Endurance Comp Coverage!!
Stick with us here on BBDish for full coverage and commentary throughout the Comp! If you haven't gotten the feeds yet this season, now's an excellent time!!!
Here's the free trial link.
This Endurance Comp is called "The S'more the Merrier," and as Julie said, if the HGs spill not a single drop of liquid crossing that slippery lane, they'll have to travel 4 miles to fill it up!
As soon as the feeds come back, the Endurance Comp Coverage will begin within this post!!!!!
6:09pm BBT
Feeds are back!!!
At the moment, Kevin's in the lead, but they've got a long way to go!
Jeff: Kev, you're killin' it bro!
Jeff's encouraging everyone from the sidelines...
Natalie: I don't know how you guys are running on this thing...
Jordan: I know!
Natalie: I'm barely walking and I'm falling.
Jordan wipes out.
Natalie: It's alright, Jordo. That was nothing compared to mine.
Jordan: Are we allowed to take our shoes off?
Jeff: No, you gotta leave your shoes on. That's what makes it slippery...
Natalie: Good job, Kevin. You're gonna see your boy.
Kevin: You're gonna make me cry.
Jordan: Good job, Michele.
Michele: Thank you. Good Job, Jordan, kevin and Natalie...
It begins raining chocolate...
Natalie: Thanks guys.. Just what I need. As if my sh-t isn't slippery enough. Where did my cup go?
Jeff: Smells good.
Jordan: It tastes like Hersheys.
Jeff's having a good giggle from the sidelines...
6:19pm BBT - Kevin's still in the lead, with Michele close behind. Jordan and Natalie are bringing up the rear.
Jeff: Don't give up. Just think of it as a workout. Get focused.
Jordan: I'm focused.
Natalie: It's a workout with chocolate.
Jordan: Exactly.
6:20pm BBT - Kevin is bookin' it!
Jeff: What if one of those bugs flew by?
Natalie: I'd quit. How are you getting past the slippery, Kevin??
Kevin is literally running. Everyone else is gliding and slipping.
Jeff is super supportive of all of them from the sidelines. Natalie and Jordan joke that they'll probably get some "prize" for coming in last.
Michele's gaining ground...
6:25pm BBT
Jordan wipes out again.
Jeff: You alright?
Jordan: Yeah.. I'm Michele today.
Michele: I just don't wanna flash anyone today. That's my goal.
Jeff: Keep goin! Doin' good man.. Really good.
Natalie: Keep it goin, Kev. Michele's right behind you. Keep it goin.
This is a fun one!! Kevin retains the lead... and almost has his first wipe out as I type that, but regains his footing. Kevin is already past the half way point.
Natalie: Jordan, you're catchin up!
Jordan: Nuh uh.
Natalie: To 2nd place, you are.
Jeff: Keep chuggin.
Michele wipes out.
Natalie: Kevo, you're doing great! Keep it going! Not even falling, not even slipping. Like it's nothing. It's like you do this in your sleep!
Jeff: Take a drink of water, if you need a break, Jordo.
Jordan: No.
Watching Kevin and Michele closely, they start off from the vat at the same time, arrive at the same time, but Michele's precision at the end point may be the factor slowing her down. He's already half way back to the start point when she's just finishing her pour.
6:35pm BBT
Jordan: Oh, Michele, pull up your pants. Crack showin.
Michele: So much for that goal.
Jeff: Keep pluggin' away Jordo.
Jordan: There's no way I can catch up with Kevin now.
Natalie: I start with a full cup, and by the time I get here, it's a half a cup.
Jeff: Good job, Jordo. You're doin' good. Everybody's doin' good. Keep goin.
6:40pm - Michele is definitely picking up the pace. She'll need to keep that up... Kevin's making mince meat of this comp.
6:41pm BBT - The chocolate rain begins to fall again... Natalie and Jordan are talking about lying down...
Jeff: Keep goin, Kev. You're doin' good man.
Jeff: You wanna have smores tonight?
Natalie: hahaha
Jordan: No!
Natalie: You thirsty, Jeff?
Jeff: No, I gotta pee!
The HGs have stopped talking for the moment.. They're all focused on the task at hand.
Natalie: Sh-t!! I lost my cup in there.
Kevin: Get it.
Natalie: I can't.
Kevin: Yes you can. Jump in there if you have to.
6:49pm BBT
Jordan eats it! She's in good spirits about it, though. Everyone checks in with her to make sure she's alright...
6:50pm BBT
6:49pm BBT
Jordan eats it! She's in good spirits about it, though. Everyone checks in with her to make sure she's alright...
6:50pm BBT
Jeff: You're doin' good! Everybody!
Jordan: I feel like I'm at a skating rink.
Natalie: omg, Kevin, I know why you're good at this now! This is what we were talking about.
Jordan: I didn't know you skate.
Jeff: He's running.
Natalie: This is the closest we're gonna get to skating.
***He's really more running than skating.. Both feet are coming off the ground, knees bent, with every move.
6:53pm BBT - Michele eats it again.
Jeff: Cmon guys. Don't quit. Keep goin'.
Natalie: Never quit.
Jeff: You don't know what last place has in store...
***Like what's in the mystery room now?
6:55pm BBT
Natalie: This is the home stretch, Kevin. You're so close to winning and getting to see your boyfriend.
***I believe you mean his husband.
6:57pm BBT - Natalie's efforts are, well, barely making a dent. She's taken a beating... and with Kevin so far in the lead, she's no longer making an effort.
Jordan's still trying, but bless her heart, there's little point.
Jeff's still voicing encouragement from the sidelines, but his face doesn't match his words...
7pm BBT
Kevin's just about there...
7:25pm BBT
Feeds are back!!! Kevin is wearing the HoH Key around his neck!
There's a new Sheriff in town... This game is about to change drastically!!!!
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It's MUCH more fun to watch!
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There's a new Sheriff in town... This game is about to change drastically!!!!
It's MUCH more fun to watch!
Click here for your Free Trial of the Big Brother Live Feeds!
Keeping fingers crossed michelle or jordan win. They need this win.
Real player wont load for me.
I bet there is to many people on....
I only hope Jordan wins if she doesnt turn on Michele. otherwise I would be VERY happy if Natalie wins & puts up Jeff immediately. She can work with Kevin to set up a tie, & she casts the deciding vote & sends Jeff to the Jury House (since I hope Michele wins the veto)
Does anyone have any clue what the twist to HoH is behind the door? I don't even have a decent guess.
carolyn, i'm so happy you are here! for future seasons, i'm going to just stick with your site. i tried the feeds again this year...from YOU'RE sight(thank you) :) but when it really counts, like tonight......they don't connect. i'm over it. instead of getting them from here, i'll just donate next year.
you do a stand up job here......even when you ignore my comments. :( i KNOW you see them.
it's only fair that people know the feeds DO have issues.
Instead of using chocolate from above, they should have said, "We know you like your Hot Chocolate and Smores, but Hot Chocolate is never complete without some whipped cream"! And then they should have started pouring foam on them from above!
I got caught by the new top post so I'll re-post, hope that's ok.
Hi everyone :)
this competition is almost exactly like the one in the past with the tea, right? i forget which season it was though.
So what is this new twist going to be?!?! I'm excited to find out!!!
Marci - where the hell are ya now lady? Don't make me magic jack your ass lol Whatcha thinking is behind that door??? Straight jackets is my guess :0)
Gooooo Michelle!
(altho it looked like her pants were falling all ready. I think they will fall off long before this competition is over)
Dang it I had the feeds running all though the show and only to get some error towards the end of the show and now my feeds arent going on. wondering if anyone is having problems too??
oh my.....i tried the link hree, and i get feeds???? is that what i've been doing wrong all along? am i supposed to connect from here? damn, i wish someone would have just answered me one of the times i had trouble!
Come on Jordan, Kevin or Michelle!! As long as Miss Natalie doesn't get it I'll be happy..... still waiting to watch the show here in Cali. But I'll keep checking here until we have a winner!
Well, Russell went out peacefully...I still don't think Jordan will forgivr him..or Jeff,maybe, we'll see. I was hoping for a more challenging endurance, it looked to me at the end of the show that Kevin was in the lead. Too bad Michelle is so un-coordinated...I am still hoping she will pull ahead as time goes by...Natalie looked like she was in last place and already huffing and puffing as the show ended. Thanks to you for doing such a great job on this site!!! You are great!! Amy
Good evening every one, especially you Carolyn and Genie; you've been lifesavers this week.
I haven't had a chance to get caught up on the last post, but I needed to go ahead and say this. A lot of the comments seemed to think the show was heavily weighted for Jeff and Jordan, but my friend (a tv only) started texting me as soon as the show started and she kept saying how awful Jeff and Jordan looked and how good Russell came off. So at least some of the tv only's didn't see it the same way.
I'm still a J/J fan, but maybe the show isn't as one sided as some feel?
The suspense is killing me...Go Michelle!!!!
I hope Jordan wins!
Have the computers crashed again? I can't get onto the live feeds again. If this is the case and I can;t see the endurance again, I'm calling and canceling my my membership.
anyone else have problems with their connection? I was watching the brb/fishies and then it said I didn't have a connection, I was on the internet with no problem watching the east coast feed rebooted just in case.
What's behind the secret door in HoH!?! I wanna know soooo badly! This will be a fun Endurance Comp to watch. Question is, what temptations will they give during the competition to make people stop??
~ Ryan ~
Sorry... I'm off the J & J train...Rooting for a Michele and Kevin final 2!!! Want Michele or Kevin to win tonight!
Kevin's in the lead!
~ Ryan ~
I do not want to see Jeff and Jordan in power again, I think they would get paranoid and put Michelle up and vote her out.
I am hoping Michelle pulls this through.
Wow, Kevin is way ahead....
Wow, Kevin has alot!
oh please Jordan or MIchelle. Joedan actually looks like she is doing pretty good.
I'm worried that Jordo's fear is gonna push her to a win. Except that 4+ miles has got to be a negative for her.
Is Nat really this bad or is she still throwing comps?
ok my feeds are back and Kevo is killing it! And I like Kev and all but I so want Jordo to win. :(
Ok someone had got to help me out here. Did Natalie not win metals for Taekwondo? Doesn't Taekwondo require good balance and grace? This poor girl is worse then the bull in the china shop.
Natalie is not even trying.
This looks good for Michele or Jordan. Come on Michele! Nat wishes she worked out now I'll bet.
Go Kevin! Go Kevin! It's (not) your birthday! You can DOOO EEEET! Then betray Jeff as fast as you can so that my favorite @neurodork Michele can earn Jorff's trust & be eligible for final 4 HOH.
liserly: I just said the same thing in the previous post- I can't remember what season it was either. The Alice in Wonderland one.
Hi everyone. Just got home but the feeds won't spark up for me. Frustrating!!! This is why i have them!
Go Michele or Jordan!
Err Jordan needs to step up her game. Kevin is winning. slfhsofh.
And i want to know whats behind the door. Do we find out Sunday? And do you think they will show it on the feeds??
The tea one was with Evil Dick can't remember the season though.
Hello Carolyn, hello everyone! I had to watch BB in my bedroom due to the unexpected company this evening (don't they know that when I tell them not to call on Sunday, Tues, and Thur nights because I'm watching my show that it means you can't come by either?? And be as loud as you want??). So, I was away from my computer and wasn't able to join in on the live show party :( They are all gone now so here I am :) Yay!
is it possible for someone to be eliminated from the comp? like, if they spill something?
Kevin is doing a good job, Michele and Jordan should pick it up..lol
Carolyn... what do you think the twist will be? Looks like Kevin is kicking it in this competition.
Anyone else not able to get back on the live feeds?
It looks like its gonna be a shootout between Kevin and Michelle. Jordan looked winded and so did natalie.
Michigan Man...i love your posts, and i ALSO love that you're grammatically correct! re: their, they're...that kind of thing turns me on, so GaYToR, my crush on you has moved on to Michigan Man..lol. no, really GaYTor its not you...its me....
Good evening Carolyn, Genie & all of you crazy BB Dishers!! What a wild nite!!
Is anyone else having trouble w/their feeds?? I don't think I'll get them again next season. Mine have been out more than on. What's the use in having them if they don't work half the time.
Glad Russell went out tonite like a gentleman. Was surprised how he hugged everyone. Not surprised that Natalie was a tad over confident. REally hope she goes this week!!
Rooting for Jordan & Michelle!
I want Micehlle to win, but would be happy for Kevin to get HOH. He deserves a letter and some pictures from his hubby
WOW...Kevin is really ahead!!! I'm a J/J/M fan and I hope Kevin wins and puts J/J up and Michele wins veto!! I like Jeff but he needs to go for trusting K/N!!! Karma is staring it's plan to get him!!!
If it was with evel dick it would be season 8. hmm so is this all it is or will they throw in another twist to the game?? one could only hope. i dont want kevin winning.
Too funny....Natalie lost her cup...Oh she found it....
Hey Gator! Wishing best for your tomorrow. We will be thinking about you.
Have a question. We will be in NO Labor Day thru that Thurs. Any chance of catching a show during the week?
Natalie is so throwing this comp!
I have to wonder when Natalie is gonna start freaking...... remember she doesn't like "wet" falling on her? My fingers are crossed that she doesn't win this one either!!!
Kevin is going to win no doubt in my mind. Jeff and Michelle Being put up....then Jeff to win the POV, and takes himself down, and Jordan going up, then Jordan is going home. :-(((
Natalie is completely useless. Good thing she is consistent.
Natalie isn't even trying!
Annoying, but good I guess. I'd rather have Kevin win than her anyway :-p
What do we think the HOH twist is?!!! The suspense is killin' me already!
They've given up filming Jordan & Natalie, just focusing on Kevin & Michele now, lol.
~ Ryan ~
Continuing from last post:
GaYToR - Actually, wig or not, I would hold the door open for you. It's the Southern Gent in me. As far as that other business on the restaurant floor, I'm gonna have to pass, respectfully of'course. ;)
Southern Sweetheart - Thank you so much. It really means a lot to me.
JulieB - I think Jeff meant "continue to keep it classy," in appreciation for his speech. I don't think it was a dig at him. But that's just my opinion.
Now, on to this comp. GO Michele! I think this one is for her. She's been running in that backyard for weeks now. I hope she pulls out a win and gets Natalie out of the house! And hopefully Jeff and Jordan will finally see that she is on their side.
Katherine: no, I am pretty sure there will be no eliminations due to spillage. There is going to be a lot of it! but they may be offered prizes to drop out.
It looks to me like Natalie is trying hard to not win this one. Drinking water, lost cup.
ok they keep going to trivia, and from what I seen looks like some of the ladies need to have a waredrobe fix cause Michi's but is hangin out
Maybe they will had more twists into this game, it can't be this easy for one person ya know?
Natalie has already given up so we know she won't be hoh. She's gonna let Kevin do the dirty work!!
Natalie has already given up so we know she won't be hoh. She's gonna let Kevin do the dirty work!!
I like Kevin, but he CANNOT win this competition! Michele and Jordan need to step it up...but maybe this is slow and steady wins the race? Maybe Kevin will get tired...and I loved how Natalie lost her cup...
OK, Kevin's got A LOT in his bowl. How long is this comp gonna go on for? How long was Season 8's version?
~ Ryan ~
Liserly and Lisa
The one where Zach won, I think it was 9, because 8 was the all stars one right?
Ya know i hate that whole bro/sista crap thing. I'm a Ms. or lady. And god help you if you ever call me ma'am cause i'll wanna beat you with my shoe.
Carolyn... what do you think the twist will be? Looks like Kevin is kicking it in this competition.
The grls are lagging compared to Kev, he's still at least twice as far as Mich, Jordo in third, Nat in last.
Taekwondo: "Physically, taekwondo develops strength, speed, balance, flexibility, and stamina." (Wikipedia)
Lolz, Natalie.
I definitely think Natalie is throwing this...she's not even trying.
Kev is in it to win it and it looks like he will.
Michelle does not look to far away from Kevin, fingers crossed.
Nat dropped her cup I bet she meant to do that.
Ok so I didn't get to comment on the last post so I just have to admit I almost cried at Russell's classy exit. I actually felt proud that he decided to leave on that note. Does that sound weird??
I don't care if it was fake or not. Its amazing that K/M/N are the "bad" people and they gave decent goodbye messages. Anyway thats just my opinion.
I can see where the inside lanes are going to be harder than the outside lanes on this.
Ohh, Kevin and Michelle are in a close race, do they go to brb screen if they need to stop the comp for wardrobe malfunctions
Nat seems out of the comp in last place...Mich and Jordo MAY have a chance but I'M thinking Kev has this in the bag.
nat is probably happy to let Kevin win, so he can do her dirty work!
Liserly...That tea competition was season 8, I believe, when the theme was Alice in Wonderland. The tea party!
Go Michele, it's Jordan's only hope because if Kevin win, they'll put up J/J and I have a bad feeling that Michele would vote to keep Jeff, Nat would vote Jeff out and Kevin will have to break the tie. Somehow, Jeff will convince him to vote out Jordan. Go Michele!
There's no doubt in my mind that Natalie is chillin because Kevin is in the lead. She wants to play next week, and she doesn't want Jeff's blood on her hands.
Too bad Jeff will win that POV tehehe
Jim H - Thanks for that - i was pretty sure it was suppose to help with balance.
Nat "I'll be your Jeff, Jordon" after Jordo comments they're in last place. All the while Jeff is complimenting Jordo...I love them!
This is my first endurance comp on the Feeds! It is just AWESOME!! I didn't know what I was missing ALL THESE YEARS!! Thanks Carolyn and Genie for all the encouragment to try it out! :)
to me this is a little letdown - Kevin and Michele seem to be the only ones trying. I mean this is a big HOH, no?
Nat really isn't good @ comps. Kevin has it in the bag. So who do you think he'll really put up?
This is the first time I see an endurance comp of this nature. The ones I've seen are usually people hangin' on to something for dear life!
Just an observation, but it looks like Michele is throwing this. She sets her cup down everytime before pouring it in. She is watch Kevin, so she knows she is loosing time.
J/J are going to be so rudely awoken when he nominates them both. Sad to see how the tide turns when you forget who has actually been there for you.
isnt this comp almost over?
Go Kevin! I had to bail on the Jeff and Jordan train because they fell for the LML. Kevin is really doing a great job with what he's got. I'd like to see him take out the king.
that little wiping moving Michele is doing is slowing her down
From the looks of it Kevin is gonna be the new AOH - now i get to wonder not only is behind the secret door/what kevins boyfriend looks like but also who will he put up :0)
Mich kinda catching up to Kev, but not really, Jordan and Nat totally out of it at this point...
I'm not sure that Nat is throwing it, I think we're giving her too much credit. She's just no good at competitions, lol
HAHA! Didn't get me this time Carolyn and Genie.
I had to install something and reboot. That gave me plenty of time to get back to see the new top post for myself.
Now let the games begin...
Nat cheering on Kev "Michele is right behind ya, keep it going" She's really not though...
Just because i like to cause sh*t and i question everything.
Anyone think all the ladies have the tinies hole in the bottom of their big bowl and this comp is rigged for Kevin cause he is the only one who hasn't won AOH?
remember that this comp is about stamina & endurance. I think Michele might be able to squeak it out if Kev gets tired.
Is it wrong to secretly hope that Kevin wins, nominates Michele/Jordan, wins veto and then replaces one of them with Jeff so that they can vote him out?
It would be poetic justice. I wonder how Jeff would react to knowing that he got played in the exact same way Russell was?
Michele is gaining on Kevin, Go Michele
I think Natalie wants to make it look like she is throwing it, or she realizes she has no hope, so she wants it to appear as she is throwing it, why would you throw a comp that is so important, if you can Guarantee your safety, I just thinks he is not good at comps, good thing she had Jessie in the beginning and she lies a lot.
Kev still running while the girls are walking...I'm betting on Kev for this one...Maybe Jeff did see it in the cards...
Thank you wendy2
I get inspired from time to time.
Syn - you could be right. But for one (Jeff) who continues to say play nice, it's a game, I don't think it was nice or really called for.
But I know too, it was the moment...
Not slamming anyone...just sayin'
AC/DC concert last night was a BLAST! Here's the review. It mentions griffin helicopters, my friend was in one of those!! He is going to Afghanistan in Oct. It absolutely poured! My FB buddies can see pics later on. ☺
Is it just me or does Michele look like she's catching up a lil bit?
~ Ryan ~
Nat now goading Jeff somewhat, but he admits and she admits he has a good pace...
LMAO, Nat just carried an empty cup to the pot, lol
OK seriously... Kevin wins and puts Natalie up for sandbagging!
Mich and Jordo catching up, maybe Kev should have paced himself...
How sad....Jeff is actually rooting for Kevin to win over Michelle...I have been a J/J fan all along, but I guess he has it coming...too bad.
Natalie is deliberately spilling her chocolate on Jordon’s track to make it more slippery.
So Natalie is throwing this because Kevin is in the lead. If he wins maybe he will cut her loose. Remember he is only with her because he has to be. They don't like each other very much. Plus he may decide enough of doing her dirty work.
Now to try to get RP up and running. It's not easy but I am. *winking at Syn and Mattitude (both at the same time)*
Before I get too silly, I want to thank everyone for the good wishes for tomorrow. I've also received a few emails and those are appreciated also. Very much.
That's what makes this place a real family. (I'm truly getting a bit misty here.) DishChicks brings us all together and we become friends, even if for some we only see each other every summer. But we know we are always there for each other.
Michelle is haveing a major malfunction oof the pants , Ewwww
Urgh---it looks like Kevin's got this one....that makes me a little sad....is it weird this show is giving me anxiety
Nat "It's like you do this in your sleep Kevin!"
It seems strange that Kevin isn't even slipping...think it's a BB rig?
I would have thought Nats akwardly angled feet would help her in this, I guess not.
Kevo's doing 2 to Michelle's 1 lap.
Okay Kevin has got this, I think it is out of Michelle's reach. He is going to be loyal to Natalie and then Natalie is going to stab him in the back before its over to go against Jordan or Michelle, because she knows Kevin would most likely beat her especially after he wins this and she has done nothing
WOWSERS!!!! Looks like Kevin is walking away with this one. This may not be a very long endurance at all.
And I have all of this pent up energy (Syn, will you hang with me? :-p~) ready to unleash. Who's going to stay up with me all night? Genie? Carolyn? You are both well rested. Let's go for Endurance Comment Publishing! HAHA!
On Season 8, isn't this the one where Eric got a phone call and gave it to Jess?
I don't have the feeds but I have this feeling that Kevin is going to win. Who do you think he'll put up? Jordan and Michelle? Or do you think he will go with Natalie's idea and put Jeff and Michelle up? Hmmm.
i'm so frustrated with michelle! My God Girl pour it in! just dump it. she is stopping when she gets there, taking a breath , pouring it in neatly, wiping it down. omg.
does anyone think michelle is doing that on purpose? please tell me she is? anyone?
if you don't think nat is throwing this you are crazy
Is anyone going to speculate on this Mystery Door power?
Does this random trivia drive anyone else insane? lol
Geez, Natalie is throwing this about as convincingly as James' "ultimate betrayal" in All-Stars.
Gaytor? I hate to break it to you but I think winking to two people at the same time is better know as blinking.
Also, don't cheat on me. I'll scratch Syn's eyes right out! ;)
GaYtor...what is tomorrow? I missed something here...
1- Is it me or has Nat seemed to have pretty much quit trying as Kevin has quite the lead?
2- How much longer can Kevin keep the pace up?
Michele's attempts to have precise pours are making her be slower in this comp. Kevin's just pouring and going. Natalie is well...Natalie and Jordan is trying her best...I guess, lol.
~ Ryan ~
Mattie, I really like your avatar. She looks the way I feel sometime. I just don't morph to it but in my mind I am that evil looking, and definitely act it.
MattitudeV1oh said...
Does anyone have any clue what the twist to HoH is behind the door? I don't even have a decent guess.
Let's go back behind the door and find out. While we are bac there I will show you a few special twists I do very well. :-D
Carolyn - You've got mail ;)
Hi Everyone!
I was very impressed with Russell not doing all that he said he would going out the door. He did show some class. And, he shook everyone's hand or hugged them.
Jessie is still a tool. But, got to say I do feel sorry for him having to be alone with Lydia all week. And, I was impressed with him saying if Jeff won he would have to hand him the $500,000 himself! They do seem to calm down a little once they get to the JH. Well, we all knew Lydia would be lovin' being alone w/ Jessie & wouldn't stay mad at him.
Natalie is not every trying in the comp. She knows she is safe again w/ Kevin winning. I want Michelle or Jordan to win so bad but it's look like it will be Kevin. Boooooo!!! I am very shocked Michelle isn't doing better. Although she is a self-proclaimed klutz she does have more stamina than either Kev, Jordan or Nat.
Kevin's past the half-way mark on his bowl so it's going to fill up faster now. Looks like he may win...
I am so curious to find out what Kev will do if he gets HOH. I really wonder who will go up! He may stick to Nat's plan since she is all about Kevin now.
I don't remember which year but they had a comp very similar to this a couple years ago..
Michelle is driving me nuts with the way she slows down when she reaches the big bowl. She rests the cup for a second them slllllooooooowly pours it in, then takes another second to wipe a couple drops in then as she's leaving she turns to inspect her work. Aaaaarrrrggghhh! Just dump that stuff in there girl!
OH well, kind of want Kevin to win at this point anyway....and are they calling his sweetie his 'boyf'? Never heard that term...it's cute!
So, is it short for boyfriend or is it a blended word from 'boy' and 'wife'?
Sorry, if that is a dumb question...I've just never heard the term before.
BTW, GaYToR and Mich Man, love you guys been reading ya'll forever it seems like!
Michelle's problem is that she wipes the top after each pour!
Wendylady...Nat hasn't won HOH, either. It just seems like she has, since she kinda ran Jessies!
I know Natalie is just trying to be supportive of Kevin especially since she knows he's her only saving grace but its almost to a point of heckling. Kevin is soooo focused! I love him! I can't wait to see what his hubby looks like.
OH me Oh my! Michele come on. Stop pouring so slowly. I think Kevin has it.
I would love to see Kevin and Michele in F2
Kev and Mich are doing the pour and scoop method.
I really don't want Kevin to win this one! Although a part of me wonders if he actually has the guts to put Jeff on the block???
I'm hoping Michele can pull this one off!!!
Michele is really irkin' me with the way she is pouring her drink! Guh!
Now I think Natalie is not trying cause she sees Kevin has it, but I think she was trying at the start.
Here's my official guess for what's behind the mystery HoH door:
I think it's a screening room where the HoH can pick any one houseguest and view their diary rooms.
I'm surprised that Natalie has basically stopped trying. If Kevin wins and puts up Michele and Jordan, then Jeff wins the veto and takes Jordon off, Natalie will have to go up. Jeff and Jordan could vote to evict her. Yes, I realize that is a lot of what ifs but the point is Natalie shouldn't feel 'so safe'
GaYToR, you are in my prayers!
I remember when they did this Season 8 that they threw out some temptation to them to quit...and i remember Mr. America...what was his name? Aaaarggghh, can't remember, America's Player...anyway, he took something (was it a phone call) and caught all kinds of flack for dropping out, but he was really behind anyway, kind of like Nat at this point...anyway, they already did phone call this season, so wonder if they will do something like that again?
Not bad...4 miles in an hour in the slippery mess!
KantroSAK said...
Sorry... I'm off the J & J train...Rooting for a Michele and Kevin final 2!!! Want Michele or Kevin to win tonight!
YaY! Someone on my side. *kiss* KantroSAK
Ry, you can come with Syn and Mattitude and me to find out what's behind that door. The more the merrier! Party in Syn's Pants!!
Mattitude, you can so have GaYToR! There won't be any fighting from me. In fact, how much would I have to pay you for taking him?
Jeff has stopped cheering everyone on , did he go pee?
Finally Kevin speaks!
One quick shout out, pleas post this C..I will be praying for ya tomorrow GaYToR.
Natalie is so throwing this thing. My cup fell in. Riiiiiight {eye roll}
This is the worst HOH to win. You are ineligible to compete in next week's HOH comp. The game strategy is flipped on its ear this week. only compensation is that you know you're in the final 4.
3 HGs will compete in next weeks HOH. I hope Michele is still in the house
Nat is doing a horrible job fakeing this comp !! I hope Kevin sees this and relizes that Nat is along for the free ride, come on
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Nat is too much....dropping her cup off the track, dropping her cup in the barrell....Give me a break...I so hope Kevin nominates her for being so obvious...
Jeff just asked if Jordan popped a boob LMAO!!!
Lee - i know but i like Kevin more and Natalie less so she didn't really get put in my equation :0)
Nat is throwing this comp, its obvious
Natalies bowl is exactly what Kevin has left to fill his up he should just grab her and pour it into his.
This is what it looks like to me - Natalie isn't trying, but I still don't think she could have won. Jordan is pooped. Kevin is just faster, and has almost proven that many times before. Michelle is trying, but, Kevin is faster then her.
Nat saw Kevin was ahead and stopped trying. She will let others do her dirty work right to the final 2
I think the only one throwing this is Nat. Michele is trying really hard not to lose any of the liquid --I think that's why she's being so careful to wipe all the stuff in.
Unless you are in serious danger of going, this is the HOH you don't wanna win cause you want to be able to play in the next HOH and guarantee you make it to final 3.
if Kevin win's hoh and puts up Michelle and Jordan it wouldn't be that bad, because if Jeff won the POV then he could take down jordan and vote out Nat.
HAHA! Jordan fell on her front. I won't break Rule #8 but 'Oh Boy Howie! Wowie!' I sure do want to.
Jeff is NOT looking happy with JorDOH's progress.
Methinks this is going to be a good week and Kevin and Natalie will follow through with their plans.
My perfect dream week won't happen but as long as the means justifies the ends, it's all good!
So I am wondering if Jeff is starting to get a lil nervous since his girls are not looking to win this one...???
I wonder if Michelle has OCD, her having to swipe it every time and placing her cup down. Not saying anything is wrong with that my DH has it, but she is is being very obsessive.
OMG is Natalie annoying!! I really am so aggravated with her tonight, if I was Kevin, I would be soo annoyed, here he is busting his butt and she is still TALKING!!!!
I feel bad for Jordan, she is going to be soo sore tomorrow and so up on the block!
Thanks Gaytor... My wife HATES J & J and has totally convinced me why they were wrong and Russell was right...
I loved his classy exit!!
Unless something real serious happens Kevin is the new HOH. Can't wait to see what he does.
This is not as exciting as I had hoped!!! :(
MattitudeV1oh said...
Also, don't cheat on me. I'll scratch Syn's eyes right out! ;)
Now 2 girls fighting is a cat fight so does that mean 2 men fighting is a dog fight? Gaytor i need clarification here!
TY Geenie, please don't post this lol
Kindly read rule #6. Thank you :)
boricua_de_ojosverdes said...
WOW...Kevin is really ahead!!! I'm a J/J/M fan and I hope Kevin wins and puts J/J up and Michele wins veto!! I like Jeff but he needs to go for trusting K/N!!! Karma is staring it's plan to get him!!!
Boriqua have I told you today that you are my favorite? You ARE! Great minds think alike.
Nat just sit down already, please, shes gonna hurt some one one of these times that cup flys out of her hand.
Everyone keeps talking about the J&J train and i have to admit i missed it at the station and decided to go for ice cream instead :P
I really think Kevin will nominate Michelle & Jordan. I don't think he will put Jeff up as a renom, unless Natalie really bullies him into doing it....we shall see...I just hope Michelle ends up being safe.
As much as I want Kevin to win I feel bad for Michele. Trying to hold on to the hope that Michele is not the target.
Carolyn you should just post Kevin as the new HOH
I'm thinking that Michele is throwing it, she wants to win HOH next week. Could that be it?
haha, love rule 8 :)
I am so wishing that last place has to Endure
Solitary confinement for 3 days!
So no persuasions to stop or take a break to the HG's from Production? Like no bribes? I'm very surprised
~ Ryan ~
I really don't wanna see Jeff or Jordan go home, I'm sorry but i am on the Jeff and Jordan train still..
omg. if somebody can get Natalie to SHUT UP i will pay you the big bucks. no joke. she's making me senile cheering Kevin on as she's literally doing nada in this competition.
i know it sounds like i am kidding but i will paypal you if necessary!!
Hi all...
When Natalie dropped her cup in the jug of hot chocolate, I think she wanted to leave it in there so she could quit. Kevin was the one who said, "Jump in if you have to, but get it out, keep going." Think he's a little annoyed with her for wanting to quit??
If Jeff gets evicted, I want live feeds to the jury house too, I am just saying.
ok i got a question, it looks like Kevins Marshmallow is to the side, is there a way for him to get it out, or is it going to be stuck???? THAT WOULD BE FUNNY
Great Job Genie !! I dont know how u girls do it on nights like this
yeah, i am convinced michelle is throwing this. she has got to know that they want jeff out and she can still win pov. i think i am ok seeing jeff go at this point. he has pissed me off too much with the michele trashing and plans to stab her b4 F3. his trusting of nat and kevin just blew my game respect for him. go michelle! kevin don't you dare get rid of mich.
Now is kevins time to tell michele that he really has her back, but privately! he has to seperate himself from nat when he does or nat will take the control and act like it is her idea to save michele. kevin needs to play for himself and smart!
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they just cut the feeds. saving result for Sunday methinks
Hi Everyone! :) Just poking my head in during the fishy break :)
Wendy you crack me up.
boricua_de_ojosverdes- loved your comment about Karma
Does it count as whining when I say I'm disappointed in CBS for not allowing us to witness Kevin's victory? They pulled the fishies out just when he was about to succeed!
They go to fish at the worst times this season. We're right at the end what the heck BB.
ltcmek said...
Hey Gator! Wishing best for your tomorrow. We will be thinking about you.
Have a question. We will be in NO Labor Day thru that Thurs. Any chance of catching a show during the week?
Thanks for the good wishes.
Oh I am excited. Do you mean Labor Day Weekend or are you arriving on Monday?
I know I have one show on Saturday the 5th and one other (at least) either Friday the 4th or Sunday the 6th. Monday is the 7th and no show that I know of but we do a bar crawl for those that survive the previous 4 days.
If I don't have a show, we must at least meet. MUST! And you can vouch for me that I don't ALWAYS wear a dress. You will see me in my usual uniform of t-shirt and shorts and sneakers.
I'm excited. Renee is coming this weekend with her hubby. I'm going to do my best to get out on Saturday night and go with them on a Ghost Tour that a friend of ours does. He's the DQT owner and is one of the best tour guides in the city with the Haunted History Tours. (there are several but his are the best. I've been on all of them. (I could actually do my own from all the knowledge I have picked up from the various tours.)
Email me... get the addy from my Blogger Profile. ;)
I hope Kevin gets upset with Nat for not trying in the HOH comp.
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