Body Language
7:40pm BBT
Watching Jeff & Russell in the backyard right now, it's as if each is daring the other to speak so much as one word... to give the go ahead for another explosion.
What will tonight bring?
Their body language is unmistakable. Jeff would deny it if asked, but his body is oozing guilt. Russell's screams of hurt and betrayal...
What will tonight bring?
Their body language is unmistakable. Jeff would deny it if asked, but his body is oozing guilt. Russell's screams of hurt and betrayal...
Both completely refuse eye contact... Jeff hunched over, and Russell with his cap pulled low over his eyes...
7:45pm BBT
Jeff moves to scrub the grill... Russell moves to the backyard couch to shuffle the cards. I feel like I'm watching a bull and a matador size each other up, but I'm not sure which is which, only that each thinks he will emerge the victor.
Ya got me again Carolyn! LOL
Here I was being all nice and you got me again!!!
omg carolyn you so nail russ an jeff in this post!
Every year they break the washer or dryer.
hehe :) hey marci - i saw it, and i appreciate it very much :)
khope :) thank you!! just writing it as i see it.
Thanx for the visits to my blog. If I had known the Queen and Princess were going to stop by, I would have had my new banner up sooner, lol.
Getting everything setup with layouts is not an easy task to superkudos to you Carolyn! Not only do you have to blog your little fingers off, but you've got to be technical minded too!
And back to the feeds, what was that awful nose? I thought a prop plane was crashing into the backyard.
I'm still here - just a bit more of a lurker now.
I decided i'm not even turning my feeds on til after Thursday show in the hopes that this fighting/bullying bs is over with.
michelle :) yup!
syn - lol... it's a bear huh? people have nooooooo idea how much goes into it. lol.. the transcribing is the fun, easy part!
Carolyn! I was thinking the same thing about those 2! Jeff was grinding his teeth and swinging his feet back and forth. I also thought he was feeling guilty. BUT, ultimately, he pulled the trigger first. Russell would've definately gotten him out if HE had won HOH. You could cut the tension with a knife.
please forgive but i want to repeat this from end of last post.
lisery...i have been thinking that all day. i think (deep down) jeff realizes he can't out think michelle and he can't read her so she is of no use to him. and the only way he knows how to do deal with people like that is to reject them
I was also thinking that he may go back and save him once again, out of guilt. is the best play for him. PLUS, he has to know Russell would pay him back BIG time, even if the guilt did get the best of him.
Wow, I'm not even going to get into all the typos I had in that post. I was too excited, lol. Yeah, that's a good excuse.
It's a Grizzly Carolyn!
I don't think I visited the Dish in the offseason ... what happens here when BB goes off for the year?
Ya know Carolyn, what's so funny is your big grin means so much more when you say new top post! LOL It has 'gotcha' all over it.
And I love the Jeff/Russ story and can hear the background music! ♫♫♫
Your personal input (and Genie's) adds so much to the blog! Is she your twin without the red flair? LOL
I know it would never happen but can you imagine if Jeff asked Jordan and Michele to keep Russell in the house.
Your Welcome Syn... I enjoyed it.
Carolyn - You have the body language nailed!
You sooooo nailed it Carolyn. That is exactly what I was thinking. If someone just says something not hostile, I bet they would hug it out! LOL!!!!
I think I stayed up too late last night watching these peeps sleep....I'm about to crash. These peepers are all peeped out. Hold the fort down everyone!
Goodnight All! **muah!!!**
Loved your blog Syn!
Speaking of off season, Carolyn are you doing Survivor since the election is over? LOL
I know, demanding huh?
Carmen, I think that's where Jordan would have to call it quits with Jeff. She wants Russell gone. I don't blame her because I think he's after her.
xoxoxox Carolyn/Genie and everyone...
Had a really long hard day at work .. now my chill time here with you all for a few...
Carolyn, did I read that Nat and Michele were intimating to each other about getting Jeff out???
you are so right about the body language. I think there well be a big blow up coming soon. i'm such a big addict to BB11Dish my husband says i need to go to rehab. i can't start my day until i read the overnight report.
This is the best site..
Margie (the BB addict)
Marci - I was just thinking about that...
SouthernSweetie! - Gnite!!
Melita :) Thank you! I know, right?
Jaggers! :) Thank you!
Carmen - I'd love to imagine it, but I don't see it happening.
Syn - Last year, after basically having BB8,9,10 all back to back (when you consider between season site promotion and stuff), I just collapsed... Well, first I volunteered for the campaign like it was my job, then I collapsed... This season.. I'm not sure yet.
Hey Lee :) Big time!!
KHope - no need for forgiveness ;)
WendyLady - it's all clear at the moment. ;)
just looked up on the news and saw how many bombs went off in the middle east today. how 1/2 of us may get H1N1 this year. and i only had 2 massages this week(am a massage therapist. uuffff! that just reminded me why i can't tear myself of away from bb.
Syn I so agree that Jeff has no choice now because it would be the end with Jordan and she is the only one he has at this point.
Ragz/Margie :) Thank you!! Please tell your hubby we're honored for the loaner! ;)
Khope - and I haven't had a massage all season long... These HGs have kept me tooooo
Carolyn - I don't think I've told you lately, I ♥ you for all that you do for us on here. BB wouldn't be near as interesting without you!!!
*It also wouldn't be the same w/out all of you commenters!*
If you're not seeing your comment, here's why:
Personal Attacks on other Commenters & Bloggers & HGs- Whether Direct or Indirect, Racist, Misogynistic and Homophobic comments will not be published.
Reposting here in case it was missed at end of last comments if I can.
Carolyn, Genie, et al...
First time poster here, long time lurker. Can someone help clear something up for me please?
Waaaaaaay back in the beginning, like around week 2/3 I think or somewhere that far back. Jeff and Russell were alone in one of the rooms together. They made a pack for final 2 and agreed to go their separate ways for the entire game and spoke of how they were going to treat each other so differently. They said NO ONE would ever suspect that they were working together if they could keep this deal.
Did anyone else catch or remember this? Can someone check on it? I can't be losing my mind. I KNOW I SAW IT!
If so, this ALL makes perfect sense, even with them at each other now!
August 25, 2009 7:50 PM
we need to have a tip jar just for that, you getting a massage! i'm in
Hi Jaggers :) THank youuu!! :) So sweet!!
Hey Judy in NJ! :) Welcome home!!!! :) Indeed you did read that! interesting, no?
Oh Carolyn, I totally forgot that BB9 was a winter edition. That makes sense, I bet you were worn out!
jaggers & Marci - hugs!
How about this? If Carolyn covers Survivor, then I'll watch my first season of it. hehe No pressure Carolyn! I will have to learn about the show though because I don't know a lot about it.
NCMom09 :) 1st off - Welcome to the Comment section! I'm glad you respoted that. To answer, yes, I remember seeing that too, but Jeff has long since discovered that Russell was simultaneously making final 2 deals with everyone else in the house too...
khope - yippeee skippee!! :)
Syn - You're a Survivor virgin? hehehe.. we'll have to break you in!
thanks for the welcome home!! :)
Veryyyyyyyy interesting ... I think Natalie thinks if she is up against Michele in F2 she'd win... I can't stand her but she really is one smart cookie.
Hi gang!
It's been a very long day...just popping in to say hi
...and goodnight.
Oh Good Grief Carolyn! As if I don't give GaYToR enough ammunition on my own, you have to go and say something like that! :p
I am no fan of Russell(how many times have I said that?)The guy wears his heart on his sleeve.It's sad to see him like this. It must be tough on both of them because they'd prolly be good buds if it wasn't for that pesky 1/2 mil.
Judy - I think so too... She was certainly intimating as much.
JulieB - Hi, Bye!! :) Sleep tight!
SimplySam! :) Hey lady! :)
La Jolla is nice, I used to go there all the time when I lived in Cali. My base was outside Oceanside so of course was there all the time. Parts of it are nice, the parts away from the base entrances.
I wonder if Kev and Nat get the hostile/paranoia treatment from Jeff for hanging out and talking to Russel. Probably not, that is reserved for Michele.
Guys let me dream LOL!!
Its not that I dont like Jeff (because I love him and have told my husband on numerous occasions that if the chance where to present itself I would totally leave him for Jeff to which he replies as long Jeff leaves him with Jordan) or his game choices its just that he has become "Jessie" He's gotten to the point where he's brutally attacking, Michele especially, people personally. And too, I know that Jordo has everything to do with that. Its just amazing to me especially since he was always one to criticize people who behaved in such a hostile manner.
Carolyn I know you have been asked this before but have you heard from Noni?
Zoomin through to say hi!
Zoomin back out!
Oh Em Gee Syn ~ you have never seen Survivor? Wow, that was my first reality addiction! Maybe it's Jeff! LOL
Kevin is about to trip NataLIE up
Very poetic!
Smack down round 2!!!
5pm... end of that conversation. Michele goes inside. Natalie heads over to the laundry. Jeff asks Natalie to expound upon the conversation. She doesn't. She repeats only what she's already told him.
It's not what's said in the conversation, it's what is NOT repeated in retelling the conversation that matters. :)
NCmom09 Welcome to the Dish! You aren't crazy, I saw that conversation too. I think it was in the Have Not's room. But Ditto what Carolyn said.
Hiya Judy ... awww, now I want cookies, lol.
Drive-by JulieB! Hi! G'night!
Survivor is purdy much like Big Brother. People pretend to like each other, play favorites.. fight for food.. vote each other off... and someone wins the money.
No house tho, no bed... unless they make one outta wood and palm tree leaves lol.
Oh yah... and its kinda the same with food too... like almost always being on SLOP!
Night JulieB!
I can't believe you don't watch Survivor. You have to watch it dude. The commercial tonight said this season we will see the biggest villain yet, that will some feat. Survivor has had some great villains in the past.
lol, syn - just keepin' ya on your toes! ;)
rosaritoe :) agreed
slick - yup. bromance in need of relationship counseling.
MI Man - La Jolla... Pannikin... :)
Carmen - lol.. nice arrangement! :)
Michelle - I heard from Noni in the beginning of the season, then I emailed her again and I haven't heard from her since.
Gale - Dang you're fast!
Nzinga - here's hopin!
Shi Shi - I don't think Michele's afraid of Jeff either.. Quite the contrary.
Jane :) Thank you!
Viewtiful - ya think? i'm kinda hopin!
Judy - bingo
Syn - it's funny, when I describe BB to people who are unfamiliar, I refer to it as "Survivor in a Box"
Pleeze quit giving Nat credit for being a poker player. I can spot a beginner like her when they walk in the room. It's insulting, and should be unpostable due to the golden rule.
maybe so, johnny - but she's playing the hell outta the whole house.
Carolyn... im used of Quickies lol ;)
Ohhhhhh Syn, I didn't think of that. GaYToR is going to LOVE that Survivor virgin comment! Good luck with that! :P
Wendy ~ you are awful quiet tonight!
Need a little something something? LOL
Listening to Kevin almost makes me wish I still lived in San Diego. La Jolla is so beautiful and a great place to shop. I worked in Oceanside and have some really great memories of the time I spent there with my ex. Never did make it to Temecula and the wineries though.
lol, gale..
Keep seeing Survivor mentioned trying to find where it started cause I feel lost LOL
Marci - nope just nothing to say.
Where does Nat work? I missed that. But surely Kevin caught on that Nat can't be a SAM at the tender age of 18. She's about to fall flat on her face **fingers crossed**
If they play BullSh*t tonite I hope Russell plays!
Carolyn said...
maybe so, johnny - but she's playing the hell outta the whole house.
I totally agree!!! She's chip leader at this point in my opinion. She may bluff one too many times before it's over, but so far, she's done a great job at lying and manipulating and getting others to fold!!!
I guess this goes in the Live Viewing Show Party section, but I was extremely pleased with the show tonight. I didn't even realize fully that there could be strong tension between J&J, and it was almost as if CBS wanted to drum up Russell support with the entire show. Of course I'm a Russell fan so I liked them humanizing him though.
khopekitner, I agree. I think Michele is actually a more well-rounded competitor than anyone left in the house, she's done well in mental and physical competitions.
It just donned on me while watching the OTEV comp, when Jeff felt the need to heckle Michele. If he is confident in his ability to win, why would feel the need?
And don't get me wrong, I have been a Jeff fan since the beginning, and still am. :)
I had to go watch the Survivor preview. I can't wait but I am so glad it is only on one night a week. LOL
Psst - Michelle in Indiana :) Please email me the link to whatever you chose...
Must say the competitions on Survivor beat BB hands down!
Especially since there's no food except what they find/catch or win in a comp and rice or beans! And having to boil water before they can drink it.
Oh, I love Survivor. And I'm so glad it starts right after BB. I can delay my withdrawal symptoms and rehab. LOL
The Pannikin in Encinitas was mentioned in the local San Diego paper re;the Bachelorette reject.Is there one in La Jolla too?
I lived in Encinitas most of my life.
BB ends on Tuesday the 15th
Survivor starts 2 days later - Thursday the 17th
totally agree natalie is playing everyone like fiddles. i am disgustingly impressed by her game. but i have to keep saying it, she is the only person in that house that i Want To Lose this game.
Just put up a new quickie poll...
watching Jordan eat, on camera 1, not long after Jeff woke her up at BBT 8:30 - Lord have mercy, that's why I could never be on Big Brother! There would be so many moments of me like that! Only I'm not a one-food-at-a-time eater, I'd just be shoveling all of it in one huge mouthful after another :-)
can't help myself - still "recognize" her as a fellow Tarheel and have a soft spot :-)
Rosaritoe - there was deifnitely one there when i was at 'SC... Bunch of friends and I piled into a friends convertible VW bug one night around 2 am and drove down there specifically for it. :)
Hi Dineane :)
It's amazing how Kev busted Nat immediately on her age when she first introduced herself and since then .....nada
Carolyn, I have a 2-part answer to the quickie poll.
Out of the remaining HG, I could totally see myself being BFFs with Kevin. Loves him.
But I could totally see myself hooking up with Russell. He's too irresistable and I just wanna give him some good lovin'
Carolyn you have mail!
Thank you!!
With all the love in my heart, I'm gonna say the following: I need Russell to buck the f*ck up and stop being so damn anti-social right now. His sulking is not cute on him. Love ya, boo
I had to Google that coffee shop name. Back then the only coffee I drank was super strong Marine Corps coffee on guard duty. It was the first coffee I ever drank actually. That first night after the first cup I was wired all night.
When I went to La Jolla it was mostly to hang out at the outdoor mall. That place was really nice.
Did I miss Genie leave or is she taking a break?
I'm very interested in the conversation between Jeff/Russ about going to final 2 that occurred very early in the season. (must have been before i had feeds, can anyone pinpoint so we can go back and take a look?) I'm so hoping for something like that. I want to see Gnat and Kevin gone. I just cant get behind liar Gnat who is a bully and Kevin going along with it. I like his personality but he hasn't done any of the dirty work to earn the prize IMHO!). If it were true and happened, who do you think the jury would vote for of the 2 of them?
oh and congrats to michelle for winning tonight's prize! your lucky day sista! :-)
My neighbors are huge SC fans.In fact we won't be seeing them any more Sats. until the season is over. They travel to every game.
I don't know if they own any clothes that don't have USC on it.
Michigan Man - We thought of it as a pancake place...
NZinga - mmm.. poor bubby.. they should let me in there. I'd kiss him and make it all better.
Michigan Man - I saw that promo and it definitely piqued my interest. I like the Real World/Road Rules challenges which is sometimes similar to Survivor I believe. And you know I love BB, so I definitely might have to give it a shot. And No live feeds right? I don't think I could take back my life if I had access to cameras 24/7 for three more months, lol.
Gale - Thanks for the run down. Are the food comps always them having to eat really gross stuff? I think I remember that from the bits and pieces I've seen over the years. Or perhaps I'm mixing it up with Fear Factor. I hate the nasty food stuff.
Carolyn - So Survivor would be BB outside of the box then? Got it, lol.
jaggers - gee, thanks. Keep bringing up that comment, make it easier for GaYToR to find, lol.
Michelle - It's only on once a week? I can deal with that I think, lol.
BBAD time!
Me and my couch got a date lol! Going lie down and get comfy!
Big Hugs and Nite Nite to Everyone!
Marci - Her internet's misbehaving
Bec - you got any of that yummy mango concoction left?
Rosaritoe - they sound like wonderful people! :) hehehe!
Nite NIte Gale! :) See you tomorrow
I have never been able to vote on those polls. I don't know why my pc won't let me.
Our favorite place to go at 2 am was either Juanita's taco shop(open all nite) or VG's donuts.Either one would put you to sleep.
dineane-fellow tarheel here! and...i try to keep myself from criticizing the hgs on things like eating , hair, twitches etc. because i know my obnoxiousness and habits! that is the one time, let me repeat ONE time i felt remote sympathy for ron-no. when everyone was making fun of him about picking his belly button! but that feeling went away real fast!
I'm sitting @ my computer with the feeds on, Michele says something and my 3yr old says "mommy is that Michele talking?...what she's saying"? LOL!
Oh gosh even my toddler is hooked!
Natalie works at Blockbuster. Only for 9 months though. She said she worked at Home Depot or Builders Square for 5 years. No one caught that either.
TY Bec!
BBAD time
g'nite &
Thank you
Nightie night Gale!
Michelle - hmph. me neither.
rosaritoe - we were going for breakfast - lol. our favorite 2 am place was... Tommy's Burgers... the best greasiest things on the planet - definitely not to be consumed after the age of 21.
carmen - awwww! :) is michele her favorite?
Yep Syn, once a week on Thursday's until the finale which is on Sunday I think.
I like Real World/Road Rules too. I met MJ he was super nice.
Carolyn said...
NZinga - mmm.. poor bubby.. they should let me in there. I'd kiss him and make it all better.
August 25, 2009 8:57 PM
Now Carolyn we were getting along so well. Why'd you have to go and make that comment? I guess they'll have to come up with a new Bachelor/BB combo show with the 2 of us competing/vying for his affections. LOL
Syn... there are food competitions with bad stuff... and then there are food competitions that they would have to pay for with cash given to them... or wait for the next item, like maybe a video from home.... its fun.... we gotta pop ur Survivor Cherry lol
okies.. .nite nite again...
See yall tomorrow!!
carolyn, Yes and Russell LOL
Carolyn, for you i mix up another batch. was just thinking about going for a refill. I drink out of mason jars just so i don't have to refill too often... LOL
pouring the queen of the dish a strong one and will place it by the budda for good luck for my personal favs!
G'night Gale and Rosaritoe!
Wow, Michigan Man, I guess the houseguests are too caught up in keeping their games on to realize the slips Natalie's had. So she started working at Home Depot at 13. I didn't know they operated sweat shops for underaged children. Geez. The HG's need to wake up, lol.
BB: Natalie, nevermind, take your mic off, we don't want to hear you chew.
Ooooo, DR leak, couldn't make out what Russell said though.
@ Michigan Man: Really? Really? Well, if none of them catches this crap then she deserves to win. No she doesn't. I'm just irritable.
By the way, were you stationed at Camp Pendelton?
carmen, that is toooo funny. before long my cat will saying ,,'meow meow michelle meow'
Did anyone grab those DR leaks
Survivor is 39 days. It airs once a week on Thursday. Each show is three days. There is a food/luxury comp and an immunity challenge. At first it is good for a team but later immunity is good for only one person. The losing team then votes one of their on out. There is normally only one gross eating comp. The year they had to drink the warm cow's blood was probably the worse. Survivor Africa year was probably the harshest too. I think that is why they are back on islands.
is anyone else having twissues?
I thought Russel was talking to Jeff. That was a DR leak him talking about being back stabbed.
very funny syn9
yall are helping lift my mood once again. thank you all
Nightie Night Rosaritoe!
which cam did you hear it on? i missed it completely
lol Carolyn, is that Elmer Fudd for Tissues?
j/k I can't get to
nite nite Rosaritoe :)
Russell said something to the extent that it hurts
lol, khopekitner, I'll admit to the bad eating habits, but don't think I'd pick my belly button!
my other personal connection...I'm sure I'd drop the pounds just like Michelle has....even if I wasn't on slop. I'm one of those that doesn't eat when stressed. hmmm...maybe it would be worth the embarrassment of being on BB after all!
lol, syn - glad you got it
Cam 1
Alrighty, it's Night-Night time people. Enjoy the Feeds and see you all tomorrow!
~ Ryan ~
khope LOL that would be so scary
thanks, michelle - pls check your email
Russell DR leak " Yeah you find out you've been backstabbed .... and it hurts
was something like that
Nightie night Ry!
Carolyn, I'm on Cam 3. It was basically just Russell going into the DR and a female voice "How are you?" and basically exchanging pleasantries. Jordan was talking and the DR leak was really low. There was another just a few min ago too, I think I heard Russell saying something about "it's a little hard" run with that where you may. :)
well gang, time to go horizontal!!1
xoxoxooxo Happy Wednesday
I was on cam 3 when I heard the DR leak.
Nite Ry
Nite Judy :)
Thank you for answering about the DR Leak
Yay! Russ listened to me. He's being sociable.
Nightie night Judy!
Watching that 70's show where Jackie does Astons make-up.
LOL @ me Carolyn
Goodnight Ryan and Judy!
Wow, Russell just said he escaped from the hotel while they were in sequester before the game. Hmmm. Fact or Fiction?
I call BS.
DR leak: Yeah I was, ya find out that you have been back stabbed and it hurts cuz...
It was on BBAD too! 13 minutes in.
13 minutes ago, I was on CAM 4
I can just imagine how GaYToR will interpret (sp?) that DR leak when russ said it's a little hard... LOL
Caro, your cocktail is waiting. drink up girl, esp if it will keep you with us longer!
Thank you!! :)
Gang - I'm sorry to be a party pooper, but I'm passing out over here... Been up and at it since shortly after 6am eastern.
I just spoke to Genie, and she said she'll be along in about 30 minutes...
Late nighters... Hang tight!
I'm goin' horizontal.
Nightie night Carolyn!
The only good thing this week is Natalie is so paranoid about leaving she won't let Kevin make a hinky vote this week. At least Michele won't get blamed for that.
G'Night Carolyn! Sleep well! Hope tomorrow is a lazy day in the house!
Good night Carolyn and thanks again!
And it's wine time!!!
Night Carolyn Sweet Dreams
We shall await Genie's arrival with open arms. {{{{{HUGS}}}}
next year they should eschew washer/dryer in favor of washboards & lye & clothesline trees in BY. HoH gets full laundry service.
they should also make all the doors except HOH out of lucite.
instead of slop, go back to pb&j. but i have to admit, I love the garden. they should expand that idea.
put motion sensors on faucets instead of letting HGs waste so much water.
/end random thoughts
G'nite Carolyn!
I like Real World too.... not big on Road Rules. But......... I do like the RW/RR challenges!
Geeeeeennnniiiieeeeeee ooohhh Geeennnnnniiieeeeee?
Come towards the light - lots of ppl who love ya are here :0)
:) nite nite
thanks for the lovely sendoff
I'm here! Hang on so I can set myself up LOL... Damn Internet! :)
ugh. dear Natalie, "tangerine" as a word is closer to "nectarine" than "peach." zip it. isnt a nectarine similar to a plum crossed w a peach?
i know i know. ugh, the conversations are boring
hey peeps i just want to say, i Just realized almost everyone has pictures up next their names. i do not. i am not trying to be secretive. truth is i am not too computer savvy. believe it or not somehow i spelled my name wrong in my own id/email. and nw i can't get back in. much less, i do not have a scanner or a digital camera. i know so sad. i just got a laptop about 5 months ago and am getting edjumacated. knew only the very basics before that.
Hey Genie, we see you.
No smack downs yet. I kind of thought once Michele went to the DR they would bash her. I guess they don't do that in front of Russel.
Genie, do you want Carolyn's cocktail or should I offer it up to budda? LOL. I get my best house cleaning done at night when BBAD is on. the family gets up in the morning and says WOW! Too bad we dont have BB all year long. LOL
Hiya Genie! I didn't think I saw you poof!
Kevin I really like your ideas for the house. The clear doors would be interesting.
And a gracious good night to the horizontal one :p.. I knew she would wuss out before I got back and opened this section. She does it on purpose to avoid me.
I only looked to the bottom to see if we were already in after-hours and I see Genie is on her way to save the day... "Mighty Genie" ... YaY!!!!
I don't know if Syn is still here yet. I didn't scan I just went to the last comment.
Did you enjoy our nap Syn, I know I did. You are a very heavy sleeper. *evilness abounds*
It's was nice to turn on BBAD (15 minutes into it) and see that at least everyone but J/J was gathered around the hot tub and having nice and friendly chat.
From the blog headlines I don't think it has been that way all day though. I'll read this post quickly and get caught up. Then I'll go back to the 78 + 12 + 302 comments from the other blogs.
I am in such trouble. Dozed off about 6:15 my time. Well so much for DQTD staying awake to let me know when it was time for the Airport run.
An hour after the DQT owner landed he finally called us. We rushed to the airport.
I asked him when we should park the car in his Parking Garage in the Quarter, and if we should do it tonight and turn in our keys, then walk our asses home with the wigs that were still in the trunk from last week's show.
Nothing bothers him. He just laughed it off. I would have been livid. I've been stuck waiting at an airport before because someone was late. My crazy lesbian sister did that to us once and was sat in the San Antonio airport for 4 hours waiting for her to show up. And that was the days before cell phones. UGH!
OK. Publish and catch up.
welcome miss genie! thanks for taking over. i didn't have a chance to say goodnight to carolyn so,'good night carolyn's spirit'
and good night all of you fun peeps out there. thanks again for all the laughs! great group.
Just dropped back in to say hello! I'm gonna relax for a bit and watch AD. Hopefully lil man will sleep all night tonight. Last night he was up and down waiting for the tooth fairy! lol.
Just wondering, does Kevin not think back on his conversations with Nat? Earlier he told her he didn't believe she was only 18.....
Hiya Michigan Man! I hope no smackdowns tonight. My feeds keep buffering... OY! I hope my connection "settles". :)
Hiya Bec! Yes please! I'm not too proud to have leftover cocktails! hahaha :)
Hiya Marci! Yeah. I poofed! Quite literally! hahaha :)
Hiya everyone who is still around!
I don't know hom much updating I can do tonight with the state of my internet.
ouuu did anyone catch that slip Natalie made? She's so close to being busted. She was talking about Michele having a PhD but not know what a nectarine was, and she said
"..I have a high school degree"
A high school DEGREE? I didn't know they gave those out in high school.
Natalie hates cats. Another reason to dislike her.
Ah forget updates Genie! Just hang!
Guess I should have said planned poof! LOL
Great ideas Kevin! Especially the doors. Can you imagine the paranoia with clear doors?
Hey Genie! :) Welcome back!!!! Hope your connection gets better soon!! :(
Nat's huffin and puffin from 20 seconds of workout? Yeah, she'll win endurance!
Hey Genie. It's not just you. My feeds keep acting up, too. Although I did cancel my free trial (which was supposed to end on the 23rd) so I have no idea why I'm still able to get access.
Syn now has his first Blog Stalker.
or is it ----->
Anyway I'm a subscriber. :o)
Now still catching up.
Hiya Kevin :) They shoudkl hire you to design the house.
Hiya Khope - go to the Dashboard and profile (when you sign into google)
Hya Gaytor! Forget about catching up. We won't see you again here for hours! LOL!
Hiya KScoot! :) I personally think he knows she's not 18. He's playng along right now until it suits him.
Hiya Liserly! Natalie has more slips than the lingerie department...
Marci - I might just do that! I might jump in and update if something of sgnificance happens. Discussing the fine differences of fruit just won't cut it for me tonight lol
Hiya Jaggers! :)
Forget the banner. Let's ship a crate of cats to the BB house... *evil grin*
OH EM GEE @ my typos!
Welcome Back Genie!
I'm still here! GaYToR forget about the comments, you don't need to get caught up.
I'm multi-tasking and listening to music on YouTube to narrow down my choices for my free $10 worth of music for this month.
Gaytor!! How come you're not stalking me n my blog? hahaha :)
Thanks Syn! I am wiped out tonight. These HGs have sapped the life out of me! hahaha
Carolyn said...
Syn - You're a Survivor virgin? hehehe.. we'll have to break you in!
Let me. Let me! LET ME!!!!!
Can't believe you have never watched it Syn. That is my only other reality show that I watch from Week 1 to the end other than BB.
I would even think Syn might be a good candidate for Survivor. He's survived me so far. :-p~~
LOL Genie! Although I wouldn't subject cats to the terror in that house!
Mine would be outa there in a heartbeat. They'd scale that fence. They hate it when I yell at the feeds and scream at evictions! LOL
GaYToR - Rubyrooo already said she was my first blog stalker. She beat ya! You were 10th to follow me. So you'll have to settle for 10th place :p
Genie has a blog? Must go check it out! BRB!
I agree with Marci - a lot of people think that Natalie will do well in Endurance - remember how she was losing her lunch in the one right after cliques split? Michele did pretty well in that one, I think, yes?
Syn928 said...
Oh Good Grief Carolyn! As if I don't give GaYToR enough ammunition on my own, you have to go and say something like that! :p
Indeed she did and I already have. That was so easy, who wouldn't be waiting for it to happen?
I'm commenting as I scroll through. certain things just stick out more than others. *giggle* did I say stick out? So Syn does it stick out or stand up proud and tall?
HAHA! I quack myself up!
Genie, THIS cocktail will pick you right up! Vodka/cranberry with some pineapple/mango and a splash of malibu. been on them all night (since 8pm EST) and i'm still getting some house cleaning done whilst i watch BBAD and ck computer once in a while!
Shall we take bets how long it will take for that conversation between Michele and Jordan to get twisted?
And oh my! Jeff and Russell are both sitting on the sofas! And it buffers! Phooey!
Isn't it interesting that Russ is now calling Nat Little Bit and not Scrappy any more. He's as big a suck up as my oldest cat!
Please don't let him flip the vote. Please! Although it would be great game.
Anyone think Michele telling Jordan that she will put up Nat and Kev will ease Jordan's mind or she will spin it badly to Jeff?
I'm going to have to say bad spin.
Ted Kennedy passed away
How long are those 2 gonna sit there in silence? I <3 Russell to death but I really want him to whale on Jeff after all that smack Jeff was talkin' yesterday. I hope he does if/when he's evicted Thursday.
Neither of these guys can be the bigger man and say I'm sorry can they.
Ooooh GaYToR, Syn on Survivor! Now I like that!
You know? When Russell and Jessie had that argument, they laughed it out and made up. But these two... too much pride!
So is anything going on in the house?
Michigan Man - I am thinking B/
GaleLuvsBB11 said...
Carolyn... im used of Quickies lol ;)
Doesn't everyone? A quickie with a longie is the best.
GaYToR! LMCAO! I wouldn't survive one day on Survivor. I love my electricity and indoor plumbing too much. But yeah, I've only seen a few parts of the episodes here and there. I do already have some ideas to transform the BBDish banner should Carolyn decide to cover Survivor this year.
Genie - you are now being followed, lol. Now I've got to check out other people and see if they have blogs too.
I feel like I am on Smackdown Watch!
Michelle in Indiana said...
Ted Kennedy passed away
SHUT UP! Sorry for my caps. This is so sad. Just turned to CNN. I'm at a loss. Thanks for the heads up Michelle.
Hi Genie :)
Hi everyone!
Genie Sea said...
Natalie has more slips than the lingerie department...
LOL I know! I just wish someone would call her out once and for all. I can't believe that not one person in there has any suspicions about her age. I think a couple people do but they want to wait for the right moment to say something. Here's hoping anyway...
Sorry bf came home early so was having a little chat with him about his day. Ulty is almost done for the season so lots going on.
Currently on Feed #3.
Jeff is a terrible pool player. I could so take him.
When I think of Jeff playing with himself, pool is not the first thing that pops into my head.
Ted Kennedy :(
Bec - I'm ready for that yummy cocktail now! I'm only typing like I'm drunk.
Marci- You're right. I don't want to torture the poor cats. lol
Quickie Poll: How long will it take for Gaytor to catch up to these comments? hahaha ♥ Gaytor!
NzingaB I was watching Craig Ferguson and they cut into the programing. I have always found the Kennedy's to be a interesting family warts and all. I have several books about them.
Nick - Around the feeds: Jeff is playing with himself, I mean by himself (pool). Michele is stretching after he workout. Jordan is about to play pool with Jeff. Russell is sitting in his seclusion. Natalie and Kevin are in the house and off cam.
How sad about Ted Kennedy.
Thanks for the heads up Michelle.
I'm gonna call it a night peeps and spend some time with the bf.
Have a good evening everyone and see ya tomorrow!
Genie it might be pride but these two hate each other for real. Jessie and Russel liked each other.
I was doing flashback today and night before the famous technotronics fight Russel was livid about Jeff. That whole thing never made a lick of sense.
Night Wendy! Sleep sweet! :)
Genie! You are so freakin' creative and talented. I'm so extremely impressed. Just in awe, actually. I f'love your journal.
Aw, sorry to hear about Ted Kennedy.
G'Night Wendy! Sweet dreams!
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