Preparing for Endurance
4:40pm BBT
Natalie: I guess since we only have 30 minutes, we should chill out here.
It's sounding like Endurance Folks!!
Cntrl- BRB
Natalie: I was only out because I got sick. I will hang in there because it's my life (in the game). Russell wanted BBQ tonight.
They laugh.
Michele: I want BBQ tonight, but I will be happy with candy.
Talk turns to survival under extreme conditions and Jeff relates a story about a guy who sawed his arm off (**hurl)
Talk turns to the upcoming competition.
Kevin: If it's a football competition, I know it's rigged. (**LOL)
Jordan comes out and starts talking about her DR session. BB warns her a couple of times.
4: 57 PM BBT
BB Voice: House guests. This is a lockdown. Please go inside and close the sliding glass door.
5 :10 PM BBT
Jeff & Jordan
They are hashing things out.
Jeff: I do lost my patience with you, I apologize, but you don't have to take it to the next level. That's like the sh*t you do with your boyfriend in high school. I understand this is very emotional and 500 f'n directions cause so is mine, but I have to be more patient with you and you have to be more patient with me. We have to have each other's backs or one of us is going home. And it's not going to be you.
Jordan: Because you think I get by with everything."
Jeff: You do. What do you think? You do! I'm more frustrated than you are. We have to have each other's backs. I need you now more than ever. I can only do so much.
Jordan: We're just friends right?
Jeff: No, we're lovers.
They play tussle a bit.
Jordan: I'm worried about Michele and Kevin.
They talk about Russell and Jordan says she needs to win F2 to stick it to Russell. She wants to split up Kevin and Natalie. They have decided they want Natalie for F3
Jeff is upset that Jordan slept downstairs. He would have preferred to sleep in the shower. He doesn't want her to air their issues in public.
Jeff: Everyone was staring at me like I was the bad guy.
Jeff takes the opportunity to do some Michele bashing. Michele comes up.
Talk turns to hair and Jordan is launching into a story.
Jeff: They're downstairs laughing n sh*t but with the whole Braden situation I got shunned.
Michele: You were called a racist.
Jeff: Kevin said nothing today. Did he step in during the fight today? To defend Jordan? No. I stepped in and got ostracized
Jordan: I stood up for you. Natalie said she talks to him because he does nothing to her.
Michele: Natalie is a lair. She has been lying the whole game.Kevin better not throw in a wonky vote to make me look bad. I will go off on his a**
Jeff and Jordan laugh.
Jeff: And you be careful in how you deal with Russell.
Jordan: Russell can't hit me cause I'm a girl. I just bumped him.
Jeff: If you hit him you will be evicted.
They go on to talk about Russell.
Jordan: Natalie said that Russell pulled her in the Splish Splash room and told her not to trust a thing Michele says.
Jeff: That's why I don't understand why they are hanging out with him. He will lie to his face.
Michele: I don't understand why Natalie is talking to him, he is campaigning for the votes.
Jeff: We all got 500,000 reasons not to talk to him.
Jordan: I hope Russell gets up and says something mean to me during live show so America can see how mean and stupid he is.
Jeff: You say you're in the villain role, no, you're the d*chebag role.
Michele: You're a f'n misogynist. Go f'n home!
They talk about how Russell is jealous of Jeff from the comments he has made.
Michele: For someone who thinks he's so smart, I can't believe he thought I was on his side instead of you two.
Quick check downstairs.
5:57 PM BBT
Red Room
Russell & Natalie
Some bashing and bonding going on.
Natalie: I've had it since Jessie went home. I don't forget I"m not dumb. If it's a time for me to win, it's tomorrow. None of them are stronger than me. I won championships.
A little bit more bashing. Silence descends. (For now)
6:20 PM BBT
6:45 PM BBT
Kevin: There is some serious construction.
They speculate whether it will be a super high tower. Michele jokes, "Thanks. I'm scared of heights."
Michele: Spiders can come down on us. Some snakes. Dude if they really don't want me to win it will be a pool of red dye.
Talk turns to clothing.
7:12 PM BBT
Russell comes into the kitchen to prepare food. The group scatters.
7:40 PM BBT
Jeff & Jordan
Jeff comes in with "Jowdan!" He tries to get her to eat a cookie. She declines. She looks very sad.
Jeff: What's up Jowdan. Spit it out.
Jordan: Nothing. I;m just having a bad day.
Jeff: Mm this cookie is good.
Jordan: This bed is so much more comfortable than the one downstairs.
Jeff: why did you sleep downstairs?
Natalie comes up.
Chit chat.
Natalie: Did you hear all the noise outside?
Natalie: I want Endurance without water. IT makes me nervous because there is Endurance in F3.
Jeff: Naw. There won't be endurance in F3. (**Wanna bet?)
Natalie: Kevin telling the reason he thought Russell blew up today was because Russell was sure that he had Michele's vote. Russell said that Michele would approach Kevin. Then in the Red Room last night, Michele was trying to feel Kevin out but I walked in. Today, Michele told him that it's over. Dude. He woke up Michele in 4 in the morning and he said she said she is 100% voting for him. (**paraphrasing)
Jeff: That's such BS. He did the same thing to me with Jessie. He told me Jessie was 100% on board. He doesn't want to talk to the people, he wants them to talk to each other.
(**Sorry Natalie. Your second LML isn't going to work this time!)
Natalie goes into some Russell bashing for good measure. How he forces her to spend time with him or she will feel attacked.
8:13 PM BBT
We're calling it a night so we can rest up for tomorrow's expected Endurance Comp. But just because we're going to bed, doesn't mean the HGs are, and they are up to all sorts of tricks! Spark up the feeds and if you don't have them. The link below will help you get them and watch the Endurance with the rest of us!
It's sounding like Endurance Folks!!
Cntrl- BRB
Natalie: I was only out because I got sick. I will hang in there because it's my life (in the game). Russell wanted BBQ tonight.
They laugh.
Michele: I want BBQ tonight, but I will be happy with candy.
Talk turns to survival under extreme conditions and Jeff relates a story about a guy who sawed his arm off (**hurl)
Talk turns to the upcoming competition.
Kevin: If it's a football competition, I know it's rigged. (**LOL)
Jordan comes out and starts talking about her DR session. BB warns her a couple of times.
4: 57 PM BBT
BB Voice: House guests. This is a lockdown. Please go inside and close the sliding glass door.
5 :10 PM BBT
Jeff & Jordan
They are hashing things out.
Jordan: Because you think I get by with everything."
Jeff: You do. What do you think? You do! I'm more frustrated than you are. We have to have each other's backs. I need you now more than ever. I can only do so much.
Jordan: We're just friends right?
Jeff: No, we're lovers.
They play tussle a bit.
Jordan: I'm worried about Michele and Kevin.
They talk about Russell and Jordan says she needs to win F2 to stick it to Russell. She wants to split up Kevin and Natalie. They have decided they want Natalie for F3
Jeff is upset that Jordan slept downstairs. He would have preferred to sleep in the shower. He doesn't want her to air their issues in public.
Jeff: Everyone was staring at me like I was the bad guy.
Jeff takes the opportunity to do some Michele bashing. Michele comes up.
Talk turns to hair and Jordan is launching into a story.
Michele: You were called a racist.
Jeff: Kevin said nothing today. Did he step in during the fight today? To defend Jordan? No. I stepped in and got ostracized
Jordan: I stood up for you. Natalie said she talks to him because he does nothing to her.
Michele: Natalie is a lair. She has been lying the whole game.Kevin better not throw in a wonky vote to make me look bad. I will go off on his a**
Jeff and Jordan laugh.
Jeff: And you be careful in how you deal with Russell.
Jordan: Russell can't hit me cause I'm a girl. I just bumped him.
Jeff: If you hit him you will be evicted.
They go on to talk about Russell.
Jordan: Natalie said that Russell pulled her in the Splish Splash room and told her not to trust a thing Michele says.
Jeff: That's why I don't understand why they are hanging out with him. He will lie to his face.
Michele: I don't understand why Natalie is talking to him, he is campaigning for the votes.
Jeff: We all got 500,000 reasons not to talk to him.
Jordan: I hope Russell gets up and says something mean to me during live show so America can see how mean and stupid he is.
Jeff: You say you're in the villain role, no, you're the d*chebag role.
Michele: You're a f'n misogynist. Go f'n home!
They talk about how Russell is jealous of Jeff from the comments he has made.
Michele: For someone who thinks he's so smart, I can't believe he thought I was on his side instead of you two.
5:57 PM BBT
Red Room
Russell & Natalie
Some bashing and bonding going on.
Natalie: I've had it since Jessie went home. I don't forget I"m not dumb. If it's a time for me to win, it's tomorrow. None of them are stronger than me. I won championships.
A little bit more bashing. Silence descends. (For now)
6:20 PM BBT
- Kitchen - Jeff is cooking, preparing to make pasta with vodkas sauce. (**drool) Kevin joins him. General chit chat about cooking.
- Red Room - Natalie is sleeping and Russell is just sitting there.
- HOH - Jordan is taking a bath and Michele is there.
6:45 PM BBT
- Kevin, Jeff, Jordan and Michele are in the Kitchen. Kevin is playing solitaire at the counter. Michele is cleaning. Jeff is cooking. They are all chatting.
- Natalie is sleeping in the Red Room
- Russell is lying in the Pool Room brooding.
Kevin: There is some serious construction.
They speculate whether it will be a super high tower. Michele jokes, "Thanks. I'm scared of heights."
Michele: Spiders can come down on us. Some snakes. Dude if they really don't want me to win it will be a pool of red dye.
Talk turns to clothing.
7:12 PM BBT
Russell comes into the kitchen to prepare food. The group scatters.
- Kevin goes to lie down in the Red Room. Natalie is already there sleeping.
- Michele goes to the bathroom and then off camera somewhere
- Jordan and Jeff go to the bathroom. Jeff is trimming his hair while Jordan gazes on.
7:40 PM BBT
Jeff & Jordan
Jeff comes in with "Jowdan!" He tries to get her to eat a cookie. She declines. She looks very sad.
Jeff: What's up Jowdan. Spit it out.
Jordan: Nothing. I;m just having a bad day.
Jeff: Mm this cookie is good.
Jordan: This bed is so much more comfortable than the one downstairs.
Jeff: why did you sleep downstairs?
Natalie comes up.
Chit chat.
Natalie: Did you hear all the noise outside?
Natalie: I want Endurance without water. IT makes me nervous because there is Endurance in F3.
Jeff: Naw. There won't be endurance in F3. (**Wanna bet?)
Natalie: Kevin telling the reason he thought Russell blew up today was because Russell was sure that he had Michele's vote. Russell said that Michele would approach Kevin. Then in the Red Room last night, Michele was trying to feel Kevin out but I walked in. Today, Michele told him that it's over. Dude. He woke up Michele in 4 in the morning and he said she said she is 100% voting for him. (**paraphrasing)
Jeff: That's such BS. He did the same thing to me with Jessie. He told me Jessie was 100% on board. He doesn't want to talk to the people, he wants them to talk to each other.
(**Sorry Natalie. Your second LML isn't going to work this time!)
Natalie goes into some Russell bashing for good measure. How he forces her to spend time with him or she will feel attacked.
8:13 PM BBT
Self-imposed lockdown. The HGs are all hiding from Russell in HOH. Snacking and chatting. Michele has about 45 minutes til she can eat too.
I'm re-posting because it's about my niece.....the pride and joy of my life, and it's her birthday, so I'm just doing it!!! LOL
I just got off the phone with my now "offical" 6 year old niece, Olivia!!! Today is her birthday!!
Her daddy bought her cowgirl boots, which she adores!!!!! (I knew he was getting her those.......she's been taking horse back riding lessons this summer and has been asking for them!!!hehehe)
My brother says she is too adorable in them!!!!
Can't wait to see that!!
I just want to point out that the last post was one long ass post!!! LOL
The afternoon started so mild.....then transitioned into a fight, then calmness and backstabbing, then HoH pics.......soooooo much happened in that ONE post!!! LOL
It's just driving me nuts that Jordan is sooo offended by what Russell said, why doesn't she stop to think how offensive the things she says about Michele are and now it's time for her to start bashing Michele again. Michele is soo loyal to her why doesn't she see that.
I was just pointing out that there was a lot that happened in that single post......this has been one active day for a Wednesday in the BB house!!! It's usually kind of quiet in there on a Wednesday!! LMAO!!!
This from Superpass on Twitter:
If anyone is getting an error message we are working on it right now :)
Hi everyone! Is anyone else having trouble with the feeds? I can only get 1 camera on low right now... so frustrating!
This should be fun! 24 hour lockdown, no where to hide. boy o boy.
Blue- I hope you do drive down. It is a blast!
Hi MIchigan Man :)
Hi BLuee! :) Happy Niece Birthday, you wonderful uncle!
I hit submit and see now I am not the only one having trouble... sorry... Thanks Michigan Man and Carolyn <3
AWWWW, Carolyn, Thank you!!! ((huggies)) and *smoochies*
My top feed is working, but my 4 panel bar feed is frozen...I'm not changing anything or clicking anything right now!!!!
Now Jeff is making her cry, cmon you two you're crumbling, open up your eyes and be a team and start again being the J/J that we all know and love. I think if Jordan hangs out with shady ppl she starts acting like them, I didn't like the Jordan that hung around Laura either and Natalie is leading her down another dark path. lol
Superpass low feeds are okay.
Ahhhh....I was just about to ask about Superpass. Thanks! I was getting frustrated! You are the best!
OH, how rude. HELLO Carolyn, Genie and BB addicts! Exciting day in the house, huh?
I just had a question, as a person who has never had the feeds (just AD), they seem to spill more about their DR than last year? Is that right or am I just paying more attention this year? lol
I hope Jordan is really paying attention to what Jeff is saying right now. -- Basically he's saying Jordan did nothing in the game, that it was all him. That would be the argument he would use to throw her under the bus at the final 2 questions.
Pretty intense conversation with J&J rightnow up in HOH. The stress is really getting to both of them big time. I feel so sorry for them.
Jordan just pegged it and expressed concerned that Nat or Kevin might try and get them out. She is really in a funk and Jeff is way stressed. There is still so much to go in the game.
Carolyn - Welcome back from your break, hope you enjoyed it!
Blue - That's a great story. I'm glad she's enjoying everything! I used to love my boots when I was 5.
Genie - Thanks, watching on low now.
Thank you for the Superpass update. I was starting to freek-out and curse my lap top.
Genie....y'all get me every time!! anyone else having a problem w/their feeds? I can't get my quads to work on 1 at a time. are a gentleman in my book. I agree w/you!
Blue....they are so much fun when they are six. I wish somedays my two (15 & 19) were little again. When they're that young YOU are the smart one. Are ya gonna get her a hat to go w/her boots??
Cheese Jordan?? Ok.....
I wonder if DQTD slipped the Reptile a mickey again...........he's been awfully quiet this evening so far!!!!
Hi Fellow BB Lovers! I missed talking to you all today!!!
I'm loving Jeff and Jordan right now - with all the "working it out" and trying to understand where each is coming from with their feelings about how they treat each other. I know a lot of people have jumped off their bandwagon but I think for the most part we're just seeing the stress they're under manifesting in their actions. I have no idea how I would respond in that boiler cooker so I can't judge....
And thankfully, my feeds are working! All but Feed 4 that is - the other 3 are good. Yay!
I'm gonna go out on a limb here..........never mind.......I just got a splinter.........crawling back into my house........
Yay for your niece's b-day Blue!! My first nephew is only 4 n a half months old and it's crazy to see how much he is growing as the days go on. It can only get better from here!
ENDURANCE COMP!!! So, would it be wrong of me to say that Michele MUST win this HoH? I want her to not win this HoH, BUT WIN the PoV. She can win F4 & F3 HoH after that! Considering all the crap she's been through, and the awkwardness she must be feeling right now, she probably is in the mode of do or die at this point. Really pulling for a great week for Michele!!
~ Ryan ~
Happy Birthday to Olivia!!!! :)
Blue - you're too funny! Don't go dangling on those limbs! And Happy Birthday to your niece!
Hi Syn, Caro, Genie Sea, Michigan Man, Bec, Sandra, and Han!
HanHaysMom: Naw.......others will take care of all the grandparents.......
Maybe I'll buy her a pony for Christmas!!! LOL, hey, I can afford it!!! Then I will be the fave of all time!! (well, I am anyway, but a pony just might cement the deal!!! hehehehe)
Happy Birthday to your niece Blue.
I forgot to congratulate you on 12 million uniques!!! That's Awesome.. My wife is on here more than me, just never posts
HanHaysMom - Thanks so much!
Southern Sweetheart - I was loving Jeff and Jordan talking it out too. They are both such stubborn individuals, lol. They shouldn't have gone to sleep angry last night.
Hi Carolyn and Genie,
You guys have been doing an awesome job again today.
I have to leave on a family emergeny, but wanted to say thanks and goodnight while I was waiting for my ride.
love ya
Hooray for endurance! I'm not just talking about the fact that endurance comps are fun to watch on the live feeds. I'm talking about the fact that Michelle is the clear cut favorite to win. Last time Natalie, Kevin and Jordan dropped like flies. With Russell gone and Jeff not being able to compete all that leaves is Michelle who - if memory serves - was the only female besides Chima who could hang (pun intended) with the boys.
Go Michelle! Win HoH and send either Natalie or Jeff to the jury!
I know it would have to be a pressure cooker inside that house. And I understand how everyone gets on your nerves..But the things that J&J have said about Michele, is unforgivable. Michele is Jeff's biggest fan. I think it is sad. I feel so sorry for her. But I never would want to go into that house JMHO
I can't believe I'm pulling for Nat, LOL. But oh well! May the best person win :)
hehehehehe, Rhianna's "Disturbia" is playing on my t.v. right now.....and I just totally fits this house this season!!!! LOL
I would be SUPER HAPPY for Michele to win HoH... I think Jordan would need to go up with kev or Nat... I'm totally rooting for Michele as the winner!!
ellaelise... Why root for Natalie? She hasn't done anything except run her mouth and come up with the dumbest lie to start the game EVER! What a useless story!
Thanks for the shout outs to my niece, Olivia, on her sixth birthday!!!!
w00t w00t!!!!
I hope she and her baby sister, Kenna, understand that my, and her daddy's, stocking up on shotguns, rifles, and handguns right now for when they reach their dating years is purely for their own benefit!!!LOL
Blue.....if you get her a horse you'll be her fave EVERYTHING for all times!! LOL!
Glad the house is a bit quite now. I was kinda getting a tummy ache~
Syn - agreed. NEVER ever go to bed angry. (I know I wouldn't if Jeff were in my bed wanting to cuddle every night!!!)
awww, my comments about the last post being super long and full of lots of action and gossip and fun stuff got lost and never made it!!!
wish Michele would take Kevin aside just before live show & lie & tell him that she's voting to evict Natalie, so if he DOES have designs on casting a hinky vote, he loses his ally. Michele needs to be on the offense to shake the LMLers up.
Didn't Jordan repeatedly complain that Russell wouldn't shut it about Chima?? Girl I understand your anger but stop talking about him, you're givin' him what he wants and only looking like a hypocrite in the process!
I would actually like Kevin or even dare I say Natalie to win HOH with Michelle winning POV.
That way Michelle would be safe and odds are Jordan and Jeff would be up (or Michelle with Jeff being backdoored), and Jeff becoming Russells birthday present.
I'm all for Michelle now for the win!! She is the only one that I think really deserves it. If not the win than the $50K and the $25K.
Sorry for the comment backlog. I am getting to them as soon as possible.
Hey Carolyn,Genie Sea and BBDishers,
I received my gift today Carolyn.I will be using my coffee mug in the morning as I read the blogs.
I have to say this.I am a woman who is over weight.I think I could tolerate being called everything bad.The one thing that would could and has hurt me deeply is being called fatty.Any name dealing with being over weight cuts me to the core.I am feeling so angry right now at Russell.I care about him as a human and know that it must be hard being in the BB house.I know I should be angrier at all the other bull that's been said or done in the game.It's just this one name is so very personal and it hurts me to see Jordan hurt like that.Well thank you for letting me vent.
JudyD in Tennessee
dagnabit......I spoke too soon!!! I'm too impatient sometimes!!! lol
Kevin - that's an EXCELLENT idea for Michele to make sure she's got her butt covered with the hinky vote crap!
Hi everyone…
Longtime lurker first time posting.
Have so much to say…
Jeff – he is not a nice person. He’s mean to Jordan. He’s mean to Michelle….the things he has said about her are worst and more frequent than anything Russell has said. And his threats are over the top. There is no way he could even tolerate Jordan for a minute outside the house. He is very angry and impatient. Can’t wait to see him in the jury house next!!!
Jordan – I don’t like her very much. She’s a sweet southern girl…right! She says she doesn’t want to embarrass her family…but all that mean girl stuff is over the top. And she has used and dropped Michelle like a bad habit. Also, as a southern girl myself, my mom would be mortified if I was snuggling and sleeping in the bed with a man I barely know…. and taking a shower with the guy in the bathroom???? I don’t think she is so innocent. When Jeff and Russell got into the argument the other day, instead of her trying to calm the situation…she jumps in and instigates!!!
Natalie – Another Natalie…OMG! She really annoys me. I cannot stand all her lies. She is another one that never tries to calm a situation. She just tries to keep it going. The lies are her only game. If she wins based on this game play…I DONE!
Russell – I am a fan. I haven’t always liked his behavior in the house, but I think its part of is game play. I did not like his behavior this afternoon… I think he knew he was going to the jury. Maybe he just has me fooled. I hope he doesn’t believe Natalie’s lies about Michelle being a mole. I think he really wanted a F2 with her and would have protected her. I wanted a M/R final two…but I don’t think that’s going to happen now.
Kevin – Never really thought much of him until recently. Even though he lies and goes along with Natalie…there is something likable about him. I think he is genuinely a warm-hearted person. He’s my number 2 to win the game.
Michelle – I have never been a fan of her. She just seemed so awkward in social situations. I didn’t like the way she ran back to J/J with stories about Russell. Since then she has really grown on me. She has never stooped to the level of the other HGs. I think she is extremely hard to read and good for her. She is playing the game!!!! I hope she drops J/J!!! She is my number 1!
Thanks Carolyn for all your hard work! Great Job!!
Hey everybody!
Just got back from work and find that the feeds are already playing (thanks hubby). From what I see the house is once again divided why can't Jeff see into that. Also J/J seem to be Gucci with Michele again. I'm torn on who I want to win HOH tomorrow. I know for sure I don't want Jordan to win. I would like for kevin to win as long as that doesn't mean Michele goes home.
Did you hear what Jordan just said about people calling Russell the F word...Oh hell to the no. Im sorry Caro i am in no way bashing her but that is not kewl. And she's fully aware that it was a bad thing to say so tried to cover it up real quick.
I can't believe the way those two treat Michele. They're going to backdoor HER for Natalie??? At this point, I would prefer Jessie to come back, I swear.
Also it's funny to me that of the two (Kev and Nat) that is the more honest with them (Kev) they're starting to turn on him! LOL ridiculous. I mean I understand wanting to keep Natalie but they can't be sure they've seen everything she has to offer, can they?? If one of them makes a mistake and she goes to F2, that will make her automatically the winner IMO. They need to think more about jury votes.
JudyD - I so agree with you on that. I'm even writing up a blog about it now. Jordan has admitted to Jeff that she was overweight as a child. I know what that is like. If you think this house is psychological torture ... try being the fat kid in school. That's why I can't hold anything Jordan says to or about Russell against her. Especially if what he did is bringing up those psychological scars from her childhood.
Anyone else curious about what Miss Julie Chen will be wearing tomorrow night? I know I am!!! (Yes, I know she is a Mrs., but her married name is not Chen, that's her maiden name, so I am saying Miss Julie Chen instead of Mrs.)
She has had some *ahem* "unique" outfits this season!!! hehehe. She always looks *glowey* and beautiful, but I can't help but focus on the "Minnie Mouse" out fit......
I would love to see her in some Donna Karen, or Christian Dior!!
I just have to say that I am so disappointed at how Jeff and Jordan are treating Michele. I understand that she has lied to them, but from what I remember it has been about anything that was game threatening. She has stayed loyal to them and now they want to bash her and dump her. It upsets me.
Syn, I'm following your blog now!!! I promise to behave myself!!! LOL
(fingers crossed)
Blue- A suit of armor for Chenbot and baby bot would be about right if Russell walks out that door. hahaha
LMAO@Genie!!! True!!!
But I think if anyone tried to attack the Chenbot there would be about 50 people trampling that idiot into the ground. He wouldn't get far!!! LOL
ellaelise - It's not about honesty. It's about who is the bigger threat between Natalie and Kevin. Kevin has a POV win under his belt. And he's also come in a very close second on several other competitions. Natalie's won nothing.
Maybe Versace has an *Armor* line!! hmmmmm
Jordan just can't stop talking -
Jeff tells her to basically STFU about telling everyone in the house their business, and to just backoff on Russell.
She tells Michelle when Russell is out on the street she hopes people call him the F____t word!!
She also says that she hopes Jeff gets a TV gig after the show (again he only told Braden & Jordan about the modeling and his future plans).
Here's hoping Michelle starts seeing the light....
Is Carolyn still with us???? I know you are, Genie........but Caro........
.......ohhhh Carolyn...!!!
She's working on behind the scene stuff isn't she?
My apologies. I will be getting to the super long posts soon. :)
Blue - Correct! She was. :) She is with the rubber ducky right now ;)
I always seem to be last on the old post for some reason lol...
I hope with all my being (and it's a pretty big being lol) that Michele wins HOH and puts up Natalie and Kevin! Any scenario that played out would keep JJM ~~ my final three dream team, with Michele and either in final 2! She has been raked over the coals this year, but she has kept her cool and never initiated bashing (as far as I have 'read' lol) . I am liking Natalie more and more which is frightening me, so I'd really, really appreciate if she left next week. Russell, although I'm sad, would ruin all my plans if he stayed this week...haha
ohhhhhhh, Carolyn is with the rubber ducky!! I hope she can get him to spill the dish!!! hehehehe If anyone can, it's Carolyn!!! LOL
i so think jeff and jordo are in Big! Trouble! unless michele or jordo win. i really hope michele wins. please please please michele win. don't you think she knows that jeff and jordon are about stab her in the back.
Blue if you ever get to north miss or Oxford area, we have ponys and"real horses" for Olivia. The house is tooo crazy for me to comment about. So love to you all, still trying to get together a trip for all of us to New orleans sorry for any sp errors typing on a phone sucks
Howdy Everyone!!! Smooches Carolyn and Genie!!! Hugs Blue and Syn!!! Happy Birthday Olivia!! 6 year olds are awesome! Lil Man is 6 too and knows it all!!
The best quote of the day:
Jordon: Are we friends?
Jeff: No, we are lovers!!!
She should have just smiled and hunkered down closer to him, imo!
Natalie is trying to build herself up for the endurance comp saying no one can beat her. I really don't want her to win, because then we will not hear the end of her bragging. I really would like Michelle to win, crossing my fingers.
You would think Michele would pull herself away and start making moves to insure she gets in f2 with someone else.
♫ I Love this Blog, my kinda place..♫
(in the style of Toby Keith)
Just wanted to give a shout out to Everyone!
What is vodka sauce? I'm not familiar with it. I only like vodka in orange juice, and I haven't even had that in quite some time now.
MG - That's not the whole story though. Russell is the one that brought up Jeff being a threat because he doesn't even have to win this game because he's probably going to get some kind of TV job out of this experience. Michele is the one that told Jordan that. Jeff is the one that told everyone outside that he only told Braden about being a model. Jordan wasn't spilling the beans about any of that.
And here I go defending Jordan, yet again. In regards to the derogatory "F" word. I absolutely can not stand that word, for the same reasons I don't like people's weight to become weapon-like words to use against them. However, I don't think Jordan or Jeff have been taught exactly how hurtful that word is. Michele tried to educate them on that. Which is why Jordan immediately backtracked after she said it. She's learning. That's a good thing right?
Just watched the blow up on FB.
Syn you have inspired me to blog!
Rubber Ducky.... You're the ONE!
Chris Kindly refer to rule number 2. Ouchie.
I'm sorry, but I really don't care for what Jordan is wearing right now. A navy blue shirt with black jeans just doesn't work together on her. It's too dark of a look for her.
lmao, ok sorry. ummm, now i forget what i put. Thanks lol
Blue - Vodka cause is a rosé sauce with vodka in it
OK, I just caught up on FB. Can I just say ...
Russell - Shame on you!!! It's never ok to do what you are doing. I won't even try and list all your wrongs. I think you are the male version of Chima!
Jeff - You too dang it. You are just as guilty. "Don't yell at a woman." Hello, you've been doing it to Jordan and you still speak down to her. Sometimes I think some of the sweetness is more for the camera than Jordan. IMHO, Jeff expects Russell to remember it's a game and it was a game move and to handle it better but Jeff forgets all about that if someone reports to him that Michelle talks to Russell. He doesn't mind disparaging Michelle but it's not ok for Russell to do that to Jordan. Pot meet Kettle! Also, the whole "do you want to have sex with me?" and "I'll show you some a$$ on the way out so you can think about it in jury house ..." I find that offensive, maybe it's just me but it sounded like a backhanded attempt at gay bashing. Shame on you!
Jordan - IMO, the chest bump would not have been overlooked had one of the guys done it to another in anger. BB shouldn't be overlooking her assault on Russell. Oh, and I agree, Russell shouldn't be yelling at her but she was doing the same. Two wrongs don't make a right.
Michelle - Still feel bad for Michelle. Jeff's only being nice to her because he needs her vote and he needs her to win HOH and NOT put him up. Otherwise, he HATES her ... as he says over and over. Oh wait, it's a game Jeff!!!
Nat - Not even worth my typing. Don't like her at all; however, SHE has been ruling this house almost every week from the beginning and she hasn't even been HOH. It's her methods that really get me riled.
Kevin - He so could have been my favorite but Nat's rubbing off on him or I'm just seeing him for the first time. He's hilarious in the DR but if I were on the jury, I'd vote for game play and I haven't really seen any from Kevin until this week and it ain't been pretty!
Just my 2 cents. Thanks for letting me rant. I enjoy reading yours.
Awww, Thanks, Reneep!!! You're so sweet!!! We really do have *real* horses here in central Indiana, too!!, but I understand where you are coming from!!! Thank you!!!!
Kscooterfox!!! Thank you for your shout out for Olivia!!! I just love you!!! You're always so funny and so much fun!!!
Hey, has anyone seen MsFitz?????? WendyLady? Marci?
One of these days I expect to see Syn riding in on his steed (Go getem Gaytor) in full knightly regalia to defend Jordan. :) ♥Syn
oh guess my other comment will not be posted neither, cause of rule 4, ugh
I did a hiya but i think it got lost so...
Hiya all!
There's WendyLady!!!! I was missing her acerbic and goofy wit!!! LOL
♥♥♥ ya, Lady!!!
oh i remember what i said now earlier....So is this the deal...RUSSEL out this week, the everyone is going to try and get J & J out?
OK. Chris... this time only...
Reposted for Chris:
Ok. Someone please help me out here. I think I am getting this right. They are getting Russell out this week, then next week, they are going after Jordan and Jeff, right?
OMG. I just watched the flashbacks... of the fight afternoon... Russell is sooooo anoying, I would have went after him by now, even though he would kill me, so anoying.
Blue - i'm here just my posts are not coming through. I did say Happy B Day 2 Oliva and asked if you bought her the purse.
Marci is probably resting - i had a great chat with her this afternoon on the phone - she is a wonderful lady :0)
Genie wrote: "One of these days I expect to see Syn riding in on his steed (Go getem Gaytor) in full knightly regalia to defend Jordan. :) ♥Syn"
Oh hell!! This gay boi can't freaking compete with that!!!!
bluex1969; maybe she subconsciously is trying to hide her body. I'm sure she is still hurting after what Russell called her today.
If Jeff didn't have the confidence of Jordan's vote & trust this whole game, he would not be where he is now. And it's not like she hasn't won anything, or tried, or did a fair share of manipulating...
He needs to lay off of her a bit, yeesh!
I'm kinda wanting her to give him the boot and take someone else to the end!
[not really, just make out or something, yeesh!]
lol, yay thanks!!!!!! your the best Genie!!!!! Well after Carolyn ;-)
Carmen - Good catch! :)
Blue - No one can compete with you! :)
Wendyyyyyyyyyy :)
Does anyone else think that Russel is going to try to do something to Jeff tomorrow night? And do you think the show is going to be tapede again, just like the other one?
Genie - Hey lady - i think i'm hitting the black hole for comments lately - hopefully it will ease off tonight :0)
Oh, I'm sorry, Wendy!!!! I answered the question about the purse the other day. Yes, I took everyone's advice and bought her a pink purse with a long strap, and filled it with candy flavored lipsticks, a sparkle hand mirror, a brush and comb, and some costume jewelry. She loved it!!!
Blue - acerbic? You think i'm sour :(
Welcome Missy :)
Genie - Hiyo Silver! Away! ;)
Blue - Thanks for the following, lol. GaYToR is also a follower, so I have no doubts about your behavior with him lurking around. Although he's probably not going to like this Special Russell blog.
Michelle - That's great! Can't wait to read!
If we do indeed have an endurance comp tomorrow night, my money would be on Michele to win, since Jeff can't play as outgoing HoH.
Michele has won competitions and done well in ones she didn't win. She's a lot tougher than she looks. If memory serves, she was the last woman to drop in the first endurance comp.
Jordan probably won't win. She may be the first or second to be eliminated.
Natalie hasn't won squat and I don't see that changing. All talk no game.
I'm not concerned about Kevin winning, either.
If Michele wins, she'll probably nominate Kevin and Natalie.
If Jordan wins, she'll probably nominate Kevin and Natalie, unless Natalie poisons Jordan's mind against Michele.
If Natalie wins, she'll likely nominate Jeff and Michelle.
If Kevin wins, he'll likely nominate Jeff and Jordan.
At least that's what I'm thinking anyway.
Carmen wrote: "bluex1969; maybe she subconsciously is trying to hide her body. I'm sure she is still hurting after what Russell called her today."
That is very interesting, Carmen!!! I had not thought of that!!! I hope Russell has not damaged Jordan's self-esteem to that degree!! She is not fat at all, and should not be self-conscious about her weight!!
I think Jordan looks wonderful!!!
Interesting observation on your part!!!
After today with Jeff's response to Michele's question about her and Jordon, coupled with the way that J&J have been treating her, knowing J&J have broken up the F4 of J/J/R/M, and the bond all of a sudden with Natalie WHY would Michele even worry about what J&J want. If I was her I would go either and try and save Russell or alieng myself with Kevin and Natalie. And if I won HOH I would put up both J&J on the block.
Blue - awww i miss that cute princess stage - my daughter is in the basty i know everything and i hate you stage.
:) hi :)
I feel bad for Jordan being called fat, but I've been more upset with the houseguests' that have called Michelle ugly right to her face. I remember Ronnie was one of them (pot calling kettle), and the other one was Lydia. I don't think anyone has the right to call someone fat or ugly. Those type of remarks cut deeply...
I've been on the fence about my favorite houseguest lately, but I've made up my mind. My vote is for Michelle. She is extremely loyal and gives everything she has to winning the comps.
Go Michelle!!!
LMAO@@ WendyLady!!! Nooooo!! Sorry, bad choice of words!!! You are in no way sour!!!
You know what, just call me a doofus, and I will understand!!! LOL
Hey Carolyn - did you get a good break from the insanity?
There's Carolyn!!!
Hiya, Sexy!!!! *grope grope grope*
*smooch* hehehehehehehe
Carolynnnnnnnnn :)
@Genie Sea - I would LOVE to see Syn come riding in like that too! haha :)
Hi BLue! :)
Hi WendyLady :) - umm.. kinda sorta...
dabugd - personally, i find michele quite beautiful.
I also think Jordans body is "bangin'"!
Shes curvacious and she should totally own it.
*sniff sniff* Blue thinks i'm a sour puss :(
Nah just messin with ya ! Alls good! :0)
Oh yeah Genie blue thanx for the props! :-D
Hi Carolyn! I totally agree with you. I think Michelle is very pretty. But, I don't know if Michelle would agree with us ...
Go Michelle!
I'm worried Russel is going to stay... although I would love to see Natalie leave also.
Kevin and Michelle are in good positions right now, they are playing really well.
I like Jeff and Jordan but I agree the stress is really taking a toll on them, if they can pull it together and keep winning and they might be o.k.
BTW, Hi Everyone!
I've been living off the posts since I started back to school yesterday. Thank you all!
I wish Jane would pop in with one of her awesome posts tonight!!! I just love reading her comments!!!
green-i hate to say it but i think is a lot stronger competitor than she has shown. remember the first hoh? she tied russ. and she hasn't had to win anything since. that Has Been her strategy to lose until it was imperative. Unfortunately i think she could beat michelle in this. unless there is water! she keeps saying that water will be her downfall. but she is pumped for this.
als i am pretty convinced jordo will put up michele. you watch!
okies im just poppin in here to say I fell asleep... gasp!
They wore me out... so I have like almost 4 hours of catchin up to do...
I do wanna say...
ShiShi... ty for what u said in the other post! That we are soul sisters cos of how we think about Michele and the game.
Now I need to catch up !
BTW... I have a 6 year old Chihuahua named ChiChi!!
Can u tell Im ramblin..I think i gotta go splash water in my face lol!
Hugssssss Everyone!
well its getting down to it. i think jeff cooked his goose taking kevin down. big mistake,
Agp never put unattractive ppl in the house. They are all beautiful in their own way. Yes even Ronnie - he had a beautiful smile.
I've decided to not get caught up in the nastiness in the house or the blog. I respect each and everyones opinions and i hope you all will respect mine :0)
I'm sending so many *smoooooooochies* and
your way!!!!
Do you even know how much of an asset you are to this blog?????I just adore you, Lady!!!!
Changed my pic cause that old one looked like i had a damn mustache from the lighting :P
Again......I can't believe the great Reptilian hasn't popped in yet!!!!
What is he up to? Besides trying to hunt younger and smaller lizards, that is!
funny thought - i don't have to shop for snacks tomorrow for the endurance comp... i have left all the hurricane supplies left from ana and bill not hitting us! :)
I soooo miss MsFitz!!! Where is she tonight?
Lucky you, Carolyn!!! I have to go hunting at the grocery store tomorrow for nuts, fresh fruit, chips and salsa, and beverages. Probably wine. I don't know why wine, that last endurance comp I barely had one glass, hehehe. Oh well........I'll try again!!!!
Blue - awww thank you sweetie! You are such a doll!
Howdy! I'm back! Stepped away for a bit to help lil man make a "tent" more like a lean-to in the living room to sleep in! And now he's fast asleep...
Just sitting here now wondering if there will be a smackdown tonight since they are locked in......
Carolyn - I gotta run out here in a bit and get my snackies for tomorrow. Bf has the last night of ulty and my lil man is finally going to see his dad so i will be here all by myself.
♫ Oh! I love dishers. Yes I do! Because they are nice and true!♫
Gotta go walk the *Diva Doggie*hehe
She got a new groomer earlier today (this morning), and she has brand new bows in her newly trimmed and fluffed ears!!!! hehehehe.
She thinks she's the shiznit!!!*rolls eyes* whatevs!!!
Hey Hey, Hello!
Jordan laying on the 'bed' in the bathroom looks kind of pathetic, she looks depressed and sad. I really think she went out of her comfort zone today and it is weighing heavy on her. Jeff seems to be trying to include her though.
MG - can you please rephrase that a bit?
Jordan just looks so defeated and depressed tonight. Do you think she will sleep up in the HOH with Jeff? I think Russell's comments as well as Jeff's being short with her has deflated her tremendously tonight.
Does anyone know how soon you can watch the episodes online at I wont be able to watch the broadcast tomorrow night and I'm sure I'll want to see every minute. I hope for a long endurance comp so it is still going on when I get home but if not I know the best place to get every detail! Thanks BBDish!
♫ so you think that it's over,
that your love
has finally reached the end,
any time you call night or day
i'll be right there for you when you need a friend ♫
Hi all
Glad it wasn't only my feeds that were going wonky.
Took a nice other kind of game show tv break. Did anyone watch the new show Crash Course? That show is awesome. It's even filmed in Detroit. They had this one lady on there who had hair kind of like Chima and the hosts made fun of her weave. You could push a car with that weave. LOL Good show but they have to give the camera crew some more protection. A couple of times contestants almost took them out.
I stayed up way to late last night then got woke up way to early by a call from my mom to take her somewhere UGH, love you mom.
Hopefully tomorrow is endurance and it will be good and long. Going to take the night off and get some real sleep.
You all have a great evening. Good Night.
Huggies Wendy! You won't be alone! We'll all be together! :)
gnite michigan man :) sleep tite!
Just getting caught up on the comments - I agree with many others about Michelle, I think she is beautiful, nothing wrong with her.
As to Jordan, I also agree, she IS NOT fat! She is curvy, and there is nothing wrong with that! I used to think that Nat was a little cutie, but her persona makes her not so cute anymore. I also thought Lydia was very pretty, I liked her tattoos, and her face was nice, I didn't like her pink hair though it made her look redonkulous.
Bec - Thank you! :) I think she'll sleep up there with him tonight. He was making an effort to be a sweetie with her earlier... and I agree... she's taken russ' comments to heart.
When have we ever seen Little Miss Sunshine of the Pastels in Black from head to toe?
I swear, waiting for another blow up in the house is becoming tiresome. I watch and I watch and I watch - and see them eat, sleep, shower, and shave. Then, just when I'm ready to go to bed or have to do stupid stuff, like work, I miss it all! My timing this season sucks.
Anybody got any guesses on what the endurance comp will be??? or hope it will be??? :)
I need some help.....anyone know where the memory card is located on a laptop and how to change it?? I need to change the one on this laptop and I'm afraid to screw it up......
Syn928 -
I respect your opinion and everyone elses here at the Dish.
I disagree with you on the following comment-
"And here I go defending Jordan, yet again. In regards to the derogatory "F" word. I absolutely can not stand that word, for the same reasons I don't like people's weight to become weapon-like words to use against them. However, I don't think Jordan or Jeff have been taught exactly how hurtful that word is. Michele tried to educate them on that. Which is why Jordan immediately backtracked after she said it. She's learning. That's a good thing right?"
The use of the "F" word by ANYONE is hurtful and deplorable. Saying that "they" have never been taught how hurtful the word is, is no excuse in my book.
Hi SouthernSweetheart :)
I'm hoping for lots and lots of water!
:::evil laugh:::
Mg - :) tyvm
Kscoot - i'm a tech dolt.
I cut *Diva Doggie's* walk short!!!
Carolyn wrote: "When have we ever seen Little Miss Sunshine of the Pastels in Black from head to toe?
Very poetic, Carolyn!!! Awesome analogy of Jordan, and so true!!!
I made a comment earlier about her being dressed in dark clothes. I don't like it!!!
Carolyn: unfortunatly I am too when it comes to my laptop. Now my big puter, I can do almost anything to it. I guess because the laptop is so compact, I'm afraid of Thanks anyway.
kscooterfox - it is not hard to change the memory on the laptop, you need to know though, if you can upgrade it with additional memory - how much it will take. Let me know what you have (brand and model number and how much memory is already in it), I can check it out, and maybe point in the right direction for instructions on how to do it - it really isn't hard. you can contact me with the email followup, I think that is how this works here. If now, there is a shortcut for philpottcomputerservices on the front of the blog and a contact email there on the site.
Carolyn a tech dolt? Miss Queen of the Blogosphere? The one with all the tech savvy linkies on her blog? heheheheehehe
You're probably like learn as you go.....huh?
Mg, I was just posting a similar comment when I lost my internet connection. I agree. I don't care where you're from in this country. No excuse. Period.
Kim, if you have access to another computer go to the manufacturer's (sp?) website and it should tell you where the memory stick is located. It may even give you the instructions on how to change it.
If you don't get it fixed send me a message on facebook tomorrow and I will ask my son. He is good at that kind of stuff.
I'm good with the html...
that's about it.
Nvm Kim looks like Ronap has it covered. :)
MG - That's fine. We can agree to disagree. My point on that was I think that she and Jeff are learning that it is not cool to use that word.
I've had that word thrown at me when I was younger. I know first hand exactly how hurtful it can be. I cringe everytime I hear them say it. But Michele called them out on it and explained to them that it was a hurtful word. And ever since, whenever they've slipped and said it, they've apologized, or corrected themselves. I'm personally proud that they are learning how hurtful words can be. Whether they continue to learn from their experience, I can't say. But, I hope they do.
Oh to be a cookie crumb on Jeffs tummy or.....
why M I not getting posted? dont I belong to this click? did I offend someone?
Carolyn, are you psyched about a possible endurance comp tomorrow?
I know I am...........
***tip-toe, tip-toe***
sneaking up on Carolyn, Genie, Blue, Kscooter, Wendy, Syn!!!!
BOO!!! ☺☺☺☺
Hi everyone,
Been lurking lately! But just got a FB msg from our Queen of the Dish so thought I better put in an appearance!!! he-he
***curtsy to the Queen & Princess***
Wow, smackdown today, huh? About Jordan, I had a weight issue in my late 20's early 30's. I was called fat by someone in a club one night & that comment destroyed me for days. I cried for almost 2 days on & off over it. And, it came from someone I didn't even know. How crazy it that? When he went there I was like, oh no, he did not just do that!! Poor baby girl she already has issues about weight. No matter how thin you ever get you never, ever forget that kind of hurtful comment. Kevin was so right about Russell. He finds out people insecurities & that is what he focuses on in a fight. That fight was stupid. Russell made no sense & I admire Jeff for pretty much holding his own. I wish he would have continued to keep quiet but when your head is spinning & someone continues to yell stupid stuff it's hard to stay quiet. And, people said he has yelled at 2 woman he has yelled at 3. Chima, Michelle & now Jordan!
Does anyone know what both an elephant and a tree have in common?
They both have a trunk!!!!
(my niece told me that one on Sunday!!! LOL!!!)
HEY!!! She's 6!!!! hehehehe
Carolyn.... **evil grin** too with the H2O!
If Michele goes home next week, I will be sooooooooooo bummed!!!
That means I will have to choose between Jeff, Jordan, Natalie, and Kevin! I guess I will have to hope for Jordan to go much as I adore her......I think the other three have played a much stronger game!
I would prefer to see Jeff, Natalie and Kevin fight it out in the last HoH comp for HoH. They have done the most to advance themselves to final three, if they all three make it that far!!!
I soooo hope Michele wins HoH or PoV this coming week, though. That's her only chance at this point at staying and making it to final 3.
Syn928 your right about the psychological scars from childhood.I was made fun of about my weight up until I graduated from high school.I wasn't that overweight just bigger than most girls.Jordan looks like she could curl up and hide for the rest of the season.I pray that someone in the DR room lets her know that we the fans think she's just right.
My thoughts on how the rest of the group that is playing so far.They are all a bunch of spiteful,sore losers,pig headed,bullying and screaming crazy people.I think the only one who should win is Michele.She has done the least amount of damage with her words than the rest of them.She in turn has been called everything and just kept smiling.I just love her attitude and hope she is in the final 2 and thus wins and also wins the America's favorite.
There's my MsFitz!!!!
Love your new pic!!! Who is that in that picture?
MsFitz!!!! :)
I simply don't understand how someone cannot understand the first time how hurtful a word is. If you didn't know it was hurtful, why would you be throwing it around?
dabugd said... I think Michelle is very pretty. But, I don't know if Michelle would agree with us ...
Go Michelle!
I totally agree. Did you see how pretty she looked a little while ago when she was painting her fingernails up in the HOH?
I am excited that I don't have class on friday and can stay up late to watch the endurance comp. Although,I don't think it will last long based on the current list of probable contestants.
Give me strength...
:) There she is. :)
Ask, and you shall receive.
WTF? Since Day 1 Michele has been the Jan Brady of the house. She deserves more than what her allies have been saying. She might be safe due to Kevin most likely leaving next week, but no one will take her to final 3.
why does Jeff think there will not be endurance in F3. there always is
Hi everyone! Can't wait for the eviction tomorrow. :-)
please win Natalie! For Michele's sake the truth of Natalie's intentions need to be revealed.
Hiya Paul - me either! :)
Hi Paul :)
that was a funny joke Blue! my grandson will love it, he is 6 also.
I'm fading fast...Big fights just drain me...
Going horizontal here.
GayTor - take your best shot. ;p
Nite nite, everyone :)
See you in the morrrrnnniinnngggg :)
Dreaming of endurance comps...
I'm back and all stocked up on some nice nummies for my party of 1 :P
I'm looking forward to tomorrow now cause i got me some yummy yoguart and granola and i so wanna go dive into it now and snarf my lil heart out - i love yoguart!
Blue - 2 of my babies...great niece & great nephew on the first day of school Monday. I got up at 6am so I could get there before they left for school. Pace. 4th grade & Gabi (Gabriella) 1st grade. The loves of my life!!! I have another great-nephew, Cameron, 2nd grade, but because of dumb traffic I didn't make it to his house in time.
You guys have been great again tonight.I need to go to la la land and get me some beauty sleep.See you all tomorrow night.It looks like it's going to be a great one again.Till then take care and be kind to yourself.
I just have to say this......
I totally understand how people can get upset about being called names......yes, name-calling can hurt. It can be hurtful, wounding, and can cut deep into the psyche.
But sometimes people say things they don't really mean in the heat of the moment, things they don't really mean, and things they would normally not ever say. That doesn't in and of itself make someone a bad person.
Every one deserves chances to redeem themselves.
I remember being 17 and calling my mother a *bitch* to her face because she would not allow me to attend a party after I had failed to complete my chores that week.
Did I mean it? NO!!! Was she a *bitch*? NO!!! But that's what I called her. I was angry and was looking for a way to lash out at her and to wound her.
It worked. She cried for two days.
I'm not proud of that. It was a horrible moment in my life.
To hold someone accountable for life for something they said to someone once or twice in their life in the heat of the moment is unfair.
It's a crazy house, incredibly stressful, and totally insane. None of us can say for certain how we would act if we spent almost 3 months in there under those intense demands and scrutiny. We can speculate, but until we walk in their shoes.......none of us know for certain.
I just think that giving people chances and opportunities is very important....and something all of us would want and expect from our fellow human beings in life. Because none of us are perfect, and I'm sure each of us has offended someone at some point in our life, whether we intended to or not.
Give people the opportunity to redeem themselves. It's what each one of us would expect for our own selves should we, and when we, screw up. It's only fair.
Night Carolyn!
Damn Paul you are one serious hottie! Gaytor is gonna love the new pic!
aww, Ronap!!! I hope he does!!!
Good night, Carolyn!!
Michele and her prettyness...uhh YEA SHE IS!! Did you see her in the outfit for the HoH Pics today? Also, I don't know when the photo was taken, but there is an HoH photo of her with a pool cue behind her back and yea...HOTNESS! Smart and gorgeous, that's my Dream Girl! Sounds like a few ladies I know here on this blog...that's right, I'm looking over ure way Carolyn & Genie!!
~ Ryan ~
I hope there's no jury prize this year. Other than a final 2 of Kevin and Michele I'd be disappointed to see J/J/N get any mola.
Hey Carolyn! :)
Hey Genie! :)
Hey Blue! :)
Hey Michelle! :)
Hey MsFitz! :)
Hey Syn! :)
Hey everyone else! :)
I'm finally back!!! Do you all know how hard it is to get a 14 yr old off the phone & into bed for the night?!?! They think they know everything at this age.... or at least mine thinks so!!!
Carolyn, I just saw ure Twitter and I am hoping for a big waterfall HoH Endurance Comp tomorrow!!
Seriously, Natalie is a fan of the show and she is hoping for no rain/water during Endurance?? Yea...keep hoping Natalie...
~ Ryan ~
Judy D...Amen on your comments about Michele! You are right on target. She definitely has my vote!!!!
Goodnight Carolyn! May cooler heads prevail tomorrow. ;)
Craptacular! I come back and its all quiet?
Ok, I just have to say that I WISH I had Jordan's body! (ok, I dont need bigger boobs) but man, she is curvy and looks like a real woman, not an anorexic. She is not fat at all. Actually, I dont even think Russell thinks she is , but knew it was something that would hurt her feelings. And that's just not right!
Kevin after smelling the cheese - "Dude,I could fart right now and you wouldn't even notice"
Am I too late??
Nite Nite Carolyn!!!!
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