And the PoV Players are..
Good afternoon, BB Lovers! If this is your first time on BBDish today, and you'd like to get all caught up, here are the previous posts: Saturday before PoV Player Picking, The Overnight Report, BoB Spoiler and Aftermath. It's been NUTS on the feeds! Start with the BoB Spoiler..
The PoV Players have been chosen and they lucky 6 are...
Christine, Donny, Zach, Caleb, Derrick and Nicole.
Victoria will be hosting.
Frankie: Maybe it's Zingbot today!! That would be so cool.
Cody: Does anyone remember the riddles Otev would say?
Talk turns to Brittany's boobs. Cody was a big fan.. And then movies..and the Football outing Caleb and Frankie get to go on..
Derrick: That's the whole reason we had that comp, to promote that CBS is getting Thursday night football this year..
We'll see you back here with the PoV Spoiler as soon as that happens. For now, it's time for ME to get a little fresh air.. Please mind the critters!
I am soooo glad that Frankie isn't playing in the veto comp!!! now all we have to do is hope Christine is smart enough to backdoor him!!!
Hope Donny wins again. Would love to see Derrick go up.
Good afternoon/evening Carolyn and Dishers! Re comments made in the last post, I don't know if production changes things up or not but it is a television show and they can do whatever they want. Does that mean I like it? Maybe not but then my choice is to stop watching.
Re Frankie thinking his revelation insures his safety: it's hard to believe anyone could be so arrogant but I can't see any reason to fake that. And I really enjoyed watching last night as, at virtually the same time, he was telling Christine in HOH that Victoria was now in his pocket at the same time Victoria was telling Nicole that it changed nothing and she can't stand him!
How many ex BB HG are how dating, I know of
brendon and Racheal bb13
Jeff and Jordon bb13
Shane and Dani from bb14
Any others still together???
I hope Nicole wins it and takes Donny off.
Zack acts like he's 12. How many times does he expect people to save him. He needs to win something for himself. Hope Donny wins POV.
Rachel & Brendon are now married.
Jeff & Jordan are dating last I heard.
Dani Donato & Dominic (season 13 i think) are married
Those are the ones i am aware of.
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