Welcome to Kevin Week!
Welcome to a new week and a new reign! Who will Kevin nominate? Who will be his real target? How much of his hearing will he lose with Natalie buzzing in his ear? Will this be a reign of peace or will new smack downs loom in the horizon?
We're here to cover his first night as HOH, his HOH room, his HoH pics including his boyf, and all the early campaigning!
And since, it rarely happens, here he is, almost shirtless!
The Have/Not room is locked and closed off.
Jeff: Do you think we're done in there or will they put something in there?
Michele: I liked that room. (**Cause you spent half your time there...)
Michele and Kevin go to the bathroom.
Michele:I'm cranky. I don't like losing.
Kevin: You don't like losing? That's all I have been doing!
7:50 PM BBT
Natalie follows Kevin into the Red Room.
Kevin: Final 4!
Natalie: I hope. We have to see what happens with the POV. I might have to get put up. We have to win POV! Next week it's all about POV. Russell was right though. Michele is a threat. Next week will be memory, and I will get it for sure. (**mhm).
Natalie goes on to list the upcoming comps. Kevin has barely gotten in a word edgewise.
Natalie: I can beat them on anything and any question. Except Michele. (**Natalie's track record = 0)
Kevin: Jeff is a double threat. He can handle endurance, physical and questions.
Michele comes through. Discussion changes to mattresses. Michele goes to the kitchen.
Kevin: Michele is already probing.
Natalie: Who do you think she would put up? Me and you.
Natalie stands guard.
Natalie: She went up to Jeff and Jordan and beat you to the punch. She is such a mole. She said, if you believe me, you're stupid. She backstabbed Chima. She swore on her husband.
Kevin: Is there any way we can make a deal out of this?
Natalie: You can try. But you can't believe her.
Kevin: We have to win HOH.
Natalie: If it's memory, I will win. Next week is not Endurance. (**If it's a talking competition...)
Natalie is pushing hard for Michele to be evicted.
Kevin: Everything will change in Veto.
Natalie: Maybe not. Maybe you will win. I will win.
8:03 PM BBT
Natalie, Kevin and Jordan.
Natalie is shoveling food in her mouth and talking talking talking. How great Kevin was. Kevin has his invisibility cloak on. They are talking about the comp.
During this:
Jeff DR leak: Russel getting evicted is sweet. It's what I wanted. Having to keep my mouth shut this whole week, I am glad he is out of the house.
Michele in the Green Room having a breakdown. She is sobbing uncontrollably. (**She must feel so alone in the house.)
She mumbles to herself every once in a while and sobs some more.
Talk in the kitchen is about Jeff's cooking. Jordan wants to enroll him in the next Bachelor. Natalie laughs and Jordan says, "I will!" Then on to Luxury Comp.
8:23 PM BBT
- Natalie, Jordan and Kevin are in the kitchen. Jordan is cleaning. Kevin and Natalie at the counter. Natalie and Kevin have decided to go for a "nap" = whisperfest.
- Michele has just come out of the Green Room and went to the bathroom.
- Jeff is still in DR.
Red Room
Kevin & Natalie
Kevin is laying down and Natalie is unpacking.
Kevin: I knew you liked Russell but I could not stand him.
Natalie: I didn't like Russell. I didn't talk to him before this week.
Kevin: He is so fake.
Natalie: But these are things we know.
Kevin: What phase is this in our operation? Operation HOH! Mission complete!
Natalie: Oh yeah!
Kevin: You have to call me Sir.
Natalie: Michele is hiding out. Well.. good at least we don't have to... you know.
Kevin: Mhm.
8:30 PM BBT
Michele & Jordan
They are comparing injuries. Michele has seemed to have regained some of her composure.
Michele: No more bug bites.
Natalie: No more door slamming.
Michele: I liked that room. It was quiet.
Natalie: They'll probably close it.
Jordan: You want help?
Kevin: No. I got it.
Natalie: You should get the comforters from the other room.
Kevin: Yeah these one s*ck.
Jordan: You know those pants people think Braden gave to Laura. He gave them to me. I was going to wear them but I didn't think it would be nice. (**random)
Kevin: There is a drawer under the bed too.
Michele: It's okay. All my clothes fit in two drawers. Half of them don't even fit. Case in point. This dress is falling off.
Talk turns to luxury comp, as Michele and Natalie put away clothes, and Kevin straightens up.
Michele is in DR.
Red Room
Natalie, Kevin, Jordan & Jeff.
Natalie: Dude Michele was crying.
Jeff: I don't think she was giving it her all.
Natalie: I think she was.
Jeff: I don't think she really was.
Jordan: She was doing well at the beginning but then she fell off.
Kevin: You and Michele tied (Jordan)
Jeff: I told Jordan before the competition, "There's a hole in your cup. Really? There's a hole in your cup! Okay. There's a hole in your cup make sure you cover it!! Oh. There's a hole in my cup?"
Natalie: I told Kevin there was a hole in the cup.
Kevin: How did you notice it? I was wondering where it was coming from... (leak)
Jordan: I'm sore. Jeff, you owe me a massage.
Natalie: Me too! Did you hear me? My rubber is gone. (Jessie)
Jeff: Now, he needs a rubber.
Talk turns to JH.
Natalie: Yeah cause she knows we want her out.
Kevin: Michele threw me under the bus way too many times.
Jeff: So you want her out?
Kevin: Did she throw me under the bus a lot?
Jeff: I don't know. I don't do Michele. I don't listen to her.
Jordan: Not so much throwing you under the bus. She wants Natalie out, and Kevin because you're smart.
Jeff: I don't talk to her since that thing with Russell happened.
Kevin: The one thing I believed that Russell said under the million of things he told us, is that she's using you two.
Natalie: Yeah, but she wants you for F3 because...
Jeff: Yeah, I know you told us.
Natalie: She has a calendar. She has her birth control.
Jeff: She can bounce then.
Kevin: I don't believe anything she says.
Jeff: You can always tell when she's lying...
Michele bashing ensues. A daily activity in the BB11 house. They move on to Russell bashing... They move on to the live show.
9:50 PM BBT
Red Room
Usual Suspects, Michele is still in DR.
They ask Kevin about his boyf.
He's Mexican. Bigger than Kevin. He met him at Jehovah Witness. He doesn't want to talk about how he met him, but they keep pressuring him.
Kevin: I just wish my parents were there, but they didn't sign a release.
Kevin expects his letter to be short. They expect him to cry, but Kevin says he won't cry.
They keep talking about DR, and yet they don't cut the feeds. Kevin and Jeff like the HOH reveal because it's a chance to stop the game and the 'hate'. Jordan and Natalie find it awkward.
10:00 PM BBT
BB Voice: Kevin. Please go to the Diary Room. (First they called Casey)
Can't see any ugly scars in that pic - wonder why he never gets in a suit for the pool.
1st to comment
Why do they keep saying "your boy"?
I believe the word is Husband!
Im gonna try and watch as much feeds as possible cause I have to be @ work at 6am.
What time do noms usually take place?
Ok now that thats over, Im going to bed, its been a long day.
Thanks Genie , Carolyn, Gaytor and everyone for making this a GREAT Live show Evening
Oh gosh is anyone catching this whisperfest?
For J & J fans like me, with Kev the HOH, this might not be the best case scenario....
However, Kev made a comment on the show (can't remember specifically) that made me think he might be smarter than JUST being a part of the Kev/Nat alliance. Best case scenario, he wants to get Michelle or Nat out and J & J survive.
BUT, me might be very stupid to allow that, as we all know that J & J are favored even if they did evict Jesse, Lydia and Russell directly. Jessie even said that he may vote for Jeff :-)
This will be a VERY interesting week!!
Week of Kevin...wait...does anyone have any idea what the hell he will do!?! lol!
I think(hope) Jeff is walking out the door on Thursday. Anyone besides Michele leaving this week will be awesome to me!
Also, just what the heck is that "?" Door in the HoH Room!?
Genie/Carolyn ~ Thanx for all the transcribing posts/updating the site during the Endurance. You girlies rule yet again!
~ Ryan ~
Congrads kevin..now stop letting that lil bs'er bs ya
I wonder if Jeff is still feeling safe since Michele or Jordon didnt win HOH? Hmmm But he really doesnt have anything to worry about because Natalie and Kevin said that they wouldnt put him up this week. LOL
I'm heeeeereeee!!! I waited. That's 2 in a row. :D
Thanks for the almost shirtless Kevin cap. His body is better than I expected.
Now if we can get a cap of Syn, Mattitude, Blue, Ry, Kevin, Kent, Michigan Man.... and the list goes on and on and on. *teehee* I want a Syn cap first.. Capture can have so many meanings.
Natalie is already in co-HoH mode. Stealth whispering is going to drive me crazier this week.
Hi Carolyn
Did you read Chima's interview People Magazine?
Natalie natalie Natalie, what a slider caniver,,,she sickens me..its like shes judge juror and exacutioner
Welcome to Kevin week! It's going to be interesting to say the least.
Welcome to your guaranteed Final 4 spot Kevin!
I really hope Kevin does what is best for him strategically this week, and not what is best for Natalie.
In my ideal world, that would be Michele and Jordan on the block. With Jeff winning the POV, saving Jordan, forcing Kevin to renom Natalie. Then the only two votes would be Jeff and Jordan, voting to get Natalie out.
What? You were expecting me to say I wanted either Jeff or Jordan to go to the Jury House? C'mon!
Wasn't paying attention. Almost got caught behind.
Good evening Genie.
Natalie is taking over. Wonder how long Kevin goes with this.
What, if the new Room secret thingy, the HOH can't tell anyone? Then we will have to wait til Sunday! UGH. Not good with waiting. I'm dyin' to know yesterday! ;)
Here goes Nat running the HOH again. Not a fan, but respect her game. She may just deserve to win the whole thing.....
Re-posting because of missing the new top post tip...
I guess congrats to Kevin... but this means Michele will def' be on the block. I hope w/ Jeff, but one thing Kevin has always eluded 2 is that he “knows” Michele is the more rounded threat of the three (no matter who Nat wants targeted)... Jeffs only advantage over Kev is physical. So I hate to admit it but its NOT looking good for my fav’ Michele!
Hope she pulls out a POV win this week, or they will send her packing :)
I am really glad for Kevin. Way to go. This is a for sure for Michele F4 if Jeff/Jordan goes home..
I really really hope Kevin Nominates Jeff AND Jordan.
If he was smart, this is what he would do considering if Jeff really is the target....
Carolyn and Genie....great coverage as always. Ya'll are the greatest.
This week is crucial. Kevin just won a ticket to the Final 4. But the true power lies with the PoV.
Kevin clearly will put up Jeff, Michele, or Jordan. If he is smart he will put up the two people who he thinks are most likely to win veto. So he would put up Jeff/Michele and hope that Jordan doesn't win the PoV, because they want anyone to get taken off and force Natalie onto the block and get voted out.
However, it depends on Kevin's true target this week. If he wants Jeff out it would be smart to put up Jeff/Jordan, so that Jeff is playing for veto alone. Even if Michele won, she wouldn't use it on Jeff.
On the flip side, if they wanted Michele out this week, it's pretty much 100% she'd leave if that was the goal. I'd put Michele up against Jeff so that if anyone except Michele or Jordan wins PoV, Michele will be evicted.
Also, this makes it incredibly unlikely Kevin will make it to the Final 3 without winning next weeks veto. I'm not sure even Natalie would take Kevin.
Hopefully this week is not as eventful, but who knows how the Mystery Door will influence the events of the week?
I'm glad you enjoyed my endurance coverage...
This new post is all Genie..
I'm comment b-tch now! ;)
Kevin has stated that he wants Michele and Jeff on the block with Jeff going home this week. Natalie is adamant about Michele going home this week. Will this set off alarms in Kevin's head? Let's watch and see.....lol
~ Ryan ~
Im holding on for HOH reveal!
Syn - you are hilarious!!
I don't care how it happens, but I agree with the Natalie going part ☺
People actually took an intrest in Chima? the reverse racist, what did she have to say?
My thoughts for the mystery door is...
Kevin has to keep whats behind the door a secret from other HGs, so that he can watch and listen to DR sessions in it.
ohhh wow.. could also be a secret trip to the taping/contestant of another show.. thats been done before too.. a game show actually.
Or maybe Ross is going to do a private interview with him... well I suppose my guess is as good as anyones.. lol
Syn i am 100% with you on that one, i really would like that to happen in a perfect world.
Woah, I'm confused...what is this I'm reading about a secret room? Did I miss something? Or am I understanding wrong?
I am sooo content so far i mean hopefully Jordan doesnt win pov so michelle can leave the house thennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn may the best person win...ermmm (Nat or Kev for the money stilll but i wont mind Jeff or Jordan as long as michelle's not in the picture...AM FINE :-D )
Ragz - I haven't, and unless she's being honest and owning up to calling Russell a Muslim Extremist Terrorist, I'm not interested in a single thing she has to say.
Carol I want to thank you for doing all that you do! LOL even though you find it LOL necessary to filter me @ times
:) Thanks, Tallen :)
I'm so tired of hearing Natalie talk about how she can win "for sure" She's trying to convince Kevin that if its a memory competition next week she will win "for sure"!
She's all talk and no action . . . but her talk is good, I'll give her that!
It's not so much Kevin saying but Natalie saying we are going to put up Jeff and Michele. Putting up Jeff though they break their deal with him. I know they are going to do it anyway but look out for Russel's twin. I have feeling we will be seeing "bad" Jeff again real soon.
Hey everyone! I've been lazy the past few days and haven't posted... As always Carolyn,Genie and the whole gang are AWESOME!
I love me some Jeff and Jordan, but they have gotten crazy these past 2 weeks.
Natalie is already talking up Kev for nominations... I kind of think he will put up Michelle and Jeff.
I love the way Nat was saying she could win a memory comp... Honey, you haven't won ANYTHING the whole season! What makes you think you can win that... ride those coattails honey.
Muah to everyone!
Syn928 In my ideal world
That is the way I would love for it to go also... I so want to see Nat walk out of that house next week -- If I have to listen to here for the rest of the season, I think I would just follow the blog and forget the feed.
Better Kev than Nat. Glad he gets to see his Hubby and a letter. Ok Natalie, already starting with the "we" stuff. I hope Kevin uses his own mind this week ans makes his own decisions. And another thing..lol.. Natalie says every week how she is "going to win" but of course, she doesn't! Ok, well, I am off for the night. Good night everyone!
Ah.. A dr leak
Aww, I am so happy Kevin gets to see him Hubby :)
Natty's already got is ear for gaming. Oye Vey. Let the man enjoy the moment & relax a bit!
Russell went out like a class act IMO. That was nice he didn't do what they all expected them to do.
Oooh oooh, big time DR leak with Jeff!
Thanks ejafanador! I must have turned it off before she said that!
Hey, was that just a DR leak where Jeff was talking about getting rid of Russell?
Oh no. Michele is crying. She is hurt but she was crying before she noticed the boo boo. She's losing it. She knew she had to win this one. Not going to be a good week for her, again.
Syn, I am with you 100%! Whoever of J/J/M are not on the block needs to win the POV, so Kevin has no choice but to put up Natalie. And then since it will be two of that side voting, Natalie could totally walk out the door and it won't be Kevin's fault.
Poor Michelle, she just needs a good old fashioned cry, let it go sweetie and then dust yourself off and keep going!
I just walked into my bedroom from getting a snack to find Michele crying. Don't give up girl fight like hell for that POV!!
My 3yr old is watching with me in disbelief.
Michelle is having a come apart party in the splish splash!
Syn928 said...
In my ideal world, that would be Michele and Jordan on the block. With Jeff winning the POV, saving Jordan, forcing Kevin to renom Natalie. Then the only two votes would be Jeff and Jordan, voting to get Natalie out.
That would be an ideal world. Except I think that J&J would evict Michele, not Natalie. Which is quite unfortunate....
walk away and come back and poor lil Michele is crying........why4?
awwwwwww man i dont like to see Michelle crying :(
and there was a DR leak with Jeff in there.. did u guys hear it?
ohhh i feel sooo sorry for Michele. I hate to see anyone cry like that. Poor girl. my heart goes out to her.
Awww poor Michele - i really think agp screwed up this season putting emotionaly weak players in the game. Chima with the rapist being exicuted and Michele with the loss of her brother.
Omgosh i on the brink of tears myself. I can't believe she's breaking down.
Come on Michele! You have so many people rooting for you please don't give up!
Carolyn and Genie!!!! Fantastic coverage as always.
Carolyn said...
Ragz - I haven't, and unless she's being honest and owning up to calling Russell a Muslim Extremist Terrorist, I'm not interested in a single thing she has to say.
Totally agree Carolyn. I think if I subscribed to People Mag, I would definitely cancel it, and I am certainly not going to give the interview URL a hit... nor a hit on anything People related.
Natalie, Natalie, NATALIE! Always an excuse for not winning a comp.
I sure hope Kevin uses his own plan and not hers. Put up Jeff and Jordan up and then worry about PoV. That J/J DieNasty has to come to an end. THIS WEEK.
Just jumped back on the feeds and Michelle is in pieces... I feel so bad for her... I can relate to her and know when I am upset I have to cry and get it out before I can get my emotions under control.. can only image the stress she is in!!!
Mark!!!!! Woof.. just WOOF!
I feel so bad for Michele....don't give up! Fight like crazy...
poor baby Michele. she needs to release a little pent up emotion.
I hope Jeff & Jordan can now see (after nominations) that Natalie & Kevin are coming after Jeff.
somehow play the POV so that Kevin has to put up Natalie & J/J/M have the votes. perfect situation
Michelle is crying because she knows with K/N in charge, she will be on the block for sure, whether she goes to the JH, we will see!
How sad, someone throw her a tissue!
This must be killing her husband to see her crying and to not be able to comfort her :-(
Why is my homegirl crying? It's OK Michele...America likes you and wants you to win this game. Just hang in there!!!
My heart is breaking for Michele right now. Crying her heart out in the green room. All the smirking in the kitchen between Jeff and Jordan and all the nastiness in the other room with K/N. Everyone send her good thoughts!!!
Hi Carolyn! Hey Genie! I need to ask you a question if you dont mind! :)
I'm so sad for Michelle. Crying and all alone. Not a close friend or ally in the house. She's been nothing but loyal to J/J and for them, she's just a stepping stone. Come on Michelle. Pull it together and go make a final deal with Kevin!!!
Go Michelle!!!
Awww, it's so heart-breaking watching Michele. *huggies* sweetie. We all know you are strong. Get it all out and then fight like the banshee we know you are! You've won more comps than any woman in there. And I think you've tied Jeff with the wins too. You can save yourself this week!
Syn928 said...
In my ideal world, GaYToR would move to Alabama and live right next door to me.
LMAO! I love doing that to his posts!
hey all...
Hey, what's with the tears?? Michelle has held it together all this time, this is not the time to give up.
Get it out, get up, and get back in the game.
Look at the miracle Nat and Kevin pulled off this past week?? Who would have ever thought they could be in this position this week?? Who knew?????
I think the POV will get to choose the renom this week and or the hoh is offered money to step down but keep one nom!? Am packing and trying to find friend to keep smooch (rescue dog). Still wish Russell spilled his guts about Nats eviction plans, he took the high road.
Poor Michelle! :(
I dont think Kevin will let Natalie run the HOH. He may let her think she is but he will end up doing what is best for himself. I don not think Kevin is that stupid...
Also if Nat and Michele end up on the block after veto, I would think Michele will be evicted...
Again, also..haha...If Natalie is in the final 2, she will have a good chance of winning the whole thing. She has not won anything really, not gotten her hands dirty and is a great liar and manipulator...
lets all give Michelle a group hug looks like she really needs one..Let it all out Michelle talk to us and then dust it off and come back hard and win it!!!
I'm taking a local news break. Syn can breathe for a bit.
I'll be back before the HoH Reveal.
I wonder what reaction Jeff will have to being put on the block?
Sure, Michael. Go for it.
Definitely agreeing with the group hug on Michele!!!!
boricua_de_ojosverdes did you say in one of your old posts that you were in Fort Lee (NJ)?? if so hey there neighbor.
shake it off Michelle be stong!!!!
OK, group Dish hug for Michele! I hope her hubby isn't seeing this. But maybe a good cry is just what she needs right now.
I'll leave the feeds playing, but I'm pretty sure I'll be fast asleep by the time HoH reveal comes.
Gaytor - hugs my BFF! ♥
Genie and Carolyn ♥♥♥♥♥ Great job as usual. So sorry I haven't been overly sociable, been very busy and I am oh so very tired...I feel like I am never going to get a good sleep again!
Good night everyone. Catch up with all of you sometime tomorrow ☺
If Michelle would look in the mirror more, maybe she wouldn't cry so much. Cos she looks smokin' hot and she's got brains too! No worries she'll be fine.
Its almost time for round 2 of meds folks. Consider this your 30 min warning :P
I'm hoping that Nat goes this week. She is just too bossy already. She might be the reason she gets sent to the jury house.
BTW Has anyone else noticed that on Jordan's blog the pics that are included are Jordan, Michelle, Kevin, and Jeff. Things that make you go hmmmm .
This may come off really mean but....i feeel sooooo greatttt seeing michelle in so much pain.....like i never thrive off people's hurt or pain...but this case is different...tht's how much i dislike her.
She doesnt deserve to even be on the show talk less of being in the jury house or 25k or 50k or 500k. She deserves nothin!....i have never disliked a houseguest or a contestant in a reality tv show this much...well on the bright side, i havent used the word 'hate' lol......YET!
Is Michele in the room crying by herself or someone else in there too??
What was said in the DR leak???
Thanks for the answers. I havent checked the blog yet, been reading up on comments and commenting myself...
I have this new website and would like to spread the word. How do I?
Slick - What about her stirs your ire so much? As far as not deserving to be there... the only HG who has won as much as her is Jeff. Not more, as much. 2 PoVs and 1 HoH.
Poor Michelle. I agree with the group hug. Her poor nose is all red and swollen. :o( I hope they don't isolate her.
Michael - You work your ass off for years and years, and the word spreads.
WOW Slick...
why so much dislike on Michele?
Slick - takes all kinds and your opinions are just one among many here but please lets not use the hate word. Share the love people :0)
Slick, I don't understand the hate Michele thing, she has been lied about and stabbed in the back all season, she has done nothing the rest haven't done and doesn't even compare to Nat and Kevin for the lies they have told.
I think she must have a thick hide to still be there. I would have cried everyday that I was there if I were treated the way she has been... OMG -- Keven just said he felt like he had just had the best sex of his life.. LOL
"If it's a talking competition" LMAO
Just brilliant!!!!!!!
So best case this week: Jordan wins POV, saves Jeff, Natalie goes up, Natalie goes home.
I got a beef. How come when i buy the store brand version of trail mix it doesn't taste very nice but the expensive stuff tastes fine? Seriously how can you screw up trail mix?
Slick ~ Michele has effectively been able to play between 2 sides of the house this entire time. She's been able to deflect targets away from her and onto other people. She has thrown people under the bus when needed to protect herself a week further. She's in a tie for most wins in the house w/ Jeff. She made Chima D.O.R. (that is reason for celebration in and of itself).
Soooo...you don't like her personality? Can't be the gameplay cause she has been playing pretty good thus far; she is in the F5!
~ Ryan ~
tg -
The DR leak was Jeff telling about how happy and satisfied he was about getting Russell out of the house. He was very exuberant.
No big secrets.
It's funny.. the only HG who is different in the DR this whole season is Kevin. He is game on all the time outside the DR. I think the difference is what I like most about him.
Slick said...
This may come off really mean but....i feeel sooooo greatttt seeing michelle in so much pain.....like i never thrive off people's hurt or pain...but this case is different...tht's how much i dislike her.
You're right. It did.
These flippin fishes are starting to annoy me. All chilled out then the damn music starts and scares the poop out of me every time!
Thou shalt not cry whilst Jordan is in the house :)
(((((((((((( To Michele from all the BBDishers that love you ))))))))))))
Stay strong gf... get to the end.. u can do this!!!!!
(((((((((((( To Michele from all the BBDishers that love you ))))))))))))
Stay strong gf... get to the end.. u can do this!!!!!
Slick....why are you hating on Michele so much? She has been loyal to J/J...has endured so much lying and backstabbing from everyone from Russell, Ronnie, Natalie and even her 'buddies' Jeff and Jordan. My heart goes out her. I can't believe you can't have some sympathy for her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good to see Michele get out a good cry and get back at it.
{{{{Hugs Michele}}}
Looks like everyone is coming out to the red room. I wondered about that.
Slick = Ronnie?
No Patty...I'm in Ft.Lee, Virginia!! My hubby is in the military and he is stationed here for 2 years...then to our next duty station!!!
Slick\Ronnie that was awful that's about as nice as I can be for this persons comment
Now wouldnt it be a hoot if Slick was aka Ronnie the rat LOL
i am sorry but it think jef and jordon would b back stabbers and i it did end up nat and michele on the block they would vote out michelle. they think she is stronger and they don't truly like her(by the way they speak). remember they think russ was the last liar in the house. and j/j have been talking about taking nat to F3 b/c they are convinced they could beat her. i will still bet anyone nat can pull out a final endurance comp win. the girl is as confident as she is for a reason.
Don't hate - procreate!
♫ I feel it in my fingers
I feel it in my toes
Love is all around me
And so the feeling grows
It is written on the wind
Thats everywhere I go
So if you really love me
Come on and let it show
You know I love you
I always will
My mind's maid up
By the way that I feel ♫
Eddie - not if he wanted his comment published :0)
This will most likely be the morphomatic veto right?
WendyLady33 Said: "Slick = Ronnie?"
Hysterical! That made me laugh actually, lol! Ronnie would think he's slick...
~ Ryan ~
@ Wendy LOL noooo am not Ronniee
@Michelle fans, I commend Michelle for she is a very strong competitor but Ryan got it.....i do not like her personality (i shouldnt use this to judge her game play... i kno that.. but i cant seem to look past it)
My opinion guys! :-D
Man, I'm really having trouble writing a post. I keep starting and deleting it because I think it would come off wrong.
I just worry about Michele some times. It was said that she claimed to be bipolar to a HG(kevin?) and it may just be BS but she does hit alot of highs and lows.
I'm not afraid that anything bad is going to happen to her but I just wish she had a better support system around her.
well Kevin winning is a bit of a surprise but really since Ronnie is gone Jweff or Jordan i would like to see win but even with them its so -so. I am already looking to next season. BB11s boring me.
Isn't that funny, Nat says with 5 in there they need to keep it clean. (The red room) I have thought several times this season that that house is the messiest that I have ever seen. The bathroom looks like its never touched. Just think what it would look like if Michele didn't clean it all the time.
Whoooooaaa. What's with the Mishy hatred? She isn't the most personable of the HGs, but I can't for the life of me tyhink of anything that she's done that would create such negativity.
So glad to see the gai boi finally do sumpin -- and during an endurance comp., no less. Way to go, Kev.
I've posted a chop honoring Kev's win (and hopefully his creating an alliance with Michele).
Chop is at:
If you don't want Michele to win, or have even an ounce of joy while in the house, you won't like it. However, there are many others you might enjoy.
Thanx, Carolyn, Genie, et al. for the updates and thanx also to the commenters. If I haven't said it before (extremely UNlikely), this is the best BB site. Love the general respect of other's opinions that you demand. It makes for a much more enjoyable experience.
The many and varied comments lead one to think about things/HGs in many different perspectives, many of which might not otherwise occur.
Sorry Houseguests, no luxury competition this week, not enough time on the Sunday show. Most likely F4.
Damn its so hard inhere to know which boys girls are allowed to hit on.....sheesh can we do a list or something for us not with a radar ???
At least if they're all in one room the scheming will be limited to HOH.
Only radar i got is a squadie one :0/
There's that dress that Natalie has on in that one commercial they always show.
Great minds think alike! It takes me so long to post on this phone! Ronnie be gone. I am. hoping there is some magic left in the house for my F3.
I have to put my two or three cents in here. I am on the Jeff train all the way but also LOVE Michelle. So....here's the perfect scenario. Kevin exposes himself (no, not like that!) by nominating Jeff and Jordan. Michelle then wins POV and saves Jeff. Kevin is then forced to nominate Natalie and Jeff having a new found faith in Michelle joins her to vote Natalie out. As all of this is happening, archeologists find the remains of unicorns, Bigfoot gets his own sitcom and I finally am crowned Queen of England as I so richly deserve. Then men in white coats give me happy pills, a snug little wrap around jacket and sing me to sleep!
I'm so glad Russell is gone. What a freak. Carolyn, YOU ROCK!!!
I'm trying to hold out for HOH reveal but I'm not sure I can hang....hurry up already.
Kevin - excellent point...
Everyone - let's let the Michele love rule and not comment further on that, k?
WendyLady33 said:
"Damn its so hard inhere to know which boys girls are allowed to hit on.....sheesh can we do a list or something for us not with a radar ???"
I would guess it's no different here than anywhere in the "real" world -- you make your initial gesture and you will know from the response. That's probably the most honest and open way, anyway.
I've also noticed that many of the commenters seem to be not shy in the least about being up front as to their own particular likes or dislikes.
Good luck. Hope you don't encounter too much agony in your search for a "hitable" guy. ;p
Kevin is no idiot. Only an idiot in his position would not nominate Jeff and Michelle, as they are the two most likely to win the POV and save their self. Jordan will then go up and one of the three will go home.
If Jeff does not win the POV, he is gone.
Kegas77 ~ She lost her brother 6 months before the show too. I would have been a basket case every day. Let alone compete in comps.
Michelle has put up with a lot from every single HG. She doesn't have good social skills & doesn't like confrontation so she gets very nervous when she is questioned about anything which unfortunately has served as a disadvantage to her game. Because of the lies about her that others believe & the fact she can't speak her mind well makes her look shady but that's all it does is make her look that way but that doesn't mean she is. But, I think she has played a fine game. She took a long time to get into the game & to survive this far after not really getting much done at the beginning I feel deserves kudos. Another disadvantage she has is because she took longer to get into the game she didn't really get the chance to pair up w/ anyone. Russell was her last hope. That is why she cried when he got nominated because she felt she finally had that partner & now he would be gone. I hope she gets her game back on & gives it all she's got. I still want to see either Jeff, Jordan or Michelle win this. I wouldn't be disappointed if Kevin won but I am disappointed that he has chosen to pair himself w/ Nat & listen to her every word. And, although most are hoping he will do what is best for himself he will have Nat in his ear the whole week. He didn't have a chance to savor his win without her starting to talk game & start with the "WE". He will not do what Kevin wants he will do what Nat & Kevin want.
Berdache Bear
Awesome chop of Kevin and Michele.
Exactly what I was thinking, Genie!
Okay I HAVE to say this I want Michele to win this game sooo bad!
And with certain comments that were made now more than ever!
here we go. the complete trashing of michele. jeff is a tool. i am over him. go home jeff
Goodnight Everyone! Hope tomorrow's noms are not too stressful for everyone!
Kristina @ 8:56pm
Then men in white coats give me happy pills, a snug little wrap around jacket and sing me to sleep!
I would be in the padded room next to you because that would be my perfect scenario too!!!
I've never been crazy about Michele in the game, but as a person in reality I think I would like her. I think she's really tough to deal with all that she has been through in the BB house.
No matter what I think of her when I see someone in pain like that my heart goes out to them. I wish she could find out how many people are pulling for her.
Nightie night Syn!
All Nat talks about is what she would do IF she won....
Syn - Good night! Sleep well!!!
Good night Syn!
Berdache Bear - i just wanna know cause i'd hate to step on Gaytors toes LOL
nite nite, syn :)
Oh Michele bashing again? Is it 9:00 already? Jeez, it's like freakin clockwork with these people.
Gotta go to bed. Nighty Night Peeps, and I will talk to you all tomorrow!
~ Ryan ~
Nite Ry
Have a feeling this will be yet another week of flashbacks with all the continued Michele bashing.
Jeff and Jordan are going to feel so stupid, I hope.
Eddie - i soooo would not watch feeds of the jury house with Lydia and Jessie doing their thang ewwwwwww.
Well its nite nite for me, long day of double work so I can cut out to drive to NO! You guys have a great night and weekend. Let there be peace in the BB house and on earth.Much love from me, hubby(Joel), and smoochie(rescue dog)
I really want Michele to win. She hasn't been nearly as mean as the other house guests.
Nightie night Ry!!
When Natalie speaks I put it on mute and it makes me not want to watch the show.
Nite, ReneeP ! :)
Good Night Ry !
Geez, I guess I haven't paid very good attention. I have missed half the people here tonight and now they're saying good night.
I'll wake up when Genie/Carolyn say last call!
Nightie night Reneep!
hey Marci :)
Hi MsFitz! :)
Wendy you can flirt with me anytime you want.
WL33-- I'd be willing to bet The GaYToR's toes have been trod on plenty (as have mine). He seems to be generous of heart and wouldn't whip you too fiercely with his tail -- unless that is what you would want him to do. lol
Hi Carolyn ~ you hangin'? Guess I missed that too! LOL Sorry!
Maybe my meds are working better than I thought.
Say what you will about Natalie, but she seems to be playing the best game right now. She lies, manipulates, starts fights, and still comes out looking all innocent. So far everyone in the jury house would probably vote for her. There is probably a reason why she wasn't trying to win HOH. Why should she when she can manipulate Kevin into doing the dirty work, thereby making her look clean to the next person to walk out the door. As much as I dislike her, I think she has a chance to win this and if she does, she deserves it.
Go team Michelle!
Michigan Man - woohoooo!!! I got me some meat to play with lol
Hey baby whatcha wearing???
LOL i love my meds!
Thanx, MM. Glad you liked it.
I'm thinking Kevin & Nat are laying it on a little thick about getting Michelle out. Is it because I kind of already know they want to get out Jeff?
Hi Carolyn!!! ☺
Michigan Man - just in case my first post gets rejected - mauuuhhhh! Thank you for letting me flirt with ya!!
eddie--oh i agree! jessie is the biggest. i as just first disappointed in jeff and now am just over jeff. his michelle bashing (especially about the things he THinkS she is lying about)that she actually isn't. he is nasty and spiteful abour her and its gross. i hope she wins veto and jordon goes up. and jeff goes home! and believe me jeff be pissed when they put him up, even as a pawn after they swore under no circumstances would he go up. he's too dumb to realize they will take him out!
Just finished watching the live show on the west coast. The house is going to be less dramatic now that Russell is gone.
I then get on the feeds, and the endurance comp is over. Thank goodness for Carolyn and the Flashback feature on the feeds! :)
Now that Kevin is HOH, I hope that whoever isn't nominated (out of Jeff, Jordan and Michele) gets the veto uses it and hopefully Natalie will go home.
I predict that the mystery door allows the HOH to listen in on DR sessions or allows them to watch live footage (like the spy screen with sound).
Kevin's hate on Michele has to come from Natalie. She has never done or said anything against him or nasty to him. The only way I will respect him if he is his own HOH. If he lets Nat run it then Kevin is as useless as he has seemed. He was Lydia's puppet and now is Nat's.
i hope and pray the hoh twist throws everything up in the air!
does anyone have a good guess, like for real, what it might be?
:) Hi :)
Genie!!!!! Loving the transcribing as always :0)
Just as a head's up I will be opening up a new post when the HOH reveal happens in about 20 minutes.
I'm toast!
Gnite everyone!!!!
I'll see you in the morning with the you know what. ;)
I leave you in Genie's loving care...
Nightie night Carolyn!
I'm assuming that Michele is in DR either crying or talking to the shrink. They will probably blame her for delaying Kevin's HOH reveal.
Lydia is going to be in Lydia heaven being in the JH alone with Jessie & Russell.
Thanks Wendy :)
Good night Carolyn!
Sleep tight don't let the houseguests keep you up at night. :)
Night Carolyn
Sweet Dreams
Michele has to win veto or I am soo done with these mean-spirited people. Jeff is such a jerk I don't understand how he has so many fans. Beauty is on the inside IMO and he is UGLY.
Wendy after that all I got is ;D
Unfortunately I missed the "early show" and the HOH on the feeds.
Got home to watch the CBS show (WC) and read all the comments.
Not happy with the "edit" in the show, or the HOH, but HOPE that Kevin starts thinking for himself!
Can't stand the way they go after Michelle. She needs to win POV (I'm sure she will be up) and Jeff needs to be "GOT" this week.
Michelle/Kevin for F2 with Michelle for the win!!!
Just a question: why doesn't Kevin just put up J/J for eviction? This will get them to turn on each other and if one of them wins POV, the other is still out.
Good night Carolyn!
Michigan Man - i promise it wont hurt! I'm nothing like Gaytor!
I bet the mystery door will be access behind all the 2 way mirrors in the house. Kevin can snoop on everyone from behind the walls.
I don't understand all of the Michele bashing that Jeff and Jordan have been doing. Of all the remaining houseguests she's been on their side the whole time.
I really didn't want to see Kevin win HoH, but congrats to him for pulling it off.
I think Kevin will nominate Jeff and Michele because they are the two strongest players. I sure hope Michele can win PoV and take herself off the block, which would force Kevin to renom Jordan.
Unless Kevin sees Natalie as a threat and turns on her. Doubtful, but one can hope, you know?
Nzinga - That would be great but too bold a move for Kevin. Unless there is a Kevin hidden all this time...
After a week and a half Michele bashing Jeff wrote this on his blog.
deep down i think she is a great person and means well, and by the way she looks great!
Plus there is that great picture of Michele with Jeff in that hot outfit when they took pics.
Him saying that on the blog and what he says in the house confuses me big time.
If Team Jeff/Jordan/Michele can somehow work it so that the one NOT nominated wins the Veto, & uses it on one of the noms, Kevin will be forced to renominate Natalie, & Karma will be a BIG OLE B! buh bye Natalie.
I think that the DR must be getting a lot of good material out of Michele, or she is having a breakdown.
I hope they coach her up a bit, tho. She needs to stick it to Natalie & somehow be involved in getting her evicted.
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AOH time!!!! Bring it BB!!!
Hello? Anybody here? :)
I'm here......i think i'm here :0)
YAY! Wendy! :)
Back in time for the reveal. Yay!
I'm here or there when the new post pops up.
We're all waiting for the new post, I think, since they revealed Kev's HOH room
Kevin had a good letter.
Awwww, that letter was soooo sweet. I'm crying w/ Kev!! I hope he lets the words of that letter sink in.
Does Natalie ever stop talking?!?!?!?
Look at all those twinkies.
I wonder if they will revel the twist tonight! please please
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