The Return of the Feeds: Endurance Comp Spoiler
At long last, we're within striking distance of the long awaited return of the feeds!
8:59pm BBT - Fishies!
Let's go boys!! Spoil that Endurance Comp for us!!! We're more than ready. Spill it!
9pm BBT
Enzo's in the bathroom trying to figure out the shaver thing, Hayden's at the kitchen counter, playing solitaire, and Lane's laughing at Enzo.
Enzo: What's a C2? Should I just try and f--k with it?
Hayden: Yeah.
Hayden enters the bathroom.

Enzo: You wanna try this thing out? F my hair up a little?
Hayden: Yeah.
Enzo: You can try in the back first.. maybe see how it does..
Hayden gives it a go and declares the clippers dead.
Hayden: It'd be hilarious if I just shaved your head right now. That would make good tv.
***Boys.. Endurance. Tell us about the comp. We're waiting...
Hayden goes to work on Enzo's head, with repeated requests from Enzo to be confident and more laughter from Lane. It's cute, it's funny, it's not what we're looking for...
Enzo: I got hats. If you mess it up, I'll put a hat on.
Hayden: You're not gonna be pissed?
Enzo: No.
Hayden: Alright, I'll have fun with it. Hey Lane, lemme just get your opinion... How do I blend it in.
Enzo: Let's not go crazy. Just clean it up and lemme get outta here. The saboteur did a better job than you?
Hayden: Now we're cookin'. Now we're lookin good.

Enzo: What are you doin' over there? You still on the same spot?
Hayden: You asked me to do it, I'm doin it. This is the 1st haircut I've ever given.
Enzo: Don't say that.
Lane: I cut my brother's hair all the time.
Hayden: Tomorrow, Live Show.
Enzo: F--k, I cut my ear.
***Enzo, bleed out. Let Hayden talk game. Anyone.. please.
Lane goes to work on Enzo's neck.
Hayden: Today's Tuesday? So we're not even on Showtime right now. We're on tv. They're showing the comp from last night.
***yes, dear.. keep talking.
Enzo: bla bla bla, my hair...
***ok, that's not what he really said. it's what I heard.
Still with the hair... Enzo has taken over with a pair of scissors.
Enzo: I look like f'in sonic the hedgehog. That's what I look like. I'm ready for this f'in finale. Younaumean?
Hayden: Mm hmm
Hayden looks pensive on the bathroom couch...

Enzo: It's only 9:30? I think I'm shavin', showerin' and going straight to bed.
Carolyn: Not before you spill it.
Hayden: I'm pretty beat too.
Hayden gets off the couch and walks down the hall for a moment. I change to quad, in case of conversation between Hayden & Lane. There is none. Hayden returns to the bathroom. All the boys are quiet for the moment...
Lane is studying the memory wall, up close and personal..
Hayden: My hands are hurtin', dude.
Enzo: Yeah, oh sh*t.
Done with his haircut and face, Enzo moves on the shaving his chest. Then he hops into the Shower.

Hayden & Lane are at the kitchen counter. Lane is whispering, using the cards to quiz himself on details of the season that might be in a comp. Hayden helps him when he hits a stumbling block.
Still at the Counter
Hayden: I think it's gonna be tomorrow.
Lane: It's definitely gonna be pictures and numbers.
Hayden: I think names too...
Lane: So PoV winners.
Hayden: Just say em out loud.
Lane runs through them.
Hayden: You're better than I am.
Lane: No. But I don't wanna study too much. I hope it is tomorrow. I haven't even seen him study.
Carolyn: Thank you, Lane!
It seems we have a spoiler. I do believe Hayden won Part 1 of the final 3 HoH Comp!!!
Talking to Lane in the bathroom, Enzo confirms it further.
Enzo: We're playing tomorrow, so if one of us loses, maybe we leave...
That's it for this post. We got what we came for... Lessa will be on very soon with a new top post! :)
Welcome back!!!
Hello Carolyn and everyone!!! Yay we're back in business!!! :)
whoo hoo!
The Feeds! The Feeds!
BBAD is new. I am going to hang for a bit since I can sleep in tomorrow. This blackout has reminded me how much stuff I am not getting done during the BB season. I was able to do some laundry, finish a book review, cook a "real" dinner and play some games online .lol But I will mish BB after next week and of course all my disher friends!
Okay, have a few things from the previous post after I left:
Carolyn! You did NOT call yourself a sharpei!!!! ;)
Lisa! Thank YOU so much for the compliments to me and my honey! And I too was freakin that Britney didn't mention Nick in her speech!
Barbara! Girl you had me rolling on the floor over your vote for Britney post :)
Hi Carylon.
Talk Enzo Talk!
BB Dishers are the best ... Thanks Carolyn, Genie, Lessa!!
Ahhh feeds - sweet feeds - how I have missed thee ...
All these flamingo shots already - seems skippy missed us too!!
You know there are only three people left in the house with BB puts the flamingos on cam 1!
ok boys, please tell us!
Nice flamingos, Skippy... *eyeroll*
Michelle! :)
Hayden, please shave the back of Enzo's neck. TY
Hayden has a necklace on or the HOH key, yes??? Skippy kept zooming in on it while he was sitting at the counter . . . I so think it is . . .
Good Evening Dishers....
Carolyn I thought you were going to be taking the night off to celebrate with your family..
Regarding the HOH comp. I feel we can eliminate Enzo because I feel he would still be talking about how well he did. Lane and Hayden both seem to be in a half way decent mode. My perception has Lane being the winner of #1. He seems the most relaxed, and I dont think Hayden would have been in the kitchen alone if he has won.
And just to think this was all completed yesterday. Caro, do you think they did Part #2 today?
LOL they jacked up Enzo's hair! Hayden with his luxurious locks don't know what to do with it!!!
well, I guess I may as well go to bed....the feeds are all choppy tonight...not sure why, this NEVER happens to me, ever! I even tried the 'low' setting and it made no difference...restarted difference....I am just going to have to turn it off otherwise I'll probably end up tossing the comp against the wall or something. Grrr!
LL @ Enzo. "I have a hat if you f@$k it up"
did I just see the necklace on hayden???????
I have never noticed Hayden wearing a necklace unless he was wearing the HOH key . . . don't they know we want to know . . .
Maybe if everyone on the dish takes their shirt off, so will Hayden and we can see if it is the key . . .
I'm shirtless . . . notice my name and new picture . . .
I can't wait till they learn that Matt was NOT the saboteur
Be confident, yo!
Good evening everyone. Finally got to watch the show a little before 10p Eastern. Gotta love DVR. Man, I really loved watching them tell Britney about the Brigade (again). I think I'm the only person who feels that way. But man, it was almost as good the 2nd time around.
HI Carolyn, jluvs, Lisa M, bigwigg, mgd911cfr, Ryan, sing!
This is scary!
Hello everyone
It's nice to see so many up late, or is that just me? I haven't seen 11 pm in weeks. However, I'm sure you guys will update me on what happens tonight. So thank you in advance.
Sidenote: jluvs: Have you registered to substitute teach? In most districts you could work every day depending on the grade levels you're willing to teach and the distance you're willing to drive.
Nope, he's wearing a necklace, but it's not the HOH key!
Haha, Lisa. Or how about:
Hayden: Please cut your OWN hair...
I mean look at Hayden's hair. Would you honestly trust that guy to shave/cut your hair?
I liked watching the boys because for once there were three people competing against each other that actually enjoy each other. Makes it fun. Still do NOT want Brit to win the 25k. I hope American does not vote for hatred to win over good!
Is that a key . . . I can't tell . . . and they are so not talking about it . . . spill the beans boys . . .
YAY to the feeds!! Hi everyone!!
How pathetic am I, exhausted, have to be up in in 6 hours and yet...I had to wait until they were back lol
Gonna 'listen' for a hint for a bit and then off to la la land...
Hi everyone :)
There has never been an HoH key for final hoh..
Also, according to Julie Chen, the 2nd part is live during the show tomorrow.
Steph!! LOve your new pic!!! You look shirtless....
Hey ya'll stayed up late to read what is going on. As I only have the blackberry in the boonies of MS.Feeling pretty sad tonight but, your comments make me smile! Hugs to hoping Lane won for some odd reason
They seem to be having fun . . . I wonder if they know they are there for the next week . . . didn't we hear that the F3 will be in there until the live finale?
Hayden is busting up . . .
Welcome to the Big Brother Barbershop!
singforthedyax: lol. yes, he needs a haircut BAD!
Steph! I just noticed your name change and no, Hayden is not wearing a key, it's a necklace. a square with a cross on it,
Hi Aimee, yes as a matter of fact, I'm doing that this week. Thank you for thinking of me!!!! xoxo
Totally forgot that it was only part 1 . . . maybe he got the little necklace for winning the first part . . .
And yes, I am shirtless in my new picture, you can see my tan line . . . and my smile . . . love it . . . So Cal . . .
If someone would just complain that they're sore...
Hatden just said they are on Showtime, so maybe they will say something...and we get flamingos!Hayden.stop talking about websites and tell us who won!
Too late for bubbles, Skippy
Hi Carolyn,
Hi everyone...
LMAO Carolyn!!! Enzo, Bleed out! Let Hayden talk game.
Jami, I may be shirtless, but your picture is so cute . . . don't tell your husband it is cute . . . men for some reason don't like to be cute . . . okay, maybe some . . .
Lmao @ Carolyn - **Enzo bleed out. Let Hayden talk game
Loves it. Classic.
Best Dish Post of the Season
Hi Carolyn. Hi bb dishers.
So i am cracking up at these boys. They are so punchy tonight. I think the flamingos are there to prevent us from hearing any talk of first comp. My bet is skippy gets fired if he doesn't nip any convo about it before it gets heard.
I already voted fifty times for fan favorite. I won't say for whom I voter for fear of being shunned like I was yesterday!
:) thanks for noticing. hehe
Steph, I am jealous of your tan line. I tried to get some sun today but it was so humid out still. I lasted an hour and then had to come in.
Umm, why would they give Hayden a necklace with a cross on it for winning part 1 of the HOH?
I picture a million people around the country now simultaneously typing into their web browsers.
Thanks for getting the feeds cut, HAYDEN!
LOL@ "Enzo, bleed out!"
Steph, you have gorgeous hair and tan!!!
Enzo, we're glad you're happy with your SPILL!!
Okay, question for Hayden, why all season long you don't wear a necklace, now you have something around your neck . . .
Carolyn, does the first part of the HOH get anything . . . I feel so clueless . . . I am so reaching for straws . . . If Hayden won the first part, I am sure he will be able to beat Lane or Enzo . . .
Oh, speak to me Hayden, I have my shirt off come on . . . tell us about the comp . . . please . . .
Enzo is spending so much time on his hair . . . why?
Btw, Carolyn, I didn't get to comment or anything last night when I got home from work but I did get to listen in to you when you were on with Missy. You have an awesome voice. You know how you can tell a person is kick ass by the way they sound/talk? Totally you.
Aw thank you Steph :) That was taken at a company Christmas party 2 years ago :)
P.S. I AM 5 years older than he ;)
if they keep this up, by the end of the night Enzo will be bald!
I have no feeds. Are we watching BBAD?
Am I doing something wrong?
NZinga :) thank you!
Steph - The winner of round 1 gets to move on to round 3. :)
Nymph - The feeds are definitely back. Make sure you're in the right area.
Hayden's friend's website is hilarious. For $5 you can register someone as an A-Hole. They will then send that person a certificate letting them know of their official status. They have products such as T-shirts, mugs, etc for purhcase as well. They have sister site as well. 2 Funny!
ok "I look like Sonic the Hedgehog" now THAT was funny!
omg Carolyn, you're cracking me up...
"blah blah blah, my hair"
So exactly what I heard too!
You're so welcome, Carolyn.
Lmao @ Enzo saying he looks like Sonic the Hedgehog. I was thinking the EXACT same thing! I can't anymore. I can't
LOL singforthedayx....Links are all over my facebook page for that site.
Enzo stop! You didn't have much to work with from the beginning. And get in the shower so Lane and Hayden can talk.
BB: Hey Brigade . . . the live feeds want to know about the competition . . .
You all know what voice I used to say that . . .
Is it me....or does Hayden look really worried?
Nzinga: I might have to register my ex! anyone think they were told NOT to discuss the comp?
Hi Carolyn!
Hi Everyone!
***patiently waiting for game talk & stuffing a sock in Enzo's mouth for dropping "F" grenades***
Unfortunately, it's not the upper most topic on their mind right now since they finished the comp last night that we saw just a few short hours ago!!
NO! You can't go to bed yet!!
Steph...I'm on camera three and they have shown a lot of close ups of the necklace. It's a silver cross mounted on a retangular shaped piece of silver.
Hi Carolyn and All!
sing, you're totally cracking me up tonite!
Carolyn, thank you for being here, you ROCK!!!! xoxo
NZinga, cool post!!! :)
Wow shunned agin :(
Caro I missed most of today. For fun tomorrow can we have a preview of your outfits for Vegas??? You are beautiful inside and out!
Hi Aunge :) Not shunned!!
For the love of Lucy somebody say something!
Reneep :) hehehe - that would be fun! Y'all can help me pick... But not tomorrow. I'll be away most of the day. I'm gonna do the overnight, then maybe a bit of morning report, but then I'm off for Rosh HaShana with my family.
Were they admonished or what?! ACK!
Please, no one feel badly that I'm not doing personal greetings one by one tonight...
Howdy Everyone!!! Been trying all night to get here! Hubby had the puter playing stupid Pogo, so I tried to connect on my laptop, for some reason my wi-fi won't connect so I was trying to leach off a neighbor....Anyway, I'm here now!
Houseguest: Feed the feeds, tell who won HOH part one!
I figured it out! I have feeds!
This is really hard to read, since we do not know how long it has been since the competition ended. Who knows who did well?
Alright how many times you gonna shave Enzo? lol I think you got all the little hairs
No bad feelings! I'm just happy you are here!!!
Michelle, if our Britney was still there, we'd darn sure know who won by now! LOL LOL LOL
Thanx for unshunning me Carolyn. I was feeling pretty lonely after yesterday!
Enzo? Your hair has always been jacked up... all seven of them.
Running water in one ear...card flipping in the other.
Who knew ... men shaving make the same faces women make when we put on mascara ... what makes our mouths do that kinda stuff ...
is Lane studying? he was looking at the memory wall and counting. now he is tossing cards on the counter and whispering. all I head was Brendon..... Britney....HOH
Uh-oh, Lane looks uber worried!
Lisa M - you're doing better than me if you can narrow it down to 1 person to
jluvs - glad you like my post (now which one was it again?) lol. sorry, child. i'm a hot mess right now. if ya knew me you'd understand.
I just feel that it's not Enzo due to non bragging.
I too kinda thought Hayden looked a bit upset.
Lane is just Lane, lol.
Thank you Izzy . . . I couldn't tell and he hasn't worn a necklace all summer . . . how do I know, he has been shirtless . . . oh there it is
can't talk . . . busy . . . so busy . . . oh my . . . shirtless smoochies to Hayden . . .
Sam, rolling on the floor!!!!
jluvs, inorite!
Lane is studying...don't think he won.
Nzinga, the post about awesome Carolyn :)
Ok, between the running water and some of ya'lls comments I'm gonna pee my pants
Hayden has on that silver cross necklace that Lane was playing with when they told Britney about the Bragade.
Something I just thought of....Do you think Ragan can tell the jury house he was the sab or do you think he has to wait until the final show?
ok guys, now tell us who won THIS comp!
Did Enzo win .. . both Lanae and Hayden are acting a little weird right now . . . Studying . . .
How does this part ago again? oh yeah, who ever won last night goes to round three, the other two face off . . . then who ever wins part 2 plays against 1 part winner . . . then that person picks who to go to the F2 . . . since Lane and Hayden are studying, they must be facing off???? Your thoughts . . .
Kscoot, nice new pic!!!! :)
jluvs - next year I gotta make it to Vegas & do shots with her. sorry, but this cast doesn't warrant it. plus, i'll let her get a year of Russell to herself. next time all bets are off, Caro. ☺
Lane is using the cards to count the HOH winners and POV winners.
Lane speculating on the comp, so I guess he didnt win round one. Maybe it was Hayden?
I'm thinking lane did not win. He seems like he is cramming for a test.
I am almost sure hay den got that necklace in his hoh basket
MsFitz, I hope he tells them. I can't wait to see everyone's faces, but I am thinking finale because that is when America's Player as revealed
Maybe production told them they can't say anything about the comp?
Isn't it normally - round 1 winner moves right to round 3? Then the winner of round 3 gets it?
Hayden wouldn't keep asking about what tomorrows going to be like, and Lane wouldn't be studying...
But what do I know lol
Oops Sorry - ShirtlessSteph already asked my question
i am 95% that Hayden has won the 1st part. He is helping Lane study, Enzo said to lane 10-15 mins ago "Man this comp tomorrow is going to be crazy"
Hayden won
sounds like lane & enzo tomorrow
hayden's hands are all bandaged up. since it appears that hayden is helping lane study, i think hayden won pt 1.
i just cant see them studying together if they aren't facing off.
L:I hope it's tomorrow. I've got it all in my head and he hasn't been studying.
OK I feel as if it's Hayden for the 1st part because Lane just said he has not seen Enzo study
Ok, I am pretty sure Lane didnt win round one. Hayden seems to be helping him, so I am guessinh it will be Enzo vs Lane tomorrow. Lane said "I didnt see him studying" if Hayden didnt win, I dont think he would help Lane study. Just my opinion.
Enzo is the only one that seems happy, not a good sign...?
Lane just said he hasn't seen him study . . . he was talking about Enzo . . . I think Hayden won and Lane and Enzo will have to fight . . .
That is my opinion and I am getting tired . . . I need to go to bed soon . . . come on boyz spill the beans . . .
to me it looks like hayden won the first one because Lane just said I have not seen him(enzo)studying at all.
Oh Carolyn I hope so! I want it to be Hayden!
Lane just said that he hopes that the comp is tomorrow, cause he has not seen Enzo study! That is confirmation enough for me
They seem to be studying behind Enzo's back?
did you see Enzo spying on them? LOL
Good evening all!
I think Hayden won...they are whispering as if to hide the fact that they are studying from Enzo.
Also, I don't think they would be studying together if they were competing against each other.
Shirtless Steph is grinning from Shirless Ear to Shirtless Ear . . .
Shirtless Summer Hollywood Hayden F1 . . . none of this F2, F1!!!!!!!
GEAUX Hayden!
Shirtless smoochies to all . . . I think I am going to head towards my room . .
Is tomorrow night live? like really live?
my thought is that since Hayden is helping Lane study...Hayden won the endurance! *hoping*
Carolyn I agree. I don't think hayden would be studying with lane if he did not win part one
ok, how funny is Enzo spying around the corner at Hayden and Lane? and now they are tyring to play it off like they are talking about blackjack! They are discussing going to bed. I think I will be soon, too
Of course, I still can't watch feeds because they're I'm not sure if Hayden is helping Lane, but that's what it sounds like from y'all's comments...LOL
Nzinga, LOL! :)
So if they're studying behind Enzo's back maybe either Lane or Hayden won and one is helping the other study
Aunge! Right on about him getting the necklace in the basket! I didn't even think of that!
I KNEW Hayden wouldn't let go of that rope unless his hands ripped right off his wrists!
Wow Hayden has won some serious comps!!!
one thing I am tired of when watching BBAD is the same Weeds and the Big C commercials over and over.I mean if I hear "Nigel, the valet used to supply but he's on strike" one more time.....
Goodnight to all my fellow dishers! I've got to get some rest to deal with the idiots tomorrow.
I feel for can see the worry all over his face. He knows they won't take him now that he's won another comp. And that part three of the HOH is impossible to study for. I wish they would change that up this year, too!
KScoot - Hi :)
MsFitz - Hmm. Good QUestion!
they think tomorrow is finale!!!Enzo thinks his family is in the hotel. Nope, they are still in Jersey!
You know, it is never to late to get on board the Shirtless Summer Hollywood Hayden Train . . .
All Aboard . . . chugga chugga chugga . . .
Off to never never land . . . take my hand . . .
Christy, I agree. I wish they would change the last comp,too, . Surprise us, AGP!
Carolyn, what another great night on the Dish. Thank you! I wish you a very wonderful Rosh HaShana with your family :)
See everyone tomorrow! Have a good nite :)
Steph, I am on that train for sure! Go Hayden!!
Hayden is so worried.
The boyz might not take Hayden, but Hayden can surely take himself . . . he has proved that . . . I think that Hayden can beat either one of them in any type of comp . . . he has so far, right? Neither one has won him on anything have they? I so would suck at any type of comp . . .
Good Night loverly Dishers!!
No need to watch Lane in the shower . . .
they gave me what i came for. I'm leaving a bill on the dresser and hitting the road. ;) (ie, my bed)
Lessa will be on shortly for all you late night folks!
I'll see you in the morning!!
jluvs: sorry I didnt say it earlier but you are very welcome!
Good night Carolyn, sweet dreams..
good night everyone..seet dreams
I am off,too. good night. see you tomorrow and Carolyn, I dont see you have a wonderful time with your family!
Night Carolyn! Thank You!
Nite Carolyn and thank you!
Happy for all the Hayden fans!!!
Poor Hayden does look worried!
Did anyone else vote for Britney tonight? I did about ten times, computer and text.
that was "if" I dont see you. I am tired and my eyes are not working so good
Goodnight Caro! Sleep sweet!
Good night, Carolyn! Sleep well!
Good night, Everyone!
Got the info needed & I'm tired. I miss little Brit. I almost cried watching the show tonight when she found out about the Brigade & I had already seen it on the feeds. I just felt so sorry for her & Lane both. I also felt bad for Hayden. Lane & Hayden were truly sad to hurt her. But, I think she was a good sport & knew it was game & got beyond the bad feelings she 1st felt.
Hugs!! And to all a good night. :)
Sleep sweet, dishers.
Lessa's not far behind, for you night owls..
I think Hayden may have won, lane ws studying and he said to Lane Enzo hasn't been studying. So to me that means the two of them face off tomorrow, Lane and Enzo. Also see Enzo spying, and they switched the convo to BlackJack. Replaying it now but almost positive that's what was said.
According to live feeds, it is implied that Hayden won. Lane was studying HOH, POV, etc. & asking Hayden questions. Lane said, about Enzo: "I don't even see him studying."
So, not 100%, but 90% Hayden won part 1.
No, Hayden is wearing his cross necklace, not the HOH necklace. Enzo went to bed and Lane and Hayden are discussing scenarios. I do believe Hayden has won the first round, I'm watching BB after dark.
ive really got 2 learn patience. lol
patience in hanging on every word once we got to see the guys on feeds and bbad.
patience with late comers or rm floaters on feeds chat rm 67. grr
yes, i watch BB every season, yes i know how the final comps work, but even BB can pull new stuff on us like the frustration of not seeing the complete endurance first comp, and having 2 listen for clues tonight.
and then to have chat floaters com in our reg. rm and argue about who's won, how do we know, how do you know, no we're wrong. uggg. my patience was as thin as the hair on Enzo's head.
but i gave it my best to explain, why, how, whats going to happen next, only to have the dodos on the feeds swear tomorrow has to be the finals. say what?
these guys get the chance of a lifetime, make it to the end purely because other HG'S were much more interested in playing middle school clique than the BB game, and basically let them slide under the fence and sneak in, and dont even know they still have a week to go?
heck at this point after the shenanigans with the feeds and bbad last night, maybe they know better than me.
nah they dont. they are just dodos. dodod who are there because of other dodos with ocd and the personalities of the real housewives of new jersey.
oh who cares now, my own ocd was redhot tonight until my subscription to feeds and bbad turned into "sleeping with the three dodos."(looked more like sleeping with the fishes)
wheres evel dick when you need him and his pots and pans?
is tomorrow night here yet?
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