PoV Ceremony Spoiler and Aftermath aka
Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE
BB: House guests, this is a lockdown. Please go outside and close the sliding glass door.
Natalie: Here it goes, Kev.
Jordan: We go on lockdown for this?
Natalie: Yeah we go on lockdown.
Natalie and Jordan walk through the house together towards the sliding glass doors...
Jordan: I feel like I haven't done it forever.
Natalie: We have to go out there, and he comes out and says, hey guys it's time for the Veto Ceremony... Remember, we have to be super quiet.. and BB was always telling you and Jeff to be quiet, there's no talking?
CUT to Trivia @ 12:14pm BBT
Feeds are Back
@ 1:09pm BBT
Russell is the ReNom
Natalie's on the block next to him
If your feeds aren't sparked up right now, they should be, and if you don't have em yet, you ought to! Here's the free trial link.
The PoV Ceremony Spoiler will go right here, as soon as the feeds come back on...
Jeff: What's up yo, you wanna talk about it?
Russell: You know what you said right there? You said if any of us change the f'ing plan, I'll go after you and your families..
Jeff: But who broke the deal first.. We said final 4 deal, not final 2 deal on the side...
Russell: How do you know what I said to you wanst true? I could say anything to anyone.. but it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter at all.
Jeff: Apparently it does matter, because I just used the veto on you...
Russell: I tell you this right now, if you don't win this game, and you come in the jury house, I will mop the floor with your face.
Jeff: You better not f-ck with me.. I will...
Russell: That's a f'ing threat.
Jeff: You guys better get someone out here right now, before I cut this motherfuc-er's throat....
Russell: Don't pull outta gun, unless you're gonna use it. Don't pull outta gun, unless you're gonna fuc-in use it.
It escalates...
Jeff: You f'in pussy.. You don't know me! Why the f-ck am I gonna lose 500,000 for you?
Russell: You pull outta gun, f'in use it. You better win the f';in money.
Jeff: You got nothin on me dude... I'm not one f'in bit scared of you.
Russell: If you were so tough, you would have followed through on what you said, not talked about getting secturity in here...
Jeff: F you. Way to play like a man.
Russell: Way to play like a f'in man.
Jeff: Shut the f up.
Jordan speaks up.
Russell: Shut up you f'in lapdog... Wow.. She's gotta fight your battles. That's cute.
Jordan: You're just pissed because you're gone. You've already got 10,000 dollars... You're leavin on Thursday..
Russell: Does she always fight your battles? She wear the pants upstairs, too? And as for you, I don't need to address you.. I'm talking to him.
Jordan: You go inside. I just came here to lie out.
Russell: It's my house too. I'll go whereever I want...
Jeff: You can stop with the threats, because I will never back down.
Russell: Because you threatened me, I will mop your face with the floor if you ever come to the jury house.
Jeff: Dude, you aint gonna do sh-t. I'm not a fighter. I'm not afraid to fight a fu--in fighter...
Natalie smiles from the pool table...
Russell: Make a threat on my family.
Jeff: A threat on your family.. I was jokin. Did you take it seriously Jordan?
Russell: Don't even answer. I'm talking to him. I'm not yelling at you. I'm doing this very politely.
Jeff: I really thought you were more of a man... You would have gotten me next week.
Russell: I actually wouldn't.
Back to the family threats...
Russell: You better win it from here on out.
Jeff: Remember what you're saying Russell. You aint gonna do shit. Drop it already.
Russell: The last time I checked, threatening to come after mew and my family is a threat.
Russell: The last time I checked, threatening to come after mew and my family is a threat.
Jeff: Listen, you gotta lay in bed and come to grips with the fact that you got got.
Russell: Win it, or else.
Jeff: Dude, you better make sure you make good on that f'in promise.. Get real with yourself.
Russell: I will mop you up..
Jeff: I will stab you in the neck. You come after me in the house, I will f'in stab you in the neck.
Russell: I'll be waitin for it.
Jeff: Dude, you're a f'in huge dork. Tough guys that I know don't talk shit.
Russell: I'm not the one who started it... "If any of you break this deal, I'll come after your families..."
Jeff: I don't even wanna start rippin into your character because you have none. You do you, bro, and I'll do me. I'm goin' a lot further in life...
Russell: Yeah, you're 31 and you're on a f'in reality show.
Jeff: Oh, you're 25 and you're on the same show.
Russell: You got me.. Just don't make empty threats you wont follow through on. You wanna end it. Drop it.
Jeff: F-ck you. Fu-k you.
Russell: There we go.
Jeff: F-ck you. You're never gonna get the best of me, in here on in life. You are below me, bro. Your character is sh-t. Your friends. you have none. You are not trustworthy.. You don't come through on your word...
Russell: Keep goin...
Jeff: You need to drop all that anger that you're carrying...
Russell: That was epic.
Jeff: You don't even have your own words. Get a personality. Don't make promises I can't fulfill, I got it. Don't threaten my family, I got it. I honestly thought you were gonna handle this differently..
Russell: I walked out and said you got me. You said, you don't think it's a good game move, and I said it is..
Jeff: You said it real calm like that..
Russell: You led the show.
Jeff: Oh, yeah.. I can't sleep at night.. because I don't know who I am or where my character is... I can't even live with myself.
Russell: That's tough...
1:32pm BBT - Jeff comes back out and has a seat on the fridge for a smoke. Russell remains on the couch in silence... scraping at his frozen muscle milk.
Cams 3 & 4
1:34 Jordan's in the kitchen talking with Natalie and Kevin.
***I'm not budging off of Russell and Jeff.
1:38pm BBT
After sitting in silence for several minutes, Jeff gets up, crosses the yard, takes off his shirt and gets into the pool. Michele asks if he's like the raft. He says he'll take the pink one, and he tries to steady himself on it.
You can see the tension slowly leaving Jeff's face, as he floats...
1:46pm BBT - Jordan notices a large bug in the pool... It's another praying mantis... Jeff sticks his hand into the filter to pull it out and save it...
***Nothing like a little diversion to make you forget your troubles.
2pm BBT
Haves Room
Natalie & Kevin
Natalie: This whole thing is because of you and I... Do you think Lydia could've done this?
Kevin: No. She'd have been massaging Russell. And she tells everybody everything. It's so pefect that we didn't have to win HoH.
Natalie: Dude, we need to thank God we didn't win HoH.
Kevin: The last 3 HoH's didn't matter...
Natalie: You need to thank God.. If he had a brain, he'd've let you win PoV. This will be HUGE for you and I... Probably game saving for you and I, and game ending for Jeff.
Kevin: And most likely he can't win Veto, because it's everyone against him.
Natalie: That's why I'd rather put him up, instead of Jordan, because if I out her up, he'll fight like mad to win it and get her off the block.
Kevin: It just means, we have a chance now. We have a f'ing chance.
Natalie: And this could mean nothing. We could've just bought ourselves another week. But now we have a fighting chance in this game... where we didn't have a chance before.
Kevin: Yeah...
Natalie agrees.
Kevin rubs his hands together... "Oh my God!!! I can't stop smiling."
Natalie: Know what I love? This is the only thing we've done. Imagine if we'd had to make other moves throughout the game.
2:10pm BBT
BB: Natalie, please come to the Diary Room.
Meanwhile, in the backyard, Jordan, Jeff and Michele have been playing in the pool... Michele gets out and lies down in the single chaise next to the pool...
2:12pm BBT
Production voice: I have to get a couple of quick diary rooms from you guys... so whoever wants to head in first, just come on in.
Jeff & Jordan get out of the pool and dry off..
Jeff: I just gotta dry off first. I hate goin' in there all wet.
Russell remains on the couch, shaving away at his frozen muscle milk...
***Quick Finger and Tushie break!!!
2:27pm BBT
Jeff goes back outside for another smoke, and sits on his stoop/the small fridge.
Russell hasn't moved a muscle. He remains on the couch...
BB: Russell, please come to the DR.
2:43pm BBT
Natalie comes out and grabs a chair... She tells them that Kevin's hiding in the room, afraid that Russell's gonna punch him. Jeff tells her he picked 2 cards to make the choice...
Natalie: Whatever it is, on the block, off the block, you saved me, and I'm grateful.
Everyone but Russell who is in the DR
Kevin comes out... just barely... he's afraid of the bug.
3:05pm BBT
Michele is enjoying a brief reprieve right now while they all bond during a Russell bash.
FYI... Round 1 of the Jeff/Russell brawl is now available on flashback on the live feeds interface, so you can see it for yourself, if you missed it, and you can see how many words I missed while I was feverishly typing away... lol.
3:54pm BBT
Natalie, Jeff, Jordan
Natalie's rolling the bus over Russell as many times as possible to her very willing audience... one of whom also happens to be her next target.
*bites nails and chugs coffee!*
Afternoon everyone!
I hope you all have your seat belts on and your trays in an upright position - its gonna get bumpy!
I think i have finally decided who i will vote for as Americas choice. I did a bit of flashbacking - and i too love this feature - and Casey has been one of the few people who has shown a lot of characteristics i like personally. So my vote is gonna go to the man in the banana suit.
Here we go, either way Jeff plays this theres gonna be repercussions
Hope this goes fast, but I doubt it.
oh HOW I wish i was home wacthing it on the feeds with you all...I am stuck at work for another hour....It's Monday night smackdown in the BB house.
gettin my earplugs ready!
I'm on a commenting whirlwind today. Just can't help myself.
Since Jordo is officially on my 'do not like' list, I just had a thought. If Lydia was still in the house saying mean things to Jordon, I probably wouldn't feel nearly as inclined to defend her as I did before.
You know that saying about being careful what you throw out there in the world because it comes back at you twice as hard. Well Jordon's been throwing a lot of stones in the direction of her old allies. I think she deserves a few Lydia zingers right about now.
i hope jeff doesent use the pov..thats my hopes but my reality says russ is going home this week
Oh boy Carolyn ~ Time for finger stretches and unnumbing the tush routine, and LOTS of coffee.
Is Smackdown Genie in the wings???
WendyLady33 said...
Afternoon everyone!
So my vote is gonna go to the man in the banana suit.
Ohhhhhhhhhh I like that Wendy!!!
@Berdache Bear, @Lara, @Grendon, @Kristin
(Sorry, I want all that responded to me to see my responses, I posted this on the last one then realized there was a new post)
Good, glad to know I am not alone.
@Berdache Bear - I Think you just pin pointed it for me for the most part. "Her smirking, self-satisfied utterances make my skin crawl." That is exactly what it is, she is a bragger and always acting like her plan is the best game plan there is. Jordan and Jeff are bothering me, but when Jordan goes off on her tangents I hear paranoia and fear in her voice and the expressions on her face. When it comes from Natalie, I just get the feeling of someone being cruel.
@Kristin - Yes the way she moves her mouth, I have noticed that as well, it is kind of odd. I do not want to say anything horrible, and I try not to. I was actually upset at some of things that were being vocalized about Chima on Twitter, and I did not care for her either. I try to keep what I say clean for the most party, because, well we really don't know these people. With that said, I think my challenge going into this house would be to stay true to who I believe myself to be as a person, to not stab people in the back, laugh at other peoples down falls and then chalk it up to it being a game, that bothers me.
Lara and Grendon - I completely agree, it is her lies and her satisfaction with those lies, and just about everything, but to each our own I guess :-)
No matter what Jeff does he is a target. I would like to see Russell stay but I don't think that will happen.
Wendy I think I am going to vote for Casey too.
Now back to arguing with T Mobile!!
Hi Wendy! I think it will be more than bumpy! Earthquake maybe, felt from you in Canada to me here in FL. LOL
Trying to pass the time and re-reading the blogging rules:
"No personal attacks whether direct or indirect. Racist, misogynistic and homophobic comments will not be published."
It's a good thing that doesn't apply to the updates. With the houseguests they got this year, within the first week you would have had to break all the rules in order to transcribe the conversations or you wouldn't have had anything to write about.
Let's hope Jeff is pulling a fast one on everyone!
Haven't been in the comment section in a few days - some issues at home - anyone Hello to everyone!!!
I'm with ya... I really miss Casey! I'll be voting for him too. I can't wait to see him back, tomorrow night, for the POV comp. ☺
*fastens seatbelt*
There is still a small hope for Russell. All he has to do is get Kevin and Michell to vote for him and they get one of J/J out next week. It would be 3 to 1 for HOH.
I hope he doesn't use it. Sending him my vibes right now!
Carolyn, instead of Let's get ready to rumble I was thinking it should be called let's get ready to Russel. It's a good play on words and Russel sort of sounds like wrestle and rumble.
I have to much time on my hands. LOL
Wonder how Jeff words this speech. Does he try to make it sound like what it's not or just be truthful?
It sure opens a door for Russel to form a new alliance though with Kevin and Michele and get Nat out then get Jeff.
Most people think Kevin would be the hard one to convince but I don't think they understand Michele's loyalty to Jeff. Maybe not Jordan so much but for sure Jeff. Even if she couldn't win against Jeff. Michele wants to be final 2 with him as much as Jordan does.
Hello everybody!! What room are Jeff and Jordon talking about that they never went in? I think even if Russell goes up, he will be able to talk Jeff into ultimately voting Natalie out....what a short memory Jeff has...his main target after the coup was Natalie.
okay I'm suppose to be baking bread,cakes and cookies for the week! But I am putting on the second pot of coffee and waiting with bated breath! Please Jeff ! Say you were just pulling Americas leg and Natalie is going home not Russell!
Ahhh! I am SO nervous.
Atleast my feeds are working again. I think they had an overload there for a second.
Anyway, to another poster whom earlier said that they don't think there has ever been an HG who went from so loved to absolutely America being appalled by them...I concur! I have NEVER had this sort of feelings towards a houseguest.
You truly do see people's true colors when they are in power.
Jordan is REALLY a mean girl!
Natalie has been rude and mean and stuck up and hasn't even had power so ...well atleast she's consistent, still can't stand to watch her or Jordan. THEY belong together.
Also, I'm beginning to wonder if Jordan's whole story about living in one room with her entire family was made up...does anyone know?
I didn't know that about Michelle's brother passing either...has that been said here before? I prob missed it.
I really hope that when teh feeds come back on, (even tho i'd love to see arguing for entertainment purposes) that Russell gets to work on Michelle and Kevin! I'm still holding out hope! The odds are in his favor if Kevin is smart he'll totally ditch that top 4 for top 3.
I can totally see voting for Casey. He always made me laugh and his outrage over people not being outraged about Ronnie is how we all felt.
Go Banana Man
OMG I'm NOT ready for this....I just hope Jeff isn't as blind and dumb as he's been acting the past week! Oooooohhhhmmmmmm Jeff play SMART!!!!
Michelle - i don't eny you fighting with a telephone comapny - had some of those in my time!
Marci - Hiya back lady! Hope nothing too bad fighting wise cause i wont be able to watch it then.
SimplySam - from what i gather it was Caseys voice not himself but we will find out foresure tomorrow!
Re Voting Casey for America's Choice. Unfortunately, you can't. It has to be someone still in the game... I know it s*cks. :)
ajs - The Have Not room
If I was Jeff, I would rather be put on the block by one of my alliance memebers, instead of being put on the block by the very person who is on the other side who you should have sent home last week. You gave them a break, Jeff and they will reward you next week. You and Russell can joke about it in the jury house next Thursday, (oh and dont forget Jessie is there too, that was a great move)
Is it wrong that I keep hoping and praying that since Natalie is staying on the block, she could open her big mouth too much and finally get the boot? But I also don't think it's so wrong to get rid of Russell. Either way, if Jordan or Michelle don't win HOH, they were coming after Jeff. Come on Jordan, pull through for Jeff and win HOH! I am still all about team Jeff/Jordan in the end!
Hiya Smackdown Genie ~ So you are in the wings!! Knew you wouldn't miss this! LOL
some time over the last 4 or 5 days jeff swallowed a dumb pill i hope jordon isnt rubbing off on him
LOL! Hiya Marci! Yup! I'm here and with my fire suit on... The feeds will be exploding when they come back hahaha
Hello again Everyone! :)
I am actually afraid for the feeds to come back on.. I have a gut feeling Jeff has screwed himself...
Judy - He just seems to be the best choice for me.
Michigan Man - One of my big ♥ on for Casey is how brutally honest his emotions were when talking about his kid/wife.
Hi Everyone!
This is crazy!! I feel like I am waiting for the live show. Well, I guess we are in a way - The Russell Show!
LOL @Vicki that was great. I had to read that twice. Well said!
Poor Jeff doesn't know what hit him, and btw...
are these people (besides Jordan) even THINKING about the votes in the Jury house? SUre, keep Nat/Kev around J/J...because in the end yeah...Jessie, Lydia, etc are REALLY gonna vote for you...doubt it..
As for America's Choice, I wonder if those that don't watch the live feeds will still choose Jeff or Jordan? What do you guys this?
Genie - if thats the case i may have to flash back a lot more to find something that helps me choose someone else.
Ppl who are saying Jordan is a mean girl - i don't think she truely is i think this game makes ppl crazy - or at least i hope its the game.
ajs221 said...
What room are Jeff and Jordon talking about that they never went in?
They were talking about the bedroom that was there before it was converted into the Have Not room. It was red and had three or four beds in it. It was really nice actually.
If Russell is on the block, I don't think he has a chance in you know where of getting Kevin's vote.
The only chance would be if Natalie and Kevin keep acting the way they have been, maybe it will become obvious to Jeff that it is just an act. At that point he could tell Russell that he put him on the block to scare him a little because Jeff wsn't feeling that he could trust Russell and Michelle, but that they still controlled the votes and there was never any real chance of Russell going home.
He could even spin it that he was giving Nat and Kevin a false sense of security so they wouldn't have to listen to them complain or risk having N&K mess with their stuff. Or Jeff could even say that he wanted to make sure that Kevin/Natalie (whichever one stays on the block) got voted out and since Jordon, Michelle and Russell all have differing opinions about who the bigger threat is, he didn't want to take a chance of the vote not going his way.
Now I think the chance of any of these things happening is slim to none. But I think the odds are better than hoping that Russell can convince Kevin to keep him and vote out Natalie.
This is nats bio from "the official site"..."Natalie says she is a strategist and plans to deal herself a good hand in the house, as she says she is definitely going to be a force to be reckoned with. She also says she has no problem lying, cheating and stealing to win the game. She’ll do whatever it takes to keep the heat off her and turn it onto others, and believes her petite frame will throw off her opponents. Her poker skills give her the ability to pick up on her opponent’s "tells." There you go,
Just wondering why people are hating on Jordan, did I miss something?
@ Therese you're probably right (even tho you didn't say it) ha I was a little bit harsh on Jordan personally (the chomping food and pulling hair statements)...I don't know her outside of teh house. I'm gonna try and calm that down a bit, it just grosses me out and I usually have to fast forward (when i tape bb afterdark) or press pause to wait it out on the feeds.
I'm just so disappointed guys...
I reallllllllly hope Russell's head is in the game and him and Michelle make a F3 deal with Kevin!
Even tho I can't even tell where Michelle's head is at...but 3 against 1 competing for the HOH is way better odds for Kevin...he needs to think as well!
Ahhh how easy this is for all of us to say outside of the BB House, once inside we'd all end up goin crazy! LOL
Question while we wait, WHO from BBDish do you guys think would make interesting HG's? Along with yourself of course...
It's about time for the air masks to drop down???
*chews nails* & throws random clothes in suitcase*
Godd Afternoon Everyone!!! (Carolyn, Genie Sea, & BB Addicts everywhere),
I'm just hoping this whole use the veto thing from Jeff has just been the DR having him voice this idea out loud. I really would love to see Natalie go this week instead of Russell. We shall see.
Genie you are right, as always. We can't vote for Casey because it has to be the F2 or a jury member. In that case I go with Michele for the win and America's Favorite.
Helllooooo Carolyn and friends! Carolyn, I hope your fingers and iced, nimble and quick!!! Let's get ready to ruuuuuummmmble!!!
Michigan Man - LOL! I'm not always right. Far from it :) Michele is getting my vote :)
People are hating on Jordon because she has turned into Natalie. Just call them Jordalie-they seem to have become one person.
Hi everyone! Hope you all are having a nice day.
I haven't commented in a few days but I just wanted to voice my opinion on Jeff and Jordan. For me it isn't the fact that they are going to backstab Russell and go back on their final 4 promise that makes me dislike them, it is how they say such nasty things behind his back and also Michelle's. Do what you have to do for your game but why must they call them names behing their backs and smile in their face?
I find it so funny that they are so worried about Russ who has only won 2 comps and they are letting Kev and Nat stayed paired up. I hope Nat wins HOH next week and puts J/J up so Kevin or Michelle doesn't get blood on their hands. Then Jeff will be looking and feeling kinda stupid while he is up on the block. I really don't have a fav now that Russ is leaving and Michelle had a large part in it all so I guess I will go for Kevin.
Genie I am about to have a smackdown of my own...wanna transcribe it? LOL
Hi Genie, too!!! Hope your fingers are ready, as well! Although, I'd really like to see Nat leave, I am kinda excited for the blow up! Is that wrong? ;)
Oops...I'm so nervous I said Godd instead of Good Afternoon in my last post....Oh well, you all know what I meant. hehe
Man, this season has flown by, but when you are waiting on a comp or ceremony, seems like it takes FOREVER!
Gaytor would be a wonderful choice because of how flamboyant he is.
llissa is actually applying for the show and would be sassy!
I've said it before - i could never be on BB unless they made a Gibbled Version!
I just don't see how keeping Russel would really benefit Kevin, in that, he would still have a strong physical person to take out to get to the end. Getting Russel out now is in Kevin's best interest too.
Am I alone in feeling that Russell really has some great redeeming qualities?
After watching him look Jeff straight in the eyes and tell him he was there until the final 4, with no reservations, I just feel he would follow the plan...good, bad, or otherwise, I really think he is a man of his word, when it is given like that.
I am disappointed in J/J this week, I think the stress and the power got to them and they will truly regret their cobversations and remarks after this is all over.
One thing that struck me about these HG's is the family loyalty and love they have, Jeff, Russell, Jordan, Michele all seem to be very family oriented and I really like that.
Happy smackdown day all, with any luck, maybe Russ was able to penetrate Jeff's muggled thinking.
If Jeff used Veto and put up Russell my guess is Russell will blow his gasket since he is hungry and tired and we may not get feeds back right away.... I can just hear him now throwing a helluva fit...
I don't remember any rules as to whom to vote for America's Choice. Are you talking about the 25,000? Or our vote for the winner?
Kristin said...
Question while we wait, WHO from BBDish do you guys think would make interesting HG's? Along with yourself of course...
I would go with Carolyn, Genie or Jane. Of course Gaytor would be insane to watch. Syn is very informed so I think would do well. Wendy always cracks me up. Just off the top of my head but so many here would be fun to watch I bet.
Lee - Both
I love Jeff ond Jordan and I believe that they really just believe they have been screwed over so many times by michele and russell and with Natalie telling all her lies they really believe that natlie and kevin are more trustworthy. I really disagree with this but they are not seeing what we are and the fact that natalie has turned on the charm since jessie left. In no way do I think Michele is americas favorite.
I feel like I'm waiting for something REALLY big to happen, so big I don't even know how to describe it other than saying in the past hour I've eaten a bag of M&M's, a few doritos, then put those away, drank some lemonade, then microwaved a slice of pizza, drank some more lemonade and now i'm about to go make a sandwich!
Russell is PISSED look at that face!!!!
We're back. Russel is up.
I have a feeling that Russell is gonna let his mouth overrun his butt and it will be another Chima with threats to Jeff's family....
What irritates me the most is that J/J asked Michelle to keep Russell at bay so to speak and now they are griping about how much time she spends with him.
I'm hoping that Jeff doesn't use the power of veto on N/K and was just keeping his plans to himself. So Jordan doesn't spill the beans to everyone in the house.
Thanks again Carolyn for all the work you do.
Now I dont have to feel guilty,greek pastries are baking and greek dinner all ready to put in oven sitting in the fridge.bread in bread maker. Now I wont have to explain to hubby why I was on computer all day! lol ! Can't wait for feeds to come back!
Ohhhh yaaaa. Thanks, Genie!
I forgot it was limited to jury on up...
I am not endeared by anyone really at this moment. Not like I was Keesha last year.
ACK!!!! Feeds are back and Jeff DID use it and put Russell up!
Oooohhhh Russell is mentioning the family threat made by Jeff, to Jeff.
*cinches seatbelt tighter!*
Disregard my last comment-- here they go-- they are about to go at it.... mayeb they both will get kicked off...
The smack down is on!
Yay. Back. I have to agree with Russell. Jeff...who cares if he had final 2 with Michelle? It would be J/J! Oohhh. here we go!
Nat's poker game has been vastly exagerated. Real poker players are licking their lips hoping a fish like her is given 500K.
Jordan is turning into the person I thought she was on first impression with that Gucci talk.
OMG threats all over the place!
OMG I hope Russell gets Jeff to hit him. I know that's horrible but the things they're both saying are disgusting me. Jeff is a nasty person. He keeps threatening to stab and knife and cut etc... he disgusts me.
Uh oh. Jeff may be going!
OK Allison break these 2 up, its getting to serious now
Oh shizz!!!! they are both gonna get tossed for this!!!
Threats.. cue the fishies...
I am in SHOCK right now at this argument...cutting throats?! What is wrong with Jeff?!?!?!?!?
Jeff deserves EVERYthing Russell just said.
OMG - they are threatening each other with murder!!!
OMG Jeff is losing it!!!!! They are going at it!
Oh Shit She Cried!!
Yikes! Threats of violence are running rampant.
I wish we could all talk! There's so much to say right now.
Holy Smackdown....this is getting real heated....
It's already getting ugly. Russ and Jeff are threatening eachother baaaad!
Im scared!
It's official...
Jeff just became UBER UGLY to me.
Thank you Genie and Michigan Man!
Also, why is it that whenever Jeff starts making nasty threats they go to BRB? If they don't show them *both* acting out on the show, I'll be done. No more nice edits for Jeff, please...
This is awful. Jeff is not a nice person at all, sorry to all the J/J fans.I am done with him and Jodan
Holy #*$&.... Carolyn you better hold on tight for this ride! Wow at the Alpha Males!!!
I would be more worried if I was there famililes.... uh oh.. trivia :(
Christy in FL
Cue Jordan... here we go-- Nat and Kev are gonna stay out of this one...
Wow Jordan .... kinda like her fighting for her man!!!
OH now Jordan is in it, Russ better remain seated and not come after her,
WOOHOO!!!!! I turned on the feeds just in time.
GEAUX RUSSELL!!!! Tell him off. Remind him how he threatens families.
Jeff went there again. I think I heard the 'f' word. I'm off the Jeff bus completely if I did. I was already off the other J bus, so now I have no one.
Yehaw!!!! this is fun. Now Jordan is piping in....
I hope this blows up big time. Come on. I want to see everything short of blood or anything that gets Russell out early. Jeff out early? Yea, I could handle that.
GRR I think I lost my post!
So I have a bad migraine! I came home from work, took my headache medicine, and decided to try and hook up the laptop to the big screen so I can lay down and enjoy the smackdown. Guess what?? It worked!!!
I'm going to lay down and watch these BOYS talk smack to each other. :)
Jordan, it's not Thursday yet. Don't get ahead of yourself. Every time some one yells "your gone" they almost never are.
come on Jeff
you are so full of it
He showed all of America that they made a mistake. I know I did.
he will be out next week! and he will NEVER win $500K.
Now I am hoping Kevin has some smarts-- and hooks up with Russell and Michelle for the Final 3 and evicts Natalie (along with Michelle it would be 2-1)...
Either way, whether Natalie stays or not -- Jeff out next week!!!
And he better learn some manners too!!!
This exactly why i don't like Jeff - sorry ppl but this is exactly the bs i was married too and he scares me. I muted feeds cause i don't this.
jeff you were not joking,& too bad you said it!!!!
it was a dumb thing to say
Russell is winning me over! And I'm a HUGE Jeff fan. Jeff is the one who started.
Jeff and Jordan are really getting on my nerves. And Russell has a good point about Jeffs threats to he and Michele if they broke the final four deal when he broke the deal.
I like Jeff, but he's starting to disappoint, and now I kind hope the same thing happens to him next week at the hands of Kevin or Natalie.
Jeff's really not playing a very good game right now.
woah, can we say hotels rooms for these 2 in sequester when they get out
Watching Natalie and Jordan laughing and giggling and thinking Jeff is so cute while THREATENING him to slit his throat? I mean really? I'm so grossed out right now..
I officially can't stand Jeff and Jordan, which sucks since I've been cheering them the whole game.
HOLY Moly! Stabbing in the neck.
Dam conflicting edits!!!!!
Michigan Man you are so right. I see R/M/K bonding happening real soon.
Wendy I was just gonna ask if you were ok.
Wendy I agree... Jeff has a nasty temper and he scares the crap out of me. I mean, so does Russell... but the stuff Jeff says and does, even in joking to Jordan... yikes.
OMG! Carolyn i feel sorry for your fingers after that bickering back and forth.
I'm so glad I have never been this kind of male. They are both so absurd. It just makes me laugh.
i'm just watching the feeds and you can still see all the hatred going on with those 2 - and of course Natalie and her grin by the pool table.
I'll be back later this is just too much of a reminder and i need some distance.
First let me say that I really, really like the blog! Thanks Carolyn! Second let me say that I enjoy reading all the comments - thanks to all who participate. Third let me say that I have MsFitz cause she is the one who told me all about BBDish!
Now that is out of the way my comment:
It looks like I am in the minority but I think it is good play for Russell to go up and go home...and I think that Russell would do the same to Jeff if he was in Jeff's position and it would be a good play for Russell. Russell said as much in a DR session this past week (I think it was on Thurs. show) No matter what Jeff does at this point it is going to be hard for him to stay in the game. He can't play HOH this week but if he goes on the block he will have a chance to win POV. Getting rid of Russell gives him a better chance of staying in the game another week or longer. Just my humble opinion.
They can't even show this on tv with all the threats and f bombs
omg Jeff thinks he is so damn grown & mature & he is NOT! omg it's funny he thinks so high of himself
Go Russ Go!!!!
Jeff is so cold blooded. I can't stand him. He's the one going back on his word first, not Russ. Jeff is way meaner than Russ is.
Man, Russell is trying to end it and Jeff can't stop himself.
The real Jeff has been exposed, folks...
At this point, Kevin and Michele for the win.
Woah....ego Jeff and I LOVE Jeff!!! But some of what he says is true of Russell!
Pass the bucket please. *pukes*
the 2 sides of Jeff.... and im not likin neither one right now......
Russell is going to have a heck of a reality check when he gets in his 30s and life is not as he planned.
Jeff is showing his Dick Danato side big time. We all know what I thought about his game and his season. I am not now nor have I ever been a fan.
America, what did we do by voting for Jeff for the CDT. Russell was minding his own business and Jeff started it...wow..
Kevin: Use you head!
Break up your alliance with Natalie and start a new one with Russell and Michelle.
That guarantees a F3 (with Jeff out next week, followed by Jordan the week after).
As for Jeff, he's got a nasty temper. If he doesn't watch it, someone will kick his ass.
Very glad now that I jumped off the J/J bandwagon 2 days ago!
No regrets at all!!
LOL "Sam the Bam"??? I did not give myself that name..
anyway.. why is everyone turning on Jeff all of a sudden. I'm sure he's just reacting to Russell.
Russell actually has shown signs of character throughout this game.
Jeff's character was more like a suit of armor. He appeared like some hero on a horse. But with each piece of armor that was removed we saw the true man and not only is he not much of a man, he is a man totally devoid of character.
And I never thought I would feel this way, but Jordon trully is as fake as her boobs and her 'aw shucks' attitude.
Ella Elise said:
The real Jeff has been exposed, folks...
I so agree!
Remember Russell talked about breaking the alliance. But Jeff actually did it. He got played! And he got played by Natalie... LOL!!!!
And then there was silence...
(((((((((((( Wendy ))))))))))
oh it got too quiet to fast, but I dont think its over
Jeff did go over the top with him swearing on his family it was final four and making such a huge deal of it, to go back on his word.
The smug look on Natalie's face is the most irritating thing of all.
I'm going to stop publishing comments for ten minutes.
Please understand this. Reacting to what is happening in the house is one thing, but getting nasty with the HGs and each other is another.
Everyone is entitled to support whomever they want, keep the comments clean. Thanks :)
I’m lovin’ this catfight between Russell & Jeff! Russell’s showing us his lack of cool and Jeff’s exhibiting his lack of vocabulary.
Production must be just a bit nervous with all these threats furiously flying back & forth.
Good day dishers.
Sorry WendyLady :(
I can't stand it
Natalie & jordan
& listen to Jeff
was you showing you were a tough guy? so you scream yell & threaten & it's ok? you are a FOOL
OMG I just noticed Nat and Jordan have the same hair style right now.
Heard this but it's been blogged too.
Jordan: You go inside. I just came her to lie out.
Yea, lie out her ass. She's in shorts and a t-shirt. Who lies out in that? and she started on the elliptical.
Russell was right about her too. Just a sidekick... well yes and no. I don't think Jeff would ever have done this if Jordan hadn't been in Jeff's ear the whole time.
This whole show is... well same show different season.
I am sorry that Russ might go BUT he is a huge threat and the endurance is coming.... while I agree the whole promising F4 was not a great more for winning votes -Jeff just beat Russ to the punch... Russ would have done it also if he was HOH! IMO!
This sucks big time. I hope J/J don't make it to F2. It would be great if it was Kev and Michelle and Russ won the 25K jury prize. It will feel great just like last year. Jeff must think that we won't change our opinions on him and he will win our votes regardless of what he does.
I hate to say it but Jeff is as bad as Jessie was/is, we just didn't see until he got the power.
I'm so impressed Jordan thinks it's so cute & funny her man likes to tell people he will slit their throat & stab their neck when he gets heated.
I can't believe these people aren't seeing through Natalie. This is going to be their end game.
Dick was never that threatening. Ever. Not even close to that level of violence that Jeff and Russell just exchanged.
That was WAY more intense than anything ED ever did or said.
Russell had to go eventually. Whether it was in two weeks or this week. We won't know until next nomination ceremony what this did to Jeff's game, but we'll see. Russell should have stayed calm, talked to the guy and tried to save his game.
This is too funny! Wow people say the dumbest things when they are mad. I know I have too.
I bet they make up before the day is up
Geanie Seas I couldn't agree with you more. I am reading these comments and I am shocked how everyone just flipped flopped like this over a game play. It's just a game and these peopel are real but what they do in the house is not!
Thanks for being here for us!
I hope Michelle is mad,& then she can help your Bff's backstab you
AND I can't wait to see how much of a "man" jeff is when he is backdoored
oh boy
gracerules said...
First let me say that I really, really like the blog! Thanks Carolyn! Second let me say that I enjoy reading all the comments - thanks to all who participate. Third let me say that I have MsFitz cause she is the one who told me all about BBDish!
Hey My Friend...good to see you commenting. I am limiting mine today for reasons I will explain to you later.
You are not totally alone in your comment about Jeff & the move he made on Russell by putting him on the block this week. I believe Russell most definitely would have turned on Jeff if he was in Jeff's position. I also think it was the best move for Jeff this week, as far as what the next week holds remains to be seen.
Uh Oh Genie... are we all on the "naughty mat" and are having a time out :)
Thanks for working so hard and going thtrough all the fun comments!!
Do we know yet who came down from the eviction block?
That's the only nice thing I have to say.
Even if it doesn't get published. Jordan is still lying out her ass. But, that's really nothing new.
I'm on 3 and 4 for now and she is.... ugh. I'll just stop. Probably wasting my keystrokes.
Bless you Carolyn and your poor fingers and ears.
Speaking of dishes … GaYToR, LUV the new pic. Can’t wait to see you as a redhead.
I still want Jeff to win. He's flawed like the rest of the people there but I think he has held his temper better than most in the house and imo a lot better than Russell. I think the stress gets to everyone in the house more than we can imagine and that most of these people wouldn't act the same way in any other situation in their life. I hope Jeff wins because I think he has played the best game socially and physically. Russell has consistently played a poor game socially and everyone else has played worse than either of them. I like Kevin but I think he played a very bad game socially by aligning himself with Lydia for so long.
Did I miss Jeff taking Kevin off and putting Russell up?
Interesting events. Glad I'm not seeing this live, I think I would lose my mind.
None of us can really be surprised since this has been in the works almost two weeks. May not like it, but it's Jeff and Jordan's game at the moment.
Much as I dislike Nat and Kevin, you almost want to see one of them win HoH and put the screws to team J/J.
Poor Carolyn and Genie. Sending you virtual ice packs and tylenol, I can't imagine trying to keep up with the feeds and comments right now.
Wow! I was really kinda hoping Jeff wouldn't use the veto and would honor the F4 deal. I'm sorry he didn't ... and I really do think Russell would have honored F4 were he in Jeff's shoes.
Well, only time will tell if this was as bad a move as it appears from the comments many believe it to be or if Jeff will be able to pull out of this one.
For me, I don't regret giving Jeff the CDT. He did exactly what I hoped he would do with it (Jessie's gone after all) and he was the only HG I thought would come through on that hope. The rest of the game play, well, that's just his game play. Like it or hate it ...
I just wish I didn't see Kev/Natalie in the F2 in my head ... not a pretty picture or what I hoped would happen.
Just my opinion ...
In my comment where I mention MsFitz it should have read:
"I have MsFitz to thank"
You know...I'm changing my final two hopefuls to Kevin and Michelle. I don't like the way that Jeff and Jordan have been acting the last couple of weeks. I can't even stand to watch them when they are with Nat and kevin. I feel really bad for Michelle right now.
And where is Michele in all this? Has anyone seen her?
I am so hoping for the Thursday PoV Comp it is something that Natalie can and will win. That would be justice... sweet justice.
Revenge is a (expletive deleted by me).
Feel free to read either of the usual words that go with that saying.
I had to LOL at J/J for chastising Michele for trying to stay out of the drama, when that was J&J's mode of action for most of the game! What in the?
Also, why in the world does Jeff think Nat would be preferable to Michele as a top three??? He really isn't thinking about jury votes, is he?
GaYToR, GaYToR, GaYToR! Every time I see your new pic, I can't stop laughing. You so remind me of some one, but I can't think of who.
Now I want to see your show even more. THANKS so much for being here!!! ♥♥♥
I was on a phone call when the live feeds went back on so I only have your commentary to go by.
Wow. Getting Russell out this week is a good game move; however, saying the things the Jeff has been saying, not putting a good light on him right now.
Since I am not in the BB House and I don't know what it exactly feels like, I would have to say that production should be on their toes at the first sign of things go very badly.
As for my new thoughts on what has happened, Russell should rally Michelle and who ever was taken off the block to vote to evict the other person.
Wow. Can't think of more to say.
It seems that the times Russell gets defensive and loses his temper are the times that he feels he is right and he can't make anyone understand or believe him.
Jeff, on the other hand, seems to get really defensive and lose his temper when he is doing something shady or pulling a douchebag move.
Yes, I said it, douchebag. Jeff has officially sunk to the ranks of Jesse.
The thought of Natalie winning this game makes me want to vomit. But I will have a bucket ready because I am frankly looking forward to Jeff going home next week. If by some chance he does win POV, oh well, his lady love Jordo can go on the block in his place and then he can feel responsible for her eviction.
In the words of Janelle, one of the greatest BB queens of all time, "Buh-bye bitches."
Am I allowed to say that?
Welcome back nice Jeff, way to save the bug!! Bad Nat wanting to kill it!
I haven't been in the comments for over a week because I moved but I am surprised that Jeff has lost so much support. I don't think he meant the things he said to Russ literally. I think he just wants to show Russell that being an a**hole in (response to being put on the block) won't make a difference. I'm sure a lot of people will disagree. I'm just shocked that so many people seem to dislike Jeff now.
Oh got an error so I will repost:;
Welcome back nice Jeff! Way to save the bug!
Bad Nat wanting to kill it,
Do they give them alcohol tonight after the afternoons events or not?
Genie...Michele is getting my vote also!!
What everyone has to remember is these are two typical males. I guess I'm atypical. They are all talk. Normally they need a few drinks to get to this point but I guess house stress can do it too.
Everyone watches to many movies and tv and thinks they are all big and bad. Talk is talk, that is all it is. Especially in the house.
In a day or so, before Thursday, I predict they sit down and talk and get along.
All I can say now is Go Michelle!!!! I hope she whips a** & takes names. The only thing is she'll have to team up w/ Kevin & Nat. to get J/J out. I just hope if or when Jeff goes to the JH they do have the cameras rolling, cause it is bound to be more interesting than what will be happening in the BB house by then.
Ugh, I am SO disappointed in Jeff. He went back on his word. I get it, he had all these thoughts, and reasons why he thought Russell was going after him...but more obviously, Natalie and Kevin were lying and ARE going after him, he just didn't want to see it! I REALLY hope Nat wins HOH and puts up J/J to give them the reality of the situation. Poor Russell.
Wow...Jeff is a real stand up guy. NOT!!!
I have never been on the J/J train but I have always liked them. I even like them now, but I STILL classify them just as I classified all the rest of the HG...human.
Everyone wanted to put Jeff and Jordan on a pedestal. I seen right through them though. I knew once they got power, their true colors would show through.
Also, the nasty and hateful things that Jeff has said are no better than anything negative that chima has said.
I wish people would stop taking up for Jeff, he is human and will make mistakes like the rest of us. Making excuses for him does not excuse his nasty behavior. Besides, he is not the only man in bb history to have "power" so his paranoia and stresses are nothing new. If that were the case, everyone else who has been hoh has the right to act this way and not be judged.
Ugg I wish Jeff hadn't done this but I understand his reasons for it. I sooo wanted Natalie to go this time. I'm actually kinda hoping Kevin or Nat get HOH next time and put up Jeff and Jordan-- Not because I want them to go but because I want them to know they were had.
I can actually see a tiny, minute chance Russell could possibly stay. If Russell and Michele set up Nat and Kevin and "accidentally" had them hear a conversation where Michele emphatically told Russell she could never give him a sympathy vote because she would risk alienating Jeff and Jordan, I think they might decide to do a hinkey vote to try to make Michele look bad ---and if Michele actually voted to keep Russell then he would be safe! I've been tinking about this too much I believe! LOL
I am so sorry that you (Genie) and Carolyn are getting such awful comments.
I tried to keep mine ok so you could print them.
I think it was a smart move for Jeff to put up Russell, even Russell thought so, I am just so disappointed in Jeff's attack tactics. Yes it must be awful in the house by now, but there is a point where you tell yourself enough is enough and just walk away.
You don't have to print this, I just want you to know how I feel.
this may be a game, but the level it went down to between this four, especially with J&J is really, really sad...
Is there anyway at all that this "disagreement" could actually bring the 4 back together?
When Jordan started yelling at Russel and acting just like Natalie with Jessie I half expected Russel to tell her to go make Jeff a sandwich.
Hi GenieSea/Carolyn... I was just curious what your thoughts are now on Jeff and what has transpired.
I can honestly see both sides. Jeff is being pretty ridiculous and his parnoia got him to this point. But Russell was definitely going to go after him if he was still around this week. It's too bad that the threats had to come from both guys...
If Russell or Jeff would have been smarter and taken this opportunity to put everyone in the same room and call Natalie and Kevin out on their lie, then Russell could have still been safe with a vote...
As it sits, it's gotten beyond that point and is very ugly. What really baffles me is while I understand Jeff wanting Russell out because he is a threat to him, doesn't he know that he will NEVER beat Kevin or Natalie with the votes in the jury house? It's puzzling really.
Anyway, at this point in the game, you have to win HOH or POV each week anyway, so it is what it is. So how do the two of you feel GenieSea and Carolyn?
This is the first I'm posting, but I have watched this blog and Big Brother for many seasons. Here's my 2 cents: Though I voted for Jeff for America's choice and have enjoyed watching the exchange between J/J, I now have lost all respect for them. They are aligned with the "enemy" and have turned against their own. If Nat or Kev win HOH, Jeff will be gone and he will have deserved it. I almost hope it happens so I can see the expression on his face. Then he will finally realize what he did.
"Stab you in the neck!" I'll come after you and your family"...please...
Michigan Man - thanks for the funnies... :)
hi Genie Sea. :) i know it's hard so am sending hugs to you...
i hope i can send some, too, to J/J/R/M.
Oh man. I'm ok with Russ going home... I try not to have a selective memory, and Russel has done some shady things and acted like a jerk on many occasions this season.
I am now very worried for Michelle though. I actually thought from watching the feeds the last few weeks that Jordan actually liked Michelle and vice versa. This week it has become clear that this is not the case.
Michelle might not be America's favorite but she is definitely mine, and has been almost since the very beginning. If she makes it to F2 I know she can win. If she doesn't make it, sadly I might just have to vote for Natalie, (I NEVER thought I'd say that!), purely for the great acting she's done.
I do hope Kevin or Natalie win HOH next week, put Jordan or Jeff out the house and send Michelle one step closer to F2.
Now when Jeff and Jordan are alone. Who does Michele hang out with and what do they blame her for now?
I might be the one one still on the Jeff and Jordan wagon at this point, but i think the fight between Jeff and Russell was just two strong heads guys going head to head, i very much see them talking by tomorrow and not being so upset, I think it's a good move to get rid of Russell I just hope that they stay strong with Michele
Michelle is getting my vote , just so she dont have to work 80 hrs a week anymore
I was hoping Jeff would not use the POV. I am a huge Jeff fan, and I hate what he's done, but give the guy a break, he doesn't see what we all see. He has chosen to trust N/K and hopefully he won't regret it.
Just switched cameras to listen to Kev and Nat. The first thing I hear is Kevin, "Jeff is hilarious when he fights."
Really Kevin, hilarious. And now he is making fun of Russell being a volunteer firefighter. Basically he is making fun of ALL volunteer firefighters saying that ANYone can do it. All you get is a shovel. You don't even get water.
And this is why I also do not like Kevin. Which is why I am now pulling for Michelle who was never my favorite. She has been erratic and inconsistent, but the game has not changed her. She hasn't wavered in her strategy or the goals she set for herself. And her personality didn't change when she had power.
I have complained about her not being dependable in the past. But if nothing else, she has been consistent in being erratic and inconsistent.
haha@ Michigan Man
Totally. It was so telling when Jordan ran inside and (again) started spilling to Natalie and Kevin (even tho they were there, they heard!) how she said this and that to Russell......dude...really? <~Said like Jeff.
I just give up man.
It sucks that I gotta pull for Nat, but like I said she's gonna be donating that money to my brothers in poker.
I'd still rather see Michelle or Kevin win, but Nats my third choice.
Who would have thought last week so many of us would be hoping Jordeff to get the boot!
Thanks for the comments about liking my pic. ;) starting to look for another one now. Maybe a red wig.
Earlier ....
GaYToR said...
And where is Michele in all this? Has anyone seen her?
I am so hoping for the Thursday PoV....
Of course I meant HoH.
Geaux Natalie and Kevin for that one to prove them wrong that neither can win one.
It would serve Jeff right if Natalie or Kevin won HOH this week and immediately put Jeff and Jordon on the block and one of them went home. Or Jeff made it to the final two with someone other than Jordan and Russell was the deciding vote and didn't vote for him.
It just goes to show when you make an alliance - you don't backdoor your alliance member when you know they are going to be on the jury.
Wow! I will be watching for the next few days to see what happens prior to the 'live' eviction.
(Batman theme music)
Will Russell some how be saved?
Will Natalie be walking out to her beloved Jesse?
Will Kevin betray his F2?
Will Jordan and Jeff finally lose control?
Will Michelle gain any weight?
Tune in Thursday for answer to these and many more questions . . .
Michigan Man...'Go make Jeff a sandwich' Hilarious..LMAO!!!!!
I hope that Jeff took Kevin off the block just in case Natalie slips at some point and reveals her lies.
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