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Saturday, July 5, 2014

Big Brother 16: Power of Veto Spoiler and Aftermath

Following a must-see flashback Bomb Squad meeting up in the HoH Room, the feeds went down at 6:00 BBT and the HGs began playing for the coveted Power of Veto. 

The comp is now done and the winner has been revealed to us on the live feeds.

PoV Players: Devin, Paola, Brittany, Derrick, Amber, Zach
PoV Host: Donny

And the winner is....

Has Won the PoV
Amazingly Surprising

If you don't have the feeds yet, here's a 2 day free trial for you.  If you need help with flashback, here's a handy step-by-step guide and diagram.
8:46pm Feeds are back!!

Zach: All that matters is we're safe this week.
Derrick: I know we're safe.  I just don't like losing. I'll be honest.  Pao's buggin' me.. She's playing dumb, like she didn't throw a comp and sell her soul.  

Devin: I wanna pull up everyone tonight and count up the votes. 
Frankie: If you don't use the Veto, I think Brittany will go home.
Devin: What if I did a big huge power move.. I'm just gonna pull everyone tonight and say, if Victoria and Brittany are up there, who do you send home?  If Pao and Brittany are up there, who do you send home.   My gut is saying an enemy will work harder for you and stay loyal.
Frankie: Brittany is very predictable.  If you make a deal with Brittany, I think she will honor that deal.
Devin: If I put Victoria..
Frankie: All the girls will vote Victoria out.. Zach too.

Zach comes to the door, wanting to take a shower. Devin's not interested in having his HoH be a shower party.  He sends Frankie into the shower..

Devin: Pao and Brittany are up there, who are you voiting out?
Zach: It doesn't matter to me.
Devin: Victoria and Brittany are up there, who are you voting out?

Zach leaves, Cody enters.
Cody: Our alliance, bro. Whoever we decide..
Devin: Just give me an answer.
Cody: If Brittany's the biggest threaat to our alliance..
Devin: If Victoria and Brittany..
Cody: I'd still vote Brittany, depending on what everyone's gonna be doing. But that would make it harder.
Devin: I'm gonna pull Brittany up here and ask, If I pull you off the block, will you ever put me up?  If I look at her face and see she's lying, she's going home.

Caleb comes in.. Same question.  Victoria in the mix makes it difficult..

Devin: I promised Pao I'd take her off, but I'm not gonna be able to..

Cam 3 and 4

Brittany comes to HoH.  She prefaces her conversation by asking him not to speak to her as he has before.
He says he wont.  She then confronts him about all of the nasty things he said about her.

Devin: Oh my God, Brittany.  I actually called you up here tonight to talk to you about pulling you off the block.. Oh my goodness, Brittany, you're so paranoid, you can't see straight.  I never said anything about any cows.
Brittany: I feel like you've thrown low jabs.  You've put me on slop 2 weeks in a row.

Devin: The only comment I've ever made.. in 2 comps, During BB Rager, all my frisbees went at you.  2 today.. I thought you were copying me, so I said so..  Going backwards. I felt so guilty for targeting Donny when I thought he was something he was not.  I was torn up about it.  I woke him up and told him, I was the one who forced his hand, and when I said, forced his hands, I mean put the thoughts in his head, that grew into a nomination.  The only thing I'm thinking about is my daughter.. What bothered me was I was honest, I said what I said, and you said, Devin, that was very nice of you.  SO I'm thinking in my head, I did a good deed.  I go to sleep, I feel great.. The next morning, I'm talking to Caleb, and I say, you know what happened last night, right?  He says, I heard you tried to throw me under the bus.  I'm like, What??  He said, Brittany said you tried to throw me under the bus.  I'm like, you're my best friend in the house.  Why would I try to do that?  What hurt me is you were the first person to say, Devin that was great.
Brittany: Can you let me tell you the story.. I did think that was great.. But, you're being a hypocrite making your best friend look like a liar.

Brittany: A lot of people trust me, and a lot of people don't want me to go home.  So the target on you is just going to grow.  Right now, you're fighting your own battle.
Devin: I just wanna let you know, I was a target day one when I walked in.. Because of my size, because of my athletic ability..
Brittany: Day one, I announced to the girls, he's a big teddy bear.

They're dancing in circles, rehashing everything that's happened in the past.  Brittany is direct if she's anything, but I don't know if this approach is what Devin's looking for to assure him he's right to take her off the block.

Devin: I called you up here because I wanted to say, Hey, if I used the Veto on you, would you be loyal for the rest of the game?
Brittany: My answer to you?  I would be loyal, but I need to ask you to do the same in return.
Devin: What does that mean to you?
Brittany: If I have an issue with you, I speak to only you directly, and not to anyone else in the house about it.

Devin: This is a game.  I'm not supposed to let you know how I feel and who I am.  It's a game.  I'm not talking real life.  I'm talking Big Brother 16.  This is a game.  This is a game, Brittany.. This is TV.  Nothing is real.
**this is a very condensed version of Devin's speech.

Devin: Just speak for yourself, not other people. In this game, I could care less about what people think of me as a competitor. What I care about is how I'm viewed in real life.

Victoria comes to the door.  Devin asks her to come back.

Brittany:   We both obviously wanna stay here because we both have kids.  My short term goal is jury, so at least it's worthwhile being here.  If you give me the veto, I'm gonna be ecstatic.  You have my word that I wont put you up.  That's my word.  100%. On my children. 
Devin: I gotcha.  That's cool.  I can't make any promises.  You're gonna have to wait til the Veto Ceremony.   I respect you as a person.  This is a game.

Brittany: Everything said and done, if you set aside the personal, if you take me down, you can act as if you're respecting the other houseguest's choice, because none of them want to send me out. This was your idea to bring me up.  I wasn't even going to ask you for it.  I know a lot of people came up here and spoke on my behalf.  If I can save myself this week.. I'm not gonna kiss ass, I'm just being honest.
Devin: I like that. I don't like kissing ass.

9:38pm Their conversation is ongoing...  Devin is softening.. He's smiling more and becoming much less defensive in both his words and postures.  I questioned Brittany's tactics, but this may just work out for her.

Devin: I just want you to know, whatever happens, outside of this house, I have the utmost respect for you, as a mother, as a person.  I should be thanking you.  You're a competitor in this game.  You're always thinking.  You scare the crap outa me. I just want you to know there's a huge separation for me between game and real life.
Brittany: Thank you.  It makes me feel better that you asked me to come up here. I do think it would benefit you to keep me.   O have to go home at some point, I guess, but I think it would benefit you if you go down there and tell them you're keeping me because the whole house wants that..   I think that would score points for you.  Either way, it's a win win.  I'll go home to my babies or I'll stay.

Devin: If I save you.. If I sit there and put that Veto around your neck, I would expect you to have my back til we get to jury.
Brittany: I swear, swear, swear, swear..
Devin: I don't want you to go downstairs and get pissed at anyone.. There's something I want to tell you..  Pao threw that competition.
Brittany: I figured. I read people pretty well, and she was different up there, so I figured she'd made a deal with you.  Last night, she didn't sleep with me, and today, she couldn't make eye contact with me all day.  First thing I said to her was, are you throwing this competition.
Devin: She told me.  Just know, I just told you because I'm looking for good faith..  She's gonna be pissed at me if I use it on you, because I promised her.  If it's Pao and Victoria, who are you voting out.
Brittany: Honestly, I don't care which one goes.
Devin: I think people will vote out Victoria almost unanimously. I'm being honest with you..
Brittany: I'm not letting anything leave this room.

Devin: I'm feeling very good about saving you with the Veto, and I will protect you moving forward.  If I put that Veto on your neck, I want you to know that you can trust me..
Brittany: I'm not gonna say that I will instantly trust you.  That's gonna take time.
Devin: That's fine.
Brittany: But as far as getting to jury, I'm with you 100%. When I say one thing, I'm good with my word and I'm loyal.

Devin: I thank you so much for coming up here, and I'm sorry for putting you on slop this week.
Brittany: That's ok.. I wanted to lose weight this week anyway.
Devin: I have a tough road ahead..
Brittany: You're very likeable, and you kick ass at every challenge.  If you open up a little more..

10:06pm Aaack!  Andy and Jeff Glitch.

10:06:46 Back to HoH
Brittany: I just don't understand why when I came in here I was instantly someone people wanted to taget.. you, Amber, Caleb..
Devin: Amber loves you.  She loves you.
Brittany: I mean in the beginning.
Devin: You're gorgeous.  You're smart.  You're a huge threat. (paraphrasing) I was all for you and Victoria.. and I came up here and break down.  I didn't have the right med dose.
**Knew it!
Devin: I was like, how do I back it down.. This is the way..

Devin: Just know, if I use the Veto on you, please just know I'm in your corner, and I'm backing you 100%.
Brittany: I'm sorry I doubted you. I feel like I let you down.  I want to trust you, Devin, I really do.  There's a lot of pros.  It's not just cons.  I do feel bad that you're HoH and you can't even enjoy it right now.  It's not a good feeling. You don't float and I don't float.  If it's to our advantage to get us to juy, then I'm fine with making that deal, and never, ever going back on that.
Devin: Same here, and I will make sure people I'm close with have your back as well.

BB: Brittany, please exchange your microphone with one in the storage room.

Brittany: There's so many people here that I've connected with, no matter what, I see it as a blessing in my life.
Devin: I'm sorry.  We're starting fresh.  But all that's transpired has gotten us to this point. Forgive me for things I've said and done in the past.  Obviously I was wrong.  Just know that if that thing hangs around your neck, that means I trust you, and I will do everything I can to get you to jury. 
Brittany: Obviously people are gonna ask what you had to say to me.. What do you want me to say.
Devin: You and I are just talking about our differences.  Clearing the air.  Gimme time to sit here and think, mull it over.. I honestly don't need much more.. Pretty sure it's gonna hang around your neck.  I'd rather it be a surprise party for you.

10:22pm Finally, they hug it out.. once..   twice..three times
Brittany mentions she doesn't even know if her rent is being paid right now, because she's not getting child support.. and the challenges of being a newly single mom.. Having been raised by a single mom with financial challenges, this is the icing on the cake for Devin.. 

Devin: I'm gonna be your biggest support, your biggest cheerleader.  I want you to do well. Just rest assured, that Veto's gonna hang on your neck.  We're gonna be here and we'll battle it out together. And I'm very, very sorry..

Victoria heads into the HoH for her talk with Devin on Camera 3.  We follow Brittany into the Storage Room on Camera 1 to see what she tells Frankie and Zach.. She doesn't let on at all.  Pao comes in too.

Brittany: It doesn't look good for me.
Pao: What did he say though?
Brittany: We kind of argued a bit.. then me calling him out to his best friend.. and just like, I keep calling him out on things.  I don't know how to shut the F up.
Pao: So are you guys ok now?
Brittany: He just wanted to let me know why I was up there.  I'm not about to kiss his ass..  That competition sucked.  Can I have a comp that I'm good at, please?
Pao: It's not that you sucked.  We all did terrible.  Even Zach.  Right, Zach?

OK.. Privately with Frankie and Zach, she said nothing.. Now with Pao, obviously nothing.. If Brittany can keep her mouth closed til Monday noonish, she may just be ok this week.

10:37pmCam 1
Have Not Room
Pao and Zach

After getting a chilly reception from Zach in the Storage Room, Pao seeks him out to see why he's being standoffish with her.

It's because he knows about the deals she made a deal with Devin to throw the BoB and the PoV, and he asks her questions that she replies to with lies, and he knows it, so the chill continues.

Camera 1
Frankie and Christine

Christine:  So it looks like Brittany's going home this week.  That's what Caleb's telling me.

Frankie:  Devin just made a deal with her to take her off the block with PoV.
Christine: With Brittany??
Frankie: Yeah
Christine: He already made that deal with Pao.
Frankie: I know!

Christine: What?? hehehe
Frankie: hehehehe!
Christine: I have no idea what is going on.
Frankie:  He just made a deal with Brittany to take her off the block and send Victoria home.  Now I'm sure he's making a deal with Victoria to keep her off the block, or to keep her safe once he puts her on the block.  He's basically sacking up, because he knows he's public enemy number one, which is fine, because any one of those girls - Pao, Brittany or Victoria - will f'in throw him under the bus in 30 seconds!
**If Brittany told him, it was off camera, because during their conversation in the Storage Room, she did not spill the beans.

Frankie: And I pray to God that Victoria's up there lying her f'ing brains out. Cuz I know Brittany just did.

Frankie:  Brittany's like, oh, I'm so nervous about going home, but I know they just made a deal.  Ultimately, nobody trusts anybody, but I think Caleb trusts me, and I think Devin trusts me, and I definitely trust you.
Christine: I definitely trust you too.

This concludes the PoV Spoiler and Follow Up!  I'm going to take a 30 minute break before I get to crackin on the Overnight Report.  If you're up reading this, there's no need to wait on me. Take advantage of the 2 day free trial of the feeds and watch!☺  Big Brother 16 is too good a season to miss!



Blogger pickedonalways said...

I am so sick of Devin's attitude!!! he needs to be put out of the BB house so the other HG can play the game the it is supposed to be played!!! All Devin is doing is bullying everyone to do whatever he tells them to!!! All this does is terrify the HG and I'm sure everyone on the live feeds as well!!! T am so scared for the HG safety at this point that I can't watch BB or the live feeds anymore as long as Devin is still in the BB house!!! Thank you Carolyn for all that you do for us BB fans!!!

July 5, 2014 at 9:19 PM  
Blogger lee said...

OK. I admit it. I am listening. Still not happy with Devin. It was an intense conversation.

July 5, 2014 at 9:47 PM  
Blogger Tella @TellaKG said...

Oh my... I so LOVE Big Brother.

The Live Feeds this season are pure GOLD and if you don't have them - you are missing out in spite of this great site.

My favorite Derrick is laying fairly low. I LOVE that Devin won POV because it messes with everybody online and in the house. Every alliance is screwed up. And it seems Brittney already spilled the 'deal' she and Devin made. This was stupid. It better not come back to Devin or he may replace Pao with a guy. Victoria may be safe yet, even if it would be OK if she leaves.

Great feeds. I love this game.

July 5, 2014 at 10:43 PM  
Blogger ~Tanya~ said...

Hey Carolyn thank you for doing all this for us!! I do have a question I don't have the calendar on my feeds like I used to. How can I flash back? I did a rewind but I'm not sure what time I'm on or what I'm watching. Can you give me an idea as to how the conversation started before the pov

July 5, 2014 at 10:56 PM  
Blogger ~Tanya~ said...

Thank you so much!!

July 5, 2014 at 10:57 PM  
Blogger Barbara said...

This season is just crazy. Never know when it is safe to leave the feeds without missing a ton. Am afraid to go to bed even now and I have to get up for Church in the morning. Thanks for all your hard work and horrible hours keeping us all updated.

I just hope Brit can lay low and stay although I wouldn't mind if she broke her word, won HOH and put Devin up or even safer backdoored him. Would love to see how the rest of the folks play without most of them being afraid to cross Devin. I think Victoria and Brit are the only two willing to stand up to Devin. Even the guys are afraid of him. Just crazy.

July 5, 2014 at 11:24 PM  
Blogger Rainydays11 said...

Try your computer. You don't have the calendar option on an IPhone or IPad. Happy viewing!

July 6, 2014 at 1:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Carolyn, Goddess of the Dish, for keeping this non-livefeeder so very well informed!! My younger sister has been watching BB for many more seasons than I have, but has never seen the live feeds, BBAD, or any internet sites BB related, so she is a true TV only watcher. I only started watching in season 13 (I think?) and found your blog immediately. Ever since, I have tried to impress upon her that having only the info that a TV only viewer gets is like watching a completely different show. You only see the edited version CBS wants you to see, and therefore never really know even a fraction of who the HGs truly are or what goes on in the house. As hard as I've tried, I don't think I'll ever get her to watch it any other way :-( As for me and my BB experience, I have you alone to thank for making it so addictive (that's such a GOOD thing in this case lol) and such an enjoyable part of every summer since I've started watching. And the icing on my BBDish cake that you've made for me is the wonderful community of people that I have grown to know and love these past three years :-) *GaYToR, I miss you my fabulously flamboyant friend <3*
Yep, I sometimes tend to get a bit sappy when I am having trouble sleeping and watching chick flicks to fill the long, late hours!
Now, after allll that sugary sweetness......Devin, you are a wreck. As much as I love BB drama (that IS what we wait for every year, right!?), I am afraid that I can't handle your misogynistic attitude much longer and while I only see bits and pieces of it on BBAD, or read excerpts of it here, that is far and away enough to make me want to either throw a hammer at my TV screen, or break my phone in half, depending on the device I'm using at the time. Ahhh, it feels good to get that out :-)

July 6, 2014 at 1:35 AM  

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