...
LOL ya know a lil diarrhea @ the most opportune time + it would of made for great TV..all of them competing, and cutting loose, making their hair fall out in chunks hehehehehe she was just to damn sweet....
why would it be cheating to look at the gears? i hate to say it but i would call that smart. if they didn't want them to see hem they could have covered them. they never said in the rules 'and you can't watch the gears and try to anticipate the logs turning and perhaps be prepared for what is coming'. i wanted jordo to win that as much as the next gal but just don't think that qualifies as cheating, again just using logic to help oneself.
LOL Natalie doesn't know if the water is boiling. She is cooking? Who else expects to hear the smoke alarm soon?
The hg's just realized today is 9/11.
Kevin says, "Natalie was only 10"
No, she was 16....why can't they figure this one out.....
minta - lol! :)
jennifer-you make my point exactly. one must ask 'why is she saying that?' about everything that comes out of natalies mouth. and in this case...so kevin will think she has americas vote!!!!!!!!!!!
Khop..your right, Im just being picky...it was kind of an unfair advantage that kevin was smart enough to observe
Oh Carolyn, that's so sweet. I was just joshin' ya. But if you insist ... LOL.
Woohoo. It's my lucky day!
when i said 'so kevin will think she has americas vote' i meant so kev will think jordo has americas vote and wont take her!
Nat and Kevin were also talking last night on BBAD about how when Kevin told them in DR that he wanted to get Jeff out 'they' "freaked out" 'are you sure you want to do that?' 'why do you want to do that?'. So it wasn't just Nat talking about how much love J/J got from production.
Thank you khopekitner
Yeah that makes a lot of sense...ooooo man can I reach my hand into the feed screen and slap her lol I wish!!! Thanks guys!!
that's the problem with kevin(heehee) he is a kinda smart cat. he has been the first person to realize many things this whole season. i have actually been kinda surprised how unperceptive so many hg's have been in so many ways.
It's a toss up between the most expensive item and the travel mug :-)
Balloons travel mug for me! Now I can leave the house, what a relief.
i think the travel mug is the most expensive item, no? ;p
the ceramic one, right?
There was once a TV game show called 21. It was rigged to promote ratings. They made a movie called Quiz Show about it. As a result, laws were passed to prevent that kind of operation. Could BB be sanctioned somehow?
If anyone wants to check out the convo between N/K it happened a little after 9pm while Jordan was in the diary room. I was very surprised production wasn't saying"stop that".Kevin then quit using 'they' to refer to production.Then he would refer to them as "one of the HG's" then he would tilt his head toward the DR.
LOL! No, I think it's third expensive. The water bottle and sweat shirt are more.
On the feeds: Natalie just told Kev and Jordan that she was in elementary school during 9-11. Kevin sarcastically asks: "Oh, yeah that's right. You were 10. No wait, you were 11." She also said they had bombs in the planes. And they say Jordan is stupid. Or is this just part of her act to get into the F2 by providing evidence that's she's an ignoramus.
Natalie: "Have you ever touched a boob before Kevin?"
Kevin: (very non-chalantly -?sp) No
khopekitner it wasn't that Kevin was smart enough to look at the gears that had everyone upset, it was the fact that we heard production tell them "you have to face the pool". For the majority of the competition Kevin was totally facing sideways to watch the gear.
Oh yeah...re: my last post...Jordan was taking Kevin's hand and rubbing it along her scar from her boob job..
yeah but kevin saying they freaked out probably means they said things 'like why not jordon or michele kevin?' you can team up with jeff and get rid of nataie like you have been saying for a while. the DR Always plays devils advocate with every singe hg. Especially when there is a Big eviction with a popular hg. they equally do it to all. many past hg's have alluded to that. that is their job to try to make people think about what could be happening for real in the house. and reminding them (b/c they need to be reminded they are in such a mind trip) that all their decisions should be considered from all angles. that's what gives us some of our favorite upsets. the things yu are screaming at the t.v, they are hinting at.
by the way, why am i being cbs's lawyer tonight? i am a dork
Law is Jane's area.
BB is considered a game show.
Good evening all! Just had a thought. I have said and done. Horrible things to people I love and dislike. I love you guys here... I can state my feelings with no fall out. The point is you never know until you take a walk in someones shoes. These players have issues out side of BB. I had a phone call tonight from a very long lost friend. Friends and family are all a person has in life I am greatful I have this family and wish the very best for you all. Today is and will always be a day of reflection hug the ones you love and ne ver ever leave mad. I lost a husband, he left mad, with my most hurtful words on my lips, life goes on but the words remain. Well sorry to drag all this up. Just love all of you here and thanks for including in this family!
they probably didn't say 'stop that' because she was lying.
Did I understand correctly? Jane got lucky today?
WTG Jane!
Jane I got the mug and love it, I want to buy a hoodie before the season is over,
BB Dish 11 : BBDish-Balloons : Ceramic Travel Mug
Gimme, gimme, gimme.
Winning stuff is so much better than buying stuff!
Gaytor - I did get lucky, but I'd gladly trade it for getting "lucky." That doesn't seem to be on the item list.
Last night after feeds came back on & they were finished eating & went to kitchen to get something to drink they were talking about times each of them (these 3) had a blow up & with who. They were walking back to the red room & Jordan started to say something about Ronnie & Natalie stopped her & said...no & I'll tell you later. Then Jordan got called to DR. When she came out of DR she told Natalie, I didn't know that, Natalie said, yeah, we aren't supposed to.
Does anyone know what that might be about?
I meant I was surprised they didn't say 'stop that' to Kevin,as he was the one talking.
I am saying goodnight to everyone,
Carolyn, Thank you, thank you, thank you, You do so nuch for all of your little followers and we thank you.
I listened to the interview with Chelsea and Missy...tooo funny,,
good night
After 11 years, the BB producers know how to create drama which is why they try to get into people's heads in the diary room. Anyone who saw the first season knew that if you don't push the HGs, it's a pretty dang unexciting show even with a moron like Chicken George running around.
Oh, Good evening everyone. I'm just now waking up from my afternoon nap. It was a busy morning. Taking the DQT owner to the airport .... again... Last time was for a vacation, this one for business. He's less of a morning person than me and was not happy with a flight before noon.
THEN!!!!! They took the stitches from my brain. And what a relief! It's not cancer ... yet. Yes, that is the way the doctor said it. I go back for another inspection in 3 months.
PAP thanks for the video. We all knew it. Now we see it for sure.
I don't like that CBS/AGP allowed it, but things have worked out with Jordan winning the 2nd HoH.
There is much truth to the saying... "Cheaters never win."
Carolyn, our ♥!!! Nice to see you with us tonight.
Hope everyone had a peaceful and reflective day. I know I did.
Congrats Jane!!
Ms Fitz
Jordan brought up Ronnie calling someone(Kevin?)Hitler during a blow up.
Scott, that's a good question. A couple of seasons ago I actually looked this up. If I remember correctly, basically the result of the regulations is that as long as the contracts they sign give the producers the right to change the rules at any time, they can do whatever they want.
The problem with 21 (Quiz Show. It was a great movie) is that the fixed the game and lied about it. Now as long as contestants know anything can happen, it's a free for all.
jane said...
Gaytor - I did get lucky, but I'd gladly trade it for getting "lucky." That doesn't seem to be on the item list.
Maybe Carolyn will get one of our straight men to deliver it. Then... who knows. :-p~~ ... Carolyn, just don't send Syn to deliver her prize. I want him to deliver mine. :-p!
I haven't turned on the feeds. I'm afraid of making my ears bleed. Is anything going on worth 'feeding'?
Hi!!!! :)
MsFitz - During a discussion, ROnnie mentioned to someone that he admired Hitler as a great speaker. This, like Chima's calling Russell a Muslim Extremist Terrorist, or Braden's calling Lydia/Kevin Beaners, was deemed too explosive for the tv only audience, so BB asks them not to talk about - in all cases.
Remember all the fishies we'd get right after Chima repeated Braden calling Julie a Ho on the 1st live show? When the HGs were discussing it?
Same deal.
This is Cooking with Dummies instead of Cooking for Dummies.
Gaytor - Yayyyyy for (at least temporarily) benign!!
Way to not have cancer, Gaytor!
rosaritoe - Thank you. I've been wondering about that all day. Of course, I get as crazy as the HG & was wondering if maybe Ronnie had brought some kind of suit against CBS/AGP & that's why they didn't want him mentioned. haha! Yup, crazy thinking!!
How could something bad grow in such a pristine and pure place as your brain?
Thanks, Carolyn! They had mentioned the Hitler thing & got no fish but then a few seconds later Nat stopped Jordan so I guess she remembered before production did & AGP just didn't catch it the first time. That's why I couldn't understand it cuz it had been mentioned but guess someone fell asleep at the controls for a minute...Nat's voice must get to them too & causes them to drift...LOL!
GayTor - ClickHere
Um, Carolyn, I want to trade in my travel mug for one of those ...
That particular one doesn't want you. ;) That's BB10 Steven :)
Yes Jane... he plays for my team. Sorry... NOT! ;)
jane said...
Gaytor - I did get lucky, but I'd gladly trade it for getting "lucky." That doesn't seem to be on the item list.
I know, it could be a different one. I was thinking that maybe there was a list of them to chose from. I'm flexible.
Carolyn said...
Hey everyone! :)
Please keep those questions coming!
I'll be back to publish more shortly... just gotta run my mother over to a friend of hers' place real quick...
I really should wait until my eyes are focusing before I read older posts.
I thought Carolyn was saying she had to go run over her mother. Then I realized she wouldn't have anyone to go to brunch with on Sundays.
Hey Gaytor, don't get your scales up. I'm not trying to get a trade from your team. They play with different equipment.
If I remember correctly from last season, he was flexible too for a while.
Or was that Joshuah from BB9? I know they both talked very openly about their sex lives.
I'll take EITHER, but Syn is my first choice.
So I clicked the GaYToR click here...Um Steven nice pic ;)
GayTor, well I tweeted him ;)
Hello all!
It is now irrelevant if Nat was holding the key as Kevin won the comp. However, since many seem to agree in their dislike for Natalie, this videographic evidence serves to buttress our causes for dislike, and is therefore relevant. Thanks!!!
I probably won't get back before last call.
I found a feed for my football game so I don't have to wait until midnight my time to watch it!!
I'll check later....but likely this is goodnight from JulieB!
Hey guys,
I was just watching BBAD from last night, and Natale was discussing with Kevin "that America all ready hates her because of her friendship with Jesse"
OMG She has no idea to what extent that she is "hated" by America. What a rude awakening she has coming.
OK.. I Just thought of the reason to post this video, apart from the fact that Philip Alan Rocks..
Natalie's claim is that she would have won the Endurance Comp, and had she known part 2 wouldn't have been a gimme, she would never have thrown part 1 to kevin.
This video offers proof that Natalie would not have won the comp, as she would've been disqualified.
Had she been the "winner" of the comp, people would have gone apesh-t over this via email and twitter.
GaYToR said...
thought Carolyn was saying she had to go run over her mother. Then I realized she wouldn't have anyone to go to brunch with on Sundays.
ROFLMAO!!!! ☺☺☺
Good news about the brain surgery!
Gaytor glad to hear you got your stitches out. Hope you're feeling better.
Carolyn - that's exactly what I have been thinking since I saw the first picture the other night. She didn't win the comp so it made no difference. And, now that she didn't win the 2nd comp...it is all irrelevant at this point.
So glad to hear you are ok GaYToR
OMG! Natalie actually just said "straight up wetback Mexican".
He was flexible too for a while...
and then what?
you broke 'im?
Carolyn, tweeted who? Steven or Syn? ;)
I missed that twitpic of Steven today. knew he as on his way to San Francisco for Folsom Street Fair this weekend. Had I known he had a 'lay'over in Houston... hmmmmm. Yea I would have wanted some of that indeed. I know all the secret hiding places in Hobby Airport. :-0 And I think I have a non-rev ticket around here somewhere. Friends at SWA always keep us stocked for emergencies. I think finding that would qualify.
The good stuff always gets tweeted when I'm not looking.
But I don't DM tweet him much anymore. Was trying to get him here for Southern Decadence but I never could find a sponsor to bring him in.
Isn't Kevin's mate from Mex?
He talked about traveling across the border to visit his family.
i think the natalie pandoras box engagement deal was stage so that natalie would gain some support because bb knew she was sinking big time as a hated player and trying to show a human side backfired
I believe Kev's mate is Mexican and Natalie is some hispanic decent. I just can't believe she said it, I don't know why lol.
CBS is afraid of natalie.. the reason they will not DQ her is because she is to much like chima..they do not want 2 pyscho this season and then chima and natalie sue them for being racist sexist for plotting against them..i totally see this coming from them
i'm fadin' fast...
Thanks everyone for the good wishes about my brain. I do feel a lot better. I knew when I didn't hear from the doctor right after the surgery, that I had to think no news is good news, but hearing him actually say it ... I finally took a breath.
I guess I should turn on the feeds and see what BS AGP is making them do to entertain us.
Last night's BBAD was a bucket filler. Saying nice things I knew K/N didn't really mean.
It was funny how whoever was called into the DR got trashed by the remaining two. I still don't know who would take whom.
YaY.. a back to drag photo. Have I used this one before? It's the one on my business cards. I ♥ the coque feather boa. Looking forward to the cold weather again so I can wear it.
Okey dokey
I guess I'll say g'nite.
Caro you need your rest to keep up with that dragon boat Mom of yours.
Thank you
ok.. love it. now i can design the next ring :)
:) hehe
gnite rosaritoe
Carolyn said...
i'm fadin' fast...
Just as I get wound up.
And Rosaritoe ... I wish. Never done a bull rider, knowingly. I wouldn't WANT to throw him off in 8 seconds. More like 8 hours! *evil giggle*
Kevin's partner is from Mexico, I believe. Natalie's family is from Argentina, and I guess her mother was black. (What happened to her mother, anyone know?)
Sigh. You know people say stupid sh*t, they don't necessarily mean anything sinister. I never want to defend Natalie, but she's not racist against Mexican people. She's just a dumb@ss.
jane said...
I never want to defend Natalie, but she's not racist against Mexican people. She's just a dumb@ss.
I have to agree about never wanting to defend Natalie, but what you are saying is true.
I think all racism is a learned thing. Usually it is learned at home. I don't want to think that of her father either, I'm just sayin'.
Carolyn... ;) .... just ;) .
Gaytor - Great news on the outcome of your surgey.
My son had a tumour and needed two surgeries to remove, we were lucky it was benign but it is awfully scarry waiting for the outcome. He's 1 1/2 years tumour free.
Wishing that for you.
Nite nite, everyone :)
Goin' horizontal.
i know you had had surgery gaytor but don't know any details. i just am glad to hear you all feeling better.
thanks for the 911 tribute caro, i watched the replay this morning, why i don't know but i felt like i needed/wanted to remember exactly.
going to bed early again tonight. but i hope we get to chat every night until this season is over! you guys all make his game so much more fun than it already is!
goood night all!
p.s. i can slep now that i don't really even want to listen anymore. flashback is very handy now.
Good night, Carolyn!
Good night, Everyone!
Have a "Gucci" night! ♥♥
g'nite Sweet Carolyn. Sleep well.
curlerchick that is great news about your son. hope those tumor free days last forever.
I'm watching the total silence. Is Jordan reading? What did AGP give them to read?? Maybe she's reading rules for one of the games.
Too bad AGP/CBS is too cheap with the budget to provide them with non-generic games. They really should look at it as product placement and make deals with Milton Bradley, etc.
The only way that Kevin could watch the gears is by standing with his feet sideways, but he was suppost to be standing forward facing the pool so that way he couldnt see the gears and when the log was starting, stopping, etc. The were all suppost to be facing the pool holding on to the key at all times. By those rules Jordon should have won the first HOH.
The only way that Kevin could watch the gears is by standing with his feet sideways, but he was suppost to be standing forward facing the pool so that way he couldnt see the gears and when the log was starting, stopping, etc. The were all suppost to be facing the pool holding on to the key at all times. By those rules Jordon should have won the first HOH.
This could explain why the camera was trained on their feet on that log, NOT their hands on the key! By the way, I thot I saw Kev take his hands off his key during the comp, but I havent rewound my BBAD to the spot where I saw it. No one seems to believe me, so I have kept quiet.
By the way, may I add My GOD bless AMERICA to this day?
I'm not happy with the way the feeds are looking tonight. Seems Jordan is being ignored while Kevin and Natale are in the hammock, still trying to figure out votes.
Natalie seems to still be thinking that the Jury will still vote with emotions.
Kevin is concerned about America's Vote because he says homosexuals are still so hated by middle America. He brought up Prop 8 and how it showed that 50% are against homosexuals. Part of what he says makes a lot of sense but my personal feeling in how America will vote is all about the BB demographics.
HAHA! Kevin just said he didn't believe Natalie is 18 but she can tell him the truth later if she wants. He just doesn't believe it.
I couldn't see her face during her response. I was on the Kev Cam.
Why is everyone concerned with natalie cheating {she lost}, but kevin won and he also cheated by watching the gears to see when they were getting ready to start rolling. I think he should have been disqualified too.
Loved the PSA. In fact, I really did LOL.
I've been a BB fan since season 1. I found the dish about a month ago and have been addicted ever since.
I will be back next year for sure and will definitely get the feeds. Obviously this would have been a great year to have them. Here's hoping next year is just as exciting.
Thanks for all the entertainment. Love the dish and all the followers.
YES watching BBAD
hour in
Kev and Jor done deal
guaranteed 50k
believe they trust each other
can't wait to see her face LOL 3rd? like the skunk hole in cribbage
Hey if you all will remember Julie's comment was "ONE" hand must remain on the key at all times, not "TWO" so what is the diff if her second hand was holding the rope, hanging loose or on her hip! Why people are so intent on ragging on someone they do not know long after it does not MATTER is just amazing. And Yes... Just like Natalie I am prepared for all the negative bashing I will get for saying something positive instead of hating on someone I do not know personally. Bring it on!
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