Monday Night at Smackdown High
Hi Everyone!
Smackdown Genie's fingers are iced and ready to go!
Let's see what else will be sizzling on the feeds tonight. Jordan is aching to tell Russell off. She has been nursing a hateover for weeks now. Will she push Russell too far? Will Mount Russellicus explode again? Will Russell successfully turn this around and get Kevin's and Michele's vote? We will be there, and so will you when you spark 'em up! :)
4:24 PM BBT
Russell, Kevin & Natalie
Russell confronts Kevin about his reaction to Chima's "terrorist" comment. Kevin tells him he did his best to squash those comments. Kevin was not aware of Russell's feelings and that he should have approached him earlier about it. Kevin apologizes.
Russell goes on to talk about the whole F4 deal that they made and how Jeff made them all promise on their families. He warns both of them not to trust Jeff or he has the game sowed in the bag. He coaches them not to say anything to anyone. (** Who are you coaching Russell? The mastermind?)
4:35 PM BBT
Jeff & Jordan
Jordan reports that she told Michele not to flip the script. It's a quick discussion and Jordan leaves. On her way down, she tells Michele that Jeff isn't sleeping and Michele goes upstairs to talk to him.
Michele: Just so you know that I am not participating if there is a whole wonky vote happens if he gets to Kevin.
Jeff: Kevin is smarter than that.
Michele: I was not into keeping him and his fake F2 alliance.
Jeff: He's going go around bashing everyone on the house except Kevin because he needs votes. He will be nice to you because he has your vote.
Michele: Well he doesn't have it.
Jeff: He has final two deals with everyone. He's going to make an F2 deal with Kevin now, and that will be 5. He f'd himself voting for Jessie. I was down with the final 4 deal, but then he flipped the script.
Michele: He blames everything on Kevin and Natalie overhearing. It wasn't your mistake. Your mistake was f'ing everyone in the house.
Jeff: Feel free to come up here whenever you want.
Michele: Seriously hanging out with Kevin and Natalie is the best night I've had. I didn't have to listen to him.
Jeff: Let's get them, and then when they're gone, you come after me. (About Russell) WHat kind of game is that?
Michele: I told people about the fake F2. I told Natalie and Chima.
Jeff: Where did the F4 come from? It was always F3. The only reason I didn't tell you is because Jordan, do I tell...
Michele: It was the best move for you. It might not have been the best move for me, but for you it was. You would have been gone and I would have been oh F!
Jeff: He would have been up your a*s.
Michele: No. It's okay! I pretty much figured it out when you were throwing bananas at me during the competition.
Jeff: I just randomly threw the banana. Of course it hit you. Hopefully next week something good.
Michele: Me and Jordan got it.
Jeff: I have a feeling it will be Endurance (*YES!).
Michele: No worries. I won't put you and Jordan up.
Jeff: You weren't in the picture. Russell stirred up so much drama.
Michele: He made me sick and paranoid. He woke me up 4/5 different times to say sh*t.
Jeff: I did everyone a favor.
Michele: You did.
Jeff: It's going to be a couple of long days.
They hug it out.
Michele: You smell good by the way.
4:55 PM BBT
Natalie & Russell
Russell is still coaching Natalie. Natalie pretty much says she has not really been trying at comps. She tried on the POVs when she was up.
4:58 PM BBT
Jordan, Natalie, Kevin, Michele & Jeff
Kevin and Natalie are retelling the conversation with Russell with a better slant for them. They are playing it like they are just appeasing him. They are having a good laugh because Russell told DR to have security ready. They are mocking him for taking Jeff's threat to his family serious; that he is not really a fighter. Consistent Russell bashing that all five have joined.
Natalie: I'm still on the block. I'm not safe.
Kevin: Well, he is a stronger player. He does have a point...
Natalie: Jordan, hand me a knife, I will stab him (Kevin)
Jordan: Not before I stab him.
Kevin: I don't know. You need to work for my vote. My shoulder kinda hurts... (He has a mischievous look on his face.)
Natalie and Kevin go out to play pool. Jeff is rocking the grill.
5:45 PM BBT
Kevin. Natalie, Russell & Jeff
Kevin and Natalie are playing pool. Russell just finished a game of pool and is playing solitaire. Jeff is having a smoke.
Natalie: Why did you think I was an amateur poker player?
Russell: Because you have a good poker face. I thought that was your secret.
Natalie: No secrets. That's my downfall in this game. I'm an open book.
Russell: You do consider yourself an amateur poker player.
Natalie: Not really 18 year old sh*t.
Russell: That's what amateur is. 18 and under. (**Lalala... Someone please connect the dots. They are HUGE, neon and pulsating like disco balls...)
Natalie goes inside. Russell comes to play with Kevin.
Kevin: I don't know what to ask.
Russell: He yell at you for talking to me.
Kevin: Uh uh.
Russell: Did he tell you not to believe me?
Kevin: That, yeah. They are saying that they didn't tell you anything on purpose.
Russell: But I didn't tell you anything that wasn't true.
Russell goes on to repeat the family threat that Jeff made.
Kevin: The truth is Jeff and Jordan, out of all the HOHs, except Chima told me I'm safe.
Russell: That's because he needs you. He can't compete. All he has is Jordan. I thought the magical power was out of courtesy, but it wasn't. He wanted Jessie gone. I happened to be on the block. He's nervous now. Not only has he outed himself as a liar. Everyone knew that we were F4. He said he wanted 550 (thousand). Do you see that?
Kevin: Yes. But do you think Michele is p*ssed off at him?
Russell: Yes. He betrayed us. She knows she's next. Isn't funny did the sweet cahrmy side went out the window and the dark side came out.
Russell: He's an f'n actor. I don't know. Right now he is running away with the money.
Kevin: You think so? It's early.
Russell: He won 5 out of the last competitions. Without me, who is going to go for him?
Kevin: He won something I should have won.
Russell: Next week he will be s*cking a*s. Last week they didn't talk to you, and now they are all buddy buddy? Him and Jordan.
Kevin: I thought so too.
Russell: It's all an act. I know you have a couple of days. Think about it. Do you mind if I talk to you about it?
Kevin: Oh I know. It's at the point it's not about friendships...
Russell: You're pretty low on the totem pole. You're maybe taking 3rd place to Jordan. Want someone who can actually take him out? Weigh out all the scenarios. He will coming after you next.
Kevin: That means you would have to get Michele.
Russell: And I would still be target number one. In their eyes and a lot of people's eyes. I don't know. Look at the pros and cons. It'll give you a run for the money.
Russell is pulling out all the cards. He kept his word to Jeff (Ronnie eviction), Casey and Jessie. Jeff has the most wins. Russell will be the villain and prime target. Jeff was strong in Endurance.
Kevin: I don't want you to take this conversation that I am committing to anything, cause I'm not.
Russell: I understand. I'm not saying anything to anyone. You could talk to Michele yourself and figure it out.
Kevin: Or you can. I can't read her.
Russell: She came into the Splish Splash Room and cried because she was p*ssed with what Jeff did. Do you think she feels safe? They didn't tell her. She is supposed to bow out and accept 3rd place? No one is a guinea pig in this game.
After this long discussion, they end their game, Russell goes inside, and Kevin sings "Do you think I'm stupid?"
7:10 PM BBT
Around the House
- Kevin & Natalie are snoozing in the Red Room
- Russell is lying down in the Pool Room
- Michele just woke up from a nap in HOH and came down for some coffee and churros
- Jordan and Jeff are counting in the Green Room .... 73, 94... And too... :)
7:58 PM BBT
- Kevin & Natalie are snoozing in the Red Room
- Russell is lying down in the Pool Room
- Michele is up in HOH again (* I think)
- Jeff called to DR.
- Jordan eating a chocolate bar in the Green Room
**Checking pulses... :)
I'm calling it a night! Stay tuned to the feeds. These rested HGs will be cooking all night :)
1. I like Jeff (maybe a little less than before and he's still major eye candy)
2. I'm liking Jordan less and less.
3. I'm feeling sorry for Russell. Good game move on Jeff's part to put Russell up but I can't help but feel bad for R. And he's phenomenal eye candy that I'm pretty sure I won't get to enjoy after Thursday.
4. Michele - Some days I like her,others not so much. I think she's smart and I'm hoping (today) that she makes it to final two.
5. Kevin is just funny. Nothing bad to say about him - he's finally playing.
6. Natalie - I think she may possibly be one of THE BEST manipulator's I've ever seen in action. She holds a close second to my Ex. Ug. And for that reason, I just can't stomach her. She's got game - but I don't want her to win.
7. Carolyn - The BEST of the BEST! Amazing you are my friend. Simply amazing. Thank you for ALL you do!
Go Genie! I am awed and amazed at how well you girls transcribe. When they show a scene on the show I swear I've already seen it lol....thanks so much!
I may never get the feeds again... hahahahahaha
I don't know if Russell could convince Kevin to vote for him, but I truly don't think Michele will waiver on voting him out...bye bye Russ! :(
I know everyone but the final two have to walk out the front door and leave the game before they want to, but I really REALLY hate it when they ostracize people who are on the block and nearing their demise in the game.
I'd like to publish your comments. Please allow me to do so by leaving a criminal record that is hearsay out of them.
I think you're right, Spraklin. Michelle is probably smart enough to realize that Kevin and Natalie will be going after Jeff next considering he is now the man to beat. She'll recognize that she needs to play into the Final 3 alliance, not get blood on her hands, and deal with what may come on her own, with a possible Jordan alliance if Jeff goes.
Or maybe I think Michelle is a "psycho" goddess.
Either way I hope it works.
Jeff might have made "good tv" for Tuesday show, but Russell would make even better tv Thursday if he can get Michelle and Kevin's vote and kick out the 18yr old Nat LOL
Hey Genie!
Hope your fingers are all pumped up for the night. I'm relying on you tonight and refraining from the feeds for the night.
Hi everyone... I'm finally back from my trip!! Carolyn -- your site totally kept me going!!
I'm sooo shocked that Jeff flipped on Russell.. I kinda want him out, however I hate that it's all based on a lie Kev and Nat-Nat made up... I hate that!!!
Hopefully No-one will be kicked out Chima-style!!!
Is it safe for Jeff fans to come back out?? J/K :)
Hi everyone... and who ever said final 6 was boring!!! I am definately going to go back and finish watching the fight... I was a few minutes into it and my son woke up and as you can imagine... MUTE :)
I have always said, the HOH should not be allowed to change his nom's. Winning the POV should only allow him to keep them the way they are..
Good Evening Carolyn! (& BBDishers)
It is coming to the point that some of our favorites are going to do things they haven't had to do all season.
Strategically, yes, it was a good game play to backdoor Russell.
Right now, all the bashing is pointless and it makes them all look bad.
What happened to K/N not hanging out so much with J/J today - K/N are so far up J/J butts, it will take some time for them to get clean. Once either of K/N win HOH (probably not) J/J's heads will spin faster than Linda Blair in the Exorcist!
Oh, this game, these people . . .
Natalie is wrong, when Russell leaves, there will be major changes - K/N will be going after Jeff!
Natalie could get so cocky that she actually wind up going home . . . oh the line she is walking down is very sharp and narrow . . .
Michelle would be best-served sticking with Kevin and Natalie... She should wait to see who wins HoH this week and stick to that side!!!
Hi Everyone :) I'm comment b-tch tonight while Genie's rockin' the post! ;)
How amazing would it be if Natalie talked herself right out of the game and Russell stayed!!! OMG!!!
lol, dont call yourself a B*tch you rock!
Carolyn.. you are NEVER any kind of b---h LOL
kevin and natalie are my faves to win. not cause i like them, but they played the mind game and it WORKED! its funny cause they thought it was along shot.
Evening Carolyn :0)
Just imo Michele needs to make a big move this week and keep Russell and go with Russell and Kevin the rest of the game, it's quite obvious that she is not f2 with J/J and If I was her I would be tired of J/J bullying me around like they do her(they treat her like crap) and this is her chance to get rid of them with only Jordan playing in HOH this week.
i just had a vision of nat and michelle in an hoh and nat wining. no i'm not pyschic. maybe wishful thinking. not b/c i necessarily want jeff to go home (i think out of j/j i would prefer jordon going home) but i do want them to realize they got played by an 18 year ol. jordon just said, 'russ just got outplayed' and jeff basically saying the same thing. one of them needs to go for the entertainment value. they have lost my 'game respect' with trusting nat and kev, and don't say they don't, they do. they know ultimately they can't trust them but they have virtually bought everything out of nat and kev's mouths...hook line and sinker. so if one has to go i think i'd rather it be jordon. then jeff will feel super guilty. and if he wins pov and takes himself off. then jordo for sure goes home, jeff should feel guilty after all that confidence in nat!
To Whom it repeatedly concerns...
FYI - Boob jobs can be gotten on credit, just like anything else.
LOL @ Carolyn!...OK !!'b**ch'! Lets get this party started!!I'll try to keep up...but I know I cant! I am here for the night...
oh and my point was...Nat is already layin the groundwork to blame Michele for a hinky and see...
Dang, my last post got lost in New Post land. LOL!
So, like I said ...
This mob mentality is making me sick. Just because of that I want to root for the underdog. I've never been team Russell but I hate it when people gang up and beat somebody when they are down. They know they have him beat why do you have to rub his nose in it. I'm losing respect for the lot of the them.
I was team Jeff but I'm so disappointed in him right now with things he has said.
Jordan - I grew up with sweet Southern girls so I know how has as nails they are on the inside. I think she is playing Jeff. I hope not but I'm afraid it's so.
Michelle - I could really get behind Michelle if she weren't so two-faced. I understand the game playing but seriously!
Natalie - Never liked her. She's TOO good at lying. Like someone said earlier - I think you can't "act" that good without being that way IRL.
Kevin - I liked you but you are becoming those you hang with. Keep it real Kevin, don't sink to their level.
Heck, Jeff will go next, then Jordan - leaving M/N/K F3 - who do I route for???? I hope somebody comes up with a redeeming quality fast or I may have to vote for Jessie as America's player! I mean he played Lydia perfectly! LOL!!!
Awhhh i see I'm already behind!
I hope Russ can flip the switch so Natalie gets voted out.
The house (and its inhabitants) have certainly made this interesting, albeit ugly!!
I'd like to publish your comments. Please allow me to do so by leaving a criminal record that is hearsay out of them.
Carolyn - You and Genie are so respectful about requesting nice comments I LOVE IT! ☺
Ladies - You rawk! ♥♥♥
Evening Everyone
My only real problem with Jeff and Jordan is how they have been treating Michele since the last minute lie.
I've said right along not to trust Russel. He, Nat and Kevin were always coming after the other three. They were on other teams, no surprises there.
I felt and still feel that Natalie should have gone before Lydia and Russel though. I think even now they should get rid of Nat instead of Russel. She's the enemy you can't see. For some reason.
I didnt realize that Jeff & Jordan would be so gullible. If they had not been, I'd still be cheering them on. But to fall for LML & set themselves up for a bitter reality check is poetic justice.
I still see Michele as the best player. She lays low to her advantage, & I actually find her the most reasonable & genuine in her comments, even as she throws Russ under the bus repeatedly.
fingers crossed that Kev or Nat win HOH, bc then Michele will be vindicated as a "true" friend to Jeff & Jordan. & their heads will certainly be spinning. they deserve it tho.
It feels like a dream that my early favorite is doing so well. & I just liked her bc she was smart & cute.
Seriously folks, Russell is a MMA fighter. Jeff has threatened his family and now Russell with stabbing. I don't know what the rules are but Jeff should be evicted immediately. Russell could take him in less than 30 seconds, probably with a (wait for it).....rear naked choke.
Russells best strategy now is to go after Jordan, combining how he went after Ronnie and how Lydia went after HoJo. Push Jeff to lose it and physically come after him.
I would pay extra to see live feeds in the Jury house. In there, Russell could claim self-defense in physically going after Jeff. If I were Jeff, when he is eliminated, he should come out of the house running, right past Julie and into hiding.
Evening Carolyn!!
Wendy glad you are back!
Hi Everyone!!
I will be popping in and out, My Sisters Boy friend is shooting the Shuttle launch :)
Hi Everyone! I'm too fried for roll call tonight. My apologies. I ♥ you all though!
Wendy - The feeds are safe right now. They are just playing pool. :)
Re Natalie's and Kevin's "lie": They might have thought they were lying but in truth, Russell was gunning for Jeff and was trying to make an F2 alliance with Michele even though he threw her under the tire tracks multiple times :)
If I was Michele I would be tired of the treatment she gets from J&J. And if she heard the things that they say about her, she would cry. Why does Jeff think that Michele is going to vote the way that they want her too? Them backdooring Russell has got to be a wakeup call for Michele, it could have been her, and Michele knows that Natalie hates her. If I was Michele I would try and talk to Kevin to keep Russell, and get out Natalie. I would also try for HOH and if I won I would put Jeff and Jordon on the block and vote out Jeff.
OMG I"m soo happy! So happy Russ is going home! I don't understand why everyone got off the Jeff train so fast.. because he doesn't take crap from Russ?
Russ has betrayed everybody in the house, has insulted everybody in the house, has attacked every woman and Ronnie, why do you people like him so much? The only reason I can come up with is because he looks good? I hope not.
Jeff is 100x more of a stand up man than Russel ever will be. Of course Jeff was just kidding when he said that about his family, anyone who has seen Jeff these past two months knows his personality and knows that he's a goofball.. Russ is using this over and over and just making himself look like an idiot. Even though he's been making himself look like an idiot the whole time on the show, I think that people finally see it.
To threaten Jeff that he's going to mop him up and down the halls of jury house? Wow, way to go meat head.
Thank you thank you thank you!
Michelle - thanks :0)
My Mum always told me if i had nothing nice to say to say nothing at all and at this point i don't have anything nice to say but i still like to read what others think.
Genie - thanks but i think i'm gonna pass on them tonight and just chill.
Mich man @ 5:39
Well put.... she IS the threat no one sees! She is a much bigger threat then Russel IMO
Oooo... Carolyn aren't you being saucy tonight... lovin' it!!
{hugs & smooches}
Hi ya'll,
I just got home from work and have not had time to read all the comments, but one thought has been circling my brain. I'm thinking Jeff & Russell have this all planned to lull Natalie and get her out. I don't have the live feeds, so I may have missed some critical info.
Russell didn't get as belligerent as previous times and Jordan has been relatively calm throughout. I would love to see Nat go out.
Thanks to ALL the dishers, Carolyn especially, for all your hard work. Monetarily I'm not able to add to your tip jar, but you have my undying loyalty and your jar should always overflow.
Judy G
Did everyone notice New Rule #8?
Carolyn and Genie!
The post u get from us must be such a close call of do I Post this Or do I NOT post this!
I feel for you guys! And Im extremely grateful to you for keepin on keepin on!
Would love to see u both in BB house... I think u would Kick @ss!!!!!
i think jordon is playing her 'meangirls' card (with michele). to me, that means you make someone you 'know wants to be your friend' think you really like them, then manipulate them and turn on them subtly- it's a bit hard to take and i really hope michele does't think she has to 'honor' her deal with jeff and jordon considering how obvious it is that they are final 2. i agree michelle needs to make a power move, and we know she is capable (chima). although thats where the high school stuff comes in, and meangirls. i think michelle really does want to be liked by the populars, j/j. and jeff and jordon know that. it doesn't bother me that they use that to their advantage but it does bother me that they feel the need to go the ignore and passive aggressively intimidation way.
lol... love the new rule!!! I guess I been behavin cos I never mentioned them lol
Hiya Christy :)
I am feelin a little saucy...
It gets to me when folks take the HGs losing their minds as an excuse to get all bashy...
The HGs are in an untenable situation. We, the viewers, are not.
LOL@ Carolyn
I don't understand why everyone all of a sudden hates Jeff and Jordan?? They didn't do anything bad, they're doing what they think is best for them in the game, whether their right or wrong is besides the point. So many other house guests said terrible things about them both, like Russell in the begining and Lydia to Jordan. Jeff just had his first moment of getting frustrated and exploded. Come onnnn guys, seriously.
#8 - Good one!
#8....too funny.
Maybe you need to do a FAQ for Season 11 ☺
It would be great if production convinced Kevin and Michelle to vote Natalie out and keep Russell, you know for "good TV" as Jeff said. It sure would make the last weeks interesting.
BTW, thanks Carolyn and Genie. You 2 are real troopers for the way you keep up with the feeds!
It would be great if production convinced Kevin and Michelle to vote Natalie out and keep Russell, you know for "good TV" as Jeff said. It sure would make the last weeks interesting.
BTW, thanks Carolyn and Genie. You 2 are real troopers for the way you keep up with the feeds!
hehe...loving rule #8
I love rule #8 and any rule that reminds people not to 'get all bashy' :)
Alright, Jeff and Jordan fan here. I've been beating my head in for the last few days trying to defend Jeff and Jordan. I'm done with doing that. I've posted my first blog on the subject, which you can get via my profile, Synful Ramblings.
All I ask is that you respect my right to support who I want to. I'll respect your right to support who you want to. I'm not going to bash your faves, and I wish you'd try to refrain from bashing mine, at least not as often as they have been bashed the last few days. I now wish I had adopted this philosophy when Chima and Ronnie were in the house and people supported them. All the negative comments are not fun for a fan, and quite honestly, they don't make me want to be here in the comments section.
Please realize that this is a game, and these people are playing it. Jeff made his decision to use the POV. There's nothing that's going to change that. The houseguests are going to make personal attacks on each other. They always have. Why don't we let them attack each other? Instead of us attacking them for attacking each other, please.
I really do want to be here because I've missed y'all.
I have to laugh at the whole poker thing because some have said they have played in casinos. Russell just said 18 and under are amateur. I have worked in a casino, my husband has played in WSOP events, trust me he is NO pro. As Genie said connect the freakin dots people. Not that it would make a difference it is just frustrating.
I am soooo disappointed. Smart game move Jeff, just dumb execution.
Okay, can someone explain to Kevin how dumping Nat now is a great move?
Natalie hasn't been a comp threat yet, so if Michele wins, who does he think she'll come for? Wouldn't it be better to align now with Russell and to a lesser extent Michele, at least for the next week. No one likes to win F5 HOH but Russell will be out for blood. Let him go after J/J. If Jordan by some fluke, wins she'll go for Russell/Michele. This gives him the luxury to throw this HOH and let the big dogs go after each other.
Does he think he can take out Jeff/Jordan on his own? Does he think he'll win jury votes against Natalie? This would be a power move, and he could use it in his plea to the jury about his game play.
Love rule #8!!!!
Syn, MsFitz??? Christy in FL and I are waiting patiently at this lonely table. HELP! We need someone to have our back!
GO Duckie!!!
Hey Ya'll I do not have the feeds, thanks for keeping all of us updated. The yelling and threats are enough for me to hide for a while. I lived that that life in real time. So none for me tonight. That being said, I think when all is said and done Jeff is gonna say mmmmm I lost. On a lite note, we love this site please respect our beautiful women who allow us to post,vent and most of all share our thoughts. Love and big hugs to ALL of you. And most of all this is a game its not life, we or I love being a part of it and all the happenings. So play nice.
I like Jeff and I like Russel. I think Jeff may have just screwed himself. He believes everything that comes out of Natalie and Kevin's mouths. BAD MOVE!! As soon as they get the chance Jeff and Jordon are going on the block!! Russel had every intention of sticking with the F4 deal. Who cares if Russel had a F2 deal with Michelle? Doesn't Jeff have a F2 deal with Jordon?? Good luck'll need it with Russel gone!
trixiecook said:
"Just imo Michele needs to make a big move this week and keep Russell and go with Russell and Kevin the rest of the game, it's quite obvious that she is not f2 with J/J and If I was her I would be tired of J/J bullying me around like they do her(they treat her like crap) and this is her chance to get rid of them with only Jordan playing in HOH this week."
I agree completely!
I was gone all last week and am trying to catch up.. didn't Russell say in his DR session that he thought Jeff should have put up him and Michele for a strategic point and that he thought that him and Jeff were even and he would go after Jeff when he can?? If he was dumb enough to think that then why wouldn't he think it would be done? Someone please clarify this for me.. if you can. I know we all want to be winners but someone has to leave.. Don't people remember that usually at the end people vote on the one person they want to give extra money to.. Usually the nice ones or javascript:void(0)funny ones win..
LMAO @ rule #8 NICE ONE!
Wow Alisa!
Well said!
Big Dishy Group Hug!!!!
It's been a crazy few days.
Boy o Boy.
Huggies Syn! ♥♥♥♥♥
I love y'all no matter who you are routing on!
I cheer and disregard them love, no hate, just respectful of the game!! ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺
(((((((((((((((( BB Dish Groupie Hugs )))))))))))))))
OK Is Kevin buying any of this???
I have no trouble with anyones game move - i've stated over and over that BB is all about how low you can go for half a mil.
My problem is that NOONE in that game has a right to threaten anyone or anyones family - and there is no such thing as joking about it.
Please, please...can I at least talk about Laura's boobs?
Syn -- Thank you! I was afraid to post for a while myself. You can still join us at our very little table and we will play nice with you.
Now on to the game.
Nat, keep talking. Please, just keep on talking...
I'm sorry I just can not wait to Jordan go bye bye!!
TT - please have a look at rule # 8
nursing a hateover?
Exactly where do they have the tables for 18yr. olds to play poker in the casino? hotel lobby?
too funny☺
Genie the heart of the lie though was that he was coming after Jeff next week, meaning this week. Jeff knew or expected him to come after him F4. It was the next week part that sent him over the edge. He never did say next week. It's why Michele couldn't remember him saying next week.
Love this site! After finding it two days ago, I am addicted. I hope to make my first post memorable!
A few thoughts:
I am surprised that Jordan has not re-addressed the fact that Nat and Kevin are suddenly going to put her against Michelle if one of them wins HOH next week. Normally she dwells upon such things.
When Nat was talking to Russell in the kitchen earlier, she told him that she had made no deals with anyone for next week. Didn't she promise to not put Jeff on the block? I wonder if their was a way that Russell could genuinely convey that to Jeff? I thought that was a huge break in her game.
What was Jeff thinking in talking to Russell right after the POV ceremony? Jeff BD's him and asks him to admit it was a good move? I guess Jeff was just making "good tv."
Cheers to All!
Love rule #8.
Carolyn said:
It gets to me when folks take the HGs losing their minds as an excuse to get all bashy...
The HGs are in an untenable situation. We, the viewers, are not.
Thanks for saying that. I've been thrown off with everyone's comments lately.
On the same note, I've read a lot of comments regarding "true colors." This makes me laugh to no end because it isn't possible to show your "true colors" in the BB house. They are living in a situation where you have to compete for food, to sleep in a bed and hot water, live in paranoia, win money, and have no outside contact.
Lets all remember that they are roommates too. Doesn't anyone remember how ticked off you get at your roommate for eating your food or not picking up a dish? Or borrowing your shirt without asking (and most of the cases you would have said "yes" to theming asking to wear the said shirt...)? It is so petty and small but sometimes those little things get to you. So just imagine living with strangers for months at a time.
I jut put this on my face book status lol
I reserve the right to change my mind anytime anywhere in this game they call Big Brother... so I wont say who Im rootin for cos it could change in the next hour lol!
Alisa, honestly from a gameplay point of view, on the one hand, if I were Kevin, I would want Natalie there. Because as long as she's there, her target is bigger than his. She's told Michele that she's coming after her. She's also got all of her weeks of Chima and Jessie support hanging over her too. And she definitely has more lies that can be exposed. So I think as long as Natalie is in the game, Kevin is safe.
That's just my thoughts on it though.
LOL Carolyn...
rule #8. For a minute I thought I had lost what little mind I thought I had.. Rule 8??!?!??!!! I thought to myself I dont remember a rule #8... lol...... your too funny....
Itcmek said:
"I am soooo disappointed. Smart game move Jeff, just dumb execution."
LOL! Totally agree!
But 'execution' may be the wrong word to use.
Sorry Carolyn! I can totally understand your perspective. That being said, I'm surprised that so many are taking their faves losing favor among other posters so personally... like everyone's said, it's just a game, and thinking J/J are acting like lousy people isn't an attack on anyone here. Everyone has favorites... I can only imagine what it's like for Natalie fans though. :) No one is ever standing up for her! lol. But the point is, I respect everyone here, even if I don't respect everyone in the BB house.
I would love to see J/J realize the error of their ways, but the way they badmouth and (IMO) bully Michele is too much for me. I had it when two nights ago they were both making fun of her for essentially sticking up for Jeff... it was just so "cool kid vs wannabes"
And the new Jordan and Natalie lovefests are too much for me to watch. I have to mute the feeds when they get together now.
ROTF @ boob job.. love your quick thinking.. #8 sideways is Jordon's boobs.. good place to put it..
I am not at all understanding Jordan's burning need to tell Russell off. What is she so angry about?
Because she thinks Russell was going to break his word-which Jeff did?
Because she thinks Russell and Michelle had a final 2 deal-which her and Jeff have?
Because Russell is still trying to play the game? Jeff's all about playing the game.
Because Russell is trying to be nice to Kevin in an attempt to get his vote? Why have J&J become best friends with Nat and Kevin?
And Jordan threatened Michelle with 'You better not flip the script.' Isn't that what Jeff did?
I don't understand her hatred of Russell. I really don't. That attitude has nothing to do with strategy. It is just mean and spiteful and arrogant.
Oh Carolyn, I love Rule #8!! (Too funny!)
nymph :) Thank you! Welcome to BBDish! :)
Syn - An extra hug for you! :)
Am i the only one still loving Jeff and Jordan, i think so at thing point..
This is so much fun, I can't wait to see how this plays out.
This season has been so much fun with so many twists and turns of the HG's own doing.
I still love Jeff, goodness that man is so HOT.
I feel bad for Russell, but I would have done the same thing, getting him out is the best plan, though Kevin is just as good a player in quite a few of these comps.
I find it interesting that people have chosen to abandon Jeff and Jordan for putting up Russell. Lying is part of the game.
Russell is a threat and would have put Jeff up.
Jordan may have Jeff's ear, but Jeff is a big boy and is making his own decisions based on his judgement (paranoid and all).
I think this is a good game move because waiting for final 4 would have pitted him and Russell against each other. This way he can hedge his bets on Michelle or Jordan winning HoH again and removing Natalie or Kevin and ultimately going into the final 3 with his alliance.
Just my opinion.
Syn - I am so excited to see you!! I felt alone but now you are here!! yay
Sorry i forgot to say hi to Carolyn and Genie.
Thanks for the play by play.
Well, I've gotta put my two-cents in..but Jeff made the right move!! Russell was after him, and if Russell would've gotten HOH, I'm sure he would have done the same thing to Jeff!!!
thanks for rule 8, i agree...getting old. didn't get the hang up. jealousy?
syn...not sure if i have offended you, i don't think i have personally been bashing them. but i have been loudly voicing my disappointment in their game play-imo and dislike of the personal attacks they are making a lot of these days (about michele). i know thats this game, but enough nastiness and hurtful stuff is enough behind someones back. and believe me i have shown equal dislike for russ lydia ronnie nat and anyone who has shown that kind of trait. sorry though if i have offended you or if not myself sorry in general. please don't go anywhere i always enjoy your posts!
ltcmek - Can I join your table too? I felt like a one man wolfpack lately here too! lol
lol @ #8
I will say she got a good one ;)
Laura - alone?
Chopped Liver?
Kevin/Nat could really use this against Michelle and have her believe Kevin is voting for Russell to stay. I would hope she's smart enough not to believe it. Although it would be a smart move for Kevin...
To all the JeffJo fans who keep saying they feel alone here now, I invite you to read the comments. ;)
You're not alone at all.
ellaelise - perfectly put.
OK-I just caught the comment about Rule #8. I am kind of bummed because I actually had some nice things to say about Jordon's boobs and I never got around to saying them.
First and foremost, I don't know if it is her build or the way she dresses, but I would not have known they were fake had there not been so much discussion about them.
Second, when Lydia made her nasty comments I did feel a burning desire to stick up for Jordon. If you are going to change or modify your body in any way with piercings, hair color and body ink, you really have no right to make comments about someone else's personal decision.
Why did I choose now to come forward? Partly because of the rule. As soon as you tell me not to do something I just can't resist. Partly, I chose now to come forward because after the past few days it is the only nice thing I can think of to say about Jordon.
P.S. I completely understand if you are not able to publish this letter.
I'm not against J/J, I'm just for Michelle and no other.
but in defense of those who have jumped the J/J ship... I think one key reason so many people liked Jeff was because he was humble. Early in the game he talked a lot about how people were different when they were in power and when they weren't- after being on the bottom so long, Jeff is now on top and people are seeing a different side of him. He's just like every other person in the house, and I think many were rooting for him because they thought he was different..
i'm just sayin, I see where they're coming from.
Silly Question for the feed watchers:
Has "And Too" or "But Too" entered your vocabulary?
Grendon I completely agree! (re: Jordan's hatred for Russell and her hypocritical attitude). I've been wondering that myself... I just don't get it.
Right now she's saying "you can never get too cocky" take your own advice Jordo!
I'm mostly annoyed because the J/J cuteness isn't cute anymore, and it was some of my fave moments this season.
This Kevin - Russell conversation is going to become LML part 2 - in which Kevin sets up Michele for next week's eviction should Jordan win the HoH.
If you don't see your comment, here's why:
Personal Attacks on other Commenters & Bloggers & HGs- Whether Direct or Indirect, Racist, Misogynistic and Homophobic comments will not be published.
You're right Carolyn. I'm here and I'm proud! Still disappointed at how it played out tho. :(
Russell was coming after Jeff sooner rather than later.
Wonder if some of this (smackdown earlier) is gameplay on Russell's part to get to J/J? He's been saying he's going to go off and I wonder if it's one of his game moves.
He made it look good, but then he made it look good with Chima too. Is he that good an actor, just feeding off his feeling of betrayal?
WOW, must be dealing with some nasty comments tonight!!!
Shelly said:
ROTF @ boob job.. love your quick thinking.. #8 sideways is Jordon's boobs.. good place to put it.
Too funny! great observation! haha
Thanks Carolyn!
It actually feels back to normal for me, because I was typically in the minority in past seasons.
you're free to say whatever you like, and if it goes beyond the published rules, i'm free to not publish it.
this is a blog, not a war zone.
leave the drama to the HGs.
P.S. with the swing in views from many people on here, tonight would be an interesting night to play 'sleep with/live with.throw from a cliff.'
i wonder what people would do.
Laura -- Forget the small table in the corner. We are having a party in the ballroom!
Can you imagine if by some iracle Russell stays! Jeff would be so gone. Wow the drama that would ensue!
this may be really shallow,...but i can never be totally mad at jeff, he is just too beautiful. some things never change ehh?
wendylady - please feel free to email me :)
I'm not hating J/J, I'm just saying I'm disappointed in ALL of them for different reasons.
I'm SO glad I'm not in the house - I couldn't take it! Plus, I'm a horrible liar and have no poker face at all. LOL!
This is why I love this game, so many dynamics at work and it works you over even though you aren't in it. I think that's why everyone gets so heated and behind one player or another. Imagine if we could muster this energy and enthusiasm, we'd be millionaires! LOL!
Everyone - I enjoy reading your comments and hanging out with you!
Hmmmm, smell that K/R/M alliance coming on.
Would love to see Nat go home and then the game would be on!
Russell has known this is coming and has been planning from all angles. Good move Russell.
Carolyn has given us a place to share our love of this game. With the help of Genie, Reporter X and everyone else this is a place I look forward to coming to every year. Everyday someone makes me laugh and sometimes cry. The Dish is the best!!!
Thank you all!!
Maybe Jordan's afraid of the only other alpha male.So she attacks him.She wants her alpha male to take her to F2 and noone to stand in the way of that.
Rarely are people who have been locked up like this rational.Otherwise they would question Nat.
It almost had to be done...Jeff was damned if he did, damned if he didn't. Jeff has never gone off on anyone like this the entire many people did Russell bully, verbally attack and emotionally torture??? 5!Jef/R/M/C/Jes. Jeff knew he had to fight fire with fire on this one, if he didn't stand up to him, Russell would have taken it as a sign of weakness and gone for the jugular just like he has in the past. Having said that, I was in favor of J/J/M/R alliance and am sort of sad to see Jeff believe N/K, the funny thing is, is that it's not totally a lie so I could see haw Jeff would see Russell as a bigger threat physically and want/need to get him out this week (next weak is most likely an endurance and Jeff can't play!) I highly doubt if Russell did win HOH next week that he would have stuck to his word. Jeff just had the opportunity to get to him first. I like Russell, I think he has an anger problem or maybe his dad misinformed him when he told him that the best way to make a friend is for him to bully people first and then make up with them and their you friend for life (which he told during his HOH reign)?! WRONG! Russell bullied 5 people he KNEW couldn't stand up to him. It high time he picked on someone his own size! Jeff just wasn't gonna have it! Now, I didn't like the fact that Jeff stooped to Russell's same tactics but the whole I'll come after your family thing was said as a joke...he does just sort of throw sayings out there that he probably shouldn't but I can tell that there is no malice behind it...Not saying it's right just sayin' Russell KNOWS it really isn't a threat he is just using that as an excuse to threaten Jeff too:-( Jeff had to pick the lesser of two evils in his mind and he does not know K/N are totally lying (most of it is true & they just happen to have made up something that is correct)! I hope Jeff can see they're up to something but I could't fault him for it if he doesn't cuz Natalie has an extremely good poker face (pun intended here). He needs to tell Michelle that they couldn't tell her what they had in store because Russell would have picked up on it like a shark smelling blood in the water and they knew she couldn't keep that a secret for her own safety! I hope the paranoia will subside soon and J/J/M can go F3! I would like to see Jeff or Michelle win because both have made the most strategical moves and have the most blood on their hands. I'm sorry but playing this game shouldn't be who can fly under the radar and make a move when there are 4 people left. Just MHO! Although I can give them Kudos after they removed their heads out of Jessies A$$!
Needed to get that off my chest.
Curler-I haven't dumped J/J in favor of R/M. I've always preferred Michele, and to a lesser extent Russell. Jeff/Jordan added a cute factor but I don't enjoy the showmances, I'm not watching the Bachelor. ;)
I posted this in the previous thread. I don't understand the personal attacks in there. Michele has thrown Russell under the bus repeatedly but I don't think she's gone as low as almost everyone else.
It's possible to win this game without personal attacks. Dan was devious, had 2 different F2 deals and kept them secret, which entailed lying. He never went personal. When people started personal attacks on him, he stepped back and didn't engage.
I'd like to see another winner like that. Just my preference though.
I would love it if someone walked into the green room right now and started saying, "56, 23, 72."
It would add a touch of humor to my day.
((((((((Carolyn & Genie)))))))))
Now let it go Carolyn, get it out and let it go.
D'Ambra Family :)
I've already published that. Perhaps you're not finding it because the last comment section is so full, butif you click near the top of the section where it says "Newest Posts," you'll see it :)
Thats fine not to post my comment but I think its fair to say this is a J/J site!
Dang it i wrote a book and the top post came out and I forgot to copy
I am still pulling for Jeff!! He did make a smart move, Russel himself said Jeff should take him out because he was going to do it to him!! I don't think Jeff truly believes K&N but he has a better chance to beat them at the comps.
Russel has bullied so many people in the house and so when Jeff gives it back to him everyone is off his train and thinks he is a bad guy..
This whole mess is Michele & Jordans fault.. If Michele had never went to J&J telling him all this stuff that Russel was saying this would not have happened, then Jeff confronts them and they both lie, then you have Jordan in his ear 24-7 telling him to take him out before he get you blah,blah ,blah... Then you have Michele again, then to add to it Kevin & natalie making up a lie that actually turns out to be the truth... What is a man to do!!
Jordan on the other hand, I loved her, But not so much now. I don't like the way she treated Michele. Michele was the only girl in the house who befriended her and hung out with her,and as soon as Natalie comes along jordan dumps michele, talks about her, and threatens her. Michele handeled that well because if that was me, Holy Hell would have broken out, and I would have made Russel & Jeffs fight look like a Tom & Jerry Cartoon.
J&J had better kiss Michele's Azz, because if they think for 1 sec that N&K wont put them up they have another thing comming.
If I were Natalie, as soon as Russel walks out the door, I would turn around and laugh in their face, and say you two are sooo stupid, you actually believed us, we hated you from the begining and let me sing a little song from my favorite nsync song waite I have to tweek it.... It was all a lie, Baby BYE BYE BYE...
tushie break - brb
Hi Carolyn! Just wanted to say I can't begin to imagine what you go through while minding us all. But thank you to you and your chicks for having a great forum for us all! :)
I'm so glad that my fellow Jeff/Jordan fans are here now. In any earlier post you would have thought we were few and far between. Hooray! Go Jeff and Jordan. It's a mean game. Keep doing your best. We <3 you. :)
it's not a jeff/jordan site... it's bbdish.
it's a community you're more than welcome to be a part of, and many people have gone out of their way to reach out to you... only to be rebuffed and told they were still too clique-ish.
we're not combative with eachother...
at least not if we'd like to see our comments published.
Hugs back to everyone!
Genie - special hug back atcha' ;)
Laura - Huggies! Thanx for the lost puppy comment the other day, that's exactly what I felt like, lol.
ltcmek - Move on over! I'm gonna get comfy :)
Carolyn - Thanx so much for being you and taking care of all of us! You get a "smooooooch"!
khopekitner - I haven't felt personally offended by anyone. So please, no worries! Hugs! I just felt so lost because I didn't understand the sudden backlash against Jeff and Jordan. And it was sudden. I felt like I was in a windstorm, and one by one everyone was getting blown away. My head was literally spinning. I still don't understand it. IMO, J/J are playing the game. And I've pointed out in my blog that they have both been talking about the other houseguests for quite a while now. So everyone suddenly realizing this is also confusing to me. LMAO, it felt like someone dropped a "HiroChima" (Kevin's words, not mine) on me.
Meg in SC - Come on over to the J/J table. We're serving cocktails and Big Macs. lol.
Also for got to add that Jeff hasn't done anything many other HG hasn't done in BB History...
The D'Ambra Family -- DITTO!
Grendon, LOL. That would be hilarious!
Love Rule #8
I guess besides us true Michele fans no sees why she wants to go to the F3 with Jeff and Jordan. She feels and rightfully so IMO she can win the last HOH and decide who she goes against. It's not a done deal that out of those three Michele is odd woman out. J&J may think so but I think they are wrong. She's not looking to make a power move. She doesn't feel she has to.
Besides that she just plain likes them. She's hung out with them the longest, she's talks to them, she works out with Jordan, they get along. She doesn't know what they have said behind her back. She will probably be hurt by that. At this point though that doesn't matter. She doesn't plan on going F3 with anyone else. Finally if she doesn't win she wants one of them to.
She doesn't like Russel, she doesn't like Nat and Kevin she doesn't really care one way or the other.
That's what I think.
Okay, seriously. Jeff played the game and Russell is such a sore loser. Jeff did outplay him. Plain and simple. Now Russ is running around whining like a baby. It's pathetic. He should be stepping up his game instead of crying at the pool table telling Kevin everything Kevin already knows...
But, back to today... so Jeff comes outside and asks if Russell wants to talk about it and Russ goes off saying he'll mop the floor with his face if he comes through the doors at the jury house. Are so many people seriously expecting Jeff to sit there and take that??!! Really??? Russell tried to call Jeff out on a supposed "threat" that was complete and total sarcasm. Anyone that believes that family threat was remotely serious needs to wake up!! So then Russell AND Jeff throw threats out at each other. Russell starts, and Jeff follows. There you have it.
What's killing me here, besides others who are coming down on Jeff for "threats" against people's lives (right...) are all the people who have conveniently forgotten the Russell that was THE bully in the house this entire game until Jeff used the power. Then he played nice and feed watchers started liking him more. Russell lied until the power was used, and even after though not as much. Jeff did NOT lie until the power was used when the target on his back became 200x bigger than it already was. Russell had already proved himself to be disloyal (hello Ronnie & hinky vote Jessie), so when seeds are planted by everyone else- some by Russell himself, and a ton more by Michelle- and Jeff knows Russell's after him the first chance he gets he makes a smart move and gets hated on by everyone for it.
It makes me crazy that Russell's insanely aggressive behavior throughout the majority of this game is so completely overlooked by people. And I disagree with the statements of Jeff trusting K/N so much. He's not stupid. He knows this move could get him out, and he knows they can't be trusted. His back's up against a wall and whichever way he moves he gets screwed unless a miracle happens.
All this Anti-Jeff talk and Jeff bashing is absurd. Seriously. It's a game and he's playing it. Fault him for having a temper- hell, he faults himself, but do not forget about Russell's temper, and the first month and a half when Russell was in everyone's face.
Can Thursday get here a lil faster please!!!
What is Jordan doing?
PS- @Miamiglow... you said it way better than I did.
PSS- Carolyn & Genie... GOD Bless You!!
Genie... i hope those are not boogers shes takin outta there lol
I am kinda glad to see Russell on the block. He has won a lot in the house and I can see why others aren't afraid to vote him out. I know if I was in the house I would think that too.
Jeff and Jordan were already talking last week when Jordan had her HOH that they might backdoor Russell. He stated last week "why do I always have to do the dirty work". They wanted Lydia out is the only reason they didn't take him out last week.
Lie, cheat and go for the jugular.. I am lovin Jeff & Jordan. I think they would have made this decision without Kev and Nat's input. They just kinda iced the cake..
Genie she is tearing up paper and putting the pieces in the tubes to count them.
I figured Jordan would get in trouble for that.
Carolyn & Genie,
Hate to say it agian but, it's a long time till Thurs. nite.It's gonna get bumpy.
"NO Jeff, I didn't say 'hump me',I said 'bumpy'!"
I come back and Jordan is putting paper in the rolls and now taking it out...
Rosaritoe :) LOL!! THank you for that.
I want to reiterate that at this point, I think most of this dislike has little to do with backdooring Russell. Jeff's hands were tied. It has a lot more to do with Jeff's hypocrisy ("You have a final 2 with Michele! RAWR!") and ego than anything else...
...that being said, Russell did this to himself, let's keep it real. Had he not voted to keep Jessie, I doubt the LML would have had as big an impact it did, if at all. As much as Jeff isn't thinking enough about votes, Russell was thinking too much about them, too soon.
Apologies if I seem a bit short this evening.. I've been up and at it since 6am eastern...
I did warn everyone pretty early on that I was comment b-tch tonight, though. ;)
Katie - its really not a jeff and jordan site at all. If you spend more time here you will realize Carolyn is as neutral as it gets. She has never once in all the time i've come here played favorites to any HGs. You just need to spend more seasons here to see it for yourself.
ella - agreed... Russ did a fine job of screwing himself without Jeff's help.
Michelle - Why does she need paper to count? I'm confuzzled. lol
Rosaritoe - lmao :) I heard "hump me" the Pool Room door was ajar! I definitely heard you say "hump me" hahahaha
Carolyn and Genie
I have followed the site for 3 or more years but this is the first year I am commenting on it.
I feel that the site is a reflection of society and has been over the years.
We like certain behaviors in people and others we don't. This group is vocalizing what they see and hear (in my case w/o the feeds) and see on tv.
I really like hanging out here even if I don't always publish comments.
You have great characters, WendyLady, Syn, Blue and GaYTor, they are always entertaining.
Thanks again!
@ Alyson... Good
Kumbaya my lord, kumbaya
Kumbaya my lord, kumbaya
Kumbaya my lord, kumbaya
Oh lord, kumbaya
Now, off to bed. Early days all this week, so need to unwind for a while so I can sleep.
Everyone play nice! Sweet dreams!!
doing an
for Carolyn and Genie!
'huge, neon and pulsating like disoc balls'
Hey, where's GaYToR?
Oh boy, Jeff! You're beautiful inside and out.
Syn - I want a Big Mac and a cocktail! May I come? :)
I am not realy off the J/J bandwagon but I am upset that this is making Mich's game very hard. She has been loyal and Jordan is not nice to her anymore. Mich has come thru when they needed her. I hope they can get back on track with Mich again. She is J/J only hope at the moment. I don't like J/J comments about Mich.
Genie I have no idea. She tore the paper up, put it in the tubes, then took it back out. Now Jeff is doing something strange.
I am confused!! I am sure there is a method to the madness.
Good Lord Carolyn! Just what are you having to deal with?
I hope what I said didn't have anything to do with that. If so, people, please contact me via my profile. Don't make Carolyn or Genie suffer for it.
I guess it's nice to have something to do in the house but I think them counting the green room walls is a waste of time. It's far to random. Buddhas and pillows sure but the wall isn't something they use even if it does have stuff all over it.
nite nite, ltc :)
gale - received and appreciated :)
Carolyn - If I had an address for you I'd send you the most gigantic bunch of flowers!!! You do such a great job with the site and the comments and how anyone could fault you or the ones who help out here and call you onesided, or anything else for that matter is beyond me. Much love Honey!! ;)
Katie, this is not a Jeff and Jordan site, believe me. If it was I wouldn't be here.
I always wonder who Carolyn and Genie are rooting for, but they only on occasion diverge from being objective reporters, sometimes to my dismay.
Simply, it's cool to criticize, it's not cool to bash.
Rosa says pulsating and balls and thinks of Gaytor !!!!!!
good one lol!!!!!!!!
Curlerchick - Thank you! But i'm just a normal commenter like everyone else. I try very very hard ever yr not to pick sides or root for anyone or attack any hgs - but i'm human and things do upset me and i'm sure i've made comments that are not neutral but it just gives me more reason to try hard next season :0)
Syn - nothing to do with you, sweetie. not at all.
Can't a gal get a LMH?(last minute hump)?!
Southern Sweetheart - Would you like an apple pie with that? hehe
Nightltc - i hope your day tomorrow is wonderful :0)
SouthernSweetheart :) Thank you!!!! Feelin the love! :)
Rosaritoe - LOLOL!! that's twice, tonight!
Michelle in Indiana.....
there might be a madness to their method lmao!
Night ltc! Sleep sweet! :)
Oh Russel, what a sneaky man you are... He come up with this plan to Kevin about kevo keeping him so Russ can go after Jeff, Kevo tells him to talk to Michele, after Russ leaves sings, I'm not Russel then checks the house like a mad mad looking for Michele, and can't find her because she is asleep in HOH. The smallest noise he hears sneeks out of the splish splash room to see if it was I was hoping she would have hid out up there, but here she comes out of the HOH room, can't wait to see what Russ does
Sometimes I wish I could be the BB voice for these people.
SYN: Jeff, Jordan, please count a one foot section, and then multiply by about 6 or 7. I don't see anyone else counting those. You just need to be in the ballpark, not exact.
It is refreshing to see them doing some more jedi-training though. They know they've got to win basically all the next comps in order to continue.
Okay- one last thing and I promise I'm done for the night!! Anyone who might be upset at the way that J/J have treated Michele lately, might want to take a look back at the first 2 months of the game when Russell came at her publicly several times, holding a town hall meeting and all, and made sure every single other hg knew all of the secrets she had told him in confidence. J/J never did that. Have they said kind words about her behind her back? No they haven't. But they didn't chase her around screaming at her from all sides and holding a house meeting about her being a crazy liar.
Also, regarding Michele, a lot of the reason Russell is in the position he is in now is because of the things she has said to J/J about not being able to trust him. It's not even K/N, it's Michelle. Everyone has planted the seed of doubt with about Russell to Jeff, but Michelle herself has turned that seed into an entire garden. Just food for thought, and just my opinion...
whewwwwww... alright. now i've vented and can go to sleep!! Team Jeff all the way right here!!
I have been struggling so hard with trying to put my finger on my feelings about Jeff... It is NOT about his backdooring Russel, I do believe that IS the best move for him. I guess I just wanted him to have more integrity in doing it.
Maybe Dan's game last season spoiled me.. I LOVED the way he played the game and this season, I was starting to feel that Jeff's game had him beat.
Perhaps if I saw more of him saying he doesn't believe or trust N/K my feelings would be different, but I do not see that. I see him taking their bait hook line and sinker and it just upsets me.
I saw a glimpse of the Jeff I love when he said the Michele I'm not gonna trash the guy. That is the Jeff I love. I do not like him as a villain. It doesn't look good on him, but I must say, I'd want him in my corner to defend me LOL
My upsetment with Jordan is based on her kicking Michele to the curb once she had Natalie as a BFF.
I know they are playing a game, I know they do not know what we know. I just have lost a little respect for them is all.
"May the best player win"
LOL Gale!!
katieblue-it's so not a Jeff/Jordan site. It just seems the majority of comments come from J/J fans.
Myself, I'm a Michele/Russell and now Kevin fan. Ry, Kevin and a few others feel the same. We keep posting away our hopes for Michele to make F2.
I'll even give Natalie her due. She's not a pleasant HG, at least hasn't been to this point, but she's told lies that have convinced people in power to make some dangerous moves. If she survives to F2, she has a good case to win. Ugh. ;)
Please feel free to keep commenting katie-if people who root for the "underdogs" don't comment because of the J/J love, that becomes more and more of the focus. We need balance and it comes from EVERYONE voicing their opinions respectfully.
Love the Dish!
Has anybody ever ridden those bikes in the green room?
Syn - I would LOVE one!! I can bring cupcakes to the party! I made some last night...just because! haha!
I love that when your disappointed in the houseguests you don't bash them but that you revert to your standby vote
Ducky McDuckerson!
HGs have ridden the bikes, but never fast enough to make the lights go on.
Syn - I agree - It's nice to see them jedi training... They've actually been doing a lot of it lately.
Russell's on the prowl for Michelle! HaHa!!!!
Gnite ALyson :) Sleep well.
CYA tomorrow,
Thanks for all the fun.
Bowing in reverence to all,
Jeff quit it!'
I shoulda known not to bend over!
Caro and Genie I leave him to you.But be careful, he's pretty fired up and frustrated. don't turn your back on him unless.....
well you know!
Rosaritoe :) Gnite doll :)
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Curlerchick - I ♥ Duckie McDuckerson!
Judy - i think we all got spoiled with Dan last yr - he really did show everyone you can win this game and still hold your head up high.
Alisa - Thank you very much!! People would be pretty surprised to learn who my favorite is and has been from the get go...
rosaritoe - Nightie night!
Night Alyson and Rosaritoe! Sleep sweet :)
Thanks Carolyn. I thought I remembered early on something that Ronnie read in the rule book about them. The light would reveal something?
Kindly have a look at the rules before posting a comment. Following them dramatically increases the odds of it being published.
I hope they don't put those back in the box for people to use.
Michelle in IN - Yup - he sure did. Still no one's made it happen. lol.
Wouldnt it be funny if you ride the bike and make it light up, the lights tell you how many things are on the wall? hehehehe
Carolyn - ***hugs & smooches***
Genie - ***hugs & smooches***
OH Boy J/J are reminding me of Nat from BB9 counting all them books on the wall...have a feeling they are wasting their time..
Hi everybody!
Caro I just saw your new rule...thank you it drove me nuts that some people would put so much energy and focus on something that is in no way game related.
So Ive just skimmed (is that a word?)through the comments and although I understand the passion some people feel for the game I cant understand the non-respect (I think disrespect is too harsh a word to use)for peoples opinions.
I love playing devils advocate and while I might not agree with some of the decision I can totally see the reasoning for their choices.
Carolyn thank you for giving us all the opportunity to vent.
And lets all remember opinions are like A**holes....everybody has one!!
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