C=Venus Strikes Again
All the info is available on her site!
Go over there and have a look at the chops, full sized! This one of all the HGs below really touched a chord... I think it's perfect. You may prefer the chop of Natalie as Satan, though... ;) That's on her site. Just click the pic to get there.
I seriously hope something interesting happens today in the BB house.... it's been a bit too quiet since the money grab and the Veto.
Does anyone think that the key Jeff found has something to do with the veto? I read somewhere that Julie said that the mystery door was game changing and then they didn't show it Sunday night like they were suppose to so I was just curious if anyone is on that page with me.
This about sums up poor Michele's experience of late. If I can't have Jeff win, and Jordan doesn't look too promising, I'm hoping Michele takes out Nat and wins it all. Or if somehow Jordan steps it up and goes to F2, I hope she wins and Jeff wins the popular vote. I'd love to see the look on that bitter jury's collective face to see J & J win it all!
this chop is sad but true....
Carolyn, I love this customizable key that C=Venus made. I'd like to order one but I can't seem to find where to order it on her site. Any information you have on where to order one would be appriciated.
C=Venus - those chops are great! Yup, the one as Natalie as Satan pretty much fits the profile.
I love the ones of Kevin with the arms in his shirt "Kevin's shield".
I haven't seen many mention that habit he has & I've always thought it was pretty funny.
Thanks for sharing. Great work!
Julie said that what was behind the door could impact everyone not that it was game changing.
So I don't think it is anything more than the money they collected. They may be told that they can use the money to buy a vote or bribe the HOH but I don't think it will be anymore than that. But I have been wrong before so who knows.
And as I have said before if it is just the money grab it is the worst "twist" in BB history.
C=Venus is the craftiest, BESTEST! ♥
I know... "bestest" isn't really a word, however, she deserves a special word just for HER.
Awesome chops! Love 'em! Please keep 'em coming...
According to the caption running across the screen on BBAD last night there is still a "surprise twist" to come on Tuesday night. I'm still wondering if they might offer all of the money collected in the money grab to any houseguest who'd volunterily leave. Of course, only Jordon would do that, maybe giving Jeff the ability to stay in the game.
CVenus just emailed this to me...
She tried posting but had some blogger issues, so I'm posting for her:
From C=Venus
Hey Carolyn!! Big ol' (((hugz))) to you!
And Hello to all you Dishers, too. Isn't this season something else? Wow. Things change minute to minute in that house for realz, lol. Definitely not boring, that's for sure.
Wendy2 - I agree - that Michele chop is too, too sad but I just hadta do it.
Alexandra, thank you for your interest in my HOH key. I can help you with ordering info if you write me at info@bbchops.com.
Thank you so much MsFitz and SimplySam for your awesome compliments, and Sam, I love your special word "bestest". Lol, you're a sweetie - thx! :))
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