BIG Big Brother 12 News
Happy Tuesday, BB Lovers! If you're with us on facebook or twitter, you know I've been waiting on the go ahead to reveal BIG Big Brother 12 news. The wait is over! Here it is:
1st up, the Big Brother Live Feeds Early Bird Special is back! It goes live this Friday, June 18th and it runs through til July 7th, the day before Big Brother 12 begins. It's a fantastic deal at 29.99 for 3 months! I'll have the links available for you here the moment they go live on Friday!
As always, BBDish and all Big Brother related sites rely on and are supported by you using our sign up links to get the live feeds. If you love what we do, and you want to help us keep doing it, please keep that in mind when you choose where to click. :)
2nd: You no longer need to download realplayer in order to watch the feeds! All you have to do is sign up, go to the site, sign in & you'll have immediate access via your chosen web browser. In other words, just like you're viewing BBDish right now (or any other site), that's how easy you'll be able to access the feeds! I've had a look around the new digs, and it's super easy to use!
The newly wed, stunning bride Janelle Pierzina of BB6/BB7 has signed on to become a part of the Big Brother 12 experience!
To see more of Phil's beautiful photos of Janelle's wedding, just click the pic!
4th - There is another *very* popular, very recent BB alum who may be participating as well, but I'm gonna have to wait just a little bit longer to confirm that one! ;)
5th - You can also look forward to a cool new chat experience, updated flashback, web chats, facebook & twitter integration - so you'll be able to share everything very easily, and... vastly improved non-BB content!
On the dishy end of things, I've also gotten word and the name of another potential BB12 HG - no, not the one who tweeted she was a finalist - but if I publish it this early, said HG is almost sure to be toast before he/she even makes it to sequester, so I've got to let this one stew for a while longer.
The BB12 house decs reveal & tour with Julie Chen & Allison Grodner should be happening very soon now. Then comes media day - where they throw a bunch of mostly non-BB related bloggers and journalists into the house to give everyone a look, promote the show, and confuse the heck out of a handful of fans who think that the journalists are the new HGs. That'll be followed by our first look at the real BB12 HGs, their bios & interviews - once they're sequestered, which happens about 5-7 days before the show begins.
Psyched?? Ready?? I sure am! And I'm getting even moreso, just typing about it!
Last but not least, BBDish is in the process of upgrading too! We'll be debuting our new look during the 1st week of the season. Think clean lines, easier to use, and easier to share! :)
OK.. expect another post on Friday when those Early Bird Special links go live! :) Unless, of course, something dishy happens before then!
By the way, for my fellow eBay Daily Deal addicts, make sure to check out the ebay coupon event running from now til June 21st. Yes, yes, I know... step away from the ebay, Carolyn. Step away from the ebay...
Labels: BB12 Pre-Season
cannot wait!! Got a new baby to watch BB with this year!
thanks for the great info...can't wait for more...I am so excited and so glad there are so many more people interested in grows bigger every season thank goodness.
Thanks so much for the update..Exciting indeed..
Yipideeeeee whoooo hooo
Zany - Pics!!! I want Pics!!!
Pamela! :) me too me too me too!
Diane! :) Yayyy!! :) And welcome to the comment section!
Eddie! Hi Honey! :)
ok.. this is the part where i go disappear for a couple hours to get some exercise! ;) the elliptical awaits.
I'm so glad you're all as psyched about the news as I am!
Hi Carolyn
Thanks so much for the the BB updates, and I am so anxious for the start of BB that I can taste it. My question: I'd like to get the feeds through your site and I was wondering if I can subscribe as a Canadian.
Looking forward to being entertained (once again) by the regulars and newbies this season.
Hi Gigi! :)
You asked, "I'd like to get the feeds through your site and I was wondering if I can subscribe as a Canadian."
The answer - Absolutely!! And thank you very much!! :)
I'm already stocking up on energy drinks.
Someone on Facebook asked if Jun Song will be blogging again this year. (Carolyn I hope I'm not spoiling an announcement for you but...) I have it on very good authority (the horse's mouth so to speak) that Jun will be back with us again this season. I'm excited about that also. Her take on the shows always leaves me ALMOST speechless. As if anything could shut me up.
maybe add a phot0shop section.. wink wink :)
I'm so glad to see some posting on this site. It's my go to website all summer long. Thanks so much!! I'm so excited for this new season to begin. I think I'm going to break down and get the live feeds this year.
BB12 Deets! Whohoo! Carolyn you rock!
I've had so much fun rewatching BB11 on and reliving all the favorite (and frustrating) moments that I got to experience with all of you last summer.
I so can't wait until it starts again.
Gigi Mtl and KatieBrat, definitely definitely get the feeds, especially when the Early Bird special goes live. At just $29.99 every three months and $10 in free music every month, it pays for itself, especially if you are a music fan. My Music library has continued to grow and I enjoyed it so much each month that I never canceled the feeds, and I'm still enjoying the $29.99 every three months price tag. Definitely a great bargain! Do it! lol
And hiya all my Dish Friends! Especially GaYToR, I've missed the torture, rofl! And Heya MsFitz, I missed the shout out a few posts ago, I missed you too!
Great......that's what I'll do!
Your the greatest .. just adore reading your awesome news on BB12.. thanks so much .. looking forward to more .. WoOoHoOo.. I'm so anxious for July 8th .. oh what will the BB12 House look like??? ;) <3
Yayyyy!!! I'm so excited, can't wait to talk to everyone.....thanks Carolyn for the updates.
I got this from a very reliable source, and couldn’t wait to share the news!
These are some details of the new BB12 house!!!
• There is a really tall entry door. Which looks very “tiki” like, something you would see on a tropical hut.
• When you walk in the door you are immediately met with a huge fish tank that takes up the majority of the wall in front of the door – lots of very colorful and some really big fish!
• In the living room there are once again two large couches and the usual nomination chairs. This year the couches are a light blue with cream colored nomination chairs
• The wall nearest the diary room in the living room has a large screen which plays a nonstop loop of crashing waves. There are a few palm trees and other tropical accents throughout the room. It makes you feel like you’re on the beach!
• This kitchen has a camp theme. It’s very outdoorsy! The table is a giant picnic table, and there is a lot of modern looking wood paneling with different shades of green through out the room. It actually looks really cool.
• The bathroom’s finally got a decent makeover. The floor looks like sand and the walls are blue. There are sea shells and the sinks look like they’re floating in mid air. There is once again a big chair in the corner.
• One of the bedrooms is themed like a “sand castle” and looks very cool. With another cool room themed like a camp cabin complete with bunk beds.
• The hall to the HOH room keeps with the beach theme
• The back yard has the basic setup, with a volley ball net, and beach balls. There is also a “camp fire” pit.
Thank you Carolyn.
I am so excited! Thank you for the great news!!! Hello everyone, good to see you! Yay for Jun to be coming back!!!
Does any one know the date of the last show. I want to sign up for the special superpass, I was wondering if the 3 months will be enough or if I will have to do longer.
ohhhh...sounds like a neat house!
Nice to see so many familiar names and faces and some new ones too.
MySyn I've missed you too. It's been a long 9 months without you. Now to carry on and torture you for the summer. A long 9 months indeed. When can I expect the first child support check?
Zany!!! nice to see you standing your head as usual. Rose and turtles, *kisses* to you.
If I missed any of the old gang by name, and I'm sure I did, forgive me. Old age got even older back in April.
To the new people and the Anonymoose, welcome to. I say Anonymoose in fun and love the info you gave. Now create a Google acct so you can sign in, let us know that name and get a picture of you. Welcome to the BBDish family where Carolyn never sleeps and never runs out of Cubans. She da BOSS! and we couldn't ask for a better or sexier one. ;-)
Lastly, but always first in my heart, Syn!!!! (again) I ♥ Deets! (or should that be Deeks? (one of my favorite shows was "Glee" this year and like Kent, who hasn't shown up yet, I am proud to be a Gleek.
Speaking of Kent, Wait til you see a current pic. That boy has gotten BUFF! with a capital HOT.
We'll have other surprises from Jun, but those are hers to tell. She better jump in here fast because I don't know how long I can contain my excitement.
Ooooohhhh!!! I love it when the rumors start. Even if most end up not being true. It means BB is Really close!!! I'm all twitter-pated.
Here we all go again folks :-)
Hey there mama, missed ya......
If the rumors are true, this sounds like the year I could have possibly survived without killing anyone. I love the beach!!
Caro...I'll msg you on FB so you know who I am and you can see the pics.
You are the best Carolyn....Can't wait... :)
Soooo excited... you are the best Carolyn... :)
haha, oh the good old pre-show house rumours.
Hi Carolyn,thanks for the updates. So excited for BB12. Looking forward to more of your updates. I have the wireless headphones, love them. WooHoo, doin the happy dance ;)) Can't remember or find my user name/password, that's why I'm under anonymous. Going to have to create a new one
testing..made a new account. Just asked for existing email addy..password and birthday, clicked continued. Thought it was going to have me create a new user name...password, brought me right here.
Thanks for the updates. So excited for BB12. Looking forward to more of your updates. I have the wireless headphones, love them. WooHoo, doin the happy dance ;))
I'm psyched! And this month is flying as far as I'm concerned, so I'm super amped!
I am anxious for the new season.Glad to see the activity on this site.Wooohooo!
I know someone working the cameras this season.Female,maybe not so much perv cam? who we kiddin,females can be just as perv.
Ditto on the question about the superpass.
Thanks so much, Caroly, for all of the great news!! I'm so looking forward to a new season of BB and I'm extra excited that my all-time fave, Janelle, will be somehow involved with the live feeds. Getting so anxious to meet new hamsters!!!
oooooo This sounds quite dishy! Love the house deets!
I am so excited! I can't wait!!!! Everything sounds great! So excited about the new feeds!! I'll definitely be signing up by clicking here!!
GaYToR! You are so not going to blame me for any new additions to your family! We all know that you and Blue have finally decided it's time for lilbluebitsGaYToR to have a brother or sister. You won't be dragging me into that mess this year! But I'll admit this only once this season, so savor it, ... I sorta missed you too. ;)
Speaking of Blue! Hiya! Good to see you again too.
And yeah, I'm a Gleek too. It's a hilarious show. Go Sue!
If the Anon's rumors turn out true, then this sounds like it's going to be a really nice house. Soothing and peaceful. Definitely something needed in the BB House.
Hey GayTor!! :) Spoil away, my love. ;)
Hiya Earthdog!! Good idea!! :)
Hey KatieBrat!! :) Me too! I tell ya, the older I get, the longer the BB recouperation takes! ;)
Hi Synnn!! :) You rock my socks! It's funny, I was gonna include those dets, then I thought, nah.. don't be pushy, Carolyn! Thank you for doing it for me! :)
Hiya KittyGina! :) Thank you!! I'll tell ya what really makes this place great though... All of YOU!!!!!
Hi Rose!! :) Me too! Thank you!!
Hello there Anon w/the House Dets! :) You've caused quite the stir! ;) How bout emailing me & telling me who you are? hmmm? ;) dishchicks at yahoo dot com
Hiya Piper! :) Hugggsss!!
Hey JLuvs! :) Well, fancy meeting you here! ;)
Hiya Kari! :) Umm.. errr.. they haven't actually released the finale date yet, but... the Vegas BB Bash is happening September 17th - 19th... Make of that what you will. ;)
Hey Coop! :) Right?!
Hi Chris!! :) Hehehe!! It's happy homecoming week!
Hey EvelAlidaaaa!! :) Here we gooooo!!! I missed you too, sweetie!
Hi Toni!! :) LOL!! That's very funny. Me too, actually!
Zany! :) Thanks soooo much. What a yummy yummy baby!
Hi Saydi! :) Thank you!! :) Me too!
Hi Michael :) - Right?! :)
Hi Debbie! :) Very cool on the new acct! :) Welcome home!
Hiya Mallory!! :) For me too! 3 weeks is gonna feel like 3 hours from my perspective - SOOO much to do!
Hi Rosaritoe!!! :) Soooo nice to see you! LOL! Fems definitely as pervy, if not moreso! :) What's the question?
Hi Carolyn :) Funny, I saw your name and thought, "I commented? where's my pic?!" ;) Super psyched about Janie too!!!
Hi Anon@6:15p - Gotta love the dishy, right? :)
Hi Jen! :) Thank youuuu!!! Your signups are a HUGE part of what keeps it all going around here!
Hi everyone!!!
I'm new here, sounds like a great place to gab about Big Brother.
I've spent most of the past BB seasons over at Jokers.
I'm looking forward to reading Jun's blog/update or whatever it is that she does here and also chatting with everyone here.
Hi WhirledPeas! :) Welcome to BBDish!!! Love your screenname!
Hi Gang! SOOOO glad to be back again this year with all of you to watch BB12! I cannot wait! So excited! I can hear the FOH music in my head already. hehe
To the lovely Carolyn - Thank you for doing this each season. There's no better site or host out there for BB happenings!!
GaYToR! *kisses* back to u! xoxo
Ooooh, I'm so excited for Friday. My auntie and I love to watch the feeds and constantly keep updated about BB via e-mail. Can't wait till Friday and of course until the 8th. The Internet format should be much more easier to use and accessible.
Just popping in to give a shout out to everyone!!!
The premiere is almost here!!!
Love each one of you, so much!!!!
yeahhhh! i am sooo excited :) wish i could take vacation for the bb season...lack of sleep here i come!
sadly i do not know if i will be joining you this summering on the blog....i no longer as of right now have a computer.
Whoa! I though these house deets would have been front page news! Lol. Thanfully I read these comments all the way through!
What's this? I missed a Bluex1969 sighting?
He left me not long after BB11 was over. I'm not sure I'm going to take him back this season. I'm not that easy. Who am I kidding? Everyone here knows I AM that easy, and easier too.
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