Big Brother 16: Monday Morning Before the PoV Ceremony
Happy Monday, BB Lovers!☺ Wakey Wakey, Houseguests! It's time to get up and entertain us on the live feeds! Truly, you're all doing a smashing job of it, and we thank you.
Today is PoV Ceremony Day. That usually happens during the morning, and this post will follow all their antics up until the PoV Ceremony. Then I'll open a PoV Ceremony Spoiler and Aftermath Post, and we'll start fresh with the mayhem and shenanigans that may bring on. ;-) If all goes according to plan, Donny will use his PoV on Jocasta, and Derrick will put Devin up as the Renom, next to Caleb.
If this is your first time on BBDish today, you'll want to have a look at The Overnight Report, so you can get all caught up on what went went down in the Big Brother house after midnight. If you'd like some insight into Derrick's intentions, straight from his mouth, you'll want to have a look at this post: Derrick Speaks Directly to the Feedsters.
9:09am Fishies.. Wakey Wakey Fishies while BB plays the HGs some wake up tunes and they get their dance on..
9:21am Annnnd they're up! Well, Victoria and Donny are, for the moment..
- Victoria's washing her face.
- The man of the morning is in the storage room pouring chocolate milk into his cereal.
BB: Rise and Shine! Please turn in your activity bracelets.
BB: Rise and Shine! Please change your batteries.

- Cody's outside lifting weights.. and doing abs.. stretching.. and doing pushups..
- Christine and Nicole are in the storage room
Cam 1
Frankie: Did you sleep?
Cody: yeah.. I got up when the music started. Came out here.
Frankie: I'm so cold. The fire room gets so cold in the morning.
Cody: You feelin' better?
Hug time..
Frankie: I slept for like 3 hours..
Cody: 3 hours? That's terrible.
**cry me a river. that's my norm during bb.
BB is calling out the HGs one by one, name by name to turn in their activity trackers...
Cam 3
Storage Room
Zach and Hayden are nowhere near coherent, turning in their activity trackers and trying to change their batteries..
Cam 3
Donny's just come outside singing a tune. Cody's ab work continues.. Then he comes over to talk with Donny.
Donny: The Outsiders.
Cody: You heard that?
Donny: It's a great name.
Cody: You trustin' Brittany a little more now?
Donny: Yeah. My top trust, if I have to trust a girl, is Nicole. Then Brittany.
Cody: I like her, but she's attached to Christine.
Cody: Pao Pao did an awesome job at stirring the pot. She went after me individually to a number of different people.
Donny: I've got a plan in my brain that I can't tell nobody.. You've probably got a similar plan. It involves some girls..
**Whatcha cookin up there Donny? Is it for this week or next?
Cody: If I win HoH, you're not goin' up. I expect to go up soon. What are we down to? A third of the house goes up next week.
At BB's request, Donny and Cody go to extend all the shades..
Cody: I'm tryin to figure it out. Caleb's tryin' to talk to all the guys.
Donny: He's a non factor.
Cody: I'm starting to see he's not really a competitor. And his game is so blurred by Amber.. I don't know what the hell he was thinkin' with that.
Donny: There's 2 big targets up there.. or going to be. But there will be more endurances..
Cody: I only think there's gonna be one more Endurance Comp.
Cody: Veto is always a combo of physical and mental. I love those. You've been competing a lot.
Donny: More than anybody.
Cody: And you're winnin' more than anybody too. What do you think a good time to take a shot at him (Caleb) would be? Sooner or later?
Donny: Sooner. If anybody says, I'm gonna protect somebody no matter what, that's one person right now, 2 votes.
Cody: Well, this week we'll get out one of the original 3.
**I do declare.. I believe Donny may just try to lead an insurrection this week, and get rid of Caleb instead of Devin.
Timecheck-- 9:52am Christine comes outside, Donny hops back on the elliptical and Cody goes back to Squats.
Cam 1
Victoria's doing her makeup, Nicole's brushing her hair...
Cam 3
Christine: Did you see the present in the Storage Room?
Cody: Ant Killer?
Christine: Yeah.
Cody: Their donezo. I'm goin after em right now. This'll be my break.
Cam 3
Brittany and Christine
They're wishing for yogurt..
Christine: I can't wait.. to not have to be nice to Devin anymore.
Brittany: I know. I was telling Derrick, he's being nice now, but that's over once the PoV Ceremony happens. (paraphrasing)
Christine: He's so gross.
Christine: What if we forget how to order at a restaurant.
Brittany: Oh my God.. It was really weird signing our name.
Christine: Wasn't it? And I was like, how do you write the date again?
**reminds me of when I came back to America from living on the kibbutz. I was completely overwhelmed by a big supermarket..
Brittany goes inside. Christine remains on the hammock. Jacosta is walking the yard. Donny is still on the Elliptical. Cody comes back outside, self appointed Ant Killer. Jacosta begins praying softly as she walks. Donny decides to walk as well.
Christine goes inside to grab her sunglasses. Donny hums as he walks.. Jacosta continues her praise.
Jacosta: You have me here for greater things.. You have me here for greater things..
Christine returns, exchanges pleasantries with Donny and reclaims her spot on the hammock.
Cam 3
Victoria and Brittany
Victoria is trying to talk sense to Brittany about the non-value of stressing.. Brittany can't or wont hear it.
Cam 1
Cody, Derrick, Zach
Chatter about music and holidays..
Backyard Couch
Cam 2
Donny: That's what I thought about. I knowed (*kills me) I was gonna have to be a Have Not. I'd just like to do it without the snoring.
Skippy flips us back..
Cody, Zach, Derrick
Cody: I'm winning.
Zach: I'm wininng.
Derrick: Well, why don't you guys both win, and I can relax for the week. Everyone I've talked to says the same thing. I hope you guys win, man. I hope we walk out there and it's a big wall.
**Me Too!!
Derrick: I'm gonna have a little tv time today. I should probably dress a little decent.
Cody: Dude, I can't believe how many hours you slept yesterday.
Zach: From 9 in the morning, til 8 at night.. and then I took a nap.
**seething with jealousy over here.
Timecheck -- 10:41am -- Stretch! brb
Cam 3
Backyard Couch
Jacosta, Donny and Caleb
Talking about bad snowstorms and such..
Cam 3
Pool Table
Zach and Cody.
Zach: I probably shouldn't tell you this.. I think it's funny. I'm gonna go up to Victoria and be like, everyone is talking, saying you're just a floater, and you're not really playing the game.. You should start an alliance. But when you start an alliance, you're not supposed to do it with your friends. You should go to Donny and Jacosta.
Cody: NO!
Zach: I ran it by Christine.
Cody: And you didn't tell him no?!
Christine: I said it would be dangerous.
Zach heads up to HoH. Camera 3 goes with him. Derrick is there. Caleb comes in. Cody is there as well.
Zach: What was the Endurance Comp last year?
BB: Derrick, please put on your microphone.
Zach: How'd you sleep in the Have Not Room?
Caleb: (laughing) Do we really have to talk about it? To be honest, the worst part for me is the eating, cuz I love eating. I could sleep in there all summer.
Zach: F'in Devin man.. He don't know sh*t. It's gonna be an 11-0 vote.
Caleb: Yeah, Jocasta came up and kissed me on the cheek last night. I don't know if that means anything. Devin is almost positive Donny's not gonna use the PoV, and if he does, that Derrick's wantin' to get a girl out instead.
Zach: F'in Devin.
Caleb: You look nice.
Derrick: Well, I'm about to execute someone. Gotta look nice.
BB: Donny, please go to the Diary Room.
Zach: Here we go.
Derrick: This person has been a strong competitor, but had a horrible social game. We've played a lot of chess together, so I think you know this term. Checkmate. On behalf of the house, Devin, take a seat.
It's PoV Ceremony Time! We'll see you in a new top post just as soon as the feeds come back. Keep your eyes peeled for the PoV Ceremony Spoiler and Aftermath here on BBDish.
Donny gave me hope on the show last night when without missing a beat he looked Nicole in the eye and said "did you ask me not to tell anyone?" Shows me there is a whole lot more going on in his head than he is letting on even in the diary room
So why doesn't Donny just take Caleb off and remove any threat of the house flipping and keeping Devin over him? If nobody wants Jocasta out, then leave her on the block and they have no choice but to vote Devin!
Donny…Has a plan…do tell!
It's all in the execution!…
How I do love a good Novela (drama)!
It could be just in the edit, but I clearly remember Nicole telling Donny "You can't breath a word of this". Did I just imagine that?
@ Jumbo
I agree,
When she asked why did you tell…there was a long pause!!! ( what to say)
I believe she did say " this is between me and you" … so when he said "did you ask me not to tell anyone?" She couldn't remember …. cause she was a wreck over nominating him, she second guessed herself.
No you didnt imagine it. She definitely said it and he knows it. Thats why I have hope for Donny... He jedi mind tricked her
Good morning Carolyn and my other BB buddies.
I'm love ing this year! Thank goodness I'm not working right now so I can watch the feeds until daybreak.
I hope they don't change their target to Caleb. It would be a BIG mistake to not get out Devin while they can. Might not be so easy again.
Have a great day everyone. I'm on my way to physical therapy. I'll catch up with you later.
Oh boy! I so hope Donny chooses not to use the veto and we see an end to Caleb.
I know Devin is inconsistent and egotistical, as well as a bit hotheaded...But Caleb truly frightens me more. Perhaps that is because he reminds me of a seriously horrible and abusive ex, I don't know. But I would feel safer in a house with Devin than I would with Caleb.
On a game level, I also see it as an excellent strategic move for Donny. Caleb's departure would weaken the Derrick/Frankie powerbase... as well as Amanda's game (I do not believe for one second that she hasn't used Caleb's infatuation to her advantage).
It will also have the added advantage of bringing Devin over to team Donny....and I believe Nicole and Hayden will support him as well as Jacosta.
It is a risky move, for sure. If Frankie or Amber win HOH they are almost sure to put Donny up... but I truly think it is his best chance. All of the "We don't believe Donny is who he claims to be" paranoia has his days numbered otherwise.
Just my 2 cents.
Hi everyone, the other redheaded Carolyn here! Can anyone help me find the flashback date and time for Hayden's poems with the silly voice? Thanks!!! :)
Hi Carolyn,
From memory, I think it was midnight 2 JUL and again later at, this is more squishy, at 154 am. Don't remember the cameras though. Hope that helps.
And howdy, everyone!!
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