The Overnight Report
Good morning, BB Lovers! Happy Monday to you! The Final 5 to Final 4 Eviction Show will be taping this afternoon, so we expect the feeds to go down this afternoon and stay down til after the Tuesday Show airs. During that time, they'll be playing for HoH, making Noms and playing for PoV.
We'll learn who wins the Final 4 HoH on the Tuesday Show. Once we see them on the feeds again, hopefully on Tuesday night right after the show airs, we ought to learn who won the Final 4 PoV... and that will shape our final 3. Who are you holding your breath for?
All The HGs were all told is that they'd have to be UP and ready to go by 9am Monday morning. They don't know why. I'll tell you - It's so they can all be filmed doing an activity that BB can show to the TVGN audience on Monday night. In years past, it's been things like t-shirt painting..
So as I hop on to check on them at midnight BBT, they are ALL in some very odd positions for this time of night:
Good grief! Where do they think they are? BB Canada??

OK.. when do working East Coast folks go to sleep? Midnight? Let's start there...
As we rejoin our Fearless Fivesome at 9:00pm BBT, Frankie's on the double chaise, giving laundry instructions.
Victoria's chatting with him. Derrick, Cody and Caleb are playing pool. Then..
Victoria: I can't wait to get my clothes back. I'm trashing all these clothes.
Frankie: I'm gonna throw everything.
Victoria: Don't want any thing of it. I'm not gonna pay overweight for my luggage. I'm just gonna throw everything out.
Cody: Omg, I'm crazy trashing everything.
Speculation about what's happening Monday morning..
Cody: Hope some ONE, rather than some THING.
Frankie: Me too.
Cam 1
Caleb, Derrick and Cody are talking about their favorite nights in the house.
Derrick offers Caleb and Amber's date night.. the night everyone got dressed up and Frankie was "Frank."
Cody: That night Brittany slept in my room... Coulda f'in knocked it. Didn't do anything.. botched it.
Derrick: Could you though?
Cody: Yeah, I botched it.
Caleb thinks they're talking about these things in prep for final 3 hoh part three. Cody swears that's a no.
Cody: I swear. I like where your head's at though. Someone's thinkin' ahead. What was your biggest regret?
Caleb: Hehe.. I'm not answerin'.
Cody: Uhhh, Derrick, what's one thing you would do differently? If you could do it again?
Derrick: Ummm..
Cody: Caleb, what..
Caleb: I'm not answering these questions.
Cody: hehehehe.. What.. hehehe..
Derrick: You're up, paisan, come on.
Cody: I wasn't even thinkin' of that.
Caleb: Ask me when we get out.
Cody: If we don't get something dope tomorrow..
Derrick: Coloring books.
Cody: They're gonna give us activities.
Derrick: It's gonna be somethin' more than that.
Caleb: It's gonna be somethin' big.
Derrick: I don't think it's gonna be somethin' big. I think it's gonna be somethin' like Izzy. Like somethin' to do..
Caleb: I think it'll be a person.
Cody: What would they do though, if they came in here?
Caleb: Hang out with us for the day. Play pool with us. Hang out.
Cody: Oh, today's Sunday.. Oh my God!! Imagine.. Monday Night Football. Imagine we get it on tv. Someone comes into the house, brings Hooters Girls.. They bring Hooter's stuff. Wings, Food. And we watch Monday night football. What would you do?
Derrick: It'd be so dope. But.. it's not on CBS, so... I thought Fox had Monday Night Football. I could be wrong.
Caleb: Girls come in.. some hot ones.. bring their bikinis..
Cody: But that would never happen, because that'd only be fair for you and I.
Derrick: He's like, so?
Cody: I mean, I don't care.. You can go kick rocks inside the whole time.
Derrick: My luck, they'll wanna hang out with me the whole time. They'll be like, Oh, you're married, you guys'll be like, What the F*ck?!
Caleb: Ain't no tellin' what it's gonna be.
Derrick: I can tell you one thing it' snot gonna be: Hooter's Girls.
Speculation continues... a visit from a former houseguest..
Caleb: Last time with Izzy, they did not tell us. This time, they said, "you guys wanna get you some sleep. When we wake you up, we're givin' you literally an hour..."
Cody: First time EVER, ever, ever in the History of Big Brother, they take us out of the Big Brother house. Ever! Never happened before. How many never happened before in BB histories have happened this season? 3.
Caleb: Are they gonna take us all out somewhere? All 5 of us?
Derrick: No live feeds? The live feeds are what get us this..
Cody: There could be live feeds..
Derrick: Have the camera followin' us? Possible.
Caleb: We're takin' you guys to a sushi restaurant..
Cody: Do sake bombs all day..
And so on...
Over on the double chaise, the conversation between Victoria and Frankie has a decidedly different tone.
Victoria: We're not in reality. Like your grandfather's death.. it hasn't really even hit you yet, because we're not in reality. You don't know.
Frankie: I know. It's all gonna hit as soon as I walk out this house.
Victoria: mm hmm
Frankie: I hope that I just handle it as well as I think I'm going to.
Victoria: You will. He lived a very full 94 years of life.. Everything happens for a reason.
Frankie: We're moving forward constantly.
Moving Forward to 9:30pm, they're all chatting about life outside the house, and their perfect "seal the deal date."
Cody: Once I broke up with my ex-girlfriend, I never talked to a girl long enough to be like, let's go on a date.
Frankie: That's a seal the deal date.
Victoria: It's everything. I love Central Park.
Frankie: You do that right, it's done.
Cody: I will do that.. when I find a girl to do that with, that's what I'm doin..
Victoria: It's everything.
Frankie: It's so beautiful.
Caleb: My seal the deal date is a horse.
**If I was not as nice as I am, that would be the tweet. But he continues.. and I am nice.
Caleb: Girl in the saddle, me behind her holdin' onto the reins, just walkin' in a big ole pasture. We're gonna get to a place, gotta blanket, little river, got some fishin' poles.. lil cooler a beer, lil radio, lil picnic right on the river.. hang out.. fish. (winks) seal the deal. Done.
Cody: Dude, winter dates in the city.. best thing in the world. Go in, see the tree, ice skate..
Frankie: (agrees)
Victoria: Did you ever go ice skating in Rockefeller?
Cody: Yeah, but most of the time I go to Bryant Park, cuz it's a lot less of a wait.
Frankie: The rink is bigger also..
And so on..
Camera 1
HoH Room
Cody and Caleb are talking about Frankie when he appears on the spy screen, making his way up to say goodnight and get his goodnight hugs from Cody and Caleb. Frankie doesn't know it, but this is his last night in the Big Brother House.. First Cody, then an acknowledgement for tvgn and then on to Caleb...
Frankie: Goodnight, TVGN...
Cody: It's 10:00.
Frankie: No one's watching.
Frankie cracks his neck, and the noise is such that Cody actually grimaces.
Then on to Caleb's hug..
Frankie: Get some sleep.
Caleb: Wake up early.
Frankie: Fun day tomorrow.
**for you, not so much.
Cody: God, I hope so.
Frankie: It will be.
Caleb: Fun day.
Cody: It better be.
Once Frankie leaves, they resume...
Cody: But yeah, I mean, like so many people have crossed so many people, and you and I have never been in the situation where anyone can say, hey, he was goin' behind your back.
Caleb: Never. My actions go along with the words that I speak.
Cody: mm hmm.
Caleb: I told you guys from earlier this week.. I'll put Frankie up..
Cody: And we took care of it for you.
Caleb: And it worked. I put him up, you won the veto, so now we gotta follow through. When we thought about it, that was the only way to guarantee us final 3.
Cody: It guaranteed us final 4. Winning the Veto guaranteed us final 3. We were goin' final 4 no matter what.
Caleb: No matter what.
Cody: Last week, when I was up, I never, never ran around crazy paranoid like that. Frankie brings it up every chance he gets.
Caleb: It's the trust problem.
Cody: Yup.
**mm.. it's also that you're 100% going after him, and he senses it.
Cody: Because, you only have a trust problem when you're the one that's doing shit.
Caleb: yeah. He was just saying, "You put me on the block. I'm a big competitor. I'm a huge target." He's like, "I expect to go home. That's what happens to people like me, when you're in this situation, this far in the game."
Cody and Caleb proceed to break down Frankie's so called Comp Beast status..
Cody: And I was thinking about it today.. He's a big competitor, but like, he won an HoH week 1, he won a split HoH week 4, and didn't stay HoH.
Caleb: Well, he didn't stay HoH week 1 either.
Cody: Right, exactly. And week 5, he wouldn't have even been up here if Derrick didn't throw it to him. He wouldn't have even been up here. That's an HoH gone.
**oh sure he would have. just not as HoH. ;-)
Cody: Then the 1st HoH he won was week 9.. and that was us 3 sitting there at the end. And then the first comp that he won outright himself was the Veto.
Caleb: Yeah..
Cody: He acts like such a huge competitor, and he was so cocky about the memory wall, but it was like, you have no idea dude. When I'm staring at the memory wall, and I'm looking at it, I'm gonna smoke you. That's why he pissed me off when he would like laugh at me.
Caleb: Yeah.
Cody: When I was like, I never looked at the memory wall. I never looked at that thing. I didn't look at the people on the wall. I walked by it.
Caleb: Right.
Cody: He thinks he's such a big competitor, but 2nd chance at the shovel thing, he got smoked. 2nd chance at the veto, he got smoked.
Caleb: Yeah, we literally smoked him. The 1st one, I had him beat, I dropped a seed, he won. Simple. The face morph one, he won.
Cody: Yeah, he won that. Nothing would have changed that, because none of us looked at it, and none of us had any idea it was coming.
Caleb: But even then.. I mean, he only beat Derrick by 20 seconds, so.. This past one? He got smoked. In both.
Cody: In both of em.
Caleb: He had 6 balls left on the shovel thing..
Cody: If you feel like you're a huge competitor that'll sit on the block and go home, then make sure you're not losing.
Caleb: yeah.
And so on...
Camera 4
Kitchen Area
Victoria: (tipsy) Where are the corn tortillas? Hehehe! They're gone!
(and off she goes to the storage room)
Derrick: (under his breath) That right there is a classic example of somebody who shouldn't drink... Especially when you're on a game show for 500,000 dollars.
Camera 3
Cody and Derrick
Lights out in the... Fire Room?
Derrick: I think he would take me..So for your game, he has to go.
Cody: For my game?
Derrick:Yes. And I got your back on your game.
Cody: My new pecking order, and this is what I was just saying to Caleb upstairs, "it wouldn't matter if you wanted him to stay or not, because back in week 9, he used the Veto on you, I sat on the block. I said, Caleb that shows, I'm the bottom of the pecking order. Not to you, to Frankie."
Derrick: Right.
Cody: My game, he's on the block, there's nothing you could say to me to..
Derrick: Exactly, he would get rid of you first.
Cody: Which is why..
Derrick: And he would take me over Caleb.
Cody: Which is why he needs to go too.
Derrick: There's no way I would flip. There's no way.
Cody: I just wanted Caleb to know, you (Caleb) don't have the power you think you have.
Derrick: He doesn't. He doesn't. He doesn't. He's gonna have 1 shot to save himself in the Veto. He ain't gonna win it. But, like I said, I think, genuinely, he would take me. That's why he's trying to convince Caleb not to take me if he goes, because he's thinkin' the same thing. We can't trust this guy. That's why he's gotta go, cuz I know, if you don't win the HoH and I do, and he wins the Veto, he's sending you home.
Cody: Caleb thinks that if I win the HoH, I'm gonna put you up.
Derrick: He thinks that if *I* win the HoH, I'm gonna put you up.
Cody: He said that?
Derrick: Yup! He's like, you're just gonna put up Cody and Victoria.. I'm like, "Absolutely." But you have my word as a man..
**Fist Bump.
I believe him. How about you?
And this Concludes the Very Odd Before Midnight Overnight Report... I'll see you when BB wakes the HGs to do some crafts (to be taped) for the tvgn folks..
Good Morning.
Keep watching.
Starting at 1:00AM Derrick and Victoria in the backyard. They have a long talk then Derrick talks to the feeds.
I would like to see Derrick and Victoria as the final two.
I'm looking forward to Tuesday nights show.
Is it safe to recite yizkor for Frankie?
Good Morning Carolyn,
I'm so bummed I missed the last Sunday FB Gala of the season. I had been out of town and was wiped out. I didn't know there would not be a show next Sunday before the finale. ��. Thanks for all you and Lessa have done for us BB addicts. Hope you have a great Monday, and enjoy a little break while the feeds are down.
Good Morning!
The hamsters didn't stay in their beds. Victoria was a 'bit tipsy' (all or most of a bottle of wine) and worried Derrick half to death. They ended up having a long conversation in the bathroom concerning loose lips sink ships. Victoria was in a very needy place overnight. She just can't get enough Derrick right now and she resents the boys following him around! Her "words" about the guys following him. Pot/kettle. After they went back to bed....Derrick, Victoria and Frankie all got back up and went outside. I missed them getting back up at first so I don't know the convos. After Frankie went back to bed Derrick and Victoria continued to talk about her drinking/saying things by accident. They had a long heart to heart talk about not screwing up when there is only 6 days left (I know that's wrong but they don't yet).
After Victoria goes inside Derrick speaks to us...he almost told Victoria his secret, how he feels about her and Cody - The Hitmen, etc. Great flashback but I didn't note the time/cams.
Carolyn - if all we get are loops today, you may want to transcribe some of the above especially Derrick talking to us.
Also, I couldn't get Tenley's video to play here so I looked elsewhere and found it along with what you wrote- copy and paste of you? Unless of course you gave it to another site. I know they like to steal from here sometimes.
I am going to bed now so you all have a good day!
Good Morning! Carolyn and BB friends!
Last night Derrick came close to telling Victoria that he is a cop.
IMO if he is in F2 , He will use that in his speech to jurors. Which would help explain the game he has played ( Dan G. said that it would be a challenge for Derrick to explain his Entire game to jurors).
His training as a cop and under cover work helped him to gain the trust of hsg, Which helped him work with individuals and alliances to further his game.
Going down the home stretch Victoria is becoming a bit of a handful for Derrick, especially tipsy V.
She has been inconsistent in her stories and has been talking too much and showing him affection when she is suppose to mad at him.
But as we have come to know Derrick I know he will not blow up his game over Victoria.
Tenley's haolaa's isn't just adorable it's a great mental advantage for Derrick to have this constant reminder to stay focused.
unrelated to teh overnight report, but can someone clue me in exactly what we'll be seeing in the remaining episodes? tomorrow night we see the POV comp, POV ceremony, and have live eviction and final 3 HOH. Now will you tell me that on the live show Wednesday we get to see again the POV comp, POV ceremony, live eviction, and beginning of HOH endurance? Then when do we see the rest of the endurance and the final 3? Friday or next week during the finale? Also, when do we see Part 2 of the final HOH - at the finale or on Friday?
Good morning Carolyn, I can't believe it's almost over..*pout* btw..the morning sunrise picture you posted is Beautiful!
always makes me a touch sad to see the "LAST" in any headline post blog of yours :'(
I have looked forward to your over night reports all summer..just a few more to go. Thanks for all of your LONG dedicated hours
Good Morning Lovies*!
Sorry I missed last nights show-party with you all. I was with you in spirit and I've read all of the comments this morning.
Tella thanks for sharing the beautiful poem. Any chance the writer is related to Dick and Jerry Van Dyke?
Melissa, I noticed production chose to fit Christine coming out of the bathroom whilst tucking something suspicious into her pants into their editing too. I really believe they had no other reason for showing that 3 second piece except to expose (for Vic's later viewing) whom it was that scratched out her name.
I read the comments regarding BBAU; there's no Tim and Ben this year, but even still, it's a wonderful show and great for soothing BBUS withdrawals. I like Sandra, she's very "real". Skye is pretty funny to watch, as is Jason. Dion(sp),Jason's partner, is my favorite so far; he is so sweet and kind!
Carolyn, I'm going to have withdrawals again without you, and your morning TOR's, and your funny zings, and your skillfully transcribed posts... Ughhh I don't like change! I don't like good-byes!....
♥ U
Oh no... What will I do between now and Tuesday night?!?!
♫♪♥Happy Monday to You!!!♥♪♫
Good morning, Jerry!☺ Doh!! I can't believe these critters had the nerve to wake back up last night.. gosh darnit! That final 2 would be a=ok with me as well.
Good morning, lscott! ☺ heh! yup!
Good morning, NinjaGirl!☺ I'm sorry you missed it too! Get some rest and we'll see you back here for the Tuesday & Wednesday Show Viewing Parties!
Good morning, Ryder!☺ Thank you very very much! ANd no.. I never give anything to other sites to use.. but they do it all the time.. It's much easier to copy and paste than actually work at something for hours and hours.. grrrr...
Good Morning, Yasmin!☺ Thanks for the heads up!☺
Good Morning, Mindy!☺ No.. The schedule is as follows:
Tuesday Show: PoV Comp/Ceremony/Frankie or Victoria is Evicted. Final 4 HoH is played.
Wednesday Show: Final 4 PoV, Live PoV Ceremony/Eviction/ Part 1 of F3 HoH COmp: Endurance
Friday Show: Final 3 Fancy Meal - CLips of funny bits from the whole season.
Wednesday: Live Finale.
♫♪♥Happy Monday to You!!!♥♪♫
Good morning, Kimba! :0) Thank youuu!!!
***If any of you would like to see this morning's sunrise on Key Biscayne, here's my pics: Lookie!☺
Good morning, TurtleToo4u!☺ I know.. me too! Thank you VERY much!
Good Morning, Pally!☺ {{{{{{Hugggggs}}}}}} Don't miss me.. Call me! ;-)
Good morning, Robin! mmmm... errrr.... perhaps the dude on the left of your avi has some ideas?
FYI --
Skippy flipped us into the Jeff Loop at 9:20am
This could be it til after the Show on Tuesday..
Lol the dude to my left gets up and leaves early (before 5:30) and goes to bed early... He's boring during the week. Lol
When I Victoria not drinking excessively? What up with that? In a related story: here's hoping next season has a few more lushes than this season. Alcohol provides some BB action
Morning Caro.... Here comes the "duh" in me, and I even graduated university! But I'm so confused... Are they gonna shut the feeds down today and do a "not" live eviction of Frankie, (I hope), then go thru an entire week of BB like they do on the live show, just not live?? HoH, NOMS, PoV comp, then PoV Ceremony, then... ???? I am so very confused. Is this Tuesday night the last show?
Can you please explain to me what's going on? So we don't get to see Frankie, get evicted, if it is for sure Frankie, live?? Will they know it's NOT live?? Omgosh, so confused! O_o
Help me Caro! Please and thank you! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Love you sistergirl!!!!
Grrr at the Jeff Loop so soon. Finally a day off where I coulda been here to comment. Oh well. Enjoy yr time away from the feeds Carolyn & everyone! Hit the tip jar sorry it took me so long to be able to do so.
Thanks so much Jerry! You are the best! I've been searching for something good to watch this boring Monday morning, on the history, and here you are with exactly what I would love to see...
Thanks again and Peace N Love to you, have enjoyed your comments all season, very much! ♡
Good morning everyone. Carolyn I agree that Derrick will honor his word and take Cody to final 2 if he wins veto.
Caro thanks for the photos!!!! Beautiful!
This summer has flown by! Wow!
My fingers are crossed for Derrick in F2. I don't think it will matter who sits next to him. ;-)
Jeff Boyer
From the previous thread.. I completely agree. Its unfortunate that Donny and now Frankie for some reason dont understand how powerful the threat of exposing TA would be. When in the house you have to use everything at your disposal to stay
hi Carolyn,
Again, many thanks for a job well done and keeping us on top of things this year.
I'd LOVE Nothing more than a Victoria and Derrick F2. She'd be tickled pink winning 50 Grand.
I feel sorry for her being the only girl, she's lonely and the deal she and Derrick have right now must be so hard on her. I know she really misses Nicole. I can't blame her for being a little tipsy, Derrick needs to stop thinking about himself for one minute and realize HE has the guys and she has NO ONE. He is so tightly wound, I don't think I've ever seen a HG on any season as stressed as he is. Lighten up Derrick, you have it made.
While I'm at it. I've always felt that big Brother gets robbed in the prize money. To me, the winner of Big brother deserves a MILLION Dollars.
YES Survivor is tough, but it's 39 days , and BB is Three months of mental and sometimes physical anguish .
Anyway, It does sound like Derrick would take Cody over Victoria, but he might regret that, it is def. a more risky move. So, I know it is a one in a million long shot, but I'd LOVE It if Victoria won and sealed her own fate assuring herself that she'll be in the final lol.
I'm wondering if they had a chance to tell Frankie that he was going today. I know I am SO HAPPY he is GONE, I liked him the first WEEK and then it went down hill fast. I'm sure he'll win AFP if they have it this year and I'm SURE he will think it's because he's so loved and it has absolutely nothing to do with who his sister is @ @
The one thing that would make this years Bb a happy ending for me is if Zach won. I adore him..It's been a very long time since a HG has reeled me in like Zach did . And Victoria is a close second.
Carolyn, are you planning on going to the finale or Vegas? Are they having Vegas this year? I haven't heard. I'd love to hear about these events.
Good afternoon Caro and Dishers. :). Caro, thank you for all your hard work (Lisa too) and to all my fellow dishers with wonderful comments. I have to do a shout out to Ryder , Grendon and Jerry W for your comments. I read them every morning to my husband. ( he likes another site, but I still love the man, lol). But between us both we don't miss much, except I have better company in the morning, hehe. I would love to see Derrick and Caleb in the final two. I can't believe I said Caleb , lol, he has grown on me. He really has. ( I don't want him to win) but I don't think Victoria has any right to win second more or less being in that house playing any kind of game, SIGHHHH. ( please don't hate me for thinking that). Will the audience today be real fans or CBS employees does anyone know? Do you think Fraankie will get boos like Christine or will they edit that out if he does? Any thoughts on that?
I am not for the booing but if it's real fans then I think he will and if CBS edits it for the Grande family it's not fair. Ok, with that being said he's going to win AFP anyway even though I will vote under as many names as possible for Donny. I was thinking ( dangerous I know, lol) CBS could avoid the controversy and say that T.A. Is not in the running because they were chosen for that mission. I know that would leave Frankie out (also Donny and Derrick) but at least the voting would be fair to the rest. Just an opinion. At the end of the day ( I think I mentioned Caleb has grown on me) I like these house guests SOOO MUCH MORE then in previous years. I wish them all a lifetime of happiness and hope to see a few of them ( Hayden and Nicole, Donny and Zack, or even Donny's brother, Zack with anyone) on Amazing Race. I also hope Caleb gets his wish and goes on to do Survivor, I would like to see him doing without and being BMC on that show. Ohhhh, I hate goodbyes too and hope to comment again before it's all over . To my fellow dishers please have a safe year and looking forward to seeing y'all again next year. I love BBAU so at least I will have something to occupy my viewing pleasure. God bless . Xo E
1:57 am was Derrick talking to the feeds. And admitting he almost slipped up with V.
One more thing, sorry. I wish CBS would change the dinner around with the final 3 and do it like BBAU. They should give them a nice dinner with a big tv and show them all the world news they missed , I would enjoy watching that. There is so much BBUS could learn for BBAU to make this show more exciting and less predictable. Ok, that is all. ;).
I just put my son down for his nap and am going through with drawls... Was looking forward to watching Frankie squirm today.
Oooh Carolyn!!! I just checked out your photos of Key Biscayne and they are beautiful!!! I cannot imagine being able to live surrounded by paradise! Have you lived there all your life? I can see why you look forward to your bike rides. Thanks for sharing a little bit of heaven!
Thank you and Thank you and Thank you again, Carolyn! You are the Hostess with the Mostest! :)*
Much Love and Peace and Blessings to ALL BBDishers out there...
Maybe next year I won't have soooo many questions, LOL!
Love you!
First off, A Big Thank You to Carolyn for ALL the hard work u do for us! You rock :) and a big Thank you to Lessa, Grendon, Tella and the rest of the dishers, I enjoy all your opinions on the houseguests every year! Looking forward to BB17 already... Cam 1 & 2: 1am BBT, Frankie goes inside leaving Vic and D alone to talk. Around 1:32, D gets close to telling Vic what he really does for a living. At 1:58 She goes in and D talks to us, letting us know how close he almost came to telling her what he does. (Just wanted to let y'all know ;) )
Dishers if you are interested in hearing what Derrick was thinking as of a few hours ago go to the live feeds and click on Highlghts then scroll to "Late night Cam-talk" Mon Sept 15th 2:07am. It only lasts a few minutes and is worth hearing. What preceded this was a conversation with Victoria where Derrick almost told her his secret. Victoria had been drinking and Derrick was afraid that she would slip and say something to harm her/his game. He really does care about her.
So my question remains, when do we see part 2 of final HOH.
Good Tuesday morning Caro.
Yesterday morning the feeds showed the HG getting up and finding the tye dye kits, then of course went off to Jeff loops.
I was so disappointed with TVGN not only the viewers but also our friends left in the house. They had the kits but were never let out of the house to do the projects.
Each one was called into the diary room for short visits. At one point Vic was worried as it appeared some woman was there and she was one to talk personal things. She was the one that told Frankie about his grandfather. Maybe she's the house shrink. When Vic came out she had a smile meaning that there wasn't any bad news.
By the end of BBAD's 3 hours all house guests were under their quilts trying to stay warm.
I'm so glad that I finally gave up watching and sped through the DVRed version. I watched BBAU episodes 5 and 6 in the meantime.
Have a great day, After my doctor appointment and Jojo's (Jolena Jafri) class we're meeting for lunch. I'd like to thank you not only for your dedication to us but also for letting me find a new friend that also loves Big Brother. It's amazing that not one of my friends or family even watch BB. I guess it's because they don't have the time or energy to keep up with it. I was joking with her about it the other day saying Caro's site created a bb16 shemance called jolynne.
Can't wait for tonight's show and am hoping the HOH will be a very long endurance competition. CBS should throw Caleb a bone, it would be a great final twist to have his Beast Mode tricked out diesel truck as a "give up" incentive. He'd stop his part of the endurance in a heart beat. ;-)
I hope you are getting some much needed rest Carolyn!!
totally lost this morning with my morning coffee and no TOR!
What the heck will one do when bb is over...
Oh my morning is not the same without having my Overnight report. It has become part of my morning coffee routine. Gonna miss ya when this is over. Thanks so much for your hard work.
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