Big Brother 16: Julie Chen Reveals Twist Details on The Talk - VIDEO
Here's what she said:
- This season, 2 houseguests will win Head of Household every week, and each will nominate 2 HGs, so there will be 4 HGs on the block every week.
- Unlike in seasons past, winning HoH does NOT guarantee immunity from the block. This season there will be a new game called "Battle of the Block."
Although Julie Chen did not expand further on this, I can think of 2 options. Perhaps HoH who loses "Battle of the Block" loses the title and become fair game as a post PoV Competition renom. Or.... Perhaps, the HoH who loses the comp goes Straight Up on the block... That would be nasty!
Julie also mentioned that subscribers will influence the game like never before in their role as "Team America." Sounds like yet another excellent reason to get the feeds! As if we needed more.
P.S. Don't forget to tune in to Entertainment Tonight this evening for the House Tour! :-)
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*Thank You* for getting your feeds via the links here on BBDish!
Praying this is only during the Pre-Jury phase! Call me a BB Conservative if you will, but I don't like twists that completely restructure the game!
Oh my gosh, now that I have signed up for the feeds, hit the tip jar for the very first time ever (I was married before and hubby wouldn't let me)...but now I am single and make my own decisions, and Carolyn deserves every tip she gets!!! But after all this, I don't think I can wait until next week. I hope the bios come out tomorrow to keep me busy for a while!!!
Wow! Now that's interesting!
Sounds like fun...what if whoever loses battle of the block, whoever they nominated for elimination is also somehow involved...there are so many possibilities...
Hi Miz Carolyn,
Hi Fellow Dishers,
So excited forgot my manners for a moment....
Be glad when I can see The Talk here...
Thank you Carolyn for the post as always...
When I find myself clicking onto your website more and more as the days pass, I know it's about time for the greatest game on tv to soon kick off!
The twists sound fun and exciting. I'm looking forward to 'meeting' the Houseguests this week!
Here's a theory:
The BoB comp pits the three PAIRS of HGs (the co-Heads of Household and each pair of their nominees against one another. The losing pair then stays/goes on the block.
Is it just me, or are those two orang nomination chairs a bit small for two HGs each? Plus, four nominees seems like too many.
My mind is just going nuts over this info, and we're still a week away! I can't take this... It needs to be next Wednesday already!
My TV messed up right when The Talk was coming on and I missed the whole dang thing! Thankfully, I knew you would have all the deets posted here! Thanks a ton! Now, is it June 24th yet????
Saw this speculated elsewhere, and it makes total sense.... 2 teams...hence the 2 night premiere and the 2 memory HOH from each team per week. Each HOH picks 2 nominees from the opposite team. Battle of the bloack, both teams square off, winning team gets their 2 nominees off the block, losing HoH goes up as a third nominee...after eviction HoH's must switch teams...sounds pretty logical..and would prevent floating
@phoenix the undying, if you notice in the house photos, the noms chairs are seperate, however there are two little orange stools too...
My theory to the "Battle of the Block" competition was that all 4 nominees would compete in this competition and there would be 2 winners. These two winners out of the 4 nominees would escape the block and at the end of the week there will be 2 final nominees. (Of course there would still be a POV so the other two nominees might have another chance to get off the block). This would explain the TWO nomination chairs in the living room rather than a couch like last years.. This is only a theory though.
I like this!! Even if you win HOH, you are not really safe. This should be a super fun twist. I can't wait for another season of the awesome blogging by you Dish Chicks. I made sure to purchase my feeds through your link too! 1 more week!!!
I like this!! Even if you win HOH, you are not really safe. This should be a super fun twist. I can't wait for another season of the awesome blogging by you Dish Chicks. I made sure to purchase my feeds through your link too! 1 more week!!!
Wonder if each HOH stays in HOH room could have been two bird nests in room Julie did now shoe the whole room??
I got feeds with your link.
Wonder if each HOH stays in HOH room could have been two bird nests in room Julie did now shoe the whole room??
Hello to everyone! I love that they are stepping it up! Now that we all know how exciting BBUK is, and how fun BBAU is, BBUS has got to work hard not to be left in the dust! :) I just hope "interactive" is not an excuse for a cell phone app that charges cash for each vote.... That's what BBUK's app does, from what I gather.
Ah, I seem to be having problems with posting a comment, or maybe I just don't know what I'm doing lol. Sorry if this shows up in another post as well. I was wondering if the live feed site offers the BB episodes to watch after they've aired on tv. I work different hours this year and I won't be home to watch. I'm in Canada if that makes any difference in the answer. I've followed your blog for years although I don't comment, this is the best BB blog by far and I thank you for all your hard work and dedication!
Caroline I'm already hooked and we haven't even started!! #bb16
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