Saturday Morning in the BB10 House
Goooood Morning, Big Brother lovers!! It's 10am BBT, and BB actually had the nerve to go to fishies just now. We imagine they're waking the final 8 HGs...
Final 8?! Can you even believe it? I can't. Harder still to believe is that there's less than 5 weeks left now! The expected finale date is either the 16th or the 18th of September... Amazing. This season is going as fast as a speeding bullet...
Wakey Wakey Houseguests!! It's time to scream, shout, kick, claw and manipulate your way to 500k! All for the pleasure of the live feeds audience.. ;)
We're wai-ting!

They're Up!!
Ollie and April are in the bathroom, doing their morning routines. Michelle and Memphis are in the kitchen... Good mornings are being exchanged.
Jerry and Keesha join the bathroom group.
10:23am BBT
BB: Dan... The Bedroom lights must remain on during the day.
- ***even for you Mr. PoV winner! ;)
10:24am BBT - More fishies! Just briefly. We return to find Michelle and Keesha in the bathroom, chatting as Michelle blows out her curls. Memphis has taken up her perch on the red couch out back.
Talk in the bathroom is about BB9 Adam and Sheila being handcuffed together. Michelle's wondering how that happened.
Renny joins them in the downstairs bathroom, and Michelle asks her about the whole handcuffing thing and how it came about, and if it ever happened in a prior season... Renny's not ready for more than "Good Morning."

Ollie's outside doing laundry. The great handcuff debate continues in the bathroom. Memphis is still on the couch. Someone's in the shower, but we can't see who at the moment.
BB: Houseguests, this is a lockdown. Please go inside and close the sliding glass door.
Ollie and Memphis head inside.
Michelle wonders what was the point of waking them up if they're just gonna be on inside lockdown.
10:35am BBT
Around the house...
- Michelle & Keesha are both in the bathroom, working on their hair.
- Renny's in the kitchen, cleaning out her vase and chatting about the PoV comp with Jerry, who is seated at the kitchen counter, shaking up his protein shake breakfast and taking his morning meds.
- April's in the bathroom.
- Ollie's in bed.
- Jerry's climbed back into bed as well.
- Keesha and Renny are all about coffee.
- Michelle is up, social and still working on her hair.
BB: Houseguests, the lockdown is over. You are now free to move about the house.
Michelle: Hadda be a bannah.
10:50am - 11am BBT
Michelle & April are still in the bathroom. Michelle's telling April about her dream last night. April inquires as to Dan's whereabouts... Michelle says she thinks he's in the spa room, sleeping.
Keesha's at the kitchen counter, drinking her coffee and chatting with Renny about JJ.
BB: Ollie, please go to the Diary Room.
Renny's eating breakfast at the counter. Upon hearing Ollie called to the DR, Keesha goes to get her makeup, assuming she'll be called into the DR soon. She returns to the kitchen counter to powder her face and chat with Renny about New Orleans voodoo. Talk turns to English accents, which Keesha loves...
11:00am BBT
Renny tells Keesha a story about some 18 year old girl that was hitting hard on her hubby some New Years eve night... Renny gets called to the DR. Ollie comes out to the kitchen area, makes a little small talk with Keesha.
Keesha heads in to the bathroom and chats with Michelle and April. She refers to someone outside the house who has "gorgeous hair, just like April's."
Keesha: What's the 1st think you're gonna do when you guys get back home?
Michelle: Call my friends.. Eat normal food...
April: How about you? Are you going back to Ohio?
Keesha: Yeah.. I'll stay here a few days though... but I wanna go home for a good visit.
April: I think I'm gonna do the same thing. Go back to Arizona for a couple days, then go home for at least 5 days.
They all start fantasizing about going out for drinks with friends... Renny has joined the group, but she hasn't spoken.
11:09am BBT
Bathroom - Keesha, April, Michelle
The girls are now whispering a bit about Jerry.
BB: Michelle, please go to the Diary Room.
Michelle: I'll be there in one minute.. You got me in mid-foundation.

Dan's in the bathroom with Keesha & April now...
Renny has joined Jerry outside on the couch. They are pleasantly rehashing the PoV game... laughing together.
11:16am BBT
Michelle's already out of the DR. She returns to the bathroom to chat more with April & Keesha... Dan comes in momentarily and goes.. Talk turns to botox. Keesha tells them "it doesn't hurt at all. The only problem is, you're paralyzed." April's interested in getting it done.
***Paging Dr. Delicious.

April has joined Ollie in the Livingroom.
11:34-11:44am BBT
Michelle & Keesha are talking/whispering game now in the bathroom... Michelle is cool with April going this week, but she really wants Jerry to go next, no matter who is up next to him.
Michelle is less concerned with next week than the week after. Keesha agrees.
Michelle: You, me n them 2 are on the same page.
Keesha: I think we're all on the same page. Pretty much everybody who's in here now, I wouldn't mind them getting it.
Michelle: Right now, especially when you're getting closer to people, it's hard.
Keesha: It's very hard. Especially when you're the one who has to pick who goes home.
They agree that the longer the game lasts, the harder it gets... and the scarier it gets, whatching all the keys disappear.
Michelle: The other thing we have to figure out too is we can't let the boys...
Michelle: But I don't know about these boys though.
Keesha: They seem a little fishy. Jerry's always, "the boys, the boys." He just says anything to bond with anyone.
Michelle: I kow. I hate that.
Keesha: He kisses butt soooo bad.
Michelle: I was just thinking... I didn't do a very good job as HoH, because I dodn't make anyone promise me anything.
Keesha: You didn't? Man, I secured myself. Still, everything worked out.
Michelle: Yeah.
Keesha: Michelle, there are only gonna be 7 people in this house. OMG, It's so scary.
They talk about how next week will be a tie breaker for HoH again, i it comes to that. Then talk turns to Dan and their suspicions about him...
Then they talk about someone who has said he doesn't need the money at all.. That it'll just go to his family... They mention he has a son with big debts due to gambling, so it has to be Jerry...
11:42am BBT
Dan joins the girls in the bathroom. Talk turns to chatter.
11:50am BBT
Renny come into the bathroom and asks Michelle, Dan and Keesha up to the HoH Room. Up they go.
The poor houseguests only got 6 hours of sleep after a long day of nominations and the power of veto competition.
Hi all
Well, I am thrilled for Dan, befuddled by Renny and looking forward to Jerry groveling and A&O butt kissing.
Last night there was a lot of discussion about how much is shown on the live feeds. This is what I have learned:
The production staff does not like excessive swearing. It makes the CBS edit too difficult. Last season the HGs were punished/rewarded for this infraction by withholding/supplying alcohol.
If there is a 20 second delay they must be saving it for physically assaulting a fellow HG. I saw no censorship on the live feeds or Showtime. No bleeps-no blurs.
If they were worried about censoring language they would have needed subtitles for the past 3 seasons. If worried about nudity, they would have had to pre-empt the whole lap dance/pool party/orgy last season. (Actually they would have had to pre-empt a couple of the HGs)
The camera has access to the WHOLE house including the bathroom. Not just the community area, but also inside the actual stall. I understand that they would not want people going in there and removing mic.s to have personal strategy questions. However, I am left to ponder:
Is the BR camera always running? If not, is there always someone listening? If I were Jen & Ryan, I would be a little nervous because we all know what they did in the BR last year. And they weren't hiding under a blanket.
Good morning Carolyn~
Good morning to the rest the BB addicts.
I am sooooooooooooo glad Dan got POV. And now I am sad cuz you reminded me there are only 5 weeks left. (weaning to begin soon)
I fell asleep about 20 minutes before they came back to the feeds and woke up about eight minutes after. I let out a big yell, checked on Fay and went back to sleep with my laptop on my chest.
Can't wait to hear the crap that comes out of April and Ollie today. Oh, yes I can.
Good Day, Everyone!!!!
I spend one day helping out my brother, and return to find out food comp, nom's, AND PoV have all been played out already. Do I have good timing, or what??
Soooo, happy happy happy Dan won the PoV. Guess his days of throwing competitions are over. I wondered if he would continue that all season, or if not, just how long.
And he wants to talk to Jerry? I am sooo curious what Jerry must be thinking and feeling concerning the irony of the turn of events, or if he even gets the irony of it. Probably not.
Did I read the post correctly? Ollie wants to make a deal with Keesha but not promise to not put her up? Um, Ollie, in order to come to the table with a deal, you have to bring something to it. I'm starting to think that he really isn't playing this game by keeping quiet and flying under the radar, but only because he doesn't know HOW to play the game.
I'm wondering if BB chose to hold PoV a little early this week because they are planning a luxury comp. Like a movie for only half the HG's, since there are only 8 of them left.
Okay, enough speculating and guessing, I've taken up enough space in this comment.
Have a good Day!
When you were doing the song dedication, I kept thinking of one that really fit for Renny, but I don't know the name of it. It's from South Pacific and one of the lines goes:
"Speakin' of my sweetie-pie, only 60 inches high, every inch is packed with dynomite."
My fav part of the day, wakey wakey time to start frying your hair and eggs for breakfast. Yum!
I completely slept thru last nights PoV, but was given the pleasant surprise that Dan won this morning. Yeah!
I can see it now.
Jerry: "Dan! Buddy, you know I was just kidding when I called you Judas right? I mean, it's only a game, don't take it personally."
Dan: "Get lost, don't take it personally."
Morning all! Welcome home again Dish chicks!
Okay so happy Dan won, really just happy that Ollie and April didn't win. I think Dan will be smart, make people feel like he "might" use it but what is best for his group.
Looking forward to a stressed out April...should be some great feeds!
Happy Saturday everyone!
Morning Carolyn and all
Last night tiring as could be other than the Feast night.
And damn, I fell asleep and lost out on Angie's eBay. I had the winning bid up till the last hour and I knew how eBay works, but tiredness got the better of me. I had emailed her about receiving the suit in person since we live close, and she said it was possible. I had planned on giving it back to her if she agreed to not resell it. Someone had also mentioned that possibility about the hat. Oh well.
Anyway, does anyone else think Renny is becoming a different person this week? It seems the air in the HOH room does that to people. She seems to be more indifferent, IMO, towards people, ideas, etc.
Even her and Keesha seem to have a different relationship. I realize they dont want to appear as a team, but still.
"Hadda be a bannah."
Oh, yeesh.
I was glad to see Memphis being a little more open about his feelings last night. Only wish it hadn't taken the fear of eviction to get him to open up.
He was spot on about his opinion of Ollie's behavior and the way he feels is completely justified. Memphis and Dan never excluded Ollie. They used to hang out in the yard and have a good time. Then Ollie started giving them the cold shoulder.
Like I said last night-April put him on a leash. It's still no excuse. While I am well aware that a chained dog tends to be more cautious than a dog that can run free, even a chained dog wags it's tail once in a while.
grendon - you are funny.
Here are some other tidbits I have picked up.
There is to be no swearing on live TV. They got in trouble last season because James said f*ck on the live show. They tried to curtail the swearing during BBAD (I think as practice) and they did use alcohol as a bribe (I mean, that's all they really care about, right). On the feeds swearing in AOK.
There is a slight delay from the feeds to BBAD. If you watch them simultaneously you will see it. It's both to catch anything too risque and also because the don't have four screens on BBAD, so they have to cut in to the interesting bits. Cutting to another room is how they censor on BBAD, well on the feeds too. By law though, all live TV has a 6 second delay in the US.
The camera does have access to the shower and toilet stalls. No idea how they monitor them. We only get to see into them on special occasions. Last season (or rhe season before?) someone had a crying fit in the toilet stall and we got to watch. When Ryan and Jen did it in the toilet stall we got to hear it all but not see it.
Pathetic that I know all this, huh?
They all wear so much freaking makeup, don't they? You think they wear it like that in the real world or heavier for filming?
Jerry is talking about a nail bed from the POV comp. He said, "I was looking at the density."
That's the same thought I've had every time JA&O start talking.
'Density' personified in that group.
Thank you.
Don't feel bad about knowing so much. I have actually started to fear for my mental health because if the brain has a limited amount of 'memory' space, mine is being filled with BB trivia.
I am constantly yelling at the HGs for getting stuff wrong. (Yes, Michelle-there was more than one time that HGs were handcuffed together)
The crying fit in the bathroom-BB9 Sharon because she knew by throwing the comp she had caused Josh to face eviction.
Ryan & Jen-I could probably quote the audio from their BR rendezvous. But we don't really want to relive that.
Good info, but the only thing I'd add (sorry, I tend to nitpick at times) is that the 6 second delay is an FCC regulation, and they don't have jurisdiction over cable networks. So the CBS live show requires the delay, but I'm guessing Showtime includes it for the reasons you mentioned, although they're not required to by law.
grendon - lol. Please, quote away.
Just curious to know if Keesha has been sleeping with Renny since she's in the HOH room. Does anyone know? I haven't been around much since the HOH comp.
The name of the song from South Pacific is called "Honey Bun".
i hope APRIL doesnt leave
talk to DAN!!!!
NO, tell me it isn't so! April is so beautiful (just ask her), she doesn't need botox. OK, may in her tongue. I think they have already botoxed her brain.
Im so happy Dan won POV !!! I just love Renny too ...Go RENNY Go!!!!
Hey all! I hope that you will all take a moment to go over to: to sign the petition. (After you sign it takes you to a "contribution page" but you can just ignore that.
Well it looks like this whole day may be going to hell in a handbasket.
Now Keesha is back on the, "I really like April" bandwagon.
How am I going to enjoy butt kissing and groveling if everyone is being nice? Does the 'bad' team always need to win in order for me to get some drama?
Break out the wine. We all know how well the last drunken session of really liking each other went. If it meant another all nighter, well...I'd do that for a dollar.
Oh yes please, April go get all the botox you can possibly get and then some. Ok, I'm mean and I know it.
Still... she screams plastic.
Gotta appease the kiddo and make a McD run, he wants a happy meal and I want peace. LOL
lol - You are always so full of . . . . . . info! Look forward to your comments.
Re: Makeup was funny too. And Michelle spends 20 minutes straightening her hair and now she is curling it! I have hair as curly as hers, but it's useless to straighten here in FL without a ton of product. And I have never seen so many girls with long hair use so much hairspray. Then there's April who spends all this time blow drying, curling etc. and then puts it in a ponytail. Guess I missed the purpose of ponytail. I use them mostly for bad hair days!
And in your professional opinion, don't you think watching BB (feeds especially) is somewhat therapeutic? And so is this blog! Ha ha!
Hey gang,
I do believe that Renny is just a little off plumb..
She isn't as smart as I thought she was..I don't think that it's a act.
I like her, but brains she doesn't have.. lol lol
I didn't even realize Dan was still in HOH. He's playing it smart - just being quiet & listening.
OMG someone grab the pretzels from Keesha...
I can't stand to hear her chew.
Dang, now Rennie has them...
Worse yet!
Good afternoon/ morning.
I really hope they do not keep April.
Sorry I forgot to say that comment was for Jane.
One thing that I love about BBDish is reading the comments, especially from the "regulars", and you are at the top of that list! I would list others, but know I would forget someone AND take up way to much space.
Hey Everyone :)
New Top Post!
go go dan go go dan evect april that brat she wont win this game woohooo
***blushing and grinning***
Thank you Thank you!!!
Is it just me?? Everytime I log on to the live feeds I need to stop and put my wet suit and goggles on, because of those damn fish! I end up here more than the feeds. Im gettin' waterlogged....
Thanks Marci. Humm, therapeutic/addiction. Six of half dozen of the other?
Thanks for the clarification Brother M. Yes it's a federal regulation/administrative law. The distinction is too much for my brain first thing in the morning. I suspect you are right about cable, makes sense. I really don't know that much about it. Just bits of info picked up along the way.
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