PoV Spoiler & Immediate Aftermath
The Feeds are back!!! The PoV Spoiler is Revealed!!!
Jordan: I think you should save the wine for when it's us 2 in the final 2.
Jeff: You've decided that huh?
Jordan: I'm bummed I was the 1st one out.
Jeff: Competitions are so much funner when you win.
***Did you?
Jeff: This season's all about saving energy and stuff, so from now on, we should shower together.
Jordan didn't win, but they're both pretty darn happy... and everyone downstairs looks like their dogs just died...
Waiting for clues... and facts!! Flipping down to Cam 3 where Russell's sitting with his head hanging, looking dejected.
4:28pm BBT
Downstairs bathroom
Russell and Kevin are waiting on the shower... No words being exchanged.
4:30pm BBT
Michele's out of the shower and dressed. Natalie's still showering. The boys are still waiting, and they're getting ornery.
We learn the comp was very oily...
4:30pm BBT
Jeff: I have all the power now, sister!
***That'll do it!
Jeff won the PoV
He plans to Take Kevin Off
Replace him with Russell
4:34pm BBT
HoH Bathroom
New Rules..
Jordan: And.. when you're talking to me, will you not raise your voice?
Jeff: I'm not yelling, I'm just explaining the rules.
Jordan: This is what happens when you get power hungry...
Jeff: I think I'm gonna pull the trigger.
Jordan: Good.
Jeff: I'm not sure it's the best game move, but I can't trust him.
4:39pm BBT
HoH Room
Jeff & Jordan, cont'd.
Jordan: And then Natalie kept talkin to me, and I was like, oh, crap... and Russell's starin at me...
Jordan's non-stop talking right now... the gist is here:
Jordan: We definitely have to break up him and Michele.
Jeff: Definitely. Especially after the talk this morning.
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It's Down to the Wire Game on in the BB11 House
Jordan said she was bummed that she was the first one out.
Ohhhhhhhhhh, how wish that Shower door was see-thru! HaHaHa!!!!!!!
Jordan was 1st one out
Oh, really, Genie? *wink wink* LOL
*blush* Thank you.
Boiler Up wrote: "Hiya! Long time lurker, first time poster...
For Jaggers, Michelle in IN and Blue... Only one thing to say: "Boiler Up"!
Greetings from West of the Wabash..."
So, you are from Pee-yew!!!???huh? I mean....P.U.
Sorry 'bout that! teehee.
Nice to *meet* ya!!!
jeff .. comps better when ou win!!!
Genie got me with the new top post!
Jeff won. He just said "competitions are so much better when you win" in a jovial voice.
Looks like Jeff won. And I spent all that time on a limerick no ones gonna see.
i think jeff won i hope he trusts rus
No one seems too happy . . . where's Natalie?
Boiler Up wrote: "Hiya! Long time lurker, first time poster...
For Jaggers, Michelle in IN and Blue... Only one thing to say: "Boiler Up"!
Greetings from West of the Wabash..."
Boiler Up - We're just gonna have to kick you out of this blog, loL!
Dude! You didn't have to show all THAT in the screen cap! lmao!
Hey Gang! Taking a breather to check in and see how things are going.
I've been peeking in at the comments off and on today. I think Jeff is reaching his limit of control in regards to Jordan and the flirtation. I don't see how he just hasn't attacked (lovingly) her already, lol. He definitely knows restraint.
Can't wait to read about who won POV! I'm kinda hoping it was Russell as long as Russell doesn't backstab Jeff and Jordan next week.
Hope you all are doing well.
Jeff won pov
Yay, Jeff won. Boo, Jeff won. I am so conflicted.
Jeff won!!!!
Jeff won....... not sure if that is good or bad
Poor russ
Jeff won. decisions decisions. think jeff think
Someone say something!!!!!!!
JEFF just said he won and he controls all the power!!
Jeff won!
Yeah Jeff!
I ♥ Jeff!! His comments crack me up!
Jaggers: "Boiler Up - We're gonna have to kick you out of this blog, lol!!"
LMAO!!! You said it!!!
teasing, Boiler up!!! hehehehe.
Are you actually in Lafayette?
See Jeff win AOH
See Jeff act like an ass
See Jeff win POV
See Jeff act like a bigger ass
Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! Jeff Won....He is going to go even more power crazy...I hope he decides not to use it...Poor Russell I really wanted him to win it...Boooo Hoooo!!!
think jeff won it
Jeff said, "Competitions are more funner when you win." He totally won.
I think Jeff won it
Boiler Up wrote: "Hiya! Long time lurker, first time poster...
For Jaggers, Michelle in IN and Blue... Only one thing to say: "Boiler Up"!
Greetings from West of the Wabash..."
Welcome to the Dish!!
We won't hold your location against you. LOL
Jeff said he has all the power.
I think Jeff won.
Well now we see what Jeff's made of.
Does he BD Russell or go with the original plan which was to get out Natalie, which was to get out Kevin, which was to get out Natalie, which was to get out Kevin.....
Don't BD Russell just yet Jeff!!
IMO- Even if Jeff gets Russell out this week... J/J will have huge target on their backs.. they have won the last 4 HOH/POV comps!
Posted on "PoV Spoiler & Immediate Aftermath"
The boys are still waiting, and they're getting hornery.
They are???? Huh???
Jordan: Are you excited?
Jeff: Cuz I won? I got all the power now, baby!
Jeff won the veto? Oh God. If you use that Jeff consider your game as good as DONE even if you make it to the final two.
You don't have Lydia's vote. You darned sure don't have Jessie's vote. You might have America's vote but you're absolutely making sure you don't have Russell's vote by deep-sixing the alliance without proof as to why.
Yes Jeff, it's not the smartest game move. In fact, it's one of the most ridonkulous game moves ever.
For all that is sweet and holy in this world Jeff, bite your tongue for one more week and get Kevin or Natalie out!
The first screen cap was awesome!!
Thank you very much!!!
Niced to meet you, too, Blue. Actually hubby is the grad - I'm just along for the ride.
Jaggers - no need to kick me off, I'm really a lurker at heart.. Just wanted to give a big "hiya".
Jeff won, huh?
If Russ gets back door-ed, Jeff will never get his vote.
I take my comment back....if Russ gets back door-ed, I will be shocked if Jeff gets his vote.
Syn- I agree re. Jeff and flirtation.. esp. taking a shower with her in the bathroom in a towel.. and he just made like 20 sexual references :)
I think he is going to have a LONG private shower soon... if not that he isnt human :P
Thanks for the top pic of my future hubby in shower... might be my new screensaver :)
OMG I come backl & it's the samew ol SH!T
Jordan yappin her dumb theories in his ear
ride that coattail honey
I am over this.
Jeff isn't thinking about jury votes--but he needs to. I would keep Russ a bit longer for his jury vote.
Remember when everyone's response (when someone didn't like Jeff) was "what else don't you like, puppies, moderate weather, and justice??"
Look at how horribly everything has gone awry :'(
Blue - No, not Laffy, but West Laffy.
This power is going to Jeff's head. I hope Jodan gets tired of it and sleeps down stairs, but I doubt it. Poor Russell.
I'm pretty over JORFF (Jeff and Jordan). I don't like the way they've been acting lately.
I was hoping that Russell was going to win POV. I hate to see him go home. He's really grown on me.
Michele has a lot of work ahead of her.
Jeff: Michele has no poker face at all.
WRONG!!! Jeff is just paranoid. Michele has had an amazing poker face throughout this entire game.....people have had a lot of difficulty reading her, while she has done the best at reading everyone else and playing all of them. Many of them have even commented this season about Michele and not knowing what she is thinking.........
JMO, mind you.
This conversation btw J/J is making me believe their game isn't going far past the next two weeks. They were better as losers.
Can someone explain to me or better yet Jordan,how if natalie or kevin win hoh, that they will not put up Jordan or Jeff there would only be michele, jeff or jordan to put up because she will not put up Kevin. Geeze they r truly not the brightest crayons in the box!!! I guess they would get what they get !!
a thought. If veto used on Kevin, he & Michele could get on Team Russell, evict Natalie & it's Russell, Kevin, Michele vs Jordan next HOH comp.
what do ya'll think?
It must be the sex deprivation because Jeff has finally gone 100% over to the land of the delusional.
Unless he continues to win EVERYTHING he will shortly be in the JH without Jordan.
F3 will either be Natalie, Jordan and Michelle or Kevin, Natalie and Jordan.
Jeff is out of control...he already says final 3 w/ Natalie. What a fool!
Then he says, all I have to do is beat Natalie & beat you (Jordan) & then we're fine. Oy Vey!!!!
Wendy your last limerick about Jeff was spot on...He is being a total ass.
Christy :) you're very welcome...
lol, i was like, veto shmeto, jeff's nekkid again!
Jeff: I'm going to give it some time and think over every option.
Translation: I'm going to totally over think this and let my paranoia and power trip get the best of me, and find myself totally screwed next week.
big mistake keeping natalie. they should send her out this week instead. i don't trust russell, but i trust natalie even less.
lol blue. Too true. Also I feel horrible but OMG JORDAN, SHUT UP!! For five minutes
I'm starting to think Natalie should win the game (uggggggh). She has bluffed the entire game. She has GOT to be throwing comps too.
I'm still routing for Michele. Always have been. But ...
Uh-oh, Russel-Natalie smackdown in the works?
Oh no! This win for Jeff, could actually bite him in the butt. I'm skeert for him!
However, I do love how he keeps on tryin....." Since this season is all about conservation, we have to take all our showers together from now on..." ROFL Sofaking slick!
Anybody can fly a plane? I can make flyiers, Sayin NatAlie and Kevin are lying, and we can bomb the BB house, you just have to pick me up in Vegas!!!
He made it on the urban dictionary
Mussell Juice - a small amount of saline liquid thats produced when vigourously shaking hands with russel the love mussel.
♫ Toucha toucha toucha touch me, I wanna be dirty
Thrill me chill me fulfil me
Creature of the night. ♫
Why the heck is Jeff more concerned about breaking up Russell and Michele than Kevin & Natalie? The people who are ACTUALLY COMING AFTER YOU! I'm so mad, I think I want Natalie to win more than Jeff. If I knew this was going to happen I would have voted Chima the Coup de Etat.... just kidding. But now Jeff is number six on my list right now.
awe Jeff and Jordan are too cute! They even think that their farts are cute...interesting to see how cute they would find it 10 years from now.lol
Natalie now has her head firmly stuck up Jeff and Jordans bum - she has talent!
Jeff may be on his way out as winner of America's Vote. Of course the TVonlys wont get to see this drastic change in his demeanor.
It will be interesting to see his reaction after the season when he finds out how devious Nat and Kevin have been to him and he bought it Hook, Line and Sinker.
Of course, if K/N win HOH and put him up next week he wont have to wait till after the season to discover that.
Uh oh......Russell is wearing his black ball cap. He's never in a good mood when he wears that.
Might be a smack down tonight!!!
I could kiss you for that first screen cap. You have made my day. And night. And possibly the next few days and night.
And Jeff, although amazingly hot, is not making the best move putting up Russell. Best to get out Natalie now, then Kevin, then tank the alliance when there's no choice.
I guess I'm just about the only one who is still holding out hope for J/J! I know they are power struck right now & talking non-stop over their power but every other person who has had power has done the same thing. Right now he is very excited & I don't know how long this will last for them because it changes so quickly but I am not giving up hope & dropping them off the bus yet!!
I really can't stand how Jordan is acting all cocky now. Does she realize Jeff can't play for HOH next week. There is no way she is going to win against michele or Kevin, Natalie maybe
hey everyone! Just stopped by to see POV results. Not happy with Jeff's decision to Backdoor Russell. I hope it doesn't screw things up for him. I wish he'd wait till F4.
Russ is not a happy camper after losing PoV and his little whisper fest convo with Michele in the Splish Splash room!!!!!!
He looks like he's about to blow his top!!!
Anyone else finding this difficult to watch? :(
it is so dumb that everyone is talking about backdooring Russel,the 2 people of his "team" are in power & completely treating him like poo.
& they can't figure out why is acts paranoid or wants the veto so hard
my gawd are they that DUMB?
Sounds like Casey hosted the comp! Cool. No wonder there were bananas!
Poor Russell....He knows he's gone...Kevin & Natalie are acting so happy like all is well, and Jeff isn't even trying to hide anything either...This truly stinks....
Yup Jeff you give it some time alright--Michele will win next HOH and bye bye Jeff. He is not treating Michele well and she will figure all this out soon. She knows she will be next. What happened to his word to Russ and Mich.
Oh I so agree with you Kevin:
kevin said...
a thought. If veto used on Kevin, he & Michele could get on Team Russell, evict Natalie & it's Russell, Kevin, Michele vs Jordan next HOH comp.
what do ya'll think?
The plan that Jeff has could totally back fire! Russell, Michelle and Kevin have all one at least once! R/M more than once!
I wonder what previous BB House Guests think of this scenarios that Jeff is fantasizing about . . .
If Russell is back doored and leaves, he will make sure that everyone that goes to jury house does not vote for Jeff.
Jeff better come back to earth and realize what is going on and Think.....
So when K/N are successful in getting Russ out, their next move will be to get Michelle to side with them since J/J have proven to not be trustworthy.
Then out goes Jeff unless Jordan wins HOH. Jeff is counting on both Jordan and Michelle which is a lil presumptious on his part. OK, dumb on his part.
F3 ends up Michelle, Kevin, Jordan. Kevin winning it all. Michelle winning 50K. No one besides Jeff would take Jordan to F2.
Actually with Jeff going out next, it will also kill the chances of Jordan winning anything.
And neither one can let their paranoia settle long enough to figure it out, even though Jeff says he is really going to think it over. And this week HE is going to think it over, whereas, last week it was WE are going to figure this out.
Jeff. your stock is dropping.
I just hope Russell gives Jeff a very good talking to. Russell is very bright and needs to set Jeff back on track.
I understand being short with Jordan as in every scenario, he is the one with the target on his back. It must be frustrating to be pulling her along so generously while she bakes cookies for everyone. I'm sure they will be back to cutey times soon enough.
Listen to them talking about all that good food and poor Russell is sitting there eating his slop. I could just smack Natalie.
So now Natalie prays at every meal she eats? Like her buddy Jessie used to do? please.
She's only doing it because she thinks it works. Um, Natalie, I don't think God likes being used and/or manipulated for one's own selfish ends. Doesn't work that way, darling.
Never noticed her praying over her food before.....only Jessie.
Jeff is being such a fool!!! I hate that, but I keep telling myself, "he doesn't know what we know...he doesn't know what we know"
That being said... Here's what I think Russel needs to do... man to man without Jordan there... Lay his cards on the table and say "look, I know you're thinking of backdooring me, but I will promise you that I will NOT put you up next week... hold my vatican cross and if I break my word, it's yours!!"
It's his only hope obi wan kenobi!!! LOL
New Top Post :)
Kas0831 says: "Anyone else finding this difficult to watch? :("
****I am****
It wouldn't seem so bad had Kevin or Nat. won, cuz they would take themselves off, but the fact that Jeff is going to do it. I just think he's assuring his exit to the JH or to $50,000 if he even makes it to final 2. IMHO
WOW, if Russ is this pissed before he goes up, what is he going to do if it actually happens?
I think Smackdown Genie better get some rest!
Oh, man all Nat and Kevin will have to do is get Michelle on their side...and if Jeff backdoors Russ...she (michelle) will know they would do the same to her....Their reign may be over for sure....
Evening Carolyn, Genie and Everyone!
I just don't know what to think. I jumped off the J/J bandwagon yesterday.. and am going with my girl Michele and Russ. I don't find J/J cute at all anymore. I don't like the way Jeff talks to Jordon, or the way he talks about Michele behind her back. After reading her HOH blog she is going to be very upset to see all of this! What is Michele suppose to do? Seems like she just can't do anything right at all:(
At this point I look forward to seeing Jeff and Jordon in the jury house.
I loved everyone's earlier limericks- good job everyone.
by the way, Kevin - I agree with just about everything you say.
Christy in FL - I agree, after this whole time with no 'private' shower and all the cuddling, Jeff definitely can't be human.
Aw shucks. I'm obviously blinded by my loyalty to Jordan and Jeff because I'm not seeing the mushroom cloud of doom that y'all are seeing. :(
Even if they back door Russell, as long as Michele stays loyal to Jeff and Jordan, they still have the majority vote. And also, from past history, the better chances of winning both HOH and POV.
Russell is a strong competitor. It is a good idea to get him out. And if Jeff makes it to the Final 2, the jury tends to vote on who played the best game. If you are looking at power moves, that'd be Jeff IMHO.
I really can't believe anyone watching the live feeds still think Jordan & jeff are still cute.
I wish the people who only saw the TV eps. could see this mess.
I'll do my part to spread the word :P
I feel rotten for Russ right now.
he has been good for these weeks.& this is his thank you
I could care less about Natalie's boyfriend thinking she is to small to have a baby. Yeah just wait until you got to college Natalie than you will gain weight, you are only 18 right noe. Please slip and say something about your age natalie.
Why is everyone ignoring Russell?????
I agree it's probably a good idea to get rid of Russ, he's a threat, altho not until the endurance really. But the way they think they can turn on Michele and get the other two on their side is making my head spin. WHAT SIDE? It's nearing the end, no more sides, just play. Jeff is too cute but he needs to start thinking this through and realize each week won't involve them winning.
Come on over, Jordan, we would love to have you in NYC!
oh no he didn't just dis my city!
Psst!!! :)
Please come join us in the New Top Post
oh dear
Jordan: what does 90210 even mean?
*smashes head on desk*
I hate to be the one that say "SEE I TOLD YA SO!"
Jeff best look at the whole game and not just day by day, but wait, thats what he did from the get go.
I say dump Natalie. "Never change the rule of war in the middle of a battle" <~~~Gen.Patton
Come on over, Jordan, we would love to have you in NYC!
I'm still Pro Jeff but I wish he'd wait to put up Russell or Michele! He needs to get rid of Natalie and Kevin first!
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