Big Brother 16: Julie Chen Takes Us on a Tour of the BB16 House
Good afternoon, BB Lovers!
I told you it was going to be a HUGE 48 hours, and I wasn't kidding. This is the 4th post today, and I don't think it'll be the last. If this is your 1st time on BBDish today, and you need catching up, here are the links to the previous posts: BB16: Twist Details Revealed!, The Next 48 hours are HUGE, High Quality Photos of the BB16 House
Here's the House Tour we've all been waiting for. Enjoy!
I love it! Good thing too, since I'll be spending the summer in there.. so to speak. ;-) What's your favorite room?
i loooooovvvveee the bathroom.
I can't stand it. I just can't stands it, I tells ya!!!!
The excitement is getting to me.
It's time to find a summer day camp for Doggie, a Personal Assistant to take over my more mundane phone calls/emails/personal correspondence I can't be bothered with, and stock up on the delivery/take-out menus.
Does anyone know a good winery that makes home deliveries?
Spending a summer with the greatest human being God ever made-------Carolyn------is the greatest thing ever.
Good afternoon Carolyn and fellow anxious Dishers-Boy, what a set-up. For me, the set is going to take a bit to get used to. I wonder how long it will take before someone grabs those peacock feathers and causes some trouble with them. Did you notice the fire alarms in the Fire Room? Or that Julie didn't show us the Wind Room or the backyard?
I love the fact that even though you're HOH for the week, you're still not guaranteed safety!
Only one more week and we'll be watching the mayhem commence with Carolyn leading the way.
Things I like: Rooms with names that make enough sense I might actually remember which is which!
Things I don't like: Furnishings that look like they won't last through the first month of actual use by houseguests who are known to not take good care of the house.
Loving the bathroom and the treehouse landing!
Long-time lurker, but I'm going to try to comment more this year. Thanks for all you do, Carolyn!
Just got the Early Bird Special through BBDish! Looking forward to another great season :)
Hi Carolyn!!! I am not sure which room I like the best ... although the room that has rocks for pillows looks pretty cool!! The bed in HOH looks really small ...
I am starting to finally get excited ... watched some of Jeff's interviews on the feeds ... LOVE Jordan!!! Just love her!!
Okay, off to read some more and look at more pictures!!
Hi! I've been following your blog for years, but I don't think I've commented before. I was wondering if subscribing to the live feeds would give me access to BB episodes after they've aired? I work different hours this year and won't be home to watch when they are on. I live in Canada if that makes a difference as well! Thanks so much for all the work you put into this blog, it's the best one on the web!
Easy to pick my favorite room...the bathroom is very pretty, my favorite color, but, still, it's the same room, just redecorated.... I keep wishing for a new floor plan... The gimmicky stuff is embarrassing, as an American. I want the house to not look like it is left from the 1960s or 70s on a dirty back lot...that fire bedroom is the worst. It already seems like it needs cleaning!
As for the HOH bedroom--does it seem like they don't want to see people lounging en masse up there? Looks quite uncomfortable for anything but sleep. And no more that 2 people?
I will forgive them for the creepy house if they are careful with the content this year tho. Start with guys (and girls, since they started doing it too) being penalized for referring to girls by the "c" word. I just cringe then get apoplectic when that crap invades my home through the feeds. And please add penalties for racism, bullying and singing copyrighted songs.
HGs could learn to curb that stuff--after all, we all behave in courtrooms, churches, hospitals. They can let loose with anything else. Just can the the "c" word, racism, bullying and singing unoriginal songs. How hard is that?
Why can't I see the Julie's house tour video? :(( Can anybody help me out?
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