Big Brother 12: Rachel & Ragan Interviews - VIDEO

Here's Rachel Reilly!
Rachel Reilly loves Big Brother! "I am probably one of the No. 1 fans. I'm really competitive... and I think I could win."
Favorite Competitor: "Janelle. I love her! She's cute, she's fun, she's super-competitive! You're going to see a lot of Rachel trying to be Janelle."
- ***I love Janelle, but I'd much rather see Rachel be Rachel. That goes for all the HGs.
- ***OK, we'll check back with you on that in a couple weeks. ;)
Rachel's Strategy: "I am from Las Vegas, and I am a hustler! I am going to hustle the house guests. People look at me and they just see a hot girl with big boobs... when, actually, I'm a chemist... I think I'm going to surprise everyone in the Big Brother house with how smart I am."

A college professor from Los Angeles, Ragan laughs at himself with ease and describes himself as very competitive and a huge fan of the show.
Favorite Player: "My all-time favorite player is Janelle... I think one of the reasons she's very compelling in the context of the show is because she's somebody who genuinely, earnestly loved playing the game. When I'm watching the show, I really get frustrated when people... are given such an awesome opportunity, and they complain and whine."
Least Favorite player: you get one guess.
Enjoy! :)
Wow! 2 posts before 8am BBT! Here are the direct links to the previous 4 posts, in case you missed anything:
- Early Show Video: Meet the BB12 HGs!
- Video: Tour the BB12 House with Julie
- Videos: The 1st Interviews - Enzo & Britney
- All About the Dish!
Keep your eyes peeled on Superpass for Chelsia's interviews with the BB12 HGs!
Get the Early Bird Special on the Live Feeds!
3 Days Free, Then 29.99 for 3 Months
Ends July 7th
Labels: BB12 Pre-Season Interviews
Good Morning Carolyn!
Well Ragan and I agree on a couple things...Boogie and Chima!
Can't wait to get to know them all better. Thursday seems like forever!
Good Morning, Michelle in Indiana! :) Hehehehehe! Close your eyes and click your heels together 3x.. It'll be here before you know it!
Thank you Carolyn for the 2 new interviews...
Ok, I am not sure about Rachel yet..I am in the middle with her.
As for Ragan, I adore him..He reminds me of my brother (who was also VERY gay and swishy)..He is very meticulous and I love how he expalins everything. He should be a hoot in the house...I
happy dancing so far
Good morning Carolyn!! \_/3 coffee? So far it looks like its going to be an exciting season=) Yay!!
Loved the interveiws with Regan and Rachel...and she might be right about that laugh hahaha
ONE week from today...don't wanna rush it but COME ON July 8th!!!
Good morning Carolyn!! Good morning BBDishers!! I must say that PRE-videos my top three favs were Lane, Ragan and Enzo!!! I know Enzo doesn't seem to be a BBDish favorite thus far, but there's something about him I like. Seeing his video didn't change my mind. Loved Ragan's video! So, they remain in my top three. Just waiting to see Lane, who I'm actually getting the saboteur vibe from!!! All just preliminary picks and opinions, but I'm going to hang with that for now. 7 DAYS!!!! Carolyn it's so good to be back in my old routine of checking here for all of your wonderful information daily!!! It can only get better!! See you all soon. Take care!!!
HUmm. Rachel is definitely more ditsy then I thought she would be.
I want to hear that just one of these people are live feeders. I am always amazed that so few of the H. guests are. Any live feeder in there would always have an advantage...
Good Morning, JustBeechy/Brooke! :) Yes, please! I'll take it to go.. on my way to the gym.. Shh.. I'm sneaking out!
Good Morning, Lucky13! :) Yay! Welcome home! :) Yeah.. I had to remind myself last night just howmany times I've loved or hated someone in their pre-show interviews and then had the absolutel opposite reaction to them once they were int he house.
Hi Anon@9:08am - One never knows just what's gonna get ya to the end... :)
Everyone - I'm skipping out for a couple hours... It's elliptical time. Be back soon. :)
Morning Caro and Dish family! So glad to hear about our new dishers and love that Genie is back of course!! Hugs!!!
So far I am liking Ragan a lot!! He seems very intelligent and very well may be able to hold his own depending on how things play within the house. Not sure about Rachael, though she is a redhead and do like the redheads!! LOL
Oh boy.....think we've got ourselves a talker in Ragan...interesting guy, but, take a breath once-in-awhile....he should make the house interesting though!
That's awesome. The other is also awesome. And the weather is also awesome. The show, I may add, is awesome, as is the sandwich I am now eating.
Other things that are awesome. Air. Toast. Rutabagas. Spell-check. Also, floor wax.
Thank you for the new videos, Carolyn! So far Ragan is my favorite. I LOVED his interview. He seems honest in his answers but I get a feeling he can pull some tricks from his sleeves when it's time to get down and dirty. I may end up hating him the moment the live feeds start! :)
Rachel's interview was interesting. I was wondering why so many people were naming BB11 alumni as their most liked or hated. If they are watching the show while in sequester, it makes more sense to me now (if you all knew this before - sorry, I just found out). I also agree - her laugh will be a joke of the house and the Internet! Can't wait to see what happens with her on shows like The Soup!
Lunch time I am checking in! I just can't say very much right now about the 4 HGs, I really waiting to see them all before I have an opinion but out of the 4 Ragan is at the top.
I forgot to say welcome Lessa earlier!
Carolyn: Yes it was one of those nights! Thanks for the updates! Hope you are having a wonderful day!
First 7 days *happy dance*!!!!
I can't wait for more interviews!!
I need to see them all together in the house to choose my favs but I am liking Regan so far (fingers crossed the same is true in the house lol)
We are going to have a fun summer with this cast!!! Yay :D
Wheeeeeeeeee Doggie! We sure got a bunch of news today! Welcome back my little Genie of the Sea! I've missed our late night hang out sessions. And a big Welcome to Lessa to the late night hang out sessions! Welcome Back Carla! Although I've just been around commenting since last season, I've heard your name mentioned, and the warmth that it is mentioned with tells me you are a great friend, so Welcome Home!
Now. On to the interviews.
Wow. Well at least Rachel knows her constant nervous laughter is going to annoy some people. She was one that my gut told me I wasn't going to warm up to. Good to know I can still trust that ole' gut feeling. :)
On the flip side, I really like Ragan even more. He seems very intelligent and very well-spoken. And it also seems like he's got a good handle on the game and will be genuinely happy to be in the BB House.
Based soley on vid interviews, Ragan is my clear favorite. Which probably means that he is the saboteur, lol. I mean, surely CBS would have to know they needed someone that was going to click with America.
Are the Houseguests in the house yet? I have been thinking about that all morning...If so, they are bonding with each other and seeing who they like and don't like...
Oh come on 7 days.
Morning, Rhonda! :) I'm diggin' him too! It's gonna be a great season! :)
Higgie - hehehe... i thought he was sweet. :)
Oh My Cliffieness! - Awesome to see you! ;)
Hi 3maybe1more :) - but of course! :)
Hey, Autumn! Thank you! :) Had a nice workout! Now I'm ready for more BB madness!
Hey, LoonySteph Gotta Love a Happy Dance!! :) I'll join you!
The Synmeister - Holla!
Pamela! :) - I'm not sure. I think they may still be in hotel sequester for another day or 2. I could be wrong..
"Holla"? Carolyn? lol. Those endorphins must still be rushing. But it does remind me that I didn't say Good Morning/Evening to the DishMistress herself, so Helloooooooo Caroooooooo! *muah*
Syn928- After watching Ragan's interview I also like him more as a player and I am intrigued at your suggesting he might be the Saboteur.
Right now based on pre-show impressions my favorite is Kristen. I really wish they would hurry up and put up the interviews on the feed. I have to say I REALLY do not like Matt because he seriously sounds full of himself!
Levintry, if you look at past America's Player's I definitely see similarities in Eric of BB8, and to a lesser degree Dan of BB10, when I compare them to Ragan. If it turns out true, you heard it here first, lol. If not, let's just forget you heard it from me. :D
And Matt seems like an amalgam of Ronnie and Evel Dick in the worst ways. I'm hoping his interview will shed a better light on him, but I'm not holding my breath.
Syn - hehehe :)
Syn...amalgam! You sent me to look in a dictionary. I grasped the meaning within the context of the sentence, but that was the first time I recall reading that word. LOL
Hello everyone :)
Good to be HOME!
Time to get back to work.
Hi Honey! :) Good to have you home! No cursing in here, young lady. ;p (work)
Simply put, I *heart* Ragan! He uses big words, possibly too big for me, but overall I LOVE him!
Rachel looks like Wynonna Judd, which is a compliment. Very pretty, but if she's going to try to be Janelle the whole season we're going to have a problem. Don't try to be someone you're not. Just be yourself! Such a simple concept...
Rubyrooo - The Dish is not only entertaining, but also Edu-ma-cational! lol
I seriously first learned that word during a comic book crossover event where they took DC Comics Characters and mixed them with Marvel Comics Characters. So you had a character called Dark Claw which was an amalgamation of Batman and Wolverine.
And there's your geekdom lesson for the day! :)
Hi Carolyn, Everyone.
I'm really slow getting back up to BB speed. Hopefully once the feeds start I'll be good.
Like most of you like Ragan, I laughed when I saw his last name is Fox, Ragan, Megan Fox. Maybe he's her brother LOL
Was thinking that Rachel was my new Michele but having a chemistry degree does not make one a chemist. So we'll have to wait and see I guess. Plus that laugh is going to be annoying on the feeds.
That's it for now. If I don't see ya before. Have a great 4th everyone!
Since the table only seats 12 I wonder if it means we are going to see a non-live eviction the first show. I always feel bad for whoever gets evicted, unless I don't like them. I still think Carol could have gotten further in BB8! On a side note, I am not positive, but I think that they used one of my questions for the HGs! If you read their profiles on CBS where it asks "what are you afraid of?" (you usually have to click more to see it) that is a small spin on the question I put in the forums for HGs to be asked! I asked "What is your biggest fear in the game besides getting evicted? What is your biggest fear in normal life?" Could be a coincidence, but you can see my post here:
I googled Rachel and found this. It definitely provides some info that she or CBS hasn't mentioned! She used to teach at the College of Southern Nevada! Here is the link:
Holy Moly, is Ragan a talker!! Unfortunately I'm thinking he's going to get on my nerves...alot like Rachel's laugh. :)
First Eric ... then Dan. I'm thinking this year's saboteur should be a female.
Hello all! :)
I'm so excited for this season to start! I haven't quite made up my mind on who is my favorite yet. I'm holding back until I see all the videos. I hope it's an exciting season and look forward to chatting it up here on the Dish! :)
Carolyn, thanks for starting the season off with a bang (before the season actually starts). :) You never disappoint!
Well, I was going to get the feeds through your site until I heard Rachel's laugh and decided I better not get the feeds at all. hehe...just kidding!
Signing up right now! Can't wait for next Thursday. We'll be out of town, but our hosts have been warned that it is necessary that we watch BB that evening. :)
Thanks for all you do,'re the best!
Hiiii!!! :)
Just wanted to make sure you know...
There's a New Top Post!! :)
Chelsia's Interviews w/the New HGs!
Hi!!! :) & Thanks very much, Leigh_Ann, Levintry, Olivia, Melissa & Michigan Man!! :)
That's it. I'm spending the rest of the night(it's only 12:30 AM BBT and I've started my summer training.) pulling apart this computer and the dead one. The dead one has a working sound card. I can't take the silence and I'm not a good lip reader, but I'm a fantastic lip-syncing drag queen.
I'll hopefully be back without having to spend this month's check on a new computer. I'll hopefully be back, period.
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