The HGs Have Opened Pandora's Box
2:40pm BBT
The feeds just came back a couple minutes ago, and it sounds like the HGs just had a money grab luxury comp.
Natalie: He said that whatever amount you got, you get a check for that amount at the end.
Jeff: Dude, I was so greedy. I was stuffing it as fast as I could.
Jordan thought there was a catch, so she didn't grab very much... She grabbed about 6 100 dollar bills.
Kevin: They were like, before you go in, the choice you make is final... so I stuck my hand in there, and somebody grabed my hand...
Jordan: Did you scream?
Kevin: I screamed like a little b-tch, then they locked me up.
Natalie tried to fool Jeff during the comp, misdirecting him and following him everywhere... Ultimately, he blew her off and went up to HoH to read the clue and save Kevin.
They're all wondering how much they collected, and how much they'll be getting to keep.
Kevin: They're gonna announce it to us though...
Jeff: And what do I get for getting that key?
Kevin: That's right. You might get something. See, we all got something now.
Jeff: Then, Natalie's all, look at the money, there's clues... NOT. Then she's like, don't fo upstairs. It's locked. NOT. She was bein' greedy.
Kevin: I was up there, bent over and handcuffed, and there was this message, You must find a key to release the money...
Everyone's excited... Natalie returns, and Jeff calls her a snake. She says they did give her info.
They keep referring to Pandora's Box... They had to unlock it to release the $$. Kevin thinks there may be another component to this whole thing... something negative, due to the name, Pandora's Box... Because once you release it, it can't go back in...
Jeff: What'd they say? Between greed... I found the f'ing key! What is it? Everyone knows what's up?
Kevin: I do think though, since we unlocked pandora's box, something's gonna happen. Big Brother, please don't screw us.
Jordan: Look! It's closing back down...
Natalie: Oh!! So we're gonna get the money, but something's gonna happen to us...
Jordan: I bet we're gonna go out there, and we're gonna have to eat bugs or something...
Jeff: Because we chose greed.
Natalie: I don't care, Jeff. No matter what happens, I'd prefer to have the money.
Kevin: Let's just enjoy it.
Natalie: Jeff unlocked you. He deserves to have the wrath.
Jordan: Why would we be locked down again? I think there's more.
Kevin tells them about the secret room up in HoH... It was gold... tons of mirrors...
3:03pm BBT
Jeff: Why did you tell me, you can't go up there?
Lots of suspicion from Jeff towards Natalie... And excitement from the other HGs regarding the new lockdown... and potential consequences...
3:07pm BBT
Natalie: Jeff, I swear on our friendship...
The HGs are certain this is not the end of this twist...
Jeff: (to Natalie) You told me the door was locked, and it wasn't, so how am I supposed to believe anything else you say?
Jeff: (to Natalie) You told me the door was locked, and it wasn't, so how am I supposed to believe anything else you say?
Natalie: I saw a production guy, Jeff, locking the room.
Jeff: No, because you made it shady.. because you were like, let's split it...
Kevin: That was a fun one. That was way better than those chambers of money... It was raining money.
More excited chatter about the raining money...
Kevin: They said I could take a prize, or I could make a prize available to the whole house.
Natalie: I don't think there was any way that was 10,000 dollars.
Kevin: It has to be... America knows how much was there. (no, we don't.)
3:16pm BBT
BB: Kevin, please go to the Diary Room.
Jordan: Ahhh!! There's more!!!
Natalie: No, they're just calling him in.
Jordan: No, then they would've called us in too. Do you know something?
Natalie: No...
Jeff's accusing Michele and Natalie of knowing more than they're letting on... Pandora's Box cannot be closed. ;)
3:19pm BBT
Jordan: They wouldn't lock us back down unless there was something else going on.
3:21pm BBT
The backyard opens back up, and all the HGs scoot outside to check it out...
They don't notice anything at first, but paranoia is at an all time high... and Kevin's still in the DR. More surprises may await them. Natalie goes back inside.
3:23pm BBT
Jeff, Jordan, Michele
Jeff: That was awesome.
Jordan: It was... I never thought I would get a chance to do something like that. That was cool.
Jeff: See, I knew something good was happening today... Hook up with the positive train.
Michele: They said, this was not a luxury competition. Do not call it a competition. That's what they said.
Jordan: See!! So there has to be more!
Jeff: Do you know something?
Michele: I know nothing!
Jordan: There has to be more... otherwise they'd be callin' this a luxury competition. Kevin's bein' weird. I feel it.
Jeff: Maybe he's putting us on the block.
Michele: 2 of us are going up.
Jordan: You looked like a little kid playing in a sandbox... I just kept thinking, what if the person with the most $$ wins a trip?
Jordan goes inside.
Michele: They were funny. They were like, you jumped in the pool for like $10. There was a lot more in the jacuzzi.
Jeff: Yeah, there were those fake hundos in there..
Jordan returns...
3:40pm BBT
BB: Jeff, please come to the Diary Room.
Jeff gets up from the double chaise. Kevin steps outside...
Kevin: I have an announcement, house guests, please gather around.
He's smirking, so they tell him to shut up. Kevin heads up to the HoH room.
4pm BBT - It's all about the Noms Now!!! New Top Post coming very soon. Please refresh. Preview - Kevin's telling Jeff the new plan. Jeff is trying to talk him out of it... Not happenin'.
I absolutely CANNOT wait to see this on Sunday!
LOL Natalie swearing to Jeff on their friendship had me rolling on the floor laughing my a$$ of as well!
And BB shows how greedy people really are.
I wonder what will happen now cause nothing in that house comes without a consequence!
Natalie: Everyone always thinks i'm lying.
Hmmmm cause you are normally always lying could be why.
Looks like Natalie is trying to wriggle out one of her "bold lies" and Jeff isn't buying it. "How can I believe anything from you" - to paraphrase one of his comments even after Natalie did her whole "big lie" schtick.
Ok is it me or is anyone else grossed out that Natalie is eating strawberries and cool whip and double dipping the strawberry?
Sure shows their charcature.
did any1 see my post about the movie "treasure of the sierra madra's" greed paranoa...mistrust
this is actually one time where Natalie ought to admit she is lying and try to regain her credibility since the lie was somewhat benign - but i think its too late - she can't deviate from her script.
I love how excited Jeff and Jordan are....its making me smile...Jordan is so giddy!
Jeff is so paranoid. I hope this is not good for Jeff.
Michelle is so quiet.
I love this. I think Kevin knows more.
LOL, is Michele even in the room?
This is going to get interesting.
Hope lies at the bottom of pandora's box. After all the bad stuff happens of course.
I hope this helps Michele somehow.
Hi everyone
Looks like I got back just in time. Nice to see some fun going on.
Caught up a little on the morning, doesn't sound like much has changed. Be nice or tolerable to Michele to her face, bash her behind her back. She wins POV this week or no more Michele I'm afraid.
To bad Jeff can't be this perceptive of Nat on a normal basis.
Natalie saying why does everyone think I lie? Ahhh, cuz you do.
Swearing on her & Jeff's friendship...ROFLMAO!!!
She made me gag eating those strawberries & whipped cream. She can't stop talking long enough to chew her food & swallow it. She starts talking & whipped cream was all over her teeth!!
I am grossed out by the double dipping with the strawberries too Wendylady. I cannot find a single appealing thing about Natalie and find myself hoping SOMETHING happens where they figure her out and send her packing.
"I swear on my life........" Ugh.
I will be happy with anyone in there winning except her.
Holy Smokes that looks painful!
OMG, Michelle's knee looks horrible!
Patti - glad to know i'm not the only one who thought it was gross. My kid is 10 and doesn't do it so there is no excuse for Natalie to have such poor manners.
Good day all!
I think this 'Pandora's Box" might have been the surprise that would have been revealed had any of these lazy sods showed the initiative to ride the green room bikes for more then 30 seconds. lol
I think Kevin is gonna get something really good out of all this for not being the greedy one of the bunch and the rest of the greedsters are in for something not so lovely at all.
Oh yeah, Michele's knee? That's gonna leave a mark.
I'm at WORK. What's up with the knee????? DETAILS people. details, please!
Hmm sounds like a lot of money! Julie did say there were many more surprises right around the corner. There's gonna be something greedy to come from this, I am almost sure of that!
~ Ryan ~
Good Evening Everyone,
So, we finally know what was behind the door in the HOH. Whoever thought game show was kind of right. I just hope if anything bad does happen it especially happens to Natalie. She cannot speak without lying. I just can't imagine the webs she will spin if she gets to F2.
I too was totally grossed out as she sat there double dipping her strawberries in the whipped cream. EWWWWWWWW!!!! I just hope now that Jeff realizes what a fool he was trusting her. We shall see.
GaYToR - glad you are doing well after your surgery today. Love the new avatar.
I don't consider myself greedy & I don't know what the actual luxury was but I know if I saw money raining from the sky & was on a show that has been known to give fantastic prizes I'd be gathering as much $$ as I could too.
OMG, Kevin is trying to talk with Michelle and Natalie is doing everything she can to listen and stick her nose in!
I love Michele. She is one big accident waiting to happen. She was the best part of the Otev veto comp.
Nat is calling Mich out--who the heck is Nat to call anyone out. She isn't HOH and hasn't been. I am soooooooooooo sick of Nat. Kev asked Mich who she would get out if she were HOH and MIch said Jeff. Can ya blame the girl. Now Nat is calling her out.
Oh there goes the fun-loving post-Russell atmosphere. Natalie is laying into Michele over, Guu-ad, Chima.
hey, biggest laugh of last night's show was Jessie making fun of natalie's lie about Chima's "hand slipping" with the microphone.
Natalie self righteous attitude makes me literally sick to my stomach.
Excuse me, wasn't Kevin the HOH having this conversation with Michelle?
Natalie has to shut her mouth. She is taking control like she did with Jessie...Kevin put natalie up....
Please shut up Natalie...Please
Michele never said she wouldn't put them up. She is full of it again, still and always. Kevin should pay attention to this and get rid of Natalie because she is not good for his game.
Natalie is the biggest hypocrite ever. "All I have is my word."
She hates Michele for putting her and Chima up, and yet she is perfectly fine with breaking her word to Jeff about not putting him up.
I can't believe they're having this discussion in front of everyone. Can you say awwwkkkkwwwwaaaarrrrdddd!
Just featured on NBC nightly news. For those who care about New Orleans and its musicians.
Psssst. New chop at:
It's about Jeff being played. Seems like Natalie was trying to play him here. Thank the Graces, this time Jeff didn't fall for her shtick.
Will be keeping my one good eye on this little stunt -- could prove to ve "verrrry interesting."
Can't tell you how much this site means to those of us who don't have much in the way of spare funds to justify spending any of it on the live feeds. I'd love to, but just can't be so self-involved as to spend it when it can be used for more important things.
Thanx, again, Carolyn. Thanx, also, to you commenters who keep us abreast of what is going on with your up-to-date comments.
I LOVE this site.
Janea said...
Good day all!
I think this 'Pandora's Box" might have been the surprise that would have been revealed had any of these lazy sods showed the initiative to ride the green room bikes for more then 30 seconds. lol
I was thinking the same thing(about the bikes) not the secret door. Wondering what the secret was to those danged bikes... your suggestion sounds good to me.
Im lost as to what even happened?? Kevin was hand-cuffed in the secret room of gold walls and mirrors, Jeff saved him and fake money in the pool??
Man, I really cannot stand to even hear Jeff talk anymore. He's just so hypocritical and delusional and paranoid!! "Do as I say, not as I do" should be his motto. UGH his arrogance drives me nuts! Who does he think he is?? Why does he think he is allowed to tell Michele who she can and can't talk to? Also, him admitting that he knows Michele is loyal to them but he still wants to stab her in the back makes him my least favorite HG of this entire season. He's not a nice guy, folks! And he keeps saying "it's a game" but I can't wait to see how he'll react when he or Jordo are put up or back doored...
I'm going to cry if Michele goes home this week.
Hola Chicas & Chicos!!!
Gotta just state that Michele will get allllllllll my votes for Favorite...
I have so much respect for her and how she has survived all this crapola!!! Her biggest mistake was trusting Russel during his reign of Paranoia HOH...
I am hoping with everything that Kevin is as smart as I think he is!!
Michelle is always throwing people under the bus,but isn't that exactly what J/J did/are doing? boooo!
New Top Post coming shortly!! :) didn't keep your deal with Russell, either!!!!
Jeff and Jordan obviously don't see that they had three against two and maybe Kevin and Natalie want to be three against two.
I knew Jeff wouldn't be happy about going on the block. Hey it's just a game Jeff.
Stay strong Kevin. Jeff should soon be starting his threats..he is P.O.
Jeff is refusing outright to see the reasoning Kevin is saying. Kevin is right - if he doesn't put Jeff up with Michele he is giving all his power up.
Thick as pig poop.
Were about to see a Russell attitude in Jeff this week!
All Jeffs talk last week bout ...ITS A GAME....
Jeff.. remember... its a game!!!
Jeff's way or no way, here we go, Jeff wants control again.
We wouldn't laugh at you Kevin if you put up Natalie....we would like that!
I LOVE IT! Jeff is realizing that his deal last week w Kevin & Natalie makes him look like a bonehead.
Stay in that frame of mind, Jeff, realize that Michele is on your side now. HOUSE FLIP is eminent. Jeff & Jordan must realize that Michele was their friend, & she still wants to be.
The best way to assure it's either Jeff or Michele out is to put Jeff and Jordan up. If Jordan wins POV he takes Jeff off and Natalie goes up. I'm a bit confused about this.
Nevertheless I'm pleased he has the balls to put up Jeff at all.
He really should have quoted Jeff's "deal shmeal."
lol Kevins gonna hyperventelate lol!
Kevin is not cut out to be in power.
Putting Jeff up is such a stupid move. Before learning this, Jeff wasn't willing to save Michele with the veto (by taking Jordan off and putting Natalie up). Now why wouldn't Jeff send Kevin's ally home for breaking the deal? Not smart on N/K's part. There's a bigger chance for J/J/M to stay intact this week now.
Kevin must do what Natalie says, cause God forbid she go on the block.
Oh Kevin. You are smarter than her. There is a reason you are second guessing yourself.
What is to be expected of Jeff? He held up his end of the deal to Kevin. Of course he is going to be po'd. He didn't threaten him, he didn't go off on him, he didn't pull a Russell. He is not happy but he accepted & walked out of the room.
thats all I can say,
Not like we didnt see it coming though.
LOL @ Jeff's word being good. Who is he kidding??? I trust Nat's word over his!
How can Kevin be alliened with such a lil b*tch
ick ick ick ick
Michele just tell Kevin if he saves you, you will save him from the block next week. If it's four then Jordan and Natalie are the only ones left to go on the block. Don't over think this thing.
i know this doesn't have much to do with the game, but RIP DJ AM :( sad how he survived a plane crash...but not himself
Why is Jeff snapping at Jordan??
She didnt put him up??
That girl puts up with so much with him in the last 2 weeks.
J/J are STILL refusing to see the obvious, this plan is all Natalie's! It's in place to save her! Why can't they see that? They are still talking about bringing her to F3. I just can't figure out why they are missing this......
Natalie just said if we get rid of Michele they, Jeff and Jordan, are on our side. She doesn't count very well does she?
Round 2 of Pandora's Box?
Sorry for the delay!!
They wouldn't stop talking!!
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