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Saturday, August 2, 2014

And the PoV Players Are...

Good afternoon, BB Lovers!  The players have been chosen for today's Power of Veto Competition, and the lucky 6 are: 
  1. Nicole
  2. Jocasta
  3. Zach
  4. Caleb
  5. Christine
  6. Victoria 
Nicole chose Frankie to host the Comp.  Ironic, in that this Power of Veto Competition may lead to Frankie or Zach's demise in the Big Brother house.  Frankie is equally unaware of his own peril and the newly formed Quad Squad alliance of Derrick, Cody, Hayden and Nicole, and he's already pushing to get Nicole to put Donny up as the ReNom. 

Feel free to move about the world.  We'll have a PoV Spoiler and Aftermath post up for you as soon as the Veto Comp is played and the HGs clue us all in on the live feeds.



Blogger Michigan Man said...

From the last post, Grendon, normally I agree with you all the way but in the case of Nicole I have to disagree. I know what you fear is that she is the next Britney. Here's the thing though. We have to remember Britney was not a part of the Brigade. Yes Derrick and Cody have a F2 but so do Hayden and Nicole. So either of the duos could be in control when it gets to that point. Once it's final four you control your own destiny when you win POV and make the decision. Nicole knows this. I know everyone likes Donny but he seems to be better at watching the game than playing it. He's very good at his individual game but not so good at making any solid connections for moving forward. Now on the other hand you are implying that Nicole is the Matt in this alliance then yes that could be true. Victoria is more likely to be the Britney in this scenario. She is on the outside, friends with Derrick and could be there at the end, F4.

Now to why Derrick is so bent on getting Frankie out. Zankie talked about this the other night. Zach is part of Los Tre Amigos and Frankie is on the outside of that with Christine. Everyone in the Detonators including Zach trash her. If Frankie can secure Caleb back into the real fold then his trio will battle Derricks trio if things keep going there way. Like I said in the last post, getting rid of Frankie is good for everyone except maybe Christine and Caleb.

That's how I see things at least. We may agree to disagree.

August 2, 2014 at 2:31 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

3:58 pm Camera 3 - Derrick and Cody - Derrick works to keep Frankie and Zach safe to Cody.

August 2, 2014 at 4:17 PM  
Blogger Gramps said...

Afternoon, Carolyn...

Beginning at 3:57pm, Cam4, Derr and Cody are unraveling the lies from Nic and Hayden, and having second thoughts about the Rational. Derr is so astute and sees that he and Cody are being played by the Rats (funny how that works as a label for the Rational). Still going on at 4:30p.

August 2, 2014 at 4:32 PM  

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