Sunday Show Viewing Party
Good Evening Big Brother Lovers! Welcome to the Sunday Show Viewing Party on BBDish!! Thank you again for making this the best season ever!! A very short while ago, we passed a milestone 10 million hits, and then the other night, we crossed the 12 million threshhold. Unreal. Thank you, Dishers!!
After tonight, there'll only be 3 more Sunday Shows to the whole Big Brother 11 season. Can you believe it? 3 more Sunday shows, then a 2 hour Finale Tuesday Show on September 15th, then it's all over for the BB11 Season!
3 and a 1/2 more weeks and a whole lot of Big Brother left to go! We've still got 2 endurance comps, a very likely house invasion Luxury Comp that is always broadcast to the live feeds, and a whole lot of hard core gaming to go! Will you be in the know?
What a ride it's been so far! Now that we're nearing the end and the the prize is becoming that much more real to the HGs that remain in the house... Now is when the claws come out! It's pretty well screw or be screwed in there at this point... and there's a whole lot of that going around.
Among a group of strangers all after the same prize, who are ultimately all plotting your demise, who would you trust with 500,000 dollars on the line? Would it even come down to who you could trust, or would it break down to who you thought you could surely beat in the remainder of the competitions? Remember now, you're in the house, and you have limited information... and the added pressure of exponentially increasing paranoia week to week to week. Just food for thought. ;)
What a ride it's been so far! Now that we're nearing the end and the the prize is becoming that much more real to the HGs that remain in the house... Now is when the claws come out! It's pretty well screw or be screwed in there at this point... and there's a whole lot of that going around.
Among a group of strangers all after the same prize, who are ultimately all plotting your demise, who would you trust with 500,000 dollars on the line? Would it even come down to who you could trust, or would it break down to who you thought you could surely beat in the remainder of the competitions? Remember now, you're in the house, and you have limited information... and the added pressure of exponentially increasing paranoia week to week to week. Just food for thought. ;)
Get ready to rewind your minds to Thursday night at 9pm eastern/6pm BBT as the tv only viewers learn who won HoH... Kinda hard to fathom, since the rest of us already know who won PoV, but there ya have it.
OK.. so we'll see the end of the HoH Comp and some DR sessions and the Nomination ceremony, as well as whatever sequence AGP found too adorable or controversial to lose from a month or so ago, with bodies edited out of the frame to make it look current...
Cuteness from the feeds.
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Come join us here in the comment section, so we can chat, blog and analyze the edit of the broadcast show together... while it's airing on CBS.
If you're not on the east coast, and you'd like to watch along with us, right click on either of these links: NYFeed or DreamAngel.
If you're not on the east coast, and you're watching the feeds, waiting til the show hits your time zone, *please* let us know if/when anyone's head explodes...
We're not actually expecting anyone to go nulear until right after the PoV Ceremony tomorrow, but in the event someone gets an itchy trigger finger and hits the red button while the Sunday Show is airing, we'd like to see it, so please leave us a comment noting the time and the Feed # it happens on, so we can get there immediately... or go and view it on flashback a little later...
We're not actually expecting anyone to go nulear until right after the PoV Ceremony tomorrow, but in the event someone gets an itchy trigger finger and hits the red button while the Sunday Show is airing, we'd like to see it, so please leave us a comment noting the time and the Feed # it happens on, so we can get there immediately... or go and view it on flashback a little later...
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and Start Watching the Real BB11
Happy Sunday all!!!
I hope you have had a great day Carolyn!
I am terribly behind in comments today so because I was out golfing all day!!
A big HELLO to all my dishy friends!
Hi Carolyn and family,
I love being here with you all on show nights.
Russel looks so sad..
Happy Show Night!
Hello All
Watch the continued downfall of Jeff's sanity and the growth of his ego.
Here's to the great show.
See you after There Goes the Neighborhood. They don't lie as much on that show, yet :)
After thinking about the big prize and thinking if I was in there who would I take to the final 2, it would have to be someone I know I could get the jury house votes from . Now alot of the current hg's have only been thinking of this recently, so if I was Jeff or even Jordan, I would have to take Russ if I couldnt take Jordan and vise versa
I had a wonderful time with my friend this afternoon and i'm so proud of her!
Now i'm ready to see what tonights show is gonna show!!!
Hiya everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful afternoon!!!
Good Evening Again Dishers!
Let's get the show on the road!
Changed my name since another Becca is now posting and testing a new profile pic (is my lovely daughter).
Enjoy the show!
Good Evening All,
I am looking forward to a good show and the DR.
I feel bad that Michelle and Russell can't eat that food. Looks so good. Poor Michelle, she has been on slop so long she probably doesn't remember what real food taste like.
Hi All!
Great post Genie in the last section- I haven't jumped the Jeff bandwagon yet and was surprised at all the comments about Jeff and his game play- this is after all a game and with nothing except time in that house I think they are all doing pretty well. I could never be on BB- I couldn't live life that for days/weeks/months...
show's on!!!
good evening HG an BB lovers.
im mad rus will go but hay it could be good for j/j maybe
Its just a game an well it will be fine who ever wins. Its not jessie or Chema or ronnie.
Nat well she hasn't won anything but she hasn't had too. Maybe she wont this week an jorden an Mechelle win hoh
Let's see if I can comment today... Nope..have to change my password...grrrrrr
Hi everyone...Happy Show Night....
Happy Show everyone!!
Lovin' Russ and his 'rock on Lydia'
Good Sunday Evening, everybody!!!
Hi JulieB!!!
Yes! Another golfer!!
What state are you in?
I golf about 3 days a week after work and Saturday/Sunday- sometimes I even squeeze in 2 rounds of 18 on a Saturday!!
So excited for the show- hope they show lots of DR stuff!!
I would so suck at this comp cause my hand eye coordination sucks!
Hi All!!!!
Just wanted to clarify a few things from last post.....I am not against J/J at all. Big fan, just think and kind of embarassed I guess for the fact that they are buying hook, line, and sinker Nat's bull. Guess it bothers me the most just because she just started sucking up all of a sudden and some of her actions (drinking) and words (how much she gambles and goes to vegas?) tells how she lies and they don't pick up on it. Yes, we see it, but I think that they would feel it in their gut if they really got the chance to think without buzzing in their ear, but that is the game.
And, I have missed ya all cause I have been trying to get my courage up since this very old lady starts school tomorrow and is scared s**tless!!! Took couple years off to take care of my Dad, now am really stupid to try to go back...out of rhythm.....:(
Good Evening Carolyn, Genie, & all of you wonderful BB Lovers.....
Happy Show Day!!!! I took the day off from the feeds today to try & clear my head. After reading the comments today, you guys really have some good theories as to what has been happening since J/J started their reign. I can see a lot of it, but I still am upset with how they are behaving. They were so sweet and have completely changed their whole demeanor. It's very frustrating, but without having been in there I can't say it would not happen to me too. Oh well. We shall all see what happens together. Enjoy the show!!!☺☺☺
Happy Show Night everyone!! :)
RedRhonda - How wonderful!!! :) Good luck!!!
Who was it that posted about the tragedy in Acadia National Park?? That's where I was cycling before this season started!
I guess we couldn't watch this comp. because production would tell Jordan to tell everyone the stats??
OMG, Kevin is crackin' me up!!
Carolyn -- Before the show begins, I just want to applaud your well-reasoned, well thought-out play-by-play of Jeff's game.
I wish he and Jordan weren't so convinced Kevin and Natalie wouldn't lie to them. Other than that, I am still 500% behind Jeff and Jordan.
I don't believe they can both make it to the end (even if that would be cool), but I'm hoping Jeff does.
Actually, I've been reading a lot less of the comments on this site (been reading the updates, however) lately, because so many people seemed to be jumping off the Jeff and/or Jordan ship. Where's the loyalty? (Where's the Beef? -- anybody taken a good look at Jeff recently?)
I'll go down with the ship if that is what happens. Until very recently (and with good reason) Jeff and Jordan have neither one done as much lying as any one of the other four. They also haven't been jumping from person to person, whomever they felt safest with at any particular moment -- until very recently, and again, with good reason.
GO J&J; and Good Luck.
Hahahahah Jordan denied him a HOH win kiss! Love it!
Oops, wrong post and it was all my fault (but can I still blame it on Carolyn)?
I get sooooo frustrated with Kevin between shows.
But, show comes on and I see his DRs and the love comes right back.
He's so funny and endearing!
How can Jordan turn away from a kiss from Jeff?? COME ONNNNNNNNNNNN!!! Not many women could resist THAT!!! HaHa!!
Is it just me or does Jeff look disappointed every time he tries to kiss Jordon and she turns her head?
Wasn't me...
It was Genie :)
Though I agree with every word.
Carolyn that was me that posted about Acadia....I didn't think it got know my problems with It was awful...
For the record i have been rooting for no one in this game. I like each HG for certain reasons and i dislike each HG for certain reasons but i never root for one person or one alliance.
Today is my 9th anniversary so hubby, lil man and I all went to Olive Garden for an early dinner, then to The Marble Slab for ice cream, I am soooooo full!! I need to be on slop for the week.....
Ahhhh, so it was Genie's fault this time!
Lydia did such a good job on those tie dyed shirts......she really is a creative person.
Gotta LOVE Jordan!!!!
Sorry, Genie. Guess I didn't look closely enough. I hereby acknowledge your authorship. And, YOU GO Gurl. BBear
I love Jordans morals!!
It is so refreshing to see a friendship bloom that is not based on sex - so happy Jordans mom tells her how it is and placed those morals in her!
Happy Anniversary, KScoot! :)
ltc - nope, that was still my fault. :p
Kscooter - Happy Anniversary! I'm glad you had a good day!
Ok Carolyn &/or Genie -- just so long as it wasn't my fault!
Hey, it was probably Michele or Nat's! I think I heard that in the red room.
ltc - lol
did the duckie tell you?
Hi Autumn!! :) Thank you!!
Hi JulieB! :) Niiiice!
Hey Andrea! :) We love having you here!
Hey MIchigan Man! :) Happy Show night!
Hi Lynn! :)
Hey WendyLady! :) Yayyy!
Yep, he's the real schemer in this game. You gotta watch out for that Ducky!
Ok so maybe i am rooting for someone after all!
Good (my) Morning everyone.
A lot of catching up to do but I didn't see anything in the blog that screamed "fight" so I have to guess there hasn't been one.
I'll read quick and catch up in this post. Once I see who is here, I'll decide who I am sitting next to tonight. :-p~~
LOL at Kevin re Jeff!
AGP is bringing back the love with this edit (at least so far!)
LOL! Kevin was so cute! "Jeff would be the type of gardener I'd want mowing my lawn!"
Me too Kevin, me too! :-)
I thought that was a plate of boogies - ewwww.
Kevin & Jordon... Jeff gardener boy!! LOL!!!!!!!
LMAO with the Jeff the gardener role...Good song choice BB....sounds like a porno (not that I would know....)
And for the record, I see nothing wrong with Jordan's not sleeping around. I've dated guys who think my "rules" are out to lunch. It takes a while before I'll have sex with them.
I instill that in my kids too. It should mean something, it's important and not something that should just be used and abused.
Not that I criticize people that do do that each their own. :)
lmao @ kevin
I love him to bits!
Hi Becca1 :) Cute new Pic :)
Hi Pamela! :)
Hi DIdi! :)
Hi Tiffany! :)
Hiya Rose :)
Hey KScoot :)
Hi SassySis! :)
Hi NInjaGirl! :)
Hiya Gerri! :) Thank you!
Hey Lee :)
Hi Carolyn..and Genie Sea
Hi GayTOr!! :) Me! Me! :)
Hi Paula :)
Hi MnM :)
Oh My God!!!! Kevin talking about Jeff the gardener was abso freakin lutely hilarious!!!! I loved it!!! What a funny segment
Hi Butterflies :)
lol - soooo looking fwd to Jun's blog
GaYtor...ooh, ooh..pick me! Pick me! ;) I have an empty cushy chair for ya!
Wendy you crack me up....DuckieMcDuckerson for HOH...he could never be the AOH....hehe
Maybe he's just what this house needs to smooth things over...LMAO
Has Kevin ever been as vocal and funny as he is in the DR?
Hi Carolyn! Hi all! Just wanted to check in real quick.
P.S. I am still team J&J
I wasn't expecting them to show the stem cell conversation because of how controversial it is.
Ok Carolyn, since you asked. I'll sit next to you. :-p~
*SPLAT* Pineapple Creme Pie.
Sitting next to someone makes it so easy to take perfect aim. sorry about the hair. ewwwwy goooooey!
Nothing to say about the show so far? Have we seen anything we haven't already seen and heard?
Hey everyone! Happy show day!
They're showing Jeff in a decent light, but with all I know I think that it's actually a pretty poor representation. Although he's right to be worried about Russ, he's WAY too paranoid
Is anyone else at all troubled by the edit here?
Not one mention of Natalie & Kevin's real plan...
Not one.
Butterflies you are right. That DR with Kevin was hilarious. I don't always like what Kevin says because it's usually something that has come out of Natalie's mouth, but that was GREAT! And I feel the same way. Jeff would make an excellent pool boy.
Once he loses like he is going to if he keeps playing this way, he is going to need a new job. I'm just the man to 'give it' to him.
Jun's not watching, she has no TV, she's moving tomorrow.......we just chatted.
Carolyn - i get annoyed a lot with how they edit the show so i'm not surprised at all. But we still have a few more mins left so maybe they will save it for the end to keep ppl wondering til Tuesdays show.
Hi Laura in NC!! :)
GayTor :) Lovely! :) Now get Russell to lick it off me, and we're all good.
Hi nikoNiko! :)
Thank You Caroline and Wendy!!! Sorry it took me so long to say so! I turned up the tv so I could hear it and had to give lil man a bath. Tomorrow is school, thank goodness! Gotta love having the day to yourself sometimes!
Hi All!
Jordan trusting Natalie is really troubling. :(
I hope she is exposed as a liar ASAP!
You're right Carolyn.
This edit is horrible. :(
Too funny exchange with Jeff and Michele.
"I was impressed when I made a Lego castle"
watching the episode with the wife..........
Patti :)
Thanks for the heads up.
She'll watch. Just not right this minute.
Lee Carolyn asked first. Maybe I can squeeze in between you. I have lots of pies and two hands... and one heck of a tail that can flip a pie all the way across the room.
*Splat* Lee gets a Dutch Apple.
And Carolyn needs a cushy chair for her (has to be) sore tushy.
Ninja - thank you :0) I try to add little bits here and there to keep things light and get ppl giggling. If even 1 person gets a giggle then its worth it for me.
Hi Caro,
I know she will. Blog just may be a little later than usual due to 'circumstances beyond her control'.
GaYTOR: Have you ever heard of Katarina Foxx or Grandma Porkey? Just wondering. They both used to perform at my club and I love them both to death!
Duckie My fish will take your duck to the end. Sounds like the perfect F2. Then we can swim it out.
Sorry Carolyn. I spilled a pecan pie in my lap. Russell is cleaning it up as I type. He told me he doesn't like pineapple creme.
oh wow ... all of them sittin at the table for nominations and the only thing I could think of was..... Everyone has the hots for Jeff except Russell lol! Yes Even Kevin!
Havent read anything in this post yet so going catch up with yall!
i'm sure he likes it just fine!
Watch out!! GaYtor...rhubarb flying your way!
Gaytor - you got it! Duckie did have a final 2 deal with the tomato plant but after the mob shake down he had to go!
Hey Gale :)
Well, it was a decent edit, I guess. Should be fun in the house tomorrow though, I'm looking forward to the Russell eruption, lol
OK, I call FOUL too.
Not nice to not let everyone in on N/K's little secret.
Just tuned back into the feeds and Jeff & Jordan were under the covers...
Hmmm, can you just imagine Jeff as your own personal pool boy?? "Jeff when you get finished with that can ya come over here and put some oil on my back?" "oooh Jeff what strong hands you have! Go lower oh yeah that's the spot...." Ok Kim, wake up!
Kscooterfox I don't remember then names, but that isn't unusual... I don't remember my own name most of the time, and even the 'girls' I work with a lot unless it is the ones in my regular shows, I can't remember their names. So it is possible.
Loved the part about Jeff being the gardener!
Gale-LOL you are so right..I never thought bout that!
Nite all. Got a REALLY early day tomorrow, so gonna try to get to sleep early tonite.
Sweet dreams!
GaYToR says: "Sorry Carolyn. I spilled a pecan pie in my lap. Russell is cleaning it up as I type."
OMG GaYToR....that was TFF....It's a good thing I wasn't taking a drink while I read are a RIOT!!
i can feel everyone not wanting to post a new comment for fear of the new post alert.
it's not gonna happen.
let's just hang together tonight
right here.
Just wondering, they perform in Alexandria alot these days. Grandma is a hoot! Kat has done Reba in Vegas some, and she's awesome!
I love u guys... have I ever told ya that????
I love it here!!!
Gaytor omgawd ur too much!
Hiiii Carolyn ! :)
and Everyone!
Going look under the covers for Jeff and Jordan!!
lee You got me. Ewww Rhubarb. The one thing I have never understood in a pie. My grandmother used to make Strawberry Rhubarb Cobbler and I just never understood it.
Carolyn. OK he does like pineapple, but he will be full after my Cajun surprise ingredients in that Pecan Pie.
He will need a long rest first.
SHOW RELATED: Did we know he set up Jordan's key 2nd? I didn't. Could you tell she wasn't exactly pleased?
Hi everyone!! I'm lurking and grading papers.
I had to answer Carolyn's question though... I was bothered by the fact that they didn't show K & N gleefully tittering about how they want to take Jeff out and if he really sends Russell home, he's target #1...
But, that's BB for us! Maybe Tuesday?
Filis said...
Well, it was a decent edit, I guess. Should be fun in the house tomorrow though, I'm looking forward to the Russell eruption, lol
I agree and I think it will be a big one... eruption that is. At least that's a good name for it. *innocent giggle*
I thought I posted this but it didn't show up?
Floved Kevin's comments about Jeff the gardener. ROFLMAO!
Agree, why not show Nat/Kevin plotting against Jeff? They better show that on Tues or I cry FOUL!
Sorry all - had to take a small break to slap the greek salad together! I'm getting some serious growlies going on :0)
I see Carolyn is just waiting to make us all comfortable again... then she will spring New Post on us when we least expect it.
She truly is a sadist that way. *giggle* I can see her putting on her fishnets and stilettos as we type. She'll crap the whip and in her oh so sweet voice say, "Gotcha!"
MnM - Jordan and Jeff were goofing around under the covers... Now she's scratching his back.. and he goes in for another kiss...
Outside, Kevin and Nat are no doubt plotting his demise.
If Genie Sea wasn't so cute I would disagree with her Jeff defense. Instead, it looks like a done deal so we'll get to see how that works out for him.
He just said "It's not about lies, it's about getting the strongest player out, Russell". Next week the target will be Jeff.
haha...that's exactly what I thought.
I kept f5ing.
At this point in the game I can accept anyone taking it except Natalie. I know that lying is part of the game however I feel that she lies just to be nasty.
You're right, C, the editing seems to be slanted toward the negative for Russell, the positive and non-scheming for K&N.
"The various stages of hotness of Jeff." Oh, Kevin. You got that one soooooooo right. The pic that looked it might be high school, with Jeff sitting on the furniture arm beside his mom -- that was the beginnings of what was to come.
Hi gang!
Just throwing this out there. Natalie once said she played in the World series of Poker. Well there is a Natalie Martinez who did and celebrated her BD in Vegas on Jul 18th so its sure not this Natalie Martinez. I googled her and her pic is up there if anyone wants to check.
Don't want to be a party pooper but I am moving to the sofa to catch the first run of True Blood. I'm DVRing Miss Universe for Danny while he is running an errand.
I'll be back at the top of the hour.
*Splat* *Splat* *Splat* *Splat* *Splat* *Splat* *Splat* *Splat* *Splat* *Splat* *Splat* *Splat* *Splat* *Splat* *Splat* *Splat* *Splat* *Splat* *Splat* *Splat* *Splat* *Splat* *Splat* *Splat* *Splat* *Splat* *Splat* *Splat*
Hope those distributed evenly. And dead center. Enjoy!
Kscooterfox, I have been working on getting a booking in Alexandria. They recently started doing shows again and just this weekend they were the host bar for the Miss Louisiana America pageant.
One of our locals was in the contest and can't wait to see if she brought back home the Tiara and Sash. She really is good and deserve a win after being 1st Runner-Up last year.
Phew. Carolyn, I was afraid to post because of the top posteritis. Thanks for the heads up!
Syn - if you are here...I have read your comments in the last post and I wanna say you sound like a lost puppy! But don't worry! I am still with ya! In the seasons past I am typically used to being outside of the majority! I have always liked the HGs which others and not too fond of or disliked everyone's favorite. This season and I would say for the most part last season has been strange because everyone tended to like the same group. Typically, I've always felt the past BB season it was way more divided.
On another note, can I just add these HGs are roommates. I had to flashback to my college days and remember living with roommates, who were my best friends, but I hated living with them! So for all the trash talking in the house (b/w everyone), I am surprised its not more. These people are sharing EVERYTHING.
Just think of this as a pot luck co-ed dorm who all happen to be competeing for money! It would make even the "nicest" be snarky. If I, for one, had a camera and mic on me 24/7....mmm not sure how pleasant I would be...especially if I had NO TV, NO books to read, NO family, No getting away.
I really wish Natalie and that side would drop this whole nail Michelle on the Christian values! It makes me crazy!!!! It's almost as bad as the ugly words.
If anyone has been following this Jenkins case - he was found in a BC motel - he took his own life.
This made me giggle:
Natalie: Okay we start a game of poker and make fun of Russ and make him mad. We want him to erupt. You be Bosley and I'm the angel.
Kevin: I want to be the angel.
Natalie: No, you have to be Bosley.
Kevin: Does Bosley have cute outfits?
LOL... if I wanna start trouble I can...
Genie said she wanted to hang Carolyn... Thats Verbatim lol!!!
* runs and hides! *
Come on Carolyn and Genie! You're not gonna update? All you have to do is copy and paste the last 3 or so days over and over and over and over! LOL
You guys hangin' here is one of the best parts of the Dish.
Show tonight: Jeff the gardener was the only good part!
pstttttt she even said its a Great Idea!!
runs and hides again lol
Are Michelle and Russell sleeping too??
All the excitement of watching war LOL I don't know if I can take it!!
Reposting because I don't want drama! LOL!
Hiya Everyone!
Boom Chic Bow wow!
The only thing I liked about the show was the porn segment Jeff the Gardner.
The rest? Meh.
Thank you for your comments on my previous post :) I just want to make it clear, I'm not defending Jeff, just his game play :)
Huggies all round.
Great idea to just hang, Carolyn. I have a feeling we will have non-stop typing tomorrow! :)
Genie.. Pftttttt lol!!!
Hi everybody!!
Ok first I wanna say I still love Jeff I'm just not having enough love for him and his ego!
I think Jordan is cute as a button but she has gotten so meangirlish and cocky.
I have never liked Natalie and her nosepicking but she is ridiculously slick!
I love love love Kevin he's hilarious but it drives me nuts that by default he felt he had to align with Natalie.
Michele is one tough cookie and I love her awkwardness I just wish she wasn't so nervous when speaking. It just shows that she's not @ all used to being in confrontational situations.
Last but not @ all least Russell I started by adoring him then not liking him and back and forth depending on his blowup for the day. I think it absolutely sucks that the one time he's really trying to be loyal he getting backdoored HARD!!!
My dream Thursday episode would be Nat being evicted with Kev and Michele voting her out and then it being R/M/K vs J/J. But I am delusional do believe that would happen. I'm sure Michele would be down but theres no way Kev would.
These are just my opinions. Thanks.
If i mute the sound on the feeds and just watch they all look like such a lovely bunch.
Hi All!
I didn't watch the East Coast feeds tonight, I am just going to wait for the show to come on 8 BBTime.
Genie, your previous post was quite the reminder of what all has been happening in the house. I tend to forget all that has already happened. I try to start off each of my days with a clean slate, can't really do that in the BBHouse.
I can't wait to see the DR sessions that they show to possibly give me some insight to what the remaining HG's are up to strategically.
Everyone have an awesome evening!
I'm just trying to figure out what Michele's next move should be. Should she try and get this next HOH and not be able to play in next one and hope that Jordan gets it. I think she is in a very bad position. I think she knows she is in trouble with J/J. What are your thoughts.
Im gonna go watch Nurse Jackie on demand.I always see the commercials during BBAD but never watched it. I'll check back in later. On another note If no one has seen George Lopez Tall Dark and Chicano I strongly recommend it. It is f'n funny
I think Jeff has a better shot at winning against Russell than he does against Jordan if you look at who would be in the Jury and how they view each of them. I also think Michelle, Kevin and Natalie would all beat Jeff. My problem with Jeff is he is just looking at getting there and not looking at the big picture-Jury votes.
In regards to the edit - that's why die hard fans pay for the feeds and CBS edits the show for suspense purposes to boost the ratings.
If you think about it - they have three shows a week for BB that they have to keep people watching. If they give away everything too fast then people might only tune in for the most important day - eviction/hoh comp day.
By doing this they boost the drama and the suspense - and come next week when Natalie or Kevin put up Jeff and Jordan the TV only viewers will be steamed because they didn't see it coming and then they won't miss a show all week.
It's actually brilliant if your AGP and CBS. So, Kudos to them!
"I have a strange hypothetical that sounds like it could actually work!
Kevin gets Veto'd and Russell gets put up on the block. Michele needs to make a move to Kevin about how she will vote to evict Russell and how she would be SCREWED if the votes go 2-1, cause that will make Jordan/Jeff want her out that much more.
Kevin will run to Natalie with this, OF COURSE. Natalie, in her constant drive to make Michele look like the bad guy, will tell Kevin to vote NATALIE out so that they can screw Michele even more so with Jeff/Jordan. They will want this to happen so that Michele is DEFINITELY on the lowest block on the totem pole, just in case Jordan wins HoH. Natalie/Kevin leak this to Jordan/Jeff and they go on a rampage against Michele. They berate her, make her cry, and she ultimately makes the plea that she is, and always will be, with Jeff/Jordan and will vote to evict Russell.
Michele needs to disappear to the Have Not room for a few days and not talk with Russell. Russell must look defeated.
I truly believe that Natalie's constant urge to make Michele look bad and her desire to keep her & Kevin safe next week will drive her to tell Kevin to vote to evict her and get the votes 2-1, putting the final wedge in the Michele & Jordan/Jeff alliance."
I know, I know, this is crazy. Something to ponder about, lol. Feel free to write me off as the crazy guy now, lol!
~ Ryan ~
Carmen...Nurse Jackie is a GREAT show! So is Weeds!
what the hell is Natalie choppin on now!?
Hey EVeryone :)
In anticipation of tomorrow's mayhem, we're having an early night of it tonight.
I'm heading off now. Genie'll be posting comments til 11pm eastern.
See you in the morning, bright and early, with the Overnight Report™
I can't believe that no one has commented about Russell saying out loud in the DR for all of America to see and hear, that if Jeff doesn't get rid of him this week then he isn't playing a very smart game... Hello??!!
Good evening everyone!!!!
I would like to say I agree with Genie's post, However I just do not like how J&J are treating Michele. If they just sit and think for 1 moment, Michele has been with them almost from the start maybe like a week or so in. She put up Chima for them, and took all the heat for it, and has, faught with Russel for going back to them to tell them what he said.She also told them repeatedly that she will do what they want. Yes they think she is lying, but her actions have said differently.Now Natalie comes along and Jordan drops Michele like a hot potato, threatens her, then runs to Jeff and makes up things that she is saying.
I just don't like that One of them is going to get burned, doin't they realize there is a very good chance that she can win HOH this comming week!! Just food for thought...
I totally understand it's a game, and everyone ends up lying, backstabbing, etc., however I would love for Jeff to wake up and actually see what Natalie and Kevin are doing. Then I want him to keep his ears open and listen.
If he feels the need to BD Russell I'll understand. I just want him to actually have his eyes open for the remainder of his moves in the house.
Off my soap box.
I soooo hope I can last till AD starts! We got up this morning and made sack lunches to feed the homeless in our area. Today was the first time we have done it, looking forward to many more Sunday's!
Carmen ~ Nurse Jackie is an AWESOME show. If you're able to catch it from the beginning, I definitely recommend it. Can't wait for the new episode tomorrow!
~ Ryan ~
Goodnight Caroline! Sleep sweet!
Gale - LOL! Huggies :) What trouble one missing comma can cause! hahaa :)
Marci - I know! Right? Copy and Paste one of 4 possible conversations right now. Hahaha
I wish BB would give them something new & fun to do. I'm bored but still can't stop watching. Ugh.....
Hey Everyone, i cant wait for the next couple of days seems like Russell is going to be acting nuts after he goes on the block.
Good night St. Carolyn of DishChicks. Sleep well. No dreaming of Russell doing anything to anyone but me. I'll work some Voodoo and put Natalie in bed with you if you don't heed my warning.
Carmen I wanted to say we agree on something but I want to get this out to Carolyn before she goes into horizontal pumpkin mode.
Ok, I definitely love Jeff & am constantly laughing at the stuff he says, but am I the only 1 that thinks Russell is pretty dang hot too?! I'd be content sitting there watching them by the pool everyday. =)
What are the chances that Kevin will align with Russell and Michelle and vote to evict Natalie even after Russell is put on the block???
And then we have an angry Russell, and Michelle, teaming up with Kevin to embarrass and stop the J/J alliance.
Night Carolyn!
I too am off. O'dark early will be here way toooooooooo soon!
Good night everybody.
Oh and for those of you interested, this is the fire that my grandparents and other extended family was evacuated because of.
Do we have other reality show faves around here?
Jessie should go on the Tool Acadamy,I don't know if you've ever seen that one
I have a question re: jury votes. There's a lot of speculation about who Jeff would and would not get jury votes from, and how he's throwing a vote away if he evicts this person vs. that person...
When Jessie was evicted he gave Jeff credit on the spot for making the best move so far in the game. If it's Jeff vs. Jordan or Michelle, I don't see how Jeff doesn't get Jessie's vote.
If Russell gets evicted this week, I think Jeff gets his vote as well. Russell has stated on the feeds that Jeff is playing a very good game, and that if he doesn't get rid of him this week he's not playing a smart game. He said that tonight on the show!!
In addition, I'm curious to know why people think other hg's have played a better game than Jeff is playing and how he could lose with jury votes against the others. Natalie is a great liar, but has won nothing and has done everything without winning a thing. Kevin, who I adore in the DR, has also done nothing to show himself a deserving victor. Jordan is Jordan. She doesn't deserve to win, and I just don't think they will vote on her friendliness when it's Jeff thats pulled her through the whole game. And Michelle. Michelle has won competitions and all, but she hasn't done much else. Don't get me wrong, I like Michelle. But in her one-time hoh stint, while she made powerful noms she didn't get to execute them or see them through because of Chima's demise. Everyone who has gotten hoh has had a power trip of paranoia. I think people like Michelle alot more because she didn't go on a power trip up there. She has, however, been annoyingly paranoid for weeks and weeks now, and her hoh run was so short we don't know if she would've power tripped.
I actually think the jury isn't/won't be that stupid (except Lydia) and will vote on gameplay. And based on the reasons mentioned above I honestly believe the only person who could actually BEAT Jeff in the finals is indeed Russell.
Night Carolyn ♥
Night Genie ♥
Night night all my BB Buddies, may you all dream sweet dreams ♥♥♥
Carmen Your post about Jeff and his ego and Jordan...
They are like the football star and the 'head' cheerleader but he's not getting any of the 'head'.
Jordan and her star football player. He wasn't the QB, by info from his parents. He was either a running back or receiver (I like to think of him as a 'wide receiver' for my own fantasies.
They think they run the school and the last 4 weeks they have. Starting with Jeff's (thanks to us, but I wouldn't vote for him again) CdE and then moving on. He needs to start thinking about jury votes. He certainly won't get Jessie's or Lydia's and he would never get Natalie's because she is the last of the Widows Godderez and she is still out to revenge the demise of her dearly departed. That's 3. Not sure if he would get Russell's if he backdoors Russell. Kevin is a maybe. Kevin would be realistic and see his strong game play. And Kevin might be inclined to vote with his 'Little Kevin' in hopes of hiring a pool boy. I think if Jeff breaks up the F4 with Michelle and Russell, he will lose Michelle's vote.
All that is contingent on his plans actually going his way all the way to F2. If Jordan goes to jury, she would probably be the only one to vote for him.
Since they are the Showmance and couple of the season, I see that same thing being played out if Jordan is F2 with anyone else.
That is my worst nightmare, of J/J being F2 but my worst ones usually do happen. I've been happy 3 of 11 seasons.
the star football player and the head cheerleader know they run the school and can be very very evil and destroy anyone in their way of making it to the Yearbook as Most Popular, and Cutest Couple.
"Dem's my thoughts.
Night JulieB! Sleep sweet! :)
Night JulieB - have a good day tomorrow!
Anyone else think Kevin and Natalie rehashing the Jessie/Lydia he said/she said stuff might lead to a rift between them?
Sweet Dreams Julie!
The feeds are dry as toast right now. Went off for a bit to eat dinner and looks like Hgs all napped. Lets hope booze comes and livens these ppl up without fighting.
MnM - Tool Academy was hilarious. Very much a trainwreck that you had to watch. My boyfriend loved that show and cannot wait for TA2.
TT said...
What are the chances that Kevin will align with Russell and Michelle and vote to evict Natalie even after Russell is put on the block???
that would be GREAT!
especially with the convo between him & Nat right now
If only that would happen Genie!
Ry said...
Carmen ~ Nurse Jackie is an AWESOME show.
Indeed they are, as is True Blood (my #1 must watch every week) and Hung.
I can't believe their seasons are almost over. 2 more epi's of True blood and I think the others also. I haven't heard if Nurse Jackie is being picked up for another season but I hope! I am sure True Blood will, and Weeds. Not sure about Hung.
But... time for Californication to come back and I lovez me sum David Ducovney.
Also waiting to know if United States of Tara is coming back. That is a fantastic show. It sorta reminds me of living with DQTD and life in the BB House all rolled into one.
Genie ~ I'm watching & HOPING like hell
*crosses fingers & toes*
We can only hope, Genie. =)
I know JulieB has gone nini so she may not see this. Has she said if their cabins have survived?
Her family is still in my prayers as are all the families in the path of those nasty wildfires everywhere.
I love Kevins lil walk
i must pipe in one more time -
Jenna - You are not alone in the Russell lust.. I join you, as do many others...
ok.. nite nite :)
Just wanted to get a head start on my intro for the overnight...
Russel is totally the hotness
Jeff is just more my "type" he remind me so much of my ex,sense of humor & stuff.
he is really like the whole package.
right now I really wanna squish Russel
And I have failed to say an appropriate and heartfelt welcome to our current hotness (intended spelling) with the mostest, St. Genie of Smackdown.
Have missed you. Not being around all day, I still haven't tried to catch up on all the day's readings. Since you are shutting down in 30 minutes, I will have plenty of time to get all that catching up in before I zonk out again... maybe. I'm watching OZ on DirecTV's 101 right now... they are doing the whole series, but just as you close shop for the night, the feeds are coming on and I'll do what I can to make polite and accurate reports as long as I last for the night.
Going to TRY to be unbiased, but it is so hard.
Speaking of HARD... Michigan Man, have I groped you tonight? :-p~~ And BEAR!!! I think I missed you too.
Both of you consider yourself groped. And Ry consider yourself more than groped. I don't get to see you every day and I miss that. You CUTIE! ;)
Oh, and I haven't called the Mistress of the Dish a WUSS in a long time....
Carolyn you are a wuss!
Amen MnM!
Of course there a verrry valid reason to be paranoid! And their actions have made it so obvious to Russell. Think BB HG
Am i really listening to boob fat conversation?
Alyson said...
I can't believe that no one has commented about Russell saying out loud in the DR for all of America to see and hear, that if Jeff doesn't get rid of him this week then he isn't playing a very smart game... Hello??!!
Alyson I did catch that. He sorta said it several times. He's very astute, but I have to wonder how much of that was pulled out of him from the DR. We know that happens.
It's really true, but I don't have to like it. I really wanted to see that F4 stick to the plan and battle it out at that point.
Don't throw stones, please, (although food would be nice) but I blame all this on Jordan planting seeds in Jeff's ears. I guess since he isn't able to plant anything in her, he gives her the power in hopes that he will get to eventually.
But my fear is that Jordan is playing him too. She's already been pissed at him many times. I do believe Jordan wants an all female F3.
I wonder why Jordan has such a bad self image of herself. She has mentioned her boobs before we horrible and now she says her legs are horrible. I think she looks fine the way she is but then again i'm a chubby short chick :0/
If Carolyn is 'hung' I may have to investigate. Could she really be the one to pop my cherry?
Nah.... but I want to know if she is hung, and by hung, I have no idea what it could be with.
I'm not going where my fingers want to take this.
I think Kevin is on to her age lie. He just hasn't quite caught her but he's suspicious. The 90210 question. Was it last night that he asked her if she was a manager at Blockbuster, not that you couldn't attain that greatness at 14 yrs of age, but her timeline is off.
Hey everyone checking back in Jordans still complaining about Russ Big Surprise.
GaYToR said...
Carmen Your post about Jeff and his ego and Jordan...
LMAO Agree 100%
I love vampire stories. Which is why I love Laurell K Hamilton. But I have never watched True Blood. Which is shocking to me. I will definitely start watching them on demand.
Hey are not alone with the True Blood!!!! I am soooo in love with that show!!! Drives the hubby nuts, he teases me all the time, but don't care! Love it!!!
Okay, have got to get things ready for school. Cannot believe I am doing this! Please, if you don't see me, you know I have completely gone off the deep end.......{{{HUGS & SMOOCHIES}}}}
Gaytor - TFF!
When are you going to put one of your shows up for us to watch?
RedRhonda - good luck tomorrow!
Gaytor - after hearing you rant about this True Blood so much on here i decided to download it cause you've never steered me wrong yet. I have season 1 and 8 episodes of season 2 on the pc and will watch them once BB is over with. I like sticking a show on while i use the treadmill so i'm hoping its as addicting as other shows!
Jordan's boobs now are brand new,only like 2 months old,but she said she was very self concious of them before,I just didn't catch why
I think she has a cute body too
Good Luck with school Rhonda!!!!!
Gaytor - lmao! Thank you for the hontess comment ;) BTW I can't wait to see tonight's episode of True Blood tomorrow. Last week's episode made me weep!
I am really liking Michele and Jordan talking and working out again. :)
Jenna - Russell is a sizzler for shizzle! :)
Good luck Red!! :)
Carmen - I love love love Laurell K. Hamilton!!! I about to start reading the Merry Gentry series. I just got my best friend reading Anita Blake (she thought the Twilight series was good...haha)
havent watched the ep yet, but sounds to me like they're laying groundwork for viewer support of Kevin's deception
WendyLady33 I also wonder why she has low self esteem. I'm not one to even look at the female form but to me her's is very good.
I do think she also has 'man' issues. Of course we all say it, about men thinking with their penises, but it just struck me that she really doesn't like men, and it has to have come from her mother, IMNSHO. I know her parents are divorced and I don't even want to get into or know her family issues, but it could be a case of "like mother like daughter" since she said it as a quote from her mother.
Just sayin'!
WendyLady - TrueBlood is very good. Another show to watch while on the treadmill is Supernatural. One of the best shows, very funny, yet still dark.
Only five more minutes of comments.
Jordans hair thing drives me nuts but I noticed that she does it even in her sleep it must be a nerve thing. I know...random!
I would love to see what she looks like with her hair all tied back and no "bangs".
Anybody ever watch Jeff Dunham?
Jefafa is giving up his game because of his stickaka!
Thanks Genie, Gale....I really am so scared! These kids are younger than mine!!! Really, I am too old for this. NEVER take a dare from your son, LOL. ******crying from fear and loneliness***** Because I am very stubborn and won't let anyone in the family know actually how terrified I am!!!
15 minutes to last call for comments :)
Red - You will do fine! :)
Gaytor - maybe it has something to do with how her father treated her mother or how the first bf treated her - who knows! I just find it sad that such a beautiful girl thinks so low of herself.
Laura - thats for the recommendation - i will look into it as well. I do not go out much in the winter cause my right side is weak and i fall a little too much so i watch a lot of stuff to occupy my time.
DAMN IT! My final comment got Lost in Space. The main thing I suggested, I'll wait for tomorrow.
WendyLady33, I am still singing ♫ I Am Cow ♫
Good night Genie, I know it's pumpkin time according to the previous post about time for closing shop for the night.
G'night to everyone still here. *smooch*
Laura in NC
The Merry books are great I love them! They are very sexual and can be a little graphic. I started reading Anita Blake in 2004 and 1 1/2 months was caught up with every book in the series. And now I go nuts waiting for the next one. So I've gone about a year without reading any of her material that way I can have a bunch of stuff to read @ once. Sorry I know this is a BB blog. But I had to put that out there LOL
Well we have our last call!
Genie thanks again for your time tonight !
Hope you all have a great evening and a wonderful day tomorrow :0)
Gaytor - Your comment didn't get lost. lol refresh :)
Last Call!?! Never had this before, lol! Thanx for hanging with us tonight Genie!
GaYToR ~ More than groped, ehh? I may have to take you up on that offer! I'll have some warm Apple Pie waiting, lol!
Here's to hoping Michele or Russell can make some headway with Jeff/Jordan! A boy can dream, can't he?
I'm not gonna be around much tomorrow, work and learning how to drive (YAY!), but I will definitely stop by for the impending eruption of Mt. Love Muscle!!
~ Ryan ~
Gaytor - I Am Cow Arrogant Worms - check them out they have a lot of funny ones. My Fav is Cows With Guns!
Night Wendy! ♥
Night Gaytor! ♥
Night Everyone!! ♥ Last call for comments now :)
OK. We have a 15 minute call to complete our shopping and get to the checkout stand so I will make my suggestion.
I know this needs to be an Executive Committee decision of the DishChick Board of Directors, but, something to think about.
Maybe as you close shop for the night you could open a post for the Afterhours Dishers, so we have a place to put our comments on the feeds into a place just for that. It's JUST a thought and all my thoughts sound good to me as I type them. This one must be really good since I typed it twice. ;)
Final g'night. MUAH!
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