Saturday Afternoon
4:58pm BBT
BB: Houseguests, the lockdown is over. You are now free to move about the house.
The wee vampire hgs haven't moved much yet, but they will, now that the backyard is open and they can go out and play.
5:04pm BBT
Kevin and Chima
Kevin just about has it all figured out, and he shares what he thinks with Chima. First off, Lydia's getting antsy about staying up on the block, because she doesn't feel comfortable that she'll have enough votes to stay. Chima offers to have a group meeting upstairs to calm Lydia's nerves.
Moving right along, Kevin is just about sure that Jeff is the Wizard, and that he'll save Russell and put Jessie and Natalie up on the block. Kevin's logic is sound, and his feeling is right on the mark. Looking at it from Jeff's angle, taking Russell down, he gains a strong ally. Leaving him up to be evicted, suddenly it's the whole house against him and Jordan.
Chima says she will flip out if the power really is to completely usurp her HoH power... She will go nuts on the live show, and now threats: if she reviews the live feeds and finds out that Jeff somehow notified Russell via some secret handshake or something, "I know people in the media."
And cue the fishies...
5:29pm BBT
Lydia & Michele
Searching the have not approved garden for goodies...

5:30pm BBT
Chima and Lydia
Pleasant chatter about breakfast food and Canters - a terrific classic L.A. deli/diner. All about food...
5:31pm BBT
Kevin's on the couch. Jeff's sitting on the big silver box, smoking a cigarette. Silence...

Cam 1 & 2
Jeff joins Kevin on the couch..
Kevin: Jeff, in a hypothetical world, would you use a given power if you or Jordan were not on the block?
Jeff: Whaddya mean?
Kevin: Hypothetically.
Jeff: Are you talking about the veto or the magic power?
Kevin: The Magic power.
Jeff: I guess it would depend what it was.
Kevin describes it to a tee.
Jeff: Are you trying to tell me something?
Kevin laughs.
Jeff: I guess I'd have to think about it... I've thought about it... I've thought about a lot of scenarios. For me it's harder, because i've just started to get my nose clean again..
Kevin; And then to stir it all up.
Jeff: Right.
Kevin: Did you ever think I was against you?
Talk turns to an earlier time when Lydia turned on Jeff...

In the 30 seconds of flipping between feeds, it's now Michele out back on the couch with Jeff, explaining what went down yesterday, and seeking answers from him as well...
Natalie: I think she doesn't have it. I think she's paranoid as hell that Jeff has it and he's gonna take Russell off.
Jeff joins Kevin on the couch..
Kevin: Jeff, in a hypothetical world, would you use a given power if you or Jordan were not on the block?
Jeff: Whaddya mean?
Kevin: Hypothetically.
Jeff: Are you talking about the veto or the magic power?

Jeff: I guess it would depend what it was.
Kevin describes it to a tee.
Jeff: Are you trying to tell me something?
Kevin laughs.
Jeff: I guess I'd have to think about it... I've thought about it... I've thought about a lot of scenarios. For me it's harder, because i've just started to get my nose clean again..
Kevin; And then to stir it all up.
Jeff: Right.
Kevin: Did you ever think I was against you?
Talk turns to an earlier time when Lydia turned on Jeff...
5:40 - Kevin and Jeff's conversation is ongoing. Michele is now jogging in the yard, passing by them every 30 seconds or so.
Jeff tells Kevin the story of his game so far...

Kevin: I just want this week to be over, so this mystery power goes away...
Jeff: I've been really stressed about that too, because my key was last, so if anyone comes down, I'm next up.
Kevin: Do you think you would go home next to Russell?
Kevin: Do you think you would go home next to Russell?
Jeff: I would hope not.
Kevin: Is Michele naked?
Jeff: No.. her shorts are just up her ass...
Talk turns to their partners thus far in the game... Kevin says we're all individuals...
Jeff: (to Michele) If you heard us say something, and it's confusing to you, please ask us first, and don't go to someone saying "I think I heard"
Michele says that's not how she operates...
5:46pm BBT
Kevin continues gently prodding, and Jeff continues deftly evading...
5:53pm BBT
Cam 3 & 4
Chima and Lydia
This conversation has been going on about as long as the one outside. I recommend checking it out on flashback. I will be... From what I can gather just hopping into it now, Chima is trying to reassure Lydia of her safety, whilst on the block.
As the real power this week is actually held by Jeff, and Kevin has it all just about figured out, I'm heading back out there with them.
In the 30 seconds of flipping between feeds, it's now Michele out back on the couch with Jeff, explaining what went down yesterday, and seeking answers from him as well...
6:16pm BBT
Green Room
Jessie & Natalie
Natalie: I can't f-ck her over like that... Plus, if she comes down, chances are Jeff'll go up, 'cause she's friends with Michele now...
Talk is all about Jessie potentially leaving... and Jeff and the power...
Natalie: Y'know what he told michele? He said that I'm intimidating people in the house against using the power.
Jessie: Also, he never denied that he had it again.. He was just making jokes about something else... As long as someone else besides Jordan or jeff went home, he was fine with it. It would really screw her over if he used it.
***Answer me this, Jessie and Natalie, if Jeff were HoH and you had the power, what would you do? Would you use it, or would you seek to accomodate the HoH?
Jessie: He's got balls. Jordan said, "I think it's either Kevin, Michele or Jeff."

Jessie: You still wanna put Lydia up the first chance you get?
Natalie: If I won next week, yes. And if she got down, Jordan.
Jessie: Russell said, if I go home, all the girls are coming after you, and Jeff and Jordan too.
Natalie: Well then you need to go talk to Jeff, and tell him what Russell said, and that way he doesn't use the power.
Natalie puts forth theories and instructions to the point where you can see pained expressions on Jessie's face as he tries to follow.
They keep spinning and spinning... trying to figure out ways to manipulate Jeff into not using the power.
***I keep wondering how much longer till the next smackdown... 1 hour? 2 hours?
WOW at Chima's idle threats. She knows someone in the media?? Is this girl for real?? It seems like everyone has it figured out... I hope nothing goes wrong, I hope Jeff doesn't accidentally say something and lose his Wizardly Power, and I hope Chima really does freak out on live TV. I'm getting too antsy, this week is going to be a long one.
I'm starting to wonder if Jeff will really use the Coup D'Etat or not.
Wouldn't you know I just sent to the last post and a new one opened. That is the third time today. So this time I am just saying, Hello-Glad Nat didn't win today and ecstatic that Jesse didn't get to play. I am sure he will say it was rigged.
Chima is a regular Jane Doe who signed many contracts to get on the show. Like she can sue CBS becuz she "knows people in the industry"
ooooooooooo I'm sure they are so scared of her. Not.
Can't they tell her to stop with the threats? Geez, talk about terroristic.
Sure is quiet in here!
Oh, Lovely Caro, I just got back and saw the picture I begged for!
Hey there! These two are making me nervous ... Whole house against Jeff & Jordan?! Really?!
In that case, there's nothing left to lose and everything to (possibly) gain ...
*Using Jedi mind trick*
Use the power
Use the power
Jeff, Use the power
All together now ...
Use the power
Use the power
My GOD I was afraid Jeff was accidentally going to tell. I'm afraid he might have said too much. And he needs to talk to Michele to repair their alliance because she continuously threw him under the bus in HOH last night. I wish Kevin would wise up and Join Team Jeff. Stupidest move ever if he doesn't...
How do y'all think this is gonna go down?? I think I'm getting paranoid like they are!
I keep losing more and more Jeff love everday :( Jordan needs to quit sleeping as much and putt him in his place!
I'd like to see how Jordan plays without Jeff there. :D
Kevin & Jeff meeting on the couches is like MENSA for Big Brother
Not too worried about Jeff using the power or spilling the beans.
Dan kept the secret a looooooong time last year and he did fine.
If you remember the conversation Jeff had with Jordan a couple of nights ago, he was adamant about putting Jessie up "first chance he got".
Sure hope I'm right about this!! But, it's only Saturday.
I'm getting lost again. Are Chima and Lydia best friends now?
I don't have the live feeds so I an like addicted to your site.... thank you!! thank you!! thank you!!
I love your blog you do a great job!
Now I have a question Does Jeff dislike Jessie and Natalie as much as we all do? and Do you think he would actually use the CDT knowing it could hurt next week ???
Love you guys
Michele's "exercising" (aka eavesdropping and awkwardly moaning a little too much) is driving me crazy. "That's not how I operate" my butt!
So, who is Chima threatening with her "I know people in the media" garbage? Jeff? Russell? Julie? CBS?
And really, what good could it do? I'm so confused as to why she would even say that. It sounds as empty as when I threaten to leave my kids by the side of the road when they just won't stop fighting in the car.
Oh, and Carolyn? If you don't publish my comment, I KNOW people on the internet.
Carolyn, I see you scoured the feeds for that Jeff pic, lol.
Everyone knows that Jeff is the CDE winner by now. These threats and stuff from Chima are actually starting to get funny. Natalie saying that there was a deal for Jeff not to use the power is almost laughable as well. It shall be interesting to see if Jeff uses the power or not.
~ Ryan ~
Is it bad that I'm DYING to see Chima freak the heck out on Eviction Night?
I can't decide which I'd love to see more: her conniption fit or Jessie's departure.
Hello Everyone!
I decided to make myself Legit and no longer be just a lurker!
The Former Lurky Lu!
You sent your congrats & kind words in the last post Bluex1969, so wanted to thank you very much in the current one :-)
Chima is really starting to tick me off. Exactly WHO does this little Diva think she IS? Now CBS is supposed to shake in their boots because the big bad Chima "knows people in the media"?
HELLO! CBS is a major network TV station dumbass. I'm sure they have NO connections whatsoever, you certainly trump CBS with your little post it note back home on your desk with the name "Bob" on it as your link to the media......
Girl please, stop embarrassing yourself.................
You're staring to pick up with the arrogance where Jessie left off last season, get over yourself because many of us viewers certainly already have...........
I'm getting nervous with Kevin and Jeff talking. I hope he doesn't say too much to make the power void. I also hope he still plans to use it.
I am loving Lydia and Chima getting along. I haven't been watching the feeds much this season until today simply because I haven't had time. Watching the feeds I like I actually really like Lydia and like Chima even more. I was a HUGE michelle fan and still am, but maybe not as much. I was absolutely in love with Russell but now could really care less. And Jordan and Jeff I could go either way, but they aren't playing the game at all and as a BB fanatic, I don't like that so much. Although Jeff has a great sense of humor! He has some truely classic one liners!!
I wanna hear people's predictions as to what they think is going to happen. I have an inkling that Jeff is not going to use this power unless he really solidifies an alliance with Russell and Michele... or at least any one of them.
Jeff is kindly trying to give Michele strategy as to how to play the word game in the BB House. You can see Jeff's frustration with her on his face. Or maybe that is just his frustration in general, lol.
~ Ryan ~
Guys, I dont think Chima was trying to assert that she would use connections to sue CBS, I think she was implying that she has friends in the Media who could write unfavorable pieces against CBS. Not that it would have a huge effect, but I think the comment was more just venting anger than a true threat... it was pretty funny though!
Whats with all the Chima haters? I love her and her laugh even more!!
6:12 BBT: Jessee is in classic form, blaming everyone but himself for his impending eviction... and complaining about how unfair life is.
As Carolyn would say, Rinse, Lather and Repeat.
Ella said: Michele's "exercising" (aka eavesdropping and awkwardly moaning a little too much) is driving me crazy. "That's not how I operate" my butt!
My butt indeed! And the fact that Jeff called her on eavesdropping makes me hope that he is as smart as I hope he is.
All 4 feeds on Jess and Nat again!!!
I think the control room is seriously trying to drive us all batty!!!
If there is another All-Stars I really hope Jessie isn't brought back! I don't think I could take 3 seasons with him!!! I'm barely surviving 2!! ugh
Unless he was voted out week 1, teehee!!
Heya Gang! Checking in from ole' stuffy workplace, lol.
Loved the updates today, thanx so much Carolyn and Genie!
Loved all the limmercks, they were fantastic!
From what I've read today, I just wanted to throw in my thoughts. I don't really see where Jeff has any choice BUT to use the coup d'etat. He has to know that the plan is for Russell to go home this week. Who does that leave for him to align with? He knows that Jessie is full of shishi. He knows that with Chima's group he will be on the bottom. He HAS to make a power move, or else it's an almost certainty that it's the end of his game.
Hi EVeryone!!! :) Heads spinning yet?
I feel like Linda Blair.
Head not spinning, but about to spew pea soup......does that count? hehehe
Having just awakened from a long nap, I happily turned on realplayer to watch house guests and find out what happened in the Veto comp. Imagine how sad I am to find Jessie on ALL 4 FEEDS. Thankfully I could read your updates, but JEEZE, now I'm aggravated.
So Michele can't exercise without easedropping? My gosh, I hope the hgs are all butt ugly next season so people won't be so biased and 'kreizi over a bombon.
Anon @ 5:59, LOL!
Itcmek, your post was very reassuring! Thank you!
I was starting to think like Blue and wonder if Jeff will use the power or not.
Please I hope they have a DR where he talks about it tomorrow!
Sings to Carolyn:
You spin my head right round right round... when you go down, when you go downtown!
... But Stephen, that's exactly what Chima is doing!! Talking about how unfair it is if the power is used. Associating Russell with terrorists. Thinking and acting like she's GOD. That's whats up with all the Chima hate. I'm on that bandwagon...
I don't understand why a member of each alliance (one from Jessee/Natalie/Chima and one from Lydia/Kevin) doesn't just cooborate a story about Russell saying he is gunning hard after Jeff and Jordan and go to Jeff and Jordan and tell them each at separate times so it looks like Russell has been saying it to the entire house. That would be a way to get him to not use the power. Seems like everyone is fairly certain that he has it. Production should be a bit smarter about their timing of brining people into the DR and with how much frequency they do it.
why do they do that?
4 feeds Nat and Jessie???
and i can barely him either of them, much less keep up!!
Jeff will be strong in this I know he will....( pray he will lol ) I just hope Russell dont screw him in the end if he does take him down!
I feel like Jeff will use the power. Unless Russell just really turns Jeff off, I see Jeff using the power. Jeff was still on Russell's side after the whole Chima/Michele blowout, so it may have to be something extreme to turn Jeff away. i.e. ~ Attack on Jordan.
Jeff using the power will make everyone on that side of the house go after him. Guess what? After Russell left, they would have gone after Jeff anyways! I see Jeff using the power as a "he got to them before they got to him first" type of move. Sure Jeff/Jordan will go up the list as to who to go after in re: Chima/Natalie, but it would have been inevitable I feel.
Stephen ~ I find Chima to be very funny, but the empty threats she throws out in re: to her having friends in the biz or whatever are childish. Granted, I'd be a bit PO'd if my power was taken away at the last minute, but oh well. AGP/CBS will just keep her mic on mute come Thursday, lol.
~ Ryan ~
Hi Carolyn!
Carolyn said...
Hi EVeryone!!! :) Heads spinning yet?
I feel like Linda Blair.
My heads been spinning the whole season... I have thread marks now and can unscrew it at any time!!
I really really hope Jeff doesnt waiver!!
Hi All, I just got home about 10 minutes ago or so, how long have these two been the center of attraction... did the rest of the cameras go bad... gheeeze
Hi JLuvs :)
Hi Judy :)
Jessie would look fabulous in drag...
Blueeeeee :)
Jeff needs to put Natalie and Jesse up. Now is the time. Both have said they want him out. Send positive thoughts to him to do it. Kevin, if he doesn't use the POV, is the dumbest player ever. I mean, hasn't he ever watched BB before? Lydia needs to push for it more.
Good Evening Ladies and Gents,
I have been browsing the site and finally decided to check in with my Dish Family!
(((hugs))) all around.
Natalie just said (RE: mystery power) "This sucks, the week I should have felt 100% safe and now I have to worry." What am I missing? 'The' week-Which week hasn't she been able to feel 100% safe? Welcome to the game Natalie.
You complain about Lydia and Kevin not doing anything to play the game. Well, you have had the easiest ride of anyone. You haven't had to try, you haven't had to win and you have not had a moment of worry since Jesse walked through those doors.
Not so much fun now that you have to experience the same feelings you have enjoyed making other people feel, is it? That's o.k., it's fun for those of us who are watching.
Alyson, :)
Hi RubyRoo!!! :)
Anon @ 6:30: Of course Michele can exercise and eavesdrop...and Jeff can call her out on it if she's pretending she's not.
I don't know what's wrong with me.. I'm just beat tonight.
I'm LOL'ing at Natalie's stocking/socks!!! Didn't the Wicked Witch of the East have those exact same pair in the Wizard of Oz??
Did someone say smackdown??
I feel ya! That was me last night.
I spent the entire night fighting the urge to pop advil and hit the sheets.
I finally gave in a little after 11.
That is early for me.
OMG! The zoom-in-and-up of Natalie's fashion disaster of the day (including her striped knee socks) had my dying.
lol, blue
Hey, Rubyrooo! What's your take, will Jeff use his power or not?
Aw, Caro, I'm sorry. Have you not been riding today?
I didn't hear the terrorist comment... that is sort of messed up. But I think if all of you were in the house and someone used the Coup d'Etat on your nominations, you would all be so mad too. I know I would be!!
Blue, LMAO!
I am afraid we're not in Kansas anymore.
What the heck is Natalie wearing?
I also think that Jeff is the funniest houseguest ever.
Genie ~ Every time u say "smackdown", it happens! I guess we have to stay tuned to the feeds now! Evening All!
~ Ryan ~
Hello, My name is MsFitz & I am a BB addict!
I found a song for Jeff.
Keith Urban - I Wanna Kiss A Girl!
I really like the song & I have it on a CD. I was playing the CD the other day & again today & it immediately makes me think of Jeff & Jordan!!
Smackdown Genie's putting a new top post together. :)
Buckle up!! ;)
jluvs - i've gotten so few rides in with these HGs, it's pathetic. it's all i can do to finish the overnight before bb wakes them.
Uh oh......Hold on tight!!!! It's gonna be a bumpy ride!!!!
Okay, Jess(i)e just made me laugh hard with the puberty/FML comment.
How positive are you about a Saturday night smackdown?
Just wondering because if I am going to go through tis again I am seriously considering medicating myself. I want to make sure I give myself enough time for it to kick in.
I'm starting to feel like I am developing a case of the crazies.
Good evening everyone! Blue: I was thinking the same thing about Jeff not using the power. He probably doesn't want a target on his back. Especially since the others are starting to suspect. I wouldn't mind seeing Chima "freak out on live tv" though. Let everyone see how off-balanced she is. I think Jessie thought he was going to come in this season like the "experienced" HG and run the show. I bet he is disappointed his power is slipping!
Stephen Ritchie said...
I didn't hear the terrorist comment... that is sort of messed up. But I think if all of you were in the house and someone used the Coup d'Etat on your nominations, you would all be so mad too. I know I would be!!
August 8, 2009 6:50 PM
Stephen, u didn't hear the terrorist comment X3? How about the part where Chima said that only Republicans watch Big Brother or the part where Chima said that Jeff is in the mob because he has an Italian last name and is a Gemini? ( Yes, the same good ol' Chima who ripped Braden a new one on Live TV for being a judgmental racist ). Did you see those? It seems to me thar you missed the update from last night.
New Top Post!!! :)
Smackdown Genie's at the helm :)
Grendon: You have summed it up on Natalie. She has NOT won anything and her free ride is about to end. I think if Jeff uses "the power" he shoudl only put up Jessie OR Natalie, not both. Obviously they both cannot be evicted, so at least leaving one of them off might gain him a little bit of support. anyone agree? disagree? Waiting for the smackdown!
Gosh where is Jordan, why is Jeff by himself so much tonight?
I just started watching the feeds and such today... I have been really busy so only been watching the TV show. I didn't see any of that. I still like Chima though... I can't just stop liking someone for making rediculous comments.
I dont see how anyone (Chima) who claims to have been raped could wish it on another person (Russell)
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