Jeff's Got da Powah!
Hello, everyone! Smack down Genie at the helm! :) Fasten your seat belts. Betrayal. Misinformation. Scheming and manipulation. It's all on the menu tonight!
4:41 PM BBT
Jeff and Jordan
Jordan: We have to keep Natalie...
Jeff: Kevin is a stronger player...
Jordan: It'll be Russell and Natalie. We're voting Russell out?
Jeff: Yeah
Jordan: Natalie said she promise you you are safe. I told her I promise you, you're safe. And I told her not to say anything to Michele
Jeff: Well I have a couple of days to think about it.
Jordan: You've got to get him out. If it's between her and Kevin, we have to get Kevin out. We have to break up those two, they have an F2 deal.
Jeff: Can everyone stop saying that he is the best f'n competitor here?
Jeff: I have a million reasons why. That vote for Jessie. I can't swallow that pill.
Jordan: And Michele. She's acting fishy.
Jeff: I know. This is what I'm going to say. I'm taking you off the block. I don't go up. Jordan isn't the target. Michel is the target. And I go to Natalie F3.
Jordan: Tell her that we want her to go far with us, or no?
Jeff: No. We tell them we're saving both of them. We have a team deal. And if something backfires, we're all playing for the Veto.
Jordan: If Natalie wins HOH and they put Michele and me. Say you win the veto. Take me down. Then we vote the other way. Vote Kevin out.
Jeff: If I cover my ass on that side. Kevin is for sure a person of his word.
Jordan: It feels right doing it this way, and I don't have a bad feeling.
Jeff: Well, I'm going to think about it.
Jordan: Well, if they want to talk, I'll send them to you.
Jeff, Natalie & Kevin - Preparing dinner.
Kevin: Casey sounded different to me.
Jeff: He sounded like a DJ.
Natalie: That's what he was doing. DJing.
Russell is at the dining table eating slop. He is stabbing the slop with the spoon.
(**Look out peeps. Mount Russellicus might just erupt tonight...)
Russell is now by himself in the Green Room...
Michele is at the table drinking protein shake and putting up a good front. The other four are preparing dinner like a happy little family... They are talking about the comp. About Casey. They are all in high spirits. (**Only a turnip wouldn't know something was going on.)
Everyone except Russell are at the dining table. They are talking about cities, and now 90210. Jeff is a huge fan, and so is Natalie. Kevin points out that Natalie must have been very young when 90210 was on.
Talk moves on to movies. Then restaurants and service. And naturally to alcohol, bartending, service industry jobs. Random, non-game related chit chat.
6:39 PM BBT
They are talking about past seasons of BB. Drew, and how Diane reminded Jeff of his ex-girlfriend.
They move on to talk about Lydia and how has probably hooked up with Jessie in the Jury House. That she was pushing Chima and goading her to get her to leave so Jessie would come back. Kevin says that he kept telling Lydia why she forgave Jessie and Russell but held grudges against Chima for calling her a h*.
Talk has moved to Jessie and how he played the game. Jeff, Kevin and Jordan are totally bashing Jessie and Natalie is trying to give them her perspective. Russell has woken up and has joined the conversation.
7:07 PM BBT - Backyard is open.
Jessie conversation continues. Jeff can't understand what Jessie did to have such a following.
Natalie: He was good to me. If someone is good to you, you are loyal to them. (to Jordan) It's like Jeff. Everybody hated Jeff...
Michele: Not everybody hated Jeff. (She goes to the backyard. She is angry.)
Natalie: ... But you stuck by him.
Jordan Natalie share a whisper.
Natalie: We're pretending to be all bummed over the POV. (**you are?)
Jordan goes up to HOH and Michele follows her.
Michele and Jordan
Michele: Can we just talk. I'm going crazy.
Jordan: What's up?
Michele: Doesn't Natalie drive you crazy with all your lies?
Jordan: Sometimes.
Michele: She talks some BS.
Jordan: It's okay. Your hair looks nice.
Michele: She makes it seem that she was part of some angelic team and she makes herself sound so innocent.
Jordan: So what else is up?
Michele: It's just she drives me crazy. Lydia is not here and it didn't get down the way she says it does.
Jordan: Oh I forgot, you were.
Michele: I was there for a lot of sh*t. She just talks the loudest.
Jordan: You did well in the veto today.
Michele: Yeah I wanted to get it because Jeff said he wanted to keep the nominations the same.
Jordan: I can't believe I got out first.
Jordan is non-committal and changes the subject every time Michele brings up Natalie or keeping the nominations the same.
Jordan: What's wrong with Russell?
Michele: He is bummed about the veto.
Jordan: What does it matter? If we're on the same team? I would have been happy if any of you got it.
Michele: I know. He's just not feeling secure.
They talk about Russell noticing the order of the keys.
Jordan: My thing is what does it matter if Jeff wins the Veto? Obviously he doesn't trust us.
Jeff comes in.
Jeff: What the F are you guys doing?
Jordan: Scheming.
Jeff: It looked like you were putting on your pants.
Michele: I was pulling up my pants because I don't what the camera to see my thong.
Jordan: He doesn't trust us. He has F2 with you. Honestly, I think if he wins HOH next week, he will put me and Jeff up.
Michele: I don't think so. He would be gunning for whoever is left.
Jordan: I don't know.
Michele: He is always going to be moody and paranoid. That's how he is. I try to get him to calm down. He's not unbeatable. He f'ed up the POV and HOH. You know who the threat is. Kevin. He came close both times.
Russell comes up.
Russell: What's up?
Michele: I was complaining about Natalie.
Russell: I try to keep quiet. She is doing the same she did with Jessie. What's wrong?
Jordan & Michele: Nothing.
Michele: She is always trying to play innocent. I was in the (Pool) Room throwing pillows.
Russell: Since when is she Jordan's friend.
Jordan: I know. I'm not stupid.
Russell: It wasn't just Jessie wanting Jeff and Jordan out. It was both of them. She just sat there and listened the whole time. Really?
Jeff: What?
Russell: That was the most frustrating thing listening to her.
Jeff: Who?
Russell: Natalie. She acts like she wasn't on Team Jessie.
Jeff: I'm not stupid. You were on Team Jessie. So were you. I'm not pointing fingers.
Russell: I was with Jessie until I realized I was on the outs.
Jeff: Until you were on the loser team.
Russell: Natalie said why don't you go hang out with your new best friend Jeff. He was all bothered that I was talking to you.
Jeff: Why was he pissed? Because I wasn't on team Jessie.
Michele: You voted for Chima. That's why.
Jordan: That's stupid to be pissed the way someone votes.
Michele: we all voted against Chima.
Russell: It's funny how all her friends are gone and now she is throwing them under the bus.
Jeff: That's why we told her.
Russell: That's why I don't hang around when you're with them because I will blow up on them.
Jeff: It's in the past. I know what she is. I know what I got. It's not that I didn't call her out. There is no point getting p*ssed about it.
Michele: Sorry. I have feelings.
Jeff: You have feelings? I have feelings too.
Michele: I just needed to be away from her a bit.
Jeff: How come you're so pissed about it?
Michele: I really don't like how she says that stuff and then she smiles my way. She knows what gets to me.
Jeff: I didn't care.
Michele: I might also be cranky. Apologies.
Jeff: you can say anything you want in here.
Russell: I don't want to be around them. It would turn into an argument.
Jeff: I just want to have fun.
Russell: You can have fun. I just can't fake it. Being cordial yes, but sitting around a table and listening to her going through her song and dance. Ten days ago she was yelling at you, as Jessie was walking out the door.
Jeff: Dude. I called her out on it.
Russell: I went through the song and dance until I realized they were against me.
Jeff: Maybe because I never danced for anyone.
Russell: It's not 'danced'. It's because I made that agreement with you and kept you both safe. They didn't like that I talked to you. I was the odd man out.
Jeff: You would have been f'ed too. I had the power. With Jessie gone. Your team would have been gone too.,
Russell: I didn't knwo about the power then.
Jeff: No. I'm saying. You did the right move.
Russell: They did the same thing when there were more people, when I was HOH. Kevin disowned Lydia...
Jeff: Everything I said
Russell: She wasn't just sitting there and agreeing. She was in on all the decisions.
Jeff: But she wasn't in control. She was his lap dog.
They talk about the whole Have/Not picking. Russell tells them that he told Jordan to take Jeff's name out of the hat and Jessie got mad at him. Talk moves to Jessie throwing Russell under the bus to Jeff saying that Russell wanted Jeff to be nominated.
Russell: I was asking him for a vote.
Jeff: Asking for votes is one thing. Having loyalty is another thing.
They go on to talk about the first days before the infamous Technotronics fight. Jeff that he didn't know how it started.
Russell leaves.
Jordan: He's so mad.
Jeff: He knows he's going home.
They decide that Michele is lying too.
Jeff: Cause she knows when Russell gone, she is the next one.
Jordan: Of course Natalie didn't talk to us before. Of course they need us. But I trust Natalie over Russell. And he stares. Ugh. Natalie. Why is she going to lie about the past. The whole Jessie/Russell thing they made it up. Natalie said it.
Jeff: I was bitching about the bed. I was why would I give the a-hole my bed?
Jordan: Michele is on Team Russell.
Jeff: That's why it's done. I have a day to think about it. But when he's gone Michele has no choice. Michele is a target. And if she stays she goes after Kevin.
Jordan: We put Michele and Kevin up? No? Natalie and Kevin.
They have the game all nice and pat til the end. (**Best laid plans.)
Jeff: If she votes for him it doesn't matter. Kevin will vote our way. She's F'd.
Michele comes up.
Michele: I was sleeping in the (Pool) Room and they came in and they took the comforter off me.
Jeff: Off you?
Michele: They took all the comforters.
Jeff: That doesn't make sense.
Michele: That's why I cam up here to take a nap. If that's okay.
Both Jeff and Jordan leave. Jeff goes downstairs to ask them, and they deny it. They make it seems like she's crazy. Jeff goes upstairs and tells Michele that they didn't know you were in there.
Jordan & Natalie
Jordan reports Russell's whole discussion up in HOH.
Jordan: Watch what you say. Russell is ready to flip out.
Natalie: For what?
Jordan: Cause he's just 'I can't believe Natalie wants to be your friend now.'
Natalie: What? He wants to be your friend but he wants you out?
Jordan: I don't know.
She continues to tell them everything that was said in HOH, and to warn them to stay away from Russell. They move on to some Michele bashing.
Russell & Jeff
Russell: Dude. I want to ask you because I swore on my father that's the one thing I didn't want to do in the house. Are things going according to plan.
Jeff: Yes. You're not doing anything this week. If you break your word next week that's a different story.
Russell: I appreciate the upfrontness.
Jeff: It's the same right now. Nothing has changed.
Russell: I took it personal. I like you. It's genuine.
Jeff: I didn't it mean it to sound this way.
Russell repeats what he has said about his vote for Jessie. His voice cracking.
Jeff: You just have to keep the peace around here.
Russell: It's seven o'clock. Why were they getting the blankets.
Jeff: it doesn't make sense.
Russell: Michele needs to calm down.
Jeff: Dude. It's the slop. I understand. When I was on slop, I was convinced that people were cooking on purpose, making extravagant things when they don't (usually).
They talk about the Veto competition.
Jeff, Kevin & Natalie
Kevin: Can I talk to you while he is in the DR?
Jeff: What's my assurances. Let's talk Jeff.
Natalie: My assurance, neither are you my traget but you're not going up. I want Michele out.
Jeff (to Kevin): Who do you want?
Kevin: Michele.
Jeff: I don't want to go up in any way shape or form.
Kevin: If I win HOH would you respect who I want to go home?
Jeff: Who?
Kevin: Michele. You would have to vote for Michele to go.
Jeff: Okay. I will do that.
Natalie: I 100% give you my word. I want Michele out. I don't like Michele. Why do you think Russell is paranoid? He has reason to be paranoid. He has been talking sh*t behind your back.
Jeff: If you put me up, I'm coming after you.
Kevin: I would be indebted to you because Russell is coming after me.
They have both sworn on everything that they are not coming after him.
It circles and Natalie does her best to introduce yet another compelling reason why Russell is evil incarnate.
Jeff: I'm not sure if I'm using the Veto yet.
Hot Tub
Kevin & Natalie
Natalie: It makes no sense for me to keep the deal with him. (Jeff)
Natalie and Kevin are talking game but the others are around so she starts speaking in Spanish.
BB tells them to "Stop That!" Kevin tries to cover by saying that he is trying to teach Natalie Pig Latin. He asks Jeff if he knows Pig Latin. Jeff tries and gets a "Stop That!"
Kevin and Natalie continue and get two more "Stop That!" until they are called to DR. Jeff and Russell joke that it's AG in the DR and they are expelled.
On the way in:
Kevin: It was Natalie's idea!
Natalie and Kevin
Natalie is telling Kevin about her conversation with Jeff at the pool table. They both want to take Jeff out next week.
Kevin: You have to stop complaining to Jeff. He hates that.Russell is telling him that we are up his a** and it's true. We need to walk a fine line. We just need to be on our best behaviour for the next day and a half.
Natalie: If we don't put up Jeff next week one of us will go home.
She is planning on giving him the same speech Jeff gave during his Coup D'Etat.
Kevin: We are giving him a sweet deal. Almost too sweet.
Natalie: He wants his and Jordan's safety. What does he give us?
Kevin: We just have to play dumb. We want to be here longer than Russell...
10:34 PM BBT
Around the House
Jeff & Russell doing laundry.
Natalie, Jordan and Kevin on the patio sofa chatting.
Michele is in DR.
11:13 PM BBT
A Picture is worth 1000 words...
Did Kevin just say 'that Otev thingy'? Maybe it was Otev?????
Oh poor Russel, who would have thought I would feel bad for him. He better come up with something and quick.
poor rus damn it nat an kevin are gona take this game away
Hey Genie -
I don't think that Russell will go softly into the dark night. I too feel a smackdown coming on!!
Hope he knocks a little sense into Jeff (verbal not physical). Jeff needs to get away from Jordan and start thinking about the JH and winning the $500K.
Whoooaaaa Mount Russellicus!!!!!
He is looking pretty defeated in the green room - hope its more of him figuring ouot a plan to get Jeff to pull his head out of his anal cavity.
UGH!!! I feel like Jeff is listening to Jordan WAY too much!! I have a bad feeling they are about to flush their chances of winning the game down the BB toilet! I'm still rooting for them, I just feel they are going to make a terrible decision!
Why is everyone dogging out on Jordan and Jeff, Nat is a weak player, why not keep her around if you know you can beat her, get rid of Russell who is a strong player and can win while you have the power to get her out, maybe i'm wrong but that is just me.
Since Jeff's making a "power move" I think it's only fair to assume that Kevin can come up with a power move too, if he's nimble enough. He could approach Russell & strike up a deal to team up w Russell & Michele.
Kevin has to know he's a fourth or fifth wheel as it is, & this would add 2 positions to his predicament.
Jeff is not eligible for HoH next week.
Jordan will be on her own vs a Kev/Michele/Russell team. If they got together they could guarantee Jorff is no more in two weeks.
I'm not impressed by Jeff's lack of foresight, since he's already so suspicious of Michele.
They are soooooooo not careful what they post in FaceBook on ur thingy Carolyn!
Someone else just posted Jeff won!
I dont like this at all...
Hiya Everyone! :)
Here's a question to ponder:
Why would Michele stay loyal to Jorff if they evict one of their alliance and are obviously buddy-buddy with the Kevalie?
You got me Genie!!! xoxoxo
bluex1969 said...
So now Natalie prays at every meal she eats? Like her buddy Jessie used to do? please.
She's only doing it because she thinks it works. Um, Natalie, I don't think God likes being used and/or manipulated for one's own selfish ends. Doesn't work that way, darling.
Never noticed her praying over her food before.....only Jessie.
August 22, 2009 5:15 PM
Judy in NJ said...
Jeff is being such a fool!!! I hate that, but I keep telling myself, "he doesn't know what we know...he doesn't know what we know"
That being said... Here's what I think Russel needs to do... man to man without Jordan there... Lay his cards on the table and say "look, I know you're thinking of backdooring me, and I have no idea what lies the other two are telling you, but I will promise you that I will NOT put you up next week... hold my vatican cross and if I break my word, it's yours!!"
It's his only hope obi wan kenobi!!! LOL
August 22, 2009 5:15 PM
Also, how can Jeff think if he takes N or K off and puts up R (with R going home) he can demand that neither J or J go up next week? Does he know how to count? Someone from that side has to go up besides Michelle!! got me tonight...foiled by the dreaded New Top Post...
Kas0831 says: "Anyone else finding this difficult to watch? :("
****I am****
It wouldn't be so bad had N or K gotten the POV, but the fact that Jeff is going to use it & BD Russell makes it worse.
Michele has wanted to get Russell out for awhile now - its the only reason i can figure out for her bs about running back and forth telling Jeff and Jordan everything.
This should make for a very interesting week.
Russell is going to blow up. I can only hope it ends in his favor.
Meg in SC - Personally, it's not Natalie that worries me.... it's Kevin! And, he is with Natalie. I also feel like he is going to win something in the near future, and do what Natalie wants him to, which is to take out Jeff!
Genie - got those smackdown fingers ready? I think you will be busy tonight!!
Genie Sea said...
Hiya Everyone! :)
Here's a question to ponder:
Why would Michele stay loyal to Jorff if they evict one of their alliance and are obviously buddy-buddy with the Kevalie?
August 22, 2009 5:26 PM
I don't think she will next week Genie if they do BD Russel, but his week her vote won't matter because kev & jordo will vote out russel
Genie... she wont have to be true to em... but she doesnt have a friend in Natalie or Kevin either... so.. she has no alliance without J and J.. right?
Genie - I agree! If they do this I don't think I would stay loyal. That just shows her they are trusting Kevalie more than their true alliance!
Reposted from getting New Posterized:
Aw shucks. I'm obviously blinded by my loyalty to Jordan and Jeff because I'm not seeing the mushroom cloud of doom that y'all are seeing. :(
Even if they back door Russell, as long as Michele stays loyal to Jeff and Jordan, they still have the majority vote. And also, from past history, the better chances of winning both HOH and POV.
Russell is a strong competitor. It is a good idea to get him out. And if Jeff makes it to the Final 2, the jury tends to vote on who played the best game. If you are looking at power moves, that'd be Jeff IMHO.
Genie, about your question: Who else would Michele have to align herself with? If they get Russell out this week and she turns her back on Jeff and Jordan (and they manage to stay) then they could just go to a Final 4 with Kevin and Natalie. I think Michele will keep her loyalty to them. That's just my opinion though, which has gone from the majority of the opinions here to the minority, and very quickly. But who knows.
now is the time for J/J to act. for them to be F2 Kevion must go. Its time.
I think Michele would have remained loyal to Jeff and Jordan to the end. But I think that is all going to change this week. Jeff and Jordan are going to be alone. As of today final 3...Natalie Kevin and Michele.
Jorff needs to understand that if Kevin & Natalie happen to win HoH, one of them is going up. maybe both to void a vote. They are overlooking Michele.
I am a Michele fan, so this works for me.
Natalie & Kevin have been talking about trying to evict Jeff nonstop.
I don't see anything wrong with them thinking they should get rid of Russell.
I like Russell and would like him to stay, but he is a strong player and they are right in thinking they need to get him out while they have the chance. Russell is smart and strong, so I see very good reasons to get him out now.
Let's not forget, in the Graduation Endurance, of the remaining HGs, Jordan and Michele were the last women standing.
Jeff can't play...
Russell may be going...
Just sayin', I wouldn't count either of them out for the win.
Repost..Oh, man all Nat and Kevin will have to do is get Michelle on their side...and if Jeff backdoors Russ...she (michelle) will know they would do the same to her....Their reign may be over for sure....
People aren't listenin on your facebook Caro...sorry.
Genie....exactly michelle will not believe them
Great post Genie and right on the money. Things are fine right now, but wait.....
You're right Carolyn ~ and that's what Jeff is thinking. Russell would more than likely win endurance over M and J, so Jeff wants him out, so they have HOH again next week.
Wendy - LOVE your new name!!!
Syn - I ♥ you! You always talk me back to reality when I'm doubting Jeff & Jordan!!!
Thank You!
Rose - As ironic as it is... people just don't read.
Carolyn -
I've only been lamenting Jeff's demise. I've mentioned Jordan in all my final scenarios (only F3's so far). I don't see Natalie aligning with Michelle unless it's do or die. Natalie HATES Michelle!!
If it's Michelle/Jordan I'd be OK with that.
On another note...
Russel has had a hand in his fate by voting for Jessie... and playing both sides.
I still want him to stay only because I trust Natalie less than I trust him.
This treating ppl like that have a horrendous disease is completely childish. All being happy and lovely and ignoring the person they are gonna kick out...........sometimes ppl suck.
Jaggers - i started it in the last post and moved on already but thank you!! LOL
lol Carolyn.... they think everyone wants to know and if they dont wanna know what the heck is wrong with them lol!!
Im always careful in Facebook lol!
Russell looks soooooo alone in the Green Room! And geeeze the guy has been behaving and so nice and ... hes still gonna get the boot... and bam... no vote for Jeff or Jordan in the Finale!
Thanx Carolyn, my little J/J heart was breakin' there for a minute.
Meg in SC - Glad to see I wasn't the only one confused about the current Jeff/Jordan situation.
From the outside look into the house i would love to see Nat go for sure because we all know she is a liar, but from just being in the house they are looking at it as we are getting a strong player out this week. I'm all for Jeff and Jordan Final 2
I agree Wendy....Gee do you think Russell has any idea....duh
For the record, I love all of them... to varying degrees.
What doesn't vary is my understanding that the longer they're in there, the more forgiving I need to be of their behavior - it's a nut house.
They only think Nat isnt a strong player in comps, because shes never had to play to win them. Even when on the block she is being told she is safe. I think Nat will pull out all the stops when she needs to. What better trait to have amongst your opponents than to be seen as a week player.
Thou it doesnt matter, its been the blind leading the blind this past week or so.
I find it very hard to believe that Natalie hasn't be throwing comps. She's not only an athlete, but in a sport that takes coordination and perfect form. She's also very bright and has bluffed her way through every single hurdle. I can totally imagine her killing in any endurance comp where she needed to win. I'm starting to think she and Michele have played the best games of the season.
Wendy - I'm a little slow, lol! I usually just notice the pics and not the names!
I am definately for J/J final 2...I just hope it plays out that way....
Screaming at Russel...
well damn I been in the wrong post forever lol!
Jordan: what does 90210 even mean?
Jaggers I def. see your point Kevin as come close in alot of comps lately, but Russell attitude is kind of showing that he is up to no good, if he was down with the plan why is he freaking out that is he going up ya know?
Syn- Glad I'm not the only one still on the Jordan and Jeff bus.
I think Michele will stay loyal to Jeff and Jordan i really don't see her going to the other side at all
May the best player win :)
I get them wanting to get out Rus because he is a strong person to play against, and Jeff can't play this week, however I think Michele is getting fed up because every chance they get, (J&J) they threaten her, Jordan hasn't won anything, Jeff gave her the HOH and I believe she was listening to Michele's footsteps on the pov and she just took a wild guess on the number of truffles. So they should be super nice to Michele instead of treating her like crap she helped them get where they are, and they quickly forgot that.
As the saying goes: Don't forget the people on the way up, because you will see their faces on the way down!!
90210, didn't it start in 1990? Well if so then Natalie, as an 18 year old ;-), wouldn't have even been born yet. I wish they'd catch her on that dad gum lie!
Meg, they are all liars. The only difference with Natalie is she is so damn good at it.
HELLO! yes! the age thing,I wonder when they would ask how she knew about 90210!
why does Nat run her mouth so much?
Genie Sea said...
May the best player win :)
Amen Genie...
Question for everyone... what do you think makes the "best" player?
SOME1 PLZ answer this question.
Did natalie get a slop pass for the whole game?
And did Jessy teach her to pray @ every mean? I never noticed b4
key moment just happened. Jeff sounded incredulous "you must've been… 9 years old when 90210 ended" to Natalie, when she started to talk about when it used to air on Mondays.
notice the lie, Jeff, please!
Damnit! I burnt my green beans *curses bb*
Maybe I can convince the family they are "roasted"
jane said...
Meg, they are all liars. The only difference with Natalie is she is so damn good at it.
Jorff need to realize no matter what promises are made for next week, the other HGs are not stupid and know that one of them have to go. They know that they won't make f2 if one of them is there for f3. They would take each other. They're feelings about each other aren't hidden like Dick and Danielle's! Poor Russell. Although, it is the best for Jeff. I think. Maybe not. Who knows?? Don't ya see how one can go crazy and be all paranoid in the house?
MnM in Illinois said...why does Nat run her mouth so much?
Let her keep talking and give up something that cannot be disputed about her age!!!
RE 90210 It was remade in 2008 and is currently running with a new cast of characters.
remember the first night,Kevin was the first one to say Nat was not 18!
*shakes him*
Jordan was in 1st grade when 90210 came out. Hey Jeff, is Natalie is 18 then she must have still been in the womb. Put this together with the poker, her drinking (and BB doing nothing about it) and now this and maybe Natalie is a liar after all.
They are def. all liars, that is part of the game for sure, I would love to see Nat leave but if not then for sure Russell or Kevin.
Crap I posted before I finished. And the original 90210 re-runs on Soap network.
Meg in SC,
I agree with you, I want Natalie out because I think she has had hardly no game play. However, if I was in the house I might go for Russel next, although I think they should have tried to throw it to Natalie or Kevin, so the blood would not be on his hands as far as back dooring someone in his own alliance.
Does Jeff and Jordan know the way the votes work to win.
jaggers - lol, always happy to pull someone back from the ledge!
Meg in SC - I had a huge post about that yesterday I think. No one in the house knows about Kevin and Natalie's lies. Russell and Michele have been proven to be lying time and time again. If I were in the house and knew only what they knew, I'd lean toward aligning with Natalie and Kevin. I can't fault Jeff and Jordan for not knowing what we know. Glad I'm not the only one thinking that way :)
And also, let me point out, that though Kevin/Natalie/Lydia made up the lie about hearing Russell and Michele talking about getting Jeff and Jordan out. Russell and Michele did have that conversation. And Russell does want Jeff out. If the situations were reversed, I don't think for a second that Russell wouldn't be gunning to get Jeff out.
In regards to Natalie's athletic prowess: From what I've read, Natalie was the tae kwon do champion when she was between the ages of 13 - 17 (roughly, from memory). Which would mean something if she truly was 18, but she's not. And I don't think I've seen her work out once. So I really don't think she's been throwing comps.
I'm bowing out for the night. Have a couple things to do, and a full day tomorrow.
See ya all tomorrow!!!
Nitey nite, Genie!!! (((huggies)))
Nite Nite, Miss Carolyn!!
*smooch* Have a good evening!!
♫ You ain't seen nothin' yet,
B-B-B-Baby, you just ain't seen nothin' yet,
Here's something that you never gonna forget,
B-B-B-Baby, you just ain't seen nothin' yet. ♫
Nite Nite, Sweet Blue!
Natalie talked about the "wednesday nights" with 90210,just like Jeff.
she said she was watching the original 90210 on the night it aired.
they went str8 to her age.
& still didn't figure it out.
but yet Jordan thought Jeff might have a twin.
they are a mess
Hot damn!
Night Blue!
There ya go, testin' us again Blue! LOL
Have a great night!
Night Blue - Have a good day tomorrow!
90210 has been rerunning ever since it ended. Hey, I can have an in depth conversation about the Andy Griffith show and Leave it to Beaver. They aren't suspicious so they aren't going to notice.
Casey was the only one who caught on, but for some reason he never said anything.
Night Blue! Sleep sweet and get lucky! ;)
LOL - I just now noticed that was you! I've been on the moderating end...
G'Night Blue!
Wendy - lol, I need to go back and read that warning you posted in the last thread!
Michelle in Indiana: the reason Jeff called her out is bc she was talking about what day it aired on originally (Mondays I think) & how it switched to Wednesday later on, not abt plot points or anything. You can't know that from reruns
Hey all! So Jeff won PoV tonite? Yuk, lol. I don't know what it's like being in that house but watching Jordeff go from being very friendly to Russell/Michele to "throwing stones" at them every single chance they get just irks me. Jordeff's newfound BFF-ship w/ Kevin/Natalie sickens me, lol. Jeff seems like he understand that K/N are not on his side, but Jordan is really in Natalie's corner now, and not Michele's. It's amazing what a little paranoia can do in the game.
It will be very interesting to see how tonight/tomorrow plays out before the PoV Ceremony. All I hope is that Michele goes nowhere this week!
~ Ryan ~
Carolyn - i'm in a goofy mood thanks to meds and i'm trying really really hard not to break any rules while being a goof-ball :P
Wendy..LOL..that song is my ringtone for when my hubby calls...hehe
He put it on there for me w/o me knowing.
Syn, I like your thinking! Nat isn't a strong player at all of course you would want someone like that to come along with you when you know at the end you can beat them and control your own destiny vs. keeping Russell someone who is strong and can beat you. I think for sure if Russell goes this week Kevin needs to be the target. Nat is a liar for sure but Jeff or Jordan don't know that because she hasn't been confronted about anything
Dishers ♥
Syn - Natalie was a Jr. champ but that doesn't mean she lost the basic skills or that she doesn't still do it for sport. No one has a body like that who doesn't work out. That is a serious athlete's body. She's not working out in the house for the same reason she lies about everything. It's game. I'm willing to bet on it.
Whoever Jeff pulls off the block should vote for Russell to stay and try to convince Michele to do the same. Maybe my logic is flawed, but here is what I am thinking:
Say Kevin is pulled off and it ends up being Natalie and Russell on the block. If Kevin runs to Michele and tells her that Jeff and Jordan have been keeping her in the dark all week, and were always out to get Russell but not tell her about it because they don't trust her, she might be pretty ticked. Couple that with the fact that J/J have been bullying her (in my opinion) and she might just believe that she isn't as safe with them as she previously thought. She and Kevin could vote out Natalie.
With Russell still in the house, there isn't really a scenario in which Kevin is the main target. Jeff can't play, so he can't win or throw it for Jordan. So, more than likely Russell or Michele would win, and probably go after Jeff and Jordan for making such a big deal about F4 and then going back on it (definately so in the case of Russell). If Jordan does manage to win, she will still want to break up Michele and Russell. In any scenario, Kevin isn't the main target. Even if Michele were to get back in with Jeff and Jordan next week, she would still target Russell in my opinion. It seems like keeping Russell in the game lets Team Technotronics have a blowup and target each other, while the 5th person justs rides straight to the final 4.
Ninja - after my mum had a tia my brother bought her a cell phone to be safe and he made his ringtone to croak at him when she calls! He has called my mum The Toad for yrs.
Thanks Kevin..I was half paying attention because I was on the phone. I watched it all the time and I don't remember it moving to Wednesday.LOL
Good Evening Dishers!
Just wanted to stop in and say hi. Am watching the feeds but am way tired tonight and can't wait for BBAD so I can go lay in bed and watch. Too bad its a rainy night and I can't go lay in the hot tub and watch.
You guys are making me nervous about the backdooring Russ thing. I'm not sure what is best to do. I still love J&J and want them to go all the way. I will be so disappointed if one or both gets evicted.
Great job as always on keeping everyone posted on what we miss when life interferes with our addiction.
A reminder to hit up the tip jar. I just did!
Hey Syn!
You're right about Nat and that she hasn't been in tae kwon do for a long time, if you know her REAL age that is! LOL
And I haven't bailed on J & J either!
haha. i feel for jordan. i'm 26 and didn't know what a long island iced tea was until a couple of months ago. lol.
i wish jeff and jordan would wake up. i'm nervous that gnat is going to win hoh and try to take jeff out. ahhhh!! hopefully he'll get some sense before the pov ceremony!
I'm more concerned with the fact that the HG's didn't call out Natalie on her age for drinking the wine and the gambling she's done in vegas. Those two are key. If they didn't get it on that, then they aren't going to get it on something like what night 90210 was on.
Allison Grodner did say in an interview that they told her that they couldn't help support her lie. Also that if they were asked by another houseguest about her drinking that they would have to tell them they wouldn't support illegal activities in the house. AG said that no one had asked them about that one.
Hey Becca :) Rest well :)
OMG they are talking about drinking and Nat just said how much she tips...please let Michelle have picked up on that and throw her under the bus...come one people this isn't rocket science!!
GRRRRR! Checked in to see JEFF won. My worst nightmare.
I'll be back and comment all to myself if I need to.
Oh, this is me, sitting at the computer right now, just finished making my CD.
Aren't I PRETTY? :-p~~ *or EW!!!!!*
What worries me is that they will string Natalie along because she is weak player, and then she will pull one out at the last minute, take Jordan or Jeff with her and Win, She would have votes from Lydia, Jessie, Kevin, and if he puts Russell up, probably him as well. That is why I am conflicted at times with getting Natalie or Russ out this weeks, I think she has the jury votes
I know what a Long Island Ice Tea is but I don't know what is actually in it, and I've never had one. I'm 42. I'm a dork I guess.
it's not that he is getting rid of russell,it is the way he is doing it.the way they acted & talk now.They are becoming everything they always said they wouldn't IMHO
Now if I heard him say what you did,then maybe,but he isn't getting rid of Russel because of those reasons.everything he says about russ is a personal attack.
I think Russ would be more loyal to them than Nat & kev.maybe I'm wrong tho
Syn is here?
Come're baby, give me a big wet kiss!
Gaytor - ♫ I feel pretty
Oh so pretty
I feel pretty and witty and gay
And I pity
Any girl who isn't me today
I feel charming
Oh so charming
It's alarming how charming I feel
And so pretty ♫
I'm still on team J/J too.........
I have put them in time out!!! LOL
Lara: thank you for going into that in detail. I was thinking EXACTLY the same thing. but these guys are pretty intimidated by the HOH still, so it might not happen, even tho it is a beautiful scenario for Kevin
Carolyn said...
Let's not forget, in the Graduation Endurance, of the remaining HGs, Jordan and Michele were the last women standing.
Jeff can't play...
Russell may be going...
Just sayin', I wouldn't count either of them out for the win.
I agree. And, earlier today Michelle asked J/J if they wanted to B/D Russell so I don't think it will be a complete shock or that she will feel they are leaving her out of their F3 plan. If they don't tell her before they do it then it might cause ripples so hopefully Jeff will tell her.
Jordan has won comps & she didn't win the POV listening to Michelle's footsteps & Michelle & Jordan both took a wild guess on the number of truffles & Jordan happened to have a better guess. She was handed the HOH but she was in 2nd place so she was ahead of everyone except Jeff. Sometimes it's not a matter of endurance or skill but luck too.
Syn - I'm glad we are on the same page about J/J.
Also, I downloaded those free songs that you told us about the other day! Thanks for the info!
Well Guys....I've heard about as much of this bunch that I can stand for the night...Sweet Dreams to all..
gnite ninja girl :)
Meg in SC - I totally agree!
Jane - To a degree I can agree with you on Natalie. I don't know what she was doing right up until they came into the house, so you could be right about her continued training etc. She just has shown that she's a strong player in mental or physical comps. And I think that she has needed to fight for the comps since Jessie left. A strong liar? She wins hands down.
Marci - lol, yeah, in this thread I'm seeing more and more people still on the Jeff/Jordan train. I was just feeling a little dejected earlier because it seemed like almost everyone had abandoned them.
GaYToR - Oh dear.
Long Island Ice Tea...
vodka, Tequila, rum, gin, triple sec, sweet&sour mix, splash of Coke
Night Ninjagirl! Sleep sweet :)
Much as I hate to say it... Natalie is good!!! As soon as Jeff questioned the 90210 thing, she went back into her facade "What's a gremlin? What's a furbie?"
I have a question.
Why would Russ alienate himself from the group. It seems that hanging with everyone melts hearts. But the last time he hung out with the group Russ lost it and went ballistic on Nat when Jeff won a hand of poker. Do you think he can't control himself and the only way to keep his cool is to keep away?
Natalie is a combination of a Gremlin and a Furby!
WendyLady33 said...
Natalie is a combination of a Gremlin and a Furby!
August 22, 2009 6:35 PM
Wanted to add about the Long Island Ice Tea even though there is a lot of alcohol if it's made right it should taste just like ice tea...that's how it can get someone really drunk cuz it tastes good & then bam!!!
I swear Nat acts like she wants to get caught!
MsFitz - Excellent Point regarding Jordan's HOH win! She had to be in second place in order for it to be handed to her. Same thing with the POV win, she held her own in that comp. And during the endurance comp she has said she knew that Jeff or Russell weren't going to drop so she didn't see the point in hanging up there (which is flawed I must admit). But she has proven herself to be a stronger player than Natalie and Kevin as far as the comps go. Jordan is definitely the most underestimated IMHO.
From the last post, but *meh* this, for me, was the absolute...
4:30pm BBT
Michele's out of the shower and dressed. Natalie's still showering. The boys are still waiting, and they're getting hornery.
Perfect whoopsie. Or was it intentional? *wiggles eyebrows*
LOL Wendy. And LOL Judy ~ They need a time out! Or to just booger and get it over with!
I am so super irritated with Jeff and Jordan and their blindness at Kevin and Natalie. If Jeff backdoors Russell He is a goner next week and I can't say that I will feel sorry for him because he will have made a stupid move if he takes Russell out. At this rate Kevin and Natalie are going to walk into the final 2. Grrrrrrrrrrr!
Syn, you could be right, who knows? But with someone like Natalie her whole strategy may be to fake out everyone on everything. I'm not saying she threw all the comps, and I think on the endurance comp she did actually get sick. But the extent to which she has lied it's just impossible to know the truth.
She wants to be a professional poker player. She has a completely different perspective on this as a game then anyone else in the house (the perspective Ronnie liked to believe he had). I've never liked her, but the more she adapts the more impressed I get with her, and the more I think she has bobbed at weaved intentionally at every turn.
Syn - the warning was a few posts ago now but i felt i needed to let ppl know :P
here is a question...
If Jeff is getting rid Russel because he is the stronger player,then will it really matter if they find out Nat has been lying about her age?
how would that change the good reason for BD Russ?
lol, it was definitely a whoopsie on my part.
I think Natalie gets a thrill out of her lie. She's told so many things that show her real age. There are so many times that the other houseguests have said something about how she's going to enjoy college so much, etc. And I just feel so bad for them.
I bet she was sweating bullets during the POV comp when Casey was there. Because her DR Goodbye to him was all about her age and acted like "In your face sucka!"
And like someone said earlier why wouldn't Michele be upset if they took Russell out, not only would they be breaking up the alliance, but that leaves her as a target. It's just not logically smart to back door Russell.
A whoopsie or wishful thinking????
Carolyn i'm catching on to you young lady!
lol, i promise, that one was a whoopsie.
MnM ~ Actually, the HG's finding out that she isn't 18 might help her, should she be F2. M, J, J, and R have said time and time again that they would never give an 18 year old $500,000!
Of course, they would think if she lied about that, what else has she lied about.
Syn, we can certainly agree that Natalie gets a thrill out of her lies. But the chick wants to be a professional gambler, so ...
Carolyn - how's this nickname????
Agree Carolyn, total nut house by now and sure I would have lost all sense of reality.
Hey, next time we need a waiting gate we should play the what would I be like in the house by now. We did that a couple of seasons ago and it was fun.
I personally know I would have lost my mind, be getting aggrevated with those I was closest to (J/J) and unfortunately would probably trust the ones sharing with me, no matter how I felt about them last week. What's real about this situation, so how can you expect these people to act sensibly?
I think Dan was one of the only ones to pull that off, but we (America) were keeping him grounded from the outside. These guys have nothing from the outside other than the Coup d'etat and weekly food votes. Other than the vote for Jeff, no indications are being sent in to lead them to who is on their side and who is not.
maybe they just think Nat is a boasting 18yr old trying to act cool & impress them,& instead of not believing her age,they just don't believe the stories she tells
Jane - Great observations about Natalie. I definitely have not given her enough credit throughout this entire game. And she hasn't (as far as I can remember) gone to the personal lows that people like Russell, Chima, and Ronnie did. I have to give her mad props for managing to survive as long as she has without the first drop of blood on her hands.
I did say yesterday about her aversion to water, she could be lying about that completely. She could be a synchronized swimming tae kwon do master, lol!
Maybe that is her MO, to fake people out and at the last minute when it is truly needed pull out a win that will steal the game.
But I've got to remember too that many people have treated her age as a downfall when it comes to jury votes. Many don't want to see an 18 year old win the money.
Ooooooh Syn ~ I forgot about Casey. BB probably warned him. Dang!
lol, wendy
ltc - will do :)
God, bless my underwear
My only pair.
Stand beside them,
And guide them,
As they sit in a heap by the chair.
From the washer,
To the clothesline,
To my dresser drawer,
To my rear!
God, bless my underwear,
My only pair.
God, bless my underwear,
Or I'll be bare
I sooo just snort laughed. Again. Ok more than that. A lot.
Most excellent whoopsie Carolyn! ☺ LMAO! ;) I ♥ U!
Syn, Marci just brought it up and I've been wondering myself. If Natalie makes it to the inquisition will she reveal she is 24 or not? I can think of pros and cons.
Do your ears flip-flop?
Can you use them for a mop?
Are they stringy at the bottom?
Are they curly at the top?
Can you use them for a swatter?
Can you use them for a blotter?
Do your ears flip-flop?
Oh yeah I would be INSANE in there,I always think about how I would act or handle it there.
shit watching the live feeds has made me homicidal.
Marci - I'm sure they did. I mean they brought Jessie back last season but he had to be silent in a gorilla suit. I wonder if Casey had to wear his Banana suit, bwahahahaha!
But it would have been so funny if he had mixed in something about "Nat's 24" in his minglemixx!
Russ looks cute in that hat
Lincoln, Lincoln
I've been thinkin'
What on Earth
Have you been drinkin'?
Tastes like whiskey,
Smells like wine,
Oh my gosh,
It's turpentine!
Jane - More than likely after the winner is declared, BB might call her out.
i'm gonna lay down...
wayyy too much tushie time today!
i leave you all in genie's loving care. ♥
I still go back to when I think it was Jeff who said, N/K haven't said anything nice to them the whole game and all of a sudden we trust them? That to me is so obvious! They turn immediately to them and pretty much ditch their original alliance?
Wake up and look at who's on the Jury!
MnM in Illinois said...
Oh yeah I would be INSANE in there,I always think about how I would act or handle it there.
shit watching the live feeds has made me homicidal.
August 22, 2009 7:00 PM
hahahahahaha My honey has to constantly tell me to calm down and remember it's a game!!!
Night Carolyn!
Helllooooooo Genie!
I'm sorry, but I don't think Jordan can be blamed for Jeff's downfall. His brain is so filled with power there is no room for anything else. Dude! Natalie is tight with Jessie and you are about to backdoor Russell and you are hoping to send Kevin out. Uh ... everyone who leaves goes to the jury house and they will, you know, talk to Jessie. How about a modicum of tact and common sense? And Michele is the one without street smarts?? Hum.
Hi Genie, Hi everyone, I am loving the Jessie Bashing session!
♫ Now all you sucker. D.J.’s
Who think you’re fly
There’s got to be a reason
And we know the reason why.
And act real cool
But you got to realise
That you’re acting like fools.
If there’s music we can use it
We need to dance.
We don’t have that time
For psychological romance ♫
Genie, no I'm asking whether Natalie will out herself during the Q&A if she makes it to the final two. It's an example of her good game play.
Maybe this convo they are having in het kitchen will make Jeff see that Nat has been against him the whole game so why keep her? I can hope!
I totally understand.My DH doesn't watch this so he really thinks I'm insane.& I'm not even going to disagree,I am nuts with this show. lol
I put the whole house on blast when the feeds came back from this Veto. lol
Now could this be what Jeff and Jordan need to hear to keep Russell? Natalie just said she is loyal to Jessie.
Wendy, sweetie, I know we just met,but can you share whatever meds you iz on? *batts lashes*
I wanna get mah groove on too
Goodnight Carolyn! Sweet dreams!
Jane - I've been thinking about that too. (Though my heart refuses to believe anyone but Jeff and Jordan/Michele in the Final 2 would be a crime, lol) I definitely see pros and cons.
On the one hand, it would point out that though she appeared throughout to be a floater/hanger on, she was actually playing the game pretty much before anyone else was.
That would also bring up the "What else has she lied about?" question.
Also, who's to say that Jessie will keep her secret? He and Chima were the only ones that knew. If Lydia bombards Jessie with the questions about his and Natalie's psuedo relationship then I can see that secret coming out. Especially with Lydia tending to call Natalie "Kid."
That is definitely a question to ponder. If she heard that people didn't want to give the money to an 18 year old then she would have no choice but to tell the truth. Given her non-chalant attitude about the lie, I think she would take great pleasure in exposing all of her lies.
If I was in the jury house though, I'd only see that she had made a fool of me the entire game. And I'm not certain that I could reward that.
Go Michele !! Come on get those airheads to see the real Nat and not this wanna be sweet heart she is playing herself to be.
Is it me, or did the conversation about Jessie get a little tense? If that conversation didn't open Jordan and Jeff's eyes to Natalie, I don't think anything will.
What I dont understand is the treatment not only of Russell but Michelle as well, and how they think that Michelle is suppost to have their backs, when in fact she knows that they are going to BD Russell. She has to be thinking I am next. Why in J&Js minds is it okay for J&J having an F2, Natalie & Kevin having an F2, but Russell and Michelle have to be split up. I am beginning to think that Jeff is jealous of Russell. That would make sense
I'm off to make some money on my usual corner. Come find me Syn.
Hope I am back for a smackdown.
Jordan doesn't know why Russell doesn't trust them - seriously? Hello you want to backdoor his ass and you are short with him or ignoring him - so yeah i think he has a right to not trust you.
Had to take a break for "Being Human".
Hey Gaytor, have you seen it yet?
I agree with Genie, let the best player win.
But is the best player the best liar?
The one who wins the most comps?
The best floater?
The best snuggler?
The least belligerent?
The least psychotic?
The most photogenic?
The best cook?
The best cleaner?
The highest IQ?
The most jovial?
The best bartender?
etc., etc., etc., (Yul Brenner/Deborah Kerr; I wasn't in the womb when 90210 came out!!!)
Thank goodness I'm not in the house!!
Well its official.... Jeff has NO poker face! He is showing major hostile body language towards M/R !! Hello-- Jury votes!
Russel,turn around & talk to that wall,you'd have better luck.
Jeff,you suck hard right now.I don't know what's happened to you.
This is where Michele should been piping up and tell J and J the same spew about Natalie and her lies. Jeff and Jordan need to hear all this.
Did we break blogger or Genie???
Do the producers of the show have any hand in steering on how these POV turn out? Certain times, it becomes evident in people's questioning of others.
Good evening everyone. This is my first post.
I have to say that I'm impressed with Michelle tonight. I thought she did a good job of pointing out Natalie's throwing people under the bus. Plus, I liked her explanation of why she thought he was being "irritable".
I'm glad Russell came up to explain why he hasn't been around or as talkative lately. Plus, I love how he's giving the lowdown on Jesse-Natalie.
jordan is going to be the death of jeff (yeah it rhymes)i wish he would think about this decision and remember what he told jordan in the begaining. that he will get her to the jury house. he did now its time for him to worry about final 2. he will not win against jordan he might win against michele or russell.
It just clicked in my head about Michele's game. It makes all her actions clear:
She wants to take Jordan with her to the Final 2. Michele will get everyone's vote except Jeff & America. I can see Michele getting cutthroat with talking about how Jordan was carried by Jeff. Lydia and Natalie might not like Michele, but I'm sure they don't want to seem like they were bested by Jordan in the ultimate outcome.
And if Jeff's real plan is the get Russell out, then Natalie, Kevin, and Michele winning HoH next week will show him the bitter taste of revenge. I hope that Jeff realizes that ousting Russell in this Final 6 will prevent him from winning Big Brother. The only way he could win from this point forward is to take Natalie to the end with him WITHOUT pissing off Jordan AND Michele which at this point is near impossible.
I feel so sorry for Michele, since she will be the 5th wheel in this upcoming week. She will be torn between the sides and can really only win against Jordan.
I hope that Jeff gets evicted before Jordan so we can see what she's like when the puppet strings are cut. Jeff and Jordan have won the 4 consecutive competitions. This house is the ULTIMATE social experiment showing how two nice people like Jeff and Jordan have become COMPLETELY drunk with power in this short amount of time.
I feel so bad for Russell. If Jeff wanted him out (that is kinda sad being one of your alliances)why didnt he just put him on the block in the first place. I think Jeff needs to sleep in HOH by himself tonight and think about what he is doing. Jordon is confusing him and sexually fustrating him. He needs to think clearly.
Hey Genie, are you ready for a smackdown. I sure hope Natalie gets boozed up & slips about her age, AGAIN. re:90210
Sorry about the backlog in comments. I was transcribing.
♫ Genie with the magic fingers! ♫
MmM - nope darling i can't share cause it would get me jail time and i wouldn't wanna be someones b*tch :P
MG - Best player is all the things u listed + a decent human being!!
sorry, but Jorff's time is almost up. With all this ridiculous HOH-itis, I won't mind seeing Kevin & Natalie in final2. but fingers still crossed for Michele
I hate to admit it~but I am now officially over Jeff and Jordan. Someone needs to knock them down a few notches. The way they are acting toward Michele and Russell is ridiculous~kind of reminds me of how they were treated the first few weeks.
Jordan: What's wrong with Russell?
Michele: He is bummed about the veto.
Jordan: What does it matter? If we're on the same team? I would have been happy if any of you got it.
Michele: I know. He's just not feeling secure.
They talk about Russell noticing the order of the keys.
Jordan: My thing is what does it matter if Jeff wins the Veto? Obviously he doesn't trust us.
Yeaaaah, gotta say that I'm not really a Jordan fan. She's supposed to like the sweetheart or something but I find that she's waaaay too biting. And gets away with lots of snippiness and in my book, it's just not cool.
Perfect example of how Michelle can't tell a story straight. She said they took the blanket but then toward the end when Jeff was leaving the room said they took Jeff's & Russell's & didn't take hers. But she can't tell the story straight & it confuses whoever she is telling it to. Just say they attempted to take my blanket & I was sleeping. But, when they saw I was sleeping & I stopped them they didn't take it. Good grief, all this over a freakin' blanket. Now it looks to Jeff & Jordan that she lied or exaggerated the story.
Okay I had to jump in to say this I think I am officially done with this season! J/J have lost their minds. Its sickening to see how this is going down. I feel myself getting anxious over this which is nuts considering that this in no way affects me personally LOL! I loved J/J and now they sound like Jessie and Natalie. Im just UGHH
Unfortunately, Michele can't speak her mind until after the PoV ceremony, since one wrong move could have her backdoored instead of Russell.
I came to another realization:
Kevin will pretty much be a deciding factor for the next two weeks. Kevin needs to overcome his attachment to Natalie. If he has a talk with Michele and they keep Russell instead of Natalie, Russell WILL NEVER trust Jeff & Jordan again. Michele and Kevin wouldn't be the targets as Jeff and Jordan would still be targeting Russell. It would be so sweet to see Natalie leave this week and have Russell win HoH to stick it Jeff and Jordan.
Just read the latest (thank you) and I'm so disappointed in Jeff and Jordan. I really wanted them to be final two, however, they are being so foolish with the Natalie/Kevin situation. Putting up Russ is just moronic!! Hopefully, some how, some way...Michelle and Russell say something that clicks about the 'Jessie team'. Are they seriously not seeing what is going on with Natalie? She has reverted right back to her Jessie days only now it's with Jeff. Unbelievable....except J & J are believing it...grrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!
Keep talkin Jordan,just tell Nat EVERYTHING as usual. lame lame LAME
Give her some booze again Jeff.yeah let's just screw this game all the way out.
and How long is Kevin gonna let a "18yr" use him like a bitch,she just bosses him all around.
& he does it.
Ok, I never thought I would say this but I am officially off of Team J/J. Where the hell is their loyalty? Russell and Michelle have been completely on board and now they are not only BD Russell but talking smack about Michelle to the "other guys."
I would give anything for there to be way for Russell and Michelle to pull this out but it's out of their hands now.
I never thought I would be a Russell/Michelle fan but J/J power trip has pushed me over the edge.
and shut up Jordan, shut up...they are your old enemies, duh.
I swear at this point I am rooting for them (J/J) to lose the whole thing.
they are so dumb & fickle I can't stand it
Ohhh Natalie....
ok who has the bucket??
I can't watch anymore. I just can't. I've wholeheartedly been a Russell fan from the beginning. And I liked J/J. Was hoping they could make it to F3.
But Jeff and Jordan have totally let the power go to their heads these past 2 weeks. What happened to their oath? I agree with everyone else who mentioned the flaw in their complaint about Russell having a deal to take Michelle to the Final 2. Why should he be the only player not allowed to have a deal with someone? And of course he's gonna have to put up one of them against K/N next week. Duh. But Michele & the other half will save them.
But Jeff needs to figure out which is a more important guarantee: getting to the final 4 with R (I believe he'll keep his word) or getting to the final 5 (cuz N/K will stab him faster than he can blink his baby blues).
Basically, my point is this: if he goes through with his plan to backdoor Russell, I HOPE he goes next week. Then I'm rooting for Kevin or Michelle to win.
Dear Jordan,
HUSH!!!! Stop talking to Natalie ~ you are digging your own grave! Shhhhhhhhh!!!!
LOL...I'm sooo frustrated!
i'm gonna puke, really. really jeff and jordan, really? really nat doesn't have a reason to lie to you anymore, really? and really jeff and jordon you be fine if nat or kevin win next week? really? okay whatever, i'm kinda over their game play. i understand parts of what they are doing but i don't like how they are bullying (IMO) michelle. i've been saying it all week, if they evict russ jeff deserves what he gets. it's too bad to b/c i really do enjoy him in the house. i frickin voted for him 500 times. things have just changed a lot. a little paranoid a little power trip. a lot unattractive.
i have to be clear thogh, i still like jj personalyy, they ae adorable when they are alone and not talking game. they make me seriously lol. but really jeff and jordan, really?
wow,Natalie can't stand shady people
I am shocked lightening has not struck.
Genie weinie bo beanie :P
I feel for you having to listen to all the same crapola over and over and STILL have to transcribe it.
Oh sweet baby bean sprouts....
Jeff was adamant about not looking like a fool on this show - yet when he goes back and watches it all he will see just how big of one he is at this point.
I love how J/J want Kevin over Nat when the time is right but when Michele mentions something about him, she's being shady. I love when they are there old fun couple but this power trip is killing me. I think they need Nat/Kevin to win next week and Michele wins POV. Won't they be feel silly when they're on the block next to each other. I feel a little bad thinking that but they are getting out of hand. lol
Sorry guys, but I am officially off team J&J. I would accept the strategic move of axing Russell - if it really was a strategic move. But making new BFF's with the enemy is beyond dumb. Sadly, I don't think either J is the smartest crayon in the box.
I'm now all for Michele with Natalie and Kevin in final three. If Russell is still around I would hope for Michele, Natalie, and Russell.
I'd like to see the final endurance comp fought between Michele and Natalie. I think two women battling that out would be very cool, for a change.
I'm actually not being fickle. I was never a J&J game fan, and their snuggling isn't as cute as it used to be.
MnM- LOL I thought the same thing about Nat and the shady people... :)
Kevin - At this point I would welcome a smackdown. :) Russell has nothing to lose. Anything he and Michele say can and will be used against them in the court of HOH. WHereas when Natalie and Kevin speak, angels sing....
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