Wednesday Afternoon - Fight!!!
Good Afternoon, BB Lovers!! :) I hope you're having a wonderful Wednesday!!!
Scroll down for the Russell vs House Fight
12:25pm BBT
Around the house...
12:48pm BBT
Noon BBT
Jordan joined the land of the living a few minutes ago... She is now aware of the sleeping arrangements up in the HoH Room, and doesn't seem at all troubled... She's in the midst of doing laundry and fixing herself some lemon water at the moment. I suspect all of this is in preparation for getting to the arduous task of sunbathing.
12:10pm BBT
Around the house...
Jeff's up, humming to himself and doing his morning bathroom routine.
Jordan's out back, just getting into the pool.
Michele's freshly awake, chatting a little with Jeff.
12:16pm BBT
HoH Room
Jeff & Michele
Michele: I'm a little worried about Russell and Kevin... Cause as soon as everyone went to sleep last night, Russell was trying to get me to talk to Kevin about keeping him, and I don't want...
Jeff: Wait... Before you go any further, I can confirm it.. He was doing the same thing to me. When he was on the block a couple weeks ago, he was trying to set up me and Jessie the same way. Kevin's not voting for him.. But you can finish your story if you want.
Michele: Yeah... I stayed up til like 5 last night, just because I didn't want to go and be in that room with him while he was still awake.
Jeff: He did the same thing to me.
Michele: Yeah, he's like, Kevin's scared that you're gonna go to Jeff and tell him.
Jeff: It's bullsh-t.
Michele: I just wanna clear it up in case there's any doubt.. I'm not running around with Russell... I'm not voting to keep Russell...
Michele: OK.. I have a question. Do you trust Jordan 100%?
Jeff: Yeah.
Michele: If the time comes where we're both on the block, and you won the veto, who would you use it on?
Jeff: I don't know. Hopefully that situation does not arise.
Michele: Well, I know the answer then..
Jeff: No, you don't, because I didn't answer...
They walk downstairs to the kitchen...
Jeff: Ya want some coffee?
Michele: Yeah.
Russell's now up and doing cardio on the elliptical.
12:25pm BBT
Around the house...
- Jeff's fixing himself a bowl of cereal...
- Michele's getting into her bikini, ready for the day.
- Jordan's floating in the pool.
- Russell remains on the elliptical.
- Kevin & Natalie are currently off camera, but last seen sleeping.
12:40pm BBT
BB: Kevin, please come to the Diary Room.
Jeff: Soggy Honey Smacks.
Michele: Well, hehe, at least you were only eating. hehe. They always call me in when when I'm cooking or working out.
Jeff: It's so funny he pulled that trick with you... It' snot even a trick, because no one falls for it.
Michele: I'm like, I'll go talk to Kevin, and he'll go talk to Jeff, and I'm out the door next week.
Jeff: That's exactly how it would go for you. He don't care about the consequences for you. He's out the door. He already admitted he will do and say anything to stay another week... Now it's just like, dude, enough's enough.
Michele: And through his ingenious tactics, we'll all be trying to get you out of the house next week..
Jeff: Exactly.. He can't accept that he's been beaten. I'm f--ked anyway if I make it to the final 2... I took out the 2 biggest guys in the house, and they're both gonna be in there spinning it.
Jeff steps outside. Passes Russell in silence.
Russell: (Low, but quite audible) Pussy.
Jeff doesn't acknowledge it. He sits on the stoop with a smoke. Russell laughs...
*** The Storm is brewing again... I'd spark up the feeds, were I you!
12:48pm BBT
Russell: So how long have you been a f-ck up for?
Jeff: One more day.
Russell: Talk a big game.. never follow through? Do you always shake when you look at me? Just keep praying..
Jeff: I will, bro. I'll have a good time.
Russell: Been scared of me since day one.. I loved seeing you break right there.
Russell: Been scared of me since day one.. I loved seeing you break right there.
Jeff: I'm not broken.
Russell: Oh you were broke the minute we started. You just decided to make a big scene in front of people... Like you said, don't pull out a gun if you don't know how to use it.. F-ckin moron... F'in dumbass.. The only reason you got the power was because America felt sorry for you that I laid into your ass...
Jeff doesn't engage. Jordan does. Russell lets him have it even more...
Jeff: (softly) Jordan, go back inside.
Russell: Yeah, go back inside and get some cookie dough.
Jordan: You're just trying to do this because you want one of us to hit you, so one of us goes home instead if you...
Jordan gets in Russell's Face... Jeff calls her back.
Russell: I can't wait for one of them to send you to me as a birthday present. Big talker dude... You gonna come at me.
Jeff: I have 500,000 reasons not to.
It's escalating... Spark up the feeds!!!!
Jeff: Dude, you feel better about yourself yelling at a girl? This is the second one now?
Russell: You gonna let her keep fighting your battles?
12:58pm BBT - They're still going... now with a full audience on the couches...
Russell: At least Chima said it best, One thinks Gucci's a catch phrase, and the other thinks technotronics is a word.
Jeff: What's your deal man? Do you wanna have sex with me?
Russell: Is that your answer for everything?
Jeff: I'm just wondering why you're so obsessed..
They're going rapid fire here... You really need to spark em up.
Russell: The only one you're making laugh is the little fatty next to you.
Russell continues with the physical threats and baiting. Jordan steps in a few times... Jeff gets her out. Russell continues.. and Jeff gets back into it. If you're not watching it on the feeds right now, I realllly encourage you to check it out on flashback when you get home!
1:12pm BBT
Jeff: I'm gonna go inside, cause I am too close to hitting you.
Russell: Do it!! (crosses the yard) Do it!!
Jeff goes inside. Russell's testosterone is still peaking, so he goes after the rest of the house, telling them how stupid they all are...
1:16pm BBT
Jeff comes back out for a smoke, and quite possibly a show of pride, has a seat on the fridge, and Russell starts right back in on him, calling him a pussy again.
We cut to the BRB screen, but we can still see what's going on on the monitors... No physical contact, so far...
4:27pm BBT
Michele, Kevin, Jordan, Natalie
Cam 1
Michele: They have highly trained staff to deal with us.
Kevin: I was just upset when he said, I'm a producer, and you have to do this, and you were like, when a producer tells you to do something, you have to do it. Eh??
4:29pm BBT
Jordan: Oooh, I wanna hit him so bad.
Just Michele and Natalie now...
Natalie: I didn't think there was gonna be any more fighting... I guess I was wrong.
Michele: I knew it was coming. He knew he wasn't gonna get my vote after last night..
Natalie: Just because I don't say something doesn't mean I;m dumb. I don't need to say something. It's not my fight, ya know? He keeps sayin' he's gonna put you up next week.. Uhh.. he can't. He can't play for HoH.
Michele: I know.
Natalie: People always have plans. Just because you put someone up doesn't mean they're gonna go home. There's a plan behind it. I got some things to talk to you about too... You know I don't trust anyone in this house. Not Kevin, not nobody. I know what I'm doing.
Michele: You wouldn't be here if you didn't.
Natalie: True.
Michele: We've all approached this game in different ways..
Natalie: I'm 18. I'm young, but I ain't dumb.
1:35pm BBT
Kevin & Jordan
Cam 4
Kevin: Just don't do anything dumb, Jordan. Don't get in his face.
Jordan: I wish I could hit him. omg.. my friends at home are gonna wanna kill him when they see this.
Kevin: I know the things he's said about me..
Jordan: I haven't liked him for the longest time.. Even when Jeff had the mystery power, I was all on board getting him out.
Kevin: He thinks he's the most awesome person.
Jordan: Why? Cuz he can bench press? That don't mean nothin'.... Even if you go to the jury house, you can't hit him?
Kevin shakes his head no.
Jordan's revealing too much game plan again, telling Kevin that they were gonna keep him for numbers.
Kevin: He seems to think, though, that he has Michele's vote.
Jordan: omg, I'd lose it. And then he tries to make it seem like me n Jeff go upstairs and do stuff...
Kevin: Hold on. Here he comes.
Russell passes through with Natalie... THey head into the Pool Room.
Russell: Don't let her play on your emotions. She's so f'in dumb.
Natalie: I know. I'd do the same.
Russell: She's trying to get you to go off on me...
They leave... Russell goes back outside. Natalie stops at the kitchen counter to throw Michele under the bus to Jordan.
Jordan: I wish I could hit him.
Natalie: Are you crying?
Jordan: I was. When i bumped him, I thought, oh my God, I'm gonna lose my money, I have to stop.
Natalie: He's coming.
Russell comes back inside to the kitchen. Jordan averts her eyes. Natalie smirks in the other direction and announces she's going back outside. Kevin's there. Russell leaves the kitchen without a word and heads to the bathroom. Kevin makes small talk with Jordan...
1:45pm BBT
Cam 3
Russell returns to the kitchen.
Jordan says nothing.
Kevin has positioned himself as the buffer zone...
After preparing himself some food, Russell leaves... finally.
Kevin plays Big Brother... in a very good and calming way.
Kevin: Can you promise me soemthing, Jordan?
Jordan: Hm?
Kevin: You will not interact with him? 'Cause what would you do?
Jordan: Hit him.
Kevin: Have you ever lost your temper like that?
Jordan: Never. But back home, people aren't disrespectful like that. A guy would never talk to a woman like that.
Kevin: He has anger issues... and he has no respect for women. We should feel sorry for him, not angry at him... He has (an empty life), and this is how he makes himself feel better. He told me one time, "I love to break people."
Jordan: I think my sister will be proud that I stuck up for myself.
Kevin: Not only did you stick up for yourself, but you controlled yourself.
Jordan: It's just funny cause a few days ago, he wouldn't even go outside, because "Natalie was so annoying... and you... "
Kevin: This is what he does. Literally from week one. He screams and fights.
Jordan: I feel like I can't get my anger out.
Kevin; You should go into the DR too. Let it out.
Jordan: I'll do that later.
Kevin: How do you normally let out your anger?
Jordan: How do I? Did I look crazy out there?
Kevin: No. He probably was a little shocked.
Jordan: No, I never act like this at home. My mom's probably gonna be mad at me. She'll be happy I stood up for myself, but not that I yelled at him. But I didn't attack his physical appearance..
Kevin: And you're not going to, are you?
Jordan: No.
1:56pm BBT
Jordan: I don't know what I'm gonna do.. They're gonna lock us up in the room with him for an hour tomorrow.
They discuss classy exits versus this way...
***Hand cramp. If you missed the fight, it was a doozy! I strongly encourage you to get to it on flashback..
2:15pm BBT
Jeff's trying to calm himself down on the floatie... Check his face. He does not look calm yet. Not so calm a little lower, either.
Jordan's hurting.
Natalie's telling Russell that Michele's been alligned with Jordan and Jeff the whole time, and that Michele told them everything he ever said, to the point where they call Michele "the mole." Natalie tells him he can't say anything about that though, because she's still going to be in here, and he'd be screwing her. Interesting to note, during this conversation, Russell owns up to the fat that he "got got."
2:24pm BBT
Cam 3
Now alone in the kitchen, Russell's preparing some food.
Russell: This is a sick sick game. This is a sick fu--in game, man.
2:25pm BBT
Jeff & Jordan, Kevin & Natalie.
Cam 1
The blue floatie wasn't working. Jeff's moved on to the pink innertube.
Jeff: I can't wait for his sick f'in speech on live tv where he makes me look like and a--hole.
Jordan: You can say something...
Jeff: Either way, I look like a jerk... If I say something, or if I don't.
Natalie: (missed it)
Jeff: Motherf-cker doesn't have one single thought of his own...
Natalie: I didn't tell him sh-t.
Jeff: Him and his f'in security... Yeah, all the helicopters that fly over are the swat team...
Natalie; Everything will be all good tomorrow at about 5:30. We'll all be back to peace.
Jeff: The thing is, I didn't do f'in anything. I played the game.
Natalie: We know, Jeff. And America knows that. Everyone knows. I was getting mad when he was trying to compare himself to Chima... like they'r ethe 2 articulate people.
Jeff: And if I'm so stupid, what does that make you? Cuz I got you. And he does have a f'in hard on for me, cause the only person I ever told i was a model was Braden.. (huh)
Kevin: He kept messing up the order of the numbers... (laughing)
Natalie: He has 2 cards I was playing right now... One's the family... So, if you had a problem with that, why did you keep on being my friend?
Jeff: And he knew that was a joke, and I even apologized..
Jordan speaks up.
Natalie: It's one thing to talk to a man like that, but when you speak to a woman like that?
Jordan: I'm sure my dad's ready to ring his neck.
Natalie: He's talking to a female like this, but 2 weeks ago, he was all about his rosary??
Jordan: I wish he'd never found it. I wish Chima'd taken it with her.
This is ongoing... Natalie tells them he went off on her last night, for not playing chess.
Jeff: Just so you know, he started this one completely. I walked out and he called me a pussy. I ignored it. Then he started up with...
Still going... Kevin thinks this was round one for the day, and Russell will be coming back for more.
BB: Jeff, please go to the Diary Room.
Jeff gets out of the pool and towels off... He heads inside and Russell makes another comment as Jeff passes him en route to the DR.
2:55pm BBT
Russell comes outside, interrupting everyone talking about what a jerk he is by his presence. He jumps in the pool, and when he surfaces, he sees the back ends of Natalie, Kevin and Jordan, as they all walk toward the sliding glass doors. He giggles.
2 minutes later, Russell gets out of the pool and assumes the crucified pose. Shame BB has no crane available for the shot.
3:12pm BBT
Jordan, Natalie, Kevin
Natalie and Kevin are doing their best to stir the pot and trash Michele some more.
Natalie: We have to team up tomorrow to get her out of the HoH comp. Dr. Psycho Sleeper's got to go.
Natalie and Kevin promise Jordan that if either of them win HoH, Michele will go up. Michele enters the kitchen, and they resume Russell bashing, without missing a beat.
3:24pm BBT
Russell's gone a wee bit manic. Have a look.
3:24pm BBT
Russell's gone a wee bit manic. Have a look.
Manic, or resting up for round 2?
Haves Room
Natalie and Kevin
Natalie and Kevin are into turbo whisper mode. Natalie fills Kevin in on her discussion with Russell. Kevin cautions Natalie not to tell Russell anything. They both reiterate that they need to win HOH.
Natalie: If Michele wins, one of us is going home.
Kevin: I think that's the end of Hurricane Russell. He's a tropical depression now.
Natalie is riled that Jeff told her earlier indirectly not to talk to Russell.
Natalie: It's a jury vote! Don't you think it would be funny if they got into a fight? Then we could tell Jordan what to do.
They move on to do some Comp Training.
Jordan & Michele
They are talking about Russell. Michele is tell Jordan how ridiculous it was for Russell to think she would have an F2 with him after all the things he said/did to her. Jordan is still very riled up about him.
Jordan and Michele have moved to the bathroom
Jordan: I can't stand him.
Michele: Oh I know how you feel about him. I feel the same way.
3:45 PM BBT
HOH Pic Time!
Natalie: It's a jury vote! Don't you think it would be funny if they got into a fight? Then we could tell Jordan what to do.
They move on to do some Comp Training.
Jordan & Michele
They are talking about Russell. Michele is tell Jordan how ridiculous it was for Russell to think she would have an F2 with him after all the things he said/did to her. Jordan is still very riled up about him.
Jordan and Michele have moved to the bathroom
Jordan: I can't stand him.
Michele: Oh I know how you feel about him. I feel the same way.
3:45 PM BBT
HOH Pic Time!
Jordan is called to DR. Picture taking is on hold. Jeff is showing them card tricks. Russell has come into the house a couple of times. No one offered to take his picture.
4:36 PM BBT
They are talking about a possible lockdown soon because it might be Endurance! (**Om!)
Natalie: I guess since we only have 3o minutes, we should chill out here.
(**Whoop! Sounding like Endurance folks! YAY!!!)
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Afternoon All...
I know the chances of Russell staying are a huge long shot and not very likely, but...
Im kinda hoping Michele and Kevin dont talk, Kevin decides to go through with his and nats plans to vote to keep Russell so Michele gets blamed for it... and Michele votes to keep Russell thinking she and Kevin are on the same page(Russell's version). Then Kevin cant blame his vote of Michele but will have to take the heat for his own vote from J/J. lol
Afternoon all
Going to take a chance and watch the live feeds today. Hopefully less Michele bashing. Yesterday's flashback trip down memory lane was very informative though.
Wow ... Michele just threw that question out there huh?
So Russel is planning this epic speech for Thursday "to call Jeff out" on what exactly.
I'm assuming it will go much like the first fight where he says in an angry voice technotronics many times, ladies and gentlemen technotronics, so on and so forth. Without the profanity.
go michele! i am so glad she spoke up to jeff when she did!
Hey Sunny -
I said the same thing early this morning!! It would be nice, especially since Michelle has to break away from JJ sometime, which she realizes now.
That's an interesting conversation between Jeff and Michele. Does she have doubts about F3? I guess she should. Does that put more doubt in his head? Probably and will he insult her for it. Does it matter since neither are on the block?
This works really well for Michele now I think. She came to Jeff first before Kevin.
Well I am glad Michele asked that question and now she knows, she is right behind Russell in leaving. Maybe now she will vote for Russell to stay, and flip the house again. She should have no loyalty to Jeff and Jordon anymore.
Uh oh, smackdown alert!
Here we go. Russel's starting it.
Bring on the Smack Down!
michigan man - i love your recount of russell's first fight with jeff. you just about summed it up word for word. and even more enticing to me than his eloquent arguments?.....the reason the fight started in the first place!- oh - wait - no one really knows that either. except russell of course.
sunny - good call on the possibility of kevin being held accountable - i love him and enjoy watching him but he hasn't paid many dues for anything as far as i'm concerned. his "big lie" was the only move i've seen him pull and it didn't even turn out to be a lie! ;-) i loved that.
Oh boy here we go!! It always gets good right before I have to go to work
Ok I'm done with Russell!!
Sunny, I was thinking the same thing, how funny would it be if their little scheme backfired on them and Nat went home...
Just gives expect the unexpected a whole new meaning.
Jordan take your own advice. Shut Up.
Russell is out the door!!
Let's get it on... whoaaaa... ohhh.. leeeet's get it on...... oh wait wrong tune... LOL
Holy SH*T STORM!!!
Russel wants to be like Chima and get his a$$ booted!!
Jordan is gone if she keeps on!!
OOOOh he just kinda shouted Natalie out.
WOW Russell, that is all i really have to say..he is really taking this to a bad level
Oh do I love Jeff
Russell is really a sore sport!
That is really sad.
Honestly I think I've lost my zest for watching now. Kevin & Natalie have pulled off the ultimate betrayal and Jeff fell for it hook, line & sinker. Jordan & Jeff used to be that fun loving couple everyone liked to watch to see the courtship but now it's like Jeff just changed. He's not the same Jeff that I've seen before the power went to his head.
Michelle...I still can't trust her fully but she's not nearly as annoying as before.
Russell...well ya know, when Russell says he's keeping his word he does. Case in point - he told Casey he'd vote to keep him, which he did. He told Jessie he'd vote to keep him. He's been true to his word and for whatever reason, Jeff can't seem to get past that whole not voting Jessie thing.
IMO - Jeff has the blinders on and if he thinks that he can fully trust Natalie & Kevin...boy I would say that Natalie & Kevin deserve to win BB11 this year. Despite my personal opinions of those two.
Here we go again
I'm so happy i didn't put the feeds on today - my chi would have been shot all to hell and back :0)
Oh man he really just gave up! He knows he's out the door thats why hes doing this!
Btw, Good afternoon Carolyn and everyone -
I sure hope everyone is watching this!!
Russell is being a gigantic baby. This is one of the worst BB tantrums ever.
Good Afternoon Everyone!!
I'm assuming Russell is just trying to get Jeff to go off on him but it's just sad.
It is about time someone (Michelle) asked Jeff about Jordan, and what he is going to do for his final F2. He might be afraid that Jordan would beat him, which would be most likely. He needs to really think about it, his best bet would be Michelle.
Hiya Everyone!!
I got home just in time! haha
I'm publishing comments while Carolyn types her little fingers off.
I'm laughing. Old Jeff is back. Jeff wins this round.
boys, boys, both sound juvenile and petty and ridiculous........I really hate the *alpha male bravado* of this sort. It's classless and low-brow.
I'm so glad I decided a few weeks back to pick Michele for my fave to win the game.
Honestly, What is Russell getting out of this, he is showing the other house guests and everyone else that he pretty much is giving up not even asking people for votes or trying to stay, if he would have stoped and just talk to Jordan and Jeff about Nat he might have had a slim chance now there is no way that will happen at all.
LOL As Russell keeps saying "You wanna have sex w/me?" over and over I have visions of GaYToR recording that section and playing it on a loop. :X
It's heating up!
Wouldn't we all die if Jeff/Jordan/Russell/Michelle had continued a secret alliance this whole time?
America should give them boxing gloves and a ring for a present. I'd love to see Russell and Jeff go toe to toe. Jordan can be Jeff's corner and Natalie can be Russell's and Kevin can be the Ref.
They look so hot when they are fired up like this...
It's amazing what being held in captivity will do to animals isn't it? Poor guys, they are gonna need therapy.
Everyone is bashing Russell this time. Imagine if Russell backdoored Jeff. How would Jeff be handling it.
I think they have both had it.
And Jordan needs to be quiet..
BB needs to watch these 2 closely
Hi Genie,
Welcome to round 3 with these 2.
Wow, I almost feel sorry for Russell-
Can you imagine how ashamed he will be when he leaves the house and looks back on how he acted in the house?? Or will he? Geeze he is a class act huh? NOT!
These ppl are not my typeof ppl at all.....looks like Kevin/Natalie or Michele will be my choices for voting.
Wow, these 2 are really ridiculous when they argue, don't you think?
wow.. just, wow.. this is insane.
Russell is being such a JERK!
Oh My!! this is intense. I am actually scared for Jeff if he goes to Jury! Do they have cameras?
Russell is really scraping the bottom of the barrell now. He is going to kick himself for acting like such an ass on TV. I still feel for him because I really don't think he would've done that to Jeff this week if he had won.
Really want to see Russell go home tomorrow night, then Jeff walk into the jury house right behind him. hehehe.....that will be some good jury house footage for t.v.!!!
Of course, production might have to put leashes on the both of them and post security guards between them when they are both in the jury
This is getting RiDUNKulous!!!
"Everyone is bashing Russell this time. Imagine if Russell backdoored Jeff. How would Jeff be handling it."
Definitely not like this.
Michele the voice of reason "Jeff can't put me up next week, he can't play"
WOW! What is Russell trying to prove? Glad Jeff maintained his cool.
Sassy Sis wrote: "This is getting RiDUNKulous!!!"
LOL!!! Amen, Sista!!! hehehehe
Ok I just have to say this reguarding Technotronicgate....Technotronics is actually a word it's a noun (I think). Technotronics was the name of the group back in the day that had that one hit song..."Pump Up The Jam"!
So There! (LMAO)
Russells vote for tomorrow will def. be 3-0
He can't talk to little miss Gucci like that!!
Jeff came out of that bout the definite winner. Got to give him props for keeping his cool.
Good for Russell! He is telling everyone that Jeff is acting like he is the BB God and he can do what he wants but no one else.
I guess BB thought we needed a break before Round 3 LOL... Whoooo... it may not be nice but at least it's entertaining for a lil bit at a time LOL.
Seriously, hopefully it's just the house getting to them and when it's all said and done they can look back on the experience and see what they looked like and never ever want to look this way again.....
Jordan should really be quiet, she is feeding into Russell's hands....
Russ is acting like an idiot. It is a game and he takes it to a personal level..not cool.
Thank you BB for Carolyn's sake.
I think they are gettin told... shut up or come to the DR and we will walk u out like we did Chima!
Has Russell and Jeff both been in the DR yet this morning? Could this be something that DR stirred up for some drama? They do like drama and good TV. We all know that Jeff has a temper too, I think if he was bd by Russell I think he would have acted the same way as Russell is. The alpha males of the house. Its all that pent up testostrone.
I think Russell just jumped under the bus!! He just couldn't wait or stop himself.
Let's see how calm Jeff remains next week if Kev or Nat win HOH and put both he and Jordan on the block.
What are they doing, Hording the action for the live show? I want to see Jordan get feisty!
Michigan Man: Jeff can't play, but if Jordan wins HOH, Jeff wins HOH
What the heck? No fair that they shut off the live feeds. I was planning a nap but I'm wide awake now! You can still see them in the monitoring screens.
Hey everyone!!
I don't understand why Russell is so obsessed with calling Jordan fat. That one, I just really don't get!!!!!
I guess he just wants to make them miserable until tomorrow!
Holy Shiticus!!!!
Hiya Genie! Just in time!
Russell is such a big old baby! The only way he knows how to handle anything is to fight. If the tables were turned Russell would do the same to Jeff....he even said as much. This is a game & acting like a child just makes you look that much worse. Russell ought to be glad Jordan isn't PMSing or he might get a little bit more than he barganed for!! GO JEFF & JORDAN!! Final 2!!
Now we have rounds 2 and 3 on tomorrow's show. Maybe they will get a couple more before the night is over. This one had less expletives though so they can show more.
I understand Russell is upset Jeff is "backdooring" him...but does he need to make himself look like an idiot? This "I'm a macho tough guy how dare you mess with me" act is getting super old. He's showing no dignity at all, in my opinion. Its really sad for a fully grown 24-25 year old man....who supposedly has oh so many moral values? Well, maybe not when he he's sitting pretty in the game, but the second the stress is turned seems like it goes out the window. Ugh, and the personal attacks on Jordan and her physical appearance....seriously Russell, MUST you stoop that low? Have you run out of all other petty things to cause a fuss over? Didn't think I'd be saying this since I thought Jeff putting him up was initially a stupid move, but I'll be glad to see him leave this Thursday.
Carmen - Exactly.
I don't think Russell is telling anyone anything they don't know. All he is doing is ensuring he leaves the house, and maybe a day early. His bad game moves got him in the position he is in now.
Jeff would have made this move regardless how long everyone yipped in his ear. Taking Russell out is a smart game move like it was taking Jessie out.
Jeff has shown some character faults, definitely, as all of them have. Human nature is not perfect. If I had cameras following me around 24/7, I am sure I would not come out looking like an angel.
I wonder why they cut the feeds.....
Perfectly said Genie!
I agree Genie!
WOW!!! I no longer feel bad for Russell! Jeff kept it together pretty well. It's getting tense!! Love Big brother!! Love Genie and Carolyn!! :)
I have read all the comments, some made me laugh, some made me mad
I am just sad for Jeff and Russell.
Feeds on for a quick moment - showing Kevin & Michelle talking, Jordan crying, Nat in the house, Oh My!
Carolyn and Genie,
Are you two ok? Hope so.
oh, and Nat in the house, stirring it up!
I'm sorry but in my opinion the two best players in the house have been Jeff and Kevin. Jeff has done exactly what he has needed to do to get himself to the end. That's the whole point of the game! I'm not understanding the Jeff-hate at this point.
If Russel leaves this week, Jeff still has the numbers and the odds of making it to F4.
And Kevin is definitely someone to watch out for now.
Russel has shown all his cards, and then again. All he has left are insults and pettiness. He never intended to let Jeff slide right past him and they're right, he is just upset because Jeff got him before he could get Jeff.
He's done.
Final thought - I want to see Jeff win it, with Jordan/Michele gettin 2nd/jury prize. Either or would be fine with me!
LMAO Jordan just said she'll hit Russ cause she knows he won't hit her back!
Jeff must be in the DR. Jordan is so upset! Russ just sealed his fate, for sure!
I'd like Michele to say to Natalie. I'm saving you this week you owe me. LOL
Awe... Poor Jordan... I so wish she had just stayed out of it... she is upset over words that should never have been spoken .... ugh this house makes people crazy sometimes.
It's ugly but it's Russ's only tactic. Throw one of them off their game and get smacked.
Secondly it makes Russ look like a great candidate to take to F2 for Kevin and Michelle.
Jorf won't vote for Russ and neither will Lydia or Michelle.
Michelle would be smart to start lobbying Kevin to keep him.
Jeff already told Mich in so many words she is not his F2.
Oh, I also think Jeff getting Russ out is a good move, I just dont like how he is acting about it.
People wanted some it is. :)
I was thinking this last night. How crazy would it be if Michele and Natalie teamed up. I can kind of see it happening. Not sure how Michele would see herself winning against Nat. To much bad blood in jury. Kevin she could argue she played a much better game against. She seems determined to get Kevin out which I don't really understand.
Hey llissa ~ where ya been?
Ilissa - I completely agree with you!! I don't understand the Jeff-hate either! Jeff is making a great move getting Russell out, especially if the next HOH is an endurance.
Where is Jeff? Did they call him into the DR for his own protection or what? I doubt he would go up to the HOH room... I think if someone needed to be removed it should have been the person acting out (Russ) and not the one attacked (Jeff). If Jeff comes out and sees Jordan crying, that is gonna upset him. They need to put xanax in the water again today so we have sleeping hg's on the feeds tonight like we did on monday after the veto ceremony...
There are a lot of comments to sift through. Please be patient. I'm getting to them. :)
And just a reminder:
Please read the rules at the top of this page
Earlier Trisha said: "Russell's...........been true to his word and for whatever reason, Jeff can't seem to get past that whole not voting Jessie thing."
Some people could have gotten past it. They would have recognized why he did it, perhaps even respected him for keeping his word. They also might have considered that Russell realized Jeff didn't take Russell off for Russell's sake and might have considered that Russell knew his vote wouldn't matter. I realize that's a lot to ask. I think that someone with Jeff's ego couldn't handle it. How DARE Russell do that to HIM? It's the same thing, to me, as J/J being upset that anyone but them be allowed to have a Final 2. Some might call it arrogance.
every season there is some kinda alpha male that pisses me off. it's always the guy (or guys) who have the biggest muscles and/or biggest personality and almost immediately everyone in the house naturally forms alliances around these dudes. they (in my memory) have almost always been bullies. (i realize there have been lots and lots of female bullies in the house as well and i regard them with the same amount of disdain) but - this is just my point - these alliances always form around these DUDES.
occasionally there are surprises and one of these alphas isn't a pig...just enough man to scrap a little - just enough class to know when it goes too far = Jeff.
ps - please do not mistake my admission of prejudice for these manbullies as non-recognition of HOTNESS. i love to look at sharks too - i just don't wanna trust 'em.
I wish I was as "fat" as Jordan.
I also definitely see Nat and Mich teaming up. Nat will cut Kev loose because she can't win against him in F2. She knows there is no way to break up J/J so her only option is Michelle.
I haven't been particularly happy with J/J's game play recently but I love Jeff's one liners during arguments....Do you want to have sex with me? LOL...I have 500,000 reasons not to hit you. He's quick witted... I like it and him
I know several people have jumped off the J/J train lately but we don't know how we would react in their situation. I'd hope I wouldn't say such hateful things but you just don't know unless you are in that situation.
Anyway Russell's real revenge will come when one of the J's will be served a big huge piece of humble pie when they enter the Jury next week.
As much as Russel can't get over it and stop neither can Natalie the (well I can't say it without breaking the rules but it's a rodent that rhymes with cat) She has to keep it going. I don't get it at this point though because if he stayed she would go.
Good afternoon everyone!!
I am without feeds thanks to my laptop breaking!!!!! I have 3 computers and 0 working right now thanks to me being in the middle of moving. The one I use all the time was sent back to the manufacturer and they swear it will only be about a week. I have a feeling I will be without it through the end of BB, but I am hoping I am wrong.
I have internet on my phone for this month due to my move and my laptop breaking, but I can't comment or at least I can't figure out how to comment.
Anyway, I just wanted to pop in and say hi and explain my absence.
I am glad to read that Jeff kept his cool. I wish Jordan would just relax and zip it. Her getting heated is causing my man, I mean Jeff to become overheated and that is only a good thing during certain circumstances. ;P
Just as we won't publish misogynistic comments, so we won't publish comments attacking men. :)
Jeff threatened Russell's life and his families. Repeatedly saying he would cut him...yet people are saying Russ is crazy for calling Jordan fat? I agree, NOT the nicest thing in the world to say...he's obviously trying to make the target on his back bigger so that Kevin/Michelle see that if they keep him around they will both be safe for another week because everyone else will hate them so much.
Still..people honestly? Let's not pretend Jeff is a saint. There's a HUGE difference between calling someone fat vs. saying you're goin to kill them and cut them with knives and their families (which Jeff VEHEMENTLY stated over and over again) and Jordan...well she has just said she'll stab people.
I Heart Unicorns!
I agree that this is a good move for Jeff. That has nothing to do with the fact that I don't like the way he's been acting.
ding ding ding
Natalie finally gets it. Michele has always been the mole. Jeff and Jordan don't even see it half the time.
OK.... BOOOO!!! I cry foul on calling Jordan Fattie.
WHY!!! She's not even fat! even if she was that's uncalled for!
Face it Russell.. you got played. You were gonna do it to Jeff. He just got to you first.
No Physical violence guys...that means you too Jordan!
I just adore Kevin being the voice of reason to Jordan, and gently encouraging her to be the better person..........
Of course Chima and Russell hated each other...They are the SAME PERSON
Kristin - I know that I don't think Jeff is a saint.... I do think he's human, as is Russell. And yes, Jeff has said some not so great things.... he did apologize though (I'm pretty sure).
I think the reason I dislike Russell soooo much is that he just never stops. He keeps going and going and going. Plus, I have absolutely no respect for a man who treats women the way he does. That goes for the way he treated Chima (even though I could not stand her) also.
Russell has consistently blown up at people from week 1. He is a hothead. Period. Jeff has uttered threats. So has Jordan. So has Natalie. So has Lydia. So has Chima. They have all pretty much have said/done objectionable things.
All I am saying is, no one is perfect. People can like/dislike anyone they please and they are entitled to it. Questioning them on why is pointless. Why do I like chocolate ice cream and not vanilla? Cause I do?
I am more concerned that Michele has become everyone's universal scapegoat and that is a legacy she can't seem to shake.
Why isn't Jeff in there with Jordan comforting her. Was he in the DR. Jeff needs to get some time with Jordan and comfort her!! Have they even talked at all today except during the fight?
Kendall I agree with you! Next week will be incredible! I wasn't going to keep the live feeds after the free trial, but I am now!
I too, think it just might be Nat and Michelle in the final 2, unless Jordan wins HOH, then Michelle will be out. They all better try their hardest, no matter what, tomorrow, because their game lives depend on it more than ever!
Jeff is in DR.
Sorry, Genie, but a lot of what went down between Jeff and Russell on Monday could hardly be classified or described as "Jeff uttering threats".
I like Jeff, but let's not get carried away here......Jeff is a bit of a hot head in my opinion, as well.
Genie, I honestly don't think I could agree more with your last post.
Totally agree.
ESP about Michelle...poor girl. It must be SO hard for husband to watch the way J/J/N talk about her! I know my boyfriend would be ready to drive to LA and break down the BB house!
Why is JOrdon so upset? There was no reason for her to get in Russell's face, the fight is between Jeff and Russell and she should stay out of it. I dont think that it is to nice that Jordon keeps saying she wants to hit Russell. Words are just words.
Jeff is in the pool with Michele floating in BBland not in the DR.
Russell needs to stick to the cookie dough strategy and not let go.
Un fortunately it seems like production has stepped in to keep Jordeff from self evicting.
This is all because Jeff made a horrible strategic move.
LMAO!! Nat just said she has been quiet in the house and tried to stay out of fights!!!! hahahaha
Puhleeze!!!!! That's just why Casey called her Jessie's Pit Bull!!
Whatever. Another delusional HG. There seem to be so many this season!!!
I love them telling Jordan that BB doesn't cast anything but good looking fat ugly Yeah, Chicken George was HOOOOT!....LOL
As for the threats and name calling. Name calling is rude but the constant threats of violence from J/J I think has crossed the line.
Blue - I agree. Jeff ain't no saint at all. I am not defending him.
They both are at fault, as is everyone else.
What I am addressing is that people have the right to support whomever they want and for whatever reasons. I don't think they need to justify why to others.
I feel round II coming... too quiet in there . . .
Jordan just admitted to bumping Russell. I missed that...did anyone else see it? Was it on purpose? If it was, why wasn't she called on it?
I like that even though Jordan and Jeff seem to be bickering these days, I was happy to see that when Russell started yelling at Jeff, Jordan got upset. They love each other. lol. :)
I definitely agree with you, Genie!!! Everyone has the right to their own opinions and faves as HG's. Well said.
So many times in this game I have been amazed at Kevin's ability to bring calmness to himself and to say such things that have made me stop and think about how I do/and have done things in my life. Kevin's last discussin with Jordan is just another example of that. I have always wanted Kevin to win and here is another example.
Jeff & Russell both need new material. That Jordan/Russell chest bump would've been funny if it wasn't so sad.
I'm still firmly planted on Team Michelle. She's been underestimated since day one, IMO.
Carolyn & Genie
I hope y'all are flexing those fingers, because I doubt Russell's finished. Don't know how y'all keep up. Is training necessary for BB season?
I see a big difference in two meatheads threatening/insulting each other, and a meathead threatening/insulting a girl.
A girl as sweet as Jordon, nonetheless.
And I have to admit, I'm not as happy with Jeff as I had been before; he's been so rude to Jordan lately and why isn't he in there consoling her?! She looked so pitiful crying! Ugh! But as far as game play goes, Jeff has done good. Very good.
Knowing is half the battle. The only problem with Natalie's plan is she actually has to win something. Good luck with that Natalie.
LOL a new lie for Russel. Natalie "I didn't say anything."
Poor Jordan. She's sooooo upset!!! I just want to give her a great big hug!!!
I would like to point out really quick!!! :) That I see everyone is VERY upset w/ Jeff & Jordan and the threats that they've made..... I don't agree with them and it's not right (but I still love em)! Russell did say (I think the day of POV ceremony) that when Jeff got to the Jury House, he was going to mop the floor with Jeff's face!!
I'm just saying, it's not just Jeff & Jordan. They've all made threats (or most of them). I don't think that it's anything any of them mean.... the fish tank is getting to them, which I'm sure is making them ALL a little crazy!!
I agree "newgirl"!
Kevin is growin' on me fast! At this point, I'd be happy with Kevin, Michele or Jordan taking the #2 spot. I am respecting Natalie's game more and more now, but I wouldn't want to give Jessie the satisfaction of her winning. No wayyyyy!
The only gameplay that has been out of line in my opinion are Jeff's death threats, and Chima's racism.
I don't have the feeds, so I can't go back and verify, but when Jordan was weighing herself a few weeks ago in the HOH room and bemoaning her weight gain, didn't Russell hop on the scale RIGHT AFTER HER and say something about being 40 pounds away from fighting weight?
Both of them look amazing, even if they gained some weight in the house. (And really? I can't see it.) For Russell to make such a fuss about Jordan's current weight is a low blow, and also a little ironic, isn't it?
Pot, meet kettle.
I'm really concerned for Jeff if/when he arrives at the jury house. If Nat gets HOH, she will turn on him, just like he turned on Russell. Russell will have nothing left to lose, (except maybe a clean arrest record), and I think the jury house will be an unsafe place for Jeff. Jeff - get a grip. If you think Russell's outbursts are so bad, stop giving it back to him.
Kevin says, “I’m crying too, Jeff. Console me.”
LMAO! Luv this kid. He’s got the best comedic timing.
Wow. Smackdown, USA, Population:6. And this is why I could never go on this show!
It looks like Michele is the last remaining classy member of Team Technotronics.
At this point I'm cheering for Michele or Kevin to win the game. I still have a bit of a soft spot for Jeff, Jordan and even Russell but it's fading fast.
No one can disagree with Russ there. "This is a sick sick game!" That's why we love it.
Let's see...
I am on the block after being betrayed by my alliance. The other person on the block has a shady history in this house with the "evil" alliance that is almost dead. I have 36 hours to try to prove that my worthy opponent is pulling a fast one on my former buddy. Maybe I can flip the house and re-form my alliance by...acting like a refugee from the asylum down the street?!?!?!?! WTF?!?!?!
Seems to me that Russell's cranium should be looking for ways to expose Natalie for what she is: a lying, 24-year old college graduate with a unique age angle to playing BB.
I must admit that this way is much more entertaining!!! It is costing him a chance at half a mil, but hey, you only get so many chance to be an ass on national TV. In fact, he has had more chance to do this than most ever get!!!
Really Johnny5? You don't think Russ was out of line today? That meldown came out of no where.
Was Jeff really in teh DR or was in the pool that whole time? And when he heard Jordan was cryaing and he got out of the pool I thought he was gonna go hug her but he didn't. What is up? Those two haven't spoken all day.
I agree about Kevin. He handled Jordan very well. He's very sensitive. He'd be a good friend to talk to.
jaggers said...
Jeff has said some not so great things.... he did apologize though (I'm pretty sure).
Not to bash Jeff but he hasn't apologized to Michele. She's a woman and this past two weeks he has said some real nasty stuff about her. Words derogatory to woman.
This is where the Jeff "hate" comes from. Not his game play but his attitude and how he has treated Michele. Not to her face but that doesn't make it right.
Come on, Jeff...Jordan needs a hug!!
More WTF!?!?!?
Does Natalie have a death wish? Why would she tell Russell that Michele has been a "mole" for J/J all along? Does she really think that Russell will keep that to himelf and not try to use it to disprove her trustworthy-ness to J/J/M??? I see a flip coming!!!
hmmm. almost looks like Russ could be staying if Michelle and Kevin votes to keep him, OMG , Good bye Nat! I have a deep feeling this is not over by a long shot if Russ stays !! And if that happens Jordan better get HoH or else J/J are on the block together !!
Carolyn, Jeff has a tension in his belly button?
Newgirl - I agree with you. I love how Kevin is usually the voice of reason in most situations!
Julius, I totally agree... the whole time during the fight, I was like stop saying that Jeff is going to put you up next week and talk about WHO is going to put Jeff up, Russell...I would have soo called out Natalie, I don't get the logic,which of course there is none!!
Natalie is throwing Michele under the bus to Russell soooo badly right now. Is she trying to get Russell to go off on Michele too? I've got a 5 letter word in my head right now, but I'll let it sit in there for the time being...
" *8* Comments regarding Jordan's Boob Job will no longer be published. " ~ Seriously? You were getting multiple comments about this Carolyn? LOL! Don't know why that's funny, just seems kinda odd/funny to me.
~ Ryan ~
there is no low that Russell won't stoop to. Calling Jordan fat...come on! Reminds me of Evil Dick!
Michigan Man - I agree. I wasn't thinking about Michele when I wrote that. He does need to apologize to her!!! I ♥ Michele too!! I would love to see her in the f2 w/ Jeff, or get the Americas choice!!!
Natalie just keeps stirring the pot. Just keeps it going.
nat wastes no time throwing Michele in the lake and reeling Russell in for that jury vote.
The looks on NatAlie and her new twin Kevin when they know they all started the whole things, then she sits there lying being friendly with Russell then tells the other more lies, NatAlie will be in the jury house soon, hope Michelle wins for putting up with everyone BS
Michele isn't losing weight. It's bits of her being worn off by being tossed under the bus by every single person in the house right now. Every single person.
She has been called very name in th e book. And she has taken it in her stride. I feel for the woman. I really do. Talk about being strong...
No offense to Jeff, but Technotronics Is still effin hilarious. What was he thinking?
Can the Have/Nots eat now?
I didn't think they could eat til 9pm tonight?
anyone watchin camera 3???
omgawd... Russell was having a conversation with himself about Jeff...
Carolyn and Genie,
I've been in some other BB chats and the language that goes on there and the bashing... WOW! I can only imagine some of the comments you get from people before they realize that kind of stuff will not be tolerated here and will not be posted. As I said before I run a chat room also. It is live chat though and no way for me to prevent people from posting things. But if someone does post something vulgar or vile in general or toward another chatter after a warning I will boot them and give them 24 hours to think about it before they can come back.
Just wanted to say sorry that people are such idiots and to tell you how much i respect you and they way you run the forum. It makes this site a most pleasant experience for all the nicest people (even if we all dont agree).
I ♥ BBDish!
Have Nots can eat AFTER 9 pm bbt, Russ is trying to make his Last Meal for him and the minions
Blue - I ♥ you!!! :)
I ♥ all of you! :)
So...yeah...'Bout time for HOH pictures isn't it?? :X Group shot anyone?
Have nots can eat after 9PM BBT tonight.
If you google the word Technotronics you'll get some hits (not BB related..LOL)
Agree about Michelle, no wonder she flinches and twitches and moans in her sleep. The poor woman has had to deal with a lot in this house.
How nice I refresh the blog and see a "tense" Jeff screencap right off! YUM!
OK at this point I am just waiting for the LML to be revealed.
Natalie has slipped up so many times about her age. How long can that go on before someone catches on and exposes her. Come on Russell there's still time. You can still save yourself.
I do not want Natalie to win. I will be very upset. She has done nothing but lie and backstab the whole way through plus she is extremely annoying!
Blue - I second that!!! I ♥ BBDish!
I don't understand how uglyness & hate be game play. Russell is starting to make even Ronnie look like a good guy!! Ohhhh....let me call someone fat & that will make me such a big guy!!
Did anyone see if Russell washed his hands before playing with food? a kick out of that too! I think Russell is loosing his marbles!!
Genie, I agree with you 100% about Michelle.
If you were in the house, would you eat anything Russell is making? lol
Warning: Commenter coming around to defend Jeff.
I haven't seen the fight yet, I'm waiting until I can flashback to it. I find Russell's actions reprehensible as a man. Especially as a man with sisters. I grew up with two sisters. And I never in my life would treat a woman the way Russell has. Whether I was in a game or not.
Obviously, I'm not Jeff. However, I will give you my reasons for why Jeff didn't immediately go to console Jordan. Jeff was p'd. And there's nothing that ticks me off more than seeing a woman cry after a man has been mean to her. And I've been the shoulder to cry on many many times. Out here in the real world, you can walk away. In that house you can't. If I were Jeff and someone had talked to someone that I genuinely cared about the way Russell did, and I couldn't just get that person and walk away from the attacker, I'll tell you with absolutely 100% certainty that I would not be going to the jury house. I'd be going to jail. It's the fight or flight response. In that house you can't flee.
Listening to Russell right now, he is a f'in child. GTFU!
The levels of immaturity in this house are astounding. And I'm speaking on ALL houseguests there because they've all had their low moments at one point or another.
Han Hays Mom.. Im so glad u replied to me lol... I thought for awhile I was hearing things lol!
Good grief!!! Everytime Natalie opens that little mouth out pops a lie. I think this girl has a serious problem and not just in the house. She's really good at it as nobody gets it!! Please, Please make her STFU!!! I can stand Russell's screaming more than her lying!
Jeff is blogging right now and he will probably come down with the camera... Will Russell be in any of the pics? hahahaa
I'm sorry, but if Kevin & Natalie have some kind of "plan" to pin a hinky vote on Michele, Natalie must be really overconfident to even suggest that Kevin go thru with it. I mean, what if Michele DID cast a vote to evict Natalie (keep Russell)? Then Natalie would be out of the house. No way Kevin does it.
brb, gonna check out the fight on flashback!
Genie - Yeah, I don't think I would be eating that meal!!!!
If Natalie gets to the end she has everyone's vote!! Now she's lying to Russ about Michele and I think her plan is to get Michele to align with her and make it F2 because she knows she has her beat!
russell needs therapy. - well - who wouldn't, i guess after being in this house
Im thinkin there will be plastic knives in the HOH pics lol!
Wow , What is Russell trying to prove, he can intimidate people, Oh look it worked, Everyone but Michelle went inside
Michele! Get out of the pool.
Gale - LOL!
I think some of us (not me) are taking that interview w AG without the appropriate grain of salt. Everyone is going after everyone at this point in the game. The crux of the LML was the idea that Russ would put up Jeff the next week. This was not a part of Russell's discussion with Michele. He did of course mention having to go against Jeff (& Jordan by proxy) at some point, but I honestly believe that Russell was committed to the final 4 w Michele, Jeff & Jordan at the time of the LML.
Just because AG blew off the question with a curt "of course he would" only confirms that the game involves eliminating every other player in the house, not that he DID want to put up Russell the next week.
Just debunking myths. It's my favorite pastime.
Syn - I ♥ U!!!
LOL Cris!
YAY! More Michele bashing...
I spy Syn!!!
How ya, Syn? Good for you defending Jeff!!! (I hope he gets evicted next week, but you do a great job defending the man!!)
I'm Michele all the way!!!! Although a Kevin victory would not be horrible. I really don't want to see Natalie make it to final two or worse yet, win. I think she has been playing one helluva game for someone who hasn't won any comps, but I don't like her game play style.
Syn, do you have a Bromance crush on Jeff? *teehee* just asking........(yea, you can slap me)
Michele can twist it Jordan? Do you even listen to what you say.
Natalie "do you have a F3 deal with Michele"
Jordan "we've kind of talked about it."
So Jordan is throwing Michele under the bus to them. They are throwing her under the bus to them. Michele is only one, who else you think is going on the block people? VETO
I said from week one that Russell was a big bully. He has the mussels to scare people. I have no respect for him. He is a mean man. Nat is trying now to get the jury votes. I want Mich to win this game. She has gone thru alot and is still a respectful person. I think Kev has a kind heart. I hope nat gets caught in her lies. All she ever wants to do is cheat and say how unfair things are.
Forget the last minute lie. The lies are flying faster than than a super sonic airplane now.
Make Jordan STFU!!! She's as bad as Natalie. I don't think she could keep a secret if her life depended on it! I hate the way she continually talks bad about Michele. Poor Michele they are all on her ass! Her ears must be burning right now. Even thought Russell has not spoken a word to Michele while the others are inside gossiping about her, one of them will accuse her. SHUT UP JORDAN!
What Michele Has Gone Through
being belittled by Ronnie and told off when Ronnie was on his way out the door.
always being on a team that needed an extra vote but always being last on the totem pole as for as keepin
gettin chima upset enuff to leave and her having to go through all dat bull
shes been on slop more then anyone in the house i think, takin cold showers and sleepin in a cold hard room.
Cat fight with Lydia, having her beer dumped down the sink
Cat fight with Natalie
Never having one true friend she could really depending on
Havin Russell and others call her crazy in front of the whole house and behind her back
having everyone talk behind her back bout so many things, to the point of makin it all up.... including the LML
the challenges
shes won quite a few, shes shown she can fight to win
has fallen upside down in the first Endurance and showed her butt to the whole house and all the camera crew.
fallen into the mud on the swing on the way to gettin her HOH from Chima
got butt burns in the last challenge with the oil
and still... at the beginning.. while on slop... was cookin for everyone in the house even tho she couldnt eat any of it.
Shes My Girl,Im voting for her, I think shes earned it!
WOW did I miss a lot!!
Genie, why are you frowning?
Im surprised these HG's arnt as red as lobsters with all the sunning they do! Geez I hope CBS will proved them with a good demetologist/oncolgist in the future
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