Thursday Morning in the Big Brother 11 House
10:02am BBT - The feeds just cut to the BRB Control Room Screen and we can see the HGs getting up and moving around...
Wakey, Wakey House guests! It's time to get up and entertain the live feed viewers!!
Incidentally, if you haven't gone into flashback and viewed last night at 2am on camera 1 yet, it's *must* see for some serious out loud laughter. I'm definitely moving it to the top of the list on the flashback finds. Warning - it's not safe for work! Not even close! ;p You'll want to remove all minors from the room too...
10:15am BBT
Pool Room
Jeff, Michele & Jordan
Jeff zips up his suitcase and rolls it into the storage room, then he heads to the kitchen and pours himself some juice.
Jordan's working on closing hers a couple minutes later. She talks quietly with Michele about getting this day over with, then rolls her monster of a jam packed suitcase into the storage room, and straight back to the Pool Room she goes.
Around the house...
- Michele's lying awake in bed.
- Natalie's out cold, sleeping in the darkened Haves Room. She wakes up a minute later.
- Kevin's sleeping in the still dark HoH Room
- Jeff & Jordan are in the kitchen area. We can see behind Jeff that the backyard is locked down.
10:25am BBT
Jordan pours her juice and heads straight back to the Pool Room, without a word to Jeff...
Jordan: Now I feel bad.
Michele: Well, it was either you or him. You'll see him soon. Hopefully not in the jury house.
Jordan: Just feel bad.
Jeff comes back to bed and lies down under the covers next to Jordan.
10:27am BBT
BB: Kevin, have you changed your batteries?
Natalie goes up to the HoH landing and knocks on Kevin's door. No answer. She waits on the couch outside the door, comlplete with blanket...
The quiet in the pool room is awful.
At 10:30am, the silence is broken only by Jeff's sneezing... and the God Bless you that follows it.
Jordan takes her finger out of her mouth, turns over on her back, and she looks to be fighting back the tears that are welling in her eyes.
So far, so good.
Upstairs, Natalie's still camped out under her blanket on the couch on the HoH landing. No sign of Kevin.
10:37am BBT
Jordan's silent battle against the tears continues. Her eyes are very glossy. She closes them.
10:39am BBT - Control Room BRB Screen... Educated Guess = Production Voice: Umm, guys, we need you to head up to the HoH Room for lockdown.
10:41am BBT - HoH Lockdown
Michele's on the floor next to the bed. Kevin and Natalie are in the HoH Bed. Jeff's on the floor playing solitaire. Jordan puts herself in the chair...
Kevin: Do you wanna come up here Jordan? We can switch.
Jordan: No, thank you. I'm fine.
Jeff's had enough of solitaire for the moment. He lies down on the floor.
Jordan: You wanna come up here?
Jeff: No, that's ok. Thanks, Jordan, for bringing these blankets.
Jordan's already feeling lonely, and he hasn't left the building.
11:09am BBT - Shhh...
11:24am BBT
Jordan: You wanna come up here.
Jeff: That's ok.
Jordan: Come up here!
Jeff: Come down here.
Jordan: No, the floor is hard.
Jeff: The chair is small.
Jordan gives... Better a hard floor and Jeff, than a comfy chair and no Jeff... She gets under her blanket then his too... Sounds like kissing. They wiggle around a bit to get into the right position together... then softly talk.
Jeff: I didn't sleep at all last night. Did I wake you up?
Jordan: mm mm (no)
Jeff: I was tossin' and turnin'.
11:31am BBT - soft giggles from the Jeff-Jordan-sphere...
11:47am BBT - Chatter from Jeff and Jordan... He's telling her how much he prefers her without makeup, how good she looks, etc... He wants to go downstairs and cook something as his last hurrah... More kissing noises...
Jeff: What're you looking at?
Jordan: You.
Jeff: For what? I hope that crowd's rip roarin'. Think I'll get a loud one?
Jordan: Yep.
Jeff: Think there'll be Jeff signs?
Jordan: I don't know..
Jeff: I'm pushin it?
Jordan: I think you'll get a loud one...
Talk turns to the kiss... during the live show... Who shoud kiss who, the mood, etc...
Jeff: We'll see how it plays out... how I'm feeling. It's cool if you give a good kiss, then I f'in march out the door like a bozo.
11:51am BBT Control Room BRB Screen
11:52am BBT - Lock down is over... Jordan, Michele and Jeff go downstairs. Kevin and Natalie stay up in HoH another minute to talk smack about Michele and Jeff... then back downstairs to the Haves Room.
Good Day All,
Its Thursday, and we will be saying goodbye to a great summer showmance, way to soon for some of us :(
I just hope that the 2 of them stick with their plan of catching up with each other after the show.
Heck who knows, Maybe CBS will throw another wedding for J/J in a few years like they did with Rob and Anber from survivior and the amazing race.
Speaking of which, I would love to see these 2 on either show in the future together!
Before you post, please read -
With regard to the rumor of Russell or Jeff re-entering the house tonight, I'm aware of it, and I think it's bunk.
This is the type of thing the network would be promoting to the viewers to guarantee blockbuster ratings, not hiding in any way, shape or form.
Could I be wrong? Sure... but I don't think so this time.
I havent heard those rumors, But with any and all hope Jeff gets something at least a new car for finding the key that released Kevin. Other wise the whole twist is useless and CBS should have worded it differently than saying its game changing if all they did was collect cash.
Ok Im sad I just seen Jeff roll his suitcase into the storage room :(
I appreciate your honesty Carolyn...
but dang!.. I hope your wrong?!
still holding on to what little hope I have...
Carolyn said:
Before you post, please read -
With regard to the rumor of Russell or Jeff re-entering the house tonight, I'm aware of it, and I think it's bunk.
This is the type of thing the network would be promoting to the viewers to guarantee blockbuster ratings, not hiding in any way, shape or form.
Could I be wrong? Sure... but I don't think so this time.
Sure, sure burst my bubble! j/k
Rob and Amber had a baby not to long ago. Unfortunalty she was born and Rob's mom passed the same day. So sad and beautiful at the same time.
I agree that it would be too late to bring Russell back into the game.
Once it get's down to 4 people, it trully is an individual game. There are no 'sides' or alliances that matter.Someone can promise not to nominate you if they win HOH, but unless they can promise to also win POV, they can't stop you from getting voted out. The only way to have any safety now is to win. Bringing someone back into the game now would be really unfair.
I have football here tonight. Is there anything I need to do or download before the show to watch the link here or is it click an go?
Carolyn - I think I hit the publish button twice for the same comment....don't post the second one!!!
Morning/Afternoon Everyone.
I hear ya Carolyn... what better way to "keep" Jeff fans watching the last 2 weeks than to give them false hope someone is coming back.
Lets hope today Michele or Jordan tells Kevin of nats deals and plans for booting him...
Maybe Im too far off my rocker.. but Im still hoping Kevin breaks the tie with a huge surprise for nat.
With emotions riding high with the possible lose of Jeff... I cant even imagine what emotions are going to be likein 2 weeks when the season is over....
sniffles.... Im going to miss my friends here the most. The "Thank You" comments will be many sooo, I want to make sure you all know now just how much this blog and the friends contained within it mean to me... Thank you for the hard work, Thanks for the laughs and in the words of Bob Hope... Thanks for the memories....
Ye Gads! The hubby has the swine flu!!! Man is he sick, I just got back from taking him to the doctor, with his heart condition (he has an internal defibrillator) we have to be careful with any kind of viral infections. On a lighter note he was feeling good enough to ask if Jeff was staying tonight! I love that he is hooked on BB.
Good afternoon all! Have Michele and Jordan made any kind of F2 deal? Jordan is strong right now, but we all know how persuasive Nat. is and can be. I so hope Jeff coaches her before he leaves… I am still hoping for a miracle tonight. And where has Kevin been hiding? I hope they confront him with Nat’s F2 dealings. Kevin may have more votes in the jury house, but I would keep him over Nat. just for some peace of mind.
I have laughed until I hurt reading TOR, too cute!
hahaha, the idea of Jeff and Jordan on the amazing race makes me die laughing-- can you picture Jordan trying to get around in foreign countries and how PISSED jeff would be, 24/7 with her? Hilarious and endearing. It makes me smile whenever they talk about Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey, because they remind me so very much of the two of them...
Oh, Jeffro, I will miss you so.
Oh My...this day is just gonna be so freakin' sad! Poor Jordan, she's really gonna miss him and I know he's gonna miss her and we're ALL gonna miss both of them!!! I think they will be shocked, when they get back in the "real world" at the people that just fell in love with them and their "relationship"
I still maintain that Pandora's box is not so easily and anti-climatically closed.
I think this is the first time I really *ahem* hope you are wrong.
I have been picking this apart, watching and re-watching the past 3 TV episodes and have found so much evidence hidden in plain sight.
Could I be wrong? Sure... but I don't think so this time. LOL. ☺
Oh, that would be SO funny, with the both of them being on Amazing Race!!! (Although, the Amazing Race doesn't show all the behind the scenes..ya'll know that we would miss the Snuggle time!!!)
I agree, I was thinking last night that Kevin would break the tie and keep jeff. I feel he owes it to him after Jeff took him off the block and the fact that Kevin has been feeling pretty guilty about the whole thing. I have to say I was really upset with Kevin last night on how he got the glass of wine and flushed it. Really classless move!
Good Afternoon Carolyn & Everyone here at the Dish today,
I too am sad that Jeff is leaving. I feel bad for he & Jordan. I hope she can keep it together to do well in the HOH comp. tonight. I would so love to see Natalie go out first. That would be awesome.
Renee - sorry to hear about hubby. I hope he feels better soon. I wish mine liked BB. He just shakes his head while walking through the room when it's on, or if I'm "feeding." hehe
*sends healing vibes to your hubby and good immunities to you!*
Good afternoon everyone. Tonight is probably going to be very sad. I know the possibility of some twist just seems like wishful thinking, but you can never give up hope... right? This has to be one of the best BB fansites i have ever seen. I have been coming here since season 8 but i just started posting comments the other day :) But i have been watching BB since season 1!!! (i love bb1!!!) Anyway, us J/J fans are hoping for a suprise tonight. As BB says... expect the unexpected!!!
"DUDES" g'morning, and afternoon pending where you are.
Grendon your 8am post where my thoughts exactly,nicely worded.
As far as any game changes, I wish Production would produce a GIGANTIC preying mantis to leer over the wall and snap Natalie up and away! never to be seen from again. what a mean lil person she is, inclusive to the point that she includes others into her evil demeaner. IE Kev...
Oh yea.. I forgot to mention that Jeff and Jordons reign of glory was an excellant example of human behavior of what instant power/wealth can do to a person.
That is why so many that win the lottery fail to keep it, and end up broke.
I think this is the 1st reality/game show were 2 ppl havent made a secret final 2 alliance, IM thinking Michele has wanted to but dosent know how to close the deal.
Ok , all is quiet on HoH lockdown, Im off to run a few errands.
Sunny: I feel the same way, the people here are the only ones I talk to about BB, I may not post a lot or everyday , but I do love reading all the comments, and wonderful updates.
Reeneep: Oh ur poor husband, Remember to look after yourself as well as ur looking after him. We dont need u getting ill also.
Read the rumors, I also think there a CBS ploy for ratings.
Hi everyone!!! I sure am going to miss Jeff!! Definitely rooting for Jordan and Michelle. After Dark is certainly not going to be very exciting. Natalie just drives me crazy!!! Thanks Carolynn and Genie for all your great work. I'll definitely have time to go find all those flashback moments!!
the HOH lockdowns are always so ackward... this is beyond ackward... they not even layin down together....
get in there with him Jordan!
Gooood Morning, Lynn! :)
Good Morning, Tim :)
Good Morning, JulieB :) lol
Good morning, Michelle in IN :)
Good morning, Grendon :)
Good Morning, Michigan Man! :) Nope, just watch!
Good morning, Sunny! :) Hugggs!!
Good MOrning, Reneep! :) Gracious macious! Swine FLu! Healing thoughts to hubby and protective ones to you!
Good morning, Liz :)
Good morning, Sassy! :)
Good morning, SimplySam :) I hope you're right.
Good morning, Heather :)
Good morning, Ninja Girl! :)
When Kevin did that last nite with the glass of wine ... I said.. outloud....
Thats it Kevin.. Its Over!
so does anyone think jeff has a chance at all of not leaving today?
RENEEP i hope your hubby well...
Oh Chit!!!
I forgot to say hello and good morning again!!!
(((((( Hey Carolyn and all u dishers )))))))
Im just sad, the silence is deafening in that HOH room.
Hi Carolyn and everyone else out there in Dishland. I read all the time, but I haven't commented since last season (or maybe the one before, I forget).
Anyway, I have a question. What's the reason behind the HGs being locked in the HOH room on Thursday mornings? Do they do it because something is going on downstairs that the HGs shouldn't see or do they just put them up there together to see how they'll interact?
Thanks guys.
Good MOrning, MBM744 :) Thank you very much!
Good morning, Tallen :)
Good morning, Dom's Mom :)
Good morning, GaleLuvsBB11 :)
Good morning, Colleen! :) - slightly better than the proverbial snowball in hell...
Good morning, Stesha :)
The reason for the HoH Lockdown is so production can access the lower floor. I believe it's both for cleaning purposes and Camera position changes for the live show...
This HOH lockdown is so uncomfortable! I wish Jeff and Jordan would just crawl in bed with one another and snuggle. :(
I still have hope that Jeff will stay, after all if you don't have hope you don't have anything. Maybe just wishful thinking on my part but a girls gotta right to dream. :o)
so who do you think will win hoh this week?
Good afternoon, everyone. It is going to be a long day.
I doubt very much that Kevin will vote to keep Jeff, and sorry to see the sweet side of Jeff go.
As for all the comments that indicate that Kevin has only gotten evil since hanging with Natalie, I have to disagree. He was in the camps of Ronnie, Chima and Lydia and they ALL spewed vile and ugly or even racist comments while he looked on. I quit being a fan long before Natalie's influence.
time for our weekly trip into the city which means weekly missing BB live. cell phone in tow time to go
living in a small town of 525 people aprox is so worth driving 45 minutes each into the city.
Is that Jordan & Jeff laying together on the floor near the bathroom?
The Post is updated... Yes, they're now together.
Good Morning Carolyn and all the BBDishers!
Well, I find it kind of funny that the Overnight Report stopped with 69 comments . . . all that talk about private parts . . .
Things that make you go hmmmmmm!
Well, Thursday is here and I so don't want Jeff to go, but I believe it is inevitable.
I so hope Michelle gets HOH to take out Kevin. Then wins the POV and sends Natalie out of the house. I believe she is the one to do this! She would take Jordan to the f2 and Jordan would at least win second prize! Even though everyone in JH doesn't like Michelle, she played more of a game than Jordan.
M/J final 2!!!!
Will you be posting the live show links tonight since in the New York tri state area has football on??
my hoh this week ideas. i think it may be the question one and jordon has been counting everything but so has michelle natalie i dont think she will do well if its questions. i think michelle will win or maybe a slight chance jordon..its sad tho that the show is almost over.
Good Afternoon Carolyn and All ;)
Tallen said...
"DUDES" g'morning, and afternoon pending where you are.
Grendon your 8am post where my thoughts exactly,nicely worded.
As far as any game changes, I wish Production would produce a GIGANTIC preying mantis to leer over the wall and snap Natalie up and away! never to be seen from again. what a mean lil person she is, inclusive to the point that she includes others into her evil demeaner. IE Kev...
LMAO!!!!!! And I couldnt agree more!!!! I am hoping for a miracle tonite...but not holding my breath...yet ;)
Aww thanks everyone! I have to take something called tamaflu..sp? There are 6 other people at his work with it! Well, I want to know what happened to our Kevin. I think they need to have some kind of evil spirit cleansing in the HOH room. Something happens to them in there that changes their whole personality. I am on board for anyone but Nat winning, sorry that’s just the way I feel.
I am just now watching tuesdays pov show. I just noticed and rewound it to double check, that russell isnt in black and white like the other evictees in the opening credits. Also when they show the hgs with their name beside them his is still like that. all the other evictees are shown walking out of the house and their name isnt typed beside the pic. His still looks like the rest of the hgs that are still in the game. Jesse and Lydia are in black and white, and shown walking out of the house. Of the jury members russells opening credits are totally different. does anyone think this means something?
Hi Everyone,
I can hardly wait for tonight's HOH. I want to see if Nat is faking "cramps" "hangover" to throw everyone off or because she has an excuse if she doesn't win...
Go Michelle!!!!!
hello everyone!! *sigh* I'm gonna miss the cuteness that is J/J but I'm excited to see how the game plays out now.
Can't wait for tonight!!! We've gotten into routine whereI cook dinner a bit late, therefoe we have to pause the live show. I finish up about 20 minutes into the show and we start watching while having s yummy dinner.
Timing is everything.
I am still keeping hope alive (you know the hope at the bottom of the box) that something game changing will happen.
I know I said yesterday that I didn't think Jeff deserved to win, and I meant it, but still...
I'm gonna miss Jeeeeeeeeeeef!!!!
Hey, will the WEst Coast be able to watch the live show on Dreamangel's site tonight? All the talk about a game on the East Coast has me thinking . . .
Kevin is starting to look a little lonely...... Please keep Jeff.......
Is tonight endurance, or was last week considered endurance? I have lost track of what is “suppose” to happen next. And I hate to say this but I am one of those half full glass kind of people, I am still praying for a miracle that Jeff can stay and evict Nat.
New Top POst!!!
I'm late to checking in on this sad, sad day but I just have to laugh after watching your recommended viewing on the FB and looking at the overnight report which just happens to have 69 comments. Kinda fitting huh? LOL
Oh and Good day Carolyn, Genie and Dishers. I'll be all ready for tonight's show. Have a feeling some strong cocktails will be needed!
Well, I see I am not the only dirty-minded person here. Stephanie also noted that the overnight comments stopped at 69. too funny esp considering the subject matter. I really should catch up on comments before I comment.
My husband just called and asked if I was ready for Bb tonight and I said NOOOOO. I'm still hoping for some kind of miracle.
SimplySam ~ I'm curious, what kind of "evidence in plain sight" do you see that makes you think there is more to the Pandora's Box? Something that will help our boy?
While I think the house is going to be very boring when Jeff leaves, I agree with you Carolyn. I think what Julie meant in saying "game changing" was that Kevin would see for himself how greedy the others are during the money grab and might put up someone else. Sadly, Nat is so deep in Kevins head he can't think straight. (No pun intended using Kevin and straight in the same sentence). lol...
Please tiny baby Jesus, save Jeff and Jordan! I have not lost hope that the key will mean something. Everyone stay positive for Jeff, do not let negativity invade your thoughts. I need his hilarious stories and comments to get through the!
What a sweet thing to say. My emotions are high today & you got me teary-eyed. Amazing how we all can become so close in our own little world of BB. Thanks to our sweet Carolyn, Genie, ReporterX & the rest of the crew who have this possible!!! ☺♥♥♥
Reneep. said...
Ye Gads! The hubby has the swine flu!!! Man is he sick
Goodness, I hope he is better very soon. Please take the Tami-flu & take care of you too.
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