Big Brother 12 Houseguests Revealed!
Good Morning, Big Brother Lovers! Happy 8 days til Big Brother 12 & Happy Houseguest & House Reveal Day! There's going to be quite a lot of new info today, so get those refresh fingers ready!
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First up: Let's Meet The BB12 Houseguests! Julie Chen was kind enough to introduce them this morning on the CBS Early Show, and here they are now on video for you to enjoy, study, analyze, obsess over and adore!
Below are the 13 Houseguests who will compete in the new season of BIG BROTHER:

Andrew Gordon
39 - Miami, FL - Podiatrist - Shomer Shabbos - Miami New Times Article
Annie Whittington
27 - Tampa, FL - Bartender - Tampa, FL Facebook - I think this is her.
Brendon Villegas
30 - Riverside, CA - HS Swim Coach/PhD Candidate
Britney Haynes
22 - Huntington, Ark. - Hotel Sales Mgr.
Enzo Palumbo
32 - Bayonne, NJ - Insurance Adjuster - Married
Hayden Moss
24 - Tempe, AZ - College Student - Snowboarder - Hayden on Facebook
Kathy Hillis
40 - Texarkana, Ark - Deputy Sheriff
Kristen Bitting
24 - Philadelphia, PA - Shoe Boutique Manager & Bikini Model
Lane Elenburg
24 - Decatur, TX - Oil Rig Salesman
Matt Hoffman
32 - Elgin, IL - Web Designer - Self described Genius. RealityWanted Profile, Average Joe, Season 4
Monet Stunson
24 - Glen Carbon, IL - Model - 1st Runner Up, Miss IL, USA
Rachel Reilly
26 - Las Vegas, NV - Chemistry Grad Student/Cocktail Waitress - RealityWanted Profile, Facebook
Ragan Fox
34 - Los Angeles, CA - College Professor - Bowtie Guy... Facebook?
It's worthwhile to note that while they said there would be 14, only 13 have been revealed.
This just in:
- It has been reported around the web that there are 14 house guests. That is no longer correct. CBS has told Zap2it that one contestant got out to the Los Angeles area in the pre-show sequester and got cold feet, so she chose not to participate in the show. They were sad to lose her, but there are 13 exciting "Big Brother" contestants to meet!
8 more days til I get to say: Spark up the feeds! OK, I just said it. I couldn't hold back any longer. You could spark em up right now and check out flashback from BB10 & BB11, as well as exclusive videos and interviews. I'll betcha Chelsia's interviews with the BB12 HGs will be up there soon too! ;) What's better than BB Alumni interviewing incoming HGs? Nothing.
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Is it the identity of the saboteur that is being kept secret or is the saboteur in the mix of 13 and WE are the 14th House Guest? You know I stay confused but that's what I got from the information released yesterday.
Good morning Carolyn,
Good morning fellow Dishers,
Thank you so much Carolyn for being the best. I am in Los Angeles and got up early, came here and waited and sure enoigh you were posting. Your the best.
Gaytor you could be right..HG # 14...America..
Boy they are young and good looking..hmmmmmm
Thanks again Carolyn
Okay I am wondering if they are bringing a HG from the past, just to look like the Saboteur?? Who knows! But I do know there is some nice EYE CANDY for this season!!!!!
Woo Hoo! Brendon is a cutie.. :)
And Gaytor you raise a good question... hmmmmm...
~*~ 8 days left ~*~
I agree Gaytor!!! But to no end I am beyong excited for this season to get started!!!
Looks like a good group...
Maybe im the 14th houseguest and they just havent told me yet ;-)
wouldnt that be amazing!!!
Already hate the Jersey guy...hes gonna get annoying very fast, sad hes not an attractive guido...he just has that annoying stereotypical Jersey attitude lol
Looks like a good group...
Maybe im the 14th houseguest and they just havent told me yet ;-)
wouldnt that be amazing!!!
Already hate the Jersey guy...hes gonna get annoying very fast, sad hes not an attractive guido...he just has that annoying stereotypical Jersey attitude lol
Love me some Ragan already!!! :)
Got to be rooting for my Arkansas girls all though I think I'll lke Kathy more then Britney! I'm so stinking excited!!!!
Thanks Carolyn!
We should all chip in and send you Starbucks gift cards!
Psst! When you're done with this one, come check out the New Top Post: House Tour!!!
Andrew Gordon, 39 - Miami, FL - Carolyn has found a new Doctor! :p
Annie Whittington, 27 - Tampa, FL - Does she have all she thinks she's got?
Brendon Villegas, 30 - Riverside, CA - More Eye Candy... and SMART too.
Britney Haynes, 22 - Huntington, Ark. - TWO from AR?
Enzo Palumbo, 32 - Bayonne, NJ - I agree with my bf Kent.
Hayden Moss, 24 - Tempe, AZ - Eye Candy!!!!
Kathy Hillis, 40 - Texarkana, Ark - Another AR girl. Gotta love her. I was raised there, but that ACCENT?!?!
Kristen Bitting, 24 - Philadelphia, PA - Wasn't impressed. She may go in the first two evictions.
Lane Elenburg, 24 - Decatur, TX - My kinda MAN.
Matt Hoffman, 32 - Elgin, IL - The hand thing has to go. I'm too old for that.
Monet Stunson, 24 - Glen Carbon, IL - That tiara! what was she Queen of? Remember, I can't hear.
Rachel Reilly, 26 - Las Vegas, NV - Another Rachel. Hope she is as fun as Howie's Rachel
Ragan Fox, 34 - Los Angeles, CA - GAY
I really think Brittney is Kathy's daughter.
I really think Britney is Kathy's daughter.
Thanks Carolyn! I'm getting more excited as we get closer to July 8th! I just went to the CBS website and they have all of the house-guests bios.
As always you rock!
Just added the links to all their bios on the post! :)
Thanks for the bios Carolyn...
I like several of them, but we will see. I think Enzo will be interesting.
I also like Kathy. I
think we have 13 winners here.
Sorry someone got cold feet and had to drop out...
So we have met the mole...
Is not the "she" who got cold feet. I'd love to take her place! Geesh!
Good Morning Carolyn,
I'm loving all the differnet ages of the Houseguests...
This should be a good season, can't wait.
Now Now Kent, not all men in Jersey are guidos, annoying or have a stereotypical Jersey attitude..LOL
Its to bad the 14 HG got cold feet and backed out, but why didnt BB have like a backup plan in case this was to ever happen, it's to bad cause again there are millions of fans who would have loved to be there
Hayden... Ohhhh boy! *drooling*
He is definitely eye candy. Hope he has a good personality to go with his good looks.
Oh and by the way, can I just say that I absolutely LOVE this house????? Its definitely my kinda place.
For conversation- what was everyones most disliked house theme??
I personally couldn't stand the Alice in Wonderland theme of Season 8. That whole story creeps me out, and I would've bombed that season if I were in it based on my surroundings alone! LOL
Interesting group. Is Hotel Sales Manager code for Desk Clerk? Eek, catty already. I agree with Kent and Gaytor on the Jersey guy.
Should be a great season.
Crazy houseguests! Crazily enough I know one of them. It should definitely be a fun crowd. Can't wait until the feeds start! I'm so glad that they picked a little older group this year.
Hey gang! Still adding stuff I find out about the HGs to this post... See their names & new info following that.
So everyone. On that first look who is your favorites? Who do you think will be out first, Who do you think might make F4?
I'm still thinking about them.
I think I am really going to like Kathy...she is a police person and mentioned she does profiling...hmmm wonder if that will help her?
Glad to see everyone this morning. And as ALWAYS Carolyn you are soooo awsome! Thanks!
All right, looks like an intersting, and beautiful to look at group. I had the strongest 'dislike' reaction to Annie -- she reminds me of a mix between Laura and Jen (bb8)-- it didn't help things that she incorrectly used the word 'sexual' instead of 'sexuality' (nit picky of me, I know LOL). Who knows though, maybe I'll end up liking her, but right now, not so much. Also, not so sure about the NJ guy...
I like Kathy, and wonder if she might be the saboteur. Can't wait to find out who IS the sabateur!
Thanks for the info, Carolyn! Love ya!
Well, I read all the bios and it looks like it will be a fun summer.
Thank you for everything Carolyn...
cha, cha, cha
So Brendon is cute, Kristen may be another April, Rachel reminds me of Danny Boniduce's ex wife.
Very intersting group.
I like Hayden and Kathy so far.
I'm not a big fan of Enzo.
Gaytor I hope your right..
I would love to vote every week!!
Hi All!
So excited to finally see the HG! Kathy is my fav, so far, cuz of her life story. And, personally I love her accent. But all the rest & including her I am going to just wait & see before I start to form opinions. There is 1 that really bugged me from the interview but I'm not going to say cuz they might just end up being a fav. Very sorry to hear someone got cold feet. It's sad that happened cuz it only took someone else out of the chance to be there. Oh well!!
I loved the house. The HOH room is awesome!
Crazy houseguests! Crazily enough I know one of them. It should definitely be a fun crowd. Can't wait until the feeds start! I'm so glad that they picked a little older group this year.
Psst! :) 2 New Quickie Polls! 1st of the season!
I love Ragan. Brendon's hot.
I'll probably have a love-hate with Monet.
AGAIN... Everyone is:
2)perfect body
America is SO superficial...
Sorry to be so down, but I am tired of the SAME mix of HG's year after year. BB12 has some work to do to prove to me they have something NEW to bring to the table this year because I am totally UNenthusiastic at this point!
Sadly, I can't watch the house tour here in Canada. Guess I'll just have to wait for the feeds. Great job you're doing Caro!!!!
Hi everyone! Sorry it's taken me so long to respond & greet everyone properly today. My hands were literally shaking this morning, gefrom excitement & just the enormity of them releasing so much on one day!
Hi Gaytor!! :) According to zap2it, CBS has confirmed that one of the HGs got cold feet and bailed, leaving them with 13.
Hi Pamela!! :) HUgggs!!! Thank YOU for being here!
Hi Cheley! :) Yes, he is!! :)
Hi Autumn! :) Mm hmm!
Hi Andrea! :) Me too!! Beyond excited!
Hi Kent! :) It does look like a good group, but it could certainly look one guy better! ;)
Hey SingForTheDayx!! :) hehehe! He does seem an interesting character!
Hi Brandi! :) That excitement seems to be going around. ;)
Hi Mrs H! :) Starbucks gift cards? I'm game for that! :)
Gaytor - Look at you with the lin-up already! :) I'm already wondering if he and I have any mutual friends... Jewish geography...
Hey Amber! :) Hmmm.. there's a theory!
Hi DeeMcD1! :) They sure do... and the links to all of em are right on the post here too.
Hi Jennifer! :) Thank you very much!
Pamela - My pleasure... 13 winners - well, that's very high praise - i love it!
Hi ilissa!! :) I can't even believe someone would do that.. How rude to the 1000s of people who trie dout...
Hi Patty!! :) Me too on the age differences... I'd have thought they'd have an alternate.
Hiya Simply Sam! :) Here's Hoping!!!
Hi Mallory! :) I love the house too.
Hi Michelle! :) hehehe! I have a great feeling about this season!
Hi Mad Knitter! :) Which one do you know. and how well?
Hi Gerri! :) - I couldn't resist that... Thank you very much!
Hi i4git! :) Welcome home! Thank you very much!
Hey Debi! :) Smoooch! We do seem to be building a Kathy consensus here... I wonder how much is has to do with our own demographic...
Hi Michelle in Indiana! :) LOL re Rachel!
Hi BigWigg! :) They did say that we'll be doing a lot of participating this season...
Hi MsFitz!! :) Me too!! Finally! :)
Hey JessBBLove! :) Welcome home! :)
Hi Seffie! :) I really can't blame casting... They give the North American audience what they demand... But as far as young goes, I think this crew has more 30s than usual... It's a start! :)
Hey Higgie! :)
Thank you!
I'll work on getting another clip so you can view it...
.....or Starbucks...whichever you prefer..let us know..
I can't believe you are taking a break...finally.
Thanks for all your hardwork and I will pay the kitty Friday..
I can't believe you got everybody..wtg
Thanks, Pamela... I was gonna take a break, but I haven't actually made it that far yet. lol.
Hi, Carolyn! I told you I'd join in on the comments this time around, so here I am! =)
Brendon is full of hotness.
Matt, Enzo, and Monet are definitely going to be hard to like.
I enjoy sarcasm, so Britney could be easy for me to like.
Also, is it just me or does Monet have a Chima vibe to her?
The saboteur will clearly be Julie.
Kvothe - LOL!
Really Big Brother!!?? Of all the gay men in this world you have to pick the ONE who is willing to come out in a bow tie!!??
Also.... I'm not buying it. I think America is the 14th houseguest. Big Brother website only had 13 pics posted from the get go. I also remember from an interview a few years ago from a houseguest, that they were an alternate the year before. I cannot see someone getting to that point and not be replaced. They are just wanting the announcement to come as a surprise.
Jason..what a thought. I forgot about the alternates...something fishy is going on here...hmmmm
I love it, the fun has begun..
ok.. i'm reading the bios now.. on paper, i'm loving ragan... we'll see how that works out. :)
Yea Pamela... and think about it. If the mole is one of these houseguests then it's just the original "America's Player." Just without the option to win??? That would take the people actually playing for the money down to 12.
OK... I think I am a bit too excited about next Thursday!!!!
It appears Big Brother has embraced the "Jersey Shore" hysteria by adding Enzo to the cast. How much fist pumping and hair gel are we going to see this season?
Psst! New Top Post!! :)
Meet Enzo & Britney
So based purely on the Bios:
My Top 3 Early Faves are:
Annie, Kristen, and Ragan (With Andrew and Hayden being close)
My Top 3 Early Dislikes are:
Enzo, Matt, and Monet (With Brendon and Rachel being close)
Still on the fence with Britney, Lane, and Kathy. Could go either way really.
I hate to say it because I was wanting to like Brendon, but he almost seems like Jessie Part Deux, while I was reading his bio.
And I'm kinda mad at Hayden because I think he copied my profile pic. ;)
Carolyn- I know Ragan, went to school with him. You have the correct facebook page up btw!
MadKnitter - ooh.. very cool :) thanks for confirming that!
Anyone notice how almost every houseguest is from the same state as another? Two Arkansas? Two Illinois? Two Florida? Two California?
very nice catch, Cue!
mmm.. actually, those are the states where they held open casting calls...
Okey.....Carolyn......Do you get notification or credit when we get feeds from here?
*Prays there are not too many updates to player^ lol
Mlady - I do get credit. People singing up from the links here are what support the site! :) Thank you for asking. ☺
Awww the cast looks great!! A Philly girl in the house..I knew I recognized that accent!
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