Flashback Funnies!!
Hello BB Lovers!
While the live feeds are out due to the Weds. show taping... Here are some fun things to occupy our addiction!
Before we get started:
Join A BB House Party with Missy & Chelsia is going on on the live feeds today! :)
4:05 PM BBT
At Home with Jordan happening now!
Here are some fun and funny Flashback moments to help you remember the HGs at their best and funniest!
5:30 - 6:15 PM
Missy with call in by our Caro!!
July 9th 9:56 PM BBT Cams 1 & 2
The house guests have not been infected by the nastiness and are actually getting along. Matt, Brendon, Lane, Enzo and Ragan are joking around about the house paranoia.
July 10th 3:05 PM BBT Cams 1 & 2
Matt, Enzo, Annie, Britney, Andrew and Brendon are joking around, about their reactions to the saboteur's shenanigans, about the paranoia, about their ignorance towards Judaism. It's one of first times they have stopped treating Andrew like a weird pariah and asking questions.
July 11th 3:10 PM BBT Cams 1 & 2
Slip and Slide complete with wardrobe malfunctions!
July 13th 2:00 PM BBT All Cams
Britney, Monet, Lane, Annie, Ragan, Matt, Kathy, Hayden, Rachel & Brendon take part in Britney's "Would You" sex talk. It's quite graphic and shocking, so proceed with caution! lol
July 24th 10:13 PM BBT - All Cams
Flip Cup Fun! All the house guests are involved in this drinking game, complete with boogieing down and spider eating!
July 30th 12:20 AM BBT Cams 1 &2
Britney and Matt impersonate Rachel up in HoH. They are mocking Rachel but when Rachel walks in on them she shows an admirable ability to laugh at herself.
Enjoy! And if you have some FB funny moments of your own, please feel free to add them in the comment section!
YAY for new post!!! :)
Was going thru some serious Dish withdrawls, can only imagine how depressed I'll be when BB is over!
Hi beautiful Carolyn and Genie!
Hi wonderful Dishers!
Hiya Genie San . . . I will definately check out those FB when I get home!!!
Gorgeous Genie, you're a sight for sore eyes!!! Feels like forever since I've got to chat with you!
Hiya JLuvs!!! Huggies!! :)
Hiya Steph from the Left!!! :) Huggies!!!
So how was your day today, GG?
I'm STILL trying to land a job, geez had I known it was going to take this long I would've started last year!
Hi Steph!
JLuvs - I know!! It's been forever lol :)
I'm scrarfing down my dinner :)
Can you tell me again how you make your tomato salad after you scarf your dinner down? :)
Jordan is on the live feeds now! :)
Hey Genie, do you know if they will be showing the live show tonight? They keep having all these live things but I am at work . . . I will check out superpass when I get home in about an hour.
Jami! Howyoudoin????? Sad to see Peach go but how did you feel when not only did Casanova win the challenge, but he had imunity for a week . . . and now Michael . . . it is so funny to watch the snewty ones be all snewty . . .
Genie, don't scarf . . . eat and enjoy . . .
I will be shirtless when I get home . . . how about you???
Hi Genie, jluvs, Stephanie and anyone else that's there.
I have missed everyone today. I kept checking in even though I knew nothing was happening.
So sad :(
JLuvs - My day was as good as it gets! :) I hope you get a job soon! :) My salad: vine ripened tomatoes, red onions, feta cheese, black Greek olives, extra virgin olive oil and red wine vinegar. :)
now that quirkydudes aka kevin is back up i will be using the downtime to flash way back...halfway through BB5
Stephanie, inorite!!! Casanova and his annoying voice just won't go away! lol
Hi Chrispie!!!
Genie, thank you dahling!!!
Steph - There will be no show tonight. They're taping the show now and we will see it tomorrow. Chances are that the Thursday show will be mostly the taped Endurance HoH Comp and whatever they choose to show.
Hiya Chrispie! :) I guess this is a dress or shirtless rehearsal for our off BB season :)
Hiya David! :) Yup! That's also fun! :)
David, are you feeling better? I'm so glad Quirky is back!
Hi Genie, Steph, Jluvs, Chrispie and anyone else wandering in....
I've been checking all day too, knowing full well what was happening lol...
All I'm getting is repeat performances, but I don't see Jordan???
I was sad on my way home knowing there was no need to rush to the feeds -- so I went out for dinner :)
Shirtless Flash Backs . . . now that really takes me back . . . oh yeah, I said it . . . I mean it . . . back to the stone age . . . when I rode my pet dinosaur . . .
hey jluvs, i got some powerful anti biotics today 6 of them for $30. i am taking it easy today as much as possible, thanks for asking! :)
Ohmygosh has anyone seen the new Axe commerical for clean balls? We would have NEVER seen anything like that back in the day!!! They even say the word ballsack in it!
Wow gorgeous pic of Jordan! But does she always seem to wear the same shirt? lol
Psst!! Call in at 5pm ;)
I'm gonna be on with Missy!
David, so glad you're on the road to wellness :)
Sparklin, I looked for you on Twitter, but the name you posted didn't work. :)
ok...watching Jordan and Chelsia
JLuvs - LOL! She lost a lot of weight. She's thinner than when she first went into the house...
Caro!!!! Fabulous news!!!!! WooT WooT!!!!
jluvs...are you watching cable??? I can't believe theu would show that. However, I hope I do see it.
HI Genie!
Hi jluvs, Shirtless Steph from the Left, Chrispie22, DavidB, Sparklin, and Gaytor!!
I'm loving Chelsia and Missy!!
Yay Carolyn!!! That's so exciting :)
Woot! Carolyn!!
Caro, do we need to call in to hear or just go onto the video on superpass . . . I feel so confused . . . but happy you are going to be on with Missy . . . cool . . . . will you be shirtless?
Watch and call! 877-448-6639.
I'll just be talking though.. They wanted me to skype, but I can't find my headset. lol. that's how often i skype!
Yes, Jordan has lost too much weight! She was perfect before :)
AW man, would love you to skype! But I'll take the phone call!!!!
ahhh Carolyn that is so exciting...thank goodness I found it!
jluvs...its: TaraHogan991
(I hope haha)
Hi Michelle!
Chrispie, yes it was channel TBS that showed it, but I bet you could find it on youtube. It's pretty "ballsy" lol lol lol lol!!
Sparkin, nope, not it.
Hi Carolyn, Hi Genie, Hi all
There was bug on the tv on Jordan's face and I tried to wipe it off. It's on the studio tv not my computer screen LOL
Can't wait to hear you Carolyn.
lololol @ Chelsia!!
You are effing up my show! hahaha...cute!
Evening all!
Jordan mentioned losing 15 pounds since the show. I just love her no matter how much weight she loses or gains.
I am loving the superpass shows. It beats watching the feeds, IMHO.
Carolyn, you need to skype!! :(
In a previous post Carolyn said:
No, from what I understand from my cbs contact, the show thursday will not be live. Further, I fully expect them to be playing part 2 of the f3 hoh while the feeds are down on Wednesday.
This is from Julie Chen's Blog:
Just a reminder to everyone that our schedule is a little different next week – eviction show on Wednesday night (Final 3 will be revealed) and as always a LIVE show on Thursday, but no eviction.
So I wonder if the show will be live with taped comps or with live comps? Oh, CBS and BB... :-)
I just gave CBS an eyeful on there Feedback Form regarding what I can aptly call "feeder fraud". ALL who are fed up w/ this should do the same. Dishers---revolt!!!
skype means everyone gets to see how dead i look by the end of season! lol.. NOPE!
Poor Chelsia and the people who keep Skyping (?) her!
guys.. please tell me if you can access my fb page. i can't!
it's facebook.com/bbdish
Yaaa! Carolyn!!!!
You have 15 min to find your headset.
Rip your house apart. PLEASE and thankyou.
We would love to see you. Are you on for the whole hour?
Carolyn, you are beautiful, no matter what :)
Carolyn, you are always gorgeous!
I got on your facebook ok.
It is fine on my end Carolyn.
Carolyn, yes, I can access your FB page.
I am sure you look fine! Carolyn, GO FIND YOUR HEADSET! (in my BB voice)
access to your page is a go!
thank you.. hmmm.. ok.. i'm gonna reboot and see if that helps.
Hiya Sparklin! :) It's on Superpass on the main page. :)
Hiya Michelle!! :) Me too! I;m gonna love Caro too!! :)
Hiya MM!! :)
Hiya Toni! :)
Hey Caro...I got to your page no problem.
Hiya BiggWigg! :)
OMG Jordan, not knowing what a monk is LOL. I miss Jordan in the house.
UGH! Why me??? Gotta run out for a bit...don't start without me Carolyn!! LOL!
Caro, you're on the Real page!!!!!
Genie Sea you should skype with Carolyn and Chelsia.
BiggWigg - Nope! lol :)
Okay, is it on after the Jordan show?
Genie, why not? ;)
5 minutes to Caro LIVE with Missy!! :)
Jluvs- Huggies! :) You're too sweet :)
I hope that one caller was wrong in what she heard or read and there won't be a F3 to the end like last year. Enzo needs the boot, now. I guess the good of that would be we get a vote again.
I'm so excited for Carolyn to be on! She's our *star*
Genie, I love ya!!! :)
help can't find where I am suppose to go for missy show
YaY! I made it to a new post and how exciting!! Caro is going to be on? Can we call and talk to her?
I'm waiting for it to start and of course reading quickly but I need complete instructions. :p Can we download this show? I see a button for it but never used it.
Howdy Everyone! I'm po'd cuz I don't have the feeds there for no Caro tonight! I just wondering, does anyone know what happened at the taping today? I have a funny feeling that Hayden may have changed his mind and used the pov on Britney....A girl can dream right?
If you go to the Superpass Page just hit the first pic on the left where the live feeds are usually linked!
MM - CBS revealed the F3 will go to Finale according to Chelsea.
Gaytor - YAY! :)
Ok, I'm officially jonesing for some BB news!
Oh HI Genie, Carolyn and YouZ!
Yes I can access it Carolyn. Waiting for your show to start now... OK, Missy's but you are my STAR!
Jluvs - I copied this from my twitter account and I'm very, very upset with myself for joinging lmao --- Just another addiction...I need to win the lottery so I can just lounge and hang out on these sites haha
what is yours and I'll see if I can join you?
Hiya Kscoot! No news yet. It's too soon! Carol will let everyone know as soon as she knows! :)
I just heard "can you guys put carolyn in my ear?"
so excited!!!!!!!!!
Yay..put Carolyn in our ear too!!!!
I'm so excited waiting for Carolyn to be on! Is anyone calling? I would like to be am afraid I'd get too flustered, lol.
Carolyn, are you in Missy's ear yet? LOL
I'm hearing leaks.
"Can you guys put Carolyn in my ear yet, please."
HAHA! (She' won't fit.)
It's on!
DO WHAT?????
Genie Sea said...
MM - CBS revealed the F3 will go to Finale according to Chelsea.
Got it! Wow, perfect timing . . . no breaks for you Carolyn . . . back to work . . . so just kidding . . .
Wow your voice is deeper than I expected!!!! Love it!!!!
Shout outs to Genie and Lessa!!!!
WooT WooT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, she is talking about production . . . oh wait, she is production . . . 18 hours . . .
Shout out to Genie and Lessa!!!
w00t w00t . . . Wahooooo!!!
Hiya Patti!! :)
Gaytor - Yup! Chelsia read a CBS announcement while she was on with Jordan saying that all the F3 will be going to0 Finale! :)
This is so cool . . .
love hearing from carolyn on the feeds.
GaYToR! We both changed our pics today! Mine is me with my gorgeous BFF Garry! :)
AWWWW Marcus!!! We love you too!! Huggies :)
I am so happy to be listening to Carolyn right now!! This is definitely the most "happening" BB site!!! Love you all!
Hiya I4Git!! :)
Steph, call in!!! I would but as soon as I do my 6 year old will not cooperate! ;)
CALL CAROLYN!! 877-448-6639
Dang it Carolyn should be on skype! LOL
Shout out to Diva Dawn and Kimbalicious!!!!
Whoop Whoop!! Dawn and Kimbalicious!!
ahhh...I thing black heart is a little harsh! They aren't PURE evil. I've seen as much (more) niceness and sweetness!
I can't figure out how to chat in the House Party, but might I say, Carolyn's voice is so hot!!
I can not get on the chat, it is saysing in stand by mode
Caro is cracking me up with the massages before the room!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sexy voice Carolyn!
Nevermind i got it...just me being stupid
Carolyn!! So good to HEAR you!! ♥
I'm trying to call, busy, busy, busy!! :(
Yes, Ilissa, she sounds HOT! :)
It's not a chat. You need to call. You can view the chat from the first link on the left where you click to see the live feeds.
haha @ carolyns reaction at steph!!
OMG Steph!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stephanie you sound soooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Steph...how cool!!
Genie, LOL LOL LOL!!!
lmao, GO STEPH! lmao Caro....are you wearing a shirt? lol, did you see Missys face?
Steph, you're a hoot!
Hi Carolyn, Hi Genie
Hi Steph
Just got home and booted up and listening to Caro and bingo Shirtless Steph call in, this is so exciting. I just wanna pee my pants.
and how sweet that Steph put a shirt on for the call :)~
Stephanie from the west coast Yaaa!
Now we have to hear from GaYToR!
Hi Genie...love, love, love you guys!!! Wow Stephanie from West Coast...shirtless live on the phone...LOL
Stephanie, that was AWESOME
Hiya Ilissa!!!! :)
Hiya Hodge!!!! :)
Hiya Barbara!!! :)
Did I miss anyone???? I'm sorry!! :)
Love me some DISHERS!!!! :)
OMG!! I can die and go to heaven . . . I got to talk to Carolyn!!!! Man, I am shirtless and grinning from ear to ear . . .
As soon as I start dialing, the kid comes in singing at the top of his voice darn it!!! I wanna talk to Caro!!!
Call in . . . keep trying . . . it is so worth it . . . w00t w00t!
I will follow Genie with Survivor!!!!!!!
Oh Genie you are doing survivor?? How cool! No need for withdrawls!!
I talk to Caro practically every day! It's definitely worth it! hehehe :)
GaYToR ~~ YAY!!!!
GaYToR!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wonder if he is wearing a shirt . . .
GaYToR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow this is sooo awesome !!!
Oh GayTor, joining the bunch, this is so much fun. GayTor don't behave now!!!!!!
GAYTOR!!!!!!!!!! ♥♥♥
I love your voice Steph!
I love your voice Gaytor!
Whoop whoop!!! :)
The Dish Rocks!!
LOL LOL LOL STeph gotta keep your shirt on!
Hey Genie...I'm in for Survivor also. Are you gonna give us details?
lmao @ GaYToR with no shirt ... or pants!!! Sooo cute!
GaYToR, not wearing any pants . . . I am laughing out loud . . . no shirts, no pants, and spankings all around the dish . . .
LOL Gaytor no pants!
I don't even post here regularly. But I was excited to hear a Lessa shoutout (from one of her Crazies),
It was so fun to hear you Carolyn, you sound so smexay!
and Gaytor,, you have an adorable voice!!!
this was so funnnn to hear you guys.
Hi everyone! This is so cool hearing their voices. If I didn't have 5 kids running around, I would call in. I'd love to talk to Carolyn and Missy!
Now, I know how to say Lessa's name . . . I so was miss pronouncing it in my head . . .
This is so exciting . . . I beat she could be on forever . . . Kantrosak . . . so cool . . . like a phone call from home . . .
This is awesome! Kantro!
Thank you Genie . . . I of course cannot stand the way I sound when I hear my voice . . . This is so cool . . . I am grinning from ear to ear . . . and yes, I am shirtless . . . got the pants on . . .
Love it . . .
just got into the Caro show on time . . .
I can't wait to hear from the audience members! :)
YaY!!! I got in, tben I got nervous and started talking the way I type. haha.
LEFT!!! You beat me to the call in. I heard you. ♫♫ We are the Shirtless... of the Dish♫♫
Hiya Jodda! :)
Hiya Rhonda!!! :)
LEFT you sounded wonderful. I was the frog. I heard just the end of my time when I got the sound back on.
RhondaM, me too!!! My kid is screaming right now!!! I just want to call in for a minute, argh!!!
Shirtless Summer Hollywood Hayden is number 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GEAUX Shirtless Hayden!
Shirtless kisses all over the dish . . . all over, top, bottom, side, everywhere are smoochies . . .
Hey Dishers!!! Gaytor, so great to hear you again!!! So great to hear our Caro :)
Kantro so good to hear you and didn't realize you were in Vegas! I'm your Northern neighbor...Reno!!
So agree with most that it has been a strange season, but could be just me....{{{hugs all around}}}
I bet she could be on forever, not beat . . .
this is so cool . . .
I have no idea why I am watching the show since we can't see Carolyn. Yea right, she lost her SKYPE stuff. She's just too shy.
Now to see if I can catch up here while I am listening to our Goddess.
Mandee on Twitter says "carolyn is popular, i can't get thru!!!"
Tip Jar shout out!!!!!!
Debbie, that's my story too! Same season, same place I found the Dish!
Missy confirmed the lines are FULL
DEbbie from Texas . . . this is a total Dish . . . climax . . . so cool . . . cannot stop smiling . . . if I still had a shirt on I would take it off . . .
This is so much fun listening to Carolyn and the dishers! Hi everyone :)
Caro is running a computer scan and probably won't be online until after the show :)
Hiya RED!!! :)
Hi all.. I was just on the Missy show with Carolyn as "Scotty K from Vegas"... It was great talking to them... Hopefully we'll be able to hit 20 mil hits by the end of the season!!
It is so awesome to hear everyone call in.
Carolyn must be so overjoyed!
And I had to take a picture of my daughter honoring Britney on the night she is being sent to the jury house. Shorts and Uggs!
RedRhonda, love the pic!!! Green with envy!!! ;)
Hiya Alice! :)
Hiya Gerri! :)
Hiya Kantro! :)
Toni, she's adorable!!!
I got through after only 6 or 7 calls and 3 or 4 rings :)) Maybe I was just lucky :))
I love this site!!
RED!!!!! Haven't had a chance to talk since you got home. MWAH!
This is so much better than the BB Feeds right now. I'm not happy with CBS/AGP but SuperPass really came through for us.
Hi to all of you that called my name. I can't list. I'm still so excited.. and now I have a huge rib eye waiting on me so I am off to feed!!
I'll be back as soon as I finish. It won't take long. I'm starving.
I wish there was a logo from the site behind Missy with the URL for the site...
I mean most people know her, however the more hits the better
Is that our Barbara??
No Caro, it is not me, it is another Barbara. I am trying to get through. It is an imposter.
Barbara on now . . . how cool is this . . . I love it, talk to me like you know me . . .
I just can't believe this! Barbara!
I am actually tearing up a little!
jluvs - darn kids! ;)
Hey next one to get through, say Hi for me! ♥
PEOPLE -- when you call, turn off your computers!!!!! The phones are about 1 or 2 mins ahead!!!!
Toni, cute picture of your daughter . . . and, we don't know for sure that she is leaving yet . . . we so don't know . . . expect the unexpected . . .
Kantro, we enjoyed hearing you!!!
Oh Barbara I hope you get through honey!!!
Rhonda, inorite!!!
LOL@imposter Barbara!
Smoochies & Hugs Gaytor!!!
Thanks JLuvs!! It was wonderful and will not be the last trip. We just had a blast and plan another trip. My thoughts are with you for your job search, believe me I totally understand. Look me up and e-mail anytime if you need to talk. ((hugs))
It is so great to hear how excited she is getting to talk to us . . . I didn't even know I was on with her . . . I just heard someone saying shirtless and I was like, yeah, that's me . . . I almost said I was Stephanie from the Left Coast . . .
NO, don't go . . . no don't go . . . oh, k, you need to have a life too . . .
Thank you Carolyn!!!!! That was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!
Boo Barbara imposter!
Awww that was REALLY a fast hour. Now to wait for it to get to replay so I can actually hear everything.
And I'm sorry I didn't remember to do any shoutouts to everyone here. You know I ♥ you all!
Still feeding...
Thank you so much, RedRhonda, it means alot!!! xoxoxoxoxo
Awe, I didn't make it through in time :( Oh well! Good job Carolyn & dishers! I enjoyed hearing everyone's voices! I love us! *group hug*
hehehehe!! Well that was fun! :0)
Thanks so much for calling in!!!!!
@ Jluvsturtles.... Thanks for the shout out... i love calling into Missy.. we're gonna have a fun time in Vegas!!!
I'll be back as soon as possible, gotta put this kid to BED!!!
Wow, this was a GREAT time!!!!!!!!
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