In Memoriam

Today is a day we cherish the living and mourn the departed. Those who perished in the towers, at the pentagon, in the air and on the ground... Those who perished in the wars that were fought.. That are still being fought...
Today is a day we will never forget...
Today is the day that changed our world, our perception of it, our understanding of our place in it... forever.
Today, we do not blog of houseguests... Except perhaps the one pictured above... holding a cross forged from metal of the World Trade Center where his father perished these 10 years ago today, touching it and drawing warmth and strength...
I'll see you soon, my friend. Know that I am thinking of you today.
Remembering always.
Today is a very hard day for me and my family. My brother Michael McDonnell was killed on 09/11. He was in the South Tower. We live with his loss everyday but every year when this day comes it feels like it just happened. 10 years later it still feels like it just happened. We have two memorials today that are going to be tough to get through. I've already cried so much today.
Alex and his family...and all the other families who lost loved are all in my thoughts and prayers today...AND ALWAYS. May God Bless each and every one of you. XXOO
Good Morning Carolyn, peace be with each and everyone who has lost and continues to lose loved ones in the war on terror.
My Heart breaks for all the people that lost loved ones to this tragedy....
God Bless America...
Pray for America....
what house guest was it again? who lost there father in the towers?
Please people, I urge you all on this day to not forget to remember the souls who died later in the day on 9/11 in the collapse of World Trade Center 7. WTC 7 and The Pentagon as well for that matter, are too often overlooked and forgotten.
Your words are beautiful!! Thoughts and prayers are with you Alex, and everyone else who has lost a love one in the tragedy on September 11th and there after fighting this war on terror !!!
Right on Carolyn,,,,
My thoughts are with Alex and also Monica Bailey who lost her cousin on this day 10 years ago. All the families and friends of those lost that day, and to all the survivors God Bless You.
I also remember those who have been lost since while fighting the war on terror including my cousin, Pfc Darren DeBlanc KIA 4-25-2005 Baghdad,Iraq. Continue to pray for those fighting and yet to fight.
God Bless our Troops, God Bless America God Bless us All.
Our hearts n prayers are with the survivors and the families of the victims and heroes of the tragedy of 9/11.... #never4gotten
Denise, and any others here who lost family or friends, your family is in my thoughts today.
As we remember those who lost their lives on that day, please also remember those who later passed due to health issues brought on by the attacks, as well as the servicepeople who have lost their lives fighting to protect our country.
10:05 PM Sept 4th Feed 1. A small Memoriam about Jordan and a funny story of hers. Wish I had seen this earlier.
Denise, My deepest sympathies! What a profound loss and I hope that it is of some comfort that so very many share your pain and lift you up not just on these anniversary dates but every day.
Carolyn, thank you for this. What a wonderful post and way to honor all those lost and affected by 9/11/01.
Those that have lost others on 9/11 and in the military - my thoughts and prayers are with you.
@ a-baller.....Flight 93 Shanksville Pa as well, The people aboard were very brave indeed. I can't imagine what would have happened if that plane had landed in it's intended spot. God Bless
Thank you, Carolyn!
Today I celebrate my daughters 10th bday. On a day where so many lives were tragically taken I was fortunate enough to receive this extraordinary gift. I am very aware of how blessed my family and I are and my heart goes out to all those that lost a loved one on that day.
And please add all the responders who have died or are dying from exposure to the carcinogenic material that they inhaled.
To all my fellow service members, I hope we have and will always serve our country proud.
I served at the Pentagon for over half my military career. I walked those halls where the plane hit many times and knew folks that we lost that awful day.
Thank you Fl Girl for all your services...
Good Morning Carolyn,
Good Morning Genie..
Hiya BBDishers...
It is almost over :(..what are we going to do now, dishes, cleaning, washing,paying attention to our family...oh my...
then we start the countdown again...
Yesterday was the most amazing day in America...WE CAN NEVER FORGET...we have to learn from this..
GOD Bless America!!!!!
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