Late night with Lessa - light!
Very light! Checking in with the houseguests, and on three of the four feeds, we have this:

While on feed three, Skippy has fun with various objects - then settles for simply letting the Shark in the have not room watch us for a change...

If something happens, I'll pop in. Otherwise, enjoy the feeds. :)
Hi lessa. I watched part of bbad. Boring! Enzo and his chewing ugh. I had to turn the volume off. I think they gave him tootsie rolls just to bug us.
Well, I guess I am only one here. I'll check back in a bit. If there still isn't anyone ...well I guess goodnight!
Hi Lessa hope you are in bed, but just in case wanted at least someone else to be up with you even if it is only for a split second.
Taking off for bed myself now, thanks for your being here.
Oh I've missed you. Hope you're sleeping sound and sweet. But thank so much for showing up!!
Hey aunge and barbara. Sweet dreams all around.
I'm laughing at the stars these guys think they will be...a photo shoot in the Fall?? LOL But who knows, stranger things have happened!
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